Hepatitis B virus infection is perilous among the five types of Hepatitis, as it remains clinically asymptomatic. The present study draws up-to-date prevalence of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the general population of Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The blood samples from 4803 individuals including 2399 male and 2404 females were investigated. All the suspected samples were analyzed for hepatitis B surface antigen using Immuno-chromatographic test (ICT), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and followed by Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results showed that 312 (13.00%) out of 2399 individuals contained antibodies in their blood against HBV, while among the different age groups, the highest incidences of HBV antibodies were found in the age of 21-30 groups (10.73%). Furthermore, the ICT positive samples were screened by nested polymerase chain reaction to detect the existence of active HBV-DNA. It was observed that 169 (7.04%) out of (2399) male of the total population (4803) tested was positive. On the other hand, the female 463 (19.25%) possessed antibodies in their blood against HBV. Accumulatively, our results showed a higher percentage of HBV prevalence in males than females in the age group 21-30 years. The total HCV infected in Mardan general population was recorded at 5.7% comprising both male and female.
A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B é perigosa entre os cinco tipos de hepatite, pois permanece clinicamente assintomática. O presente estudo traça a prevalência atualizada do vírus da hepatite B (HBV) na população geral de Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. Amostras de sangue de 4.803 indivíduos, incluindo 2.399 homens e 2.404 mulheres, foram investigadas. Todas as amostras suspeitas foram analisadas para o antígeno de superfície da hepatite B usando teste imunocromatográfico (ICT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), seguido por transcrição reversa-reação em cadeia da polimerase (RT-PCR). Os resultados mostraram que 312 (13,00%) de 2.399 indivíduos continham anticorpos no sangue contra o VHB, enquanto, entre as diferentes faixas etárias, as maiores incidências de anticorpos VHB foram encontradas nos grupos de 21 a 30 anos (10,73%). Além disso, amostras positivas para ICT foram rastreadas por reação em cadeia da polimerase aninhada para detectar a existência de HBV-DNA ativo. Observou-se que 169 (7,04%) de 2.399 homens do total da população (4803) testados foram positivos. Por outro lado, 463 mulheres (19,25%) possuíam anticorpos no sangue contra VHB. Acumulativamente, nossos resultados mostraram uma porcentagem maior de prevalência de HBV em homens do que em mulheres na faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos. O total de HCV infectados na população geral de Mardan foi registrado em 5,7%, incluindo homens e mulheres.
Humanos , Hepatite B/diagnóstico , Hepatite B/sangue , Hepatite B/virologia , Cromatografia de Afinidade , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Hepatitis B virus infection is perilous among the five types of Hepatitis, as it remains clinically asymptomatic. The present study draws up-to-date prevalence of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the general population of Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The blood samples from 4803 individuals including 2399 male and 2404 females were investigated. All the suspected samples were analyzed for hepatitis B surface antigen using Immuno-chromatographic test (ICT), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and followed by Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results showed that 312 (13.00%) out of 2399 individuals contained antibodies in their blood against HBV, while among the different age groups, the highest incidences of HBV antibodies were found in the age of 21-30 groups (10.73%). Furthermore, the ICT positive samples were screened by nested polymerase chain reaction to detect the existence of active HBV-DNA. It was observed that 169 (7.04%) out of (2399) male of the total population (4803) tested was positive. On the other hand, the female 463 (19.25%) possessed antibodies in their blood against HBV. Accumulatively, our results showed a higher percentage of HBV prevalence in males than females in the age group 21-30 years. The total HCV infected in Mardan general population was recorded at 5.7% comprising both male and female.(AU)
A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B é perigosa entre os cinco tipos de hepatite, pois permanece clinicamente assintomática. O presente estudo traça a prevalência atualizada do vírus da hepatite B (HBV) na população geral de Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. Amostras de sangue de 4.803 indivíduos, incluindo 2.399 homens e 2.404 mulheres, foram investigadas. Todas as amostras suspeitas foram analisadas para o antígeno de superfície da hepatite B usando teste imunocromatográfico (ICT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), seguido por transcrição reversa-reação em cadeia da polimerase (RT-PCR). Os resultados mostraram que 312 (13,00%) de 2.399 indivíduos continham anticorpos no sangue contra o VHB, enquanto, entre as diferentes faixas etárias, as maiores incidências de anticorpos VHB foram encontradas nos grupos de 21 a 30 anos (10,73%). Além disso, amostras positivas para ICT foram rastreadas por reação em cadeia da polimerase aninhada para detectar a existência de HBV-DNA ativo. Observou-se que 169 (7,04%) de 2.399 homens do total da população (4803) testados foram positivos. Por outro lado, 463 mulheres (19,25%) possuíam anticorpos no sangue contra VHB. Acumulativamente, nossos resultados mostraram uma porcentagem maior de prevalência de HBV em homens do que em mulheres na faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos. O total de HCV infectados na população geral de Mardan foi registrado em 5,7%, incluindo homens e mulheres.(AU)
Humanos , Hepatite B/sangue , Hepatite B/diagnóstico , Hepatite B/virologia , Cromatografia de Afinidade , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Hepatitis B virus infection is perilous among the five types of Hepatitis, as it remains clinically asymptomatic. The present study draws up-to-date prevalence of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the general population of Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The blood samples from 4803 individuals including 2399 male and 2404 females were investigated. All the suspected samples were analyzed for hepatitis B surface antigen using Immuno-chromatographic test (ICT), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and followed by Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results showed that 312 (13.00%) out of 2399 individuals contained antibodies in their blood against HBV, while among the different age groups, the highest incidences of HBV antibodies were found in the age of 21-30 groups (10.73%). Furthermore, the ICT positive samples were screened by nested polymerase chain reaction to detect the existence of active HBV-DNA. It was observed that 169 (7.04%) out of (2399) male of the total population (4803) tested was positive. On the other hand, the female 463 (19.25%) possessed antibodies in their blood against HBV. Accumulatively, our results showed a higher percentage of HBV prevalence in males than females in the age group 21-30 years. The total HCV infected in Mardan general population was recorded at 5.7% comprising both male and female.
A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B é perigosa entre os cinco tipos de hepatite, pois permanece clinicamente assintomática. O presente estudo traça a prevalência atualizada do vírus da hepatite B (HBV) na população geral de Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. Amostras de sangue de 4.803 indivíduos, incluindo 2.399 homens e 2.404 mulheres, foram investigadas. Todas as amostras suspeitas foram analisadas para o antígeno de superfície da hepatite B usando teste imunocromatográfico (ICT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), seguido por transcrição reversa-reação em cadeia da polimerase (RT-PCR). Os resultados mostraram que 312 (13,00%) de 2.399 indivíduos continham anticorpos no sangue contra o VHB, enquanto, entre as diferentes faixas etárias, as maiores incidências de anticorpos VHB foram encontradas nos grupos de 21 a 30 anos (10,73%). Além disso, amostras positivas para ICT foram rastreadas por reação em cadeia da polimerase aninhada para detectar a existência de HBV-DNA ativo. Observou-se que 169 (7,04%) de 2.399 homens do total da população (4803) testados foram positivos. Por outro lado, 463 mulheres (19,25%) possuíam anticorpos no sangue contra VHB. Acumulativamente, nossos resultados mostraram uma porcentagem maior de prevalência de HBV em homens do que em mulheres na faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos. O total de HCV infectados na população geral de Mardan foi registrado em 5,7%, incluindo homens e mulheres.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Vírus da Hepatite B/genética , Hepatite B/epidemiologia , Paquistão/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Antígenos de Superfície da Hepatite BResumo
Viral hepatitis are widely spread infectious diseases caused by a variety of etiological agents that displays liver tropism as a common characteristic. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational and retrospective study was conducted through the analysis of viral hepatitis medical records treated and diagnosed from 2010 to 2015. The relationship between the variables were made through the chi-square test. 632 viral hepatitis medical records were analyzed. The highest number of cases happened in 2011. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection was predominant. The most affected age group was < 20 years and the highest number of cases observed in this age group was related to HAV (p<0.001). The acute clinical form was predominant, with 70.2% of the cases. 92.3% of which corresponded to HAV infection (p<0.001). Most of the cases occurred in the brown race and male gender. Moreover, regarding the probable source/mechanism of infection, the contact with suspicious water/food for hepatitis A cases was highlighted. The sexual form predominated in HBV infection and previous history of blood transfusion in cases of hepatitis C. Most cases were spotted in the mesoregion of Eastern Alagoas, especially in the capital Maceió. It must be observed the importance of knowing the profile of this disease in order to understand its dissemination and thus have subsidies for the creation of actions and strategies to combat the infection.
A hepatite viral é uma doença infecciosa amplamente difundida causada por uma variedade de agentes etiológicos que exibem o tropismo hepático como uma característica comum. Um estudo descritivo, transversal, observacional e retrospectivo foi realizado por meio da análise de prontuários de hepatites virais tratados e diagnosticados de 2010 a 2015. A relação entre as variáveis foi feita através do teste qui-quadrado. Foram analisados 632 prontuários de hepatite sustero. O maior número de casos aconteceu em 2011. A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A (HAV) foi predominante. A faixa etária mais atingida foi < 20 anos e o maior número de casos observados nessa faixa etária foi relacionado ao HAV (p<0,001). A forma clínica aguda foi predominante, com 70,2% dos casos. 92,3% dos quais corresponderam à infecção por HAV (p<0,001). A maioria dos casos ocorreu na raça parda e no sexo masculino. Além disso, quanto à provável fonte/mecanismo de infecção, foi destacado o contato com água/alimento suspeitos para os casos de hepatite A. A forma sexual predominou na infecção pelo HbV e histórico anterior de transfusão de sangue em casos de hepatite C. A maioria dos casos foi avistada na mesorregião do Leste de Alagoas, especialmente na capital Maceió. Deve-se observar a importância de conhecer o perfil dessa doença para entender sua disseminação e, assim, contar com subsídios para a criação de ações e estratégias de combate à infecção.
Humanos , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Hepatite B/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Hepatite Viral Humana/epidemiologia , Hepatite Viral Humana/etiologiaResumo
Viral hepatitis are widely spread infectious diseases caused by a variety of etiological agents that displays liver tropism as a common characteristic. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational and retrospective study was conducted through the analysis of viral hepatitis medical records treated and diagnosed from 2010 to 2015. The relationship between the variables were made through the chi-square test. 632 viral hepatitis medical records were analyzed. The highest number of cases happened in 2011. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection was predominant. The most affected age group was < 20 years and the highest number of cases observed in this age group was related to HAV (p<0.001). The acute clinical form was predominant, with 70.2% of the cases. 92.3% of which corresponded to HAV infection (p<0.001). Most of the cases occurred in the brown race and male gender. Moreover, regarding the probable source/mechanism of infection, the contact with suspicious water/food for hepatitis A cases was highlighted. The sexual form predominated in HBV infection and previous history of blood transfusion in cases of hepatitis C. Most cases were spotted in the mesoregion of Eastern Alagoas, especially in the capital Maceió. It must be observed the importance of knowing the profile of this disease in order to understand its dissemination and thus have subsidies for the creation of actions and strategies to combat the infection.(AU)
A hepatite viral é uma doença infecciosa amplamente difundida causada por uma variedade de agentes etiológicos que exibem o tropismo hepático como uma característica comum. Um estudo descritivo, transversal, observacional e retrospectivo foi realizado por meio da análise de prontuários de hepatites virais tratados e diagnosticados de 2010 a 2015. A relação entre as variáveis foi feita através do teste qui-quadrado. Foram analisados 632 prontuários de hepatite sustero. O maior número de casos aconteceu em 2011. A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A (HAV) foi predominante. A faixa etária mais atingida foi < 20 anos e o maior número de casos observados nessa faixa etária foi relacionado ao HAV (p<0,001). A forma clínica aguda foi predominante, com 70,2% dos casos. 92,3% dos quais corresponderam à infecção por HAV (p<0,001). A maioria dos casos ocorreu na raça parda e no sexo masculino. Além disso, quanto à provável fonte/mecanismo de infecção, foi destacado o contato com água/alimento suspeitos para os casos de hepatite A. A forma sexual predominou na infecção pelo HbV e histórico anterior de transfusão de sangue em casos de hepatite C. A maioria dos casos foi avistada na mesorregião do Leste de Alagoas, especialmente na capital Maceió. Deve-se observar a importância de conhecer o perfil dessa doença para entender sua disseminação e, assim, contar com subsídios para a criação de ações e estratégias de combate à infecção.(AU)
Humanos , Hepatite Viral Humana/epidemiologia , Hepatite Viral Humana/etiologia , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Hepatite B/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/epidemiologiaResumo
The quantification of viral nucleic acids in serum by real-time PCR plays an important role in diagnosing hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection. In this study, we developed an assay using specific primers and probes to quantify hepatitis B virus DNA or hepatitis C virus RNA in serum from infected patients. For standardization and validation of the assay, an international panel of hepatitis B virus/hepatitis C virus and standard plasmids was used. A correlation coefficient of 0.983 and 0.963 for hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus, respectively, was obtained based on cycle threshold values and concentrations of DNA or RNA. The standard curve showed a linear relationship from 19 IU/mL to 1.9 × 109 IU/mL of serum, with a coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.99. In sera from patients infected with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus viral loads (19 IU/mL and 1.9 × 109 IU/mL), we quantified viral loads with a detection limit of 1.9 × 102 IU/mL. The real-time quantitative PCR assay developed in this study provides an ideal system for routine diagnosis and confirmation of indeterminate serological results, especially in immunosuppressed patients.(AU)
Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Ácidos Nucleicos/fisiologia , Hepatite B/diagnóstico , Hepatite C/diagnósticoResumo
The aim of the present study was to estimate hepatitis B virus seroprevalence among first-time blood donors in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, in the central-western region of Brazil. Findings A retrospective analysis of first-time voluntary blood donor records, from January 2010 to December 2010, was conducted at the Hematology Center of Mato Grosso do Sul. The prevalence of the HBsAg and anti-HBc serological markers and their respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Chi-square analysis was performed between the seroprevalence previously found in 2001 and the one determined by the current study. Results were considered statistically significant if p< 0.05. Among 8,840 subjects, 269 (3.04%, 95% CI: 2.7-3.4) were positive for HBV markers. The prevalence rate of HBsAg was 0.19% (95% CI: 0.1-0.3) and anti-HBc alone was 2.85% (95% CI: 2.5-3.2). Conclusions There was no statistically significant difference regarding gender. However, an important association was observed between HBV infection and older age (p< 0.01). The seroprevalence of HBV infection in first-time blood donors diminished from 2001 to 2010 (p< 0.01). Such decrease suggests an improvement in the recruitment of safe donors, the positive impact of vaccination programs and the decreasing of HBV infection prevalence in the general population.(AU)
Animais , Hepatite B/virologia , Virologia/instrumentação , Sorologia , Doadores de Sangue/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
The aim of the present study was to estimate hepatitis B virus seroprevalence among first-time blood donors in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, in the central-western region of Brazil. Findings A retrospective analysis of first-time voluntary blood donor records, from January 2010 to December 2010, was conducted at the Hematology Center of Mato Grosso do Sul. The prevalence of the HBsAg and anti-HBc serological markers and their respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Chi-square analysis was performed between the seroprevalence previously found in 2001 and the one determined by the current study. Results were considered statistically significant if p< 0.05. Among 8,840 subjects, 269 (3.04%, 95% CI: 2.7-3.4) were positive for HBV markers. The prevalence rate of HBsAg was 0.19% (95% CI: 0.1-0.3) and anti-HBc alone was 2.85% (95% CI: 2.5-3.2). Conclusions There was no statistically significant difference regarding gender. However, an important association was observed between HBV infection and older age (p< 0.01). The seroprevalence of HBV infection in first-time blood donors diminished from 2001 to 2010 (p< 0.01). Such decrease suggests an improvement in the recruitment of safe donors, the positive impact of vaccination programs and the decreasing of HBV infection prevalence in the general population.
Animais , Hepatite B/virologia , Sorologia , Virologia/instrumentação , Doadores de Sangue/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
There is an interest in the use of IL-12 as a possible anti-cancer drug to induce immune responses and anti-IL-13 formulations to treat the undesirable effects of IL-13. Thus, the present study aimed at analyzing IL-12 and IL-13 profiles, viral hepatitis serology and blood cultures in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Forty individuals (20 without septicemia - Group A, and 20 with septicemia - Group B) and 20 healthy controls were evaluated. Hepatitis B virus antigens (HBsAg) and hepatitis C virus antibodies (HCV Ab) were quantified using commercial ELISA kits. IL-12 and IL-13 levels were estimated in culture supernatant of mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells by ELISA. Significantly low IL-12 values were observed among AML patients compared to controls whereas the opposite was observed regarding IL-13. IL-12 levels were found to be elevated in the follow-up cases. M4 and M5 subtypes of AML presented higher IL-12 levels than M1 and M2 subtypes. The isolated organisms from AML with septicemia were Staphylococcus aureus (35 percent), Esherichia coli (25 percent), coagulase-negative staphylococci (25 percent), and Candida (15 percent). Fungemia cases showed higher IL-12 values than bacteremia cases. In conclusion, IL-12 and IL-13 should be further tested in large-scale studies to provide future immunotherapy against AML.(AU)
Leucemia/metabolismo , Hepatite B , Hepatite C , Sorologia/classificação , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/métodos , HepacivirusResumo
There is an interest in the use of IL-12 as a possible anti-cancer drug to induce immune responses and anti-IL-13 formulations to treat the undesirable effects of IL-13. Thus, the present study aimed at analyzing IL-12 and IL-13 profiles, viral hepatitis serology and blood cultures in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Forty individuals (20 without septicemia - Group A, and 20 with septicemia - Group B) and 20 healthy controls were evaluated. Hepatitis B virus antigens (HBsAg) and hepatitis C virus antibodies (HCV Ab) were quantified using commercial ELISA kits. IL-12 and IL-13 levels were estimated in culture supernatant of mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells by ELISA. Significantly low IL-12 values were observed among AML patients compared to controls whereas the opposite was observed regarding IL-13. IL-12 levels were found to be elevated in the follow-up cases. M4 and M5 subtypes of AML presented higher IL-12 levels than M1 and M2 subtypes. The isolated organisms from AML with septicemia were Staphylococcus aureus (35 percent), Esherichia coli (25 percent), coagulase-negative staphylococci (25 percent), and Candida (15 percent). Fungemia cases showed higher IL-12 values than bacteremia cases. In conclusion, IL-12 and IL-13 should be further tested in large-scale studies to provide future immunotherapy against AML.(AU)
Animais , Sorologia , Staphylococcus aureus , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda , Vírus da Hepatite B , Interleucina-13 , Interleucina-12 , Hepatite BResumo
La hepatitis de tipo B es endémicaen todo el mundo. Según cálculos deIa Organización Mundial de Ia Salud(OMS) cada ano aparecen másde 4 millones de nuevos casos clínicos agudosy muere más de 1millónpor esta causa, y por Ias dos grandescomplicaciones: cirrosis y el carcinomahepatocelular. (AU)