The release of endometrial prostaglandin-F2α (PGF2α) in bovine females can be induced in vivo by estradiol (E2). However, its role in this mechanism has not been clarified. We hypothesized that E2 stimulates the activity and abundance of protein kinase C (PKC) and phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Our objective in this study was to analyze the effects of PKC and PLA2 inhibitors on PGF2α synthesis induced by E2 and calcium ionophore (CI) in bovine endometrial cells (BEND cells; Experiment 1). Additionally, we evaluated the abundance of PKC and PLA2 in endometrial explants of cows treated or not with E2 17 days after estrus (D17, D0 = estrus; Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, BEND cells were submitted to a PKC inhibitor (10 µM of C25H24N4O2; bisindolylmaleimide I, or BIS I), a PLA2 inhibitor (20 µM of arachydoniltrifluoromethane or AACOCF3), or none. The BEND cells were subsequently treated with E2 and CI, and PGF2α concentrations were measured in the culture medium through radioimmunoassay. For DIF-12 (PGF2α concentration 12 h after treatment subtracted from PGF2α concentration at hour 0), no PKC inhibitor effect was observed (P= 0.2709). However, DIF-12 was lower (P < 0.05) for groups treated with the PLA2 inhibitor and PLA2 inhibitor + CI + E2 groups than the control and CI + E2 groups. Thus, AACOCF3 was an efficient PLA2 inhibitor in the BEND cells culture system, and E2 did not stimulate the synthesis of PKC and PLA2. In Experiment 2, cyclic Nellore heifers received none (n = 5) or 3 mg (n = 6) of 17ß-E2 on D17 and were slaughtered 2 h after administration. The abundance of PKC and PLA2 in the endometrial tissue was evaluated using Western blotting analysis. No E2 effect was observed on PKC (P = 0.08) and PLA2 (P = 0.56). We concluded that E2 did not stimulate the activity and abundance of PKC and PLA2.(AU)
A liberação endometrial de prostaglandina-F2α (PGF2α) em fêmeas bovinas pode ser induzida in vivo pelo estradiol (E2). Entretanto o seu mecanismo de ação ainda não foi bem esclarecido. Nossa hipótese é que o E2 estimula a atividade e a abundância da proteína quinase C (PKC) e da fosfolipase A2 (PLA2). Nosso objetivo com este estudo foi analizar os efeitos de inibidores de PKC e PLA2 na síntese de PGF2α induzida por E2 e ionóforo de cálcio (CI) em células endometriais bovinas (células BEND; Experimento 1). Adicionalmente, nós avaliamos a abundância de PKC e PLA2 em explantes endometriais de vacas tratadas com ou sem E2 17 dias após o estro (D17, D0 = estro; Experimento 2). No Experimento 1, células BEND foram submetidas ao inibidor de PKC (10 µM de C25H24N4O2; bisindolylmaleimide I, ou BIS I), e ao inibidor de PLA2 (20 µM de arachydoniltrifluoromethane ou AACOCF3) ou a nenhum inibidor. As células BEND foram subsequentemente tratadas com E2 e CI e concentrações de PGF2α foram mensuradas no meio de cultura por radioimunoenssaio. Para DIF-12 (concentração de PGF2α 12 horas depois do tratamento, subtraída da concentração de PGF2α na hora 0), não foi observado efeito do inibidor de PKC (P = 0.2709). Entretanto DIF-12 foi menor (P < 0.05) nos grupos tratados com inibidor de PLA2 e inibidor de PLA2 + CI + E2 quando comparados com o grupo controle e o grupo CI + E2. O AACOCF3 foi um eficiente inibidor de PLA2 em sistema de cultura de células BEND e o E2 não estimulou a síntese de PKC e PLA2. No Experimento 2, novilhas Nelore cíclicas receberam 3 mg de 17ß-E2 (n = 6) ou nenhum tratamento (n = 5) no D17 e foram abatidas duas horas depois da administração dos tratamentos. A quantidade de PKC and PLA2 no tecido endometrial foi avaliada pela técnica de Western Blotting. Não foi observado efeito do E2 sobre a PKC (P= 0.08) e nem sobre a PLA2 (P= 0.56). Conclui-se que o E2 não estimulou a atividade e abundância de PKC e PLA2.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Proteína Quinase C , Bovinos/fisiologia , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , Doenças Uterinas , Estradiol , Ionóforos de CálcioResumo
The release of endometrial prostaglandin-F2α (PGF2α) in bovine females can be induced in vivo by estradiol (E2). However, its role in this mechanism has not been clarified. We hypothesized that E2 stimulates the activity and abundance of protein kinase C (PKC) and phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Our objective in this study was to analyze the effects of PKC and PLA2 inhibitors on PGF2α synthesis induced by E2 and calcium ionophore (CI) in bovine endometrial cells (BEND cells; Experiment 1). Additionally, we evaluated the abundance of PKC and PLA2 in endometrial explants of cows treated or not with E2 17 days after estrus (D17, D0 = estrus; Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, BEND cells were submitted to a PKC inhibitor (10 µM of C25H24N4O2; bisindolylmaleimide I, or BIS I), a PLA2 inhibitor (20 µM of arachydoniltrifluoromethane or AACOCF3), or none. The BEND cells were subsequently treated with E2 and CI, and PGF2α concentrations were measured in the culture medium through radioimmunoassay. For DIF-12 (PGF2α concentration 12 h after treatment subtracted from PGF2α concentration at hour 0), no PKC inhibitor effect was observed (P= 0.2709). However, DIF-12 was lower (P < 0.05) for groups treated with the PLA2 inhibitor and PLA2 inhibitor + CI + E2 groups than the control and CI + E2 groups. Thus, AACOCF3 was an efficient PLA2 inhibitor in the BEND cells culture system, and E2 did not stimulate the synthesis of PKC and PLA2. In Experiment 2, cyclic Nellore heifers received none (n = 5) or 3 mg (n = 6) of 17ß-E2 on D17 and were slaughtered 2 h after administration. The abundance of PKC and PLA2 in the endometrial tissue was evaluated using Western blotting analysis. No E2 effect was observed on PKC (P = 0.08) and PLA2 (P = 0.56). We concluded that E2 did not stimulate the activity and abundance of PKC and PLA2.(AU)
A liberação endometrial de prostaglandina-F2α (PGF2α) em fêmeas bovinas pode ser induzida in vivo pelo estradiol (E2). Entretanto o seu mecanismo de ação ainda não foi bem esclarecido. Nossa hipótese é que o E2 estimula a atividade e a abundância da proteína quinase C (PKC) e da fosfolipase A2 (PLA2). Nosso objetivo com este estudo foi analizar os efeitos de inibidores de PKC e PLA2 na síntese de PGF2α induzida por E2 e ionóforo de cálcio (CI) em células endometriais bovinas (células BEND; Experimento 1). Adicionalmente, nós avaliamos a abundância de PKC e PLA2 em explantes endometriais de vacas tratadas com ou sem E2 17 dias após o estro (D17, D0 = estro; Experimento 2). No Experimento 1, células BEND foram submetidas ao inibidor de PKC (10 µM de C25H24N4O2; bisindolylmaleimide I, ou BIS I), e ao inibidor de PLA2 (20 µM de arachydoniltrifluoromethane ou AACOCF3) ou a nenhum inibidor. As células BEND foram subsequentemente tratadas com E2 e CI e concentrações de PGF2α foram mensuradas no meio de cultura por radioimunoenssaio. Para DIF-12 (concentração de PGF2α 12 horas depois do tratamento, subtraída da concentração de PGF2α na hora 0), não foi observado efeito do inibidor de PKC (P = 0.2709). Entretanto DIF-12 foi menor (P < 0.05) nos grupos tratados com inibidor de PLA2 e inibidor de PLA2 + CI + E2 quando comparados com o grupo controle e o grupo CI + E2. O AACOCF3 foi um eficiente inibidor de PLA2 em sistema de cultura de células BEND e o E2 não estimulou a síntese de PKC e PLA2. No Experimento 2, novilhas Nelore cíclicas receberam 3 mg de 17ß-E2 (n = 6) ou nenhum tratamento (n = 5) no D17 e foram abatidas duas horas depois da administração dos tratamentos. A quantidade de PKC and PLA2 no tecido endometrial foi avaliada pela técnica de Western Blotting. Não foi observado efeito do E2 sobre a PKC (P= 0.08) e nem sobre a PLA2 (P= 0.56). Conclui-se que o E2 não estimulou a atividade e abundância de PKC e PLA2.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Proteína Quinase C , Bovinos/fisiologia , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , Doenças Uterinas , Estradiol , Ionóforos de CálcioResumo
Abstract Background: Endogenous phospholipase A2 inhibitors from snake blood (sbPLIs) have been isolated from several species around the world, with the primary function of self-protection against the action of toxic phospholipases A2. In American snakes, sbPLIs were solely described in pit vipers, in which the natural protection role is justified. In this study, we described a sbPLI in Boa constrictor (popularly known as jiboia), a non-venomous snake species from America. Methods: PLA2 inhibitory activity was tested in the blood plasma of B. constrictor using C. d. terrificus venom as the enzyme source. Antibodies developed against CNF, a sbγPLI from Crotalus durissus terrificus, were used to investigate the presence of homologues in the blood plasma of B. constrictor. A CNF-like molecule with a PLA2 inhibitory activity was purified by column chromatography. The encoding gene for the inhibitor was cloned from B. constrictor liver tissue. The DNA fragment was cloned, purified and sequenced. The deduced primary sequence of interest was aligned with known sbγPLIs from the literature. Results: The blood plasma of B. constrictor displayed PLA2 inhibitory activity. A CNF-like molecule (named BcNF) was identified and purified from the blood plasma of B. constrictor. Basic properties such as molecular mass, composing amino acids, and pI were comparable, but BcNF displayed reduced specific activity in PLA2 inhibition. BcNF showed highest identity scores (ISs) with sbγPLIs from pit vipers from Latin America (90-100%), followed by gamma inhibitors from Asian viperid (80-90%). ISs below 70% were obtained for BcNF and non-venomous species from Asia. Conclusion: A functional sbγPLI (BcNF) was described in the blood plasma of B. constrictor. BcNF displayed higher primary identity with sbγPLIs from Viperidae than to sbγPLIs from non-venomous species from Asia. The physiological role played by sbγPLIs in non-venomous snake species remains to be understood. Further investigation is needed.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Viperidae , Venenos Elapídicos , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2Resumo
Background:Endogenous phospholipase A2 inhibitors from snake blood (sbPLIs) have been isolated from several species around the world, with the primary function of self-protection against the action of toxic phospholipases A2. In American snakes, sbPLIs were solely described in pit vipers, in which the natural protection role is justified. In this study, we described a sbPLI in Boa constrictor (popularly known as jiboia), a non-venomous snake species from America.Methods:PLA2 inhibitory activity was tested in the blood plasma of B. constrictor using C. d. terrificus venom as the enzyme source. Antibodies developed against CNF, a sbγPLI from Crotalus durissus terrificus, were used to investigate the presence of homologues in the blood plasma of B. constrictor. A CNF-like molecule with a PLA2 inhibitory activity was purified by column chromatography. The encoding gene for the inhibitor was cloned from B. constrictor liver tissue. The DNA fragment was cloned, purified and sequenced. The deduced primary sequence of interest was aligned with known sbγPLIs from the literature.Results:The blood plasma of B. constrictor displayed PLA2 inhibitory activity. A CNF-like molecule (named BcNF) was identified and purified from the blood plasma of B. constrictor. Basic properties such as molecular mass, composing amino acids, and pI were comparable, but BcNF displayed reduced specific activity in PLA2 inhibition. BcNF showed highest identity scores (ISs) with sbγPLIs from pit vipers from Latin America (90-100%), followed by gamma inhibitors from Asian viperid (80-90%). ISs below 70% were obtained for BcNF and non-venomous species from Asia.Conclusion:A functional sbγPLI (BcNF) was described in the blood plasma of B. constrictor. BcNF displayed higher primary identity with sbγPLIs from Viperidae than...(AU)
Animais , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2/análise , Boidae , Fosfolipases A2 , Venenos de Crotalídeos/análise , Venenos de Crotalídeos/químicaResumo
Background: Lipid metabolites play an important role in parasite differentiation and virulence. Studies have revealed that Leishmania sp. uses prostaglandins to evade innate barriers, thus enabling the parasites to survive inside immune cells. Despite the role of the enzyme Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in prostaglandins production, few studies have investigated the role of parasite PLA2 during the interaction between L. (L.) amazonensis and the host (in vitro and in vivo) immune cells. Methods: In the present work, the leishmanicidal effect of PLA2 inhibitors, methyl arachidonyl fluorophosphonate (MAFP), bromoenol lactone (BEL) and aristolochic acid (AA) were investigated in vitro (promastigote and intracellular amastigote forms of L. (L.) amazonensis) and during in vivo infection using BALB/c mice. Results: The aforementioned inhibitors were deleterious to promastigote and amastigote forms of the L. (L.) amazonensis and were non-toxic to peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c mice. L. (L.) amazonensis-infected BALB/c mice treated with the inhibitor BEL presented decreased lesion size and skin parasitism; however, BEL treatment induced hepatotoxicity in BALB/c mice. Conclusions: Results presented herein suggested that PLA2 inhibitors altered L. (L.) amazonensis viability. In spite of liver toxicity, treatment with BEL was the most selective compound in vitro, as well in vivo, resulting in lower skin parasitism in the infected mice. These findings corroborate the role of PLA2 in parasite virulence and maintenance in vertebrate hosts, and suggest that molecules structurally related to BEL should be considered when planning compounds against Leishmania sp.(AU)
Animais , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2/uso terapêutico , Leishmaniose/tratamento farmacológico , Macrófagos , Leishmania , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C/imunologiaResumo
Background: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods: In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results: The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion: Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , Anticorpos MonoclonaisResumo
It is of popular and scientific knowledge that toxins from snake venom (among them the PLA2 and myotoxins) are neutralized by various compounds, such as antibodies and proteins purified from animal blood. Venomous and nonvenomous snakes have PLA2 inhibitory proteins, called PLIs, in their blood serum. One hypothesis that could explain the presence of these PLIs in the serum of venomous snakes would be self-protection against the enzymes of their own venom, which eventually could reach the circulatory system. However, the presence of PLIs in non-venomous snakes suggests that their physiological role might not be restricted to protection against PLA2 toxins, but could be extended to other functions, as in the innate immune system and local regulation of PLA2s. The present study aimed to review the currently available literature on PLA2 and myotoxin alpha inhibitors present in snake plasma, thus helping to improve the research on these molecules. Furthermore, this review includes current information regarding the mechanism of action of these inhibitors in an attempt to better understand their application, and proposes the use of these molecules as new models in snakebite therapy. These molecules may help in the neutralization of different types of phospholipases A2 and myotoxins, complementing the conventional serum therapy.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Serpentes , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , AnticorposResumo
Background: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods: In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results: The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion: Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , Anticorpos MonoclonaisResumo
The blood plasma of numerous snake species naturally comprises endogenous phospholipase A2 inhibitors, which primarily neutralize toxic phospholipases A2 that may eventually reach their circulation. This inhibitor type is generally known as snake blood phospholipase A2 inhibitors (sbPLIs). Most, if not all sbPLIs are oligomeric glycosylated proteins, although the carbohydrate moiety may not be essential for PLA2 inhibition in every case. The presently known sbPLIs belong to one of three structural classes namely sbPLI, sbPLI or sbPLI depending on the presence of characteristic C-type lectin-like domains, leucine-rich repeats or three-finger motifs, respectively. Currently, the most numerous inhibitors described in the literature are sbPLIs and sbPLIs, whereas sbPLIs are rare. When the target PLA2 is a Lys49 homolog or an Asp49 myotoxin, the sbPLI is denominated a myotoxin inhibitor protein (MIP). In this brief overview, the most relevant data on sbPLIs will be presented. Representative examples of sbPLIs and sbPLIs from two Old World Gloydius brevicaudus and Malayopython reticulatus and two New World Bothrops alternatus and Crotalus durissus terrificus snake species will be emphasized.(AU)
Animais , Viperidae/sangue , Viperidae/imunologia , Viperidae/metabolismo , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2/análise , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2/químicaResumo
The blood plasma of numerous snake species naturally comprises endogenous phospholipase A2 inhibitors, which primarily neutralize toxic phospholipases A2 that may eventually reach their circulation. This inhibitor type is generally known as snake blood phospholipase A2 inhibitors (sbPLIs). Most, if not all sbPLIs are oligomeric glycosylated proteins, although the carbohydrate moiety may not be essential for PLA2 inhibition in every case. The presently known sbPLIs belong to one of three structural classes - namely sbαPLI, sbβPLI or sbγPLI - depending on the presence of characteristic C-type lectin-like domains, leucine-rich repeats or three-finger motifs, respectively. Currently, the most numerous inhibitors described in the literature are sbαPLIs and sbγPLIs, whereas sbβPLIs are rare. When the target PLA2 is a Lys49 homolog or an Asp49 myotoxin, the sbPLI is denominated a myotoxin inhibitor protein (MIP). In this brief overview, the most relevant data on sbPLIs will be presented. Representative examples of sbαPLIs and sbγPLIs from two Old World - Gloydius brevicaudus and Malayopython reticulatus - and two New World - Bothrops alternatus and Crotalus durissus terrificus - snake species will be emphasized.(AU)