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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e60681, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428368


Wooden breast myopathy (WB) strongly affects the poultry industry mainly in terms of consumers rejection and economical loses, due to morphological changes in broiler muscle tissue and consequently low meat quality. The aim of this study is to evaluate the histomorphometry of muscle fibers of breast fillets of broilers with severity levels of WB myopathy. The histological evaluation considered 30 samples of the pectoralis major muscle and the level of WB myopathy (ten normal fillets, ten moderate fillets, and ten severe fillets). Fillets with a severe level of WB present low average fiber number, high average fiber diameter, low percentage of fibers with diameter of less than 20 µm, low percentage of fibers with diameter between 20 and 40 µm, and high percentage of fibers with diameter between 40 and 70 µm. Fiber cross-sectional area is greater in fillets affected by moderate and severe WB. Thus, fillets with a severe level of WB damage the muscle fiber structure and contribute more severely to the degenerative processes of breast meat.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Fibras Musculares de Contração Rápida/fisiologia , Carne , Doenças Musculares/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2022-1632, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418400


This study was conducted to determine the effect of bee pollen inclusion on the performance and gut morphology of Ross 308 broiler chickens. A total of 240-day-old chicks (120 males and 120 females) were allocated to 4 treatments in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with sex as a block. Each experimental group was replicated 3 times with 10 chicks per replicate, with an average weight of 40 ± 5g per bird. Body weight and feed intake were measured on a weekly basis to calculate the feed conversion ratio. Gut morphology was measured on days 21 and 42. Data were analysed using the General Linear Model procedures of the Statistical Analysis System.Bee pollen inclusion in starter diets had an effect (p<0.05) on body weight and live weight gain of male Ross 308 broiler chickens. The different inclusion levels of bee pollen had an effect (p<0.05) on the gut morphology of Ross 308 broiler chickens. The ileum lengths of female broiler chickens were significantly wider (p<0.05) in comparison with male chickens. This may suggest that bee pollen inclusion has a beneficial effect on broiler chickens gut morphology during the early stages of development. It can be concluded that natural substances such as bee pollen can be a possible feed additive to replace synthetic antibiotics, since such compounds are essential for the growth and development of poultry gut.(AU)

Animais , Pólen/química , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos , Peso Corporal , Intestinos/microbiologia
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-12, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468970


The present trial explained the effect of alternative production systems on growth, morphometric and carcass traits of four different chicken genotypes. The second generation of two genotypes RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) and BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtained by two self-crosses (RNN × RNN = RR and BNN × BNN = BB) and two reciprocal crosses (RNN × BNN = RB and BNN × RNN = BR) were evaluated in three alternative production systems (conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary). At the 6th week of age after sexing, a total of 600 birds, comprising 150 from each crossbred with a total of 300 pullets and 300 cockerels were divided into conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary systems having 200 birds in each.Birds were organized into 3×4 factorial arrangements under Completely Randomized Design (3 production systems × 4 genotypes × 2 sexes × 25 birds = 600 birds). Regarding genotypes, RB and BR males showed higher (p < 0.01) carcass yield, drumstick weight, breast weight, and thigh weight than BB and RR genotypes. Females of BR genotype showed higher (p < 0.01) breast weight, thigh weight and drumstick weight. As far as production systems are concerned, higher (p < 0.01) liver weight, heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight were observed in the males reared in enriched cages compared with conventional cages and aviary system. Females reared in enriched cages showed higher (p < 0.01) heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight when compared with those reared in conventional cages and aviary. It is concluded that chickens (both sexes) of BR and RB genotypes had better morphological measurements and carcass traits than those of RR and BB genotype chickens. Among alternative production systems, chickens reared in enriched cages had better traits than those of reared in conventional cages and aviary during the growing phase.

O presente estudo explicou o efeito de sistemas alternativos de produção sobre o crescimento, características morfométricas e carcaças de quatro genótipos de frango diferentes. A segunda geração de dois genótipos RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) e BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtida por duas autocruzes (RNN × RNN = RR e B ANN × BNN = BB) e duas cruzes recíprocas (RNN × BNN = RB e BNN × RNN = BR) foi avaliada em três sistemas de produção alternativos (gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e aviário). Na 6ª semana de idade após o sexo, um total de 600 aves, compostas por 150 de cada raça cruzada com um total de 300 pullets e 300 galos, foi dividido em gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e sistemas aviários com 200 aves em cada. As aves foram organizadas em 3×4 arranjos fatoriais sob projeto completamente randomizado (3 sistemas de produção × 4 genótipos × 2 sexos × 25 aves = 600 aves). Em relação aos genótipos, os machos RB e BR apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça (p < 0,01), peso da baqueta, peso mamário e peso da coxa do que os genótipos BB e RR. As fêmeas do genótipo BR apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso mamário, peso da coxa e peso da baqueta. No que diz respeito aos sistemas de produção, maior (p < 0,01) peso hepático, peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa foram observados nos machos criados em gaiolas enriquecidas em comparação com gaiolas convencionais e sistema aviário. As fêmeas criadas em gaiolas enriquecidas apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa quando comparadas com as criadas em gaiolas convencionais e aviárias. Conclui-se que as galinhas (ambos os sexos) dos genótipos BR e RB apresentaram melhores medidas morfológicas e traços de carcaça do que os de frangos genótipos RR e BB. Entre os sistemas de produção alternativos, [...].

Animais , Cruzamento/métodos , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Hibridização Genética , Seleção Artificial/genética
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-12, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765547


The present trial explained the effect of alternative production systems on growth, morphometric and carcass traits of four different chicken genotypes. The second generation of two genotypes RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) and BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtained by two self-crosses (RNN × RNN = RR and BNN × BNN = BB) and two reciprocal crosses (RNN × BNN = RB and BNN × RNN = BR) were evaluated in three alternative production systems (conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary). At the 6th week of age after sexing, a total of 600 birds, comprising 150 from each crossbred with a total of 300 pullets and 300 cockerels were divided into conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary systems having 200 birds in each.Birds were organized into 3×4 factorial arrangements under Completely Randomized Design (3 production systems × 4 genotypes × 2 sexes × 25 birds = 600 birds). Regarding genotypes, RB and BR males showed higher (p < 0.01) carcass yield, drumstick weight, breast weight, and thigh weight than BB and RR genotypes. Females of BR genotype showed higher (p < 0.01) breast weight, thigh weight and drumstick weight. As far as production systems are concerned, higher (p < 0.01) liver weight, heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight were observed in the males reared in enriched cages compared with conventional cages and aviary system. Females reared in enriched cages showed higher (p < 0.01) heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight when compared with those reared in conventional cages and aviary. It is concluded that chickens (both sexes) of BR and RB genotypes had better morphological measurements and carcass traits than those of RR and BB genotype chickens. Among alternative production systems, chickens reared in enriched cages had better traits than those of reared in conventional cages and aviary during the growing phase.(AU)

O presente estudo explicou o efeito de sistemas alternativos de produção sobre o crescimento, características morfométricas e carcaças de quatro genótipos de frango diferentes. A segunda geração de dois genótipos RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) e BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtida por duas autocruzes (RNN × RNN = RR e B ANN × BNN = BB) e duas cruzes recíprocas (RNN × BNN = RB e BNN × RNN = BR) foi avaliada em três sistemas de produção alternativos (gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e aviário). Na 6ª semana de idade após o sexo, um total de 600 aves, compostas por 150 de cada raça cruzada com um total de 300 pullets e 300 galos, foi dividido em gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e sistemas aviários com 200 aves em cada. As aves foram organizadas em 3×4 arranjos fatoriais sob projeto completamente randomizado (3 sistemas de produção × 4 genótipos × 2 sexos × 25 aves = 600 aves). Em relação aos genótipos, os machos RB e BR apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça (p < 0,01), peso da baqueta, peso mamário e peso da coxa do que os genótipos BB e RR. As fêmeas do genótipo BR apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso mamário, peso da coxa e peso da baqueta. No que diz respeito aos sistemas de produção, maior (p < 0,01) peso hepático, peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa foram observados nos machos criados em gaiolas enriquecidas em comparação com gaiolas convencionais e sistema aviário. As fêmeas criadas em gaiolas enriquecidas apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa quando comparadas com as criadas em gaiolas convencionais e aviárias. Conclui-se que as galinhas (ambos os sexos) dos genótipos BR e RB apresentaram melhores medidas morfológicas e traços de carcaça do que os de frangos genótipos RR e BB. Entre os sistemas de produção alternativos, [...].(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cruzamento/métodos , Hibridização Genética , Seleção Artificial/genética
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1596, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416050


This study was carried out to investigate the morphological and histological structures of the testis, epididymis and vas deferens of the Al-Ahsa native rooster (ANR). There were two types of ANR; the brown feather one with light yellow shank and the black feather one with grey or dark grey shank. Their body weight was 1840.88± 92.13 g and 1555.66± 82.83g, respectively. The morphology of the testes showed that the black rooster has larger testes than the brown rooster and there was asymmetry in size between the right and left testis in both. They were grey yellowish in color and oval-shaped, situated in the abdomen dorsal to the proventriculus, the liver and the gizzard, cranial to the lungs, caudal to the abdominal sac and ventral to the kidneys. The histology of the testes revealed the capsule, the different cells of the lining epithelium of the seminiferous tubules and the interstitial tissue. The morphology of the epididymis was revealed pseudostratified columnar epithelium, light brown in color with c to L-shaped, located cranial to the testis and extended caudally to continue with vas deferens. The latter has columnar epithelium, light grey in color, run caudally medial to the kidneys and opened in the cloaca.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Ducto Deferente/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Epididimo/anatomia & histologia , Arábia Saudita
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 24(1): eRBCA-2021-1474, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765875


In order to evaluate the effect of diets with Ganoderma lucidum mushroom powder and zinc-bacitracin on growth performance, carcass traits, lymphoid organ weights, and intestinal characteristics in broilers, a total of 600 one-day-old unsexed broilers from Cobb 500 MV × Cobb 500 FF genotype was analyzed for 28 days, following a completely randomized design with three dietary treatments, five replicates and 40 birds per replicate. The dietary treatments consisted of a basal diet (BD) without additives (T0) and the dietary inclusion of 2.5 g/kg of Ganoderma lucidum (T1) and 350 mg/kg of zinc bacitracin antibiotic (T2). The experimental groups did not change (p>0.05) the performance of the broilers. However, G. lucidum powder increased (p≤0.05) the carcass and breast yields (p≤0.05) and decreased the abdominal fat and liver yields (p≤0.05), although with no notable differences with the antibiotic group for the latter organ (liver) (p>0.05). Both additives (G. lucidum and antibiotic) increased breast meat moisture, protein, and redness; however, these treatments reduced L* (lightness), and the zinc-bacitracin reduced breast yellowness (p≤0.05). Likewise, this medicinal mushroom (G. lucidum) increased the relative weight of bursa of Fabricius and the morphometry of the small intestine (p≤0.05), although with no changes for other immune and digestive organs or for the content of cecal lactic acid bacteria (p>0.05). The dietary inclusion with 2.5 g/kg of Ganoderma lucidum powder is recommended to improve breast yield, protein, and colorimetry without affecting performance and cecal traits of fast-growing broilers.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/classificação , Carne , Ração Animal , Bacitracina , Reishi
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(1): eRBCA, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490905


In order to evaluate the effect of diets with Ganoderma lucidum mushroom powder and zinc-bacitracin on growth performance, carcass traits, lymphoid organ weights, and intestinal characteristics in broilers, a total of 600 one-day-old unsexed broilers from Cobb 500 MV × Cobb 500 FF genotype was analyzed for 28 days, following a completely randomized design with three dietary treatments, five replicates and 40 birds per replicate. The dietary treatments consisted of a basal diet (BD) without additives (T0) and the dietary inclusion of 2.5 g/kg of Ganoderma lucidum (T1) and 350 mg/kg of zinc bacitracin antibiotic (T2). The experimental groups did not change (p>0.05) the performance of the broilers. However, G. lucidum powder increased (p≤0.05) the carcass and breast yields (p≤0.05) and decreased the abdominal fat and liver yields (p≤0.05), although with no notable differences with the antibiotic group for the latter organ (liver) (p>0.05). Both additives (G. lucidum and antibiotic) increased breast meat moisture, protein, and redness; however, these treatments reduced L* (lightness), and the zinc-bacitracin reduced breast yellowness (p≤0.05). Likewise, this medicinal mushroom (G. lucidum) increased the relative weight of bursa of Fabricius and the morphometry of the small intestine (p≤0.05), although with no changes for other immune and digestive organs or for the content of cecal lactic acid bacteria (p>0.05). The dietary inclusion with 2.5 g/kg of Ganoderma lucidum powder is recommended to improve breast yield, protein, and colorimetry without affecting performance and cecal traits of fast-growing broilers.

Animais , Bacitracina , Carne , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/classificação , Ração Animal , Reishi
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54800, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370298


This study aimed to investigate direct and indirect correlations of methodologies of bone quality analysis from brown egg layers, at final of the production cycle. Twelve femurs ofDekalb Brown laying hens, euthanized at 85-week-old, were assessed to evaluate breaking strength (BS), Seedor index (SI), mineral matter (MM), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) contents, besides cortical (CorD), medullar (MedD)and epiphysis (EpiD) diameters. Correlations and path analysis were obtained with the aid of SAS®University (p≤0.05). The BS directly represented the bonequality and was compared toother methodologies. Greater linear correlations occurred betweenBS and MM (r = 0.82), MM and Ca (r= 0.72), and BS and Ca (r =0.70). The MM content displayedthe greatest direct effect on the BS (r = 0.53). The Ca content showeda reduced direct effect on the BS (r = 0.18), with indirect effects throughMM content (r = 0.44) and EpiD (r = 0.15), however, presented a great total correlation (r = 0.78). Determination of mineral matter content is the main methodology associated with femur breaking strength from brown egg layers at final of the productive cycle. Because of that, this methodologyis more reliable to determine bone quality.(AU)

Animais , Osso e Ossos/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Cálcio
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(4): 626-632, July-Aug. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393898


Spirulina platensis is a microalga with biological activity used to produce nutritional supplements rich in proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. The current study aims to prove the impact of the product ZooBioR2 (obtained from Spirulina platensis) on health, and on the histology of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and cecum in laying hens. The experiment was performed in duplicate on 5 groups of hens (14 birds/group), one control and four experimental, in which the feed was supplemented with ZooBioR2 in different doses (5.0; 10.0; 15.0; 20.0mg active substance/kg of fodder). Inclusion of the supplement in the diet have determined a significant decrease of height of intestinal villi, the depth of the crypts and the thickness of muscular layer of mucosa in the experimental groups receiving 15.0 and 20.0mg/kg. The decrease of crypts depth is an indicator of a higher rate of turn-over of epithelial tissue. The morphological changes of intestinal mucosa could be involved in a better digestibility of the fodder.

Spirulina platensis é uma microalga com atividade biológica utilizada para produzir suplementos nutricionais ricos em proteínas, ácidos graxos essenciais, vitaminas e minerais. O estudo atual visa provar o impacto do produto ZooBioR2 (obtido da Spirulina platensis) na saúde e na histologia do duodeno, jejuno, íleo e ceco em galinhas poedeiras. O experimento foi realizado em duplicata em cinco grupos de galinhas (14 aves/grupo), um controle e quatro experimentais, nos quais a ração foi suplementada com ZooBioR2 em diferentes doses (5,0; 10,0; 15,0; 20,0mg de substância ativa/kg de forragem). A inclusão do suplemento na ração determinou uma diminuição significativa da altura das vilosidades intestinais, da profundidade dos crypts e da espessura da camada muscular da mucosa nos grupos experimentais que receberam15,0 e 20,0mg/kg. A diminuição da profundidade das criptas é um indicador de maior taxa de rotação do tecido epitelial. As alterações morfológicas da mucosa intestinal podem estar envolvidas em uma melhor digestibilidade da forragem.

Animais , Ceco , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Suplementos Nutricionais , Duodeno , Spirulina , Mucosa Intestinal
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(2): 359-366, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374422


This study aimed to evaluate the productive performance, carcass yield, and intestinal morphometry of broiler chickens subjected to diets with the inclusion of buriti oil. Buriti oil is an energy food that can be used in chicken feed to replace soybean oil, which has a high cost in production, also has its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties, which can provide benefits in chicken feed. 180 male broilers of the Ross lineage were used, distributed in a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 6 replicates of 10 birds per experimental unit. The experimental phase took place from 14 to 28 days and levels 0; 0.75 and 1.50% of buriti oil were added to the corn and soybean-based feed. It can be inferred that the buriti oil-based diets in the diet with insertion of levels of 0%, 0.75% and 1.50% did not differ significantly for the productive performance variables, but in relation to the productive yield there was a significant difference for carcass yield accompanied by greater disposition of abdominal fat, thigh and heart fat, a common effect in the use of oils. Although no statistical differences were observed for most of the variables in the assessment of intestinal morphometry, there was an increase in the crypt depth of the duodenum and ileum and an increase in the muscle layer of the duodenum and jejunum, which may have been caused by some injury to the intestine and not by direct effect of buriti oil. In the other variables there was no difference between treatments and it is concluded that buriti oil did not harm the performance, yield and intestinal morphometry of broiler chickens from 14 to 28 days of age.

Objetivou-se, com essa pesquisa, avaliar o desempenho produtivo, o rendimento de carcaça e a morfometria intestinal de frangos de corte com dietas submetidas à inclusão do óleo de buriti. Trata-se de um alimento energético que pode ser utilizado na alimentação de frangos visando substituir o óleo de soja, o qual apresenta alto custo na produção. O óleo de buriti ainda possui suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antioxidantes, antimicrobianas, podendo conferir benefícios na alimentação de frangos. Foram utilizados 180 frangos de corte machos, da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos e seis repetições de 10 aves por unidade experimental. A fase experimental ocorreu de 14 a 28 dias, e os níveis 0%, 0,75% e 1,50% de óleo de buriti foram inseridos na ração à base de milho e soja. Pode-se inferir que as dietas à base de óleo de buriti na dieta com inserção dos níveis de 0%, 0,75% e 1,50% não diferiram significativamente para as variáveis de desempenho produtivo, mas, em relação ao rendimento produtivo, houve uma diferença significativa para o rendimento de carcaça, acompanhado de maior disposição de gordura abdominal, gordura de sobrecoxa e coração, efeito comum na utilização de óleos. Apesar de não serem observadas diferenças estatísticas para a maioria das variáveis na avaliação da morfometria intestinal, houve aumento na profundidade de cripta do duodeno e do íleo, bem como aumento da camada muscular do duodeno e do jejuno, que podem ter sido provocados por alguma injúria no intestino e não por efeito direto do óleo de buriti. Nas demais variáveis, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos, e conclui-se que o óleo de buriti não causou prejuízo ao desempenho, ao rendimento e à morfometria intestinal de frangos de corte no período de 14 a 28 dias de idade.

Animais , Masculino , Óleos de Plantas , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Arecaceae , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal/análise
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 44: e53597, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33233


Waste oil from olive oil extraction industry was used, instead of soybean oil, in heavy roosters diet in order to evaluate birds reproductive parameters. Atotal of forty roosters were housed individually in boxes with 1.2 m². Two experimental diets were used: control diet, based on corn, soybean meal, and soybean oil; and test diet, where soybean oil was totally replaced by waste oil. In order to verify weight gain and feed intake, animals were individually weighed weekly. Seven semen collections were performed with fifteen-day interval. Reproductive variables analyzed sperm volume, motility, concentration, and morphology. No statistical difference (p >0.05) was observed between treatments at the different collection periods for the variables sperm volume, motility, and concentration. There was a statistically significant difference between treatments for body weight in periods three (p =0.04), and seven (p=0.04). Statistical differences (p =0.01) were also observed between treatments for abnormal sperm morphology. Among collection periods, statistical difference was observed for motility (p =0.00), and sperm concentration (p =0.01). Total replacement of soybean oil by waste oil from olive oil extraction in young heavy roosters diets does not affect sperm volume, motility, and concentration; reduces defects in sperm tail, and promotes better weight gain control.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Aumento de Peso , Ração Animal/análise , Olea
Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ; 14(1): 40-45, mar. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31198


Fourteen, 31-week-old Lohmann white layers from a flock of 30,000 chickens had a history of apathy, and a drop in egg production. Clinical signs were observed in approximately 40% of the flock, and lasted for three months. Fourteen hens were euthanized for post-mortem examinations. Macroscopic findings included marked atrophy and loss of renal lobes along with compensatory renal hypertrophy of the contralateral lobe. Ureters were markedly dilated and filled with mucus and/or with molded white to yellow-grey uroliths that obliterated the lumen. At histopathology, the uroliths inside ureters and tubules were composed of concentrically arranged mineralized concretions, as well as urates associated with heterophilic infiltrations and epithelial hyperplasia. Renal parenchyma adjacent to obstructed ureters was compressed with tubules replaced by fibrous tissue. Multifocal interstitial lymphocytic nephritis, proteinuria and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis were also found. Heterophilic and caseous ureteritis associated with numerous Gram-positive coccoid bacteria occurred in three chickens. Immunohistochemistry for avian coronavirus was negative. This negative result along with the case history indicated that water restriction was the most likely cause of mortality. This condition resulted in significant economic loss for this farmer.(AU)

Animais , Urolitíase/patologia , Rim , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Tecido Parenquimatoso
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 14(1): 40-45, mar. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469785


Fourteen, 31-week-old Lohmann white layers from a flock of 30,000 chickens had a history of apathy, and a drop in egg production. Clinical signs were observed in approximately 40% of the flock, and lasted for three months. Fourteen hens were euthanized for post-mortem examinations. Macroscopic findings included marked atrophy and loss of renal lobes along with compensatory renal hypertrophy of the contralateral lobe. Ureters were markedly dilated and filled with mucus and/or with molded white to yellow-grey uroliths that obliterated the lumen. At histopathology, the uroliths inside ureters and tubules were composed of concentrically arranged mineralized concretions, as well as urates associated with heterophilic infiltrations and epithelial hyperplasia. Renal parenchyma adjacent to obstructed ureters was compressed with tubules replaced by fibrous tissue. Multifocal interstitial lymphocytic nephritis, proteinuria and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis were also found. Heterophilic and caseous ureteritis associated with numerous Gram-positive coccoid bacteria occurred in three chickens. Immunohistochemistry for avian coronavirus was negative. This negative result along with the case history indicated that water restriction was the most likely cause of mortality. This condition resulted in significant economic loss for this farmer.

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Rim , Urolitíase/patologia , Tecido Parenquimatoso
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(4): eRBCA-2020-1414, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32255


Fragments with vibrant colors and attractive textures in poultry house litter may be consumed considering that the confinement environment does not offer many opportunities for the development of the birdss natural behavior. Control and quality programs aiming to reduce and to eliminate the consumption of materials from the construction of sheds have been implanted. However, it is necessary to develop studies for a better understanding of the birds ingestive behavior and the consequences for their health, welfare and productivity. The goal of this study was to evaluate the ingestive behavior of broilers exposed to metal, wood, glass and plastic fragments at different concentrations and sizes added to the poultry house litter and the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract of broilers. A total of 360 birds were distributed in a completely randomized design over a 2x3 factorial scheme (2 fragment sizes: 2 to 7 mm and 5 to 8 mm and 3 concentrations: 0.1, 0.5 and 1%), totaling 6 treatments and 5 replicates. The fragments used were glass, wood, metal and plastic, in respective concentrations and sizes, distributed in the poultry house litter. The supply of fragments or the accidental occurrence of similar fragments to which were analyzed in this study concerning the poultry house litter, with different sizes, colors and textures does not compromise the integrity of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and the welfare of the birds.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Trato Gastrointestinal , Bem-Estar do Animal
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(4): eRBCA, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490889


Fragments with vibrant colors and attractive textures in poultry house litter may be consumed considering that the confinement environment does not offer many opportunities for the development of the birds’s natural behavior. Control and quality programs aiming to reduce and to eliminate the consumption of materials from the construction of sheds have been implanted. However, it is necessary to develop studies for a better understanding of the bird’s ingestive behavior and the consequences for their health, welfare and productivity. The goal of this study was to evaluate the ingestive behavior of broilers exposed to metal, wood, glass and plastic fragments at different concentrations and sizes added to the poultry house litter and the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract of broilers. A total of 360 birds were distributed in a completely randomized design over a 2x3 factorial scheme (2 fragment sizes: 2 to 7 mm and 5 to 8 mm and 3 concentrations: 0.1, 0.5 and 1%), totaling 6 treatments and 5 replicates. The fragments used were glass, wood, metal and plastic, in respective concentrations and sizes, distributed in the poultry house litter. The supply of fragments or the accidental occurrence of similar fragments to which were analyzed in this study concerning the poultry house litter, with different sizes, colors and textures does not compromise the integrity of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and the welfare of the birds.

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Trato Gastrointestinal
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(11): 1-8, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480249


This study investigated the inclusion of kaolin levels in the diet of brown egg layers at the end of the production cycle. A completely randomized design involved the distribution of 288 brown egg layers into six treatments of eight replications, with six birds per replication. When the birds reached the age of 63 weeks, the feeding of the experimental diets began. Diets differed by the inclusion of increasing levels of kaolin: Control (no additive), and the inclusion of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% kaolin. The performance, egg quality, intestinal morphometry, and excreta moisture were evaluated. The inclusion of kaolin promoted improvement in the jejunum villus height, enabling less feed intake; however, there were no significant differences in egg quality. The excreta moisture decreased linearly as the kaolin level in the diet increased. The inclusion of 5% kaolin in the diet of brown egg layers at the end of the production cycle improved intestinal morphometry and the quality of excreta through a reduction of moisture.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a inclusão de níveis de caulim na dieta de poedeiras semipesadas ao final do ciclo de produção. Foram utilizadas 288 galinhas semipesadas distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos de oito repetições, contendo seis aves por repetição. Quando as aves atingiram a idade de 63 semanas, foi iniciada a alimentação com as dietas experimentais. As dietas diferiam entre si pela inclusão de níveis crescentes de caulim: controle (sem aditivo); e a inclusão de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5% de caulim na dieta. Foram avaliados o desempenho, a qualidade dos ovos, a morfologia intestinal e a umidade das excretas. A inclusão de caulim promoveu melhora na altura das vilosidades do jejuno, possibilitando menor consumo de ração. Não houve diferenças significativas para a qualidade dos ovos. A umidade das excretas diminuiu com o aumento do nível de caulim na dieta, respondendo de forma linear. A inclusão de caulim ao nível de 5% nas rações de poedeiras semipesadas ao final do ciclo de produção melhorou a morfometria intestinal e a qualidade dos excrementos por meio da redução de sua umidade.

Feminino , Animais , Caulim/administração & dosagem , Dieta/veterinária , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/metabolismo
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(3): eRBCA-2021-1464, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32380


This study aimed to determine the effects of the variation in body weight (BW) in pure lines even after selection on the BW and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of offsprings in broiler pure-lines. The males of the dam (A1) and sire (B1) line were grouped according to their BW after selection at the 6th and 12 th weeks of age. In the sire lines, the heaviest males at six weeks of age were selected (300), and the selected males were divided into three groups in terms of BW as average (B11: 100 males), high (B12: 100 males), and the highest (B13: 100 males). In the dam lines, the selected males were divided into three groups as an average (A11: 100 males), low (A12: 100 males), and high BW (A13: 100 males). In the dam line, offsprings of males with average and high BW had the highest BW at 42 days of age compared to the low BW group (p<0.05). However, there was no statistically significant difference in BW between the BW groups in the offsprings of the sire line. Offsprings of dam line males with average and higher than average BW had better FCR values. However, there was no significant change in FCR between the offsprings of the sire line BW groups. As a result, it is thought that by preserving the variation at a certain level in future generations, a significant improvement can be achieved in the BW and FCR by selecting heavier males.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peso Corporal , Comportamento Alimentar
Ci. Rural ; 51(11): 1-8, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32306


This study investigated the inclusion of kaolin levels in the diet of brown egg layers at the end of the production cycle. A completely randomized design involved the distribution of 288 brown egg layers into six treatments of eight replications, with six birds per replication. When the birds reached the age of 63 weeks, the feeding of the experimental diets began. Diets differed by the inclusion of increasing levels of kaolin: Control (no additive), and the inclusion of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% kaolin. The performance, egg quality, intestinal morphometry, and excreta moisture were evaluated. The inclusion of kaolin promoted improvement in the jejunum villus height, enabling less feed intake; however, there were no significant differences in egg quality. The excreta moisture decreased linearly as the kaolin level in the diet increased. The inclusion of 5% kaolin in the diet of brown egg layers at the end of the production cycle improved intestinal morphometry and the quality of excreta through a reduction of moisture.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a inclusão de níveis de caulim na dieta de poedeiras semipesadas ao final do ciclo de produção. Foram utilizadas 288 galinhas semipesadas distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos de oito repetições, contendo seis aves por repetição. Quando as aves atingiram a idade de 63 semanas, foi iniciada a alimentação com as dietas experimentais. As dietas diferiam entre si pela inclusão de níveis crescentes de caulim: controle (sem aditivo); e a inclusão de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5% de caulim na dieta. Foram avaliados o desempenho, a qualidade dos ovos, a morfologia intestinal e a umidade das excretas. A inclusão de caulim promoveu melhora na altura das vilosidades do jejuno, possibilitando menor consumo de ração. Não houve diferenças significativas para a qualidade dos ovos. A umidade das excretas diminuiu com o aumento do nível de caulim na dieta, respondendo de forma linear. A inclusão de caulim ao nível de 5% nas rações de poedeiras semipesadas ao final do ciclo de produção melhorou a morfometria intestinal e a qualidade dos excrementos por meio da redução de sua umidade.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/metabolismo , Caulim/administração & dosagem , Dieta/veterinária
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(1): eRBCA-2020-1337, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30475


Brazilian poultry production is growing, mainly due to the cost and benefit that chicken meat provides. The importance of free-range chickens and the susceptibility, to which they are exposed, makes it necessary to know about gastrointestinal parasites and the consequences that large infections can cause for them as such as weight loss. The present study aimed to determine the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in free-range hens raised in an extensive regime in the municipality of Santa Rita, state of Maranhão, Brazil. The studied population was composed of adult chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) acquired from slaughterhouses in the region. The gastrointestinal organs of each chicken were separated and subsequently conditioned in flasks containing Railliet and Henrys solution and sent to the laboratory, to be analyzed and processed. Of the 100 chickens examined, 227 specimens of helminthes were identified, with a frequency of 32.6% for nematodes and 67.4% for cestodes. Among the nematode the following parasites were identified: Ascaridia galli (27.03%); Heterakis gallinarum (48.65%) and Subulura spp. (24, 32%). Raillietina echinobothrida (100%) was the only cestoda identified. The average infection rate by species of parasite was 1.18 for A. galli, 2.22 for H. gallinarum, 1.06 for Subulura spp. and 9.00 for R. echinobothrida. It is concluded that free-range chickens are parasitized by nematodes and cestoda.(AU)

Animais , Trato Gastrointestinal/parasitologia , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/parasitologia
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(1): eRBCA-2020-1362, fev. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30218


In order to evaluate the phytobiotic effect of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) leaves powder (CLP) on growth performance, carcass traits, lymphoid organ weights and cecal lactic-acid bacteria in broilers, a total of 720 unsexed broilers of the Ross 308® genetic line were distributed according to a completely randomized design with three experimental treatments, five repetitions and 48 chickens per repetitions. The experimental treatments consisted of a basal diet (DB; T0) and DB + supplementation with 0.50 (T1) and 0.75% (T2) of CLP. At 32 days, the body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were not modified (p>0.05) by the experimental groups; however, T1 increased (p 0.05) the viability compared to T0. Additionally, T2 improved (p 0.05) the carcass and leg yields, although without significant changes (p>0.05) for the other edible portions. Moreover, this natural product (A. occidentale) increased (p 0.05) the ash content and the range of the red tone and decreased (p 0.05) the L* in the breast, although moisture, fat, pH, and b* were not affected by the experimental diets (p>0.05). Similarly, T1 favored (p 0.05) the growth of green bacterial colonies with a white halo, and both treatments with CLP the total cecal acid-lactic bacteria. No significant changes were observed (p>0.05) in the relative weight of the immune organs (thymus, bursa of Fabricius, and spleen). Dietary supplementation with cashew leaves powder enhanced the viability of the batch (0.5%), some edible portions (0.75%), the breast pigmentation, and the cecal beneficial bacteria count in broilers.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Anacardium , Galinhas/genética