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Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(1): 191-198, jan.-mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402001


Os bloqueios locorregionais são considerados padrão-ouro para a analgesia perioperatória. Sendo assim, este trabalho apresenta o efeito da associação do bloqueio do plano transverso do abdome com o bloqueio do plano serrátil em um felino de 11 anos, fêmea, que foi submetido à mastectomia unilateral. Foi utilizada a metadona 0,3 mg/kg via intramuscular (IM) na medicação pré-anestésica e propofol dose-efeito via intravenosa (IV) para indução, enquanto a manutenção foi feita com isoflurano. O TAP Block e o SP-Block foram realizados unilateralmente utilizando a associação de bupivacaína 0,3mL/kg, em cada ponto, diluída a 0,25% com solução fisiológica. A frequência cardíaca (FC), a frequência respiratória (f), a pressão arterial não invasiva (Método Doppler), a temperatura esofágica (oC), a saturação de oxigênio (SpO2), a capnografia (EtCO2) e o eletrocardiograma foram monitorados continuamente e registrados a cada dez minutos. A paciente foi monitorada por cinco horas, após a extubação, quanto à dor, sendo utilizada, para isso, a Escala Multidimensional de Dor Aguda (UNESP-Botucatu). A recuperação anestésica da paciente foi rápida e sem complicações. Durante a avaliação de dor, o animal apresentou escore zero, não manifestando qualquer desconforto pós-operatório. A associação das técnicas foi eficaz no bloqueio anestésico das paredes torácica e abdominal, sugerindo a inclusão destas nos protocolos de analgesia multimodal para esse tipo de cirurgia.

Locoregional blocks are considered the gold standard for perioperative analgesia. Thus, this paper presents the effect of the association of transverse abdominal plane block with serratus plane block in an 11-year-old female feline submitted to unilateral mastectomy. Methadone 0.3 mg/kg via intramuscular (IM) was used as pre anesthetic medication and dose-effect propofol via intravenous (IV) was used for induction, while the maintenance was done with isofluorane. TAP Block and SP-Block were performed unilaterally using an association of Bupivacaine 0.3 ml/kg at each point, diluted to 0.25% with saline solution. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f), non-invasive blood pressure (Doppler method), esophageal temperature (oC), oxygen saturation (SpO2), capnography (EtCO2), and electrocardiogram were monitored continuously and recorded every 10 minutes. The patient was monitored for pain during five hours after extubation using the Multidimensional Scale of UNESP-Botucatu. The anesthetic recovery of the patient was fast and without complications. During pain assessment, the animal presented a score of zero and did not present any postoperative discomfort. The association of techniques was effective in the anesthetic blockade of the thoracic and abdominal walls, suggesting their inclusion in multimodal analgesia protocols for this type of surgery.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Bupivacaína/administração & dosagem , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Mastectomia Simples/veterinária , Parede Abdominal , Parede Torácica
Acta cir. bras ; 36(5): e360502, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278107


ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the use of barbed sutures over the surgical time, the leukogram, the tissue thickness in which the sutures were employed (ultrasonography), the costs, and the possible complications in bitches with pyometra submitted to ovariohysterectomy (OH). Methods Convectional 2.0 polyglyconate suture was used in the control group (CG n = 10) and 2.0 barbed polyglyconate suture in the barbed group (BG n = 10) to perform celiorrhaphy (simple continuous pattern) and subcutaneous closure (continuous intradermal pattern). Data were assessed using paired (leukogram between 24 and 48 h within the same group) and unpaired (leukogram, surgical time, tissue thickness, and costs) Student's t-test. The Fisher exact test was used to assess the occurrence of seroma between groups (p < 0.05). Results are shown as mean ± standard error of mean. Results The time spent to perform the celiorrhaphy (195.30 ± 17.37 s vs. 204 ± 16.00 s), subcutaneous closure (174.0 ± 15.86 s vs. 198.0 ± 15.62 s), and the total surgical time (24.30 ± 1.44 min vs. 23.00 ± 1.30 min) did not differ between BG and CG, respectively (p > 0.05). Leukogram at 48 h post-surgery did not differ between groups (p = 0.20). No differences were observed in the subcutaneous and the abdominal wall thickness (cm) assessed by ultrasonography at 48 h in BG (0.31 ± 0.04, 0.80 ± 0.05) and CG (0.34 ± 0.03, 0.72 ± 0.06), respectively. Similarly, 15 days post-surgery the same structures did not differ between BG (0.26 ± 0.02, 0.74 ± 0.08) and CG (0.26 ± 0.03, 0.64 ± 0.05) (p > 0.05). In one bitch from each group, a mild seroma was observed on one side of the surgical wound 48 h after surgery (p = 1.00). The procedures in which barbed sutures were used had an average additional cost of R$ 200.00 ± 11.66 (p < 0.0001). Conclusions Barbed suture has proven to be efficient and safe for abdominal and subcutaneous closure. However, considering its current high cost in addition thatthe surgical time of bitches with pyometra undergone OH was not reduced, no advantages were observed with theuse of barbed sutures for this type of surgery.

Humanos , Feminino , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Piometra , Suturas , Técnicas de Sutura , Duração da Cirurgia
Acta cir. bras ; 36(7): e360706, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339001


ABSTRACT Purpose To compare tissue inflammatory response, foreign body reaction, fibroplasia, and proportion of type I/III collagen between closure of abdominal wall aponeurosis using polyglactin suture and intraperitoneal implant of polypropylene, polypropylene/polyglecaprone, and polyester/porcine collagen meshes to repair defects in the abdominal wall of rats. Methods Forty Wistar rats were placed in four groups, ten animals each, for the intraperitoneal implant of polypropylene, polypropylene/polyglecaprone, and polyester/porcine collagen meshes or suture with polyglactin (sham) after creation of defect in the abdominal wall. Twenty-one days later, histological analysis was performed after staining with hematoxylin-eosin and picrosirius red. Results The groups with meshes had a higher inflammation score (p < 0.05) and higher number of gigantocytes (p < 0.05) than the sham group, which had a better fibroplasia with a higher proportion of type I/III collagen than the tissue separating meshes (p < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between the three groups with meshes. Conclusions The intraperitoneal implant of polypropylene/polyglecaprone and polyester/porcine collagen meshes determined a more intense tissue inflammatory response with exuberant foreign body reaction, immature fibroplasia and low tissue proportion of type I/III collagen compared to suture with polyglactin of abdominal aponeurosis. However, there were no significant differences in relation to the polypropylene mesh group.

Animais , Ratos , Polipropilenos/efeitos adversos , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Poliglactina 910/efeitos adversos , Telas Cirúrgicas/efeitos adversos , Suturas , Suínos , Teste de Materiais , Reação a Corpo Estranho/etiologia , Colágeno , Ratos Wistar , Aponeurose
Acta cir. bras ; 36(8): e360808, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339009


ABSTRACT Purpose: To develop a reproducible training program model covering the steps of the extended totally extraperitoneal approach (e-tep) technique for correction of ventral or incisional hernia repair. Methods: Training sessions with surgeons in the laboratory using both porcine specimens and a new ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) model simulating the operative steps of the e-tep technique. Students were interviewed and asked to answer a questionnaire pre and post the sessions to assess their performance and evaluated the course and model. Results: A total of 25 trained abdominal wall surgeons was evaluated at the end of the course. It was obtained a 100% satisfaction score of the training, as well as increased confidence levels up to 9 and 10 in all technical aspects of the surgery, having 96% of the surgeons performed a surgery under supervision of the proctors after the course. Conclusions: This training model is simple, effective, low cost, and replicable in guidance on the beginning of e-tep technique adoption, and performance. As a result, surgeons can get more confident and more able to perform surgeries employing this technique.

Humanos , Animais , Laparoscopia , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Hérnia Inguinal/cirurgia , Hérnia Ventral/cirurgia , Peritônio/cirurgia , Telas Cirúrgicas , Suínos , Resultado do Tratamento , Endoscopia , Herniorrafia
Acta cir. bras. ; 35(10): e202001001, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30291


Purpose: Incisional hernia (IH) is a frequent complication of median laparotomy. The use of prophylactic mesh to reduce IH incidence has gained increasing attention. We hypothesized that in an animal model, linea alba prophylactic reinforcement with a three-dimensional T-shaped polypropylene mesh results in greater abdominal wall resistance. Methods: Study was performed in 27 rabbits. After abdominal midline incision, animals were divided into three groups according to the laparotomy closure method used: (1)3D T-shaped coated mesh; (2)3D T-shaped uncoated mesh; and (3) closure without mesh. After 4 months, each animals abdominal wall was resected and tensiometric tests were applied. Results included IH occurrence, adhesions to the mesh, and wound complications. Results: There was no significant difference between the groups in maximum tensile strength (p=0.250) or abdominal wall elongation under maximum stress (p=0.839). One rabbit from the control group developed IH (p=1.00). Small intestine and colon adhesions occurred only in the uncoated mesh group (p 0.001) and the degree of adhesions was higher in this group compared to the coated mesh group (p 0.05). Conclusion: Use of the current 3D T-shaped prophylactic mesh model did not result in a significant difference in tensiometric measurements when compared with simple abdominal wall closure in rabbits.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Hérnia Incisional/prevenção & controle , Hérnia Incisional/veterinária , Laparotomia/veterinária , Parede Abdominal
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(4): 1198-1206, jul.-ago. 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1038616


The aim of this study was to characterize the tissue reactions triggered by the polypropylene mesh coated with chitosan and polyethylene glycol film, and if it's able to prevent the formation of peritoneal adhesions. Defects in the abdominal wall of rats were induced and polypropylene meshes coated with chitosan/polyethylene glycol (CPEG group, n= 12) and uncoated (PP control group, n= 12) were implanted. On the fourth and forty-fifth postoperative day the formation of adhesion and the tissue reaction to the biomaterial was evaluated through histological and histochemical analysis. The area (P= 0.01) and severity (P= 0.002) of the adhesion was significatively less in the CPEG group. On the fourth day the foreign body reaction was less intense in CPEG group (P= 0.018) and the production of collagen fibers was more intense in this group (P= 0.041). The tissue reactions caused by the biomaterials were similar on the 45th day, with the exception of the high organization of collagen fibers in the CPEG group. The CPEG meshes did not fully prevent the formation of adhesions, but minimized the severity of the process. The foreign body reaction promoted by polypropylene meshes coated with CPEG is less intense than that triggered by uncoated polypropylene meshes.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as reações tissulares desencadeadas pela tela de polipropileno revestida com o filme de quitosana e polietilenoglicol e verificar se ela é capaz de prevenir a formação de aderências peritoneais. Um defeito na parede abdominal dos ratos foi realizado, e as telas de polipropileno revestidas com quitosana/polietilenoglicol (grupo CPEG, n= 12) e sem revestimento (grupo controle PP, n= 12) foram implantadas. No quarto e no 45º dia pós-operatório, avaliou-se a formação de aderências e a reação tecidual ao biomaterial por análise histológica e histoquímica. A área (P= 0,01) e a severidade (P= 0,002) da aderência peritoneal foram significativamente menores no grupo CPEG no 45º dia. No quarto dia, observou-se que a reação do corpo estranho foi menor no grupo CPEG (P= 0,018), e a produção de fibras de colágeno mais intensa (P= 0,041). As reações tissulares causadas pelos biomateriais implantados foram semelhantes no 45º dia, com exceção da melhor organização das fibras colágenas no grupo CPEG. As telas CPEG não impediram completamente a formação de aderências, porém minimizaram a gravidade do processo. A reação de corpo estranho promovida por telas de polipropileno revestidas com CPEG é menos intensa do que a desencadeada por telas de polipropileno não revestidas.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Polietilenoglicóis , Polipropilenos , Telas Cirúrgicas/veterinária , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Quitosana , Aderências Teciduais/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(4): 1198-1206, jul.-ago. 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25221


The aim of this study was to characterize the tissue reactions triggered by the polypropylene mesh coated with chitosan and polyethylene glycol film, and if it's able to prevent the formation of peritoneal adhesions. Defects in the abdominal wall of rats were induced and polypropylene meshes coated with chitosan/polyethylene glycol (CPEG group, n= 12) and uncoated (PP control group, n= 12) were implanted. On the fourth and forty-fifth postoperative day the formation of adhesion and the tissue reaction to the biomaterial was evaluated through histological and histochemical analysis. The area (P= 0.01) and severity (P= 0.002) of the adhesion was significatively less in the CPEG group. On the fourth day the foreign body reaction was less intense in CPEG group (P= 0.018) and the production of collagen fibers was more intense in this group (P= 0.041). The tissue reactions caused by the biomaterials were similar on the 45th day, with the exception of the high organization of collagen fibers in the CPEG group. The CPEG meshes did not fully prevent the formation of adhesions, but minimized the severity of the process. The foreign body reaction promoted by polypropylene meshes coated with CPEG is less intense than that triggered by uncoated polypropylene meshes.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as reações tissulares desencadeadas pela tela de polipropileno revestida com o filme de quitosana e polietilenoglicol e verificar se ela é capaz de prevenir a formação de aderências peritoneais. Um defeito na parede abdominal dos ratos foi realizado, e as telas de polipropileno revestidas com quitosana/polietilenoglicol (grupo CPEG, n= 12) e sem revestimento (grupo controle PP, n= 12) foram implantadas. No quarto e no 45º dia pós-operatório, avaliou-se a formação de aderências e a reação tecidual ao biomaterial por análise histológica e histoquímica. A área (P= 0,01) e a severidade (P= 0,002) da aderência peritoneal foram significativamente menores no grupo CPEG no 45º dia. No quarto dia, observou-se que a reação do corpo estranho foi menor no grupo CPEG (P= 0,018), e a produção de fibras de colágeno mais intensa (P= 0,041). As reações tissulares causadas pelos biomateriais implantados foram semelhantes no 45º dia, com exceção da melhor organização das fibras colágenas no grupo CPEG. As telas CPEG não impediram completamente a formação de aderências, porém minimizaram a gravidade do processo. A reação de corpo estranho promovida por telas de polipropileno revestidas com CPEG é menos intensa do que a desencadeada por telas de polipropileno não revestidas.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Polietilenoglicóis , Polipropilenos , Telas Cirúrgicas/veterinária , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Quitosana , Aderências Teciduais/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 12(2): 79-82, 20190000. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469733


The Schistosomus reflexus (SR) etymologically refers to an abdominal and / or thoracic cleft with eventration of viscera. This pathology is diagnosed more frequently in ruminants such as cattle and sheep compared to few cases reported in dogs. According to reports, this is the fourth case of SR that is reported in canines. This condition is likely caused by various factors such as endocrine, alimentary, metabolic, hereditary and teratogenic in the first third of gestation, leading to disorders in embryonic development. In this report, a two-year-old canine Pinscher that presented clinical signs of birth was taken to the Veterinary hospital. Four puppies were born; three of them presented morphological malformations, being compatible with SR. It was observed abdominal cleft associated to abdominal and thoracic ventral midline defect, eventration with exposure of viscera (liver, intestines, and spleen), cleft palate, proptosis and microcephaly.

Animais , Cães , Anormalidades Musculoesqueléticas/patologia , Anormalidades Musculoesqueléticas/veterinária , Morte Perinatal , Parede Abdominal/anormalidades , Parede Torácica/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/patologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ; 12(2): 79-82, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23336


The Schistosomus reflexus (SR) etymologically refers to an abdominal and / or thoracic cleft with eventration of viscera. This pathology is diagnosed more frequently in ruminants such as cattle and sheep compared to few cases reported in dogs. According to reports, this is the fourth case of SR that is reported in canines. This condition is likely caused by various factors such as endocrine, alimentary, metabolic, hereditary and teratogenic in the first third of gestation, leading to disorders in embryonic development. In this report, a two-year-old canine Pinscher that presented clinical signs of birth was taken to the Veterinary hospital. Four puppies were born; three of them presented morphological malformations, being compatible with SR. It was observed abdominal cleft associated to abdominal and thoracic ventral midline defect, eventration with exposure of viscera (liver, intestines, and spleen), cleft palate, proptosis and microcephaly.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Parede Torácica/anormalidades , Parede Abdominal/anormalidades , Anormalidades Musculoesqueléticas/patologia , Anormalidades Musculoesqueléticas/veterinária , Morte Perinatal , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/patologia
Acta cir. bras. ; 34(6): e201900608, Sept. 19, 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23318


Purpose: To analyze the resistance to medial traction of abdominal wall muscles, before and after performing relaxing incisions. Methods: Seventeen live pigs were used. After a median laparotomy, the handles were made in the rectus abdominis muscles (RAM) to fit the dynamometer. Step 1 (control phase): tensile strength measured without performing relaxant incisions. Step 2: A curvilinear relaxant incision was made on the anterior blade of the right RAM sheath and then the tensile strength was measured by the edge of the wound. The same procedure was adopted after incision of the left posterior blade. Step 3: Relaxing incisions were made in the right posterior and left anterior blade, so that both sides were left with a relaxing incision on both blades. Measurements of resistance were performed. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the sides. On the right and left side, all treatments reduced the tensile strength when compared to each other and to the control. There was a reduction of 12% and 9.8% after incision of the anterior and posterior blade, respectively. Conclusion: Relaxing incisions reduced tensile strength in the ventral abdominal wall.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/cirurgia , Hérnia Incisional/cirurgia , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Resistência à Tração/fisiologia , Laparotomia/métodos , Laparotomia/veterinária
Rev. Educ. Contin. CRMV-SP (Impr.) ; 16(2): 42-46, ago. 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488759


Researches for the ideal material for abdominal wall reconstructive procedures in Veterinary Medicine remains constant. Synthetic and biological materials are routinely studied, regarding the ability of abdominal support and reactivity of the host, both of them present advantages and disadvantages. This review analyzes the main characteristics of synthetic and biological materials currently in use, in order to compare the two of them. It was observed that biological materials have less reactivity by the host, but the strength of the synthetic materials is higher, even though, more expensive. The effort and research for the ideal material should remain active because the ideal one has not been found yet.

A busca pelo material ideal para os procedimentos de reconstrução da parede abdominal em Medicina Veterinária permanece constante. Materiais sintéticos e biológicos são rotineiramente estudados, mostrando prós e contras referentes às suas respectivas capacidades de sustentação abdominal e reatividade do hospedeiro. Esta revisão aborda as principais características dos materiais sintéticos e biológicos atualmente utilizados, e levanta comparações entre os dois tipos de materiais. Os materiais biológicos apresentam menor reatividade pelo hospedeiro, porém, a força de sustentação dos materiais sintéticos é maior, embora o seu custo seja mais elevado. Os trabalhos e a busca pelo material ideal para este tipo de procedimento devem permanecer ativos, pois o material ideal ainda não foi encontrado.

Animais , Materiais Biocompatíveis/análise , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Parede Abdominal/microbiologia
R. Educ. contin. Med. Vet. Zoot. ; 16(2): 42-46, ago. 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19799


Researches for the ideal material for abdominal wall reconstructive procedures in Veterinary Medicine remains constant. Synthetic and biological materials are routinely studied, regarding the ability of abdominal support and reactivity of the host, both of them present advantages and disadvantages. This review analyzes the main characteristics of synthetic and biological materials currently in use, in order to compare the two of them. It was observed that biological materials have less reactivity by the host, but the strength of the synthetic materials is higher, even though, more expensive. The effort and research for the ideal material should remain active because the ideal one has not been found yet.(AU)

 A busca pelo material ideal para os procedimentos de reconstrução da parede abdominal em Medicina Veterinária permanece constante. Materiais sintéticos e biológicos são rotineiramente estudados, mostrando prós e contras referentes às suas respectivas capacidades de sustentação abdominal e reatividade do hospedeiro. Esta revisão aborda as principais características dos materiais sintéticos e biológicos atualmente utilizados, e levanta comparações entre os dois tipos de materiais. Os materiais biológicos apresentam menor reatividade pelo hospedeiro, porém, a força de sustentação dos materiais sintéticos é maior, embora o seu custo seja mais elevado. Os trabalhos e a busca pelo material ideal para este tipo de procedimento devem permanecer ativos, pois o material ideal ainda não foi encontrado.(AU)

Animais , Materiais Biocompatíveis/análise , Parede Abdominal/microbiologia , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia
Acta cir. bras. ; 33(9): 792-798, set. 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-735039


Purpose: To evaluate the fibrosis induced by four different meshes: Marlex®, Parietex Composite®, Vicryl® and Ultrapro®. Methods: Histological cutouts of abdominal wall were analyzed with polarized light 28 days after the meshes implants and colorized by picrosirius to identify the intensity of collagen types I and III, and their maturation index. Results: When the four groups were compared, the total collagen area analyzed was bigger in groups A and D, with no difference between them. The collagen type I density was bigger in group A, with an average of 9.62 ± 1.0, and smaller in group C, with an average of 3.86 ± 0.59. The collagen type III density was similar in groups A, B and C, and bigger in group D. The collagen maturation index was different in each of the four groups, bigger in group A with 0.87, group B with 0.66, group D with 0.57 and group C with 0.33 (p = 0.0000). Conclusion: The most prominent fibrosis promotion in the given meshes was found on Marlex® (polypropylene mesh) and the Parietex Composite® (non-biodegradable polyester); the collagen maturation index was higher in the Marlex® mesh, followed by Ultrapro®, Parietex Composite® and Vicryl® meshes.(AU)

Telas Cirúrgicas/efeitos adversos , Fibrose/diagnóstico , Hérnia Incisional/complicações , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia
Acta cir. bras. ; 32(2): 98-107, fev. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16334


Purpose: To compare the polypropylene mesh (Marlex®) to Vicryl®, Parietex composite® and Ultrapro® meshes to assess the occurrence of adhesions in the intraperitoneal implantation. Methods: Sixty Wistar rats were allocated into three groups: PP+V, in which all the animals received a polypropylene and a Vicryl® mesh; PP+PC, with the implantation of polypropylene and Parietex composite® meshes and PP+UP, in which there was implantation of polypropylene and Ultrapro®. Macroscopic analysis was performed 28 days later to assess the percentage of mesh area affected by adhesion. Results: in the PP+ V group, the Vicryl® mesh showed lower adhesion formation (p=0.013). In the PP+PC, there were no differences between polypropylene and Parietex composite® (p=0.765). In the PP+UP group, Ultrapro® and polypropylene meshes were equivalent (p=0.198) . Conclusion: All the four meshes led to adhesions, with the Vicryl® mesh showing the least potential for its formation.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Hérnia Ventral/prevenção & controle , Parede Abdominal , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Telas Cirúrgicas , Peritônio , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/prevenção & controle , Aderências Teciduais/prevenção & controle , Ratos Wistar
Acta cir. bras. ; 31(11): 714-719, Nov. 2016. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20998


PURPOSE:To analysis the effects of passive smoking on the microstructure of tissues of the abdominal wall regarding microcirculation, using histopathological study of the tobacco exposed rats.METHODS:Twenty four male Wistar rats were divided in Control Group (CG = 8 animals) and Exposition Groups (EG = 16 animals). EG was exposed to cigarette smoke 4x/day for 120 days, while CG was preserved from exposure. Food, water and housing were similar for both groups. After 120 days, urine samples were collected before necropsy to analyze cotinine levels (ng/mL) in urine and blinded histopathological analysis of the abdominal wall performed to count arteries and veins in dermal and muscular fascia layer.RESULTS:No difference in weight was observed between both groups (P>0.05). Cotinine concentration was significantly higher in EG (P<0.05). In dermal layer, the average of vessels per animal was 8.72 (IC95%: 8.31-9.13) for CG and 11,23 (IC95%: 10.09-12.38) for EG. In muscular fascia layer the average of vessels per animal was 17.97 (IC95%: 15.79-20.15) for CG, whereas the average for EG was of 14,85 (IC95%: 12.71-17.01) (P<0.05).CONCLUSION:Exposition to passive smoking may cause increase in the number of vessels in dermal layer, with the opposite effects at the muscular fascia layer.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco/efeitos adversos , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco/análise , Microcirculação , Parede Abdominal , Lesão por Inalação de Fumaça/terapia , Lesão por Inalação de Fumaça/veterinária
Acta cir. bras. ; 31(10): 680-688, Oct. 2016. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20945


PURPOSE:To investigate whether there is a difference between Marlex(r) and Dynamesh PP-light Marlex(r) meshes, in the abdominal wall defect correction, on rats in contaminated surgical site.METHODS:Twenty-eight Wistar rats were divided into two groups of 14, and four subgroups of seven animals. All subgroups underwent similar surgical procedure. One group received the mesh Marlex(r) and the other Dynamesh PP-light(r) for correction of the defect. Before implanting, the meshes went through a contamination process, on which was used standard solution containing 10 UFC of Escherichia coli. Fragments of the animal's abdominal wall received macroscopic, microscopic and microbiological analysis.RESULTS:There was no statistical significance in the analysis of macroscopic variables. Accentuated inflammatory process was shown in all subgroups. The foreign body type reaction was mild in all subgroups, except Dynamesh(r)-14, which was moderate with no statistical significance. The microbiological analysis of the meshes was also similar between the subgroups.CONCLUSION:There was no difference between the meshes of Marlex(r) and Dynamesh PP-light(r) in the ventral abdominal wall defect correction on rats in contaminated surgical site.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Telas Cirúrgicas/microbiologia , Telas Cirúrgicas/veterinária , Escherichia coli , Contaminação de Equipamentos , Hérnia Incisional/veterinária , Ratos Wistar
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 44: 01-07, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-722690


Background: Lately, the use of biological materials has been widely indicated in surgical procedures to restore structure and function of injured tissues. Bioimplants require different conservation techniques; among these, glutaraldehyde preservation stands out owing to its higher antimicrobial efficiency as compared to glycerin. In view of the need to determine a concentration of glutaraldehyde that can act as a biocide but do not cause undesirable tissue reactions, this study aimed to identify and quantify gross and microscopic tissue alterations after implantation of bovine pericardium, which was preserved in various concentrations of glutaraldehyde, in the abdominal wall of mice. Materials, Methods & Results: Fresh pericardia from 18 bovines were fractioned into 1cm2 samples and treated with a 98% glycerin solution for 30 days (control group), or 0.625%, 1%, and 1.5% glutaraldehyde solution for 18 days (experimental groups). An abdominal muscle fragment was excised from each mouse, and a 1-cm2 fragment of preserved pericardium was implanted in the area. Sixty mice (n = 15 per treatment) divided into groups were observed for 7, 14, and 30 days, and five animals from each group were euthanized at each time point for gross and microscopic examination. Fragments of the implants and adjacent skin lesions were harvested, fixed in formalin, and processed for routine histology [...](AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Camundongos , Pericárdio/transplante , Glutaral/análise , Bioprótese/veterinária , Glicerol/uso terapêutico , Parede Abdominal/fisiopatologia , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Fibrose/veterinária , Necrose/veterinária , Calcinose/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 44: 01-07, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457421


Background: Lately, the use of biological materials has been widely indicated in surgical procedures to restore structure and function of injured tissues. Bioimplants require different conservation techniques; among these, glutaraldehyde preservation stands out owing to its higher antimicrobial efficiency as compared to glycerin. In view of the need to determine a concentration of glutaraldehyde that can act as a biocide but do not cause undesirable tissue reactions, this study aimed to identify and quantify gross and microscopic tissue alterations after implantation of bovine pericardium, which was preserved in various concentrations of glutaraldehyde, in the abdominal wall of mice. Materials, Methods & Results: Fresh pericardia from 18 bovines were fractioned into 1cm2 samples and treated with a 98% glycerin solution for 30 days (control group), or 0.625%, 1%, and 1.5% glutaraldehyde solution for 18 days (experimental groups). An abdominal muscle fragment was excised from each mouse, and a 1-cm2 fragment of preserved pericardium was implanted in the area. Sixty mice (n = 15 per treatment) divided into groups were observed for 7, 14, and 30 days, and five animals from each group were euthanized at each time point for gross and microscopic examination. Fragments of the implants and adjacent skin lesions were harvested, fixed in formalin, and processed for routine histology [...]

Animais , Bovinos , Camundongos , Bioprótese/veterinária , Glicerol/uso terapêutico , Glutaral/análise , Parede Abdominal/fisiopatologia , Pericárdio/transplante , Reação a Corpo Estranho/veterinária , Calcinose/veterinária , Fibrose/veterinária , Necrose/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 43(supl): 1-8, Aug. 14, 2015. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-716877


Background: Soft tissue sarcomas are a group of invasive malignant tumors formed by neoplastic mesenchymal cells. In most cases, the treatment require surgical resection. When sarcoma characteristics disqualify conventional tumor excision, polypropylene mesh can be used for abdominal or chest wall reconstruction. This paper aims to describe the clinical, computed tomography features, histopathlogical and immunohistochemical aspects of a chest wall fibrosarcoma, as well as to describe the tumor excision technique combined with resection of multiple ribs, diaphragm advancement and reconstruction of thoracic and abdominal wall with a synthetic polypropylene mesh. Case: An 11-year-old male Boxer was presented with a progressive growth tumor in the left paralumbar area. The invasive tumor measuring 15 cm in diameter, was firm epidermodermal coverage and was adherent to the subcutaneous tissue, having a smooth and non-ulcerative skin surface. Ultrasound of the mass consisted of a heterogeneous structure comprising paralumbar region, invading abdomen and left thoracic wall. Thoracic radiography showed no signs of nodular interstitial pulmonary pattern compatible with metastasis. The dog was submitted to a CT examination of thoracolumbar region, which demonstrated the presence of the circumscribed mass, measuring approximately 17 cm in diameter in the left paralumbar region with...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Polipropilenos , Parede Torácica , Parede Abdominal , Regeneração , Telas Cirúrgicas/veterinária , Fibrossarcoma/cirurgia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 43(supl): 1-8, Aug. 14, 2015. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457372


Background: Soft tissue sarcomas are a group of invasive malignant tumors formed by neoplastic mesenchymal cells. In most cases, the treatment require surgical resection. When sarcoma characteristics disqualify conventional tumor excision, polypropylene mesh can be used for abdominal or chest wall reconstruction. This paper aims to describe the clinical, computed tomography features, histopathlogical and immunohistochemical aspects of a chest wall fibrosarcoma, as well as to describe the tumor excision technique combined with resection of multiple ribs, diaphragm advancement and reconstruction of thoracic and abdominal wall with a synthetic polypropylene mesh. Case: An 11-year-old male Boxer was presented with a progressive growth tumor in the left paralumbar area. The invasive tumor measuring 15 cm in diameter, was firm epidermodermal coverage and was adherent to the subcutaneous tissue, having a smooth and non-ulcerative skin surface. Ultrasound of the mass consisted of a heterogeneous structure comprising paralumbar region, invading abdomen and left thoracic wall. Thoracic radiography showed no signs of nodular interstitial pulmonary pattern compatible with metastasis. The dog was submitted to a CT examination of thoracolumbar region, which demonstrated the presence of the circumscribed mass, measuring approximately 17 cm in diameter in the left paralumbar region with...

Animais , Cães , Parede Abdominal , Parede Torácica , Polipropilenos , Regeneração , Telas Cirúrgicas/veterinária , Fibrossarcoma/cirurgia