The present study aimed to evaluate the particulate emissions in a Diesel engine with an electronic injection system using different biodiesel blends and variations in the fuel injection point and volume, comparing it with the MAR-1 standard. The particulate emissions are analyzed using a two-factor (12×8) completely randomized design that resulted from the interaction of three biodiesel/Diesel blends, two injection point configurations, two fuel injection volumes and eight crankshaft speeds, with 30 repetitions. According to the results, the particulate emissions meet the requirements established by the MAR-I standard when the engine operates at the original factory settings, fueled with blends containing up to 30% of biodiesel. With the engine angular speed at maximum torque (1,500 rpm), the injection point advanced and the increase in fuel volume, the particulate emissions increased by 115% and 314% for the 10 and 30% biodiesel blends, respectively, regarding the engine operating with the original settings.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar com a norma MAR-I as emissões de particulados em um motor de ciclo Diesel com sistema de injeção eletrônica, submetido à diferentes misturas de biodiesel e alterações no ponto e volume de injeção de combustível. As emissões de particulados foram analisadas com delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema bi fatorial (12x8), proveniente da interação de três misturas de biodiesel/Diesel, duas configurações de ponto de injeção, dois volumes de injeção de combustível e oito velocidades de giro do eixo virabrequim, com 30 repetições. Os resultados indicam que, as emissões de particulados atendem às exigências da norma MAR-I quando o motor opera com a regulagem original de fabricação e é alimentado com misturas de até 30% de biodiesel. Na velocidade angular de torque máximo (1.500 rpm), o adiantamento do ponto de injeção e o aumento do débito de combustível, para as misturas de 10 e 30% de biodiesel, aumentam em 115 e 314%, respectivamente, as emissões de particulados, em relação ao motor na configuração original.
Gasolina/análise , Material Particulado , Biocombustíveis/análiseResumo
This research determined the engine warm-up time and the number of tests that must be carried out to obtain the performance parameters of a Diesel cycle engine. To this end, an agricultural tractor coupled to an eddy current dynamometer via a power take-off was used. Pure biodiesel (B100) was used as the fuel, and the hourly consumption was determined by means of a flowmeter. Data regarding torque, power, and hourly and specific fuel consumption was collected and analyzed at three engine warm-up times (20, 60, and 100 min). To determine the number of tests, 18 dynamometric tests were carried out to verify which of those presented the smallest experimental error, through the smallest coefficient of variation. No difference was observed in relation to the warm-up time for the analyzed variables, with a time of 20 min being enough to start the engine performance evaluations. In total, four trials were sufficient to assess engine performance and reduce experimental error.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o tempo de aquecimento do motor e o número de ensaios que deve ser realizado para aquisição dos parâmetros de desempenho de um motor de ciclo Diesel. Foi utilizado um trator agrícola acoplado via tomada de potência a um dinamômetro de correntes parasitas. Como combustível, foi utilizado biodiesel puro (B100) e determinado o consumo horário por meio da utilização de um fluxômetro. Foram coletados e analisados os dados de torque, potência, consumo horário e específico de combustível, em três tempos de aquecimento do motor (20, 60 e 100 minutos). Para a determinação do número de ensaios, foram realizados 18 ensaios dinamométricos e verificado em quantos ocorre o menor erro experimental, por meio do menor coeficiente de variação. Pode-se observar que, não houve diferença com relação ao tempo de aquecimento para as variáveis analisadas, sendo que o tempo de 20 minutos foi suficiente para iniciar as avaliações de desempenho do motor; e o número de quatro ensaios representando serem suficientes para avaliar o desempenho do motor e reduzir o erro experimental.
Gasolina/análise , Veículos Automotores , Torque , Biocombustíveis/análiseResumo
We aimed to verify the changes in the microbial community during bioremediation of gasoline-contaminated soil. Microbial inoculants were produced from successive additions of gasoline to municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) previously fertilized with nitrogen-phosphorous. To obtain Inoculant A, fertilized MSWC was amended with gasoline every 3 days during 18 days. Inoculant B received the same application, but at every 6 days. Inoculant C included MSWC fertilized with NP, but no gasoline. The inoculants were applied to gasoline-contaminated soil at 10, 30, or 50 g/kg. Mineralization of gasoline hydrocarbons in soil was evaluated by respirometric analysis. The viability of the inoculants was evaluated after 103 days of storage under refrigeration or room temperature. The relative proportions of microbial groups in the inoculants and soil were evaluated by FAME. The dose of 50 g/kg of inoculants A and B led to the largest CO2 emission from soil. CO2 emissions in treatments with inoculant C were inversely proportional to the dose of inoculant. Heterotrophic bacterial counts were greater in soil treated with inoculants A and B. The application of inoculants decreased the proportion of actinobacteria and increased of Gram-negative bacteria. Decline in the density of heterotrophic bacteria in inoculants occurred after storage. This reduction was bigger in inoculants stored at room temperature. The application of stored inoculants in gasoline-contaminated soil resulted in a CO2 emission twice bigger than that observed in uninoculated soil. We concluded that MSWC is an effective material for the production of microbial inoculants for the bioremediation of gasoline-contaminated soil.(AU)
Solo , Microbiologia do Solo , Gasolina , Hidrocarbonetos , Recuperação e Remediação AmbientalResumo
To facilitate the biodegradation of diesel oil, an oil biodegradation bacterial consortium was constructed. The alkane hydroxylase (alkB) gene of Pseudomonas putida GPo1 was constructed in a pCom8 expression vector, and the pCom8-GPo1 alkB plasmid was transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α. The AlkB protein was expressed by diesel oil induction and detected through SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The culture of the recombinant (pCom8-GPo1 alkB/E. coli DH5α) with the oil biodegradation bacterial consortium increased the degradation ratio of diesel oil at 24 h from 31% to 50%, and the facilitation rates were increased as the proportion of pCom8-GPo1 alkB. coli DH5α to the consortium increased. The results suggested that the expression of the GPo1 gene in E. coli DH5α could enhance the function of diesel oil degradation by the bacterial consortium.(AU)
Acinetobacter/metabolismo , Biodegradação Ambiental , Citocromo P-450 CYP4A/genética , Escherichia coli/metabolismo , Consórcios Microbianos/genética , Pseudomonas putida/enzimologia , Acinetobacter/genética , Escherichia coli/enzimologia , Escherichia coli/genética , Óleos Combustíveis , Gasolina , Engenharia Genética , Oxirredução , Plasmídeos/genética , Pseudomonas putida/genética , Pseudomonas putida/metabolismoResumo
The introduction of biodiesel to diesel may allow the fuel to be more susceptible to microorganism growth, especially during incorrect storage. To evaluate the effect of adding biodiesel in pure diesel on the growth of Paecilomyces variotii, microcosms containing pure diesel (B0), blend diesel/biodiesel (B7) and pure biodiesel (B100) were used. In microcosm with minimal mineral medium and B0, B7 or B100, after 60 days, the biomass (dry weight) formed at interface oil-water in B7 and B100 was significantly higher when compared to that of B0. Infrared analysis showed reduction of the carbonile fraction in B7 and B100 suggesting formation of intermediate compounds in B7. To monitor possible contamination of fuel storage tank by P. variotii samples were collected and analysed by specific-PCR assay for detection of P. variotii spores in the aqueous phase. This method was able to detect a minimum of 103 spores ml1, corresponding to 0.0144 ng µl1 of DNA. Specificity was tested against Aspergillus fumigatus and Pseudallescheria boydii.(AU)
A introdução de biodiesel ao diesel pode permitir que o combustível se torne mais suscetível ao crescimento de microorganismos, especialmente durante o armazenamento incorreto. Para analisar o efeito da adição de biodiesel em diesel puro no crescimento de Paecilomyces variotii, avaliou-se seu desenvolvimento em microcosmos contendo diesel puro (B0), mistura diesel/biodiesel (B7) e biodiesel puro (B100). Em microcosmos com meio mineral mínimo e B0, B7 ou B100, após 60 dias, a biomassa (peso seco) formada na interface óleo-agua com B7 e B100 foi significativamente maior quando comparada com a de B0. A análise de infravermelho mostrou redução da fração carbonila em B7 e B100, sugerindo a formação de compostos intermediários em B7. Para monitorar uma possível contaminação de tanque de armazenamento de combustível por P. variotii, amostras foram colhidas e analisadas por um teste de PCR específico para detecção de esporos deste fungo em fase aquosa. Este método foi capaz de detectar um mínimo de 103 esporos ml1, correspondente a 0.0144 ng µl1 de DNA. Especificidade foi testada contra Aspergillus fumigatus e Pseudallescheria boydii.(AU)
Biocombustíveis/microbiologia , Gasolina/microbiologia , Paecilomyces/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Glycine max/químicaResumo
Diesel oil biodegradation by different bacteria-yeast-rhamnolipids consortia was tested. Chromatographic analysis of post-biodegradation residue was completed with chemometric tools (ANOVA, and a novel ranking procedure based on the sum of ranking differences). These tools were used in the selection of the most effective systems. The best results of aliphatic fractions of diesel oil biodegradation were observed for a yeast consortia with Aeromonas hydrophila KR4. For these systems the positive effect of rhamnolipids on hydrocarbon biodegradation was observed. However, rhamnolipids addition did not always have a positive influence on the biodegradation process (e.g. in case of yeast consortia with Stenotrophomonas maltophila KR7). Moreover, particular differences in the degradation pattern were observed for lower and higher alkanes than in the case with C22. Normally, the best conditions for "lower" alkanes are Aeromonas hydrophila KR4 + emulsifier independently from yeasts and e.g. Pseudomonas stutzeri KR7 for C24 alkane.(AU)
Bactérias/metabolismo , Fungos/metabolismo , Gasolina , Glicolipídeos/metabolismo , Hidrocarbonetos/metabolismo , Consórcios Microbianos , Biotransformação , CromatografiaResumo
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effects of the water-soluble fraction of gasoline (WSFG) on the Neotropical freshwater fish Prochilodus lineatus. The WSFG was prepared by mixing gasoline in water (1:4) and animals were exposed for 6, 24 and 96h to 5% diluted WSFG or only to water. After exposure, blood was collected from the caudal vein and the gills were removed. The following parameters were analyzed: hematological (hemoglobin, hematocrit, number of red blood cells), osmo-ionic (plasma Na+, Cl- and K+ and plasma osmolarity), metabolic (total plasma proteins and glucose), endocrine (cortisol), density and distribution of chloride cells [CC] in the gills (immunohistochemistry), and branchial Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity. Hemolysis was found to occur after 96h exposure to WSFG, as indicated by the decrease in the hematological parameters analyzed, followed by an increase in plasma K+. Secondary stress response was revealed by the occurrence of hyperglycemia in the three periods of exposure, despite the absence of significant increases in the plasma cortisol. The exposure to WSFG also caused an increase in the quantity of CC and in plasma Na+, after 24h, as well as in the enzymatic activity of NKA and plasma osmolarity, after 24h and 96h. These results indicate that fish exposed to the WSFG showed physiological adjusts to maintain their osmotic balance. However, the increase in the quantity of CC in the lamellae may interfere in the gas exchange impairing respiration.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da fração solúvel da gasolina (FSG) em Prochilodus lineatus. A FSG foi preparada misturando-se a gasolina à água (1:4) e os animais foram expostos por 6, 24 e 96h à FSG diluída 5% ou apenas à água. Após a exposição, o sangue foi coletado pela veia caudal e as brânquias foram retiradas. Os seguintes parâmetros foram analisados: hematológicos (hemoglobina, hematócrito, quantidade de células vermelhas), osmo-iônicos (concentrações plasmáticas de Na+, Cl-, K+ e osmolaridade), metabólicos (concentrações plasmáticas de proteínas totais e glicose), endócrino (cortisol plasmático), densidade e distribuição de células-cloreto [CC] nas brânquias (imunohistoquímica) e a atividade da enzima Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) branquial. Hemólise foi observada após 96h de exposição à FSG, indicada pela diminuição dos parâmetros hematológicos analisados, seguido pelo aumento do K+ plasmático. Houve resposta secundária de estresse visualizada pela ocorrência da hiperglicemia nos três tempos de exposição, apesar da ausência de diferenças significativas na concentração plasmática do cortisol. A exposição à FSG também provocou aumento na quantidade das CC e na concentração de Na+, após 24h, e na atividade enzimática da NKA e osmolaridade, após 24h e 96h. Esses resultados indicam que peixes expostos à FSG apresentaram ajustes fisiológicos para manter o equilíbrio osmótico. Entretanto, o aumento na quantidade de CC nas lamelas pode ter interferido nas trocas gasosas prejudicando a respiração.(AU)