The first report of wheat blast in the world was in Brazil, in 1986. Since then, a great effort has been made towards the development of wheat cultivars resistant to this disease, which is caused by the fungus Pyricularia oryzae Triticum (PoT). The objective of this research was to (i) evaluate the resistance of wheat genotypes to blast and (ii) verify the correlation between disease severity on wheat spikes and sporulation rate of PoT on spike rachises. Plants of 40 cultivars grown in pots, at the flowering stage (stage 65 on the Zadoks scale), were inoculated with a suspension of conidia of a PoT isolate representative of the main variant of the fungus reported in Brazil. Severity of blast on the spikes at 5 and 7 days after inoculation (dai) and the rate of sporulation of the fungus on the rachis (conidia per g of rachis) were evaluated. Eighty percent of the cultivars that were classified in the group with the lowest sporulation rate were also classified in the group with the highest resistance at 7 dai. However, the correlation coefficients of the analysis established between the cultivar severity at 5 and 7 dai averages and the PoT sporulation rate averages were not significant (r=0.2464 and r=0.2047, respectively). Results obtained represent the updated characterization to blast of wheat cultivars in Brazil and constitute an important exploratory framework for the evaluation of the reaction of wheat genotypes based on the sporulation rate of PoT on their tissues.
O primeiro relato da brusone do trigo no mundo foi no Brasil, em 1986. Desde então, tem-se realizado um esforço muito grande com vistas ao desenvolvimento de cultivares de trigo resistentes a esta doença, a qual é causada pelo fungo Pyricularia oryzae Triticum (PoT). O objetivo deste trabalho foi de (i) avaliar a resistência de genótipos de trigo à brusone e (ii) verificar a correlação entre severidade da doença em espigas e taxa de esporulação de PoT em ráquis de espigas. Plantas de 40 cultivares brasileiras de trigo crescidas em vasos, no estádio de florescimento (estádio 65 da escala de Zadoks), foram submetidas à inoculação com uma suspensão de conídios de um isolado de PoT representativo da principal variante do fungo encontrada no Brasil. A severidade de brusone nas espigas aos cinco e sete dias após a inoculação (dai) e a taxa de esporulação do fungo nas ráquis (conídios por g de ráquis) foram avaliadas. Oitenta por cento das cultivares que foram classificadas no grupo com menor taxa de esporulação também foram classificadas no grupo de maior resistência aos sete dai. Entretanto, os coeficientes de correlação da análise estabelecida entre as médias de severidade das cultivares aos cinco e sete dai e as médias da taxa de esporulação de PoT não foram significativos (r=0,2464 e r=0,2047, respectivamente). Os resultados obtidos representam a caracterização atualizada da reação à brusone de cultivares de trigo do Brasil e constituem-se em importante marco exploratório da avaliação da reação de genótipos de trigo baseado na taxa de esporulação de PoT em seus tecidos.
Esporos Fúngicos , Triticum/genética , Triticum/parasitologia , Fungos/fisiologiaResumo
This study aimed to morphologically characterize the isolates of Ceratocystis fimbriata from yerba mate and to evaluate the effect of culture medium and temperature on mycelial growth and sporulation of C. fimbriata. For the morphological characterization of the 11 monosporic isolates of the fungus, slides were prepared to determine the dimensions of the sexual and asexual structures of the fungus. Four experiments were conducted to evaluate the mycelial growth and to evaluate the sporulation of C. fimbriata in different culture mediums and temperatures. The isolates of C. fimbriata from yerba mate showed perithecia with brown to black necks, divergent ostiolar hyphae, hatshaped hyaline ascospores, single-celled, cylindrical endoconidia, and globular to ovoid aleurioconidia. PDA and V8-agar media showed the highest mycelial growth. The average optimum temperature for mycelial growth and sporulation of isolates of C. fimbriata of yerba mate were 22.5 and 22.4 ºC, respectively.(AU)
Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar morfologicamente os isolados de Ceratocystis fimbriata e avaliar o efeito do meio de cultura e da temperatura no crescimento micelial e na esporulação de C. fimbriata. Para a caracterização morfológica dos 11 isolados monospóricos do fungo foram preparadas lâminas para determinar as dimensões das estruturas sexuadas e assexuadas do fungo. Quatro experimentos foram conduzidos para avaliar o crescimento micelial e esporulação of C. fimbriata em diferentes meios de culturae temperaturas. Os isolados de C. fimbriata de erva-mate apresentaram peritécios com pescoço de marrom a preto, hifa ostiolar divergente, ascósporos hialinos em formato de chapéu, endoconídios unicelulares, cilíndricos, e aleuroconídios com formato globoso a ovoide. Os meios de cultura PDA e V8-ágar apresentaram os maiores crescimentos miceliais. A temperatura ótima média para crescimento micelial e esporulação dos isolados de C. fimbriata de erva-mate foram de 22,5 e 22,4 ºC, respectivamente.(AU)
Ilex paraguariensis/parasitologia , Fungos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fungos/isolamento & purificação , Fungos/fisiologiaResumo
Metals are non-biodegradable and recurrent in the environs. Heavy metals tolerant fungiwere isolated from refuse dumpsite soil using pour plate method. These fungiwere identified as Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenumandRhizomucor sp. The fungal isolates were screened for cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) with concentration of 200ppm, 400ppm and 600ppm. Aspergillus nigerand Penicillium chrysogenumshowed high tolerance for the metals in contrast to the control. The fungiwith high tolerance were used for biosorption study. However, Penicillium chrysogenumshowed higher lead removal or biosorption potential of 1.07ppm, 3.35ppm and 4.19ppm as compared with Aspergillus nigerwith lead removal of 0.67ppm, 3.11ppm and 3.79ppm at 5th, 10thand 15thday respectively. One-way Analysis of Variance was used to interpret the data generated from the biosorption study which revealed that there was no significant different (p>0.05)between the lead removal of Aspergillus nigerandPenicillium chrysogenumon the 5thday but there was significant difference (p<0.05)in the lead removal of Aspergillus nigerand Penicillium chrysogenumon the 10thand 15thday. This study suggests the use of these fungal isolates for removal and biotreatment of heavy metal contaminated and polluted environment.
Análise do Solo , Fungos/fisiologia , Intoxicação por Chumbo , Resíduos de Alimentos , Aspergillus niger , Penicillium chrysogenum , RhizomucorResumo
The National Plan for Solid Waste has set out to reduce by 25% the amount of organic waste disposed of in landfills, mostly food residues from street fairs, besides determining the implementation of municipal composting plants, and it also mentions improving the capacity of plants already installed. The purpose of the study was to analyze which decomposing fungi are involved in the different composting phases, in a plant located in the city of São Paulo. Data was collected in four composting seasons from 2016 to 2017 and the analysis of 49 samples showed twelve genera belonging to the Ascomycetes and Zygomycetes phyla, but only at the mesophilic phase. In all seasons, yeasts and Aspergillus fumigatus were predominant with a total count of 1.0 x 109 cfu g-1 and 7.4 x 108 cfu g-1, respectively. These fungi can be applied in future studies of biostimulation to optimize the cycle at the municipal plant.
Compostagem/métodos , Ecologia , Fungos/fisiologia , Resíduos de AlimentosResumo
The National Plan for Solid Waste has set out to reduce by 25% the amount of organic waste disposed of in landfills, mostly food residues from street fairs, besides determining the implementation of municipal composting plants, and it also mentions improving the capacity of plants already installed. The purpose of the study was to analyze which decomposing fungi are involved in the different composting phases, in a plant located in the city of São Paulo. Data was collected in four composting seasons from 2016 to 2017 and the analysis of 49 samples showed twelve genera belonging to the Ascomycetes and Zygomycetes phyla, but only at the mesophilic phase. In all seasons, yeasts and Aspergillus fumigatus were predominant with a total count of 1.0 x 109 cfu g-1 and 7.4 x 108 cfu g-1, respectively. These fungi can be applied in future studies of biostimulation to optimize the cycle at the municipal plant.(AU)
Compostagem/métodos , Ecologia , Fungos/fisiologia , Resíduos de AlimentosResumo
Frente a necessidade de preservação e a manutenção de materiais biológicos, dentre eles fungos com potencial para controle biológico, para o desenvolvimento biotecnológico e científico, que vêm ganhando destaque no cenário mundial. Sendo necessário a adequação de métodos de preservação que além de garantia a sobrevivência destes microrganismos permitam a conservação de suas características morfológicas, fisiológicas e genéticas, no entanto, não existe um método ideal ou universal para a conservação de materiais biológicos. Diante desta necessidade o presente trabalho teve como objetivo de avaliar a eficácia e viabilidade de três métodos de preservação de isolados do fungo Phomadimorpha (repicagens periódicas, Castellani e fragmentos de papel-filtro), em dois períodos de avaliação, seis e doze meses após o armazenamento. Estudou-se a eficácia e viabilidade, através do crescimento micelial do fungo em meio de cultivo contendo batata-dextrose-ágar. Houve variabilidade entre os métodos de preservação do isolado do fungo P. dimorpha para o crescimento micelial, eficácia do método e índice de velocidade do crescimento micelial, nos dois períodos de avaliação, após seis e doze meses de armazenamento. O método de preservação em fragmento de papel filtro mostrou-se como o mais eficaz na preservação do isolado do fungo P. dimorpha nos dois períodos de avaliação, após seis e doze meses de armazenamento, sendo ideal para obter o maior o crescimento micelial, eficácia do método e índice de velocidade do crescimento micelial.
Facing the need for preservation and maintenance of biological materials, among them fungi with potential for biological control, for biotechnological and scientific development, which are gaining prominence in the world scenario. It is necessary to adapt preservation methods that besides guaranteeing the survival of these microorganisms allow the conservation of their morphological, physiological and genetic characteristics, however, there is no ideal or universal method for the conservation of biological materials. In view of this need, the present work had the objective of evaluating the efficacy and feasibility of three methods for the preservation of Phoma dimorpha (periodic transfer, Castellani and filter paper fragments) isolates in two evaluation periods, six and twelve months after the storage. Efficacy and viability were studied by mycelial growth of the fungus in a culture medium containing potato-dextrose-agar. There was variability between the preservation methods of the P. dimorpha fungus isolate for mycelial growth, method efficacy and mycelial growth rate index, in the two evaluation periods, after six and twelve months of storage. The filter paper fragment preservation method was the most effective in reserving the P. dimorpha fungus isolate in the two evaluation periods, after six and twelve months of storage, being ideal to obtain the highest mycelial growth, efficacy of the method and mycelial growth rate index.
Ascomicetos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ascomicetos/fisiologia , Ascomicetos/genética , Fungos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fungos/fisiologia , Fungos/genética , Preservação Biológica/métodosResumo
Frente a necessidade de preservação e a manutenção de materiais biológicos, dentre eles fungos com potencial para controle biológico, para o desenvolvimento biotecnológico e científico, que vêm ganhando destaque no cenário mundial. Sendo necessário a adequação de métodos de preservação que além de garantia a sobrevivência destes microrganismos permitam a conservação de suas características morfológicas, fisiológicas e genéticas, no entanto, não existe um método ideal ou universal para a conservação de materiais biológicos. Diante desta necessidade o presente trabalho teve como objetivo de avaliar a eficácia e viabilidade de três métodos de preservação de isolados do fungo Phomadimorpha (repicagens periódicas, Castellani e fragmentos de papel-filtro), em dois períodos de avaliação, seis e doze meses após o armazenamento. Estudou-se a eficácia e viabilidade, através do crescimento micelial do fungo em meio de cultivo contendo batata-dextrose-ágar. Houve variabilidade entre os métodos de preservação do isolado do fungo P. dimorpha para o crescimento micelial, eficácia do método e índice de velocidade do crescimento micelial, nos dois períodos de avaliação, após seis e doze meses de armazenamento. O método de preservação em fragmento de papel filtro mostrou-se como o mais eficaz na preservação do isolado do fungo P. dimorpha nos dois períodos de avaliação, após seis e doze meses de armazenamento, sendo ideal para obter o maior o crescimento micelial, eficácia do método e índice de velocidade do crescimento micelial.(AU)
Facing the need for preservation and maintenance of biological materials, among them fungi with potential for biological control, for biotechnological and scientific development, which are gaining prominence in the world scenario. It is necessary to adapt preservation methods that besides guaranteeing the survival of these microorganisms allow the conservation of their morphological, physiological and genetic characteristics, however, there is no ideal or universal method for the conservation of biological materials. In view of this need, the present work had the objective of evaluating the efficacy and feasibility of three methods for the preservation of Phoma dimorpha (periodic transfer, Castellani and filter paper fragments) isolates in two evaluation periods, six and twelve months after the storage. Efficacy and viability were studied by mycelial growth of the fungus in a culture medium containing potato-dextrose-agar. There was variability between the preservation methods of the P. dimorpha fungus isolate for mycelial growth, method efficacy and mycelial growth rate index, in the two evaluation periods, after six and twelve months of storage. The filter paper fragment preservation method was the most effective in reserving the P. dimorpha fungus isolate in the two evaluation periods, after six and twelve months of storage, being ideal to obtain the highest mycelial growth, efficacy of the method and mycelial growth rate index.(AU)
Fungos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fungos/genética , Fungos/fisiologia , Ascomicetos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ascomicetos/genética , Ascomicetos/fisiologia , Preservação Biológica/métodosResumo
The occurrence of white grub roots in soybean crops in the South of Brazil has gradually increased. However, there is not information on the biological control of grubs by entomopathogenic fungi. This study aimed to induce infection by Ophiocordyceps melolonthae and analyze longevity in Cyclocephala modesta and Dyscinetus gagates larvae (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae). In the laboratory, Cyclocephala modesta and Dyscinetus gagates had a mortality rate of 85% and 75%, respectively.
A ocorrência de corós-praga de raízes em lavoura de soja, no Sul do Brasil, tem gradualmente aumentado. Entretanto, não há informação sobre controle biológico de corós por fungos entomopatogênicos. Este estudo tem o objetivo de induzir a infecção por Ophiocordyceps melolonthae e analisar a longevidade em larvas de Cyclocephala modesta e Dyscinetus gagates (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae). Em laboratório, Cyclocephala modesta e Dyscinetus gagates apresentaram uma taxa de mortalidade de 85% e 75%, respectivamente.
Besouros/fisiologia , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , Fungos/fisiologia , Glycine max/parasitologia , Controle de Pragas/métodosResumo
The occurrence of white grub roots in soybean crops in the South of Brazil has gradually increased. However, there is not information on the biological control of grubs by entomopathogenic fungi. This study aimed to induce infection by Ophiocordyceps melolonthae and analyze longevity in Cyclocephala modesta and Dyscinetus gagates larvae (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae). In the laboratory, Cyclocephala modesta and Dyscinetus gagates had a mortality rate of 85% and 75%, respectively.(AU)
A ocorrência de corós-praga de raízes em lavoura de soja, no Sul do Brasil, tem gradualmente aumentado. Entretanto, não há informação sobre controle biológico de corós por fungos entomopatogênicos. Este estudo tem o objetivo de induzir a infecção por Ophiocordyceps melolonthae e analisar a longevidade em larvas de Cyclocephala modesta e Dyscinetus gagates (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae). Em laboratório, Cyclocephala modesta e Dyscinetus gagates apresentaram uma taxa de mortalidade de 85% e 75%, respectivamente.(AU)
Besouros/fisiologia , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , Glycine max/parasitologia , Fungos/fisiologia , Controle de Pragas/métodosResumo
Poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae is a cosmopolitan and hematophagous species commonly found in layer houses around the world. Poultry mite infestations may cause anemia, stress, low body weight and egg production, and mortality. Mite control is typically based on chemical products, but they are not effective and leave residues in eggs; therefore, alternative control methods, such as entomopathogenic fungi, need to researched. This study aimed at evaluating, in the laboratory, the activity of Brazilian isolates of entomopathogenic fungi against D. gallinae. The mites were collected from a commercial layer house and were sprayed with conidial suspensions (1 × 108 conidia/mL) of five isolates of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. All tested isolates were pathogenic for the red mite, with confirmed mortality ranging from 22.9 to 52.4%. This demonstrate the potential of the tested entomopathogenic fungi isolates for mite control, and reinforces the need for further studies with other isolates, application strategies, and with fungal formulations.
Feminino , Animais , Aves Domésticas/parasitologia , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , Fungos/fisiologia , Ácaros/patogenicidade , Beauveria/patogenicidade , Galinhas/parasitologia , Metarhizium/patogenicidadeResumo
Poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae is a cosmopolitan and hematophagous species commonly found in layer houses around the world. Poultry mite infestations may cause anemia, stress, low body weight and egg production, and mortality. Mite control is typically based on chemical products, but they are not effective and leave residues in eggs; therefore, alternative control methods, such as entomopathogenic fungi, need to researched. This study aimed at evaluating, in the laboratory, the activity of Brazilian isolates of entomopathogenic fungi against D. gallinae. The mites were collected from a commercial layer house and were sprayed with conidial suspensions (1 × 108 conidia/mL) of five isolates of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. All tested isolates were pathogenic for the red mite, with confirmed mortality ranging from 22.9 to 52.4%. This demonstrate the potential of the tested entomopathogenic fungi isolates for mite control, and reinforces the need for further studies with other isolates, application strategies, and with fungal formulations.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Fungos/fisiologia , Aves Domésticas/parasitologia , Ácaros/patogenicidade , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , Beauveria/patogenicidade , Metarhizium/patogenicidade , /veterinária , Galinhas/parasitologiaResumo
This study aimed at evaluating if essential oils misted in broiler houses reduce environmental fungi counts. The investigation was conducted in three experimental rooms, where broiler chickens were reared between 1 to 42 d of age. Every three days, the rooms were fogged with pure water (control) or with aqueous solutions of peppermint or thyme oils. On the next day, fogging samples from the air, flat surfaces, and litter were collected and quantitatively and qualitatively analysed for fungal contamination. The treatment with essential oils showed promising results. In the room fogged with thyme oil, aerial fungi growth was not as evident as in the control room, and presented the lowest average fungi count. Thyme oil was also the most effective in reducing fungi colonization on drinker surfaces and litter. The use of peppermint oil also reduced the population of air, wall, surface and litter fungi, although some exceptions were noted. Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and Saccharomyces genera were identified most frequently. The effect of essential oils was noticeable in the last two weeks, when the counts of Aspergillus sp. were 75% (thyme oil) and 46% (peppermint oil) lower in comparison with the control group. The results show that fogging broiler houses with essential oils may be an effective prevention method against fungal aerosol in broiler houses. However, further investigations to determine the synergistic effect of different oils and their compounds, and the best possible doses and methods of application in the field are needed.
Animais , Antifúngicos/análise , Fungos/fisiologia , Galinhas/imunologia , Mentha piperita/fisiologia , Thymus serpyllum/análise , Óleos Voláteis/análise , Aspergillus/fisiologia , Fusarium/fisiologia , Indicadores de Contaminação/análise , Penicillium/fisiologia , Poluição Ambiental/análise , Saccharomyces/fisiologiaResumo
This study aimed at evaluating if essential oils misted in broiler houses reduce environmental fungi counts. The investigation was conducted in three experimental rooms, where broiler chickens were reared between 1 to 42 d of age. Every three days, the rooms were fogged with pure water (control) or with aqueous solutions of peppermint or thyme oils. On the next day, fogging samples from the air, flat surfaces, and litter were collected and quantitatively and qualitatively analysed for fungal contamination. The treatment with essential oils showed promising results. In the room fogged with thyme oil, aerial fungi growth was not as evident as in the control room, and presented the lowest average fungi count. Thyme oil was also the most effective in reducing fungi colonization on drinker surfaces and litter. The use of peppermint oil also reduced the population of air, wall, surface and litter fungi, although some exceptions were noted. Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and Saccharomyces genera were identified most frequently. The effect of essential oils was noticeable in the last two weeks, when the counts of Aspergillus sp. were 75% (thyme oil) and 46% (peppermint oil) lower in comparison with the control group. The results show that fogging broiler houses with essential oils may be an effective prevention method against fungal aerosol in broiler houses. However, further investigations to determine the synergistic effect of different oils and their compounds, and the best possible doses and methods of application in the field are needed.(AU)
Animais , Antifúngicos/análise , Mentha piperita/fisiologia , Óleos Voláteis/análise , Thymus serpyllum/análise , Galinhas/imunologia , Fungos/fisiologia , Poluição Ambiental/análise , Indicadores de Contaminação/análise , Aspergillus/fisiologia , Penicillium/fisiologia , Fusarium/fisiologia , Saccharomyces/fisiologiaResumo
The hyporheic zone (HZ), as the connecting ecotone between surface- and groundwater, is functionally part of both fluvial and groundwater ecosystems. Its hydrological, chemical, biological and metabolic features are specific of this zone, not belonging truly neither to surface- nor to groundwater. Exchanges of water, nutrients, and organic matter occur in response to variations in discharge and bed topography and porosity. Dynamic gradients exist at all scales and vary temporally. Across all scales, the functional significance of the HZ relates to its activity and connection with the surface stream. The HZ is a relatively rich environment and almost all invertebrate groups have colonized this habitat. This fauna, so-called hyporheos, is composed of species typical from interstitial environment, and also of benthic epigean and phreatic species. The hyporheic microbiocenose consists in bacteria, archaea, protozoa and fungi. The HZ provides several ecosystem services, playing a pivotal role in mediating exchange processes, including both matter and energy, between surface and subterranean ecosystems, functioning as regulator of water flow, benthic invertebrates refuge and place of storage, source and transformation of organic matter. The hyporheic zone is one of the most threatened aquatic environments, being strongly influenced by human activities, and the least protected by legislation worldwide. Its maintenance and conservation is compelling in order to preserve the ecological interconnectivity among the three spatial dimensions of the aquatic environment. Although several researchers addressed the importance of the hyporheic zone early, and most contemporary stream ecosystem models explicitly include it, very little is known about the HZ of Neotropical regions. From a biological standpoint, hyporheos fauna in Neotropical regions are still largely underestimated. This review focuses on a brief presentation of the hyporheic zone and its functions and significance as an ecotone. We also highlighted the key aspects considering also the current status of research in Neotropical regions.(AU)
A zona hiporréica, como ecótono de ligação entre a superfície e as águas subterrâneas, é parte funcional seja dos ecossistemas fluviais seja das águas subterrâneas. As características hidrológicas, as características químicas, biológicas e metabólicas são específicas desta zona, não pertencendo verdadeiramente nem a superfície nem às águas subterrâneas. Trocas de água, nutrientes e matéria orgânica ocorrem em resposta a variações na descarga, topografia do álveo e porosidade. Gradientes dinâmicos existem em todas as escalas e variam temporalmente. Em todas as escalas, o significado funcional da zona hyporheic relaciona-se com a sua conexão e atividades com a água superficial. O HZ é um ambiente relativamente rico e quase todos os grupos de invertebrados colonizaram este habitat. Esta fauna, chamada hyporheos, é composta por espécies típicas do ambiente intersticial, e também de espécies bentônicas epígeas e freáticas. A microbiocenose consiste em bactérias, arqueobactérias, fungos e protozoários. O HZ fornece vários serviços para o ecossistema, desempenhando um papel fundamental na mediação de processos de troca, incluindo seja a matéria, seja a energia, entre os ecossistemas superfíciais e os subterrâneos, funcionando como regulador do fluxo de água, de refúgio para invertebrados bentônicos e local de armazenagem, fonte e transformação de matéria orgânica. A zona hyporheic é um dos ambientes aquáticos mais ameaçados, sendo fortemente influenciado pelas atividades humanas, e um dos menos protegidos pela legislação em todo o mundo. A sua manutenção e conservação é necessaria para preservar a interconectividade ecológica entre as três dimensões espaciais do ambiente aquático. Apesar de vários pesquisadores aborem a importância da zona hyporheic a tempo, e a maioria dos modelos de ecossistemas atualmente incluí-lo de forma explicita, muito pouco se sabe sobre o HZ das regiões neotropicais. Do ponto de vista biológico, a fauna hiporréica das regiões neotropicais é ainda largamente subestimada. Esta revisão visa apresentar de forma resumida a zona hiporréica, suas funções e importância como ecótono. Também visa destacar os aspectos principais considerando também o estado actual da investigação em regiões neotropicais.(AU)
Animais , Biodiversidade , Água Doce , Água Subterrânea , Movimentos da Água , Áreas Alagadas , Archaea/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Bacterianos , América Central , Ecossistema , Água Doce/microbiologia , Água Doce/parasitologia , Fungos/fisiologia , Água Subterrânea/microbiologia , Água Subterrânea/parasitologia , Invertebrados/fisiologia , México , América do SulResumo
Microorganisms are a source of many high-value compounds which are useful to every living being, such as humans, plants and animals. Since the process of isolating and improving a microorganism can be lengthy and expensive, preserving the obtained characteristic is of paramount importance, so the process does not need to be repeated. Fungi are eukaryotic, achlorophyllous, heterotrophic organisms, usually filamentous, absorb their food, can be either macro or microscopic, propagate themselves by means of spores and store glycogen as a source of storage. Fungi, while infesting food, may produce toxic substances such as mycotoxins. The great genetic diversity of the Kingdom Fungi renders the preservation of fungal cultures for many years relevant. Several international reference mycological culture collections are maintained in many countries. The methodologies that are most fit for preserving microorganisms for extended periods are based on lowering the metabolism until it reaches a stage of artificial dormancy . The goal of this study was to analyze three methods for potentially toxigenic fungal conservation (Castellani's, continuous subculture and lyophilization) and to identify the best among them.(AU)
Fungos/isolamento & purificação , Fungos/fisiologia , Técnicas Microbiológicas/métodos , Preservação Biológica/métodosResumo
The mycoflora of the environment: wheat conditioning, milling and screening, and filling zone, as well as, raw material -wheat-, intermediate product -grits- and end product -flour- on day 1, and after cleaning improvements -days 45 and 90- were studied in an Argentine wheat mill. Samples were incubated at 28°C for 5-7 days on Malt Extract Agar with chloramphenicol (100 mg L-1) and the results were expressed in colony forming units per cubic meter of air (CFU m-3) or per gram of sample (CFU g-1), respectively. Fungal genera and species were isolated and identified and the potential toxicogenic capacity of the Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium graminearum isolated was studied. Time-Place and Time-Product multifactorial ANOVA were carried out. After cleaning improvements, CFU m-3 of air decreased as a function of time. Cladosporium and Alternaria were abundant in every zone, Aspergillus predominated in the wheat conditioning zone and Penicillium and Eurotium decreased with time. Wheat was more contaminated than grits and flour; Aspergillus, Eurotium and Mucoraceae family were the most abundant. Deoxynivalenol was above the levels allowed in wheat, being acceptable in grits and flour. Aflatoxin and Zearalenone showed acceptable levels. When studied in vitro, 53% of Aspergillus flavus and 100% of Fusarium graminearum isolates, produced Total Aflatoxins, and Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone, respectively.(AU)