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R. bras. Parasitol. Vet. ; 29(2): e000620, 2020. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27908


This study describes Henneguya sacacaensis n. sp. in specimens of the Osteichthyes Satanoperca jurupari (Heckel, 1840), collected in the Rio Curiaú Environmental Protection Area in the city of Macapá, state of Amapá Brazil. Using optical microscopy and molecular analysis, these cyst-shaped parasites were analyzed. The gills of 57.14% of the analyzed S. jurupari contained hundreds of spores. The cysts found on the gill lamellae were oval-shaped and whitish. The Henneguya spores had an average length of 46.5 (41.3-56.92) µm. The fusiform body of the Henneguya measured 16.5 (13.16-20.01) µm long and 5.1 (3.91-6.12) µm in width, the two polar capsules had a taper of 3.83 (3.4-4.32) µm and a width of 1.68 (1.4-1.99) µm, and the tail measured 30 (22.47-41.67) µm in length, containing a polar filament coiled seven to nine times. Morphogical and phylogenetic analysis allowed the preposition of a new species, Henneguya sacacaensis n. sp, that belongs to the family Myxobolidae and the genus Henneguya.(AU)

Henneguya sacacaensis n. sp. é descrito em espécimes do Osteichthyes Satanoperca jurupari (Heckel, 1840), coletados na área de Proteção Ambiental do rio Curiaú na cidade de Macapá no estado do Amapá, Brasil. Com auxílio de microscopia óptica e análises moleculares, esses parasitos foram analisados e observados nas brânquias em forma de cistos, contendo centenas de esporos e apresentaram a prevalência de 57,14%. Os cistos encontrados nas lamelas branquiais tinham formatos ovais e esbranquiçados. Seus esporos apresentaram um comprimento médio de 46,5 (41,3-56,92) µm, corpo fusiforme medindo 16,5 (13,16-20,01) µm de comprimento e 5,1 (3,91-6,12) µm de largura, suas duas cápsulas polares apresentam uma conicidade de 3,83 (3,4-4,32) µm e sua largura 1,68 µm (1,4-1,99), a cauda 30 (22,47-41,67) µm de comprimento, contento um filamento polar de 7 à 9 voltas. Análises morfológicas e filogenéticas permitiram a preposição de uma nova espécie, Henneguya sacacaensis n. sp, que pertence à família Myxobolidae e ao gênero Henneguya.(AU)

Animais , Peixes/parasitologia , Myxobolus/anatomia & histologia , Myxobolus/patogenicidade , Brânquias/parasitologia
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 107: 1-5, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-13292


Myxosporean Myxobolus saladensis sp. nov. in the gills of Mugil liza Valenciennes, 1836 from Samborombón Bay was described by light and electron microscopy studies. Spores were pyriform and binucleated, measuring 10.63±0.36 µm (n=20) long, 9.24±0.50 µm (n=20) wide and 4.13±0.36 µm (n=20) thick, included in polysporic cyst-like plasmodia. Elongated pyriform polar capsules were of equal size (3.84±0.27 µm long and 2.30±0.12 µm wide). The sporoplasm contained some sporoplasmosomes. Each PC contained a polar filament with 4-5 coils obliquely arranged in relation to the polar capsules axis. The PC wall was composed of two layers of different electron densities. Based on the morphological and ultrastructure differences of the spore to those of previously described species of Myxobolus, we describe a new species, Myxobolus saladensis sp. nov.(AU)

Animais , Myxobolus/anatomia & histologia , Myxobolus/classificação , Smegmamorpha/parasitologia , Brânquias/parasitologia , Argentina
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 107: 1-5, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482999


Myxosporean Myxobolus saladensis sp. nov. in the gills of Mugil liza Valenciennes, 1836 from Samborombón Bay was described by light and electron microscopy studies. Spores were pyriform and binucleated, measuring 10.63±0.36 µm (n=20) long, 9.24±0.50 µm (n=20) wide and 4.13±0.36 µm (n=20) thick, included in polysporic cyst-like plasmodia. Elongated pyriform polar capsules were of equal size (3.84±0.27 µm long and 2.30±0.12 µm wide). The sporoplasm contained some sporoplasmosomes. Each PC contained a polar filament with 4-5 coils obliquely arranged in relation to the polar capsules axis. The PC wall was composed of two layers of different electron densities. Based on the morphological and ultrastructure differences of the spore to those of previously described species of Myxobolus, we describe a new species, Myxobolus saladensis sp. nov.

Animais , Brânquias/parasitologia , Myxobolus/anatomia & histologia , Myxobolus/classificação , Smegmamorpha/parasitologia , Argentina
Ci. Rural ; 46(11): 2024-2028, 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-13609


The present study investigated the morphology and pathology associated with the occurrence of cysts caused by Myxobolus sp. in the intestine of the silver catfish Rhamdia quelen . Comparisons with the other Myxobolus species that infect the intestines of cyprinids and siluriforms revealed that the pyriform spores of Myxobolus sp. are similar in shape to those described previously in M. miyairii, M. duodenalis and M. cunhai, but different in size. Morphometric analyses revealed that mature spores of Myxobolus sp. (10.9 x 5.1m) are smaller than those of most species except M. cunhai (10.0 x 5.0m), which has been described infecting the Brazilian catfish Pimelodus clarias , although the spores differ morphologically in relation to the shape of the polar capsules. Further research is necessary in order to clarify the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships among these congeneric species.(AU)

O presente estudo investigou a morfologia e patologia associada com a ocorrência de cistos de Myxobolus sp. no intestino do peixe siluriforme Rhamdia quelen . Comparações com outras espécies de Myxobolus que têm infectado intestinos de carpas e bagres de água doce demonstraram que os esporos piriformes de Myxobolus sp. são similares no formato dos anteriormente descritos para M. miyairii, M. duodenalis e M. cunhai , diferindo, no entanto, quanto ao tamanho. As análises morfométricas revelaram que os esporos maduros de Myxobolus sp. (10,9 x 5,1m) são menores do que os da maioria das espécies, exceto para M. cunhai (10,0 x 5,0m), que foi descrito infectando o bagre brasileiro Clarias pimelodus , embora os esporos sejam diferentes morfologicamente em relação à forma das cápsulas polares. Futuras pesquisas são necessárias para esclarecer as relações taxonômicas e filogenéticas entre espécies congêneres.(AU)

Animais , Peixes-Gato/parasitologia , Myxobolus/anatomia & histologia , Myxobolus/classificação , Doenças dos Peixes/parasitologia