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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(1): 340-344, jan.-fev. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1038588


The morphology of the ruminal and omasal mucosa and hepatic parenchyma of 44 young bulls submitted to four types of concentrates were evaluated by varying the inclusion level of crude Glycerin - CG (0, 6, 12 and 18%). The variables evaluated were number of ruminal papillae per cm² of wall; area of the papillae and total absorption surface per cm² of wall; Mitotic index - MI, height and area of ruminal and omasal papillae; and hepatic morphology. The samples processed for inclusion in paraffin and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin. The different levels of inclusion of CG in the diet did not interfere either in the number of papillae per cm2 of rumen wall (P= 0,70) or in the ruminal absorptive surface area (P= 0,89). Animals that received diets with levels 12 and 18% had higher MI of the ruminal epithelium (P< 0.01), but higher cell proliferation wasn't reflected in height gain and papillary area (P= 0,82). The omasal mucosa wasn't influenced by the inclusion of CG (MI e height gain and papillary area, P= 0,43, P= 0,56 e P= 0,9, respectively). The inclusion of GB in up to 18% of diet dry matter didn't alter the morphology of the rumen and omaso mucosa; and the integrity hepatic parenchyma.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Omaso/anatomia & histologia , Rúmen/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Glicerol/administração & dosagem , Fígado/anatomia & histologia
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 50(2): 98-104, 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7998


O desenvolvimento do estômago de mamíferos domésticos é um processo complexo, especialmente em ruminantes. Essa pesquisa analisou o desenvolvimento desse órgão durante o período pré-natal. Foram utilizadas amostras de omaso de fetos da raça Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) divididos em cinco grupos com seis amostras cada: 1º fetos com 9 a 15 semanas (8 a 21cm) de gestação, 2º fetos com 16 a 22 semanas (23 a 37cm), 3º fetos com 23 a 29 semanas (40 a 58cm), 4º fetos com 30 a 36 semanas (61 a 77cm) e 5ºfetos com 37 a 43 semanas (79 a 88cm). Os cortes histológicos foram corados com Hematoxilina e Eosina e Picrossirius e examinados ao microscópio de luz. No feto de 11 cm, foi observado mucosa com lâminas primárias, secundárias e terciárias uniformes e demais camadas presentes. No feto de 13,5 cm surgiram as lâminas quaternárias, papilas nas lâminas primárias e secundárias e a formação da muscular da mucosa. Aos 28 cm, as papilas estavam em pleno desenvolvimento, assim como as lâminas, principalmente as quaternárias. No feto de 42 cm houve início de queratinização epitelial e, no de 56 cm, estava totalmente queratinizado. No feto de 60 cm, as lâminas possuíam papilas grandes e afiladas no ápice e, aos 65 cm, houve diminuição do epitélio e aumento da camada muscular. O feto de 83 cm apresentou lâminas delgadas, muscular da mucosa discreta e papilas por toda a superfície. Concluiu-se que as lâminas e papilas foram as estruturas que mais apresentaram modificações durante o desenvolvimento fetal.(AU)

The development of the stomach of domestic mammals is a complex process, especially in ruminants. The aim of this study was to analyze this organ during prenatal period. Omasum samples of Nelore fetuses (Bos taurus indicus) were divided into five groups of six samples each: 1- fetuses from 9 to 15 weeks (8 to 21cm) of gestation, 2 - fetuses from 16 to 22 weeks (23 to 37cm), 3 - fetuses from 23 to 29 weeks (40 to 58cm), 4 - fetuses from 30 to 36 weeks (61 to 77cm) and 5 - fetuses from 37 to 43 weeks (79 to 88cm). The histological sections were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin and Picrossirius and examined by light microscopy. In fetuses of 11 cm it was observed mucosa with uniform primary, secondary and tertiary blades and all layers present. The fetus with 13.5 cm presented quaternary blades emergence, papillae on primary and secondary blades and formation of the muscularis mucosae. At 28 cm it were observed papillae in development, as well as the blades, especially the quaternary. In 42 cm fetuses was early epithelial keratinization and at 56 cm it was fully keratinized. In 60 cm fetuses the blades presented large papillae with tapered apex and at 65 cm there was decreased epithelium and increase of the muscle layer. In the fetus of 83 cm it were observed thin sections, discrete muscularis mucosa and papillae over the entire organ surface. It was concluded that the blades and papillae were structures that presented more changes during fetal development.(AU)

Animais , Omaso/anatomia & histologia , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Desenvolvimento Fetal/fisiologia , Bovinos/classificação , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Feto/anatomia & histologia