The doncella Pseudoplatystoma punctifer is an economically and ecologically important catfish in the Amazon basin. However, little is known about its age, growth and population dynamics parameters. This study aims to validate the formation of growth marks in vertebrae of individuals collected from two rivers systems of the Peruvian Amazon (Amazon-Marañón-Ucayali and Putumayo) and compare growth parameters using the von Bertalanffy growth function between sexes and systems. A total of 372 individuals from the Amazon-Marañón-Ucayali (AMU) system and 93 from the Putumayo River were analyzed. The formation of one growth ring per year was validated and the individual ages ranged from zero to nine years old. Females grew significantly larger than males in both systems. Both females and males grew significantly better in the AMU system than in the Putumayo River. Maximum observed length and size at maturity in the AMU system were lower than those reported in previous studies in the area, and together with an important proportion of juveniles in the catches, suggest that the species is heavily exploited. Further studies on the reproductive biology and population dynamics of the doncella are needed in order to implement management measures more in line with the current situation.(AU)
La doncella Pseudoplatystoma punctifer es un bagre de importancia económica y ecológica en la cuenca Amazonica. Pese a ello, poco se conoce acerca de parámetros de edad, crecimiento y dinámica poblacional. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo validar la formación de marcas de crecimiento en vértebras de individuos colectados en dos sistemas fluviales de la Amazonia Peruana (Amazonas-Marañón-Ucayali y Putumayo) y comparar los parámetros de crecimiento usando la función de von Bertalanffy entre sexos y sistemas. Fueron analizados 372 individuos del sistema Amazonas-Marañón-Ucayali (AMU) y 93 del Putumayo. Se validó la formación de un anillo de crecimiento por año, la edad osciló entre cero y nueve años. Las hembras fueron significativamente más grandes que los machos en ambos sistemas. Para ambos sexos el crecimiento fue significativamente mayor en el sistema AMU que en el Putumayo. Las máximas tallas y edades de primera madurez observadas en el sistema AMU fueron menores a las reportadas en estudios previos en el área, y junto con un considerable porcentaje de juveniles presentes en las capturas, se sugiere que la especie está siendo fuertemente explotada. Son necesarios estudios de biología reproductiva y dinámica poblacional de doncella para implementar medidas de manejo acordes a la situación actual.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Anacardium , Ecossistema Amazônico , RiosResumo
This investigation presents the food and feeding activity of and endangered riverine catfish Rita rita, during February 2017-January 2018. A total of 225 fish individuals was analyzed for stomach contents by characterizing the dominant food items and morphometric features. The results divulged ten major food items consumed, preferably fish scales and eggs, teleost fishes, copepods, cladocerans, rotifers, and mollusks. Total length and body weight of fish varied between 9-34 cm (20.53 ± 6.90 cm) and 10-400 g (9125.94 ± 102.07 g), respectively. The index of relative importance (IRI%) showed the importance of rotifers over the other food items. Morisita's index of diet overlap indicated seasonal variations in catfish diets with summer and monsoon displaying the least overlap, while maximum overlap during monsoon and winter seasons. The non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) indicated the close association between the food items available during summer and winter seasons with a significant difference among the seasons (ANOSIM, R = 0.638, P = 0.013). Levins niche breadth index arranged in the order of 0.88>0.81>0.78>0.63>0.43 for the size classes of V, IV, III, II and I, respectively. The PCA explained 95.39% of the total variance among the food items and fish size groups. Small-sized fish individuals displayed a greater correlation with food items suitable for their mouth size. In conclusion, the variety and frequency of food items recorded indicated considerable feeding plasticity and opportunistic feeding behavior with a shift from carnivorous to omnivorous feeding nature. This study could render useful information on the food and feeding habits of R. rita and provide background for preparing its diet for future aquaculture practices.
Esta investigação apresenta a alimentação e a atividade alimentar de bagres ribeirinhos Rita rita ameaçados de extinção, no período de fevereiro de 2017 a janeiro de 2018. Um total de 225 peixes foi analisado quanto ao conteúdo do estômago, caracterizando os itens alimentares dominantes e as características morfométricas. Os resultados apresentaram dez principais itens alimentares consumidos, preferencialmente escamas e ovos de peixes, teleósteos, copépodes, cladóceros, rotíferos e moluscos. O comprimento total e o peso corporal dos peixes variaram entre 9-34 cm (20,53 ± 6,90 cm) e 10-400 g (9125,94 ± 102,07 g), respectivamente. O índice de importância relativa (IRI%) mostrou a importância dos rotíferos sobre os demais itens alimentares. O índice de sobreposição de dieta de Morisita indicou variações sazonais nas dietas de bagres no verão e nas monções, exibindo a menor sobreposição, enquanto a sobreposição máxima ocorreu durante as estações das monções e do inverno. A escala multidimensional não métrica (nMDS) indicou a estreita associação entre os itens alimentares disponíveis durante o verão e o inverno, com uma diferença significativa entre as estações (ANOSIM, R = 0,638, P = 0,013). O índice de amplitude de nicho de Levin foi organizado na ordem de 0,88 > 0,81 > 0,78 > 0,63 > 0,43 para as classes de tamanho de V, IV, III, II e I, respectivamente. O PCA explicou 95,39% da variação total entre os itens alimentares e os grupos de tamanho de peixes. Peixes de pequeno porte apresentaram maior correlação com itens alimentares adequados ao tamanho da boca. Em conclusão, a variedade e a frequência dos itens alimentares registrados indicaram plasticidade alimentar considerável e comportamento alimentar oportunista, com uma mudança da natureza carnívora para onívora. Este estudo pode fornecer informações úteis sobre os hábitos alimentares e de alimentação de R. rita e apresentar subsídios para a preparação de sua dieta em futuras práticas de aquicultura.
Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Dieta/veterinária , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
This investigation presents the food and feeding activity of and endangered riverine catfish Rita rita, during February 2017-January 2018. A total of 225 fish individuals was analyzed for stomach contents by characterizing the dominant food items and morphometric features. The results divulged ten major food items consumed, preferably fish scales and eggs, teleost fishes, copepods, cladocerans, rotifers, and mollusks. Total length and body weight of fish varied between 9-34 cm (20.53 ± 6.90 cm) and 10-400 g (9125.94 ± 102.07 g), respectively. The index of relative importance (IRI%) showed the importance of rotifers over the other food items. Morisita's index of diet overlap indicated seasonal variations in catfish diets with summer and monsoon displaying the least overlap, while maximum overlap during monsoon and winter seasons. The non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) indicated the close association between the food items available during summer and winter seasons with a significant difference among the seasons (ANOSIM, R = 0.638, P = 0.013). Levins niche breadth index arranged in the order of 0.88>0.81>0.78>0.63>0.43 for the size classes of V, IV, III, II and I, respectively. The PCA explained 95.39% of the total variance among the food items and fish size groups. Small-sized fish individuals displayed a greater correlation with food items suitable for their mouth size. In conclusion, the variety and frequency of food items recorded indicated considerable feeding plasticity and opportunistic feeding behavior with a shift from carnivorous to omnivorous feeding nature. This study could render useful information on the food and feeding habits of R. rita and provide background for preparing its diet for future aquaculture practices.(AU)
Esta investigação apresenta a alimentação e a atividade alimentar de bagres ribeirinhos Rita rita ameaçados de extinção, no período de fevereiro de 2017 a janeiro de 2018. Um total de 225 peixes foi analisado quanto ao conteúdo do estômago, caracterizando os itens alimentares dominantes e as características morfométricas. Os resultados apresentaram dez principais itens alimentares consumidos, preferencialmente escamas e ovos de peixes, teleósteos, copépodes, cladóceros, rotíferos e moluscos. O comprimento total e o peso corporal dos peixes variaram entre 9-34 cm (20,53 ± 6,90 cm) e 10-400 g (9125,94 ± 102,07 g), respectivamente. O índice de importância relativa (IRI%) mostrou a importância dos rotíferos sobre os demais itens alimentares. O índice de sobreposição de dieta de Morisita indicou variações sazonais nas dietas de bagres no verão e nas monções, exibindo a menor sobreposição, enquanto a sobreposição máxima ocorreu durante as estações das monções e do inverno. A escala multidimensional não métrica (nMDS) indicou a estreita associação entre os itens alimentares disponíveis durante o verão e o inverno, com uma diferença significativa entre as estações (ANOSIM, R = 0,638, P = 0,013). O índice de amplitude de nicho de Levin foi organizado na ordem de 0,88 > 0,81 > 0,78 > 0,63 > 0,43 para as classes de tamanho de V, IV, III, II e I, respectivamente. O PCA explicou 95,39% da variação total entre os itens alimentares e os grupos de tamanho de peixes. Peixes de pequeno porte apresentaram maior correlação com itens alimentares adequados ao tamanho da boca. Em conclusão, a variedade e a frequência dos itens alimentares registrados indicaram plasticidade alimentar considerável e comportamento alimentar oportunista, com uma mudança da natureza carnívora para onívora. Este estudo pode fornecer informações úteis sobre os hábitos alimentares e de alimentação de R. rita e apresentar subsídios para a preparação de sua dieta em futuras práticas de aquicultura.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Comportamento AlimentarResumo
he age and growth of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, is analyzed on specimens landed in Puerto Antequera, Province of Chaco, Argentina. The study is based on length frequency distribution of 1192 individuals and growth marks of 293 pectoral spines. Previously to age assignation based on spines readings, we performed analyses that ruled out age-associated resorption of rings and corroborated the annual periodicity of mark formation. The average sizes of the radius of each ring were obtained, and the total length of fish were back-calculated to the time of the ring formation, by the regression model fitted between the total radius of the spines to the respective sizes of each fish. Such data showed a good fitting to growth models of von Bertalanffy, Gompertz and logistic for both sexes separately. Results indicate that the study of the species growth must be carried out for each sex separately and that the fishing regulations must consider this characteristic of the species since the current management guidelines could be promoting differential capture by sexes.(AU)
En este trabajo se analiza el crecimiento y la edad del Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, a partir de ejemplares desembarcados en el Puerto Antequera, provincia de Chaco, Argentina. El estudio se basó en la distribución de frecuencias de tallas de 1192 individuos y marcas de crecimiento en 293 espinas pectorales. Para asignar las edades a partir de las lecturas se realizaron análisis que permitieron descartar la reabsorción de anillos asociada a la edad y corroborar la periodicidad anual de la formación de marcas. Se obtuvieron los tamaños medios de los radios de cada anillo y se retrocalcularon las tallas al momento de su formación, mediante la relación del radio total de las espinas con las tallas respectivas de cada pez. Dichos datos mostraron un buen ajuste a las curvas de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy, Gompertz y logística para ambos sexos por separado. Los resultados demostraron que el estudio del crecimiento de la especie debe realizarse para cada sexo por separado y que las normas pesqueras deben contemplar esta característica de la especie ya que las actuales pautas de manejo podrían estar promoviendo la captura diferencial por sexos.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fatores Etários , Crescimento , Controle Social FormalResumo
he age and growth of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, is analyzed on specimens landed in Puerto Antequera, Province of Chaco, Argentina. The study is based on length frequency distribution of 1192 individuals and growth marks of 293 pectoral spines. Previously to age assignation based on spines readings, we performed analyses that ruled out age-associated resorption of rings and corroborated the annual periodicity of mark formation. The average sizes of the radius of each ring were obtained, and the total length of fish were back-calculated to the time of the ring formation, by the regression model fitted between the total radius of the spines to the respective sizes of each fish. Such data showed a good fitting to growth models of von Bertalanffy, Gompertz and logistic for both sexes separately. Results indicate that the study of the species growth must be carried out for each sex separately and that the fishing regulations must consider this characteristic of the species since the current management guidelines could be promoting differential capture by sexes.(AU)
En este trabajo se analiza el crecimiento y la edad del Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, a partir de ejemplares desembarcados en el Puerto Antequera, provincia de Chaco, Argentina. El estudio se basó en la distribución de frecuencias de tallas de 1192 individuos y marcas de crecimiento en 293 espinas pectorales. Para asignar las edades a partir de las lecturas se realizaron análisis que permitieron descartar la reabsorción de anillos asociada a la edad y corroborar la periodicidad anual de la formación de marcas. Se obtuvieron los tamaños medios de los radios de cada anillo y se retrocalcularon las tallas al momento de su formación, mediante la relación del radio total de las espinas con las tallas respectivas de cada pez. Dichos datos mostraron un buen ajuste a las curvas de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy, Gompertz y logística para ambos sexos por separado. Los resultados demostraron que el estudio del crecimiento de la especie debe realizarse para cada sexo por separado y que las normas pesqueras deben contemplar esta característica de la especie ya que las actuales pautas de manejo podrían estar promoviendo la captura diferencial por sexos.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fatores Etários , Crescimento , Controle Social FormalResumo
Two new species of particular biogeographic significance are described from the upper rio Paraguay basin, one of the genus Paracanthopoma (Trichomycteridae, Vandelliinae) and the other of the genus Ernstichthys (Aspredinidae, Hoplomyzontinae). The two species occur sympatrically in the Rio Taquarizinho, tributary of the Rio Taquari, in the upper Paraguay system. Paracanthopoma saci is distinguished from its only congener, P. parva, by a spatulate caudal peduncle; a minuscule premaxillary dentition (reduced to three delicate teeth); the supraorbital latero-sensory canals opening as two separate s6 pores; the caudal fin slightly convex or truncate with round edges; the skull roof entirely open, unossified; the origins of dorsal and anal fins approximately at same vertical; and the pelvic fin with three rays. Ernstichthys taquari is diagnosed among congeners by the narrow bony shields on dorsal and ventral series, not overlapping or contacting each other; by the presence of seven or eight serrations on the posterior margin of the pectoral spine; and by the pectoral-fin spine only slightly larger than subsequent soft rays. Both Paracanthopoma and Ernstichthys were previously unknown outside of the Greater Amazonian river systems (Amazon, Orinoco, Essequibo and smaller surrounding drainages). Their presence restricted to the Rio Taquari is unexpected and suggests a peculiar biogeographical history. Ancestral geographic distributions were reconstructed using S-DIVA and BBM methods in RASP. A majority of resulting hypotheses support that the two species reached the Paraguay from the Amazon. The alternative explanation accounts for their presence in the Paraguay by vicariant events. In no case, their presence in the Paraguay is an ancestral distribution with subsequent Amazonian dispersal. Though unusual, this pattern is also seen in a few other fish taxa, showing that the Rio Taquari is biogeographically hybrid, combining elements from both the Paraguay and Amazon drainages.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , FilogeografiaResumo
After the formation of Itaipu Reservoir, the invader Trachelyopterus galeatus colonized the upper Paraná River. Light microscopy was used to describe gametogenesis and the reproductive phases of females and males. The following data were verified: diameter of the oocytes, spawning type, batch fecundity by ovary weight, standard length, and total weight of the fish, along with the regions where this species reproduced in the upper Paraná River floodplain. A total of 470 specimens were collected quarterly in 2016, 2018 and 2019, and bimonthly in 2017. The gonads were fixed in a Karnovsky solution, dehydrated, infiltrated, and embedded in historesin. The histological slides were stained using PAS + iron hematoxylin + metanil yellow, analyzed and photographed under an image-capturing microscope. As regards diameter of the oocytes and fecundity estimates, ovaries whose oocytes were measured under a stereomicroscope were sampled. In the oogenesis, undifferentiated and differentiated oogonia, early primary growth oocytes, secondary growth oocytes, full-grown oocytes and maturing oocytes were recorded. In the spermatogenesis, primary and secondary spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa were recorded. The reproductive phases found for females and males were: immature, early development, late development, spawning/sperm-releasing capable, regression, and regeneration. Trachelyopterus galeatus prefers to occupy and reproduce in the Ventura, Patos, Guaraná, Fechada, Garças, and Pau Véio lagoons. The diameter of the oocytes varied from 0.4 to 2.9 mm. Females spawn, on average, 113 oocytes per batch. Batch fecundity variation shows that the larger the ovary, standard length, and total weight, the larger the number of oocytes to be spawned. This invader possesses reproductive success in the upper Paraná River floodplain, especially in lagoons.
Animais , Espermatogênese , Fertilidade , Inseminação , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes-Gato/embriologia , ReproduçãoResumo
After the formation of Itaipu Reservoir, the invader Trachelyopterus galeatus colonized the upper Paraná River. Light microscopy was used to describe gametogenesis and the reproductive phases of females and males. The following data were verified: diameter of the oocytes, spawning type, batch fecundity by ovary weight, standard length, and total weight of the fish, along with the regions where this species reproduced in the upper Paraná River floodplain. A total of 470 specimens were collected quarterly in 2016, 2018 and 2019, and bimonthly in 2017. The gonads were fixed in a Karnovsky solution, dehydrated, infiltrated, and embedded in historesin. The histological slides were stained using PAS + iron hematoxylin + metanil yellow, analyzed and photographed under an image-capturing microscope. As regards diameter of the oocytes and fecundity estimates, ovaries whose oocytes were measured under a stereomicroscope were sampled. In the oogenesis, undifferentiated and differentiated oogonia, early primary growth oocytes, secondary growth oocytes, full-grown oocytes and maturing oocytes were recorded. In the spermatogenesis, primary and secondary spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa were recorded. The reproductive phases found for females and males were: immature, early development, late development, spawning/sperm-releasing capable, regression, and regeneration. Trachelyopterus galeatus prefers to occupy and reproduce in the Ventura, Patos, Guaraná, Fechada, Garças, and Pau Véio lagoons. The diameter of the oocytes varied from 0.4 to 2.9 mm. Females spawn, on average, 113 oocytes per batch. Batch fecundity variation shows that the larger the ovary, standard length, and total weight, the larger the number of oocytes to be spawned. This invader possesses reproductive success in the upper Paraná River floodplain, especially in lagoons.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/embriologia , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Inseminação , Reprodução , Fertilidade , EspermatogêneseResumo
Two new species of heptapterid catfish genus Cetopsorhamdia are described from close localities in western Brazil, at Chapada dos Parecis, an area with extremely high level of endemism. One species is from the upper Rio Madeira system, Rondônia State, and the other from the upper Rio Tapajós system, Mato Grosso State. The two species are diagnosed, among several other features, by their markedly distinctive color patterns, with the former having well-defined quadrangular marks in trunk flanks while the latter bearing irregular, vertical bars along the trunk. The monophyly of Cetopsorhamdia is discussed, with two putative synapomorphies being proposed to support the genus. Potentially informative morphological characters to resolve the internal relationships of the genus are presented and discussed. Despite the striking external differences between the two species herein described, they are found to likely form a clade.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , FilogeniaResumo
The purpose of this research was to determine the reproductive system and fish spawning season (Ompok hypophthalmus) in Pinang Luar and Pinang Dalam Lakes in Buluh Cina Village of Kampar. This research was conducted at Oxbow Lake of Buluh Cina Village and the Ecology Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. Sampling collection of O. hypophthalmuswas carried out at Oxbow Lake (Pinang Dalam and Pinang Luar Lakes) of Buluh Cina from September to November 2016. Meanwhile, measurement of in situ water quality anddata retrieval was carried out only on September 14, 2016. O. hypophthalmus is estimated to experience spawning only oncea year. Spawning time or spawning of fish in November in 2016 was estimated to be exactly the time after the full moon in November before December. Glass catfish studied was not related to the rainy season which usually occurs in the same fish in the Kampar river, because that year coincided with the summer in those months. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about global climate change which causes uncertain environmental and seasonal conditions. Erratic seasonalconditions have caused the rainy and dry seasons to be erratic. Every living creature, including fish, is strongly influenced byits environmental parameters, whether in the form of the season or the environmental conditions of its own environmental parameters. Although this research was onlycarried out in a short period of time, it was necessary to look at the influence of the environment on fish that was focusedon glass catfish (O. hypophthalmus) at Oxbow Lake of Buluh Cina Kampar Protected Forest.(AU)
Animais , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reprodução , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes-Gato/genética , Mudança ClimáticaResumo
The purpose of this research was to determine the reproductive system and fish spawning season (Ompok hypophthalmus) in Pinang Luar and Pinang Dalam Lakes in Buluh Cina Village of Kampar. This research was conducted at Oxbow Lake of Buluh Cina Village and the Ecology Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. Sampling collection of O. hypophthalmuswas carried out at Oxbow Lake (Pinang Dalam and Pinang Luar Lakes) of Buluh Cina from September to November 2016. Meanwhile, measurement of in situ water quality anddata retrieval was carried out only on September 14, 2016. O. hypophthalmus is estimated to experience spawning only oncea year. Spawning time or spawning of fish in November in 2016 was estimated to be exactly the time after the full moon in November before December. Glass catfish studied was not related to the rainy season which usually occurs in the same fish in the Kampar river, because that year coincided with the summer in those months. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about global climate change which causes uncertain environmental and seasonal conditions. Erratic seasonalconditions have caused the rainy and dry seasons to be erratic. Every living creature, including fish, is strongly influenced byits environmental parameters, whether in the form of the season or the environmental conditions of its own environmental parameters. Although this research was onlycarried out in a short period of time, it was necessary to look at the influence of the environment on fish that was focusedon glass catfish (O. hypophthalmus) at Oxbow Lake of Buluh Cina Kampar Protected Forest.
Animais , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes-Gato/genética , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reprodução , Mudança ClimáticaResumo
This study evaluated the addition of tung (Aleurites fordii) meal to the feed of Rhamdia quelen, as an alternative to animal protein sources. Silver catfish juveniles were fed different diets which included crude tung meal, chemically treated tung meal and a control without tung meal. The chemical treatment was based on the sequential application of acid and alcohol solutions and reduced the phytic acid from 1.63 to 0.61% and condensed tannin content from 0.025 to 0.018%. The nutritional response of fish to these ingredients was evaluated over nine weeks, based on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity and biochemical responses. After nine weeks, the diet containing crude tung meal caused reduced growth (weight: -57.9%; total length: -21.09%; specific growth rate: -99.74%). This diet also reduced acid protease and lipase activities, decreased concentrations of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides in plasma and decreased liver glycogen and glucose concentrations. However, after nine weeks, fish fed with treated tung meal showed higher growth (weight, total length and specific growth rate similar to control) and reduced metabolic changes, possibly due to the removal of antinutrients and toxic substances. At the 32% level of inclusion, the chemically treated tung meal can be considered an alternative protein source for silver catfish.
Este estudo avaliou a adição de farelo de tungue (Aleurites fordii) na dieta de Rhamdia quelen, como uma alternativa à fontes de proteína animal. Juvenis de jundiá foram alimentados com diferentes dietas incluídas de farelo de tungue bruto, farelo quimicamente tratado e uma dieta controle sem farelo de tungue. O tratamento químico foi baseado na aplicação sequencial de soluções ácida e alcoólica e reduziu o conteúdo de ácido fítico de 1,63% para 0,61% e o conteúdo de taninos condensados de 0,025% para 0,018%. A resposta nutricional dos peixes à estes ingredientes foi avaliada ao longo de nove semanas, baseado no crescimento, atividade de enzimas digestivas e respostas bioquímicas. Após nove semanas, a dieta contendo farelo de tungue bruto causou reduzido crescimento (peso: -57,9%; comprimento total: -21,09%; taxa de crescimento específico: -99,74%). Esta dieta também reduziu a atividade de protease ácida e lipase, reduziu concentrações de glicose, colesterol e triglicerídeos no plasma e concentrações de glicogênio e glicose no fígado. No entanto, após nove semanas, os peixes alimentados com farelo de tungue tratado mostraram maior crescimento (peso, comprimento total e taxa de crescimento específico igual ao controle) e poucas alterações metabólicas, possivelmente devido a remoção de antinutrientes e substâncias tóxicas. Ao nível de 32% de inclusão, o farelo de tungue quimicamente tratado pode ser considerado uma fonte de proteína alternativa para o jundiá.
Animais , Aleurites , Aumento de Peso , Dieta , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Proteínas AlimentaresResumo
Morphological similarity, resource sharing, and differences in habitat use by species are factors that favor their coexistence. The objective of this study was to test possible differences in ecomorphology and diet composition of two Heptapterids (Imparfinis mirini and Cetopsorhamdia iherengi) to identify patterns related to resource use. Samplings were carried out in ten streams in Southern Brazil and 123 individuals were caught. A total of 21 ecomorphological indices were calculated for each individual and the volumetric and occurrence methods were used to quantify stomach contents. Both species presented significant differences in some ecomorphological traits, mainly related to foraging behavior. Even though both species were considered insectivorous, the consumed feeding resources differed between them. Cetopsorhamdia iheringi diet was dominated by Simuliidae and terrestrial Coleoptera larvae, while Imparfinis mirini, presented a diet dominated mainly by Trichoptera larvae, Ephemeroptera nymph, and Annelida. Although ecomorphological patterns cannot be used as an absolute factor to explain diet variations, they provide relevant information about how species share resources. These mechanisms allow us to obtain important subsidies for the conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems since they provide an effective understanding on the interactions that occur between the species.
Animais , Níveis Tróficos , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Morphological similarity, resource sharing, and differences in habitat use by species are factors that favor their coexistence. The objective of this study was to test possible differences in ecomorphology and diet composition of two Heptapterids (Imparfinis mirini and Cetopsorhamdia iherengi) to identify patterns related to resource use. Samplings were carried out in ten streams in Southern Brazil and 123 individuals were caught. A total of 21 ecomorphological indices were calculated for each individual and the volumetric and occurrence methods were used to quantify stomach contents. Both species presented significant differences in some ecomorphological traits, mainly related to foraging behavior. Even though both species were considered insectivorous, the consumed feeding resources differed between them. Cetopsorhamdia iheringi diet was dominated by Simuliidae and terrestrial Coleoptera larvae, while Imparfinis mirini, presented a diet dominated mainly by Trichoptera larvae, Ephemeroptera nymph, and Annelida. Although ecomorphological patterns cannot be used as an absolute factor to explain diet variations, they provide relevant information about how species share resources. These mechanisms allow us to obtain important subsidies for the conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems since they provide an effective understanding on the interactions that occur between the species.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Níveis TróficosResumo
This study evaluated the addition of tung (Aleurites fordii) meal to the feed of Rhamdia quelen, as an alternative to animal protein sources. Silver catfish juveniles were fed different diets which included crude tung meal, chemically treated tung meal and a control without tung meal. The chemical treatment was based on the sequential application of acid and alcohol solutions and reduced the phytic acid from 1.63 to 0.61% and condensed tannin content from 0.025 to 0.018%. The nutritional response of fish to these ingredients was evaluated over nine weeks, based on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity and biochemical responses. After nine weeks, the diet containing crude tung meal caused reduced growth (weight: -57.9%; total length: -21.09%; specific growth rate: -99.74%). This diet also reduced acid protease and lipase activities, decreased concentrations of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides in plasma and decreased liver glycogen and glucose concentrations. However, after nine weeks, fish fed with treated tung meal showed higher growth (weight, total length and specific growth rate similar to control) and reduced metabolic changes, possibly due to the removal of antinutrients and toxic substances. At the 32% level of inclusion, the chemically treated tung meal can be considered an alternative protein source for silver catfish.(AU)
Este estudo avaliou a adição de farelo de tungue (Aleurites fordii) na dieta de Rhamdia quelen, como uma alternativa à fontes de proteína animal. Juvenis de jundiá foram alimentados com diferentes dietas incluídas de farelo de tungue bruto, farelo quimicamente tratado e uma dieta controle sem farelo de tungue. O tratamento químico foi baseado na aplicação sequencial de soluções ácida e alcoólica e reduziu o conteúdo de ácido fítico de 1,63% para 0,61% e o conteúdo de taninos condensados de 0,025% para 0,018%. A resposta nutricional dos peixes à estes ingredientes foi avaliada ao longo de nove semanas, baseado no crescimento, atividade de enzimas digestivas e respostas bioquímicas. Após nove semanas, a dieta contendo farelo de tungue bruto causou reduzido crescimento (peso: -57,9%; comprimento total: -21,09%; taxa de crescimento específico: -99,74%). Esta dieta também reduziu a atividade de protease ácida e lipase, reduziu concentrações de glicose, colesterol e triglicerídeos no plasma e concentrações de glicogênio e glicose no fígado. No entanto, após nove semanas, os peixes alimentados com farelo de tungue tratado mostraram maior crescimento (peso, comprimento total e taxa de crescimento específico igual ao controle) e poucas alterações metabólicas, possivelmente devido a remoção de antinutrientes e substâncias tóxicas. Ao nível de 32% de inclusão, o farelo de tungue quimicamente tratado pode ser considerado uma fonte de proteína alternativa para o jundiá.(AU)
Animais , Aleurites , Dieta , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aumento de Peso , Proteínas AlimentaresResumo
When a river is dammed, impacts differ according to distance from the dam under consideration, and sites closer to the dam are more affected than distant ones. Damming a river changes the flow and landscape characteristics, which, in turn, change the hydrological, limnological and ecological dynamics, such as biological production, species distribution, and ecosystem structuring, functioning and services. This study evaluates the distribution pattern of the Siluriformes (catfish) fish species near a small hydroelectric power plant in the Jaguariaíva River, considering three distinct distances from the dam: upstream region, reservoir and downstream region. Samples were taken with gillnets between March 2013 and December 2014. The abundance and richness of the Siluriformes species were evaluated. A permutational multivariate analysis of variance was used to access possible differences in species composition among sites. Finally, a permutational analysis of multivariate dispersion was used to assess possible differences among sampling sites and to examine composition similarities among sites. A total of 840 Siluriformes individuals were captured, distributed among ten species and four families. The highest richness was observed in the downstream region, while the lowest richness was observed in the reservoir area. Differences in the abundance of species were observed between the three distinct regions; the downstream region presented the highest species abundance (CPUE), whereas the lowest abundance was observed in the dam region. Hypostomus paulinus and Hypostomus strigaticeps were abundant species, but exclusively sampled in the downstream region, while Corydoras ehrhardti and Cambeva diabola presented their highest abundance in the upstream region. The distinct longitudinal distribution of Siluriformes observed in this study can be interpreted as indicative of the negative effects of damming. Our study suggests that building small dams may result in negative impacts on the fish assemblage, impacts comparable to those of large reservoirs in terms of spatial changes. It is fundamentally necessary to better evaluate the environmental impacts of small dams in the Neotropical region, especially because few is known about them and how such impacts are comparable to impacts of larger reservoirs.(AU)
Quando uma barragem é construída, seus impactos diferem de acordo com a distância relativa da barragem, sendo que os locais mais próximos da barragem são mais afetados que os mais distantes. O barramento de um rio resulta em modificações no fluxo do rio e características da paisagem, modificando sua dinâmica hidrológica, limnológica e ecológica, como produção biológica, distribuição de espécies e estruturação do ecossistema e suas funções. O padrão de distribuição de Siluriformes (bagres) no rio Jaguariaíva foi avaliado, considerando três distâncias da barragem: montante, reservatório e jusante. As amostragens foram realizadas em três regiões distintas do rio Jaguariaíva considerando a distância em relação à barragem, entre março de 2013 e dezembro de 2014, com redes de espera, e as distintas zonas originadas pelo represamento do rio. A abundância e riqueza de espécies foram avaliadas. Um total de 840 indivíduos de Siluriformes foi capturado, distribuídos em dez espécies e quatro famílias. A maior riqueza foi observada na região a jusante do reservatório, enquanto a menor foi verificada na região da barragem. Diferenças significativas na abundância das espécies entre as três regiões foram observadas; a região a jusante do reservatório apresentou a maior abundância (CPUE), enquanto a menor abundância foi observada na região do reservatório. Hypostomus paulinus e Hypostomus strigaticeps foram abundantes e exclusivamente amostrados na região a jusante do reservatório, enquanto Corydoras ehrhardti e Cambeva diabola apresentaram maiores abundâncias na região a montante do reservatório. A distribuição longitudinal de Siluriformes observada pode ser interpretada como um efeito negativo do represamento. Resultados obtidos indicam que os impactos negativos na ictiofauna, consequentes da construção de pequenas barragens podem ser comparáveis aos impactos originados pela construção de grandes barragens. É necessário avaliar os impactos da construção de pequenas barragens na região Neotropical, pois pouco se sabe acerca desses impactos e como estes são comparáveis a grandes reservatórios.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Centrais Hidrelétricas/análiseResumo
When a river is dammed, impacts differ according to distance from the dam under consideration, and sites closer to the dam are more affected than distant ones. Damming a river changes the flow and landscape characteristics, which, in turn, change the hydrological, limnological and ecological dynamics, such as biological production, species distribution, and ecosystem structuring, functioning and services. This study evaluates the distribution pattern of the Siluriformes (catfish) fish species near a small hydroelectric power plant in the Jaguariaíva River, considering three distinct distances from the dam: upstream region, reservoir and downstream region. Samples were taken with gillnets between March 2013 and December 2014. The abundance and richness of the Siluriformes species were evaluated. A permutational multivariate analysis of variance was used to access possible differences in species composition among sites. Finally, a permutational analysis of multivariate dispersion was used to assess possible differences among sampling sites and to examine composition similarities among sites. A total of 840 Siluriformes individuals were captured, distributed among ten species and four families. The highest richness was observed in the downstream region, while the lowest richness was observed in the reservoir area. Differences in the abundance of species were observed between the three distinct regions; the downstream region presented the highest species abundance (CPUE), whereas the lowest abundance was observed in the dam region. Hypostomus paulinus and Hypostomus strigaticeps were abundant species, but exclusively sampled in the downstream region, while Corydoras ehrhardti and Cambeva diabola presented their highest abundance in the upstream region. The distinct longitudinal distribution of Siluriformes observed in this study can be interpreted as indicative of the negative effects of damming. Our study suggests that building small dams may result in negative impacts on the fish assemblage, impacts comparable to those of large reservoirs in terms of spatial changes. It is fundamentally necessary to better evaluate the environmental impacts of small dams in the Neotropical region, especially because few is known about them and how such impacts are comparable to impacts of larger reservoirs.
Quando uma barragem é construída, seus impactos diferem de acordo com a distância relativa da barragem, sendo que os locais mais próximos da barragem são mais afetados que os mais distantes. O barramento de um rio resulta em modificações no fluxo do rio e características da paisagem, modificando sua dinâmica hidrológica, limnológica e ecológica, como produção biológica, distribuição de espécies e estruturação do ecossistema e suas funções. O padrão de distribuição de Siluriformes (bagres) no rio Jaguariaíva foi avaliado, considerando três distâncias da barragem: montante, reservatório e jusante. As amostragens foram realizadas em três regiões distintas do rio Jaguariaíva considerando a distância em relação à barragem, entre março de 2013 e dezembro de 2014, com redes de espera, e as distintas zonas originadas pelo represamento do rio. A abundância e riqueza de espécies foram avaliadas. Um total de 840 indivíduos de Siluriformes foi capturado, distribuídos em dez espécies e quatro famílias. A maior riqueza foi observada na região a jusante do reservatório, enquanto a menor foi verificada na região da barragem. Diferenças significativas na abundância das espécies entre as três regiões foram observadas; a região a jusante do reservatório apresentou a maior abundância (CPUE), enquanto a menor abundância foi observada na região do reservatório. Hypostomus paulinus e Hypostomus strigaticeps foram abundantes e exclusivamente amostrados na região a jusante do reservatório, enquanto Corydoras ehrhardti e Cambeva diabola apresentaram maiores abundâncias na região a montante do reservatório. A distribuição longitudinal de Siluriformes observada pode ser interpretada como um efeito negativo do represamento. Resultados obtidos indicam que os impactos negativos na ictiofauna, consequentes da construção de pequenas barragens podem ser comparáveis aos impactos originados pela construção de grandes barragens. É necessário avaliar os impactos da construção de pequenas barragens na região Neotropical, pois pouco se sabe acerca desses impactos e como estes são comparáveis a grandes reservatórios.
Animais , Centrais Hidrelétricas/análise , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
This paper explores the effects of two run-of-river dams (Jirau and Santo Antônio) built in cascade in the middle Madeira River (Brazil) on the interruption of long-distance migration routes of the gilded catfish (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii). A participative monitoring system was set up to compare capture by commercial fishers approximately 1500 km upstream of the dams in Bolivia, before (1998-2007) and after (2015-2017) dam closure. A significant decrease in gilded catfish catches and in catch per unit effort was observed after dam closure, whereas no significant difference in mean weight was found. Back-estimation of age suggests that the few individuals remaining after dam closure in 2009 are a mixture of old homers that returned upstream before dam closure, and residents hatched after dam closure and trapped in the upper Madeira. Unless fishways in the Madeira River dams improve their efficiency, the gilded catfish might become rare and in danger of regional extinction in the upper Madeira basin in the next few years, negatively affecting river fisheries.(AU)
Este estudio explora el impacto de las represas en cascada Jirau y Santo Antônio en el curso medio del río Madeira (Brasil) sobre la interrupción de la ruta de migración del bagre dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii). Se estableció un sistema de monitoreo participativo para comparar la captura de dorado por pescadores comerciales en Bolivia, aproximadamente 1 500 km río arriba de las represas, antes (1998-2007) y después (2015-2017) de su cierre. Se observó una disminución significativa en las capturas y en la captura por unidad de esfuerzo de dorado después del cierre de ambas represas. No hubo diferencias significativas en el peso promedio antes y después del cierre. La estimación de la edad de los pocos individuos capturados arriba de las represas sugiere que se trata de una mezcla de individuos adultos que han podido pasar las represas antes de su cierre en 2009, y residentes nacidos después del cierre de las represas, atrapados en el alto Madeira. Si los sistemas de traspaso de peces implementados en las represas del rio Madeira no mejoran su eficiencia, el dorado podría volverse escaso y en peligro de extinción regional en la cuenca alta del Madeira en los próximos años, afectando negativamente la pesca de esta especie.(AU)
Barragens/análise , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Meio Ambiente , Migração AnimalResumo
This paper explores the effects of two run-of-river dams (Jirau and Santo Antônio) built in cascade in the middle Madeira River (Brazil) on the interruption of long-distance migration routes of the gilded catfish (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii). A participative monitoring system was set up to compare capture by commercial fishers approximately 1500 km upstream of the dams in Bolivia, before (1998-2007) and after (2015-2017) dam closure. A significant decrease in gilded catfish catches and in catch per unit effort was observed after dam closure, whereas no significant difference in mean weight was found. Back-estimation of age suggests that the few individuals remaining after dam closure in 2009 are a mixture of old homers that returned upstream before dam closure, and residents hatched after dam closure and trapped in the upper Madeira. Unless fishways in the Madeira River dams improve their efficiency, the gilded catfish might become rare and in danger of regional extinction in the upper Madeira basin in the next few years, negatively affecting river fisheries.(AU)
Este estudio explora el impacto de las represas en cascada Jirau y Santo Antônio en el curso medio del río Madeira (Brasil) sobre la interrupción de la ruta de migración del bagre dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii). Se estableció un sistema de monitoreo participativo para comparar la captura de dorado por pescadores comerciales en Bolivia, aproximadamente 1 500 km río arriba de las represas, antes (1998-2007) y después (2015-2017) de su cierre. Se observó una disminución significativa en las capturas y en la captura por unidad de esfuerzo de dorado después del cierre de ambas represas. No hubo diferencias significativas en el peso promedio antes y después del cierre. La estimación de la edad de los pocos individuos capturados arriba de las represas sugiere que se trata de una mezcla de individuos adultos que han podido pasar las represas antes de su cierre en 2009, y residentes nacidos después del cierre de las represas, atrapados en el alto Madeira. Si los sistemas de traspaso de peces implementados en las represas del rio Madeira no mejoran su eficiencia, el dorado podría volverse escaso y en peligro de extinción regional en la cuenca alta del Madeira en los próximos años, afectando negativamente la pesca de esta especie.(AU)
Barragens/análise , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Meio Ambiente , Migração AnimalResumo
O objetivo desta revisão é descrever as características dos surubins e a implantação do programa de melhoramento genético da espécie Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum durante o período de 2008 a 2013. O Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum ou cachara é uma das espécies nativas potenciais para aquicultura brasileira. O cultivo concentra-se na região Centro-Oeste onde os fatores: adaptabilidade ao ambiente, características zootécnicas e alto valor comercial tornam viável a produção. A espécie possui estudos consolidados em biotécnicas de reprodução, desenvolvimento e adaptação aos vários sistemas de cultivos. As regiões produtoras dispõem de oferta contínua de alevinos, aumentando o potencial de consolidação de programas de melhoramento genético com a espécie. Com isso, foi desenvolvida uma parceria entre a Embrapa e a Universidade Estadual de Maringá, com a finalidade de desenvolver o programa de melhoramento genético do cachara. O programa de melhoramento genético do cachara iniciou em 2008 com a formação de 72 famílias e teve seu término em 2013 sob os moldes originais de gestão.
The objective of this review is to describe the characteristics of the surubins and the implantation of the breeding program of the species Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum during the period 2008 - 2013. Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum or cachara is one of the species onances potential for Brazilian aquaculture. The culture is concentrated in the Center-West region, where the factors: adaptability to the environment, zootechnical characteristics and high commercial value become viable the production. This study studies for the consolidation of biotechnology of production, development and vapour attentive systems of cultures. Content-producing regions continued in succession, increasing the potential for consolidation of gender-breeding programs. With this was a partnership between Embrapa and the Universidade Estadual de Maringá, with the purpose of developing the programs of genetic improvement of cachara. The breeding program cachara started in 2008 with the formation of 72 families had its end in 2013 under the original management molds.