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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 45: 1-8, 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457642


Background: In order to reduce the effects of a negative energy balance, some measures have been taken into account in nutritional management during the transition period. The use of yeast, has been a good alternative used to improve the rumen metabolism and helping the adjustment of the microbiotato the new diet. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of supplementing a combination of yeast culture and hydrolyzed yeast on the metabolism of dairy cows during the transition period.Materials, Methods & Results:The experiment was conducted in a semi-extensive system, using 20 Holstein cows, divided equally into a control group (CG) and a supplemented group (SG). The SG received 28 g/animal/day of a combination of yeast culture and hydrolyzed yeast from 20 ± 2 days pre-calving until early lactation (18 ± 3 days). Serum concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), albumin and urea were determined at calving, and for three time points during the early postpartum period and three time points during the early lactation period. Regarding energy metabolism, prepartum concentrations of NEFA were higher than the physiological standard in both groups. However, NEFA, albumin and urea decreased during the early postpartum period in the supplemented animals and could be attributed to the yeast in enhancing ruminal microorganisms’ cellulolytic capacity, increasing fibre digestibility and starch utilization.Discussion: The increased concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) due to the mobilization of fat deposits that happens in the transition period, especially in the postpartum period reflects the cow’s adaptation to the negative energy balance (NEB). The lower concentrations of NEFA observed in the present study could be attributed to the effect of the yeast in enhancing the ruminal microorganisms’ cellulolytic capacity.[...]

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Leveduras/metabolismo , Rúmen/microbiologia , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolismo , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados/análise , Suplementos Nutricionais
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 45: 1-8, 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20229


Background: In order to reduce the effects of a negative energy balance, some measures have been taken into account in nutritional management during the transition period. The use of yeast, has been a good alternative used to improve the rumen metabolism and helping the adjustment of the microbiotato the new diet. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of supplementing a combination of yeast culture and hydrolyzed yeast on the metabolism of dairy cows during the transition period.Materials, Methods & Results:The experiment was conducted in a semi-extensive system, using 20 Holstein cows, divided equally into a control group (CG) and a supplemented group (SG). The SG received 28 g/animal/day of a combination of yeast culture and hydrolyzed yeast from 20 ± 2 days pre-calving until early lactation (18 ± 3 days). Serum concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), albumin and urea were determined at calving, and for three time points during the early postpartum period and three time points during the early lactation period. Regarding energy metabolism, prepartum concentrations of NEFA were higher than the physiological standard in both groups. However, NEFA, albumin and urea decreased during the early postpartum period in the supplemented animals and could be attributed to the yeast in enhancing ruminal microorganisms cellulolytic capacity, increasing fibre digestibility and starch utilization.Discussion: The increased concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) due to the mobilization of fat deposits that happens in the transition period, especially in the postpartum period reflects the cows adaptation to the negative energy balance (NEB). The lower concentrations of NEFA observed in the present study could be attributed to the effect of the yeast in enhancing the ruminal microorganisms cellulolytic capacity.[...](AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Leveduras/metabolismo , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolismo , Rúmen/microbiologia , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados/análise , Suplementos Nutricionais
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 67(6): 1711-1720, nov.-dez. 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-334117


Objetivou-se determinar a temperatura e o tempo de secagem por rolos rotativos, aos quais a, levedura de cana-de-açúcar é submetida que permitam seu melhor aproveitamento energético por galinhas poedeiras e frangos de corte. Para isso foram realizados três ensaios de metabolismo para determinar os valores de energia metabolizável aparente (EMA), aparente corrigida para nitrogênio (EMAn) e os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade aparente da matéria seca (CMMS) e da energia bruta (CMEB). O primeiro ensaio foi conduzido com galinhas poedeiras (E1), o segundo com frangos de corte (E2) em crescimento e o terceiro com frangos de corte em diferentes idades (E3). Nos ensaios E1 e E2 os tratamentos consistiram em uma dieta referência, milho e farelo de soja, e cinco dietas teste contendo 20% da levedura a ser testada em substituição à ração referência. As leveduras avaliadas foram secas por rolagem e submetidas aos seguintes processamentos: LevA - secagem a 107ºC por 107 segundos; LevB - 95ºC por 107'; LevC - 100ºC por 107'; LevD - 100ºC por 93' e LevE - 100ºC por 123'. No E3 determinou-se a EMA, EMAn, CMMS e CMEB da LevB com frangos de 1 a 8 dias, 14 a 22 dias e 28 a 36 dias de idade. No E1 não foram observadas diferenças nos valores de EMA, EMAn e CMEB entre as leveduras, com médias de 1.773kcal/kg, 1.733kcal/kg e 40,22%, respectivamente. Entretanto o CMMS foi maior para a LevD (50,36%). No E2 os valores de EMA (1.633kcal/kg), EMAn (1.382kcal/kg) e CMEB (32,22%) foram melhores para a LevB, porém não houve diferença significativa nos valores de CMMS (29,63%). No E3 foram encontrados valores de 2.723; 1.604 e 1.414kcal/kg para EMA; 2.366, 1.391 e 1.303kcal/kg para EMAn; 52,43%, 36,74%, e 25,64% para CMMS; e 54,37%, 33,49% e 24,96% para CMEB, nas idades de 1 a 8 dias, 14 a 22 dias e 28 a 36 dias, respectivamente. [...](AU)

This study aimed to determine the temperature and drying time through rotative rolls, that sugar cane yeast is subjected to in order to allow best energy utilization by laying hens and broilers. Three metabolism trials were conducted to determine the values of apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn), coefficient of apparent metabolizable dry matter (CAMDM) and gross energy (CAMGE). The first experiment was conducted with laying hens (E1), the second with broilers (E2) in growth and the third with broilers at different ages (E3). In the experiments E1 and E2 the treatments consisted of a reference diet, based on corn and soybean meal, and five test diets containing 20% of the yeast to be tested. The evaluated yeasts were subjected to the following processes: Lev.A) drying at 107°C for 107 seconds; Lev.B) 95°C for 107'; Lev.C) 100ºC for 107'; Lev.D) 100°C for 93' and Lev.E) 100ºC for 123'. For the E3 group AME, AMEn, CAMDM and CAMGE were determined for the Lev.B of broilers with 1 to 8 days 14 to 22 days, and 28 to 36 days of age. In E1 there were no differences in AME, AMEn and CAMGE between yeasts, with mean of 1773kcal/kg 1733kcal/kg and 40.22%, respectively. However the CMMS was greater for Lev.D (50.36%). In E2, the AME (1633kcal/kg), AMEn (1382kcal/kg) and CAMGE (32.22%) were best for Lev.B, but there was no significant difference in the values of CAMMD (29 63%). TheE3 grouphad values of 2723kcal/kg; 1604kcal/kg and 1414kcal/kg of AME; 2366kcal/kg, 1391kcal/kg and 1303kcal/kg of AMEn; 52.43%, 36.74%, and 25.64% of CAMDM; and 54.37%, 33.49% and 24.96% of CAMGE, in the ages of 1 to 8 days, 14 to 22 days and 28 to 36 days, respectively. In conclusion, for layer hens, the yeast should be dried at 100°C for 93' or 107 seconds or 95ºC for 107' and for, broilers, it should be dried at 95°C for 107 seconds(AU)

Animais , Conservação de Alimentos/métodos , Dieta/veterinária , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolismo , Leveduras/metabolismo , Aves Domésticas/metabolismo , Galinhas/metabolismo
R. bras. Saúde Prod. Anim. ; 14(2): 308-321, Apr.-June.2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-695423


Two experiments were carried out to determine the bioavailability of phosphorus in two spray-dried yeasts sugarcane yeast (SCY), and sugarcane yeast + brewers yeast (SCBY) in starting pigs, by comparing different methods (Apparent Digestibility Coefficient of Phosphorus ADCP; True Digestibility Coefficient of Phosphorus TDCP; slope ratio; and standard curve). In experiment I, a digestibility assay were carried out using 30 cross breed pig with initial weigh of 22.69 4.24kg, allotted in a completely randomized design. The mean ADCP and TDCP values were 62.68 and 64.15% for SCY and 77.01 and 79.33% for SCBY. ADCP and TDCP for SCBY were higher (P<0.05) than the values for SCY. In Experiment II, a growth test was conducted, 56 crossbred piglets, were utilized, with initial live weight of 15.11 ± 3.43kg, allotted in a completely randomized design, with seven treatments, four replications, and two pigs per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of a basal diet without supplementation with P and the same diet including supplementation with two levels of P (0.053% and 0.105%) from dicalcium phosphate, SCY and SCBY. The relative bioavailability mean value of 57.23% for SCY and 91.96% for SCBY, corresponding to 0.30% and 0.40% of available phosphorus, respectively.(AU)

Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para determinar a biodisponibilidade do fósforo de duas leveduras secas por spray-dry, LEV35 = Cana-de-açúcar e LEV40 = Cana-de-açúcar+cervejaria para suínos na fase inicial, comparando diferentes metodologias (Coeficiente de Digestibilidade Aparente-CDAP e Verdadeira-CDVP do fósforo, Método da Relação dos Coeficientes de Regressão ou Slope Ratio e o Método da Curva Padrão). No Experimento I foi conduzido um ensaio de digestibilidade utilizando 30 leitões mestiços, com 22,69 4,24kg de peso vivo, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os valores médios de CDAP e CDVP foram 62,68 e 64,15% para a LVE35 e 77,01 e 79,33% para a LEV40. Os CDAP e CDVP para a LEV40 foram maiores (P<0,05) que os valores da LEV35. No Experimento II foi conduzido um ensaio de crescimento, utilizando 56 leitões mestiços, com peso inicial de 15,11 ± 3,43kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com sete tratamentos, quatro repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta basal sem suplementação de P e a mesma com suplementação de dois níveis de fósforo (0,053 e 0,105) provenientes do fosfato bicálcico, LEV35 e LEV40. A biodisponibilidade relativa do fósforo foi diferente (P<0,05) para as duas leveduras, sendo o valor médio de 57,23% para a LEV35 e 91,96% para a LEV40, o que corresponde a 0,30% e 0,40% de fósforo disponível, respectivamente.(AU)

Animais , Recém-Nascido , Ração Animal/análise , Ração Animal , Leveduras/química , Leveduras/metabolismo , Suínos/metabolismo , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/química , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolismo , Saccharum
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 14(2): 308-321, Apr.-June.2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1493219


Two experiments were carried out to determine the bioavailability of phosphorus in two spray-dried yeasts sugarcane yeast (SCY), and sugarcane yeast + brewers yeast (SCBY) in starting pigs, by comparing different methods (Apparent Digestibility Coefficient of Phosphorus ADCP; True Digestibility Coefficient of Phosphorus TDCP; slope ratio; and standard curve). In experiment I, a digestibility assay were carried out using 30 cross breed pig with initial weigh of 22.69 4.24kg, allotted in a completely randomized design. The mean ADCP and TDCP values were 62.68 and 64.15% for SCY and 77.01 and 79.33% for SCBY. ADCP and TDCP for SCBY were higher (P<0.05) than the values for SCY. In Experiment II, a growth test was conducted, 56 crossbred piglets, were utilized, with initial live weight of 15.11 ± 3.43kg, allotted in a completely randomized design, with seven treatments, four replications, and two pigs per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of a basal diet without supplementation with P and the same diet including supplementation with two levels of P (0.053% and 0.105%) from dicalcium phosphate, SCY and SCBY. The relative bioavailability mean value of 57.23% for SCY and 91.96% for SCBY, corresponding to 0.30% and 0.40% of available phosphorus, respectively.

Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para determinar a biodisponibilidade do fósforo de duas leveduras secas por spray-dry, LEV35 = Cana-de-açúcar e LEV40 = Cana-de-açúcar+cervejaria para suínos na fase inicial, comparando diferentes metodologias (Coeficiente de Digestibilidade Aparente-CDAP e Verdadeira-CDVP do fósforo, Método da Relação dos Coeficientes de Regressão ou Slope Ratio e o Método da Curva Padrão). No Experimento I foi conduzido um ensaio de digestibilidade utilizando 30 leitões mestiços, com 22,69 4,24kg de peso vivo, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os valores médios de CDAP e CDVP foram 62,68 e 64,15% para a LVE35 e 77,01 e 79,33% para a LEV40. Os CDAP e CDVP para a LEV40 foram maiores (P<0,05) que os valores da LEV35. No Experimento II foi conduzido um ensaio de crescimento, utilizando 56 leitões mestiços, com peso inicial de 15,11 ± 3,43kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com sete tratamentos, quatro repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta basal sem suplementação de P e a mesma com suplementação de dois níveis de fósforo (0,053 e 0,105) provenientes do fosfato bicálcico, LEV35 e LEV40. A biodisponibilidade relativa do fósforo foi diferente (P<0,05) para as duas leveduras, sendo o valor médio de 57,23% para a LEV35 e 91,96% para a LEV40, o que corresponde a 0,30% e 0,40% de fósforo disponível, respectivamente.

Animais , Recém-Nascido , Leveduras/metabolismo , Leveduras/química , Ração Animal , Ração Animal/análise , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolismo , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/química , Suínos/metabolismo , Saccharum
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 17(4): 460-466, 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7926


In order to evaluate the pathogenicity of yeasts isolated from vaginal secretion of pregnant and non-pregnant women - stored in mineral oil at the URM Mycology Collection, Department of Mycology, Federal University of Pernambuco - 30 samples belonging to the genera Candida, Rhodotorula, Trichosporon, and Kloeckera, were studied regarding their pathogenic characteristics, ability to grow at room temperature (28°C ± 1°C), 37°C, and 42°C for 72 hours, and production of both phospholipase and proteinase. Results showed that all 30 isolates (100%) were able to grow at room temperature and 37°C, and that 17 samples (57%) were able to grow at 42°C. Evaluation of enzymatic activity showed protease activity in only two isolates (7%), namely C. maritima and C. obtusa. Phospholipase activity was detected in 20 isolates (67%) using soy lecithin as substrate at different temperatures. The characterization of yeasts isolated from vaginal secretion and determination of their enzymatic activity may contribute to understanding the epidemiology of vulvovaginitis and assist in the treatment of patients.(AU)

Humanos , Leveduras/metabolismo , Leveduras/patogenicidade , Peptídeo Hidrolases/análise , Ensaios Enzimáticos Clínicos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(2): 526-529, abr. 2011.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-5969


Yeasts suplemented in the rumen have been produced benefic interations in the digestion and in the health of the ruminants. This study aimed to quantify, to isolate and, to identify aerobic fungi and yeasts naturally present in the rumen of goats and cattle raised on tropical pastures of the North of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Samples of 15mL of ruminal juice from 18 hibrid goats and 31 crossbred Nellore steers were used. The physico-chemical characteristics of the samples were evaluated and mycological culture, quantification, and identification of the aerobic fungi were performed. The results indicated the absence of yeasts in the ruminal fluid of steers. However, theses microorganisms were cultured from ruminal juice for all evaluated goats, at an average concentration of 3.2 x 10VCFU/mL. The species Pichia membranifaciens was the most frequently identified yeast, suggesting its participation in the ruminal microbiot of theses small ruminants.(AU)

Animais , Ruminantes/classificação , Leveduras/metabolismo , Rúmen/anatomia & histologia , Fermentação/fisiologia