Our study aimed to compare the cecum of German mast geese with other poultry species through macroanatomy and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Adult German geese were used as research material, which were obtained from its breeders and died of various causes. In the study, after determining the macroanatomical features of the German mast goose cecum, it was examined with a scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-5600LV) and the general structures were photographed. The craniodorsal of the rectum of German mast geese was shaped with two ceca, giving right and left arms to the cranial symmetrical to each other near the end of the ileum. The macroanatomy of the apex, corpus, and basis cecum parts was examined in the cecum divided into two. In the study, it was determined that villus extensions were sparse in the right and left apex ceci parts in the cecum SEM images of the German mast geese, while the number of the corpus and basis ceci parts was higher. As a result, the macroanatomy and scanning electron microscopic findings of German mast geese cecum were examined in detail and its differences from other poultry species were revealed.(AU)
Animais , Ceco/anatomia & histologia , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura/veterináriaResumo
Domestic geese are birds of zootechnical interest commonly created for ornamentation and guard in farms but are also useful for biomedical research, once they supply blood as a byproduct for laboratory analysis. The study aimed to contribute to the completion of health data available on these animals to trace a hematological profile of domestic geese that supply blood for research and provide data on the influence of periodic collections to the health of these animals. Ten Chinese geese (Anser domesticus), white and males, were kept in a research center installation. Four blood samples were performed weekly after the 1st collection, the sample with greater volume was sent to the laboratories of the Evandro Chagas Institute to be used in the arbovirus tests. The hematological evaluations observed values of packed cell volume (PCV), total number of erythrocytes (Hm), total number of leukocytes (Lc) and differential leukocyte count and the number of thrombocytes (Tb). All the animals were weighed and correlation of volume of blood collected from the animals weight was performed. No differences were found among the means obtained in the hematological values of the 1st collection and the subsequent collections demonstrating that the periodic collection in geese, when performed in obedience to the correlation between animals weight and blood volume, does not cause significant alterations in the animals hematological profile. The results of the hematological profile obtained in this study will add to the biological data of species available allowing a better health assessment of these animals in the creation of environments and in animal research facilities.(AU)
Animais , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Gansos/sangue , Testes Hematológicos , Pesquisa BiomédicaResumo
Domestic geese are birds of zootechnical interest commonly created for ornamentation and guard in farms but are also useful for biomedical research, once they supply blood as a byproduct for laboratory analysis. The study aimed to contribute to the completion of health data available on these animals to trace a hematological profile of domestic geese that supply blood for research and provide data on the influence of periodic collections to the health of these animals. Ten Chinese geese (Anser domesticus), white and males, were kept in a research center installation. Four blood samples were performed weekly after the 1st collection, the sample with greater volume was sent to the laboratories of the Evandro Chagas Institute to be used in the arbovirus tests. The hematological evaluations observed values of packed cell volume (PCV), total number of erythrocytes (Hm), total number of leukocytes (Lc) and differential leukocyte count and the number of thrombocytes (Tb). All the animals were weighed and correlation of volume of blood collected from the animals weight was performed. No differences were found among the means obtained in the hematological values of the 1st collection and the subsequent collections demonstrating that the periodic collection in geese, when performed in obedience to the correlation between animals weight and blood volume, does not cause significant alterations in the animals hematological profile. The results of the hematological profile obtained in this study will add to the biological data of species available allowing a better health assessment of these animals in the creation of environments and in animal research facilities.
Animais , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Gansos/sangue , Pesquisa Biomédica , Testes HematológicosResumo
The aim of this study was to determine slaughter and carcass traits of geese with different feather colour and gender. The study was conducted with Turkish geese in free-range production conditions in Kars, Turkey. A total of 282 geese (251 females, 31 males) were grouped by feather colour as black (n=49), white (n=77), black pied (n=127), and brown and brown tawny (n=29). Geese were weighed before slaughter and then the slaughter and carcass traits were determined. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey HSD test was applied to compare feather-colour means and the independent sample t-test was used to compare gender means. Feather colour did not influence (p>0.05) slaughter and carcass traits, except for hot carcass, feather and heart percentages (p<0.05). Males showed statistically higher feet (p<0.001), heart (p<0.01), liver (p<0.05) and gizzard (p<0.01) weights compared with females, as well as significantly higher (p<0.05) feet, heart, liver and gizzard yields. In conclusion, feather colour did not influence the evaluated slaughter and carcass characteristics of geese reared under semi-intensive conditions in the province of Kars, Turkey, and higher feet, heart, liver and gizzard weights and yields were obtained in males than in females.(AU)
Animais , Gansos/fisiologia , Fatores Sexuais , Plumas , Pigmentação/fisiologia , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Tamanho do Órgão , Abate de AnimaisResumo
The aim of this study was to determine slaughter and carcass traits of geese with different feather colour and gender. The study was conducted with Turkish geese in free-range production conditions in Kars, Turkey. A total of 282 geese (251 females, 31 males) were grouped by feather colour as black (n=49), white (n=77), black pied (n=127), and brown and brown tawny (n=29). Geese were weighed before slaughter and then the slaughter and carcass traits were determined. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey HSD test was applied to compare feather-colour means and the independent sample t-test was used to compare gender means. Feather colour did not influence (p>0.05) slaughter and carcass traits, except for hot carcass, feather and heart percentages (p<0.05). Males showed statistically higher feet (p<0.001), heart (p<0.01), liver (p<0.05) and gizzard (p<0.01) weights compared with females, as well as significantly higher (p<0.05) feet, heart, liver and gizzard yields. In conclusion, feather colour did not influence the evaluated slaughter and carcass characteristics of geese reared under semi-intensive conditions in the province of Kars, Turkey, and higher feet, heart, liver and gizzard weights and yields were obtained in males than in females.
Animais , Fatores Sexuais , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Gansos/fisiologia , Pigmentação/fisiologia , Plumas , Tamanho do Órgão , Abate de AnimaisResumo
This study aimed at examining the effect of overfeeding on the activity of the mTOR pathway in the liver and muscle tissues of Gang geese. Eighty healthy male Gang geese were reared under the same feeding conditions, and were divided at 14 weeks of age into a control group and an overfed group. All birds were slaughtered after three weeks of over feeding. Gene expression and protein content of several genes involved in the mTOR pathway were evaluated. The results showed that the gene expression of mTOR, raptor, and rictor, and the protein contents of mTOR and PI3K were higher in liver, breast muscle, and leg muscle of the overfed group than that of control group. However, the S6K expression level was clearly lower in the liver of the overfed group than that of control group, and there was no evident difference in both breast muscle and leg muscle between the control group and the overfed group. These results suggest that overfeeding induces the activity of raptor, rictor, and mTOR, and that mTOR signaling pathway was closely linked with PI3K pathway in the evaluated geese.(AU)
Animais , Ração Animal/análise , Gansos/metabolismo , Gansos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
This study aimed at examining the effect of overfeeding on the activity of the mTOR pathway in the liver and muscle tissues of Gang geese. Eighty healthy male Gang geese were reared under the same feeding conditions, and were divided at 14 weeks of age into a control group and an overfed group. All birds were slaughtered after three weeks of over feeding. Gene expression and protein content of several genes involved in the mTOR pathway were evaluated. The results showed that the gene expression of mTOR, raptor, and rictor, and the protein contents of mTOR and PI3K were higher in liver, breast muscle, and leg muscle of the overfed group than that of control group. However, the S6K expression level was clearly lower in the liver of the overfed group than that of control group, and there was no evident difference in both breast muscle and leg muscle between the control group and the overfed group. These results suggest that overfeeding induces the activity of raptor, rictor, and mTOR, and that mTOR signaling pathway was closely linked with PI3K pathway in the evaluated geese.
Animais , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Gansos/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
Estudou-se, mediante dissecação, a origem e a ramificação dos ramos do tronco braquiocefálico em 30 gansos adultos (Anser domestica), 21machos e 09 fêmeas. Os animais, após eutanásia, foram injetados, na artéria isquiática direita, com solução de neoprene látex corado e fixados em solução aquosa de formalina 10%. Os troncos braquiocefálicos, direito e esquerdo, originam-se na aorta, logo após a emergência desta, no átrio esquerdo e, dividem-se nas artérias subclávia e carótida comum homônimas. As artérias subclávias emitiram em todos os espécimes, em ambos os antímeros, as artérias esternoclaviculares, axilares e torácicas internas e os troncos peitorais e de forma inconstante as artérias esternoclaviculares acessórias e os ramos pericárdicos. As artérias esternoclaviculares surgiram no antímero direito em 27 (90,0% ± 6,0)e no antímero esquerdo em 25 animais (83,3% ± 7,5). Encontrou-se ramos pericárdicos em 7 animais (23,3% ± 8,5) no antímero direito, em 11 animais (36,7% ± 9,6) no antímero esquerdo e em 4 animais (13,3% ± 6,8) em ambos os antímeros. O tronco peitoral era o ramo terminal da artéria subclávia e dividiu-se nas artérias peitorais cranial e caudal. Não se observou diferenças significativas entre machos e fêmeas quando ao padrão vascular dos dados analisados.(AU)
It was studied the origin and the ramification of the branches from brachiocephalic trunk in 30 goose (Anser domestica), adults 21 males and 09 females. The animals, after sacrifice, were injected in the squiatic artery with latex Neoprene solution and fixed in formalin 10% aqueous solution. The brachiocephalic trunks, right and left, arise from aorta, after its emergency in left atria and divided in right and left subclavian and common carotid arteries. The subclavian arteries originated constantly, in both antimeres, the sternoclavicularis, axilar and internal thoracic arteries and the pectoral trunks and inconstantly the accessory esternoclavicularis artery and the pericardium branches. The sternoclavicularis artery arises in the right antimere in 27 (90,0% ± 6,0)and in the left antimere in 25 animals (83,3% ± 7,5). There were the pericardium branches in 7 animals (23,3% ± 8,5) in right antimere, in11 animals (36,7% ± 9,6) in left antimere and in 4 animals (13,3% ±6,8) in both sides. The pectoral trunk is a terminal branch from subclavian artery and divided in cranial and caudal pectoral arteries. It werent observed significant differences between males and females in vascular pattern of the data analyzed.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Tronco Braquiocefálico/anatomia & histologia , Artéria Subclávia/anatomia & histologia , Gansos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Objetivou-se estudar a morfologia e o comportamento das artérias que se destinam às glândulas tireóides, abordando seu número, origem e ordenação em 30 gansos domésticos (Anser domestica), injetados com Neoprene látex 450 corado e fixados em solução aquosa de formalina a 10%. As glândulas tireóides apresentam-se pares, ovóides e localizam-se na extremidade cranial da cavidade tóraco-abdominal, relacionam-se com o nervo vago, veia jugular e artéria carótida comum, e possuem em média de 0,97; 0,69 e 0,43 cm no antímero direito e 1,04; 0,62 e 0,38 cm no antímero esquerdo, para comprimento, largura e espessura, respectivamente. As glândulas tireóides recebem colaterais das artérias: carótida comum, cervical cutânea ascendente, esofagotraqueobronquial, esofágica ascendente, comum do nervo vago ipsilateralmente e ramo esofágico, sendo estes dois últimos somente para a glândula direita. O número de vasos variou de 1 a 5 vasos, sendo 2 vasos (15 casos, 50% ± 10) para o antímero direito e 3 vasos (12 casos, 40% ± 9,8) para o antímero esquerdo, o padrão mais freqüentem ente observado. As artérias tireóideas cranial, média cranial, média, média caudal e caudal estiveram presentes no antímero direito em 29, 8, 8, 14 e 29 gansos respectivamente, e no antímero esquerdo em 28, 5, 14, 5 e 28 gansos respectivamente. Um único ramo, a artéria tireóidea, destinou-se a glândula em um animal à direita e em dois animais a esquerda.(AU)
The present work aimed to study the morphology of the thyroid glands and the arterial behavior of their arteries, emphasizing number, origin and ordination of the vases in 30 domestic geese (Anser tames domestica). The animals were injected with Neoprene latex "450" red-faced with specific pigment through the sciatic artery and fixed in aqueous solution of formalin 10%. In the animals studied the thyroid glands are even, oval and, when fixed, they have red chestnut color. These glands are located in the cranial extremity of the thoraco-abdominal cavity, linked with the vague nerve, jugular vein and common carotid artery and their topography may be variable in each antimere. The thyroid glands have in average 0.97, 0.69 and 0.43 cm in right side and 1.04, 0.62 and 0,38 cm in left side, to length, width and thickness, respectively. The arteries responsible to emit colateral branches to thyroid glands are: common cutaneous carotid arteries, cervical cutaneous ascendant, esophageal tracheal bronchial, esophageal ascendant, common of the vague nerve ipsilaterally and also for the branch esophageal, being these last ones only happened for the right gland. The vases number varied from 1 to 5, being 2 vases (15 cases, 50%? 10) for the right antimere and 3 vases (12 cases, 40%? 9,8), the model more frequently observed. The cranial, cranial middle, middle, caudal middle and caudal thyroid arteries were present in the right side in 29,8,8,14 e 29 geese respectively, and in the left side in 28, 5, 14,5 e 28 geese respectively. This was a unique vessel to gland, the thyroid artery, in one animal to right and in two animaIs to left side.(AU)