Sporotrichosis is a dermatozoonosis caused by fungi of the Sporothrix genus. It is classified as an implantation mycosis. This fungal infection, with anthropozoonotic and saprozoonotic characteristics and which has domestic felines, soil, and vegetables as main sources of infection, has been responsible for epizootic and epidemic outbreaks in southern and southeastern Brazil. This report presents the case of a feline diagnosed and treated for sporotrichosis at Dermatology Service of FMVZ/USP, after referral from the Dermatology Department of EPM/Unifesp, where the owners of the cat were being treated for human sporotrichosis.(AU)
A esporotricose é uma dermatozoonose que tem como agentes etiológicos fungos do gênero Sporothrix. É responsável por quadros micóticos ditos de implantação. Essa micose, de características antropo e saprozoonóticas e cujas principais fontes de infecção são os felinos domésticos, o solo e os vegetais, tem sido responsável por surtos epizoóticos e epidêmicos no sul e sudeste brasileiro. Este relato apresenta o caso de um felino diagnosticado e tratado para esporotricose pelo Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ/USP, após ter sido encaminhado pelo Departamento de Dermatologia da EPM/Unifesp, onde os proprietários do animal estavam sendo tratados para esporotricose humana.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa/veterinária , Sporothrix , Esporotricose/epidemiologia , Esporotricose/etiologia , Zoonoses/transmissão , Brasil , Micoses/veterináriaResumo
Sporotrichosis is a dermatozoonosis caused by fungi of the Sporothrix genus. It is classified as an implantation mycosis. This fungal infection, with anthropozoonotic and saprozoonotic characteristics and which has domestic felines, soil, and vegetables as main sources of infection, has been responsible for epizootic and epidemic outbreaks in southern and southeastern Brazil. This report presents the case of a feline diagnosed and treated for sporotrichosis at Dermatology Service of FMVZ/USP, after referral from the Dermatology Department of EPM/Unifesp, where the owners of the cat were being treated for human sporotrichosis.(AU)
A esporotricose é uma dermatozoonose que tem como agentes etiológicos fungos do gênero Sporothrix. É responsável por quadros micóticos ditos de implantação. Essa micose, de características antropo e saprozoonóticas e cujas principais fontes de infecção são os felinos domésticos, o solo e os vegetais, tem sido responsável por surtos epizoóticos e epidêmicos no sul e sudeste brasileiro. Este relato apresenta o caso de um felino diagnosticado e tratado para esporotricose pelo Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ/USP, após ter sido encaminhado pelo Departamento de Dermatologia da EPM/Unifesp, onde os proprietários do animal estavam sendo tratados para esporotricose humana.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa/veterinária , Sporothrix , Esporotricose/epidemiologia , Esporotricose/etiologia , Zoonoses/transmissão , Brasil , Micoses/veterináriaResumo
Background: Sporotrichosis is a fungal infection caused by Sporothrix schenckii species complex, which is distributed worldwide, especially in regions of tropical and subtropical climates. It can affect both humans and a great variety of animals, among which, the domestic dog and cat. Today is considered the subcutaneous mycosis more frequent in Brazil, due to the progressive increase of zoonotic transmission of the disease in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. Review: In the endemic region of zoonotic sporotrichosis in Rio de Janeiro,veterinarians, their assistants and owners of cats with sporotrichosis are considered risk groups for acquiring the infection. Of the human cases of sporotrichosis in this endemic region that were accompanied by the Clinical Research Institute Evandro Chagas (IPEC / Fiocruz) in the period from 1998 to 2001, 5% of the patients diagnosed for the disease were veterinarians, demonstrating the occurrence of the infection in this occupational group. Biosafety is defined as a condition of security achieved by a set of measures aimed at the prevention, control, reduction or elimination of risks involved in activities that could endanger the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment. However, small animal veterinary pratictioners from the endemic region of Rio de Janeiro usually do not follow biosafety measures, which increases the risk of acquisition of sporotrichosis. In most cases, the infection results from traumatic inoculation of the fungus in skin and in humans, clinical forms may be: fixed or localized cutaneous, lymphatic-cutaneous, spread-cutaneous, mucosal and extra-cutaneous or systemic. In the endemic form of this disease that occurs in Rio de Janeiro, the cat is seen as a source of infection. The zoonotic potential of the cat is characterized by the abundance of yeasts found in their skin lesions and proximity with humans. Cats acquire the disease after fights with other infected cats and the skin lesions more frequently found are nodules and ulcers, covered or not by crusts, which can progress to necrosis with exposure of bones and muscles. The presence of respiratory signs, especially sneezing, with or without lesions in the mucosal and in the nasal region is common. The azole itraconazole is considered the drug of choice for humans and cats. However, unlike humans, the treatment is considered difficult in cats. The definitive diagnosis of sporotrichosis is obtained by isolation of Sporothrix in culture. Nonetheless, in cats, due to the great quantity of yeasts in their lesions, cytopathological test is strongly indicated in the presumptive diagnosis because of the speed in processing, low cost and no requirement of sophisticated technical training or complex laboratory structure. Discussion: A zoonotic form of sporotrichosis has become endemic in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro and the veterinarians are a high risk group for acquiring the disease as well as have a very important role in the application of measures for the prevention and control of sporotrichosis. Therefore, in this review, specific biosafety procedures to reduce risks during the handling of cats with suspected sporotrichosis by veterinarians, technicians, caretakers and owners of cats were described. The topics aproached were: clinical care of the cat (where were appointed the recommended personal protective equipment, animal restraint and good practices), decontamination of the environment, equipment and items used in the cat care and management of waste. Aspects related to the fungus and the disease itself were also discussed.
Humanos , Animais , Gatos , Esporotricose/diagnóstico , Esporotricose/etiologia , Esporotricose/prevenção & controle , Doenças do Gato/prevenção & controle , Contenção de Riscos Biológicos/veterinária , Zoonoses/transmissãoResumo
A esporotricose constitui-se em dermatopatia ergodermatósica, de características antropo ou saprozoonótica que temcomo principais fontes de infecção os felinos domésticos, vegetais e o solo. Tem ela como epônimos as denominaçõesde Enfermidade de Schenk, maladie de vacance, Enfermidade dos: veterinários, jardineiros e floristas. Detectam-se,vez por outra, surtos epidêmicos e epizoóticos, tal como o evidenciado, no final do Século XX, em felinos, caninos ehumanos, no sudeste brasileiro. Revisam-se aspectos de ocorrência, etiopatogenia, clínicos, de diagnose, prognose eterapia de pacientes animais (caninos, felinos e equinos).(AU)
Sporotrichosis is an ergodermatosic dermatopathy of anthropozoonotic or saprozoonotic characteristics, whose mainsources of infection are domestic cats, plants and soil. It is also known as Schenks illness, maladie de vacances, Illnessof veterinarians, gardeners and florists. Epidemic and epizootic outbreaks are occasionally evidenced, as that occurredin the late twentieth century in cats, dogs and humans in southeastern Brazil. Aspects of occurrence, etiopathogenesis,clinical signs, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of dogs, cats and horses with sporotrichosis are reviewed.(AU)