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Ars vet ; 37(3): 158-165, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463592


The objective is to report ependymoma associated with uveitis in a four-month-old male boxer crossbreed. The dog initially presented in both eyes conjunctival hyperemia, blepharospasm, projection of the nictitating membrane, and photophobia, characteristic of uveitis.Traumatic uveitis was rejected. Six days after onset of ophthalmic symptoms, vomiting, incoordination, and behavior changes occurred. Neurological symptoms and eyebrow contraction suggesting head pain and brain injury were investigated by computed tomography (CT) nine days after, when the dog showed spasms of the limbs and neck followed by respiratory arrest with reversal and stabilization. The scans revealed extensive amorphic neoformation in the diencephalon, midbrain, and within the right lateral ventricle, along with sinistral displacement of the cerebral sickle. The animal was euthanized, and necropsy of the head revealed hydrocephalus and an intracerebral tumor mass consistent with the CT imaging. Histopathological evaluation by hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed tissue alterations in several CNS segments, showing several pseudorosettes in the neuropil, mitosis, and a high degree of cell atypia, indicating ependymoma. Inflammatory, hemorrhagic, and necrotic tissue lesions were observed in the brainstem and cerebellum due to compression by tumor tissue and hydrocephalus. The neoplasia was phenotyped by Immunohistochemistry (IHC), and tested positive for the tumoral markers vimentin and glial fibrillary acid protein, confirming intracranial anaplastic ependymoma. Behavior changes and neurological signs resulted from vascular, inflammatory, and degenerative processes in the neuropil caused by neoplasm compression and invasion of brain tissue. Although dogs with ependymoma often present with neurological disease, in the present case, blepharospasm was the first symptom noticed by the owner, and it persisted until euthanasia. According to the literature, and confirmed in the evolution of the current case, the symptoms are related to tumor location and extent and to secondary lesions due to tumor expansion. Clinical symptomatology and complementary laboratory testing, CT, necropsy, histology, and IHC characterized ependymoma, a rare condition in young dogs.

Objetiva-se relatar um caso de ependimoma anaplásico associado a uveíte em cão macho de quatro meses de idade, mestiço Boxer. O cão apresentou, inicialmente, hiperemia conjuntival, blefaroespasmo, projeção da membrana nictitante e fotofobia bilaterais, sinais característicos de uveíte. Uveíte por causa traumática foi descartada. Seis dias após o início dos sintomas oftálmicos ocorreram vômito, incoordenação motora e alterações de comportamento. Sinais neurológicos e contração das sobrancelhas sugeriram algia na região cefálica. Injúria cerebral foi investigada por tomografia computadorizada (TC) nove dias após o início dos sintomas, quando o cão demonstrou espasmos dos membros e pescoço, seguido por parada respiratória com reversão e estabilização. A TC revelou extensa e amórfica neoformação no diencéfalo, mesencéfalo, e dentro do ventrículo lateral direito, com deslocamento à esquerda da foice cerebral. O animal foi eutanasiado e a necropsia revelou hidrocefalia e uma massa tumoral intracerebral condizente com a imagem da TC. A avaliação histopatológica por coloração hematoxilina e eosina, revelou alterações teciduais em várias áreas do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC), mostrando várias pseudorosetas no neurópilo, mitose, e um elevado grau de atipia celular, indicando ependimoma.Lesões teciduais inflamatórias, hemorrágicas e necróticas foram observadas no tronco encefálico e cerebelo, devido à compressão do tumor e à hidrocefalia. Amostras da neoplasia foram submetidas à análise imuno-histoquímica (IHQ), sendo positiva a expressão dos marcadores tumorais vimentina e proteína glial fibrilar ácida, confirmando ependimoma anaplásico intracranial. As mudanças comportamentais e sinais neurológicos resultaram do processo vascular, inflamatório e degenerativo no neurópilo, causados pela compressão e invasão do tecido cerebral pela neoplasia. Embora cães com ependimoma frequentemente apresentem manifestações neurológicas, no presente caso, blefaroespasmo foi o primeiro sinal clínico observado pelo proprietário, e persistiu até a eutanásia do paciente. Os sinais neurológicos estão relacionados à localização do tumor e extensão das lesões secundárias devidas à sua expansão. Sintomatologia clínica e testes laboratoriais complementares, TC, necropsia, histologia e IHQ caracterizaram ependimoma, que é raro em animais jovens.

Animais , Cães , Cães , Ependimoma , Neurologia , Oftalmologia , Uveíte
Ars Vet. ; 37(3): 158-165, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33101


The objective is to report ependymoma associated with uveitis in a four-month-old male boxer crossbreed. The dog initially presented in both eyes conjunctival hyperemia, blepharospasm, projection of the nictitating membrane, and photophobia, characteristic of uveitis.Traumatic uveitis was rejected. Six days after onset of ophthalmic symptoms, vomiting, incoordination, and behavior changes occurred. Neurological symptoms and eyebrow contraction suggesting head pain and brain injury were investigated by computed tomography (CT) nine days after, when the dog showed spasms of the limbs and neck followed by respiratory arrest with reversal and stabilization. The scans revealed extensive amorphic neoformation in the diencephalon, midbrain, and within the right lateral ventricle, along with sinistral displacement of the cerebral sickle. The animal was euthanized, and necropsy of the head revealed hydrocephalus and an intracerebral tumor mass consistent with the CT imaging. Histopathological evaluation by hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed tissue alterations in several CNS segments, showing several pseudorosettes in the neuropil, mitosis, and a high degree of cell atypia, indicating ependymoma. Inflammatory, hemorrhagic, and necrotic tissue lesions were observed in the brainstem and cerebellum due to compression by tumor tissue and hydrocephalus. The neoplasia was phenotyped by Immunohistochemistry (IHC), and tested positive for the tumoral markers vimentin and glial fibrillary acid protein, confirming intracranial anaplastic ependymoma. Behavior changes and neurological signs resulted from vascular, inflammatory, and degenerative processes in the neuropil caused by neoplasm compression and invasion of brain tissue. Although dogs with ependymoma often present with neurological disease, in the present case, blepharospasm was the first symptom noticed by the owner, and it persisted until euthanasia. According to the literature, and confirmed in the evolution of the current case, the symptoms are related to tumor location and extent and to secondary lesions due to tumor expansion. Clinical symptomatology and complementary laboratory testing, CT, necropsy, histology, and IHC characterized ependymoma, a rare condition in young dogs.(AU)

Objetiva-se relatar um caso de ependimoma anaplásico associado a uveíte em cão macho de quatro meses de idade, mestiço Boxer. O cão apresentou, inicialmente, hiperemia conjuntival, blefaroespasmo, projeção da membrana nictitante e fotofobia bilaterais, sinais característicos de uveíte. Uveíte por causa traumática foi descartada. Seis dias após o início dos sintomas oftálmicos ocorreram vômito, incoordenação motora e alterações de comportamento. Sinais neurológicos e contração das sobrancelhas sugeriram algia na região cefálica. Injúria cerebral foi investigada por tomografia computadorizada (TC) nove dias após o início dos sintomas, quando o cão demonstrou espasmos dos membros e pescoço, seguido por parada respiratória com reversão e estabilização. A TC revelou extensa e amórfica neoformação no diencéfalo, mesencéfalo, e dentro do ventrículo lateral direito, com deslocamento à esquerda da foice cerebral. O animal foi eutanasiado e a necropsia revelou hidrocefalia e uma massa tumoral intracerebral condizente com a imagem da TC. A avaliação histopatológica por coloração hematoxilina e eosina, revelou alterações teciduais em várias áreas do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC), mostrando várias pseudorosetas no neurópilo, mitose, e um elevado grau de atipia celular, indicando ependimoma.Lesões teciduais inflamatórias, hemorrágicas e necróticas foram observadas no tronco encefálico e cerebelo, devido à compressão do tumor e à hidrocefalia. Amostras da neoplasia foram submetidas à análise imuno-histoquímica (IHQ), sendo positiva a expressão dos marcadores tumorais vimentina e proteína glial fibrilar ácida, confirmando ependimoma anaplásico intracranial. As mudanças comportamentais e sinais neurológicos resultaram do processo vascular, inflamatório e degenerativo no neurópilo, causados pela compressão e invasão do tecido cerebral pela neoplasia. Embora cães com ependimoma frequentemente apresentem manifestações neurológicas, no presente caso, blefaroespasmo foi o primeiro sinal clínico observado pelo proprietário, e persistiu até a eutanásia do paciente. Os sinais neurológicos estão relacionados à localização do tumor e extensão das lesões secundárias devidas à sua expansão. Sintomatologia clínica e testes laboratoriais complementares, TC, necropsia, histologia e IHQ caracterizaram ependimoma, que é raro em animais jovens.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães , Oftalmologia , Neurologia , Ependimoma , Uveíte
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 389, May 27, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19639


Background: Anaplastic ependymoma is a rare primary intracranial neoplasm in dogs and cats, which originates fromependymal cells that line the ventricular system of the brain and spinal cord. Normally, this neoplasm occurs as a single,expansive mass that develops mainly in the lateral ventricles, and neurological changes are due to local tissue impairmentand peritumoral tissue compression. This article reports a case of anaplastic ependymoma in a dog treated at the VeterinaryHospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), emphasizing and describing the neurological signsand histopathology of this tumor.Case: This article reports the case of a 11-year-old mongrel dog with a history of butting its head against obstacles, ofcompulsive walking, and altered proprioception of the right side limbs. The condition evolved to positional strabismus ofthe left eye, left lateral deviation of the head, vertical nystagmus, decreased level of consciousness, and constant lateraldecubitus. Due to the suspicion of intracranial neoplasia and worsening of its clinical condition, the animal was euthanized. Necropsy of its body revealed a mass of approximately 3 cm in diameter in the third ventricle (in the left lateralregion). A histological examination revealed random clusters of ependymal cells with a few rosettes and pseudorosettes.The cells were cuboid to cylindrical in shape, with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm with indistinct borders, and round tooval moderately hyperchromatic nuclei with 1-2 visible nucleoli. Based on these findings, the tumor was characterized asanaplastic ependymoma.Discussion: Intracranial tumors occur more frequently in older animals, and usually neurological signs tend to evolve progressively. Most affected dogs are mongrels, like the dog described in this report, but Golden Retrievers, Boxers, LabradorRetrievers...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Ependimoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Comportamento Compulsivo/diagnóstico , Ventrículos Cerebrais/patologia
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 384, 24 abr. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19572


Background: The prevalence of intracranial neoplasms in dogs represents 2.1 to 4.0% of the cases. Brain tumors may beprimary or metastatic. The objective of this study was to describe two cases of intra encephalic neoplasia in elderly dogsreceived for necropsy by the Veterinary Oncology Service in the Federal University of Pelotas.Cases: Case 1: A 12-year-old female canine, without breed and medium size, was received for necropsy. The animal hashad behavioral changes. Macroscopic examination of the encephalus revealed asymmetry and congestion. The organs werecollected and fixed in 10% formalin. In the brain cleavage we noticed an extensive brown-gray mass with reddish areas,expansive, moderately demarcated, soft to cut and discrete hydrocephalus. Serial fragments of the brain and fragmentsof the organs were sent for processing. The slides were stained with the hematoxylin and eosin technique for histopathological analysis. At the microscopic examination, cuboidal cells were observed in the encephalus sometimes in acinar arrangements, of extensive and very limited pattern, diagnosed as ependymoma. Case 2: It is a 15-year-old, female Poodledog, with several tumors. During necropsy multiple subcutaneous nodules, mesentery, intestinal serosa, stomach and liverwere noticed. At the cut these were firm and whitish. No macroscopic changes were observed in the other organs. Fragments of organs and brain were collected and a serial section of the encephalus was performed for further processing andhistological analysis. In the histopathological analysis the masses were constituted by proliferation of sometimes roundedcells, elongated, with rounded nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm, allowing the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The samecell pattern was observed in other organs. In the frontal cortex of the encephalus there were small foci of cells similar tothose observed in the mesentery, as well as metastatic...(AU)

Animais , Idoso , Cães , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Mesotelioma/veterinária , Ependimoma/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.384-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458148


Background: The prevalence of intracranial neoplasms in dogs represents 2.1 to 4.0% of the cases. Brain tumors may beprimary or metastatic. The objective of this study was to describe two cases of intra encephalic neoplasia in elderly dogsreceived for necropsy by the Veterinary Oncology Service in the Federal University of Pelotas.Cases: Case 1: A 12-year-old female canine, without breed and medium size, was received for necropsy. The animal hashad behavioral changes. Macroscopic examination of the encephalus revealed asymmetry and congestion. The organs werecollected and fixed in 10% formalin. In the brain cleavage we noticed an extensive brown-gray mass with reddish areas,expansive, moderately demarcated, soft to cut and discrete hydrocephalus. Serial fragments of the brain and fragmentsof the organs were sent for processing. The slides were stained with the hematoxylin and eosin technique for histopathological analysis. At the microscopic examination, cuboidal cells were observed in the encephalus sometimes in acinar arrangements, of extensive and very limited pattern, diagnosed as ependymoma. Case 2: It is a 15-year-old, female Poodledog, with several tumors. During necropsy multiple subcutaneous nodules, mesentery, intestinal serosa, stomach and liverwere noticed. At the cut these were firm and whitish. No macroscopic changes were observed in the other organs. Fragments of organs and brain were collected and a serial section of the encephalus was performed for further processing andhistological analysis. In the histopathological analysis the masses were constituted by proliferation of sometimes roundedcells, elongated, with rounded nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm, allowing the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The samecell pattern was observed in other organs. In the frontal cortex of the encephalus there were small foci of cells similar tothose observed in the mesentery, as well as metastatic...

Animais , Idoso , Cães , Ependimoma/veterinária , Mesotelioma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.389-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458153


Background: Anaplastic ependymoma is a rare primary intracranial neoplasm in dogs and cats, which originates fromependymal cells that line the ventricular system of the brain and spinal cord. Normally, this neoplasm occurs as a single,expansive mass that develops mainly in the lateral ventricles, and neurological changes are due to local tissue impairmentand peritumoral tissue compression. This article reports a case of anaplastic ependymoma in a dog treated at the VeterinaryHospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), emphasizing and describing the neurological signsand histopathology of this tumor.Case: This article reports the case of a 11-year-old mongrel dog with a history of butting its head against obstacles, ofcompulsive walking, and altered proprioception of the right side limbs. The condition evolved to positional strabismus ofthe left eye, left lateral deviation of the head, vertical nystagmus, decreased level of consciousness, and constant lateraldecubitus. Due to the suspicion of intracranial neoplasia and worsening of its clinical condition, the animal was euthanized. Necropsy of its body revealed a mass of approximately 3 cm in diameter in the third ventricle (in the left lateralregion). A histological examination revealed random clusters of ependymal cells with a few rosettes and pseudorosettes.The cells were cuboid to cylindrical in shape, with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm with indistinct borders, and round tooval moderately hyperchromatic nuclei with 1-2 visible nucleoli. Based on these findings, the tumor was characterized asanaplastic ependymoma.Discussion: Intracranial tumors occur more frequently in older animals, and usually neurological signs tend to evolve progressively. Most affected dogs are mongrels, like the dog described in this report, but Golden Retrievers, Boxers, LabradorRetrievers...

Animais , Cães , Comportamento Compulsivo/diagnóstico , Ependimoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Ventrículos Cerebrais/patologia