The influence of the moon cycles on the ichthyofauna has been little studied in the surf zone. In this study, the number of species, density and biomass were evaluated as a function of the moon. A total of 49 species distributed in 24 families were captured in two areas of Miramar beach. The mean density was significant high in the weaning and low in the new moon, while density and biomass together showed differences for areas. The most abundant species were Anchoa tricolor and Trachinotus falcatus (new moon), and Anchovia clupeoides showed significant differences in the waning moon. The RDA indicates that turbidity influenced significantly the presence of two species group. The group I were represented by Stellifer brasiliensis, Trachinotus goodei, A. clupeoides, Chilomycterus spinosus and Conodon nobilis that occurred on the waning and new phases in both areas, while the group II were represented by Polydactylus virginicus and Haemulopsis corvinaeformis in the full moon. The surf zones may also be strongly governed by the lunar phases. Therefore, the results found in this study, showed that the biological interactions between the species with turbidity and moon might explain the density and biomass variations for some species in the surf zone.(AU)
A influência das fases lunares sobre a ictiofauna tem sido pouco estudada na zona de arrebentação. Nesse estudo, foram avaliadas, o número de espécies, densidade e a biomassa da ictiofauna em função da lua. Foram capturadas 49 espécies distribuídas em 24 famílias em duas áreas na Praia de Miramar. A densidade foi significativamente elevada nas luas minguante e nova. Além disso, a densidade e biomassa juntas mostraram diferenças entre as áreas. As espécies mais abundantes na lua nova foram Anchoa tricolor e Trachinotus falcatus, e Anchovia clupeoides teve uma maior abundancia na lua minguante. O RDA, indicou que a turbidez influenciou significativamente a presença de dois grupos distintos. O grupo I, representado por Stellifer brasiliensis, Trachinotus goodei, A. clupeoides, Chilomycterus spinosus e Conodon nobilis estiveram presentes nas luas minguante e nova em ambas as áreas, e o grupo II, representado por Polydactylus virginicus e Haemulopsis corvinaeformis na lua cheia. As zonas de arrebentação também podem ser reguladas fortemente pelas fases lunares. Os resultados mostraram que as interações biológicas entre as espécies com a turbidez e as fases lunares podem explicar as variações de densidade e biomassa para algumas espécies na zona de arrebentação.(AU)
Animais , Biomassa , Peixes/fisiologia , Densidade Óssea , Lua , EcologiaResumo
The influence of the moon cycles on the ichthyofauna has been little studied in the surf zone. In this study, the number of species, density and biomass were evaluated as a function of the moon. A total of 49 species distributed in 24 families were captured in two areas of Miramar beach. The mean density was significant high in the weaning and low in the new moon, while density and biomass together showed differences for areas. The most abundant species were Anchoa tricolor and Trachinotus falcatus (new moon), and Anchovia clupeoides showed significant differences in the waning moon. The RDA indicates that turbidity influenced significantly the presence of two species group. The group I were represented by Stellifer brasiliensis, Trachinotus goodei, A. clupeoides, Chilomycterus spinosus and Conodon nobilis that occurred on the waning and new phases in both areas, while the group II were represented by Polydactylus virginicus and Haemulopsis corvinaeformis in the full moon. The surf zones may also be strongly governed by the lunar phases. Therefore, the results found in this study, showed that the biological interactions between the species with turbidity and moon might explain the density and biomass variations for some species in the surf zone.(AU)
A influência das fases lunares sobre a ictiofauna tem sido pouco estudada na zona de arrebentação. Nesse estudo, foram avaliadas, o número de espécies, densidade e a biomassa da ictiofauna em função da lua. Foram capturadas 49 espécies distribuídas em 24 famílias em duas áreas na Praia de Miramar. A densidade foi significativamente elevada nas luas minguante e nova. Além disso, a densidade e biomassa juntas mostraram diferenças entre as áreas. As espécies mais abundantes na lua nova foram Anchoa tricolor e Trachinotus falcatus, e Anchovia clupeoides teve uma maior abundancia na lua minguante. O RDA, indicou que a turbidez influenciou significativamente a presença de dois grupos distintos. O grupo I, representado por Stellifer brasiliensis, Trachinotus goodei, A. clupeoides, Chilomycterus spinosus e Conodon nobilis estiveram presentes nas luas minguante e nova em ambas as áreas, e o grupo II, representado por Polydactylus virginicus e Haemulopsis corvinaeformis na lua cheia. As zonas de arrebentação também podem ser reguladas fortemente pelas fases lunares. Os resultados mostraram que as interações biológicas entre as espécies com a turbidez e as fases lunares podem explicar as variações de densidade e biomassa para algumas espécies na zona de arrebentação.(AU)
Animais , Biomassa , Peixes/fisiologia , Densidade Óssea , Lua , EcologiaResumo
Information on the activity period is relevant to understand how species adapt themselves and persist in their environment. The influence of moonlight on the activity pattern of mammals has already been reported for certain species. Ten photo-traps set during 12 months were distributed in a fragment of the Atlantic Rainforest in southern Brazil to verify whether moon phases had any effect on the activity period of Cuniculus paca. Ninety-six registers of C. paca were obtained in 8,928 hours of photo-traps. A prevalent night activity pattern (92%) was reported, with most registries occurring during the new moon phase (40%) and the lowest number during the full moon phase (12%), with differences between activity peaks according to the moon phases. Data showed that C. paca reacts negatively to high moonlight and decreases its circadian cycle in nights with a full moon.
Entender o que influência o período de atividade é relevante para a compreensão de como as espécies se adaptam e persistem em seus ambientes. A influência da luz da Lua no padrão de atividade de mamíferos já foi documentada em algumas espécies. Para verificar se as fases lunares exercem influência no período atividade de Cuniculus paca, fez-se o uso de dez armadilhas fotográficas, que permaneceram ligadas por 12 meses, distribuídas ao longo de um fragmento florestal de Mata Atlântica no Sul do Brasil. Em 8.928 horas armadilhas fotográficas ligadas, obtiveram-se 96 registros de C. paca. Encontrou-se um padrão de atividade predominantemente noturno (92%), sendo que a maior quantidade de registros ocorreu em Lua Nova (40%) e a menor em Lua Cheia (12%), havendo diferenças entre os picos de atividade em relação às fases da Lua. Nossos resultados demonstraram que C. paca reage negativamente a maior incidência de luz lunar, diminuindo ou alterando seu ciclo circadiano em noites de Lua cheia.
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Cuniculidae , LuaResumo
Information on the activity period is relevant to understand how species adapt themselves and persist in their environment. The influence of moonlight on the activity pattern of mammals has already been reported for certain species. Ten photo-traps set during 12 months were distributed in a fragment of the Atlantic Rainforest in southern Brazil to verify whether moon phases had any effect on the activity period of Cuniculus paca. Ninety-six registers of C. paca were obtained in 8,928 hours of photo-traps. A prevalent night activity pattern (92%) was reported, with most registries occurring during the new moon phase (40%) and the lowest number during the full moon phase (12%), with differences between activity peaks according to the moon phases. Data showed that C. paca reacts negatively to high moonlight and decreases its circadian cycle in nights with a full moon.(AU)
Entender o que influência o período de atividade é relevante para a compreensão de como as espécies se adaptam e persistem em seus ambientes. A influência da luz da Lua no padrão de atividade de mamíferos já foi documentada em algumas espécies. Para verificar se as fases lunares exercem influência no período atividade de Cuniculus paca, fez-se o uso de dez armadilhas fotográficas, que permaneceram ligadas por 12 meses, distribuídas ao longo de um fragmento florestal de Mata Atlântica no Sul do Brasil. Em 8.928 horas armadilhas fotográficas ligadas, obtiveram-se 96 registros de C. paca. Encontrou-se um padrão de atividade predominantemente noturno (92%), sendo que a maior quantidade de registros ocorreu em Lua Nova (40%) e a menor em Lua Cheia (12%), havendo diferenças entre os picos de atividade em relação às fases da Lua. Nossos resultados demonstraram que C. paca reage negativamente a maior incidência de luz lunar, diminuindo ou alterando seu ciclo circadiano em noites de Lua cheia.(AU)
Animais , Cuniculidae , Lua , Comportamento AnimalResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of lunar phases in Dorper sheep, according to theproportion of births (single: double). Twenty were used two sheep from a breeding season. For the evaluation oflunar phases sheep were grouped proportionally according to the type of delivery (single: double). The analysisof the types of delivery were obtained according to the moon phases in place by the Brazilian NationalObservatory, being considered corresponding to the lunar phase where the maximum headquarters was up totwo days before and after the date of interest after being compared by the test chi-square test (P <0.05). It wasfound that there was a greater proportion of births in the crescent moon (P <0.05) compared to other lunarphases. The conclusion of this research that the crescent moon of the lunar phases, seems to affect the types ofdelivery of Dorper sheep.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/embriologia , Lua , Análise para Determinação do Sexo/métodos , Análise para Determinação do Sexo/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of lunar phases in Dorper sheep, according to theproportion of births (single: double). Twenty were used two sheep from a breeding season. For the evaluation oflunar phases sheep were grouped proportionally according to the type of delivery (single: double). The analysisof the types of delivery were obtained according to the moon phases in place by the Brazilian NationalObservatory, being considered corresponding to the lunar phase where the maximum headquarters was up totwo days before and after the date of interest after being compared by the test chi-square test (P <0.05). It wasfound that there was a greater proportion of births in the crescent moon (P <0.05) compared to other lunarphases. The conclusion of this research that the crescent moon of the lunar phases, seems to affect the types ofdelivery of Dorper sheep.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/embriologia , Lua , Parto/fisiologiaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of lunar phases in Dorper sheep, according to theproportion of births (single: double). Twenty were used two sheep from a breeding season. For the evaluation oflunar phases sheep were grouped proportionally according to the type of delivery (single: double). The analysisof the types of delivery were obtained according to the moon phases in place by the Brazilian NationalObservatory, being considered corresponding to the lunar phase where the maximum headquarters was up totwo days before and after the date of interest after being compared by the test chi-square test (P <0.05). It wasfound that there was a greater proportion of births in the crescent moon (P <0.05) compared to other lunarphases. The conclusion of this research that the crescent moon of the lunar phases, seems to affect the types ofdelivery of Dorper sheep.
Feminino , Animais , Lua , Ovinos/embriologia , Parto/fisiologiaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of lunar phases in Dorper sheep, according to theproportion of births (single: double). Twenty were used two sheep from a breeding season. For the evaluation oflunar phases sheep were grouped proportionally according to the type of delivery (single: double). The analysisof the types of delivery were obtained according to the moon phases in place by the Brazilian NationalObservatory, being considered corresponding to the lunar phase where the maximum headquarters was up totwo days before and after the date of interest after being compared by the test chi-square test (P <0.05). It wasfound that there was a greater proportion of births in the crescent moon (P <0.05) compared to other lunarphases. The conclusion of this research that the crescent moon of the lunar phases, seems to affect the types ofdelivery of Dorper sheep.
Animais , Análise para Determinação do Sexo/métodos , Análise para Determinação do Sexo/veterinária , Lua , Ovinos/embriologiaResumo
O presente estudo buscou descrever se o ciclo lunar influencia alguns aspectos reprodutivos de éguas.Foram analisados 233 ciclos estrais de 111 matrizes para avaliação do momento de ovulação; 348 gestações paraavaliação da proporção macho:fêmea fetal (avaliadas aos 60-70 dias de gestação) e 356 partos para avaliações domomento do parto e incidência de partos de acordo com o gênero do feto. Foram formados grupos de acordocom a fase lunar e comparados pelo teste qui-quadrado (P < 0,05). A fase lunar não influenciou na incidência deovulações (22,7; 26,6; 27,3 e 23,4% para as fases lunares nova, crescente, cheia e minguante, respectivamente);na proporção macho:fêmea (1,1:1,0; 0,9:1,0; 1,0:1,0 e 1,4:1,0 para as fases lunares nova, crescente, cheia eminguante, respectivamente) nem na incidência de partos (25,0; 23,4; 20,6 e 31,0% para as fases lunares nova,crescente, cheia e minguante, respectivamente). Entretanto, houve influência da fase lunar na proporção demacho:fêmea ao nascimento (0,6:1,0; 0,6:1,0; 0,7:1,0 e 1,4:1,0 para as fases lunares nova, crescente, cheia eminguante, respectivamente). Conclui-se que o ciclo lunar influencia no momento do parto diferentemente parafetos masculinos e femininos.(AU)
The study aimed to describe if the lunar cycle interferes with some reproductive aspects of mares. It wasanalyzed 233 estrous cycles of 111 mares for evaluation of ovulation time; 348 pregnancies for the assessmentof fetal male:female proportion (60-70 days of pregnancy); and 356 births for influences in the moment ofparturition and parturition incidence according to fetal gender. Groups were formed acording to the phase ofthe moon and compared by Qui-square test (P < 0.05). The lunar phase did not influenced the incidence ofovulation (22.7; 26.6; 27.3 e 23.4% for new, waxing, full and waning lunar phases, respectively), themale:female proportion (1.1:1.0; 0.9:1.0; 1.0:1.0 e 1.4:1.0 for new, waxing, full and waning lunar phases,respectively), and the parturition incidence (25.0; 23.4; 20.6 e 31.0% for new, waxing, full and waning lunarphases, respectively). However, it influenced the male:female proportion at birth (0.6:1.0; 0.6:1.0; 0.7:1.0 e1.4:1.0 for new, waxing, full and waning lunar phases, respectively). We conclude that the lunar cycle influencesthe moment of parturition differently for male and female fetuses.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/imunologia , Cavalos/metabolismo , Parto , LuaResumo
O presente estudo buscou descrever se o ciclo lunar influencia alguns aspectos reprodutivos de éguas.Foram analisados 233 ciclos estrais de 111 matrizes para avaliação do momento de ovulação; 348 gestações paraavaliação da proporção macho:fêmea fetal (avaliadas aos 60-70 dias de gestação) e 356 partos para avaliações domomento do parto e incidência de partos de acordo com o gênero do feto. Foram formados grupos de acordocom a fase lunar e comparados pelo teste qui-quadrado (P < 0,05). A fase lunar não influenciou na incidência deovulações (22,7; 26,6; 27,3 e 23,4% para as fases lunares nova, crescente, cheia e minguante, respectivamente);na proporção macho:fêmea (1,1:1,0; 0,9:1,0; 1,0:1,0 e 1,4:1,0 para as fases lunares nova, crescente, cheia eminguante, respectivamente) nem na incidência de partos (25,0; 23,4; 20,6 e 31,0% para as fases lunares nova,crescente, cheia e minguante, respectivamente). Entretanto, houve influência da fase lunar na proporção demacho:fêmea ao nascimento (0,6:1,0; 0,6:1,0; 0,7:1,0 e 1,4:1,0 para as fases lunares nova, crescente, cheia eminguante, respectivamente). Conclui-se que o ciclo lunar influencia no momento do parto diferentemente parafetos masculinos e femininos.
The study aimed to describe if the lunar cycle interferes with some reproductive aspects of mares. It wasanalyzed 233 estrous cycles of 111 mares for evaluation of ovulation time; 348 pregnancies for the assessmentof fetal male:female proportion (60-70 days of pregnancy); and 356 births for influences in the moment ofparturition and parturition incidence according to fetal gender. Groups were formed acording to the phase ofthe moon and compared by Qui-square test (P < 0.05). The lunar phase did not influenced the incidence ofovulation (22.7; 26.6; 27.3 e 23.4% for new, waxing, full and waning lunar phases, respectively), themale:female proportion (1.1:1.0; 0.9:1.0; 1.0:1.0 e 1.4:1.0 for new, waxing, full and waning lunar phases,respectively), and the parturition incidence (25.0; 23.4; 20.6 e 31.0% for new, waxing, full and waning lunarphases, respectively). However, it influenced the male:female proportion at birth (0.6:1.0; 0.6:1.0; 0.7:1.0 e1.4:1.0 for new, waxing, full and waning lunar phases, respectively). We conclude that the lunar cycle influencesthe moment of parturition differently for male and female fetuses.
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/imunologia , Cavalos/metabolismo , Lua , PartoResumo
Este estudo avaliou as características reprodutivas de uma população do ouriçodo mar Lytechinus variegatus e a influência do ciclo lunar na liberação de gametas. Foramrealizadas oito coletas para avaliação do índice gonadossomático (IG) e dos parâmetrospopulacionais relacionados com a reprodução. Para avaliação do efeito da Lua na liberaçãode gametas foram realizadas coletas em três ciclos lunares completos. Ao todo foramcoletados 295 indivíduos, sendo 156 machos e 131 fêmeas (proporção 1,19:1), porém nãohouve diferença significativa na proporção sexual da população. O peso dos machos foisignificativamente maior que o das fêmeas, porém não houve diferença significativa no IG,peso gonadal e diâmetro entre os sexos. Com a amplitude no diâmetro dos animaiscoletados (5,5-8,7 cm) foram estabelecidas cinco classes de tamanho. Não houve diferençassignificativas no IG entre as classes de tamanho. Houve efeito da periodicidade lunar naliberação de gametas, com menor IG na lua nova, indicando que esta ocorre no primeiroquarto lunar e em marés de sizígia.(AU)
This work evaluated thespawning of sea urchin Lytechinus variegates based on lunar cycle and populationcharacteristics. Eight monthly collections were realized to estimate the gonadosomatic index(GI) and population parameters regarding reproduction. To evaluate the effect of the lunarcycle on spawning, samples were taken for each moon phase of three lunar cycles. In theentire work 295 individuals were collected, 156 males and 131 females (1.19:1 ratio).However, there was no significant difference in the sex ratio of the population. The weightof males was significantly greater than that of females. There were no differences betweenmales and females in gonadosomatic index (GI), gonad weight and diameter. There was aneffect of the lunar periodicity on spawning, with lower GI in new moon, indicating thatspawning occurs on the first lunar quarter in spring tide.(AU)