Sarna knemidocóptica apresenta relevante importância na clínica e criação de aves. São caracterizadas como ectoparasitos penetrantes, escavadores de túneis dérmicos de hospedeiros susceptíveis, causando-lhes lesões cutâneas graves e parasitando extensa gama de espécies, principalmente aquelas criadas em cativeiro. Periquitos australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) são uma das aves psitacídeas mais comumente mantidas como animais de companhia e, destacando-se entre outras ectoparasitoses, como: ácaros das penas, dos ninhos e larvas de moscas, está o gênero Knemidokoptes spp., responsável pela sarna dos periquitos. Neste relato, foram observados sete M. undulatus da variedade inglesa, adultos sendo quatro fêmeas e 3 machos obtidos na cidade de Porto Ferreira, São Paulo. As aves apresentavam-se irritadas, coçando-se, com mutilações variadas. Pode-se observar níveis distintos de patologia nos exemplares e lesões foram observadas em toda a extensão da pele: do crânio, cera (nariz), bico, derme das asas, cauda e membros inferiores (patas), levado a ausência de penas, formação de placas elevadas de superfície irregular, porosa de coloração brancacenta e aspecto crostoso poroso. Os bordos das lesões apresentavam-se avermelhadas, onde as aves bicavam para coçar até se mutilarem. Foi coletado material córneo das áreas lesionadas e em 100%, observou-se ao microscópio óptico (40x), instares da sarna que, por características morfológicas e parasitárias, sugere-se ser a espécie K. pilae. Cinco dos sete animais: quatro fêmeas e um macho, com maior nível de lesões vieram a óbito mesmo iniciado o tratamento e duas aves: macho, menos infestadas foram curadas, porém perdurando sequelas dérmicas e hábito de coçar os membros. Este é o primeiro relato, comprovado por identificação microscópica do ácaro parasitando periquitos padrão inglês atendidos em Descalvado, SP.
Knemidocoptic mange is of relevant importance in clinical and poultry breeding. They are characterized as penetrating ectoparasites, burrowing into dermal tunnels of susceptible hosts, causing severe skin lesions and parasitizing a wide range of species, especially those bred in captivity. Australian parakeets (Melopsittacus undulatus) are one of the parrot birds most commonly kept as companion animals and, standing out among other ectoparasitosis such as: feather mites, nest mites and fly larvae, is the genus Knemidokoptes spp., responsible for mange of birds. parakeets. In this report, seven M. undulatus of the English variety were observed, adults, four females and 3 males, obtained in the city of Porto Ferreira, São Paulo. The birds were irritated, scratching themselves, with various mutilations. Different levels of pathology can be observed in the specimens and lesions were observed along the entire length of the skin: skull, wax (nose), beak, wing dermis, tail and lower limbs (legs), leading to the absence of feathers, formation of raised plaques with irregular surface, porous, whitish color and scaly porous appearance. The edges of the lesions were reddened, where the birds pecked to scratch until they mutilated themselves. Corneal material was collected from the injured areas and 100% of the scab instars were observed under an optical microscope (40x), which, due to morphological and parasitic characteristics, is suggested to be the species K. pilae. Five of the seven animals: four females and one male, with a higher level of lesions, died even after the treatment was started, and two birds: male, less infested were cured, but with dermal sequelae and the habit of scratching the limbs. This is the first report, confirmed by microscopic identification of the mite parasitizing English standard parakeets in Descalvado, SP.
Animais , Dermatite/parasitologia , Infestações por Ácaros , Melopsittacus/parasitologia , Ácaros/patogenicidadeResumo
Sarna knemidocóptica apresenta relevante importância na clínica e criação de aves. São caracterizadas como ectoparasitos penetrantes, escavadores de túneis dérmicos de hospedeiros susceptíveis, causando-lhes lesões cutâneas graves e parasitando extensa gama de espécies, principalmente aquelas criadas em cativeiro. Periquitos australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) são uma das aves psitacídeas mais comumente mantidas como animais de companhia e, destacando-se entre outras ectoparasitoses, como: ácaros das penas, dos ninhos e larvas de moscas, está o gênero Knemidokoptes spp., responsável pela sarna dos periquitos. Neste relato, foram observados sete M. undulatus da variedade inglesa, adultos sendo quatro fêmeas e 3 machos obtidos na cidade de Porto Ferreira, São Paulo. As aves apresentavam-se irritadas, coçando-se, com mutilações variadas. Pode-se observar níveis distintos de patologia nos exemplares e lesões foram observadas em toda a extensão da pele: do crânio, cera (nariz), bico, derme das asas, cauda e membros inferiores (patas), levado a ausência de penas, formação de placas elevadas de superfície irregular, porosa de coloração brancacenta e aspecto crostoso poroso. Os bordos das lesões apresentavam-se avermelhadas, onde as aves bicavam para coçar até se mutilarem. Foi coletado material córneo das áreas lesionadas e em 100%, observou-se ao microscópio óptico (40x), instares da sarna que, por características morfológicas e parasitárias, sugere-se ser a espécie K. pilae. Cinco dos sete animais: quatro fêmeas e um macho, com maior nível de lesões vieram a óbito mesmo iniciado o tratamento e duas aves: macho, menos infestadas foram curadas, porém perdurando sequelas dérmicas e hábito de coçar os membros. Este é o primeiro relato, comprovado por identificação microscópica do ácaro parasitando periquitos padrão inglês atendidos em Descalvado, SP.(AU)
Knemidocoptic mange is of relevant importance in clinical and poultry breeding. They are characterized as penetrating ectoparasites, burrowing into dermal tunnels of susceptible hosts, causing severe skin lesions and parasitizing a wide range of species, especially those bred in captivity. Australian parakeets (Melopsittacus undulatus) are one of the parrot birds most commonly kept as companion animals and, standing out among other ectoparasitosis such as: feather mites, nest mites and fly larvae, is the genus Knemidokoptes spp., responsible for mange of birds. parakeets. In this report, seven M. undulatus of the English variety were observed, adults, four females and 3 males, obtained in the city of Porto Ferreira, São Paulo. The birds were irritated, scratching themselves, with various mutilations. Different levels of pathology can be observed in the specimens and lesions were observed along the entire length of the skin: skull, wax (nose), beak, wing dermis, tail and lower limbs (legs), leading to the absence of feathers, formation of raised plaques with irregular surface, porous, whitish color and scaly porous appearance. The edges of the lesions were reddened, where the birds pecked to scratch until they mutilated themselves. Corneal material was collected from the injured areas and 100% of the scab instars were observed under an optical microscope (40x), which, due to morphological and parasitic characteristics, is suggested to be the species K. pilae. Five of the seven animals: four females and one male, with a higher level of lesions, died even after the treatment was started, and two birds: male, less infested were cured, but with dermal sequelae and the habit of scratching the limbs. This is the first report, confirmed by microscopic identification of the mite parasitizing English standard parakeets in Descalvado, SP.(AU)
Animais , Melopsittacus/parasitologia , Dermatite/parasitologia , Ácaros/patogenicidade , Infestações por ÁcarosResumo
Nowadays, the third part of parrots in the world is endangered or vulnerable; an alternative for their preservation is assisted reproduction in captivity through hormonal manipulation. In birds, GnRH is the main hormone which controls reproductive physiology, it is known there are three types: GnRH-I, GnRH-II and GnRH-III, involved in the release or inhibition of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulant hormone to control gonadal and gametic development. The objective of this study was, to evaluate the effect of administrating synthetic GnRH-I in the testicular development of Melopsittacus undulatus. Twenty-eight adult budgerigars were randomly divided in two groups: control (n=14) and treated (n=14) with a unique dose of synthetic GnRH-I. Testicular development was assessed through ultrasonography and density was evaluated with pixels. Germinal diameter and thickness of germinal epithelium were determined with histology; there were identified and countified different cellular strains in seminiferous tubules therefore spermatobioscopy. Results. Ecographic density was: control group: 76 ± 7 pixels, treated group 41 ± 3 pixels. Thickness of germinal epitellium, 51.5 ± 2.9µm and 73.1 ± 3.1µm, for control group and treated group respectively. Sperm concentration in the treated group was 300% superior than in control group. It is concluded that the administration of synthetic GnRH-I, is a viable alternative to be used as part of the assisted
Animais , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina , Melopsittacus/anatomia & histologia , Melopsittacus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Testículo , UltrassonografiaResumo
Nowadays, the third part of parrots in the world is endangered or vulnerable; an alternative for their preservation is assisted reproduction in captivity through hormonal manipulation. In birds, GnRH is the main hormone which controls reproductive physiology, it is known there are three types: GnRH-I, GnRH-II and GnRH-III, involved in the release or inhibition of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulant hormone to control gonadal and gametic development. The objective of this study was, to evaluate the effect of administrating synthetic GnRH-I in the testicular development of Melopsittacus undulatus. Twenty-eight adult budgerigars were randomly divided in two groups: control (n=14) and treated (n=14) with a unique dose of synthetic GnRH-I. Testicular development was assessed through ultrasonography and density was evaluated with pixels. Germinal diameter and thickness of germinal epithelium were determined with histology; there were identified and countified different cellular strains in seminiferous tubules therefore spermatobioscopy. Results. Ecographic density was: control group: 76 ± 7 pixels, treated group 41 ± 3 pixels. Thickness of germinal epitellium, 51.5 ± 2.9µm and 73.1 ± 3.1µm, for control group and treated group respectively. Sperm concentration in the treated group was 300% superior than in control group. It is concluded that the administration of synthetic GnRH-I, is a viable alternative to be used as part of the assisted(AU)
Animais , Melopsittacus/anatomia & histologia , Melopsittacus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Testículo , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina , UltrassonografiaResumo
This case reports an outbreak of psittacine beak and feather disease in imported budgerigars (Melopsittacusundulatus) in a breeding site in Mexico. Feather abnormalities occurred in 3-month-old budgerigars and the percentage of affected birds was 40 of 100 birds (40%). The disease begins with varying degrees of bare skin on the back, the ventral region of the body, and the thoracic and pelvic regions without clinical signs or mortality offspring. Thirty-tree budgerigars were referred to the laboratory for diagnostics work-up. The hemogram showed different stages of inflammation in all studied birds, where 66% had relative erythrocytosis, leukocytosis due to heterophilia and monocytosis associated with chronic inflammation. The biochemical analysis showed mainly hypoproteinemia and hypouricemia in 5/8 and 4/9 birds, respectively. The absence of feathers with some tiny calamus of the pectoral region was the most significant feature and no other significant pathologic changes were observed. Histopathologic findings were apoptosis and a moderate amount of spherical intracytoplasmic basophilic inclusion bodies in clusters in some epithelial cells of feather follicles (12/14 sections examined) and bursa of Fabricius (8/10 sections examined). End-point PCR of bursa of Fabricius, genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, confirmed circovirus identification of the psittacine beak and feather disease virus species and belonging to the group 2 previously found in budgerigars. This is the first description of the psittacine beak and feather disease in budgerigars in Mexico showing the need of monitoring health status of companion and free-ranging endemic and endangered psittacine birds in Mexico in order to collaborate with the trade regulation of these bird species.(AU)
Animais , Melopsittacus/virologia , Infecções por Circoviridae/sangue , Infecções por Circoviridae/patologia , Infecções por Circoviridae/epidemiologia , Circovirus , Infecções por Circoviridae/veterinária , México/epidemiologiaResumo
A retrospective study including a total of 44 ornamental and pet birds with neoplasms diagnosed at the Hospital de Aves, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México from January 2007 to April 2014 was conducted. Most of affected birds were Psittaciformes (n=26, 59%) including budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) (n=12/26, 46.15%) and amazon parrots (Amazona spp.) (n=7/26, 26.92%), and followed by Passeriformes and Anseriformes (n=7/44, 15.90%, each) and Galliformes (n=4/44, 9.09%). The youngest studied bird was a 6.5-week-old lovebird (Agapornis sp.) with a papilloma, and the oldest bird was a 37-year-old yellow-naped parrot (Amazona auropalliata) with a hemangiosarcoma. Most of the affected birds were adults (n=23, 52.27%). The gender was determined for 17 birds (38.63%), of which eight (47.05%) were females and nine (52.94%) males. There were 45 reported neoplasms,as one salmon-crested cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) had two neoplasms. The two most frequent neoplasms were fibrosarcomas (n=9/45, 20%) and hemangiosarcomas (n=5/45, 11.11%). The largest number of neoplasms was found in the integumentary system (n=18/45, 40%), followed by the reproductive system (n=10/45, 22.22%). Of the 16 types of neoplasms, seven (43.75%) were malignant, six (37.5%) were benign, and three (18.75%) were potentially malignant. This study showed similarities with retrospective previously reported studies and contributes to the knowledge of the neoplastic diseases that occur in ornamental and pet birds in Mexico.(AU)
Animais , Doenças das Aves/epidemiologia , Neoplasias/epidemiologia , Neoplasias/veterinária , Melopsittacus , Passeriformes , Anseriformes , Galliformes , Psittaciformes , Animais de Estimação , México/epidemiologiaResumo
A retrospective study including a total of 44 ornamental and pet birds with neoplasms diagnosed at the Hospital de Aves, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México from January 2007 to April 2014 was conducted. Most of affected birds were Psittaciformes (n=26, 59%) including budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) (n=12/26, 46.15%) and amazon parrots (Amazona spp.) (n=7/26, 26.92%), and followed by Passeriformes and Anseriformes (n=7/44, 15.90%, each) and Galliformes (n=4/44, 9.09%). The youngest studied bird was a 6.5-week-old lovebird (Agapornis sp.) with a papilloma, and the oldest bird was a 37-year-old yellow-naped parrot (Amazona auropalliata) with a hemangiosarcoma. Most of the affected birds were adults (n=23, 52.27%). The gender was determined for 17 birds (38.63%), of which eight (47.05%) were females and nine (52.94%) males. There were 45 reported neoplasms,as one salmon-crested cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) had two neoplasms. The two most frequent neoplasms were fibrosarcomas (n=9/45, 20%) and hemangiosarcomas (n=5/45, 11.11%). The largest number of neoplasms was found in the integumentary system (n=18/45, 40%), followed by the reproductive system (n=10/45, 22.22%). Of the 16 types of neoplasms, seven (43.75%) were malignant, six (37.5%) were benign, and three (18.75%) were potentially malignant. This study showed similarities with retrospective previously reported studies and contributes to the knowledge of the neoplastic diseases that occur in ornamental and pet birds in Mexico.
Animais , Animais de Estimação , Anseriformes , Doenças das Aves/epidemiologia , Galliformes , Melopsittacus , Neoplasias/epidemiologia , Neoplasias/veterinária , Passeriformes , Psittaciformes , México/epidemiologiaResumo
This case reports an outbreak of psittacine beak and feather disease in imported budgerigars (Melopsittacusundulatus) in a breeding site in Mexico. Feather abnormalities occurred in 3-month-old budgerigars and the percentage of affected birds was 40 of 100 birds (40%). The disease begins with varying degrees of bare skin on the back, the ventral region of the body, and the thoracic and pelvic regions without clinical signs or mortality offspring. Thirty-tree budgerigars were referred to the laboratory for diagnostics work-up. The hemogram showed different stages of inflammation in all studied birds, where 66% had relative erythrocytosis, leukocytosis due to heterophilia and monocytosis associated with chronic inflammation. The biochemical analysis showed mainly hypoproteinemia and hypouricemia in 5/8 and 4/9 birds, respectively. The absence of feathers with some tiny calamus of the pectoral region was the most significant feature and no other significant pathologic changes were observed. Histopathologic findings were apoptosis and a moderate amount of spherical intracytoplasmic basophilic inclusion bodies in clusters in some epithelial cells of feather follicles (12/14 sections examined) and bursa of Fabricius (8/10 sections examined). End-point PCR of bursa of Fabricius, genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, confirmed circovirus identification of the psittacine beak and feather disease virus species and belonging to the group 2 previously found in budgerigars. This is the first description of the psittacine beak and feather disease in budgerigars in Mexico showing the need of monitoring health status of companion and free-ranging endemic and endangered psittacine birds in Mexico in order to collaborate with the trade regulation of these bird species.
Animais , Circovirus , Infecções por Circoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Circoviridae/patologia , Infecções por Circoviridae/sangue , Melopsittacus/virologia , Infecções por Circoviridae/veterinária , México/epidemiologiaResumo
Frequentemente o Médico Veterinário é requisitado para realização de diversos procedimentos em aves, os quais geralmente necessitam de sedação ou anestesia geral. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos sedativos do midazolam (5 associado ou não ao butorfanol (1 pelas vias de administração intranasal ou intramuscular. Sete periquitos australianos foram submetidos a quatro tratamentos em delineamento do tipo crossover com 15 dias de intervalo. Foram avaliados os períodos de latência, tempos de decúbito dorsal, tempos de sedação, tempos de recuperação, grau de sedação e qualidade de recuperação. Os resultados paramétricos foram avaliados por análise de variância de uma via seguida por teste de Student-Newman-Keuls e os dados não paramétricos foram submetidos ao teste Kruskal-Wallis ambos com 5% de significância. A técnica intranasal demonstrou melhores graus de sedação, no entanto, concluiu-se que ambos os protocolos e as vias de administração avaliados são seguras e viáveis para sedação em periquito australiano.(AU)
Often veterinarians have attended various species of birds to perform clinical procedures, which require sedation or generalanesthesia. The aim of this study was compare the intranasal or intramuscular sedative effects of midazolam (5 withor without butorphanol (1 Seven budgerigards (Melopsitacus undulates) were submitted in a crossover design to fourtreatments. The procedures were performed with 15 days washout. Were evaluated the on set time, dorsal recumbency timeduration, total sedation period, total recovery time, sedation degree and recovery quality. The parametric results were analisedby one way ANOVA following Student-Newman-Keuls test and non-parametric datas were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test, bothwith 5% significance. The intranasal technical demonstrates best degrees of sedation, however, this study concluded that bothprotocols and the administration routes are safe and viable for sedation in budgerigards.(AU)
Animais , Melopsittacus/anatomia & histologia , Melopsittacus/fisiologia , Midazolam/administração & dosagem , Butorfanol/administração & dosagem , Administração Intranasal , Administração Intranasal/veterináriaResumo
Intranasal anesthesia in birds is considered a safe, simple and efficient technique. The aim of this study was compare the anesthetic effects of midazolam (5 with racemic (R) or S+ (S) ketamine (15, administered intranasally (IN) or intramuscularly (IM) in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). Eight budgerigars were used in a crossover design with four treatments: INR, INS, IMR and IMS. Onset time, dorsal recumbency time duration, total anesthesia time, total recovery time, sedation degree and recovery quality were evaluated. Significant differences were observed in onset time between INS (40.25±10.55 sec) and IMR (74.32±21.77 sec); between administration vials for dorsal recumbency time, INS (23.93±7.51 min) and INR (28.68±16.13 min), which were different from IMS (60.08 ± 27.37 min) and IMR (74.3±21 min). In total anesthesia time, INS (45.48±17.94 min) and INR (39.24±15.62 min) were different from IMS (75.84±20.20 min) and IMR (20.73±79.4 min). The total recovery time was significantly higher in INS (21.55±18.43 min) compared to IMR (5.1±3.56 min). The results of this study indicated that both administration vials can be used for short time non-invasive procedures and the intranasal vial is preferable for fast procedures
A anestesia intranasal em aves é considerada uma técnica anestésica segura, simples e eficiente. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os efeitos anestésicos da associação de midazolam (5 e cetamina (15 nas formulações racêmica (R) ou S+ (S) administrados pela via intranasal (IN) ou intramuscular (IM) em periquitos australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus). Foram utilizados oito periquitos em delineamento do tipo crossover, em quatro tratamentos: INR, INS, IMR e IMS. Foram avaliados os tempos de latência, decúbito dorsal, anestesia e recuperação, grau de sedação e qualidade de recuperação. Foi observada diferença significativa no tempo de latência entre INS (40,25±10,55 seg) e IMR (74,32±21,77 seg); entre as vias de administração para o tempo de decúbito dorsal, INS (23,93±7,51 min) e INR (28,68±16,13 min), diferente de IMS (60,08±27,37 min) e IMR (74,3±21,77 min) e para tempo de anestesia, INS (45,48±17,94 min) e INR (39,24±15,62 min), diferentes de IMS (75,84±20,20 min) e IMR (79,4±20,73 min). O tempo de recuperação foi significativamente maior em INS (21,55±18,43 min) comparado a IMR (5,1±3,56 min). Pode-se concluir que as duas vias de administração avaliadas podem ser utilizadas em procedimentos de curta duração e não invasivos e a via intranasal é preferível para procedimentos rápidos
Animais , Administração Intranasal/veterinária , Administração Oral , Injeções Intramusculares/veterinária , Ketamina/análise , Melopsittacus , Midazolam/análise , Anestesia/veterinária , Benzodiazepinas/análiseResumo
Intranasal anesthesia in birds is considered a safe, simple and efficient technique. The aim of this study was compare the anesthetic effects of midazolam (5 with racemic (R) or S+ (S) ketamine (15, administered intranasally (IN) or intramuscularly (IM) in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). Eight budgerigars were used in a crossover design with four treatments: INR, INS, IMR and IMS. Onset time, dorsal recumbency time duration, total anesthesia time, total recovery time, sedation degree and recovery quality were evaluated. Significant differences were observed in onset time between INS (40.25±10.55 sec) and IMR (74.32±21.77 sec); between administration vials for dorsal recumbency time, INS (23.93±7.51 min) and INR (28.68±16.13 min), which were different from IMS (60.08 ± 27.37 min) and IMR (74.3±21 min). In total anesthesia time, INS (45.48±17.94 min) and INR (39.24±15.62 min) were different from IMS (75.84±20.20 min) and IMR (20.73±79.4 min). The total recovery time was significantly higher in INS (21.55±18.43 min) compared to IMR (5.1±3.56 min). The results of this study indicated that both administration vials can be used for short time non-invasive procedures and the intranasal vial is preferable for fast procedures(AU)
A anestesia intranasal em aves é considerada uma técnica anestésica segura, simples e eficiente. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os efeitos anestésicos da associação de midazolam (5 e cetamina (15 nas formulações racêmica (R) ou S+ (S) administrados pela via intranasal (IN) ou intramuscular (IM) em periquitos australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus). Foram utilizados oito periquitos em delineamento do tipo crossover, em quatro tratamentos: INR, INS, IMR e IMS. Foram avaliados os tempos de latência, decúbito dorsal, anestesia e recuperação, grau de sedação e qualidade de recuperação. Foi observada diferença significativa no tempo de latência entre INS (40,25±10,55 seg) e IMR (74,32±21,77 seg); entre as vias de administração para o tempo de decúbito dorsal, INS (23,93±7,51 min) e INR (28,68±16,13 min), diferente de IMS (60,08±27,37 min) e IMR (74,3±21,77 min) e para tempo de anestesia, INS (45,48±17,94 min) e INR (39,24±15,62 min), diferentes de IMS (75,84±20,20 min) e IMR (79,4±20,73 min). O tempo de recuperação foi significativamente maior em INS (21,55±18,43 min) comparado a IMR (5,1±3,56 min). Pode-se concluir que as duas vias de administração avaliadas podem ser utilizadas em procedimentos de curta duração e não invasivos e a via intranasal é preferível para procedimentos rápidos(AU)
Animais , Melopsittacus , Midazolam/análise , Ketamina/análise , Administração Intranasal/veterinária , Administração Oral , Injeções Intramusculares/veterinária , Anestesia/veterinária , Benzodiazepinas/análiseResumo
Popularmente conocido como ácaro de las plumas, el Ornithonyssus spp. es un ácaro hematófago, que representa una de las principales plagas en avicultura. En este trabajo se relata la infestación parasitaria causada por Ornithonyssus spp. en un criadero de periquitos australianos, en que fallecieron el 50 % de los animales.(AU)
Popularly known as the feather mite, Ornithonyssus spp. is an haematophagous mite, being one of the major ectoparasite in the poultry industry. The aim of this study is to report the occurrence of a parasitic infestation by Ornithonyssus spp. in an Australian budgerigar breeding, where 50% of the animals came to death.(AU)
Conhecido popularmente como ácaro da pena, o Ornithonyssus spp. é um ácaro hematófago, sendo um dos principais ectoparasitos em avicultura. Este trabalho tem por objetivo reportar a ocorrência de infestação por Ornithonyssus spp. em um criatório de periquitos australianos, em que 50% dos animais vieram a óbito.(AU)
Animais , Infestações por Ácaros/veterinária , Melopsittacus/parasitologia , Caquexia/veterinária , Dermatite/veterináriaResumo
The gastrointestinal tract of birds presents unique anatomy and physiology. The crop or chat, is a distension of the esophagus with function of storing food. Injuries and masses in these locations can occur for various reasons causing feeding difficulties and thinning of the bird. Food or foreign body impacted inside tract gatrintestinal can form the bezoars. Thus, the objective was reporting the occurrence of masses in crop in a budgerigar attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, and diagnosed as phytobezoar or ingluvoliths after necropsy examination and evaluation of the mass found(AU)
O trato gastrointestinal das aves apresenta anatomia e fisiologia únicas. O inglúvio, ou papo, é uma distensão do esôfago com função de armazenar alimentos. Lesões e massas nesses locais podem ocorrer por diversos motivos, provocando dificuldades alimentares e emagrecimento da ave. O alimento ou material estranho impactado no interior de trato gastrintestinal pode formar os bezoares. Assim, objetivou-se descrever a ocorrência de massas em inglúvio de um periquito australiano atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, e identificadas como fitobezoar ou ingluvolitos após exame necroscópico e avaliação das massas encontradas(AU)
Animais , Melopsittacus/lesões , Bezoares/veterinária , Papo das Aves/lesões , Dieta/efeitos adversos , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
Infecções fúngicas causadas por Macrorhabdus ornithogaster, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans tem sido descritas em várias espécies aviárias sendo responsáveis por promover alterações gastrointestinais, respiratórias, neurológicas e dermatológicas entre outras. O presente artigo descreve aspectos clínicos, anatomopatológicos, procedimentos diagnósticos, medidas preventivas e terapêuticas de um caso crônico de três infecções fúngicas concomitantes em periquitos australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) provenientes de um criatório comercial encaminhado ao laboratório de Ornitopatologia do Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMVZ UNESP), campus Botucatu São Paulo, Brasil.(AU)
Fungal infections caused by Macrorhabdus ornithogaster, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans has been described as responsiblefor promoting gastrointestinal, respiratory, neurological and dermatological disorders in several avian species. The present paperdescribes the clinical signs, histopathological exams, treatment and preventions and of a chronic case of three fungal infectionsconcomitant in australian parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus). The animals came from a commercial breeding facility and sent toOrnitopathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Faculty, Paulista State University(FMVZ - UNESP), Botucatu campus - São Paulo, Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Melopsittacus/microbiologia , Aspergilose/veterinária , Candidíase/veterinária , FungosResumo
Infecções fúngicas causadas por Macrorhabdus ornithogaster, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans tem sido descritas em várias espécies aviárias sendo responsáveis por promover alterações gastrointestinais, respiratórias, neurológicas e dermatológicas entre outras. O presente artigo descreve aspectos clínicos, anatomopatológicos, procedimentos diagnósticos, medidas preventivas e terapêuticas de um caso crônico de três infecções fúngicas concomitantes em periquitos australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) provenientes de um criatório comercial encaminhado ao laboratório de Ornitopatologia do Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMVZ UNESP), campus Botucatu São Paulo, Brasil.
Fungal infections caused by Macrorhabdus ornithogaster, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans has been described as responsiblefor promoting gastrointestinal, respiratory, neurological and dermatological disorders in several avian species. The present paperdescribes the clinical signs, histopathological exams, treatment and preventions and of a chronic case of three fungal infectionsconcomitant in australian parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus). The animals came from a commercial breeding facility and sent toOrnitopathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Faculty, Paulista State University(FMVZ - UNESP), Botucatu campus - São Paulo, Brazil.
Animais , Aspergilose/veterinária , Candidíase/veterinária , Fungos , Melopsittacus/microbiologiaResumo
Background: The budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) are psittacine of the Psittacidae family which belongs in the Psittaciformes order. These birds do not belong in the free living fauna of Brazil, therefore almost all of these birds found in the home environment are derived from pet stores or free markets. The dissemination of Salmonella among psittacine and other birds, and men as well, is a theme of great scientific concern. Salmonellosis is a highly contagious disease and psittacine are susceptible, but may also act as reservoirs hosting Salmonella sp. in the intestines and presenting as a source of infection to humans and domestic animals. Therefore, this study aimed to isolate, identify and to assess the dissemination of Salmonella in budgerigars in Fortaleza city. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was performed between January and September, 2011. Two hundred and sixty four samples of drag and cloacal swabs were collected from budgerigars found in pet stores and breeders, of which 198 were individual cloacal swabs, 58 were drag swabs and 8 intestine samples were also collected during necropsy performed in birds that died during the experiment. The microbiological procedure was performed according to the following steps: pre-enrichment step, using tubes containing peptone water broth; selective enrichment step, in which pre-enriched cultures were transferred to tubes containing Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth and tubes containing Selenite-Cystine broth, added Novobiocin; and plating step, in which enriched samples were streaked in plates containing Brilliant Green agar and plates containing MacConkey agar. Based on the morphology and color, colonies were selected and inoculated in Triple-Sugar-Iron agar, Lysine-Iron agar and Sulphite-Indole-Motility agar for confirmation. Urease production was assessed to differentiate Proteus from Salmonella. A questionnaire was administered to fully comprehend the conditions in which the budgerigars were maintained and housed, comprising the following subjects: food type, antimicrobial use, cleaning products used and bird species housed per cage. No Salmonella sp. was detected in budgerigars commercialized and maintained in pet stores and commercial breeders in Fortaleza city, Brazil. The questionnaire results revealed that most establishments maintain the seeds provided for the budgerigars in sealed containers and also, feeders, drinkers, cages and facilities are cleaned once a day, though most use only water treated by the local company to do so. Discussion: The studies involving Salmonella sp. and budgerigars are scarce and show a low or absent prevalence of this pathogen in this bird. The results of the questionnaire administered to the bird owners also aided in understanding the absence of Salmonella sp. in the studied birds. In conclusion, according to the methodology applied, the budgerigars commercialized in Fortaleza city do not pose imminent risk of transmitting Salmonella to the local population. In spite the absence of positivity or low prevalence of Salmonella in budgerigars reported in this study as in other scientific literature consulted, it is still recommended that control measures should always be applied in order to avoid this pathogen, since important serotypes potentially harmful to human health have been previously identified in this avian species.
Animais , Salmonelose Animal/diagnóstico , Doenças das Aves/epidemiologia , Prevalência , MelopsittacusResumo
O circovirus (BFDV) e o poliomavirus (APV) são agentes virais de extrema importância de psitaciformes em cativeiro. A primeira infecção por APV descrita em aves foi em periquitos-australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) jovens, sendo depois associada a elevada mortalidade e morbidade em outros psitacídeos. O BFDV é o agente causador da doença do bico e das penas de psitacídeos, aves da ordem dos psitaciformes, principalmente em aves mantidas em criatórios, quarentenas e lojas de animais. Ambas as doenças podem resultar em alteração nas penas, sinais inespecíficos e óbito súbito. A similaridade do quadro clínico provocado por esses pat6genos dificulta o diagn6stico baseado somente nos sinais clínicos, sendo essencial o diagnóstico laboratorial. Esta é uma revisão de literatura dessas enfermidades, comparando as doenças.
The circovirus (BFDV) and the avian polyomavirus (APV) are common viral agents that threaten parrots in captivity. The first APV infection in birds has been described in young Australian budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus), being since associated with high mortality and morbidity in other psittacines. The BFDV is the causative agent of beak and feathers disease, which occurs almost exclusively in psittacines, birds from the order Psittaciformes, especially in aviaries, quarantine facilities and pet stores. Both diseases cause feather alterations, nonspecific clinical signs and sudden death. The similarity of the clinical presentation of these agents makes it difficult to obtain a diagnosis without laboratory results. This paper reviews the literature on these viruses and compares both diseases.
El circovirus (BFDV) y el poliomavirus (APV) son agentes virales de gran importancia en psitácidos en cautiverio. La primer infección aviaria por APV fue descripta en periquitos australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) jóvenes, asociándosela después a altas tasas de morbi mortalidad en otros psitácidos. El BFDV es el agente causal de la enfermedad del pico y de las plumas en psitácidos, aves del orden psitaciformes, principalmente en aquellas que viven en criaderos, cuarentenas y comercios de animales. Ambas enfermedades pueden alterar las plumas, tener signos inespecíficos y provocar muerte súbita. El hecho de que ambos patógenos provoquen cuadros clínicos similares hace mas difícil el diagnóstico a través de los signos clínicos, siendo esencial el uso del diagnóstico a través de exámenes de laboratorio. En esta revisión de literatura se analizan y comparan ambas enfermidades.
Animais , Circovirus , Doenças das Aves/diagnóstico , Melopsittacus/virologia , Polyomavirus , Aves/virologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
O circovirus (BFDV) e o poliomavirus (APV) são agentes virais de extrema importância de psitaciformes em cativeiro. A primeira infecção por APV descrita em aves foi em periquitos-australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) jovens, sendo depois associada a elevada mortalidade e morbidade em outros psitacídeos. O BFDV é o agente causador da doença do bico e das penas de psitacídeos, aves da ordem dos psitaciformes, principalmente em aves mantidas em criatórios, quarentenas e lojas de animais. Ambas as doenças podem resultar em alteração nas penas, sinais inespecíficos e óbito súbito. A similaridade do quadro clínico provocado por esses pat6genos dificulta o diagn6stico baseado somente nos sinais clínicos, sendo essencial o diagnóstico laboratorial. Esta é uma revisão de literatura dessas enfermidades, comparando as doenças.(AU)
The circovirus (BFDV) and the avian polyomavirus (APV) are common viral agents that threaten parrots in captivity. The first APV infection in birds has been described in young Australian budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus), being since associated with high mortality and morbidity in other psittacines. The BFDV is the causative agent of beak and feathers disease, which occurs almost exclusively in psittacines, birds from the order Psittaciformes, especially in aviaries, quarantine facilities and pet stores. Both diseases cause feather alterations, nonspecific clinical signs and sudden death. The similarity of the clinical presentation of these agents makes it difficult to obtain a diagnosis without laboratory results. This paper reviews the literature on these viruses and compares both diseases.(AU)
El circovirus (BFDV) y el poliomavirus (APV) son agentes virales de gran importancia en psitácidos en cautiverio. La primer infección aviaria por APV fue descripta en periquitos australianos (Melopsittacus undulatus) jóvenes, asociándosela después a altas tasas de morbi mortalidad en otros psitácidos. El BFDV es el agente causal de la enfermedad del pico y de las plumas en psitácidos, aves del orden psitaciformes, principalmente en aquellas que viven en criaderos, cuarentenas y comercios de animales. Ambas enfermedades pueden alterar las plumas, tener signos inespecíficos y provocar muerte súbita. El hecho de que ambos patógenos provoquen cuadros clínicos similares hace mas difícil el diagnóstico a través de los signos clínicos, siendo esencial el uso del diagnóstico a través de exámenes de laboratorio. En esta revisión de literatura se analizan y comparan ambas enfermidades.(AU)