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Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(4): 1517-1540, jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369727


This study aimed to select and classify sunflower genotypes tolerant to lead (Pb) stress and evaluate their capacity of phytoextraction based on physiological, nutritional, and biochemical responses. Two experiments were carried out under lead stress. In the first experiment, out of 21 genotypes studied three showed higher relative biomass yield and were characterized as Pb-tolerant and five showed lower relative biomass production and were considered Pb-sensitive. In the second experiment, one Pb-tolerant (BRS-G27) and two Pb-sensitive (H251 and AG963) genotypes were studied. In this experiment, Pb stress reduced the growth and contents photosynthetic pigments in all genotypes, but more pronouncedly in sensitive genotypes. There were no substantial changes in micronutrient levels in the leaves and stem, but the levels of Cu and Mn in the stressed roots of sensitive genotypes were much lower than in BRS-G27. The contents of organic solutes in the roots suggest that sensitive genotypes have higher energy costs for osmoregulation by carbohydrates and amino acids synthesis. However, the accumulation of proline may be related to a greater Pb tolerance. Considering the results of dry mass yield, transfer coefficient, translocation factor, and tolerance index, the BRS-G27 genotype can be recommended for use in phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated soils.(AU)

Este estudo teve como objetivo selecionar e classificar genótipos de girassol tolerantes ao estresse por chumbo (Pb) e avaliar sua capacidade de fitoextração com base nas respostas fisiológicas, nutricionais e bioquímicas. Dois experimentos foram realizados sob estresse de Pb. No primeiro experimento, dos 21 genótipos estudados, três apresentaram maior produção relativa de biomassa e foram caracterizados como tolerantes ao Pb e cinco apresentaram menor produção relativa de biomassa e foram considerados sensíveis ao Pb. No segundo experimento foram estudados um genótipo tolerante ao Pb (BRS-G27) e dois sensíveis ao Pb (H251 e AG963). Neste experimento, o estresse por Pb reduziu o crescimento e os teores de pigmentos fotossintéticos em todos os genótipos, porém, mais pronunciado em genótipos sensíveis. Não houve mudanças substanciais nos níveis de micronutrientes nas folhas e no caule, mas os níveis de Cu e Mn nas raízes estressadas de genótipos sensíveis foram muito mais baixos do que o BRS-G27. Os conteúdos de solutos orgânicos nas raízes sugerem que genótipos sensíveis apresentam maiores custos energéticos para osmorregulação por carboidratos e síntese de aminoácidos. No entanto, o acúmulo de prolina pode estar relacionado a uma maior tolerância ao Pb. Considerando os resultados de produção de massa seca, coeficiente de transferência, fator de translocação e índice de tolerância, o genótipo BRS-G27 pode ser recomendado para uso em fitorremediação de solos contaminados com Pb.(AU)

Micronutrientes , Osmorregulação , Genótipo , Helianthus , Indicadores e Reagentes , Chumbo
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1873, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400718


Background: The endothelium is a layer fundamental to maintaining corneal transparency. In ophthalmology, sheep eyes have been used as a model in research related to corneal transplantation. Different techniques have been used to evaluate the corneal endothelium. Concerning vital dyes, corneal endothelial cell analyses have not yet been studied in ovines. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the morphology of endothelial cells from different regions of the cornea of sheep after staining with alizarin red and trypan blue using an optical microscope. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty healthy eyes of 10 male sheep obtained from a licensed commercial slaughterhouse were studied. The study was approved by the Research Committee of the Faculty of Veterinary at UFRGS and followed the ethical standards of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). Immediately after the slaughter, the eyes were enucleated and underwent eye examination. The corneal endothelium was stained with trypan blue and alizarin red and examined and photographed using an optical microscope. The central, superior, inferior, nasal and temporal areas of the cornea were evaluated for cell morphology. Data were compared by t-tests. Differences were considered statistically significant at P < 0.05. Immediately after staining the corneal endothelium, it was possible to examine with an optical microscope, obtain images and analyse the shape of endothelial cells from all regions of the sheep cornea. Polygonal, uniform and continuous cells were observed in all samples studied. Considering all the corneas analysed, cells with 6 sides (75.11%), 5 sides (12.76%) and 4 sides (12.12%) were found. In the central region of the cornea 75.91% of cells with 6 sides, 12.6% of cells with 5 sides and 11.48% with 7 sides were found. In the superior region of the cornea 76.07% of cells with 6 sides, 13.25% with 5 sides and 10.68% with 7 sides were found. In the lower region were found 74.72% of cells with 6 sides, 13% with 5 sides and 12.27% with 7 sides. In the temporal region, 74.14% were 6-sided cells, 11.42% had 5 sides, and 14.43% had 7 sides. Furthermore, in the nasal region, 74.72% of the cells had 6 sides, 13.54% had 5 sides, and 11.73% had 7 sides. No significant differences were found between cell morphology in all corneal regions evaluated. In addition, no significant difference was found when comparing the right eye with the left eye. Discussion: Different methods are used for the analysis of corneal endothelium. For ex vivo research optical microscopy after endothelial staining is an alternative low-cost technique that allows the analysis of all regions of the cornea. Quantitative analyses must characterise the endothelial parameters of the different species. The analysis of the morphology of corneal endothelium with an optic microscope after staining with alizarin red has been described as an effective, rapid and cost-efficient method, since this dye blends with the borated cells, allowing identification. In the present study, using optical microscopy and coloration with alizarin red it was possible to explore and obtain images of the ovine endothelium of all regions of the cornea. In the current study, the endothelium had a predominance of cells will 6 sides in all regions studied. This study allowed us to obtain images of the endothelium as well as quantitative data on the morphology of the different regions of the sheep cornea. This study demonstrated that morphology did not differ between the central and peripheral regions. The findings of this study represent a further source of reproducible data that should be considered when using sheep cornea as ex vivo model for experimental research.

Animais , Azul Tripano/uso terapêutico , Ovinos , Endotélio Corneano/anatomia & histologia , Indicadores e Reagentes/administração & dosagem , Microscopia/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(3): 943-960, maio.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369245


The quality and quantity of the demand for milk and dairy products are important indicators for the relevant sector stakeholders. This study aims to examine the amount and differences in individual milk and dairy products consumption, together with the factors affecting this consumption. The study was conducted through a survey on 221 consumers in Hatay, which is a multicultural and cosmopolitan city in Turkey. Monthly average consumptions of milk, cheese, yogurt, ayran/yogurt drink, butter, and milk equivalent products were determined to be 3.45 kg, 0.95 kg, 3.79 kg, 1.32 kg, 0.29 kg, and 30.55 kg, respectively. Consumption frequency was found to be "more than once a week" for milk and "every day" for dairy products. Statistically, men consume more ayran and butter than women (P < 0.05). There are significant differences among different income groups in terms of butter consumption, and among different education groups in terms of "milk and ayran" consumption (P < 0.05). Significant relationships in a positive direction were determined between height and education level and "ayran"; between weight and income level and "milk equivalent" (P < 0.01); between education and income level and "milk consumption" (P < 0.05). The socio-economic, demographic, and biological variables of the consumers should be carefully monitored in order to maintain and increase the demand for milk and dairy products, and marketing strategies should be created specifically to increase the breakfast habit.(AU)

A qualidade e a quantidade da demanda por leite e produtos lácteos são indicadores importantes para as partes interessadas relevantes do setor. Este estudo visa examinar a quantidade e as diferenças no consumo individual de leite e produtos lácteos, juntamente com os fatores que afetam esse consumo. O estudo foi realizado por meio de uma pesquisa com 221 consumidores em Hatay, cidade multicultural e cosmopolita da Turquia. Os consumos médios mensais de leite, queijo, iogurte, bebida ayran/iogurte, manteiga e produtos lácteos equivalentes foram determinados em 3.45 kg, 0.95 kg, 3.79 kg, 1.32 kg, 0.29 kg e 30.55 kg, respectivamente. A frequência de consumo encontrada foi "mais de uma vez por semana" para leite e "todos os dias" para produtos lácteos. Estatisticamente, os homens consomem mais ayran e manteiga do que as mulheres (P < 0.05). Existem diferenças significativas entre os diferentes grupos de renda quanto ao consumo de manteiga e entre os diferentes grupos de escolaridade quanto ao consumo de "leite e ayran" (P < 0.05). Relações significativas em uma direção positiva foram determinadas entre altura e escolaridade e "ayran"; entre peso e nível de renda e "equivalente a leite" (P < 0.01); entre escolaridade e nível de renda e "consumo de leite" (P < 0.05). As variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e biológicas dos consumidores devem ser cuidadosamente monitoradas para manter e aumentar a demanda por leite e derivados, e estratégias de marketing devem ser criadas especificamente para aumentar o hábito do café da manhã.(AU)

Laticínios/análise , Comportamento Alimentar , Indicadores e Reagentes
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(2): 911-918, mar.-abr. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369230


The objective was to evaluate three sources of acid insoluble ash (AIA) (celite, kaolin, and sand), as indicators, to determine the apparent metabolizable energy of corn on a natural matter (AME) basis, dry matter digestibility coefficient (DMDC), and crude protein digestibility coefficient (CPDC) using total and partial excreta collection methods. Two hundred and ten Ross broiler chicks of 18 to 27 days of age were used. Broilers were adapted to experimental the diet for four days, and excreta were collected for 5 days. A reference diet (RD) based on corn and soybean meal was prepared to meet the nutritional requirements of the birds. A test diet was prepared with 40% replacement of RD with corn. The formulated diets were: D1, 99% Reference diet + 1% celite; D2, 59.4% RD + 39.6 % corn + 1% celite; D3, 99% Reference diet + 1% kaolin; D4, 59.4% RD + 39.6 % corn + 1% kaolin; D5, 99% Reference diet + 1% sand; D6, 59.4% RD + 39.6 % corn + 1% sand. The treatments were distributed in a completely randomized design, with six diets and five replicates of seven birds each in a 2x3 factorial arrangement. There were significant interactions for all variables investigated. It was observed that the AME and DMDC values of corn were similar in the two methods of collection, and CPDC values using kaolin and celite makers were similar. However, the AME and CPDC of corn using sand with partial collection method were underestimated by 17.70 and 15.53%, respectively compared to those with the total collection method. The AME values of corn with the collection methods using celite and, the DMDC using celite and sand were significantly different. It was observed that the DMDC using celite and sand provided significantly lower values (4.67 and 5.15%), respectively, and the AME using celite was 2.86% lower than that obtained by total collection. To determine the EMA, DMDC, and CPDC in broilers, it is more efficient to use celiteTM and kaolin as markers with partial collection of excreta. Sand should not be used with partial excreta collection method, because it provides lower values of AME and CPDC compared to with total excreta collection method.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar três fontes de cinza insolúvel em ácido (CIA) (celite, caulim, e areia), como indicadores para determinação da energia metabolizável aparente do milho na matéria natural (EMA), coeficiente de digestibilidade da matéria seca (CDMS), e coeficiente de digestibilidade da proteína bruta (CDPB) por meio dos métodos de coleta total e parcial de excretas. Foram utilizados duzentos e dez frangos da linhagem comercial Ross no período de 18 a 27 dias de idade. Os frangos foram adaptados à dieta experimental por quatro dias, e as excretas foram coletadas por 5 dias. Foi formulada uma dieta referência (DR) a base de milho e farelo de soja para atender as exigências nutricionais das aves. A dieta teste com substituição de 40% de milho à DR. As dietas formuladas foram: D1, 99% dieta referência + 1% celite; D2, 59.4% DR + 39.6 % milho + 1% celite; D3, 99% dieta referência + 1% caulim; D4, 59.4% RD + 39.6 % milho + 1% caulim; D5, 99% dieta referência + 1% areia; D6, 59.4% DR + 39.6 % milho + 1% areia. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis dietas e cinco repetições de 7 aves cada em esquema fatorial 2x3. Houve interações significativas para todas as variáveis investigadas. Observouse que os valores de EMA e CDMS do milho são semelhantes pelos dois métodos de coleta utilizando caulim, e CDPB utilizando caulim e celite. Contudo, a EMA e o CDPB do milho usando areia na coleta parcial foram subestimados em 17,70 e 15,53%, respectivamente, em relação à coleta total. Os valores EMA do milho para os métodos de coleta usando celite e, o CDMS usando celite e areia foram significativamente diferentes. Observou-se que o CDMS com celite e areia proporcionou valores significativamente menores (4,67 e 5,15%), respectivamente, e a EMA com celite foi 2,86% menor que o obtido pela coleta total. Para determinar a EMA, CDMS e CDPB em frangos de corte, é mais eficiente usar celiteTM e caulim como indicadores na coleta parcial de excretas. A areia não deve ser usada com o método de coleta parcial de excretas, pois fornece valores menores de EMA e CDPB em comparação com o método de coleta total de excretas.(AU)

Animais , Ácidos , Cinzas , Galinhas/metabolismo , Zea mays , Indicadores e Reagentes
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub. 1815, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363861


Measuring metabolic parameters in the blood has been an indispensable tool for assessing the productive and health status of dairy cows for more than 100 years. The values of laboratory parameters depend on various preanalytical, analytical and postanalytical factors. The most important preanalytical factors are sample transport time and temperature, hemolysis, anticoagulant type, and sample volume. Preanalytical factors can lead to reduced stability of the analyte in the sample, which changes their concentration. Loss of stability changes the time of storage and manipulation of the sample, which determines the criteria for its acceptance or rejection. The two stability indicators are stability limit and maximum permissible instability. A stability limit (SL) is defined as the period of time in which a property variation does not exceed a maximum permissible instability (MPI). The aim of this study was to determine the SL and MPI for each analyte in the blood serum of cows and to determine whether SL differs in the function of the presence of preanalytical errors in the blood sample. Three hundred samples of dairy cow origin in different periods of lactation participated in this research. They were classified into 6 groups of 50 samples: according to the time from sampling to processing in the laboratory (0-4 h, 4-8 h and over 8 h; all transported on dry ice, protected from environmental factors, without preanalytical errors) and according to the presence of preanalytical errors (group with hemolysis, a group transported at ambient temperature and a group with a small sample volume). Each sample was aliquoted in two portions. One portion was left at +4°C and tested once a day for 6 days of sample storage, and the second portion, placed at -20°C, was tested once a month for 6 months. The MPI had a value ranging from 1.51 to 8.4. Metabolic profile analytes with lower MPI values (1.51-3.22) were albumin (ALB), total protein (TPROT), UREA, glucose (GLU), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P). Higher MPI values (5.1-8.4) were found for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutirate (BHB), cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TGC), total bilirubin (TBIL) and aspartat aminotransferase (AST). For most parameters, we can conclude that their PD% changed faster in storage conditions at +4°C compared to the regime of -20°C. The largest number of biochemical analytes in bovine blood serum shows preserved stability in the first 6 days at +4°C or 6 months at -20°C if transported to the laboratory within 8 h after sampling in ideal conditions and without the action of preanalytical errors. Prolonged transport under ideal conditions or the existence of preanalytical errors such as transport at room temperature, hemolysis or small sample volume shorten the stability of the ALB, NEFA, GLU, UREA and P. Concentration of all analytes decreases during the stability test except for UREA, NEFA, BHB and for CHOL and TGC in some groups. Variations in parameters such as BHB, NEFA, TBIL, AST, and Ca have shown potential clinical significance. At storage conditions at +4°C, clinically significant variations at at least one measurement point were found for AST (7.5% of samples), BHB (6.1% of samples), NEFA (9.9% of samples) and for TBIL (in 7% of samples). This study can help define acceptable delay times and storage conditions for bovine blood samples, which is of great importance because in working with farm animals it is often not possible to take samples in a short time and deliver them to the laboratory, and samples are often burdened with certain preanalytical errors with limited possibilities of re-sampling.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Preservação de Sangue/veterinária , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/veterinária , Soro , Indicadores e Reagentes
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 31(1,supl.1): 49-52, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368996


The bitch is an experimental model of wild and even endangered canids. Therefore, the study of the factors that influence your fertility benefits scientific advances in both segments. Knowing that pyometra is one of the common uterine pathologies in bitches, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of pyometra on the morphology and competence of canine oocytes through the use of Azul Cresil Brilhante (ACB). For this purpose, 1197 canine oocytes that were divided into 2 groups classified as control (healthy) and treatment (pyometra). They were morphologically classified into grade 1 (G1), grade 2 (G2) and grade 3 (G3) and according to the ACB stain as ACB (+) and ACB (­) (not stained). Bitches in the healthy group had higher amounts of total oocytes (795) and better quality (495 oocytes G1) and competence (45 ± 9.8 ACB (+)). The use of ACB was useful to distinguish the competence of the studied oocytes and can be an auxiliary tool for choosing the best oocytes.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Oócitos/classificação , Recuperação de Oócitos/veterinária , Piometra/complicações , Piometra/veterinária , Indicadores e Reagentes
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 88: e00802019, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1349009


The present research evaluated the seroprevalence of anti-zika virus (anti-ZIKV) antibodies by virus neutralization test (VNT) in 529 bovines from Andradina city, São Paulo state, Brazil. The reading was performed in an inverted optical microscope, considering reagents when the antibodies were capable to neutralize the ZIKV. Of the 529 samples, 53 (10.01%) were reagents. The animals were healthy at the time of collection. The samples were collected in February 2018, a favorable period for the multiplication of the vector and the highest risk of disease transmission. None of the animals showed anti-bovine viral diarrhea virus (anti-BVDV) antibodies, ruling out a possible cross-reaction, reinforcing the possible contact of the bovine with the ZIKV. In the herd, 88 pregnant females were evaluated; of these, 12 cows were reactive, with no history of reproductive problems or fetal malformations. This is the first research on the seroprevalence of ZIKV in cattle in Brazil, and studies should continue to evaluate cattle as a possible host of this arbovirus and its possible consequences for unique health and agribusiness.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Zika virus , Anticorpos , Vírus , Testes de Neutralização , Flavivirus , Indicadores e Reagentes
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 57-60, jan./mar. 2021. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368822


Objetivou-se verificar a compatibilidade entre diferentes marcas de tiras reagentes para urinálise, tanto de uso veterinário, como de uso humano, e confrontar os parâmetros semiquantitativos desse instrumento com métodos quantitativos. Para isso, foram analisadas 77 amostras frescas de urina de cães e gatos e testados 04 modelos de tiras reagentes. Quanto à densidade urinária, houve correlação razoável entre os métodos quantitativo e semiquantitativo naquelas amostras com pH ácido, mas não naquelas com pH neutro ou alcalino. Quanto à concentração proteica, houve similaridade de 53,3% a 83,3% entre as marcas testadas e quando comparadas com a análise fotométrica houve uma correlação razoável (rs = 0,69752 a 0,75074). Em ponto de corte de 15mg/dL de proteína, a sensibilidade da tira reagente foi 82,5% e 100% para urina canina e felina, respectivamente. No tocante à hematúria, houve divergência razoável entre a sedimentoscopia e as diferentes marcas de tiras reativas. Quanto à piúria, há uma baixa sensibilidade das tiras em relação às amostras caninas com muitos resultados falso-negativos (33% a 75%), enquanto em amostras felinas a sensibilidade foi de 100%. Assim, independente da marca, as tiras reagentes devem servir apenas como teste rápido de triagem, sendo mais apropriado o uso de métodos quantitativos na avaliação clínica do paciente a partir da urinálise.

The aim was to verify the compatibility between different brands of urinary dipsticks, for both human and veterinary use, and to compare the semiquantitative parameters of this instrument with quantitative methods. For this, 77 fresh samples of urine from dogs and cats were analyzed e and 04 models of reagent strips were tested. Regarding urinary density, a reasonable correlation was observed between the quantitative and semiquantitative methods in those samples with acidic pH, which did not occur in those with neutral or alkaline pH. Regarding the protein concentration, there was similarity from 53.3% to 83.3% between the brands and in the comparative analysis between the control strip and the photometric analysis, there was a reasonable correlation (rs = 0.69752 to 0.75074). In cut-off point of 15mg/dL protein, the sensitivity of the reagent strip was 82.5% and 100% for canine and feline urine, respectively. Regarding hematuria, there was a reasonable divergence of results between sedimentation and tested dipsticks. As for pyuria, there is a low sensitivity of the strips in relation to canine samples with many false negative results (33% to 75%), while in feline samples the sensitivity was 100%. Thus, regardless of the brands, the reagent strips should serve only as a rapid screening test, while the use of quantitative methods in the clinical evaluation of the patient from urinalysis is more appropriate.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Fitas Reagentes/análise , Gatos/urina , Urinálise/métodos , Cães/urina , Eficiência , Indicadores e Reagentes/análise , Proteinúria/veterinária , Piúria/veterinária , Coleta de Urina/métodos , Hematúria/veterinária
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 28(1): 57-60, mai. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31475


Objetivou-se verificar a compatibilidade entre diferentes marcas de tiras reagentes para urinálise, tanto de uso veterinário, como de uso humano, e confrontar os parâmetros semiquantitativos desse instrumento com métodos quantitativos. Para isso, foram analisadas 77 amostras frescas de urina de cães e gatos e testados 04 modelos de tiras reagentes. Quanto à densidade urinária, houve correlação razoável entre os métodos quantitativo e semiquantitativo naquelas amostras com pH ácido, mas não naquelas com pH neutro ou alcalino. Quanto à concentração proteica, houve similaridade de 53,3% a 83,3% entre as marcas testadas e quando comparadas com a análise fotométrica houve uma correlação razoável (rs = 0,69752 a 0,75074). Em ponto de corte de 15mg/dL de proteína, a sensibilidade da tira reagente foi 82,5% e 100% para urina canina e felina, respectivamente. No tocante à hematúria, houve divergência razoável entre a sedimentoscopia e as diferentes marcas de tiras reativas. Quanto à piúria, há uma baixa sensibilidade das tiras em relação às amostras caninas com muitos resultados falso-negativos (33% a 75%), enquanto em amostras felinas a sensibilidade foi de 100%. Assim, independente da marca, as tiras reagentes devem servir apenas como teste rápido de triagem, sendo mais apropriado o uso de métodos quantitativos na avaliação clínica do paciente a partir da urinálise.(AU)

The aim was to verify the compatibility between different brands of urinary dipsticks, for both human and veterinary use, and to compare the semiquantitative parameters of this instrument with quantitative methods. For this, 77 fresh samples of urine from dogs and cats were analyzed e and 04 models of reagent strips were tested. Regarding urinary density, a reasonable correlation was observed between the quantitative and semiquantitative methods in those samples with acidic pH, which did not occur in those with neutral or alkaline pH. Regarding the protein concentration, there was similarity from 53.3% to 83.3% between the brands and in the comparative analysis between the control strip and the photometric analysis, there was a reasonable correlation (rs = 0.69752 to 0.75074). In cut-off point of 15mg/dL protein, the sensitivity of the reagent strip was 82.5% and 100% for canine and feline urine, respectively. Regarding hematuria, there was a reasonable divergence of results between sedimentation and tested dipsticks. As for pyuria, there is a low sensitivity of the strips in relation to canine samples with many false negative results (33% to 75%), while in feline samples the sensitivity was 100%. Thus, regardless of the brands, the reagent strips should serve only as a rapid screening test, while the use of quantitative methods in the clinical evaluation of the patient from urinalysis is more appropriate.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Cães/fisiologia , Gatos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Químicos , Urina/química , Indicadores e Reagentes , Urinálise/veterinária , Animais de Estimação , Piúria , Hematúria
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 57-60, jan./mar. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491702


Objetivou-se verificar a compatibilidade entre diferentes marcas de tiras reagentes para urinálise, tanto de uso veterinário, como de uso humano, e confrontar os parâmetros semiquantitativos desse instrumento com métodos quantitativos. Para isso, foram analisadas 77 amostras frescas de urina de cães e gatos e testados 04 modelos de tiras reagentes. Quanto à densidade urinária, houve correlação razoável entre os métodos quantitativo e semiquantitativo naquelas amostras com pH ácido, mas não naquelas com pH neutro ou alcalino. Quanto à concentração proteica, houve similaridade de 53,3% a 83,3% entre as marcas testadas e quando comparadas com a análise fotométrica houve uma correlação razoável (rs = 0,69752 a 0,75074). Em ponto de corte de 15mg/dL de proteína, a sensibilidade da tira reagente foi 82,5% e 100% para urina canina e felina, respectivamente. No tocante à hematúria, houve divergência razoável entre a sedimentoscopia e as diferentes marcas de tiras reativas. Quanto à piúria, há uma baixa sensibilidade das tiras em relação às amostras caninas com muitos resultados falso-negativos (33% a 75%), enquanto em amostras felinas a sensibilidade foi de 100%. Assim, independente da marca, as tiras reagentes devem servir apenas como teste rápido de triagem, sendo mais apropriado o uso de métodos quantitativos na avaliação clínica do paciente a partir da urinálise.

The aim was to verify the compatibility between different brands of urinary dipsticks, for both human and veterinary use, and to compare the semiquantitative parameters of this instrument with quantitative methods. For this, 77 fresh samples of urine from dogs and cats were analyzed e and 04 models of reagent strips were tested. Regarding urinary density, a reasonable correlation was observed between the quantitative and semiquantitative methods in those samples with acidic pH, which did not occur in those with neutral or alkaline pH. Regarding the protein concentration, there was similarity from 53.3% to 83.3% between the brands and in the comparative analysis between the control strip and the photometric analysis, there was a reasonable correlation (rs = 0.69752 to 0.75074). In cut-off point of 15mg/dL protein, the sensitivity of the reagent strip was 82.5% and 100% for canine and feline urine, respectively. Regarding hematuria, there was a reasonable divergence of results between sedimentation and tested dipsticks. As for pyuria, there is a low sensitivity of the strips in relation to canine samples with many false negative results (33% to 75%), while in feline samples the sensitivity was 100%. Thus, regardless of the brands, the reagent strips should serve only as a rapid screening test, while the use of quantitative methods in the clinical evaluation of the patient from urinalysis is more appropriate.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Animais de Estimação , Cães/fisiologia , Fenômenos Químicos , Gatos/fisiologia , Indicadores e Reagentes , Urina/química , Urinálise/veterinária , Hematúria , Piúria
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06749, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1287512


Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), caused by an Alphaherpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1), has been noticed in the region of the Terras Altas da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. From 2010 to 2018, the "Serviço Veterinário Oficial" (SVO) of the "Instituto Mineiro Agropecuário" (IMA), implemented measures to prevent spread of the virus to other regions and control the disease in the area. Due to the close proximity and consequent epidemiological link among farms, the region was considered a unique epidemiological unit. To check the efficiency of the ILT control measures, we carried out: (1) a seroepidemiological survey, (2) questionnaires for evaluating biosecurity measures; and (3) an evaluation of the influence of farm population density on the occurrence of ILT. In 2016, 2017, and 2018, ILT was investigated using epidemiological and clinicopathological methods, along with GaHV-1 molecular detection. Serological survey was carried out on 24 farms in the quarantined region and on 13 farms from other regions of the state. In 2010 and 2018, questionnaires were applied to collect data and determine indicators of biosecurity practices in all farms of the quarantined area. The differences were then assessed (Wilcoxon's p<0.05). The results indicated positive serology throughout the region, although only on four farms (16.6%) the chickens have clinical signs, macroscopic and histological lesions of ILT. The prevalence of viral infection increased from 2016 (27%) to 2017 (50%) and was higher in farms with a high stock density (p=0.033). No disease, virus or antibodies were detected in the farms outside of the quarantined area. Although the biosecurity indicators had improved on all farms in the quarantined area (p<0.05), the virus was active and circulating in the region. The contingency measures have contained the outbreak, but biosecurity practices are paramount in the control of new outbreaks. Official control will be maintained in the region, including surveillance of new cases and biosecurity procedures to mitigate the risk of the virus reaching other regions.(AU)

Laringotraqueíte infecciosa (LTI), causada por um alfaherpesvírus (herpesvírus Gallid-1; GaHV-1), foi observada na região das Terras Altas da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. De 2010 a 2018, o Serviço Veterinário Oficial (SVO) do Instituto Mineiro Agropecuário (IMA) implementou medidas para impedir a disseminação do vírus para outras regiões do estado e controlar a doença na região interditada. Devido à proximidade e consequente vínculo epidemiológico entre as granjas, a região foi considerada uma unidade epidemiológica única. Para verificar a eficiência das medidas de controle de LTI, foram realizados: (1) pesquisa soroepidemiológica, (2) questionários para avaliar medidas de biosseguridade; e (3) avaliação da influência da densidade populacional da granja na ocorrência de LTI. Em 2016, 2017 e 2018, a LTI foi investigada usando métodos epidemiológicos e clínico-patológicos, com a detecção molecular de GaHV-1. O levantamento sorológico foi realizado em 24 granjas da região interditada e em 13 granjas de outras regiões do estado. Em 2010 e 2018, foram aplicados questionários para coletar dados e determinar indicadores de medidas de biosseguridade em todas as granjas da área interditada. As diferenças foram avaliadas (p<0,05 de Wilcoxon). Os resultados indicaram sorologia positiva em toda a região, embora apenas em quatro granjas (16,6%) as galinhas apresentaram sinais clínicos, lesões macroscópicas e histológicas da LTI. A prevalência de infecção viral aumentou de 2016 (27%) para 2017 (50%) e foi maior em fazendas com alta densidade de alojamento (p=0,033). Presença da doença, vírus ou anticorpos foram detectados nas granjas fora da área interditada. Embora os indicadores de biosseguridade tenham melhorado em todas as fazendas da área interditada (p<0,05), o vírus está ativo e circulava na região. As medidas de contingência contiveram o surto, mas as práticas de biosseguridade são fundamentais para o controle de novos surtos. O controle oficial será mantido na região, incluindo a vigilância de novos casos e procedimentos de biosseguridade para mitigar o risco de transmissão do vírus para outras regiões.(AU)

Sorologia , Galinhas , Métodos Epidemiológicos , Médicos Veterinários , Vigilância em Desastres , Indicadores e Reagentes
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06749, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33344


Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), caused by an Alphaherpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1), has been noticed in the region of the Terras Altas da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. From 2010 to 2018, the "Serviço Veterinário Oficial" (SVO) of the "Instituto Mineiro Agropecuário" (IMA), implemented measures to prevent spread of the virus to other regions and control the disease in the area. Due to the close proximity and consequent epidemiological link among farms, the region was considered a unique epidemiological unit. To check the efficiency of the ILT control measures, we carried out: (1) a seroepidemiological survey, (2) questionnaires for evaluating biosecurity measures; and (3) an evaluation of the influence of farm population density on the occurrence of ILT. In 2016, 2017, and 2018, ILT was investigated using epidemiological and clinicopathological methods, along with GaHV-1 molecular detection. Serological survey was carried out on 24 farms in the quarantined region and on 13 farms from other regions of the state. In 2010 and 2018, questionnaires were applied to collect data and determine indicators of biosecurity practices in all farms of the quarantined area. The differences were then assessed (Wilcoxon's p<0.05). The results indicated positive serology throughout the region, although only on four farms (16.6%) the chickens have clinical signs, macroscopic and histological lesions of ILT. The prevalence of viral infection increased from 2016 (27%) to 2017 (50%) and was higher in farms with a high stock density (p=0.033). No disease, virus or antibodies were detected in the farms outside of the quarantined area. Although the biosecurity indicators had improved on all farms in the quarantined area (p<0.05), the virus was active and circulating in the region. The contingency measures have contained the outbreak, but biosecurity practices are paramount in the control of new outbreaks. Official control will be maintained in the region, including surveillance of new cases and biosecurity procedures to mitigate the risk of the virus reaching other regions.(AU)

Laringotraqueíte infecciosa (LTI), causada por um alfaherpesvírus (herpesvírus Gallid-1; GaHV-1), foi observada na região das Terras Altas da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. De 2010 a 2018, o Serviço Veterinário Oficial (SVO) do Instituto Mineiro Agropecuário (IMA) implementou medidas para impedir a disseminação do vírus para outras regiões do estado e controlar a doença na região interditada. Devido à proximidade e consequente vínculo epidemiológico entre as granjas, a região foi considerada uma unidade epidemiológica única. Para verificar a eficiência das medidas de controle de LTI, foram realizados: (1) pesquisa soroepidemiológica, (2) questionários para avaliar medidas de biosseguridade; e (3) avaliação da influência da densidade populacional da granja na ocorrência de LTI. Em 2016, 2017 e 2018, a LTI foi investigada usando métodos epidemiológicos e clínico-patológicos, com a detecção molecular de GaHV-1. O levantamento sorológico foi realizado em 24 granjas da região interditada e em 13 granjas de outras regiões do estado. Em 2010 e 2018, foram aplicados questionários para coletar dados e determinar indicadores de medidas de biosseguridade em todas as granjas da área interditada. As diferenças foram avaliadas (p<0,05 de Wilcoxon). Os resultados indicaram sorologia positiva em toda a região, embora apenas em quatro granjas (16,6%) as galinhas apresentaram sinais clínicos, lesões macroscópicas e histológicas da LTI. A prevalência de infecção viral aumentou de 2016 (27%) para 2017 (50%) e foi maior em fazendas com alta densidade de alojamento (p=0,033). Presença da doença, vírus ou anticorpos foram detectados nas granjas fora da área interditada. Embora os indicadores de biosseguridade tenham melhorado em todas as fazendas da área interditada (p<0,05), o vírus está ativo e circulava na região. As medidas de contingência contiveram o surto, mas as práticas de biosseguridade são fundamentais para o controle de novos surtos. O controle oficial será mantido na região, incluindo a vigilância de novos casos e procedimentos de biosseguridade para mitigar o risco de transmissão do vírus para outras regiões.(AU)

Sorologia , Galinhas , Métodos Epidemiológicos , Médicos Veterinários , Vigilância em Desastres , Indicadores e Reagentes
Sci. agric. ; 78(4): 1-5, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31352


The protocols for in situ hybridization (ISH) techniques can vary considerably; however, they usually include denaturation and hybridization steps. Denaturing compounds are used to reduce denaturation and hybridization temperature, which keeps the proper morphology of the preparation. Formamide is the most commonly used reagent in in situ hybridization to lower the melting temperature. The substitution of toxic formamide for a non-toxic ethylene carbonate at 20 % and 50% concentration in the hybridization mixture helped obtain a high quality in situ hybridization result with two sequences characteristic for rye, JNK, and Bilby. The results after hybridization, with a duration of 90 min and 16 h, were identical when formamide or ethylene carbonate were used in the mixture. In addition, the toxic formamide was eliminated from the post-hybridization steps and specific hybridization signals for both probes were still obtained.(AU)

Hibridização In Situ/métodos , Hibridização In Situ/normas , Secale/efeitos dos fármacos , Indicadores e Reagentes/administração & dosagem , Secale/genética
Sci. agric ; 78(4): 1-5, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497960


The protocols for in situ hybridization (ISH) techniques can vary considerably; however, they usually include denaturation and hybridization steps. Denaturing compounds are used to reduce denaturation and hybridization temperature, which keeps the proper morphology of the preparation. Formamide is the most commonly used reagent in in situ hybridization to lower the melting temperature. The substitution of toxic formamide for a non-toxic ethylene carbonate at 20 % and 50% concentration in the hybridization mixture helped obtain a high quality in situ hybridization result with two sequences characteristic for rye, JNK, and Bilby. The results after hybridization, with a duration of 90 min and 16 h, were identical when formamide or ethylene carbonate were used in the mixture. In addition, the toxic formamide was eliminated from the post-hybridization steps and specific hybridization signals for both probes were still obtained.

Hibridização In Situ/métodos , Hibridização In Situ/normas , Indicadores e Reagentes/administração & dosagem , Secale/efeitos dos fármacos , Secale/genética
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 664-672, May-June, 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128613


Objetivou-se avaliar a condição metabólica e estrutural das células espermáticas bovinas após congelação, com adição prévia de IGF-I e insulina no meio diluidor seminal. Os ejaculados de seis touros Nelore foram submetidos a quatro tratamentos: controle; insulina (100µUI/mL); IGF-I (150ng/mL) e insulina + IGF-I (50µUI/mL e 75ng/mL, respectivamente). Após a congelação, realizaram-se os testes de termorresistência rápida, coloração pelo corante azul de tripan e Giemsa, além da análise computadorizada da motilidade espermática, da integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal, e da peça intermediária por meio de sondas fluorescentes. O teste de termorresistência rápida apresentou efeito dentro do tempo de cada tratamento, mas não entre os tratamentos. Na análise computadorizada da motilidade espermática, foram observados movimento, motilidade e velocidade espermáticos; não houve efeitos dos tratamentos sobre qualquer uma dessas variáveis. Respostas iguais foram obtidas com as sondas fluorescentes e o corante azul de tripan/Giemsa. A adição de insulina e IGF-I, de forma isolada ou combinada, ao meio diluidor para congelação de sêmen não produziu efeitos sobre as condições metabólica e estrutural das células espermáticas.(AU)

This study aimed to evaluate the metabolic and structural condition of the spermatic bovine cells after the freezing, with addition, previously, of IGF-I and Insulin in the seminal thinner medium. The semen of 6 Nellore bulls were submitted to four treatments: Control, Insulin (100µUI/mL); IGF-I (150ng/mL) and Insulin + IGF-I (50µUI/mL and 75ng/mL, respectively). After freezing, rapid resistance tests, Tripan and Giemsa Blue staining, and computerized analysis of sperm motility and integrity of the plasma and acrosomal membranes and the intermediate part were performed by fluorescent probes. The term rapid resistance test had effect within the time of each treatment, but not between treatments. In the computer analysis of sperm motility, sperm movement, motility and velocity no effects of treatments were observed on any of these variables. The same results were obtained with the fluorescent probes and the Blue dye Trypan / Giemsa. The addition of Insulin and IGF-I, alone or in combination, to the semen freezing dilution medium had no effect on the metabolic and structural condition of sperm cells.(AU)

Sêmen/metabolismo , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I/administração & dosagem , Criopreservação/veterinária , Insulina/administração & dosagem , Bovinos , Indicadores e Reagentes
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 664-672, May-June, 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29768


Objetivou-se avaliar a condição metabólica e estrutural das células espermáticas bovinas após congelação, com adição prévia de IGF-I e insulina no meio diluidor seminal. Os ejaculados de seis touros Nelore foram submetidos a quatro tratamentos: controle; insulina (100µUI/mL); IGF-I (150ng/mL) e insulina + IGF-I (50µUI/mL e 75ng/mL, respectivamente). Após a congelação, realizaram-se os testes de termorresistência rápida, coloração pelo corante azul de tripan e Giemsa, além da análise computadorizada da motilidade espermática, da integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal, e da peça intermediária por meio de sondas fluorescentes. O teste de termorresistência rápida apresentou efeito dentro do tempo de cada tratamento, mas não entre os tratamentos. Na análise computadorizada da motilidade espermática, foram observados movimento, motilidade e velocidade espermáticos; não houve efeitos dos tratamentos sobre qualquer uma dessas variáveis. Respostas iguais foram obtidas com as sondas fluorescentes e o corante azul de tripan/Giemsa. A adição de insulina e IGF-I, de forma isolada ou combinada, ao meio diluidor para congelação de sêmen não produziu efeitos sobre as condições metabólica e estrutural das células espermáticas.(AU)

This study aimed to evaluate the metabolic and structural condition of the spermatic bovine cells after the freezing, with addition, previously, of IGF-I and Insulin in the seminal thinner medium. The semen of 6 Nellore bulls were submitted to four treatments: Control, Insulin (100µUI/mL); IGF-I (150ng/mL) and Insulin + IGF-I (50µUI/mL and 75ng/mL, respectively). After freezing, rapid resistance tests, Tripan and Giemsa Blue staining, and computerized analysis of sperm motility and integrity of the plasma and acrosomal membranes and the intermediate part were performed by fluorescent probes. The term rapid resistance test had effect within the time of each treatment, but not between treatments. In the computer analysis of sperm motility, sperm movement, motility and velocity no effects of treatments were observed on any of these variables. The same results were obtained with the fluorescent probes and the Blue dye Trypan / Giemsa. The addition of Insulin and IGF-I, alone or in combination, to the semen freezing dilution medium had no effect on the metabolic and structural condition of sperm cells.(AU)

Sêmen/metabolismo , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I/administração & dosagem , Criopreservação/veterinária , Insulina/administração & dosagem , Bovinos , Indicadores e Reagentes
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 34: 1-8, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504445


Anatomical and histological examinations were conducted on the digestive glands of two closely related mountain newts, Neurergus microspilotus (Nesterov, 1916) and Neurergus kaiseri Schmidt, 1952. In N. microspilotus and N. kaiseri the major digestive glands comprise a very large liver and a small pancreas. In both species the liver has two distinct lobes, right and left. Histologically, the parenchyma of the liver of both species is contained within a thin capsule of fibroconnective tissue. Glycogen deposits and fat storage often dissolve during the routine histological process and produce considerable histological variability. Sinusoids are lined with endothelial cells forming a very thin epithelial sheet, with discontinuous basement membrane. Bile ducts also occur within the parenchyma of the liver. The ducts are lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. The gall bladder is a storage depot for bile. Its mucosa is thrown into numerous folds. The epithelial lining of the tunica muscularis is arranged circularly. There is a lot of pigmentation in the hepatic parenchyma. The pancreas in N. microspilotus and N. kaiseri is roughly triangular in shape, and lies rather to the dorsal side of the duodenum, between it and the stomach. The exocrine portion of the pancreas consists of clusters of pyramidal cells, which are mostly organized in acini. In both species the cells have a dark basophilic cytoplasm, distinct basal nuclei, and many large eosinophilic zymogen granules containing enzymes responsible for the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and nucleotides.

Animais , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Pâncreas/anatomia & histologia , Salamandridae/anatomia & histologia , Indicadores e Reagentes , Ácido Periódico
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 47(3): 1-6, 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1479892


The objective of this study was to evaluate various financial indicators, estimated deterministically (considering historical quotes twelve consecutive years - 2003 to 2014), on the economic feasibility of finishing steers commercialized with different weights, using the simulation technique. Performance data steers were simulated with average initial weight of 350kg, fed in feedlot and slaughtered with 410, 440, 470, 500, 530, 560 and 590kg. The feeding period varies from 46 to 185 days, respectively. Based in various economic indicators, the viability of the investment decreased linearly according to the increase in slaughter weight. The coefficient of simple linear regression and means from lowest to highest slaughter weight were, respectively: net present value (-0.538 and R$ 67.37, R$ 65.28, R$ 32.14, R$ -7.34, R$ 8.01, R$ -12.38, R$ -23.41); index benefit: cost (-0.0003 and R$ 1.042, R$ 1.039, R$ 1.014, R$ 1.006, R$ 1.003, R$ 0.995, R$ 0.991); additional return on investment (-0.009 and 1.38, 1.29, 0.35, 0.11, 0.05, -0.08, -0.13% per month); internal rate of return (-0.009 and 2.21, 2.10, 1.28, 0.80, 0.93, 0.78, 0.73% per month). Feedlot use as termination option to obtain the direct benefits of this technology is an alternative investment with low economic return.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar diversos indicadores financeiros estimados de forma determinística (considerando cotações históricas de doze anos consecutivos - 2003 a 2014) na viabilidade econômica da terminação de novilhos em confinamento, comercializados em diferentes pesos, utilizando a técnica de simulação. Foram simulados dados de desempenho de novilhos com peso médio inicial de 350kg, alimentados em confinamento para serem abatidos com 410, 440, 470, 500, 530, 560 e 590kg. O período de alimentação variou de 46 a 185 dias, respectivamente. Baseada em vários indicadores, a viabilidade do investimento diminuiu linearmente de acordo com o aumento do peso. O coeficiente de regressão linear simples e as médias do menor para o maior peso de abate foram, respectivamente: valor presente líquido (-0,538 e R$ 67,37, R$ 65,28, R$ 32,14, R$ -7,34, R$ 8,01, R$ -12,38, R$ -23,41); índice benefício: custo (-0,0003 e R$ 1,042, R$ 1.039, R$ 1,014, R$ 1,006, R$ 1,003, R$ 0,995, R$ 0,991); retorno adicional sobre o investimento (-0,009 e 1,38, 1,29, 0,35, 0,11, 0,05, -0,08, -0,13% a.m.); taxa interna de retorno (-0,009 e 2,21, 2,10, 1,28, 0,80, 0,93, 0,78, 0,73% a.m.). O uso do confinamento como opção de terminação, visando obter os benefícios diretos desta tecnologia, representa a alternativa de investimento com baixo retorno econômico.

Animais , Bovinos , Abate de Animais , Administração Financeira , Indicadores e Reagentes , Peso-Idade , Estudos de Viabilidade , Ração Animal
Vet. Zoot. ; 24(3 Supl.1): 105-117, Sept. 2017.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17837


Os consumidores estão cada vez mais exigindo por produtos de origem animal produzidos com qualidade, segurança, saúde e respeito ao bem-estar-animal. O manejo correto de búfalas, que consiste principalmente na obediência de requisitos alimentares e ambientais, permite a produção de alimentos com ótima qualidade nutricional. Devido a isso, é primordial a divulgação de técnicas de manejo que visam incentivar a melhoria de vida desses animais e das características de seus produtos obtidos. Existem métodos eficazes para o monitoramento do bem-estar, sendo considerados alternativas de gerenciamento e assessoria dos proprietários, bem como requisito fundamental para o cumprimento da legislação em sistemas de garantia de qualidade para os consumidores. Há várias categorias de indicadores utilizadas para avaliar o bem-estar-animal, dentre elas: as medições comportamentais, incidência de problemas de saúde, nível de produtividade, regime de alimentação e procedimentos de ordenha. Atualmente, o conhecimento da qualidade de vida dos animais tornou-se uma importante questão para a maioria dos consumidores, principalmente quanto ao atendimento dos requisitos de saúde e nutrição. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho propôs descrever a influência das características comportamentais e de bem-estar em búfalas leiteiras sobre a capacidade produtiva animal, por meio de uma revisão de literatura. Para elaboração deste estudo foram utilizados livros, periódicos, sites com publicações online encontradas no Google Acadêmico, Scielo, Bireme e Pubmed. Após as descrições, verificou-se que as búfalas são animais que permitem produzir alimentos de ótima qualidade nutritiva aos humanos e que é necessário que os produtores tenham conhecimento do manejo correto desses animais, principalmente quanto na observância dos requisitos nutricionais, sanitários e ambientais.(AU)

Consumers are increasingly demanding for products of animal origin produced with quality, reliabity, health and respect for animal welfare. The correct management of buffaloes, which consists mainly in the obedience of food and environmental requirements, allows the production of food with excellent nutritional quality. Due to this, it is primordial the dissemination of management techniques that aim the improvement of the animals quality of life and the characteristics of the products obtained from the activity. There are effective methods for monitoring welfare and they are considered to be alternative management and consulting services for owners, as well as a fundamental requirement for compliance with quality assurance systems for consumers. There are several categories of indicators used to evaluate animal welfare, among them: behavioral measures, incidence of health problems, productivity level, feeding regime and milking procedures. Currently, the knowledge of animal quality of life has become an important issue for most consumers, especially in meeting health and nutrition requirements. In this sense, this work proposes to describe the influence of behavioral and welfare characteristics on dairy buffaloes over the animal productive capacity, through a literature review. For the preparation of this study, were used books, periodicals, sites with online publications found in Google Academic, Scielo, Bireme and PubMed. After the descriptions, it was verified that the buffaloes are animals that allow to produce foods of excellent nutritional quality to the humans and that it is necessary that the producers have knowledge of the correct handling of these animals, mainly as far as the observance of the nutritional, sanitary and environmental requirements.(AU)

Los consumidores están cada vez más exigiendo por productos de origen animal producidos con calidad, seguridad, salud y respeto del bienestar animal. El manejo correcto de búfalas, que consiste principalmente en la obediencia de requisitos alimentarios y ambiental, permite la producción de alimentos con óptima calidad nutricional. Debido a esto, es primordial la divulgación de técnicas de manejo con el fin de fomentar la mejora de la vida de estos animales y de las características de sus productos obtenidos. Existen métodos eficaces para el monitoreo del bienestar, siendo considerados alternativas de gestión y asesoría de los propietarios, así como un requisito fundamental para el cumplimiento de la legislación en sistemas de garantía de calidad para los consumidores. Existen varias categorías de indicadores utilizados para evaluar el bienestar animal, entre ellas: las mediciones de comportamiento, la incidencia de problemas de salud, nivel de productividad, régimen de alimentación y procedimientos de ordeño. Actualmente, el conocimiento de la calidad de vida de los animales se ha convertido en una importante cuestión para la mayoría de los consumidores, principalmente en cuanto a la atención de los requisitos de salud y nutrición. En ese sentido, este trabajo propuso describir la influencia de las características comportamentales y de bienestar en búfalas lecheras sobre la capacidad productiva animal, por medio de una revisión de literatura. Para la elaboración de este estudio se utilizaron libros, periódicos, sitios con publicaciones en línea encontradas en Google Acadêmico, Scielo, Bireme e Pubmed. Después de las descripciones, se verificó que las búfalas son animales que permiten producir alimentos de óptima calidad nutritiva a los humanos y que es necesario que los productores tengan conocimiento del manejo correcto de estos animales, principalmente en cuanto a la observancia de los requisitos nutricionales, sanitarios y ambientales.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Búfalos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Indicadores e Reagentes , Monitoramento Ambiental , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Qualidade dos Alimentos
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 34: 1-8, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16836


Anatomical and histological examinations were conducted on the digestive glands of two closely related mountain newts, Neurergus microspilotus (Nesterov, 1916) and Neurergus kaiseri Schmidt, 1952. In N. microspilotus and N. kaiseri the major digestive glands comprise a very large liver and a small pancreas. In both species the liver has two distinct lobes, right and left. Histologically, the parenchyma of the liver of both species is contained within a thin capsule of fibroconnective tissue. Glycogen deposits and fat storage often dissolve during the routine histological process and produce considerable histological variability. Sinusoids are lined with endothelial cells forming a very thin epithelial sheet, with discontinuous basement membrane. Bile ducts also occur within the parenchyma of the liver. The ducts are lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. The gall bladder is a storage depot for bile. Its mucosa is thrown into numerous folds. The epithelial lining of the tunica muscularis is arranged circularly. There is a lot of pigmentation in the hepatic parenchyma. The pancreas in N. microspilotus and N. kaiseri is roughly triangular in shape, and lies rather to the dorsal side of the duodenum, between it and the stomach. The exocrine portion of the pancreas consists of clusters of pyramidal cells, which are mostly organized in acini. In both species the cells have a dark basophilic cytoplasm, distinct basal nuclei, and many large eosinophilic zymogen granules containing enzymes responsible for the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and nucleotides.(AU)

Animais , Salamandridae/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Pâncreas/anatomia & histologia , Indicadores e Reagentes , Ácido Periódico