Background: Aural or auricular hematoma is an important and prevalent surgical condition in small animals practice, and commonly reported in companion pets. The condition is characterized by blood accumulation between the pinnae's dermal surface and the underlying perichondrium. In farm animals, most cases present surgical treatment with drainage of serosanguineous fluid from acute cases with clinical evolution ranging from 1 to 5 days. Therefore, the present work reports the clinical features, surgical treatment and outcome of aural hematomas in 3 small ruminants with a chronic evolution (7 to 20 days), detailing the post-surgical complications, such as wound infection and recurrence, and final cosmetic appearance of the pinnae. Cases: Upon physical examination, all animals were alert and presenting a good body condition score. Clinical alteration was restricted to a bilateral (Case 1) or unilateral (Cases 2 & 3) painless, and fluid-filled swelling, presenting doughy consistency masses within the fluid during pinna manipulation. The fluid-filled swellings were located on the concave (Case 1 - left ear & Case 2) and convex (Case 1 - right ear & Case 3) surface of the pinna. No primary pruritic disorders of the pinna were detected, and a diagnosis of traumatic aural hematoma was proposed. Due to the chronicity of the cases, surgical approach was advisable. The small ruminants underwent general anesthesia, and a linear incision over the skin overlying the hematoma was performed (Cases 1 & 2). After removal of blood and fibrin clots, the cavity was flushed and captonated size 0 nylon mattress sutures were performed on either side of the incision, in order to obliterate the dead space. Due to recurrence after 14 days, Case 2 was submitted to a modified surgical approach using a S-shaped incision combined to multiple drainage holes (MDH) using a disposable 6 mm biopsy punch. The same approach has performed in Case 3. Then, size 0 nylon mattress sutures followed by a tight protective pressure and absorbent bandage combined with an Elizabethan collar was applied. Postoperatively, Case 1 presented surgical site infection and the antibiotic was changed after bacterial culture and antibiogram results. Hospital discharge varied from 14 to 19 days' post-surgery. All animals presented some degree of ear retraction and a linear or S-shaped scar on the affected ear, but final cosmetic appearance was satisfactory to all owners. Discussion: Aural or auricular hematomas are a frequent disorder in dogs and cats clinical practice. In sheep, the few reported cases have been associated with pruritic disorders of the pinna, such as ticks infestation and sarcoptic mange. Whilst in goats, traumatic injuries, such as ear tagging and trauma from others goats, are considered the main cause, especially in breeds with pendulous ear. In our cases with chronic evolution (> 7 days), the most important clinical feature was the presence of doughy consistency masses within the fluid, suggesting matured blood and fibrin clots. A linear incision with captonated size 0 nylon mattress sutures was associated to post-surgical complications, such as wound infection and aural hematoma recurrence. Therefore, a S-shaped incision associated to creation of MDH, in order to achieve better drainage, was the chosen approach in the second surgery (Case 2) and on the subsequent patient (Case 3). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report using the MDH approach in farm animals, that appears to be an effective treatment for chronic aural hematomas in small ruminants.
Animais , Sucção/veterinária , Cabras , Ovinos , Orelha/patologia , Hematoma/veterinária , Biópsia por Agulha/veterináriaResumo
Background: Expanding chronic hematoma is a relatively common postoperative complication in humans, not in dogs, nevertheless, is important understand this condition because it may affect the animal's health. A hematoma could be formed within hours and usually stabilizes spontaneously with the reabsorption of its content. However, occasionally the hematoma slowly expands, becomes encapsulated and forms a mass, causing a chronic expanding hematoma. Possibly skin and adipose tissue are displaced secondary to trauma, causing the formation of blood-filled cysts surrounded by a fibrous capsule. The aim of this document is to present the first report of a postsurgical chronic expanding hematoma in dog. Case: A case of chronic expanding hematoma secondary to excision of recurrent myxoma in a bitch was described. Physical examination showed a hard, firm, non-mobile mass enclosed within the deep muscular layers. This mass was between the sternum and the cranial abdomen, similar to previous lesions excised by another veterinarian. Fine needle aspiration indicated the presence of blood. Radiology demonstrated that the bone-cartilage tissue was not involved. Due to the size of the mass, a skin stretching pre-suturing technique using self-adhesive tape was applied around the mass 48 h before surgery. The mass was removed with wide excision margins and portions of the affected muscles, but a large wound with great tension was created; consequently, a parallel to the wound incision and the thoraco-lumbar vertebrae was made. Six months after surgery, the animal presented recurrence of the same lesion, which was also removed. The bleeding times were within the normal range, but the animal was diagnosed with hyperadrenocorticism. After both surgeries histopathological exam revealed a hematoma, that had thrombosis and granulation tissue with fibrosis and severe panniculitis, in addition of multifocal, chronic, moderate lymphohistiocytic myositis; all these changes were compatible with a chronic expanding hematoma. Discussion: Chronic expanding hematoma is a mass that grows slowly secondary to hemorrhage and does not exhibit elements of malignancy. However, it can occasionally be confused for a soft-tissue neoplasm. It has been reported frequently in humans but not in small animals. The first case was reported in 2002: 5 puppies with a cervical hematoma classified as a chronic expanding hematoma was described. In addition, 3 cases were reported: 1 cat with perirenal chronic expanding hematoma; 1 bitch with intra-abdominal presentation, and 1 cat with this pathology on the right pelvic limb after an intramuscular injection. The etiology of chronic expansive hematoma is unidentified in dogs, nevertheless, it is stipulated that is not an inflammatory process as previously assumed, but rather a neoplastic process. As in other cases, it was difficult to determine the origin of the chronic expanding hematoma. The coagulation times and platelets count were within ranges. Similarly, it is very complicated to relate hyperadrenocorticism with chronic expanding hematoma because dogs with Cushing's disease generally present hypercoagulopathies. Myxomas are associated with endocrinopathies in humans and dogs, therefore, hyperadrenocorticism is possibly related with this neoplasia. Myxomas have an expansive growth pattern, contrasting with myxosarcomas, which are infiltrating; Although in the present case the skin mass appeared to be invasive, both macroscopical and histopathological appearance of it corresponded to a well-shaped capsule compatible with chronic expanding hematoma. In summary, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a post-surgical chronic expanding hematoma in a dog.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/veterinária , Hemorragia Pós-Operatória/complicações , Hematoma/veterinária , Mixoma/cirurgia , Mixoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: Otohematoma is common in dogs and is characterized by blood accumulation between the skin and cartilageof the outer ear. While the etiology is related to trauma, most cases have a predisposing condition. Treatment must drainthe hematoma and maintain appropriate skin apposition to the ear cartilage. Treatment can be surgical, but there are alsoconservative options such as puncture drainage, followed by intralesional injection of glucocorticoids. This alternativemethod is less invasive than surgery, with an equivalent success rate. This study aimed to describe intralesional injectionof corticosteroids for the treatment of dogs with otohematoma at a veterinary clinic.Materials, Methods & Results: Otohematoma was diagnosed and treated in 23 dogs (14 males and 9 females, weighing9.6 ± 2.7 kg) at a reference private veterinary clinic. The dogs were chemically restrained, and their ears were cleanedwith chlorhexidine. The lower face of each ear with otohematoma was then punctured with a needle coupled to a syringeto drain the liquid. Following drainage, the equipment was removed and the collected liquid volume was measured. A0.5 mg/kg dose of methylprednisolone acetate was prepared and diluted in saline (0.9% NaCl) to a volume equivalent to1/10 of the previously drained content volume from the otohematoma. The prepared solution was then injected into thedrained ear. Additionally, each patient was treated for the original cause of the otohematoma, according to conventionalprotocols. Eight animals (34.78%) had bilateral otohematoma and 15 (65.22%) presented with unilateral lesions. Leukocytosis was observed in most patients. Other laboratory alterations present in the studied dogs were thrombocytopenia,leukopenia, and anemia. Twenty (86.96%) patients presented with otitis externa. All patients were reassessed one weekafter the initial treatment, and 19 (82.60%) fully recovered. The remaining...
Animais , Cães , Cães/lesões , Drenagem/veterinária , Glucocorticoides/uso terapêutico , Hematoma/veterinária , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Escabiose/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Otite/veterináriaResumo
Background: Otohematoma is common in dogs and is characterized by blood accumulation between the skin and cartilageof the outer ear. While the etiology is related to trauma, most cases have a predisposing condition. Treatment must drainthe hematoma and maintain appropriate skin apposition to the ear cartilage. Treatment can be surgical, but there are alsoconservative options such as puncture drainage, followed by intralesional injection of glucocorticoids. This alternativemethod is less invasive than surgery, with an equivalent success rate. This study aimed to describe intralesional injectionof corticosteroids for the treatment of dogs with otohematoma at a veterinary clinic.Materials, Methods & Results: Otohematoma was diagnosed and treated in 23 dogs (14 males and 9 females, weighing9.6 ± 2.7 kg) at a reference private veterinary clinic. The dogs were chemically restrained, and their ears were cleanedwith chlorhexidine. The lower face of each ear with otohematoma was then punctured with a needle coupled to a syringeto drain the liquid. Following drainage, the equipment was removed and the collected liquid volume was measured. A0.5 mg/kg dose of methylprednisolone acetate was prepared and diluted in saline (0.9% NaCl) to a volume equivalent to1/10 of the previously drained content volume from the otohematoma. The prepared solution was then injected into thedrained ear. Additionally, each patient was treated for the original cause of the otohematoma, according to conventionalprotocols. Eight animals (34.78%) had bilateral otohematoma and 15 (65.22%) presented with unilateral lesions. Leukocytosis was observed in most patients. Other laboratory alterations present in the studied dogs were thrombocytopenia,leukopenia, and anemia. Twenty (86.96%) patients presented with otitis externa. All patients were reassessed one weekafter the initial treatment, and 19 (82.60%) fully recovered. The remaining...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/lesões , Hematoma/veterinária , Glucocorticoides/uso terapêutico , Drenagem/veterinária , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Escabiose/veterinária , Otite/veterináriaResumo
Food security is important, and is being increasingly focused on during animal production. In bovine carcasses, we can find hematomas that are the consequences of traumas caused by several factors. These cause the extravasation of blood from vessels, causing the blood to accumulate in muscular tissues, which can then serve as a substrate for bacterial proliferation. The objective of this study was to quantify the occurrence of hematomas in bovine carcasses and to determine their degree of severity, to measure the economic impact these hematomas can cause. The slaughter of 385 animals was monitored, and 56.88% showed some type of hematoma. In injured animals, there were a total of 427 lesions, with an average of 1.94 of injuries per animal. There was a total loss of 65.7 kg of meat, with following proportional distribution: 12.32% in the front room (8.1 kg), 33.18% near the ribs and the lumbar region (21.8 kg), and 54.49% (35.8 kg) in the hindquarter. The resulting economic loss was calculated to be a total of US$ 206.66 (R$ 817.93). We conclude that the occurrence of hematoma lesions in bovine carcasses from the north central mesoregion of Paraná is responsible for economic losses.
A segurança alimentar é importante e ganha a cada dia maior ênfase na produção animal. Nas carcaças bovinas, podemos encontrar hematomas que são consequências de traumas causados por diversos fatores, o que causa o extravasamento de sangue dos vasos, que acabam ficando contidos nos tecidos musculares, podendo servir de substrato para proliferação de bactérias. Objetivou-se quantificar a ocorrência de hematomas em carcaças bovinas e determinar o grau de severidade destes, a fim de mensurar o impacto econômico causado. Realizou-se o acompanhamento do abate de 385 animais e constatou-se que 56,88% apresentavam algum tipo de hematoma. Dentre os animais lesionados houve um total de 427 lesões, sendo em média 1,94 de lesões por animal. Perfazendo uma perda de 65,7 kg de carne no total, distribuídos em 12,32% no quarto dianteiro (8,1kg), 33,18% na região das costelas e lombar (21,8kg), e maior perda no quarto traseiro, sendo 54,49% (35,8 kg). O resultado econômico das perdas evidenciam um total de U$ 206,66 (R$ 817,93). Foi possível concluir que a ocorrência de lesões decorrentes de hematomas em carcaças bovinas provenientes da mesorregião norte central do Paraná é responsável por perdas econômicas.
Animais , Bovinos , Abastecimento de Alimentos/métodos , Carne/análise , Carne/economia , Hematoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: The equine paranasal sinus have a complex anatomy and large compartiments. For this reason, deseasesthat affect these structures may develop for long periods before the animal show any clinical signs, making it difficult tostablish a definitive diagnosis and institute an adequate treatment. Usually, maxillary hematomas reports come from progression of ethmoidal hematomas, and the descriptions of primary maxillary hematomas are rare. This study aims to reportthe clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of a case of a maxillary hematoma not associated with ethmoidal turbinates.Case: An 8-year-old male horse, Mangalarga Paulista, was referred to the Centro de Apoio ao Ensino e Pesquisa FMVZUSP with history of nasal bleeding for over a year. The animal presented deformity on the right side of the face, with significant volume increase on the maxillary bone region and dull sound at percussion, in addition to great painfull sensibilitywhen palpated. The right nare had no airflow, suggesting complete obstruction of the right nasal cavity. In order to betterevaluate, endoscopic and radiographic exams were performed. At the radiographic exam, in ventrodorsal projection, itwas observed an increase of volume and radiopacity, occupying the right antimer of the nasal cavity, with left nasal septum deviation. In the right dorsoventral oblique projection, it was observed the filling of the rostral and caudal maxillarysinus with the content radiopacity as previously described. At endoscopy exam of the right nasal cavity, it was observeda rounded greenish structure on the middle meatus The diagnosis of maxillary paranasal sinus cist was suggested andsurgical removal, through maxillary sinusotomy was recommended. During the surgical procedure...
Animais , Cavalos/cirurgia , Doenças dos Seios Paranasais/terapia , Doenças dos Seios Paranasais/veterinária , Hematoma/veterinária , Seio Maxilar/cirurgiaResumo
Background: The equine paranasal sinus have a complex anatomy and large compartiments. For this reason, deseasesthat affect these structures may develop for long periods before the animal show any clinical signs, making it difficult tostablish a definitive diagnosis and institute an adequate treatment. Usually, maxillary hematomas reports come from progression of ethmoidal hematomas, and the descriptions of primary maxillary hematomas are rare. This study aims to reportthe clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of a case of a maxillary hematoma not associated with ethmoidal turbinates.Case: An 8-year-old male horse, Mangalarga Paulista, was referred to the Centro de Apoio ao Ensino e Pesquisa FMVZUSP with history of nasal bleeding for over a year. The animal presented deformity on the right side of the face, with significant volume increase on the maxillary bone region and dull sound at percussion, in addition to great painfull sensibilitywhen palpated. The right nare had no airflow, suggesting complete obstruction of the right nasal cavity. In order to betterevaluate, endoscopic and radiographic exams were performed. At the radiographic exam, in ventrodorsal projection, itwas observed an increase of volume and radiopacity, occupying the right antimer of the nasal cavity, with left nasal septum deviation. In the right dorsoventral oblique projection, it was observed the filling of the rostral and caudal maxillarysinus with the content radiopacity as previously described. At endoscopy exam of the right nasal cavity, it was observeda rounded greenish structure on the middle meatus The diagnosis of maxillary paranasal sinus cist was suggested andsurgical removal, through maxillary sinusotomy was recommended. During the surgical procedure...(AU)
Animais , Hematoma/veterinária , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Doenças dos Seios Paranasais/terapia , Doenças dos Seios Paranasais/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgiaResumo
Food security is important, and is being increasingly focused on during animal production. In bovine carcasses, we can find hematomas that are the consequences of traumas caused by several factors. These cause the extravasation of blood from vessels, causing the blood to accumulate in muscular tissues, which can then serve as a substrate for bacterial proliferation. The objective of this study was to quantify the occurrence of hematomas in bovine carcasses and to determine their degree of severity, to measure the economic impact these hematomas can cause. The slaughter of 385 animals was monitored, and 56.88% showed some type of hematoma. In injured animals, there were a total of 427 lesions, with an average of 1.94 of injuries per animal. There was a total loss of 65.7 kg of meat, with following proportional distribution: 12.32% in the front room (8.1 kg), 33.18% near the ribs and the lumbar region (21.8 kg), and 54.49% (35.8 kg) in the hindquarter. The resulting economic loss was calculated to be a total of US$ 206.66 (R$ 817.93). We conclude that the occurrence of hematoma lesions in bovine carcasses from the north central mesoregion of Paraná is responsible for economic losses.(AU)
A segurança alimentar é importante e ganha a cada dia maior ênfase na produção animal. Nas carcaças bovinas, podemos encontrar hematomas que são consequências de traumas causados por diversos fatores, o que causa o extravasamento de sangue dos vasos, que acabam ficando contidos nos tecidos musculares, podendo servir de substrato para proliferação de bactérias. Objetivou-se quantificar a ocorrência de hematomas em carcaças bovinas e determinar o grau de severidade destes, a fim de mensurar o impacto econômico causado. Realizou-se o acompanhamento do abate de 385 animais e constatou-se que 56,88% apresentavam algum tipo de hematoma. Dentre os animais lesionados houve um total de 427 lesões, sendo em média 1,94 de lesões por animal. Perfazendo uma perda de 65,7 kg de carne no total, distribuídos em 12,32% no quarto dianteiro (8,1kg), 33,18% na região das costelas e lombar (21,8kg), e maior perda no quarto traseiro, sendo 54,49% (35,8 kg). O resultado econômico das perdas evidenciam um total de U$ 206,66 (R$ 817,93). Foi possível concluir que a ocorrência de lesões decorrentes de hematomas em carcaças bovinas provenientes da mesorregião norte central do Paraná é responsável por perdas econômicas.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Carne/análise , Carne/economia , Hematoma/veterinária , Abastecimento de Alimentos/métodosResumo
O período pré-abate tem início na propriedade no momento anterior ao embarque e segue até o momento da sangria do animal no frigorífico. Trata-se do período em que o animal é submetido a mais intensas condições de estresse físico, tais como: fome, sede, fadiga, alterações de temperatura e estresse psicológico devido sobretudo às novas condições e locais, as quais o animal não está adaptado. O manejo incorreto durante esse processo gera consequências diretas no produto final, como carne com características indesejadas, com aumento principalmente da incidência de hematomas nas carcaças. Durante a toalete da carcaça os hematomas provenientes tanto do manejo diário da fazenda, quanto os provenientes do manejo pré-abate são retirados, gerando assim um prejuízo financeiro para o proprietário. Esses hematomas são avaliados de diversas formas, mas principalmente através do tamanho, profundidade e cor, essas características podem indicar a causa e quando esse hematoma foi causado. A fim de melhorar o bem-estar dos animais e consequentemente melhorar a produção foram estipuladas as Cinco liberdades, que consistem em condições mínimas que os animais precisam ter acesso durante a sua criação. Em todas as etapas da criação preconiza-se o manejo adequado e calmo evitando maiores problemas na propriedade e principalmente mantendo um produto final de qualidade.(AU)
The pre-slaughter period starts in the property in the time prior to loadinguntilstunning at theslaughterhouse. Its the moment which the animal is subjected to greater physical stress conditions as: hunger, thirst, fatigue, temperature changes, and psychological stressdue to the new conditions in which the animal is being placed. The bad handling present during this process generates direct consequences on the final product, like meat with unwanted features, and principally increase the incidence of bruising in carcasses. During the housing toilet bruising from both the daily management of the farm, as those from the pre-slaughter management are removed, thus generating a financial loss for the owner. These bruises are evaluated in several ways, but primarily by the size, depth and color, these characteristics may indicate the cause bruising and when this was caused. In order to improve animal welfare and consequently improve production were set the "Five Freedoms", which consist of minimum conditions that the animals need for their creation. Em todas as etapas da criação preconiza-se o manejo adequado e calmo evitando maiores problemas na propriedade e principalmente mantendo um produto final de qualidade.(AU)
El período pre-sacrificio tiene inicio en la propiedad en el momento anterior al embarque hasta el momento de la sangría del animal en el frigorífico. Es el período en que el animal es sometido a más intensas condiciones de estrés físico como: hambre, sed, fatiga, alteraciones de temperatura, y estrés psicológico debido a las nuevas condiciones y locales en los que el animal no está adaptado. El manejo incorrecto durante este proceso genera consecuencias directas en el producto final, como carne con características no deseadas, y principalmente aumentan la incidencia de hematomas en las carcasas. Durante el tocador de la carcasa los hematomas provenientes tanto del manejo diario de la hacienda, como los provenientes del manejo pre-sacrificio son retirados, generando así un perjuicio financiero para el propietario. Estos hematomas se evalúan de diversas formas, pero principalmente a través del tamaño, la profundidad y el color, estas características pueden indicar la causa y cuando se ha causado ese hematoma. Con el fin de mejorar el bienestar de los animales y, por consiguiente, mejorar la producción, se establecieron las "Cinco libertades", que consisten en condiciones mínimas que los animales necesitan durante su creación. En todas las etapas de la creación se preconiza el manejo adecuado y tranquilo evitando mayores problemas en la propiedad y principalmente manteniendo un producto final de calidad.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Contusões/prevenção & controle , Contusões/veterinária , Carne/análise , Estresse Psicológico , Matadouros , Hematoma/veterinária , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodosResumo
O período pré-abate tem início na propriedade no momento anterior ao embarque e segue até o momento da sangria do animal no frigorífico. Trata-se do período em que o animal é submetido a mais intensas condições de estresse físico, tais como: fome, sede, fadiga, alterações de temperatura e estresse psicológico devido sobretudo às novas condições e locais, as quais o animal não está adaptado. O manejo incorreto durante esse processo gera consequências diretas no produto final, como carne com características indesejadas, com aumento principalmente da incidência de hematomas nas carcaças. Durante a toalete da carcaça os hematomas provenientes tanto do manejo diário da fazenda, quanto os provenientes do manejo pré-abate são retirados, gerando assim um prejuízo financeiro para o proprietário. Esses hematomas são avaliados de diversas formas, mas principalmente através do tamanho, profundidade e cor, essas características podem indicar a causa e quando esse hematoma foi causado. A fim de melhorar o bem-estar dos animais e consequentemente melhorar a produção foram estipuladas as Cinco liberdades, que consistem em condições mínimas que os animais precisam ter acesso durante a sua criação. Em todas as etapas da criação preconiza-se o manejo adequado e calmo evitando maiores problemas na propriedade e principalmente mantendo um produto final de qualidade.
The pre-slaughter period starts in the property in the time prior to loadinguntilstunning at theslaughterhouse. Its the moment which the animal is subjected to greater physical stress conditions as: hunger, thirst, fatigue, temperature changes, and psychological stressdue to the new conditions in which the animal is being placed. The bad handling present during this process generates direct consequences on the final product, like meat with unwanted features, and principally increase the incidence of bruising in carcasses. During the housing toilet bruising from both the daily management of the farm, as those from the pre-slaughter management are removed, thus generating a financial loss for the owner. These bruises are evaluated in several ways, but primarily by the size, depth and color, these characteristics may indicate the cause bruising and when this was caused. In order to improve animal welfare and consequently improve production were set the "Five Freedoms", which consist of minimum conditions that the animals need for their creation. Em todas as etapas da criação preconiza-se o manejo adequado e calmo evitando maiores problemas na propriedade e principalmente mantendo um produto final de qualidade.
El período pre-sacrificio tiene inicio en la propiedad en el momento anterior al embarque hasta el momento de la sangría del animal en el frigorífico. Es el período en que el animal es sometido a más intensas condiciones de estrés físico como: hambre, sed, fatiga, alteraciones de temperatura, y estrés psicológico debido a las nuevas condiciones y locales en los que el animal no está adaptado. El manejo incorrecto durante este proceso genera consecuencias directas en el producto final, como carne con características no deseadas, y principalmente aumentan la incidencia de hematomas en las carcasas. Durante el tocador de la carcasa los hematomas provenientes tanto del manejo diario de la hacienda, como los provenientes del manejo pre-sacrificio son retirados, generando así un perjuicio financiero para el propietario. Estos hematomas se evalúan de diversas formas, pero principalmente a través del tamaño, la profundidad y el color, estas características pueden indicar la causa y cuando se ha causado ese hematoma. Con el fin de mejorar el bienestar de los animales y, por consiguiente, mejorar la producción, se establecieron las "Cinco libertades", que consisten en condiciones mínimas que los animales necesitan durante su creación. En todas las etapas de la creación se preconiza el manejo adecuado y tranquilo evitando mayores problemas en la propiedad y principalmente manteniendo un producto final de calidad.
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Carne/análise , Contusões/prevenção & controle , Contusões/veterinária , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Estresse Psicológico , Hematoma/veterinária , MatadourosResumo
Background: Otohematoma or aural hematoma in dogs is blood pooling within the ear cartilage plate, and stems from several causes (ear infections, ectoparasites and others). The formation of hematoma is by vascular injury, causing bleeding, generated by self-injury. This disease occurs especially in dogs of pendulous ears, and the concave surface of the ear is considered as the most frequent. The therapy to correct the lesion can be a clinical procedure; however, surgical drainage is the treatment of choice. This work aims to record the epidemiological aspects related to aural hematoma in dogs, as well as classify such patients as to the physical condition and anesthetic risk. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty five dogs with aural hematoma submitted to surgical procedure were followed. During the data collection period (seven months), surgery to correct aural hematoma represented 19% of surgeries performed in dogs (total of surgeries: 474). The percentage of canine breeds affected was: mixed breed (64%; 16/25), german shepherd (24%; 6/25), labrador (4%; 1/25), waimaraner (4%; 1/25) and daschund (4%; 1/25). Most occurrences were observed in females aged 3-12 years. Most of the animals showed only one pina affected (96%; 24/25), and 52% (13/25) had hematoma in the right and 44% (11/25) in the left ear. Some of the patients had no hematologic abnormalities (48%; 12/25) [...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Orelha/lesões , Hematoma/veterinária , Hematoma , Anestesia/veterinária , Drenagem/veterinária , Otite Externa/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Trombocitopenia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Otohematoma or aural hematoma in dogs is blood pooling within the ear cartilage plate, and stems from several causes (ear infections, ectoparasites and others). The formation of hematoma is by vascular injury, causing bleeding, generated by self-injury. This disease occurs especially in dogs of pendulous ears, and the concave surface of the ear is considered as the most frequent. The therapy to correct the lesion can be a clinical procedure; however, surgical drainage is the treatment of choice. This work aims to record the epidemiological aspects related to aural hematoma in dogs, as well as classify such patients as to the physical condition and anesthetic risk. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty five dogs with aural hematoma submitted to surgical procedure were followed. During the data collection period (seven months), surgery to correct aural hematoma represented 19% of surgeries performed in dogs (total of surgeries: 474). The percentage of canine breeds affected was: mixed breed (64%; 16/25), german shepherd (24%; 6/25), labrador (4%; 1/25), waimaraner (4%; 1/25) and daschund (4%; 1/25). Most occurrences were observed in females aged 3-12 years. Most of the animals showed only one pina affected (96%; 24/25), and 52% (13/25) had hematoma in the right and 44% (11/25) in the left ear. Some of the patients had no hematologic abnormalities (48%; 12/25) [...]
Animais , Cães , Anestesia/veterinária , Drenagem/veterinária , Hematoma , Hematoma/veterinária , Orelha/lesões , Anemia/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Otite Externa/veterinária , Trombocitopenia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The distance traveled by trucks carrying cattle from farm to slaughterhouse can affect the resultant qualityof beef due to the occurrence of injuries en route. The types of injuries that can occur vary according to the depth, size,location, and quantity of the injuries. Staining can be used to determine the age of the lesions and estimate the time whenthe injury occurred, thereby providing information that can be used to make changes in the trucking of cattle in order todecrease or eliminate the injuries. The effects associated with three transportation distances when hauling 20 cows perlivestock truck were investigated. The collected data focused on the age, depth, size, quantity, and location of bruises foundon beef carcasses slaughtered in the mesoregion of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba, Brazil, in January of 2012.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 320 cows were randomly divided into three groups according to the distancetraveled via livestock truck from the farm to the slaughterhouse. Each truck carried 20 cows. In groups A (n = 140), B (n= 40), and C (n = 140), the cattle traveled 50 to 60 km, 90 to 110 km, and 140 to 166 km, respectively. Any extant contusions were visually observed on the production line after skinning, and relevant data were recorded using the respectiveanimals identifi cation tag as the identifi er and analyzed. Of the 320 animals analyzed, 285 (89.06%) had one or morelesions (i.e., a total of 682 bruises in the entire sample), which is consistent with the results of similar studies found inthe literature. Distances did not statistically infl uence the amount of bruising. For all distance conditions, the anatomicalsite on the cow with the highest incidence of injuries was the hindquarter (71.41%), and the lowest incidence was the loin(4.55%). No association between distance and location of bruises was observed. For all groups, a majority (48.09%) of...(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Hematoma/diagnóstico , Hematoma/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/etiologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Transporte de Produtos , Inspeção SanitáriaResumo
Background: The distance traveled by trucks carrying cattle from farm to slaughterhouse can affect the resultant qualityof beef due to the occurrence of injuries en route. The types of injuries that can occur vary according to the depth, size,location, and quantity of the injuries. Staining can be used to determine the age of the lesions and estimate the time whenthe injury occurred, thereby providing information that can be used to make changes in the trucking of cattle in order todecrease or eliminate the injuries. The effects associated with three transportation distances when hauling 20 cows perlivestock truck were investigated. The collected data focused on the age, depth, size, quantity, and location of bruises foundon beef carcasses slaughtered in the mesoregion of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba, Brazil, in January of 2012.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 320 cows were randomly divided into three groups according to the distancetraveled via livestock truck from the farm to the slaughterhouse. Each truck carried 20 cows. In groups A (n = 140), B (n= 40), and C (n = 140), the cattle traveled 50 to 60 km, 90 to 110 km, and 140 to 166 km, respectively. Any extant contusions were visually observed on the production line after skinning, and relevant data were recorded using the respectiveanimals identifi cation tag as the identifi er and analyzed. Of the 320 animals analyzed, 285 (89.06%) had one or morelesions (i.e., a total of 682 bruises in the entire sample), which is consistent with the results of similar studies found inthe literature. Distances did not statistically infl uence the amount of bruising. For all distance conditions, the anatomicalsite on the cow with the highest incidence of injuries was the hindquarter (71.41%), and the lowest incidence was the loin(4.55%). No association between distance and location of bruises was observed. For all groups, a majority (48.09%) of...
Animais , Bovinos , Ferimentos e Lesões/etiologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Hematoma/diagnóstico , Hematoma/veterinária , Transporte de Produtos , Inspeção SanitáriaResumo
This study aimed to determine the occurrence of beef cattle carcasses bruises on transported by two distances and slaughtered in northern Mato Grosso State. In total, 624 male animals were evaluated 30 to 36 months come from varying distances to slaughterhouse, with 352 animals originating from within 200km and 272 animals above 200km. To review the injuries on carcasses, followed the criteria described by AUS -MEAT (2005), the lesions were classified according to their location in the carcass (forequarter, spare ribs and hindquarter). The relationship of lesions per group increased with greater distance of transport, being 43.75% and 95.58% of animals with carcass bruised, respectively, to less and more than 200km of trip. When analyzed the region of the hematoma, observed 7.6 e 17.6 carcass bruises in the forequarter regions (P = 0.035) and 30,6 e 101,0 in the hindquarter regions (P = 0.009) to near and longer distance, respectively. It is concluded that the transport distance to slaughter increases the number of carcass bruises, mainly, in the hindquarter.(AU)
O objetivo foi determinar a ocorrência de hematomas em carcaças de bovinos transportados por duas distâncias e abatidos no norte do estado do Mato Grosso. Foram avaliados 624 bovinos machos de 30 a 36 meses oriundos de distâncias variadas até o frigorífico, sendo 352 animais oriundos de distâncias menores que 200km e 272 animais transportados por mais de 200km. Para avaliação dos hematomas nas carcaças, seguiu-se o critério descrito pela AUS-MEAT (2005), sendo as lesões classificadas de acordo com a sua localização na carcaça (traseiro, dianteiro ou costado). A relação de hematomas por grupo aumentou com a maior distância de transporte, sendo 43,75% e 95.58% de animais com hematomas para distâncias menores e maiores que 200 km, respectivamente. Quando analisada a região do hematoma, verificou-se 7,6 e 17,6 observações na região do dianteiro (P= 0,035) e 30,6 e 101,0 observações na região do traseiro (P=0,009) para distâncias menores e maiores que 200km, respectivamente. Portanto, a distância do transporte de bovinos até o abate teve influência sobre a quantidade de hematomas apresentados, principalmente na região do traseiro.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Carne/efeitos adversos , Carne/análise , Hematoma/veterinária , Bem-Estar do Animal , Bovinos/anormalidadesResumo
This study aimed to determine the occurrence of beef cattle carcasses bruises on transported by two distances and slaughtered in northern Mato Grosso State. In total, 624 male animals were evaluated 30 to 36 months come from varying distances to slaughterhouse, with 352 animals originating from within 200km and 272 animals above 200km. To review the injuries on carcasses, followed the criteria described by AUS -MEAT (2005), the lesions were classified according to their location in the carcass (forequarter, spare ribs and hindquarter). The relationship of lesions per group increased with greater distance of transport, being 43.75% and 95.58% of animals with carcass bruised, respectively, to less and more than 200km of trip. When analyzed the region of the hematoma, observed 7.6 e 17.6 carcass bruises in the forequarter regions (P = 0.035) and 30,6 e 101,0 in the hindquarter regions (P = 0.009) to near and longer distance, respectively. It is concluded that the transport distance to slaughter increases the number of carcass bruises, mainly, in the hindquarter.
O objetivo foi determinar a ocorrência de hematomas em carcaças de bovinos transportados por duas distâncias e abatidos no norte do estado do Mato Grosso. Foram avaliados 624 bovinos machos de 30 a 36 meses oriundos de distâncias variadas até o frigorífico, sendo 352 animais oriundos de distâncias menores que 200km e 272 animais transportados por mais de 200km. Para avaliação dos hematomas nas carcaças, seguiu-se o critério descrito pela AUS-MEAT (2005), sendo as lesões classificadas de acordo com a sua localização na carcaça (traseiro, dianteiro ou costado). A relação de hematomas por grupo aumentou com a maior distância de transporte, sendo 43,75% e 95.58% de animais com hematomas para distâncias menores e maiores que 200 km, respectivamente. Quando analisada a região do hematoma, verificou-se 7,6 e 17,6 observações na região do dianteiro (P= 0,035) e 30,6 e 101,0 observações na região do traseiro (P=0,009) para distâncias menores e maiores que 200km, respectivamente. Portanto, a distância do transporte de bovinos até o abate teve influência sobre a quantidade de hematomas apresentados, principalmente na região do traseiro.
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Carne/análise , Carne/efeitos adversos , Hematoma/veterinária , Bovinos/anormalidadesResumo
Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar o bem-estar e taxa de hematomas de 3.415 bovinos nelore, transportados em diferentes tipos de caminhão (tipo truck, tipo carreta baixa, e tipo carreta double deck) e distâncias de transporte. Os animais transportados pela carreta double deck e tipo baixa apresentaram, no desembarque, maior incidência de quedas (77,52ª; 75,31ª) comparativamente aos caminhões truck (49,09b). Maior incidência de escorregões (95,78ª), vocalizações (82,9ª); utilização de ponteiras elétricas (96,06ª) e batidas em objetos fixos (88,74ª) também foram observadas em animais transportados pela double deck, comparativamente, a carreta tipo baixa e caminhão tipo truck. No segundo experimento, 120 bovinos nelore foram transportados nos mesmos caminhões, pelo mesmo matadouro-frigorífico, porém em duas distância de transporte diferentes (acima de 180km e abaixo de 130km). Observou-se maior incidência de hematomas nas carcaças de bovinos transportados pela carreta tipo double deck em ambas as distâncias (1,09ª; 1,02b) se comparada aos outros tratamentos, assim como maior ocorrência de lesões (1,81ª; 1,65ab). Utilizou-se o teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis a 5% de significância em delineamento inteiramente casualizado.(AU)
The welfare, bruising incidence of 3,415 Nelore cattle transported on different types of truck (simple truck, trailer truck, and double-deck trailer) and transport distance was evaluated. Animals transported by double deck and trailer showed a higher incidence of falls (77.52ª; 75.31ª) compared to simple trucks (49.09b). Higher incidence of slips (95.78ª), vocalizations (82.9ª), use of electrical probes (96.06ª) and crashing into fixed objects (88.74ª) were also observed in animals transported by double deck in comparison to the trailer and simple truck. In the second experiment, 120 Nelore beef cattle were transported using the same trucks in the same slaughterhouse but in two different transport distance (over 180km and below 130km). Was observed a higher incidence of bruising on carcasses of cattle transported by double deck truck in both distances (1.09ª, 1.02b) in comparison to the others treatments, as well as greater extent of lesions (1.81ª, 1.65b). Was used the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance in a randomized design.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Hematoma/veterinária , Estresse PsicológicoResumo
Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar o bem-estar e taxa de hematomas de 3.415 bovinos nelore, transportados em diferentes tipos de caminhão (tipo truck, tipo carreta baixa, e tipo carreta double deck) e distâncias de transporte. Os animais transportados pela carreta double deck e tipo baixa apresentaram, no desembarque, maior incidência de quedas (77,52ª; 75,31ª) comparativamente aos caminhões truck (49,09b). Maior incidência de escorregões (95,78ª), vocalizações (82,9ª); utilização de ponteiras elétricas (96,06ª) e batidas em objetos fixos (88,74ª) também foram observadas em animais transportados pela double deck, comparativamente, a carreta tipo baixa e caminhão tipo truck. No segundo experimento, 120 bovinos nelore foram transportados nos mesmos caminhões, pelo mesmo matadouro-frigorífico, porém em duas distância de transporte diferentes (acima de 180km e abaixo de 130km). Observou-se maior incidência de hematomas nas carcaças de bovinos transportados pela carreta tipo double deck em ambas as distâncias (1,09ª; 1,02b) se comparada aos outros tratamentos, assim como maior ocorrência de lesões (1,81ª; 1,65ab). Utilizou-se o teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis a 5% de significância em delineamento inteiramente casualizado.
The welfare, bruising incidence of 3,415 Nelore cattle transported on different types of truck (simple truck, trailer truck, and double-deck trailer) and transport distance was evaluated. Animals transported by double deck and trailer showed a higher incidence of falls (77.52ª; 75.31ª) compared to simple trucks (49.09b). Higher incidence of slips (95.78ª), vocalizations (82.9ª), use of electrical probes (96.06ª) and crashing into fixed objects (88.74ª) were also observed in animals transported by double deck in comparison to the trailer and simple truck. In the second experiment, 120 Nelore beef cattle were transported using the same trucks in the same slaughterhouse but in two different transport distance (over 180km and below 130km). Was observed a higher incidence of bruising on carcasses of cattle transported by double deck truck in both distances (1.09ª, 1.02b) in comparison to the others treatments, as well as greater extent of lesions (1.81ª, 1.65b). Was used the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance in a randomized design.
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Estresse Psicológico , Hematoma/veterináriaResumo
O otohematoma canino é um caso clínico comum na rotina da clínica médica de pequenos animais. Os principais fatores predisponentes correspondem a raça, sexo, idade, anatomia do pavilhão auricular e presença de outras afecções concomitantes. O presente trabalho objetivou a caracterização epidemiológica do hematoma auricular na espécie canina. Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo utilizando os dados recolhidos das fichas clínicas de 55 cães com otohematoma, atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Piauí, no período compreendido entre janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2008. O sexo masculino foi o mais acometido, com 62% dos casos. A faixa etária de maior representação variou de 7 a 8 anos de idade (29%). Os animais Sem Raça Definida possuíram destaque em relação à frequência de otoematoma (41%), seguindo-se dos indivíduos da raça Pastor Alemão (34%) e Fila Brasileiro (5%). A maioria dos pacientes apresentou um peso corporal superior a 20 Kg (71%). Os resultados obtidos sugeriram que o hematoma auricular canino apresentou alguns fatores de risco, como a idade adulta e o porte elevado do animal.
The otohematoma canine is a common clinical case in routine clinical care of small animals. The main predisposing factors correspond to race, sex, age, anatomy of the ear and the presence of other concomitant conditions. This study aimed to characterize the epidemiological auricular hematoma in dogs. We conducted a retrospective study using data collected from the medical records of 55 dogs with otohematoma treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí, in the period from January 2007 to December 2008. The male was the most affected, with 62% of cases. The age group most represented ranged from 7 to 8 years of age (29%). The animals possessed undefined breed featured in the frequency of otohematoma (41%), followed by the German Shepherd individuals (34%) and Fila (5%). Most patients showed a body weight above 20 kg (71%). The results suggest that the canine auricular hematoma presented some risk factors, such as age and size large adult animal.
Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Orelha Externa/anormalidades , Hematoma/veterinária , Hospitais VeterináriosResumo
A erliquiose é uma das doenças infecciosas mais importantes em nosso meio devido a ampla disseminação do seu vetor Rhipicephalus sanguineus, que transmite a Ricketsia Erlichia spp. A E. canis é o agente mais comum e o que causa a doença clínica mais grave. Um Shih-Tzu foi encaminhado para uma clínica particular com histórico de erliquiose com presença de lesões cutâneas. O exame físico evidenciou, na inspeção cutânea presença de petéquias e equimoses na região do abdômen juntamente com lesões hemorrágicas na região do dorso, com prurido discreto. Baseado nos sinais clínicos, achados hematológicos, e como exame complementar o PCR revelou-se positivo para E.canis no cão, o que foi compatível com diagnóstico de erliquiose associada a púrpura devido a trombocitopatia. A terapia medicamentosa com Prednisolona, Acetato de Hidrocortisona colaborou com a melhora das lesões dermatológicas, e o uso da Doxiciclina para E. canis resultou em uma efetiva melhora.(AU)
The ehrlichiosis is one of the most important infectious diseases in our country because of the wide spread of its vector Rhipicephalus sanguineus, which transmits the Ricketsia Ehrlichia spp. The E. canis is the most common agent and which causes the most severe clinical disease. A Shih-Tzu was referred to a private clinic with ehrlichiosis history with presence of skin lesions. Physical examination revealed in skin inspection presence of petechiae and bruises in the abdomen with hemorrhagic lesions in the dorsal region, with discreet pruritus. Based on clinical signs, haematological findings, to complement the PCR test was positive for E.canis the dog, which was compatible with a diagnosis of Ehrlichiosis associated with purpura due thrombocytopathie. Drug therapy with prednisolone, hydrocortisone acetate collaborated with the improvement of dermatological lesions, and the use of Doxycycline for E. canis resulted in an effective improvement.(AU)
La ehrlichiosis es una de las enfermedades infecciosas más importantes en nuestro país debido a la amplia difusión de su vector Rhipicephalus sanguineus, que transmite la Ricketsia Ehrlichia spp. La E. canis es el agente más común y la que causa la enfermedad clínica más severa. Un Shih-Tzu fue remitido a una clínica privada con la historia Ehrlichiosis con presencia de lesiones en la piel. El examen físico revela en la piel presencia inspección de petequias y hematomas en el abdomen con lesiones hemorrágicas en la región dorsal, com prurito discreto. Con base en los signos clínicos, hallazgos hematológicos, para complementar la prueba de PCR fue positivo para E. canis el perro, que era compatible con el diagnóstico de ehrlichiosis asociado com púrpura debido trombocitopatía. La terapia con medicamentos con prednisolona, acetato de hidrocortisona colaboró con la mejora de la lesiones dermatológicas, y el uso de doxiciclina para E. canis resultó en una mejora efectiva.(AU)