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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e244977, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285621


Abstract Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the serious global public health burden of liver disease. Approximately 170 million people in the world are infected with (HCV). In Pakistan, where the disease has high occurrence rate. The present study envisages an up-to-date prevalence of HCV and genotypic distribution in the general population of Mardan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. The blood samples from 6,538 individuals including 3,263 males and 3,275 females were analyzed for hepatitis C surface antigen by Immuno-chromatographic test (ICT), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was found that 396 (12.13%) out of 3263 individuals contained antibodies in their blood against HCV, while among the different age groups, the highest incidences of HCV antibodies were found in the 31-40 age group (11.01%). The ICT positive samples were further screened by nested PCR to determine the existence of active HCV-RNA. It was identified that 7.11% (3263) of the total population (6538) tested was positive, among which the 461 (14.07%) females possessed antibodies in their blood against HCV. Our data showed total HCV infection in the investigated population was 5.78%. Higher percentage of HCV prevalence was detected in males than females in the age group 31-40 and 41-50. To compare the prevalence of HCV genotypes age-wise in male and female genotype 3a was found most prevalent genotype followed by 1a, 2a and 3b, respectively.

Resumo O vírus da hepatite C (HCV) é o grave problema de saúde pública das doenças hepáticas. Aproximadamente 170 milhões de pessoas no mundo estão infectadas com HCV; no Paquistão, a doença tem alto índice de ocorrência. O presente estudo prevê uma prevalência atualizada do HCV e distribuição genotípica na população geral do distrito de Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Paquistão. As amostras de sangue de 6.538 indivíduos, incluindo 3.263 homens e 3.275 mulheres, foram analisadas para o antígeno de superfície da hepatite C por teste imunocromatográfico (ICT), ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) e reação em cadeia da polimerase de transcrição reversa (PCR). Verificou-se que 396 (12,13%) de 3.263 indivíduos continham anticorpos no sangue contra o HCV, enquanto entre as diferentes faixas etárias as maiores incidências de anticorpos anti-HCV foram encontradas na faixa etária de 31 a 40 anos (11,01%). As amostras positivas para ICT foram posteriormente rastreadas por nested PCR para determinar a existência de HCV-RNA ativo. Identificou-se que 7,11% (3.263) do total da população (6.538) testada foram positivos, dentre os quais 461 (14,07%) mulheres possuíam anticorpos no sangue contra o HCV. Nossos dados mostraram que a infecção total pelo HCV na população investigada foi de 5,78%. Maior porcentagem de prevalência de HCV foi detectada em homens do que em mulheres nas faixas etárias de 31-40 e 41-50. Para comparar a prevalência de genótipos de HCV com relação à idade no genótipo masculino e feminino 3a foi encontrado o genótipo mais prevalente seguido por 1a, 2a e 3b, respectivamente.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Hepacivirus/genética , Paquistão/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Genótipo
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e267641, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439642


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes vary greatly in different regions. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of HCV genotypes in HCV infected patients, in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Nucleic acid extraction and amplification were performed with test kits on 153 HCV infected patients serum samples. The HCV viral load was measured using reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) and HCV genotypes were determined. Among the 153 HCV-infected patients, 56 had genotype (GT)1b (36.60%), 45 had GT2a (29.40%), 23 had GT3a (15.00%), 14 had GT3b (9.20%),13 had GT6a (8.50%), 1 had GT1g (0.70%), 1 had GT6xa (0.70%). In GT1b, 21.40% were female and 78.60% were male; in GT2a, 42.20% were female and 57.80% were male;Males were most prevalent in genotypes 1b(39.30%), while female were most prevalent in genotype 2a(46.30%). Rare GT1g and GT6xa were also detected in males. The 41-50 year age group had the highest HCV prevalence of 32.00%. HCV GT1b is the predominant HCV genotype in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Os genótipos do vírus da hepatite C (HCV) variam muito de acordo com a região. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a distribuição do genótipo do vírus da hepatite C em pessoas infectadas pelo vírus na região autônoma de Ningxia Hui. A extração de ácido nucleico e a expansão de amostras séricas em 153 pacientes infectados com HCV foram realizadas utilizando kits de ensaio. A capacidade do vírus HCV foi medida pela reação em cadeia da polimerase retrotranscrição (RT-PCR) e o genótipo HCV foi determinado. Os genótipos (Gt) tiveram a seguinte distribuição entre os 153 casos de infecção HCV: 56 Gt 1-B (36, 60%), 45 Gt 2-A (29, 40%), 23 Gt 3-A (15, 00%), 14 Gt 3-B (9, 20%), 13 Gt 6-A (8, 50%), 1 Gt 1-G (0, 70%) e 1 Gt 6-Xa (0, 70%). Já o sexo dos indivíduos teve a seguinte distribuição: Gt 1-B, 21, 40% mulheres e 78, 60% homens; Gt 2-A, 42, 20% mulheres e 57, 80% homens. A presença de homens é mais comum no genótipo 1-B (39, 30%), enquanto as mulheres ocorrem mais comumente no genótipo 2-A (46, 30%). Gt 1-G e Gt 6-Xa raros também foram detectados em homens. A taxa de infecção com HCV para grupos etários de 41 a 50 anos é a mais alta, com 32,00%. HCV Gt 1-B é o genótipo dominante do HCV na região autônoma de Ningxia Hui.

Variação Genética , Hepacivirus/genética , Genótipo
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e243283, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278505


Infectious agents cause serious diseases in humans worldwide and are responsible for the high rate of morbidity and mortality. The prevalence and epidemiology of infectious disease (HCV) in the hospital visited patients referred by the physicians through the initial findings and their associated risk factors were studied in Swat. The data of 174 infected patients were collected during the period of 2015 to 2017 from two clinical laboratories of Tehsil Matta Swat. Inform consent form was taken before blood collection. After taking informed consent blood samples were collected and ICT test was performed and then ICT positive cases were conform through PCR. A total of 174 ICT positive samples [106 male and 68 females] were included in this study. Age was considered from 10 to 72 years. Of the 174 ICT strip positive, 99 [63 males, 36 females] were confirmed through PCR. The prevalence rate was recorded 56.89%. I.V/I.M injection was recorded in 100% of the individuals. Visits to the barber shop was reported in (58%) of the individuals, married individuals were (81.0), surgical operation was reported in (44.8%), sharing toothbrush was observed in (29.9%), piercing was reported in (39.7%), family history was reported in (26.4%), dental treatment was observed in (21.8%), jaundice were (13.2%) and tattooing was (1.7%). Blood transfusion, surgical operations, Jaundice, family history and dental treatment were found significant risk factors for acquiring HCV infection. It was concluded that proper implementation of precautionary measures should be needed to control the spread of HCV in far near future.

Agentes infecciosos causam doenças graves em humanos em todo o mundo, e são responsáveis pelo alto índice de morbimortalidade. A prevalência e a epidemiologia das doenças infecciosas no hospital que atendeu pacientes encaminhados pelos médicos por meio dos achados iniciais e seus fatores de risco associados foram estudadas em Peshawar. Os dados de 174 pacientes infectados foram coletados durante o período de 2015 a 2017 oriundos de dois laboratórios clínicos de Tehsil Matta Swat. O formulário de consentimento informado foi obtido antes da coleta de sangue. Após a obtenção do consentimento informado, foram coletadas amostras de sangue e foi realizado o teste ICT e, em seguida, os casos ICT positivos foram confirmados por PCR. Um total de 174 amostras ICT positivas [106 homens e 68 mulheres] foi incluído neste estudo. A idade considerada foi de 10 a 72 anos. Das 174 tiras de ICT positivas, 99 casos [63 homens, 36 mulheres] foram confirmados por PCR. A taxa de prevalência foi de 56,89%. A injeção IV / IM foi registrada em 100% dos indivíduos. A visita à barbearia foi relatada em (58%) dos indivíduos, os números de casados foram (81,0%), e a operação cirúrgica foi relatada em (44,8%), o compartilhamento de escova de dente foi observado em (29,9%), o piercing foi relatado em (39,7%), antecedentes familiares foram relatados em (26,4%), tratamento odontológico em (21,8%), icterícia (13,2%) e tatuagem em (1,7%). Transfusão de sangue, operações cirúrgicas, icterícia, histórico familiar e tratamento odontológico foram fatores de risco significativos para adquirir infecção por Vírus da Hepatite C (VHC). Concluiu-se que a implementação adequada de medidas de precaução deve ser necessária para controlar a propagação do VHC em um futuro próximo.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Hepacivirus , Paquistão/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20200154, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1287093


Inflammation is closely related to renal diseases. This is particularly true for renal diseases caused by infections as in viral diseases. In this review, we highlight the inflammatory mechanisms that underlie kidney dysfunction in SARS-CoV-2, human immunodeficiency (HIV), hepatitis C (HCV), and hepatitis B (HBV) infections. The pathophysiology of renal involvement in COVID-19 is complex, but kidney damage is frequent, and the prognosis is worse when it happens. Virus-like particles were demonstrated mostly in renal tubular epithelial cells and podocytes, which suggest that SARS-CoV-2 directly affects the kidneys. SARS-CoV-2 uses the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor, which is found in endothelial cells, to infect the human host cells. Critical patients with SARS-CoV-2-associated acute kidney injury (AKI) show an increase in inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-8, IFN-γ, TNF-α), known as cytokine storm that favors renal dysfunction by causing intrarenal inflammation, increased vascular permeability, volume depletion, thromboembolic events in microvasculature and persistent local inflammation. Besides AKI, SARS-CoV-2 can also cause glomerular disease, as other viral infections such as in HIV, HBV and HCV. HIV-infected patients present chronic inflammation that can lead to a number of renal diseases. Proinflammatory cytokines and TNF-induced apoptosis are some of the underlying mechanisms that may explain the virus-induced renal diseases that are here reviewed.(AU)

Vírus da Hepatite B , HIV , Hepacivirus , COVID-19 , Glomerulonefrite , Inflamação , Nefropatias
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 27: e20200154, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31932


Inflammation is closely related to renal diseases. This is particularly true for renal diseases caused by infections as in viral diseases. In this review, we highlight the inflammatory mechanisms that underlie kidney dysfunction in SARS-CoV-2, human immunodeficiency (HIV), hepatitis C (HCV), and hepatitis B (HBV) infections. The pathophysiology of renal involvement in COVID-19 is complex, but kidney damage is frequent, and the prognosis is worse when it happens. Virus-like particles were demonstrated mostly in renal tubular epithelial cells and podocytes, which suggest that SARS-CoV-2 directly affects the kidneys. SARS-CoV-2 uses the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor, which is found in endothelial cells, to infect the human host cells. Critical patients with SARS-CoV-2-associated acute kidney injury (AKI) show an increase in inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-8, IFN-γ, TNF-α), known as cytokine storm that favors renal dysfunction by causing intrarenal inflammation, increased vascular permeability, volume depletion, thromboembolic events in microvasculature and persistent local inflammation. Besides AKI, SARS-CoV-2 can also cause glomerular disease, as other viral infections such as in HIV, HBV and HCV. HIV-infected patients present chronic inflammation that can lead to a number of renal diseases. Proinflammatory cytokines and TNF-induced apoptosis are some of the underlying mechanisms that may explain the virus-induced renal diseases that are here reviewed.(AU)

Vírus da Hepatite B , HIV , Hepacivirus , COVID-19 , Glomerulonefrite , Inflamação , Nefropatias
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 47(4): 980-986, Out-Dez. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23304


The presented study had two objectives. The first was to examine distributions of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) genotypes in Sindh, Pakistan, where HCV is prevalent. The other was to explore clinically relevant relationships between the genotypes, viral load (measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction assays) and biochemical markers. For this, 1471 HCV-infected patients in six cities in Sindh were recruited and sampled. HCV genotype distributions varied among the cities, but genotype 3a was most prevalent, followed by 3b, 1a and 1b (detected in 51.5, 22.7. 9.25 and 3.2% of the cases, respectively). No type-specific sequences were detected in serum samples from 189 (12.8%) of the 1471 patients. Frequencies of low ( 200,000 IU/mL serum), intermediate (200,000-600,000 IU/mL serum) and high (>600,000 IU/mL serum) viral loads were respectively 45.4, 16.5 and 38.1% for patients infected with genotype 3, and 16.9, 36.9 and 46.2%, respectively, for patients with other genotypes. Infection with genotype 1a was associated with significantly higher (p 0.005) alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase titers than infection with genotype 3a. The results will help in the formulation of treatment strategies.(AU)

Hepacivirus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Hepacivirus/genética , Carga Viral , Biomarcadores
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 46(2): 627-629, Apr.-Jun. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-481411


Although HCV has hepatic tropism, the presence of the virus in extra-hepatic compartments has been well documented. Platelets have been described as carriers of the virus in the circulation and may be a natural reservoir for the virus. However, few studies have been performed to evaluate the levels of HCV RNA in plasma and platelets are equal or differ in some way. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform a comparative evaluation of the stability of HCV RNA in plasma and isolated platelets. Four aliquots of whole plasma obtained from patients infected with HCV were incubated at 37 °C for 0, 48, 96 and 144 h. After incubation, the plasma and platelet pellet was obtained from each aliquot. Viral RNA in plasma and platelets was quantified by q-PCR. The results showed a decrease in HCV RNA levels in plasma with incubation time. However, platelet HCV RNA levels were stable up to 144 h incubation. The results of this study showed that HCV RNA in platelets, although at lower concentrations than in plasma, is preserved from degradation over time, suggesting that the virus may persist longer in the body when associated with platelets, which could have an impact on the efficiency of antiviral therapy.(AU)

Humanos , Plaquetas/virologia , Hepacivirus/genética , Hepatite C/virologia , RNA Viral/isolamento & purificação , Plasma/virologia , RNA Viral/sangue , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real
R. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 73(1): 106-112, jan.-mar. 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17041


The prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) among HIV-positive was determined in this investigation. The study was conducted at Emilio Carlos Hospital, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil. A retrospective study on clinical-laboratory, epidemiological and socio-demographic data of 600 patients treated at a teaching hospital of tertiary level was performed from January 2004 to December 2007. The prevalence of coinfection with HIV/HCV was 11.6 % (n = 70), predominantly in male patients (71.4 %) and mean age of 43.2 years, and 57.1 % of Caucasian ethnicity and low educational level (44.3 %). The transmission of HIV/ HCV by parenteral route in men, and by sexual contact in women was statistically significant (p = 0.0005). The use of injectable illicit drugs was also significant for males (p = 0.0208). The prevalence of HCV was 14.3 % for subtype 1a and 11.4 % for 3a subtype. Despite the prevalence of co-infection in the city of Catanduva be lower than the national average, this situation is still a major problem in this population, even with the availability of TARV, requiring strategies for its control and prevention by public health authorities.(AU)

Determinou-se a prevalência do vírus da hepatite C (HCV) em pacientes soropositivos para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV). O estudo foi realizado no Hospital Emílio Carlos, Catanduva, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foi efetuado estudo retrospectivo de dados clínico-laboratoriais, epidemiológicos e sociodemográficos de 600 pacientes atendidos em um hospital escola de nível terciário, no período de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2007. A prevalência de a coinfecção HIV/HCV foi de 11,6 % (n = 70), com predomínio no sexo masculino (71,4 %) e média de idade de 43,2 anos, sendo 57,1 % da etnia caucasóide e 44,3 % de baixo nível de escolaridade. A transmissão do HIV/HCV pela via parenteral nos homens e via sexual nas mulheres foi estatisticamente significante (p = 0,0005). O uso de drogas ilícitas injetáveis foi também significante para o sexo masculino (p = 0,0208). A prevalência do HCV foi de 14,3 % do subtipo 1a e 11,4 % do 3a. Apesar de a prevalência da coinfecção no município de Catanduva ser inferior à média nacional, esta situação é ainda um problema importante nesta população, mesmo com a disponibilidade da TARV, necessitando-se de estratégias de controle e prevenção pelas autoridades públicas de saúde.(AU)

Humanos , Coinfecção/epidemiologia , HIV , Hepacivirus , Genótipo , Hospitais
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 33(10): 1161-1173, Oct. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9975


The list of animal viruses has been frequently added of new members raising permanent concerns to virologists and veterinarians. The pathogenic potential and association with disease have been clearly demonstrated for some, but not for all of these emerging viruses. This review describes recent discoveries of animal viruses and their potential relevance for veterinary practice. Dogs were considered refractory to influenza viruses until 2004, when an influenza A virus subtype H3N8 was transmitted from horses and produced severe respiratory disease in racing greyhounds in Florida/USA. The novel virus, named canine influenza virus (CIV), is considered now a separate virus lineage and has spread among urban canine population in the USA. A new pestivirus (Flaviviridae), tentatively called HoBi-like pestivirus, was identified in 2004 in commercial fetal bovine serum from Brazil. Hobi-like viruses are genetically and antigenically related to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and induce similar clinical manifestations. These novel viruses seem to be widespread in Brazilian herds and have also been detected in Southeast Asia and Europe. In 2011, a novel mosquito-borne orthobunyavirus, named Schmallenberg virus (SBV), was associated with fever, drop in milk production, abortion and newborn malformation in cattle and sheep in Germany. Subsequently, the virus disseminated over several European countries and currently represents a real treat for animal health. [...] Finally, the long time and intensive search for animal relatives of human hepatitis C virus (HCV) has led to the identification of novel hepaciviruses in dogs (canine hepacivirus [CHV]), horses (non-primate hepaciviruses [NPHV] or Theiler's disease associated virus [TDAV]) and rodents. For these, a clear and definitive association with disease is still lacking and only time and investigation will tell whether they are real disease agents or simple spectators. (AU)

O número de vírus animais cresce continuamente, causando preocupação permanente a virologistas e veterinários. O potencial patogênico e associação com doença tem sido claramente demonstrado para alguns - mas não para todos - vírus emergentes. Esse artigo apresenta uma breve revisão das recentes descobertas de vírus animais e a sua potencial relevância para saúde animal. Cães eram considerados refratários aos vírus da influenza até 2004, quando um vírus influenza A subtipo H3N8 foi transmitido de equinos e causou doença respiratória severa em cães galgos na Flórida/EUA. O novo vírus, denominado vírus da influenza canina (CIV), agora considerado uma linhagem distinta do vírus da influenza equina, disseminou-se na população canina urbana dos EUA. Um novo Pestivirus (Flaviviridae) - provisoriamente denominado pestivírus Hobi-like - foi identificado em 2004 em soro fetal bovino importado do Brasil. Os vírus Hobi-like são genética e antigenicamente relacionados com o vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) e induzem manifestações clínicas semelhantes. A sua origem e distribuição são desconhecidas, mas estão aparentemente disseminados no rebanho brasileiro e já foram identificados no sudeste asiático e na Europa. Em 2011, um novo buniavírus transmitido por mosquitos, denominado vírus Schmallemberg (SBV), foi associado com febre, redução da produção de leite, abortos e malformações fetais em bovinos e ovinos da Alemanha. [...] Finalmente, a longa e intensiva busca por vírus animais relacionados ao vírus da hepatite C humana (HCV) tem levado a identificação de "novos" pestivírus em cães (canine hepacivirus [CHV]), equinos (hepacivirus de não-primatas [NPHV] ou vírus associado à doença de Theiler [TDAV]) e em roedores. Para estes, uma associação clara e definitiva com doença ainda não foi demonstrada e apenas tempo e investigação irão dizer se são patógenos reais ou apenas espectadores. (AU)

Animais , Doenças Transmissíveis Emergentes/veterinária , Seleção Genética/genética , Alphainfluenzavirus/genética , Pestivirus/genética , Orthobunyavirus/genética , Vírus da Hepatite E/genética , Gyrovirus/genética , Hepacivirus/genética
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 17(4): 467-472, 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-623510


Several antibodies, including anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), have been detected among chronically infected hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients. The present work aimed at ascertaining the clinical significance of ACA levels among HCV infection associated with two commonly encountered diseases, thrombocytopenia and arteriovenous-shunt malfunction. Six groups were studied, 11 HCV-positive thrombocytopenic patients (group I), 14 HCV-positive non-thrombocytopenic patients (group II) and 15 healthy controls (group III), 11 anti-HCV-positive hemodialysis patients with non-functioning shunt (group IV), 14 anti-HCV-positive hemodialysis patients with patent shunt (group V) (Bain Medical Equipment Co., China) and 15 healthy controls (group VI). Anticardiolipin antibody (ACA) assay was performed on all patients and controls whereas tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) assay was carried out on thrombocytopenic patients and controls. Thrombocytopenic groups presented an inverse correlation between IgG ACA levels and both thrombocytopenia and TNF-α levels. During the follow-up period, no other clinical manifestations related to ACA were developed. Hemodialysis groups showed a significant elevation in IgG ACA levels in groups IV and V compared to the controls, with statistically higher levels in group IV than group V. Three group IV patients were hypercholesterolemic. We can conclude that induction of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α by persistent HCV infection may promote the generation of ACA. Complications of HCV, including thrombocytopenia and thrombosis in arteriovenous shunt, are more strongly correlated with IgG ACA than with IgM ACA.(AU)

Técnicas Imunoenzimáticas , Anticorpos Anticardiolipina , Hepacivirus , Diálise Renal
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 17(3): 293-299, 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-4579


There is an interest in the use of IL-12 as a possible anti-cancer drug to induce immune responses and anti-IL-13 formulations to treat the undesirable effects of IL-13. Thus, the present study aimed at analyzing IL-12 and IL-13 profiles, viral hepatitis serology and blood cultures in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Forty individuals (20 without septicemia - Group A, and 20 with septicemia - Group B) and 20 healthy controls were evaluated. Hepatitis B virus antigens (HBsAg) and hepatitis C virus antibodies (HCV Ab) were quantified using commercial ELISA kits. IL-12 and IL-13 levels were estimated in culture supernatant of mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells by ELISA. Significantly low IL-12 values were observed among AML patients compared to controls whereas the opposite was observed regarding IL-13. IL-12 levels were found to be elevated in the follow-up cases. M4 and M5 subtypes of AML presented higher IL-12 levels than M1 and M2 subtypes. The isolated organisms from AML with septicemia were Staphylococcus aureus (35 percent), Esherichia coli (25 percent), coagulase-negative staphylococci (25 percent), and Candida (15 percent). Fungemia cases showed higher IL-12 values than bacteremia cases. In conclusion, IL-12 and IL-13 should be further tested in large-scale studies to provide future immunotherapy against AML.(AU)

Leucemia/metabolismo , Hepatite B , Hepatite C , Sorologia/classificação , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/métodos , Hepacivirus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-597221
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e271451, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439683


The national burden of HCV has significantly mounted over the period of last few decades placing Pakistan at the worst placement of second largest burden of HCV globally. Herein for the first time from Pakistan, we examined clinical correlation of potential biomarkers with HCV. Nation-wide study was conducted on 13,348 suspected HCV patients during 2018-2022. During pre-COVID-19 era of 2018-2019, prevalence of HCV remained 30%. During 2018, among HCV positive patients, 91% of ALT, 63% of AST, 67% of GGT, 28% of Bili T, 62% of HB, 15% of HBA1C, 25% of CREAT, 15% of PT, 15% of aPTT and 64% of AFP were abnormal. During 2019, among HCV infected 74.47% of ALT, 63.54% of AST, 70.24% of GGT, 24.71% of Bili T, 8.77% of HB and 75% of AFP were raised. CT/CAT scan revealed 4.65% liver complications (mild 13.04%, moderate 30.43% and severe 56.52%). During 2020, HCV prevalence remained 25%. 65.17% of ALT, 64.20% of AST, 68.75% of GGT, 31.25% of Bili T, 20.97% of HB, 4.65% of CREAT and 73.68% of AFP levels were raised. CAT analysis revealed liver complications among 4.41% (14.81% mild, 40.74% moderate, and 44.44% sever). 85.71% of participants diabetes was out of control. During 2021, HCV prevalence remained 27.1%. ALT (73.86%), AST (50.6%), GGT (67.95%), Bili T (28.21%), HB (20%), CREAT (5.8%) and AFP (82.14%) levels were abnormal. During 2022, the levels of ALT (56.06%), AST (56.36%), GGT (56.6%), Bili T (19.23%), HB (43.48%), HBA1C (14.81), CREAT (18.92%), AFP (93.75%) were abnormal. CAT analysis revealed 7.46% liver complications (25% mild, 30.36% moderate, and 42.86% sever). During 2021-2022, 83.33% of subject's diabetes was not controlled.

A carga nacional de HCV aumentou significativamente ao longo das últimas décadas, colocando o Paquistão na pior colocação da segunda maior carga de HCV globalmente. Pela primeira vez no Paquistão, examinamos a correlação clínica de potenciais biomarcadores com HCV. Um estudo nacional foi realizado com 13.348 pacientes suspeitos de HCV de 2018 a 2022. Durante a era pré-COVID-19 de 2018 a 2019, a prevalência do HCV permaneceu em 30%. Durante 2018, entre pacientes positivos para HCV, 91% de ALT, 63% de AST, 67% de GGT, 28% de Bili T, 62% de HB, 15% de HBA1C, 25% de CREAT, 15% de PT, 15% de aPTT e 64% de AFP eram anormais. Durante 2019, entre os infectados pelo HCV, 74,47% de ALT, 63,54% de AST, 70,24% de GGT, 24,71% de Bili T, 8,77% de HB e 75% de AFP foram elevados. A TC/TAC revelou 4,65% de complicações hepáticas (leve 13,04%, moderada 30,43% e grave 56,52%). Durante 2020, a prevalência do HCV permaneceu em 25%. 65,17% de ALT, 64,20% de AST, 68,75% de GGT, 31,25% de Bili T, 20,97% de HB, 4,65% de CREAT e 73,68% de AFP estavam elevados. A análise de TAC revelou complicações hepáticas em 4,41% (14,81% leves, 40,74% moderadas e 44,44% graves). 85,71% dos participantes o diabetes estava fora de controle. Durante 2021, a prevalência de HCV permaneceu em 27,1%. Os níveis de ALT (73,86%), AST (50,6%), GGT (67,95%), Bili T (28,21%), HB (20%), CREAT (5,8%) e AFP (82,14%) estavam anormais. Durante 2022, os níveis de ALT (56,06%), AST (56,36%), GGT (56,6%), Bili T (19,23%), HB (43,48%), HBA1C (14,81), CREAT (18,92%), AFP (93,75%) eram anormais. A análise de TAC revelou 7,46% de complicações hepáticas (25% leves, 30,36% moderadas e 42,86% severas). Durante 2021 e 2022, 83,33% do diabetes do sujeito não foi controlado.

Biomarcadores Tumorais , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Hepacivirus , COVID-19 , Paquistão