Diagnosing Canine Visceral Leishmaniosis is challenging for veterinarians given that its hematological and biochemical abnormalities greatly resemble those of other illnesses of dogs, such as canine ehrlichiosis, which is caused by Ehrlichia canis and is highly prevalent with high pathogenicity. The aim of this study was to determine occurrences of serological positivity for the antigens of Ehrlichia canis and Leishmania infantum and its relationship to globulin concentrations in samples from dogs. Out of 93 samples tested, 12.9% were negative for the antigens of both L. infantum and E. canis; 33.3% were seropositive for both antigens. Discordant results were found from 18.3% that were positive only for L. infantum, while 35.5% were positive only for E. canis. Hyperglobulinemia was observed in 88.2% and the statistical analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the high levels of globulins and seropositivity for the antigen of E. canis. However, the relationship between positivity for the antigen of L. infantum and hyperglobulinemia, showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between the two laboratory findings. From these results, it can be concluded that concomitant infections occur frequently and that hyperglobulinemia is more closely related to ehrlichiosis than to leishmaniosis, in dogs.
O diagnóstico da leishmaniose canina é um desafio ao Médico Veterinário visto que anormalidades hematológicas e bioquímicas muito se assemelham à outras enfermidades dos cães, como a erliquiose canina, causada pela Ehrlichia canis, muito prevalente e de alta patogenicidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a positividade sorológica frente aos antígenos de Ehrlichia canis e Leishmania infantum e a sua relação com as concentrações de globulinas em amostras de cães. Das 93 amostras testadas, 12,9% foram negativas frente aos antígenos de E. canis e L. infantum e 33% foram soropositivas. Resultados discordantes foram encontradas em 18,3% positivas apenas para L. infantum, enquanto que 35,5% reagiram apenas frente a E. canis. Hiperglobulinemia foi observada em 88,2% das amostras e a análise estatística mostrou haver relação significante entre a soropositividade frente aos antígenos de E. canis e a hiperglobulinemia, e em contrapartida, a relação entre esse aumento de globulinas e a positividade para L. infantum foi insignificante. Pelos resultados apresentados, pode-se concluir que as infecções concomitantes são frequentes e que a hiperglobulinemia está mais intimamente relacionada a erliquiose quando comparada à leishmaniose em cães.
Animais , Cães , Biomarcadores , Cães/microbiologia , Cães/sangue , Ehrlichiose/diagnóstico , Leishmaniose/diagnóstico , Soro , Ehrlichia canis/patogenicidade , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidadeResumo
Diagnosing Canine Visceral Leishmaniosis is challenging for veterinarians given that its hematological and biochemical abnormalities greatly resemble those of other illnesses of dogs, such as canine ehrlichiosis, which is caused by Ehrlichia canis and is highly prevalent with high pathogenicity. The aim of this study was to determine occurrences of serological positivity for the antigens of Ehrlichia canis and Leishmania infantum and its relationship to globulin concentrations in samples from dogs. Out of 93 samples tested, 12.9% were negative for the antigens of both L. infantum and E. canis; 33.3% were seropositive for both antigens. Discordant results were found from 18.3% that were positive only for L. infantum, while 35.5% were positive only for E. canis. Hyperglobulinemia was observed in 88.2% and the statistical analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the high levels of globulins and seropositivity for the antigen of E. canis. However, the relationship between positivity for the antigen of L. infantum and hyperglobulinemia, showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between the two laboratory findings. From these results, it can be concluded that concomitant infections occur frequently and that hyperglobulinemia is more closely related to ehrlichiosis than to leishmaniosis, in dogs.(AU)
O diagnóstico da leishmaniose canina é um desafio ao Médico Veterinário visto que anormalidades hematológicas e bioquímicas muito se assemelham à outras enfermidades dos cães, como a erliquiose canina, causada pela Ehrlichia canis, muito prevalente e de alta patogenicidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a positividade sorológica frente aos antígenos de Ehrlichia canis e Leishmania infantum e a sua relação com as concentrações de globulinas em amostras de cães. Das 93 amostras testadas, 12,9% foram negativas frente aos antígenos de E. canis e L. infantum e 33% foram soropositivas. Resultados discordantes foram encontradas em 18,3% positivas apenas para L. infantum, enquanto que 35,5% reagiram apenas frente a E. canis. Hiperglobulinemia foi observada em 88,2% das amostras e a análise estatística mostrou haver relação significante entre a soropositividade frente aos antígenos de E. canis e a hiperglobulinemia, e em contrapartida, a relação entre esse aumento de globulinas e a positividade para L. infantum foi insignificante. Pelos resultados apresentados, pode-se concluir que as infecções concomitantes são frequentes e que a hiperglobulinemia está mais intimamente relacionada a erliquiose quando comparada à leishmaniose em cães.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Biomarcadores , Soro , Leishmaniose/diagnóstico , Ehrlichiose/diagnóstico , Cães/sangue , Cães/microbiologia , Ehrlichia canis/patogenicidade , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidadeResumo
The main clinical, anatomopathological, and molecular aspects of the infection by Leishmania infantum are described in two cats with multicentric cutaneous, nodular, and ulcerated lesions. The animals were submitted to a clinical examination, followed by serological, molecular and parasitological exams, with culture and isolation of the parasite, and subsequent isoenzymatic characterization. The animals were euthanized and necropsied. Case 1 was an adult, female, mixed-bred stray cat. Case 2 was an adult, male, mixed-bred and domiciled cat. Both were positive for the presence of anti-L. infantum antibodies. In the cytology of the cutaneous nodules and lymph nodes, amastigote forms of Leishmania spp. could be visualized, free and in the interior of the macrophages. In the histopathology, the lesions were characterized by nodular granulomatous and/or ulcerative dermatitis, associated to amastigote forms of Leishmania spp. By means of the polymerase chain reaction, the sequence of the L. infantum kDNA minicircle was amplified. It is concluded that the infection by L. infantum occurs in cats in the State of Paraíba, Northeast region of Brazil and the need to understand the immunological profile of the visceral leishmaniasis in the feline population is highlighted with aimed at the control measures in public health.(AU)
Descrevem-se os principais aspectos clínicos, anatomopatológicos e moleculares da infecção por Leishmania infantum em dois gatos, cuja queixa era de lesões cutâneas multicêntricas, nodulares e ulceradas. Os animais foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, seguida de exames sorológicos, molecular e parasitológico, com cultura e isolamento do parasita e posterior caracterização isoenzimática. Os animais foram eutanasiados e encaminhados para a necropsia. O caso 1 era uma gata adulta, sem raça definida e errante. O caso 2 era um gato adulto, sem raça definida e domiciliado. Ambos foram positivos para a presença de anticorpos anti-L. infantum. Na citologia dos nódulos cutâneos e linfonodos, puderam ser visualizadas formas amastigotas de Leishmania spp. livres e no interior de macrófagos. Na histopatologia, as lesões se caracterizavam por dermatite granulomatosa nodular e/ou ulcerativa, associadas a formas amastigotas de Leishmania spp. Por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase, amplificou-se a sequência do minicírculo do kDNA de L. infantum. Conclui-se que a infecção por L. infantum ocorre em gatos no estado da Paraíba, região Nordeste do Brasil. Deve-se ressaltar a necessidade de compreender o perfil imunológico e epidemiológico da leishmaniose visceral na população felina, com vistas às medidas de controle em saúde pública.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos/microbiologia , Leishmaniose/microbiologia , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , ZoonosesResumo
Dogs have been implicated as main reservoirs for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in urban areas. Therefore, studies on this species provide important data for public health. Thus, the objective of the present study was to ascertain the seroprevalence of canine VL (CVL) and the associated factors in the Brejo Paraibano microregion, northeastern Brazil. A total of 409 dogs were sampled from the eight municipalities of the microregion: Alagoa Grande, Alagoa Nova, Areia, Bananeiras, Borborema, Matinhas, Pilões and Serraria. The diagnosis of CVL was made using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA S7®), through which the prevalence observed was 29.3%. By robust Poisson regression analysis two factors were associated with seroprevalence: illiterate/incomplete elementary owners education level (prevalence ratio = 1.57; 95% CI = 1.052.34; p-value = 0.027) and tick infestation (prevalence ratio = 1.82; 95% CI = 1.272.61; p-value = 0.001). It is concluded that the seroprevalence of CVL in the Brejo Paraibano microregion is high. The factors associated with seroprevalence indicated the importance to develop socioeducational actions on the population, and the finding that tick infestation was associated with seroprevalence shows that there is a need for investigation regarding the role of ticks in the epidemiology of CVL.(AU)
Os cães são apontados como principais reservatórios da leishmaniose visceral (LV) em áreas urbanas. Portanto, estudos com essa espécie fornecem dados importantes para a saúde pública. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a soroprevalência da leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) e os fatores associados na microrregião do Brejo Paraibano, Nordeste do Brasil. Foram amostrados 409 cães dos oito municípios da microrregião: Alagoa Grande, Alagoa Nova, Areia, Bananeiras, Borborema, Matinhas, Pilões e Serraria. O diagnóstico de LVC foi realizado com o ensaio imunoenzimático (kit ELISA S7®), no qual a prevalência observada foi de 29,3%. Pela análise de regressão de Poisson robusta, dois fatores foram associados à soroprevalência: proprietário analfabeto ou com ensino fundamental incompleto (razão de prevalência = 1,57; IC 95% = 1,05-2,34; p-valor = 0,027) e infestação de carrapatos (razão de prevalência = 1,82; IC 95% = 1,27-2,61; p-valor = 0,001). Conclui-se que a soroprevalência da LVC na microrregião Brejo Paraibano é alta. Os fatores associados à soroprevalência indicaram a importância do desenvolvimento de ações socioeducativas na população, e a associação da infestação de carrapatos com a soroprevalência mostra que há necessidade de investigação sobre o papel dos carrapatos na epidemiologia da LVC.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/microbiologia , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Zoonoses/epidemiologiaResumo
Leishmania infantum is a trypanosomatid that causes parasitic dermatopathy in dogs. Trypanosoma caninum is another trypanosomatid, which infects the skin of dogs, although cutaneous abnormalities are absent. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of T. caninum infection and its associated cutaneous and histological changes and compare it with the occurrence of L. infantum infection in dogs. The study included 150 dogs, of which T. caninum infection was identified in 3 (2%) and L. infantum infection in 15 (10%) of them, with no association (p>0.05) of these infections with the breed, gender, age, or cutaneous abnormalities. The cutaneous abnormalities were based on 1 (4.8%) and 12 (57.1%) dogs infected by T. caninum and L. infantum, respectively. The dermatohistopathological abnormalities in the dogs infected with T. caninum included mild perivascular lymphohistioplasmacytic infiltrates in the clinically asymptomatic ones, while in those with dermatological abnormalities, acanthosis, epidermal orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, melanomacrophages, and co-infection with Microsporum sp. and Trichophyton sp. were observed. InL. infantum infected, the histopathological findings included chronic granulomatous inflammatory infiltrates and structures compatible with amastigotes. Despite the low frequency of T. caninum infection, our findings suggest that this trypanosomatid, unlike L. infantum, does not cause any macroscopic skin abnormalities.(AU)
Leishmania infantum é um tripanosomatídeo que causa dermatopatia parasitária em cães. Trypanosoma caninum é outro tripanosomatídeo, que infecta a pele de cães, embora anormalidades cutâneas sejam ausentes. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência da infecção por T. caninum e suas alterações cutâneas e histológicas associadas e compará-las com a ocorrência da infecção por L. infantum em cães. O estudo incluiu 150 cães, dos quais a infecção por T. caninum foi identificada em 3 (2%) e a infecção por L. infantum em 15 (10%) deles, sem associação (p>0,05) dessas infecções com a raça, sexo, idade ou anormalidades cutâneas. As alterações cutâneas foram observadas em 1 (4,8%) e 12 (57,1%) cães infectados por T. caninum e L. infantum, respectivamente. As anormalidades dermato-histopatológicas nos cães infectados por T. caninum incluíram infiltrados linfo-histioplasmocitários perivasculares leves nos clinicamente assintomáticos, enquanto naqueles com anormalidades dermatológicas, foram observados acantose, hiperqueratose ortoqueratótica epidermal e melanomacrófagos e co-infecção por Microsporum sp. e Trichophyton sp. Nos cães infectados por L. infantum, os achados histopatológicos incluíram infiltrados inflamatórios granulomatosos crônicos e estruturas compatíveis com amastigotas. A despeito da baixa frequência da infecção por T. caninum, nossos achados sugerem que esse tripanosomatídeo, diferentemente de L. infantum, não causa anormalidades macroscópicas na pele.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Trypanosoma/classificação , Trypanosoma/parasitologia , Trypanosoma/patogenicidade , Leishmania infantum/classificação , Leishmania infantum/parasitologia , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Cães/parasitologiaResumo
Phlebotomines of the genus Lutzomyia are important vector for species of Leishmania, the etiological agent of leishmaniasis. The aim of this study was to assess the diversity of sandflies in an endemic area for Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL). Sampling was performed in four localities on the coast of the municipality of Goiana, state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. Specimens were collected monthly on three consecutive nights, from November 2017 to October 2018. CDC light traps were installed at a height of 1.5 m above the ground, in two ecotypes (i.e. tree and animal facility), both in peridomestic areas. A total of 5,205 sandflies were collected, among which the species Lutzomyia longipalpis (99.85%; 5,197/5,205) was the most common, followed by Lutzomyia evandroi (0.13%; 07/5,205) and Lutzomyia whitmani (0.02%; 01/5,205). Specimens of L. longipalpis were collected throughout the study period and most of them were found near to the animal facilities. The findings from this research indicate that vectors for Leishmania infantum are present in the study area throughout the year, along with occurrences of vectors relating to Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL). Preventive vector control measures need to be implemented in Goiana to reduce the risk of infection for the human and animal populations.(AU)
Flebotomíneos do gênero Lutzomyia são importantes vetores de espécies de Leishmania, agente etiológico das leishmanioses. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a diversidade de flebotomíneos em área endêmica para Leishmaniose Visceral (LV). As coletas foram realizadas em quatro localidades do litoral do município de Goiana, Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. Os espécimes foram coletados mensalmente em três noites consecutivas de novembro de 2017 a outubro de 2018. Foram instaladas armadilhas luminosas modelo CDC a uma altura de 1,5 m acima do solo em dois ecótopos (ex. árvore e instalações de animais), ambos em áreas peridomiciliares. Um total de 5.205 flebotomíneos foi coletado, sendo Lutzomyia longipalpis (99,85%; 5.197/5.205) a mais comum, seguida por Lutzomyia evandroi (0,13%; 07/5.205) e Lutzomyia whitmani (0,02%; 01/5.205). L. longipalpis foi coletada durante todo o período do estudo. A maioria dos espécimes foi detectada perto das instalações dos animais. Os achados deste estudo indicam a presença de vetores de Leishmania infantum na área avaliada ao longo do ano, bem como a ocorrência de vetores relacionados à Leishmaniose Cutânea (LC). Medidas preventivas de controle vetorial devem ser implementadas em Goiana para reduzir o risco de infecção à população humana e animal.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Leishmaniose/classificação , Leishmaniose/diagnóstico , Leishmaniose/prevenção & controle , Psychodidae/microbiologia , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidadeResumo
This study was performed to evaluate the effects of autoclaving and storage in 85% glycerol on cortical bone from dogs infected with Leishmania sp. We used 42 cadavers with leishmaniasis. The dogs were evaluated for the presence of Leishmania sp. in culture of bone marrow and by culturing cortical bone. From the infected animals, we harvested 42 diaphysis of the right femur for culture of cortical bone before and after autoclaving or storage in glycerol. There was no significant difference in growth of the parasite in culture of bone marrow or cortical bone. There was no growth of Leishmania sp. in culture of samples after autoclaving or storage in glycerol. Both treatments were effective in preventing the growth of the parasite in vitro, so it was considered viable for grafting.(AU)
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da esterilização em autoclave e do armazenamento em glicerol a 85% no osso cortical de cães infectados por Leishmania sp. Foram utilizados 42 cadáveres de cães com leishmaniose. Os cães foram avaliados para a presença de Leishmania sp. em cultura de medula óssea e de osso cortical. Foram coletadas 42 diáfises do fêmur direito para cultura do osso cortical antes e após a esterilização e o armazenamento em glicerol. Não houve diferença significativa no crescimento do parasito em cultura utilizando-se medula óssea ou osso cortical. Não houve crescimento de Leishmania sp. em cultura de amostras de osso cortical após a autoclavagem ou o armazenamento em glicerol. Ambos os tratamentos foram eficazes na prevenção do crescimento do parasita in vitro, de modo que foram considerados viáveis para enxerto.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Esterilização , Glicerol , Transplante Ósseo/veterináriaResumo
This study was performed to evaluate the effects of autoclaving and storage in 85% glycerol on cortical bone from dogs infected with Leishmania sp. We used 42 cadavers with leishmaniasis. The dogs were evaluated for the presence of Leishmania sp. in culture of bone marrow and by culturing cortical bone. From the infected animals, we harvested 42 diaphysis of the right femur for culture of cortical bone before and after autoclaving or storage in glycerol. There was no significant difference in growth of the parasite in culture of bone marrow or cortical bone. There was no growth of Leishmania sp. in culture of samples after autoclaving or storage in glycerol. Both treatments were effective in preventing the growth of the parasite in vitro, so it was considered viable for grafting.(AU)
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da esterilização em autoclave e do armazenamento em glicerol a 85% no osso cortical de cães infectados por Leishmania sp. Foram utilizados 42 cadáveres de cães com leishmaniose. Os cães foram avaliados para a presença de Leishmania sp. em cultura de medula óssea e de osso cortical. Foram coletadas 42 diáfises do fêmur direito para cultura do osso cortical antes e após a esterilização e o armazenamento em glicerol. Não houve diferença significativa no crescimento do parasito em cultura utilizando-se medula óssea ou osso cortical. Não houve crescimento de Leishmania sp. em cultura de amostras de osso cortical após a autoclavagem ou o armazenamento em glicerol. Ambos os tratamentos foram eficazes na prevenção do crescimento do parasita in vitro, de modo que foram considerados viáveis para enxerto.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Esterilização/estatística & dados numéricos , Transplante Ósseo/veterinária , GlicerolResumo
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a presença de anticorpos para Leishmania infantum, Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii, por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), em cães (n=78) provenientes da região central do Rio Grande do Sul, necropsiados no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), bem como avaliar os dados epidemiológicos, sazonais e anátomo-histopatológicos. Do total de animais avaliados, 67,9% (53/78) apresentaram soropositividade para ao menos um agente. A ocorrência de anticorpos para L. infantum, N. caninum e T. gondii foi de 33,3 (26/78), 37,1 (29/78) e 43,5% (34/78), respectivamente. Detectaram-se monoinfecções em 9,4% (5/53) para L. infantum, 18,8% (10/53) para N. caninum e 20,7% (11/53) para T. gondii. As coinfecções foram observadas em 27/53 (50,9%) dos animais. As infecções ocorreram independentemente de idade, sexo, procedência ou raça (P>0,05). Não se verificaram lesões anatomo-histopatológicas relacionadas aos agentes pesquisados, caracterizando-os como animais assintomáticos. Os resultados confirmaram a exposição de cães a esses protozoários na região central do RS e, em especial, demonstraram a circulação do agente causador da leishmaniose em uma área considerada indene para a enfermidade.(AU)
The present paper is aimed to determine the presence of antibodies for Leishmania infantum, Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) in dogs (n=78) from the central region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul necropsied in the Veterinary Hospital from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). The data was evaluated regarding epidemiological, anatomic, and histopathologic findings. Of the total animals evaluated, 67.9% (53/78) showed seropositivity for at least one agent. The occurrence of antibodies to L. infantum, N. caninum and T. gondii was 33.3% (26/78) 37.1% (29/78) and 43.5% (34/78), respectively. The mono infections were detected in 9.4% (5/53) of L. infantum, 18.8% (10/53) for N. caninum and 20.7% (11/53) T. gondii. The coinfections occurred in 50.9% (27/53) of animals. There were not anatomical and histopathological lesions regarding these surveyed agents, characterizing them as subclinical animals. The results confirmed the exposition of dogs to these protozoa in the central region of the RS, highlighting the circulation of the causer agent of leishmaniasis in an area considered harmless for the disease.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Toxoplasma/patogenicidade , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Neospora/patogenicidade , Cães/virologia , Autopsia/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a presença de anticorpos para Leishmania infantum, Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii, por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), em cães (n=78) provenientes da região central do Rio Grande do Sul, necropsiados no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), bem como avaliar os dados epidemiológicos, sazonais e anátomo-histopatológicos. Do total de animais avaliados, 67,9% (53/78) apresentaram soropositividade para ao menos um agente. A ocorrência de anticorpos para L. infantum, N. caninum e T. gondii foi de 33,3 (26/78), 37,1 (29/78) e 43,5% (34/78), respectivamente. Detectaram-se monoinfecções em 9,4% (5/53) para L. infantum, 18,8% (10/53) para N. caninum e 20,7% (11/53) para T. gondii. As coinfecções foram observadas em 27/53 (50,9%) dos animais. As infecções ocorreram independentemente de idade, sexo, procedência ou raça (P>0,05). Não se verificaram lesões anatomo-histopatológicas relacionadas aos agentes pesquisados, caracterizando-os como animais assintomáticos. Os resultados confirmaram a exposição de cães a esses protozoários na região central do RS e, em especial, demonstraram a circulação do agente causador da leishmaniose em uma área considerada indene para a enfermidade.(AU)
The present paper is aimed to determine the presence of antibodies for Leishmania infantum, Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) in dogs (n=78) from the central region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul necropsied in the Veterinary Hospital from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). The data was evaluated regarding epidemiological, anatomic, and histopathologic findings. Of the total animals evaluated, 67.9% (53/78) showed seropositivity for at least one agent. The occurrence of antibodies to L. infantum, N. caninum and T. gondii was 33.3% (26/78) 37.1% (29/78) and 43.5% (34/78), respectively. The mono infections were detected in 9.4% (5/53) of L. infantum, 18.8% (10/53) for N. caninum and 20.7% (11/53) T. gondii. The coinfections occurred in 50.9% (27/53) of animals. There were not anatomical and histopathological lesions regarding these surveyed agents, characterizing them as subclinical animals. The results confirmed the exposition of dogs to these protozoa in the central region of the RS, highlighting the circulation of the causer agent of leishmaniasis in an area considered harmless for the disease.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/virologia , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Neospora/patogenicidade , Toxoplasma/patogenicidade , Autopsia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis is a zoonosis affecting dogs worldwide. Its epidemiological importance is observed in Brazil, wherein the largest number of cases originates in the Northeast Region of the country. The disease is caused by the etiologic agent Leishmania chagasi (= infantum) and transmitted by an invertebrate form of sand fly of the genus Lutzomia. Domestic dogs are one of the main reservoirs. The aim of this study was to use molecular analysis to diagnose dogs naturally infected with Leishmania spp. in the city of Jequié, State of Bahia, Brazil, and to describe the clinical signs, as well as the hematological and biochemical profiles associated with these cases.Materials, Methods & Results: In the present study, 198 dogs underwent physical examination and had blood samples collected for hematological, biochemical and PCR tests for Leishmania infantum. Two primers have been used for the molecular diagnostic technique (PCR): first, the ITS-1 specific to Leishmania species followed by the PCR-RFVL to identify the genus; and second, the primer pair RV1/RV2 specific to the Leishmania infantum species in all the samplesAmong the 198 samples collected, four animals tested positive for the Leishmania infantum via PCR, two of which were symptomatic and two asymptomatic. Among the symptomatic animals, animal one presented with diffuse alopecia, ulcerated lesions on the tip of the ears, ophthalmopathy, onychogryphosis, cachexia, anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis, and animal two presented with alopecia, pustules, crusting, diffusely-spread erythema, anemia, hyperproteinemia, thrombocytopenia and azotemia. Among the two asymptomatic dogs, one animal had anemia, hyperproteinemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis with neutrophilia, and azotemia; the other animals laboratory findings revealed hyperproteinemia and leukocytosis with neutrophilia.[...]
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Leishmaniose Visceral/epidemiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/etiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/sangue , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Background: Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis is a zoonosis affecting dogs worldwide. Its epidemiological importance is observed in Brazil, wherein the largest number of cases originates in the Northeast Region of the country. The disease is caused by the etiologic agent Leishmania chagasi (= infantum) and transmitted by an invertebrate form of sand fly of the genus Lutzomia. Domestic dogs are one of the main reservoirs. The aim of this study was to use molecular analysis to diagnose dogs naturally infected with Leishmania spp. in the city of Jequié, State of Bahia, Brazil, and to describe the clinical signs, as well as the hematological and biochemical profiles associated with these cases.Materials, Methods & Results: In the present study, 198 dogs underwent physical examination and had blood samples collected for hematological, biochemical and PCR tests for Leishmania infantum. Two primers have been used for the molecular diagnostic technique (PCR): first, the ITS-1 specific to Leishmania species followed by the PCR-RFVL to identify the genus; and second, the primer pair RV1/RV2 specific to the Leishmania infantum species in all the samplesAmong the 198 samples collected, four animals tested positive for the Leishmania infantum via PCR, two of which were symptomatic and two asymptomatic. Among the symptomatic animals, animal one presented with diffuse alopecia, ulcerated lesions on the tip of the ears, ophthalmopathy, onychogryphosis, cachexia, anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis, and animal two presented with alopecia, pustules, crusting, diffusely-spread erythema, anemia, hyperproteinemia, thrombocytopenia and azotemia. Among the two asymptomatic dogs, one animal had anemia, hyperproteinemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis with neutrophilia, and azotemia; the other animals laboratory findings revealed hyperproteinemia and leukocytosis with neutrophilia.[...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Leishmaniose Visceral/epidemiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/etiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Leishmaniose Visceral/sangue , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologiaResumo
The transfusion of blood components is common in a veterinary clinic; however, the safety of this therapeutic measure cannot always be guaranteed. Studies show a high risk of haemoparasite transmission during blood transfusion in canines. These parasites include Leishmania chagasi, Anaplasma platys, and Ehrlichia canis, which are endemic to the city of Cuiabá. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of L. chagasi, Trypanosoma cruzi, Babesia (canis) vogeli, A. platys, and E. canis in canine blood donor candidates, and identify possible factors associated with the infection of these agents. Sixty-six canines were evaluated using serologic and molecular tests, for the presence of the Leishmania species. While one canine sample showed a positive result for L. chagasi with indirect fluorescent antibody test, with titer of 1:40, and seven canine samples were positive using DPP, all other samples were negative when using PCR and ELISA. All canines were negative for T. cruzi when using PCR. The B. (c.) vogeli infection was identified in one canine and A. platys was identified in six canines. E. canis was identified in 17 canines, with a prevalence of 25.7%. There were no significant factors associated with the infection of the pathogens investigated. Given the observation of infection, even in the absence of clinical symptoms, emphasis must be placed on the need for the use of more sensitive and specific diagnostic methods for the screening of donor canines.(AU)
Administração de hemocomponentes é uma prática de rotina na clínica veterinária, entretanto, a segurança nessa medida terapêutica nem sempre é garantida. Estudos mostram risco elevado na transmissão de hemoparasitos pela transfusão sanguínea em cães. Dentre estes, Leishmania chagasi, Anaplasma platys e Ehrlichia canis são endêmicas no município de Cuiabá. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de L. chagasi, Trypanosoma cruzi, Babesia (canis) vogeli, A. platys e E. canis em cães candidatos a doadores de sangue e identificar os possíveis fatores associados à infecção pelos referidos agentes. Dos 66 cães avaliados por exames sorológicos e moleculares para Leishmania sp, um cão reagiu na IFI na titulação 1:40 para L. chagasi., sete no DPP, e todos negativos na PCR e ELISA. Todos os cães foram negativos na PCR para T. cruzi. Foi identificada infecção por Babesia (c.) vogeli em apenas um cão e seis para A. platys. E. canis foi diagnosticado em 17 cães, com ocorrência de 25,7%. Não foram observados fatores associados significativamente à infecção pelos patógenos pesquisados. Diante da observação da infecção mesmo na ausência de alterações clínicas, ressalta-se o uso de métodos diagnósticos mais sensíveis e específicos na triagem de cães doadores.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum/química , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Trypanosoma cruzi/patogenicidade , Babesia/patogenicidade , Anaplasma/patogenicidade , Ehrlichia canis/patogenicidadeResumo
Patógenos virais, protozoários e helmintoícos podem ser transmitidos simultaneamente ao mesmo hospedeiro canino, através de vetores biológicos. A avaliação de parâmetros hematobioquímicos pode fornecer dados acerca da fisiopatologia das coinfecções. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar o papel da coinfecção natural sobre o perfil hematológico e bioquímico de cães, naturalmente infectados por Leishmania infantum. Para tanto, foram utilizados 31 cães, distribuídos entre grupo controle (Grupo A, n=10) e grupo infectado (Grupo B, n=21), que foi subdividido em cães mono-infectados com L. infantum (Grupo B1, n=14) e co-infectados com L. infantum e Babesia spp., Dirofilaria spp. ou vírus da cinomose canina (Grupo B2, n=7). Amostras de sangue e soro foram analisadas, respectivamente, para avaliação de parâmetros hematológicos e dosagens bioquímicas de AST, ALT, ureia, creatinina e proteína total. Previamente, os animais foram avaliados por métodos sorológicos e parasitológicos, para confirmar as coinfecções. O protocolo experimental foi aprovado pelo CEUA/UECE (4609061/2014). Os resultados foram expressos em média±desvio padrão e foram analisados pelo teste t-Student não-pareado com p≤0,05. Hemácias, hemoglobina, hematócrito, plaquetas, eosinófilos e linfócitos apresentaram valores reduzidos (p≤0,05) nos Grupos B e B2, quando comparados com o Grupo A; enquanto que os teores de AST foram maiores (p≤0,05), na mesma comparação. O valor de ureia foi maior (p≤0,05) no Grupo B e menor no Grupo B2, quando comparado com o Grupo A. Os valores de ALT foram maiores (p≤0,05) no Grupo B1, em relação ao B2. As co-infecções influenciam nos parâmetros hematológicos e os níveis séricos de ALT, AST e ureia são importantes na avaliação bioquímica de cães acometidos por Leishmania infantum, em relação aos animais infectados...
Virus, protozoa and helminths may be transmitted simultaneously to the same canine host through biological vectors. The evaluation of blood-biochemical parameters can provide data about the pathophysiology of coinfection. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the role of natural coinfection on hematological and biochemical profile of dogs naturally infected by Leishmania infantum. To this end, 31 dogs were randomly divided between control group (Group A, n=10) and infected group (group B, n=21), which was divided into dogs mono-infected with L. infantum (Group B1, n=14) and dogs co-infected with L. infantum and Dirofilaria spp, Babesia spp or canine distemper virus (B2 Group, n=7). Blood and serum samples were analyzed, respectively, for hematological and biochemical levels of AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, and total protein. Previously, animals were evaluated by serological and parasitological methods to confirm the co-infections. The experimental protocol was approved by CEUA / UECE (4609061/2014). Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and were analyzed by unpaired t-test with p≤0.05. Erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets showed reduced values (p≤0.05) in group B and B2 compared with group A, while AST levels were higher (p≤0.05) in the same comparison. The amount of urea was higher (p≤0.05) in Group B and lower in Group B2 when compared to Group A. ALT levels were higher (p≤0.05) in Group B1 relative to B2. It is concluded that coinfection influence on hematological parameters and serum levels of ALT, AST and urea are important in biochemical evaluation of affected dogs by L. infantum.
Animais , Cães , Babesia/patogenicidade , Coinfecção/veterinária , Dirofilaria/patogenicidade , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Vírus da Cinomose Canina/patogenicidade , Biomarcadores/análise , Biomarcadores/química , Biomarcadores/sangueResumo
Patógenos virais, protozoários e helmintoícos podem ser transmitidos simultaneamente ao mesmo hospedeiro canino, através de vetores biológicos. A avaliação de parâmetros hematobioquímicos pode fornecer dados acerca da fisiopatologia das coinfecções. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar o papel da coinfecção natural sobre o perfil hematológico e bioquímico de cães, naturalmente infectados por Leishmania infantum. Para tanto, foram utilizados 31 cães, distribuídos entre grupo controle (Grupo A, n=10) e grupo infectado (Grupo B, n=21), que foi subdividido em cães mono-infectados com L. infantum (Grupo B1, n=14) e co-infectados com L. infantum e Babesia spp., Dirofilaria spp. ou vírus da cinomose canina (Grupo B2, n=7). Amostras de sangue e soro foram analisadas, respectivamente, para avaliação de parâmetros hematológicos e dosagens bioquímicas de AST, ALT, ureia, creatinina e proteína total. Previamente, os animais foram avaliados por métodos sorológicos e parasitológicos, para confirmar as coinfecções. O protocolo experimental foi aprovado pelo CEUA/UECE (4609061/2014). Os resultados foram expressos em média±desvio padrão e foram analisados pelo teste t-Student não-pareado com p≤0,05. Hemácias, hemoglobina, hematócrito, plaquetas, eosinófilos e linfócitos apresentaram valores reduzidos (p≤0,05) nos Grupos B e B2, quando comparados com o Grupo A; enquanto que os teores de AST foram maiores (p≤0,05), na mesma comparação. O valor de ureia foi maior (p≤0,05) no Grupo B e menor no Grupo B2, quando comparado com o Grupo A. Os valores de ALT foram maiores (p≤0,05) no Grupo B1, em relação ao B2. As co-infecções influenciam nos parâmetros hematológicos e os níveis séricos de ALT, AST e ureia são importantes na avaliação bioquímica de cães acometidos por Leishmania infantum, em relação aos animais infectados...(AU)
Virus, protozoa and helminths may be transmitted simultaneously to the same canine host through biological vectors. The evaluation of blood-biochemical parameters can provide data about the pathophysiology of coinfection. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the role of natural coinfection on hematological and biochemical profile of dogs naturally infected by Leishmania infantum. To this end, 31 dogs were randomly divided between control group (Group A, n=10) and infected group (group B, n=21), which was divided into dogs mono-infected with L. infantum (Group B1, n=14) and dogs co-infected with L. infantum and Dirofilaria spp, Babesia spp or canine distemper virus (B2 Group, n=7). Blood and serum samples were analyzed, respectively, for hematological and biochemical levels of AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, and total protein. Previously, animals were evaluated by serological and parasitological methods to confirm the co-infections. The experimental protocol was approved by CEUA / UECE (4609061/2014). Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and were analyzed by unpaired t-test with p≤0.05. Erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets showed reduced values (p≤0.05) in group B and B2 compared with group A, while AST levels were higher (p≤0.05) in the same comparison. The amount of urea was higher (p≤0.05) in Group B and lower in Group B2 when compared to Group A. ALT levels were higher (p≤0.05) in Group B1 relative to B2. It is concluded that coinfection influence on hematological parameters and serum levels of ALT, AST and urea are important in biochemical evaluation of affected dogs by L. infantum.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Babesia/patogenicidade , Dirofilaria/patogenicidade , Vírus da Cinomose Canina/patogenicidade , Coinfecção/veterinária , Biomarcadores/análise , Biomarcadores/sangue , Biomarcadores/químicaResumo
The aim of this work was a correlation study and histopathological description of alterations associated with the presence of Leishmania infantumamastigote in the intestinal wall of dogs infected with canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL). Three groups were used: G1 (n = 8), comprising naturally infected dogs with CVL with amastigotes of L. infantum in the small and large intestines; G2 (n = 9), infected dogs with CVL, without intestinal amastigotes; and G3 (n = 3), uninfected dogs. Histochemistry and immunohistochemistry methods were used for histopathology and amastigotes identification. 47.1% (8/17) of dogs from G1 group had amastigotes in the mucosa, submucosa and muscle layers of the small and large intestines and it was observed a prominent inflammatory reaction characterized by chronic infiltration of mononuclear cells: macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells. Comparison between the groups showed only a significant difference in relation to mucosal microscopic structural alterations in dogs from G1 in relation to G2 and G3. Parasite burden showed significant correlations with the microscopic alterations and clinical status of dogs in G1. By the conclusion, the inflammatory reactions caused by the parasites in the intestines might have contributed towards alterations in digestive processes, worsening the dogs clinical status of CVL.(AU)
O objetivo foi realizar um estudo de correlação e descrição histopatológica das lesões associadas à presença de amastigotas de Leishmania infantum na parede intestinal de cães infectados com leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC). Os cães foram subdivididos em três grupos: G1 (n = 8) cães naturalmente infectados com LVC e com amastigotas de L. infantum no intestino; G2 (n = 9) com LVC, mas sem o parasitismo intestinal; e G3 (n = 3) cães não infectados. Métodos histoquímicos e imunoistoquímicos foram utilizados para a histopatologia e a identificação das amastigotas, respectivamente. 47,1% (8/17) dos cães infectados (grupo G1) apresentavam formas amastigotas na mucosa, submucosa e camada muscular do intestino delgado e grosso, destacando-se uma reação inflamatória caracterizada por infiltrado crônico de células mononucleares; macrófagos, linfócitos e plasmócitos. Observou-se uma diferença significativa somente com relação às alterações estruturais microscópicas intestinais nos cães do G1 quando comparadas com G2 e G3. A intensidade parasitária intestinal teve correlação significativa com as alterações microscópicas e os sinais clínicos dos cães do G1. Concluiu-se que as amastigotas de L. infantum por causarem reações inflamatórias na parede intestinal dos cães podem ter contribuído para as alterações dos processos digestórios, agravando ainda mais o quadro clínico dos animais.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Cães/parasitologia , Leishmania infantum/parasitologia , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Cães/lesõesResumo
The aim of this study was to study the changes in the splenic extracellular matrix of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi and its correlation to clinical, histopathological, and parasitological aspects. Eighteen dogs were used, separated into three groups: six non-infected animals (control group) and twelve infected animals. The dogs had undefined breed and age, from the township region of São Luís-MA. Paraffined slices of the spleen were stained with Hematoxilin and Eosin (H&E); Gomoris ammoniacal Silver, to mark reticular fibers; and the Immunohistochemistry technique of streptavidin peroxidase to detect amastigote forms of Leishmania. The morphometrical analyses were done using the KS300 program and the images analysis system Kontron Elektronic/Carl Zeiss, Germany. The results showed that there is a significant increase in the deposition of collagen fibers in the spleen, compared to control animals, showing significant differences for symptomatic and asymptomatic animals. Positive correlations were found between the presence of the parasite in the tissue and collagen deposition. Symptomatic animals showed higher collagen deposition in the spleen, which can be associated to the high parasitism found in the tissue. The results showed that there is an intense fibrogenesis in the spleen in the canine visceral leishmaniasis, thus being associated to the parasitism of the tissue and thedegenerative processes of the disease.(AU)
Objetivou-se estudar as alterações da matriz extracelular no baço de cães naturalmente infectados com Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi correlacionando-as com aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e parasitológicos. Foram utilizados 18 cães, divididos em três grupos: seis animais não infectados (grupo controle) e doze animais infectados. Todos sem raça e idade definidas, provenientes da região do Município de São Luis-MA. Cortes parafinados do baço foram corados pela Hematoxilina e Eosina (H&E); Prata amoniacal de Gomori, para marcação das fibras reticulares e pela técnica Imuno-histoquímica da estreptoavidina-peroxidase para detecção de formas amastigotas de Leishmania. As análises morfométricas foram feitas utilizando-se o programa KS300 e o sistema de análise de imagens Kontron Elektronic/Carl Zeiss, Germany. Os resultados mostram que há um aumento significativo da deposição de fibras colágenas no baço quando comparadas aos animais controles, revelando diferenças significativas entre os animais sintomáticos e assintomáticos. Encontraram-se correlações positivas entre a presença do parasitismo tecidual e a deposição de colágeno. Os animais sintomáticos apresentaram uma maior deposição de colágeno no baço, que pode estar associada ao maior parasitismo tecidual encontrado. Os resultados demonstram que na leishmaniose visceral canina há uma fibrogênese intensa no baço, sendo esta associada ao parasitismo tecidual e a processos degenerativos decorrentes da doença. (AU)
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Matriz Extracelular/fisiologia , Baço/patologia , Hematoxilina/análise , Amarelo de Eosina-(YS)/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/instrumentaçãoResumo
The aim of this study was to study the changes in the splenic extracellular matrix of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi and its correlation to clinical, histopathological, and parasitological aspects. Eighteen dogs were used, separated into three groups: six non-infected animals (control group) and twelve infected animals. The dogs had undefined breed and age, from the township region of São Luís-MA. Paraffined slices of the spleen were stained with Hematoxilin and Eosin (H&E); Gomoris ammoniacal Silver, to mark reticular fibers; and the Immunohistochemistry technique of streptavidin peroxidase to detect amastigote forms of Leishmania. The morphometrical analyses were done using the KS300 program and the images analysis system Kontron Elektronic/Carl Zeiss, Germany. The results showed that there is a significant increase in the deposition of collagen fibers in the spleen, compared to control animals, showing significant differences for symptomatic and asymptomatic animals. Positive correlations were found between the presence of the parasite in the tissue and collagen deposition. Symptomatic animals showed higher collagen deposition in the spleen, which can be associated to the high parasitism found in the tissue. The results showed that there is an intense fibrogenesis in the spleen in the canine visceral leishmaniasis, thus being associated to the parasitism of the tissue and thedegenerative processes of the disease.
Objetivou-se estudar as alterações da matriz extracelular no baço de cães naturalmente infectados com Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi correlacionando-as com aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e parasitológicos. Foram utilizados 18 cães, divididos em três grupos: seis animais não infectados (grupo controle) e doze animais infectados. Todos sem raça e idade definidas, provenientes da região do Município de São Luis-MA. Cortes parafinados do baço foram corados pela Hematoxilina e Eosina (H&E); Prata amoniacal de Gomori, para marcação das fibras reticulares e pela técnica Imuno-histoquímica da estreptoavidina-peroxidase para detecção de formas amastigotas de Leishmania. As análises morfométricas foram feitas utilizando-se o programa KS300 e o sistema de análise de imagens Kontron Elektronic/Carl Zeiss, Germany. Os resultados mostram que há um aumento significativo da deposição de fibras colágenas no baço quando comparadas aos animais controles, revelando diferenças significativas entre os animais sintomáticos e assintomáticos. Encontraram-se correlações positivas entre a presença do parasitismo tecidual e a deposição de colágeno. Os animais sintomáticos apresentaram uma maior deposição de colágeno no baço, que pode estar associada ao maior parasitismo tecidual encontrado. Os resultados demonstram que na leishmaniose visceral canina há uma fibrogênese intensa no baço, sendo esta associada ao parasitismo tecidual e a processos degenerativos decorrentes da doença.
Animais , Cães , Baço/patologia , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Matriz Extracelular/fisiologia , Amarelo de Eosina-(YS)/análise , Hematoxilina/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/instrumentaçãoResumo
Background: Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease caused by obligate intracellular protozoan para- sites of the genus Leishmania. In South America, dogs are the primary domestic reservoir host and control measures for this disease are focused on vector-control and euthanasia of seropositive dogs. The infection occurs usually between the invertebrate host and vertebrate host; however, transmission in the absence of the vector has been reported. Ticks as the vectors of the parasite L. infantum have been mentioned and investigated by researchers. Researchers have reported new mechanisms of transmission of canine visceral leishmaniasis, such as venereal and transplacental transmission. In October 2010, a veterinary clinic of Santa Maria received one canine, female, Doberman bred, two years old, L. chagasi positive. According to the authors, this would be the fi rst case of autochthonous leishmaniasis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Therefore, through epidemiological surveys, this study had the aim to clarify how the dog was infected by the parasite. Case: During the epidemiological survey was discovered that this canine positive for L. chagasi had never left the city of Santa Maria, place where it was born. However the parents of this animal were born in São Borja, RS, where they lived for about two months. According to the owner, both animals (male and female Doberman) were brought to Santa Maria as puppies in 2006 and since then never returned to the city of origin. Both animals were bought from different dog breeders in São Borja. Once in Santa Maria, the animals mated and the female gave birth to eight puppies. The owners of the puppies kept only one and the other puppies were sold to neighbors and other buyers. The canine male Doberman, four years old, had skin lesions that did not healed (especially in the hip region), difficulty in gaining weight, and nodules on the face. In the cytology of the skin lesions was observed in forms which resembling to amastigotes of Leishmania sp. Then blood was collected from the animal, aiming to perform serological tests, which confirmed the leishmaniasis. Serologic test was also performed in the female Doberman and in the puppies which were asymptomatic, but in direct contact with a symptomatic male. Serologic tests showed three animals as positive for the parasite, and they were euthanized as recommended by the Ministry of Health. Discussion : Based on data obtained we suggest that the male Doberman has came from São Borja town already infected with the parasite Leishmania sp., as well as it might have occurred to the female Doberman. The female may was infected during copulation (venereal infection), and then the puppies were infected. The possibility of venereal transmission in dogs was reported by researchers, when the presence of Leishmania amastigotes in testicular of symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs was observed, and in semen associated with genital lesions caused by the parasite. Since in Santa Maria there was not recorded the presence of the vector L. longipalpis, we hypothesized that the two puppies were infected with the parasite transplacentally. Researchers recently showed that canine visceral leishmaniasis has vertical transmission, because a female pregnant dog and infected with L. infantum bore positive puppies to the disease. Based on the survey and the results of epidemiological literature we concluded that this is the first case of autochthonous canine leishmaniasis recorded in Santa Maria (RS), with evidences of transplacental and venereal transmission.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Leishmania infantum/patogenicidade , Leishmaniose Visceral/transmissão , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaResumo
Background: Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease caused by obligate intracellular protozoan para- sites of the genus Leishmania. In South America, dogs are the primary domestic reservoir host and control measures for this disease are focused on vector-control and euthanasia of seropositive dogs. The infection occurs usually between the invertebrate host and vertebrate host; however, transmission in the absence of the vector has been reported. Ticks as the vectors of the parasite L. infantum have been mentioned and investigated by researchers. Researchers have reported new mechanisms of transmission of canine visceral leishmaniasis, such as venereal and transplacental transmission. In October 2010, a veterinary clinic of Santa Maria received one canine, female, Doberman bred, two years old, L. chagasi positive. According to the authors, this would be the fi rst case of autochthonous leishmaniasis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Therefore, through epidemiological surveys, this study had the aim to clarify how the dog was infected by the parasite. Case: During the epidemiological survey was discovered that this canine positive for L. chagasi had never left the city of Santa Maria, place where it was born. However the parents of this animal were born in São Borja, RS, where they lived for about two months. According to the owner, both animals (male and female Doberman) were brought to Santa Maria as puppies in 2006 and since then never returned to the city of origin. Both animals were bought from different dog breeders in São Borja. Once in Santa Maria, the animals mated and the female gave birth to eight puppies. The owners of the puppies kept only one and the other puppies were sold to neighbors and other buyers. The canine male Doberman, four years old, had skin lesions that did not healed (especially in the hip region), difficulty in gaining weight, and nodules on the face. In the cytology of the skin lesions was observed in forms which resembling to amastigotes of Leishmania sp. Then blood was collected from the animal, aiming to perform serological tests, which confirmed the leishmaniasis. Serologic test was also performed in the female Doberman and in the puppies which were asymptomatic, but in direct contact with a symptomatic male. Serologic tests showed three animals as positive for the parasite, and they were euthanized as recommended by the Ministry of Health. Discussion : Based on data obtained we suggest that the male Doberman has came from São Borja town already infected with the parasite Leishmania sp., as well as it might have occurred to the female Doberman. The female may was infected during copulation (venereal infection), and then the puppies were infected. The possibility of venereal transmission in dogs was reported by researchers, when the presence of Leishmania amastigotes in testicular of symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs was observed, and in semen associated with genital lesions caused by the parasite. Since in Santa Maria there was not recorded the presence of the vector L. longipalpis, we hypothesized that the two puppies were infected with the parasite transplacentally. Researchers recently showed that canine visceral leishmaniasis has vertical transmission, because a female pregnant dog and infected with L. infantum bore positive puppies to the disease. Based on the survey and the results of epidemiological literature we concluded that this is the first case of autochthonous canine leishmaniasis recorded in Santa Maria (RS), with evidences of transplacental and venereal transmission.