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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220103, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433932


Carotenoids are determinants of reproductive fitness and egg quality. Here we studied the accumulation of astaxanthin (AX), canthaxanthin (CA) zeaxanthin (ZX), lutein (LU), retinol (RX) and dehydroretinol (DR) during vitellogenesis comparing previtellogenic and vitellogenic pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) eggs (n = 5 each), as well as selected tissues (liver, fat and muscles) in first süawning females (1176-1450 g). Futhermore, we compared egg batches with high (88­99% hatching rate, n = 5) or low (40­67% hatching rate, n= 5) egg quality. Vitellogenic follicles revealed higher concentrations of DR, RX, ZX and LU compared to previtellogenic follicles. Neither CA nor AX was detectable. In parallel, DR and RX were mobilized in the liver. In adipose and muscle tissue, comparing previtellogenic and vitellogenic females, no significant differences in carotenoid/retinoid content were observed. In high quality egg batches, both DR and RX were increased. LU was lower in high quality than in low quality eggs. In a conclusion, the amount of retinoids seems suboptimal in low quality egg batches and increased DR and RX are desirable in pikeperch. Since hypervitaminosis of retinoids can be problematic though, supplementation of the food with carotenoids, which can serve as precursors for retinoids, has to be carried out carefully.(AU)

Animais , Retinoides/efeitos adversos , Perciformes/embriologia , Carotenoides/efeitos adversos , Ovos/análise , Vitelogênese/fisiologia , Hormônios Gonadais
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(5): 1557-1564, set.-out. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-947384


Foram estudados diferentes diluentes no processo de refrigeração do sêmen da garoupa-verdadeira. Inicialmente, a taxa e a duração da motilidade e a concentração espermática foram avaliadas, caracterizando a qualidade do sêmen fresco. Para os testes de refrigeração a 4ºC, diferentes diluentes foram testados em atmosfera normal e modificada (100% oxigênio). O sêmen fresco apresentou concentração espermática de 3,1±0,2 x 109 células mL-1, motilidade média de 90%, permanecendo móvel, em média, por 3.060 segundos. No experimento de refrigeração, a taxa e a duração média da motilidade foram mantidas adequadas durante 144 horas para o diluente A (70%; 3100 segundos) em atmosfera normal. Na atmosfera modificada, a qualidade do sêmen caiu drasticamente durante as primeiras 24 horas, independentemente do diluente empregado, não propiciando vantagem em sua utilização. A refrigeração do sêmen da garoupa-verdadeira permite manter por até 144 horas uma apropriada qualidade espermática.(AU)

This study aimed to evaluate different extenders in refrigerated storage of dusky grouper sperm. Initially, motility rate, motility time, and sperm density were analyzed to characterize the fresh sperm quality. Different diluents were used in the refrigerated storage sperm at 4ºC in normal atmosphere and modified atmosphere (100% oxygen). The fresh sperm has a spermatozoa density of 3.1±0.2 x 109 spermatozoa mL-1, motility rate 90% and motility time of 3,060 seconds. In the experiment of refrigerated storage, the motility rate and the motility time were maintained appropriate for 144 hours for the extender A (70%; 3,100 seconds) in normal atmosphere. In the modified atmosphere, the sperm quality decreased drastically during the first 24 hours, independently of the diluent used, not propitiating advantages. The refrigerated sperm of dusky grouper is a viable alternative for the short-term storage, being possible, to maintain for up to 144 hours an appropriate sperm viability.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Pesqueiros/análise , Perciformes/embriologia , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(5): 1557-1564, set.-out. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18463


Foram estudados diferentes diluentes no processo de refrigeração do sêmen da garoupa-verdadeira. Inicialmente, a taxa e a duração da motilidade e a concentração espermática foram avaliadas, caracterizando a qualidade do sêmen fresco. Para os testes de refrigeração a 4ºC, diferentes diluentes foram testados em atmosfera normal e modificada (100% oxigênio). O sêmen fresco apresentou concentração espermática de 3,1±0,2 x 109 células mL-1, motilidade média de 90%, permanecendo móvel, em média, por 3.060 segundos. No experimento de refrigeração, a taxa e a duração média da motilidade foram mantidas adequadas durante 144 horas para o diluente A (70%; 3100 segundos) em atmosfera normal. Na atmosfera modificada, a qualidade do sêmen caiu drasticamente durante as primeiras 24 horas, independentemente do diluente empregado, não propiciando vantagem em sua utilização. A refrigeração do sêmen da garoupa-verdadeira permite manter por até 144 horas uma apropriada qualidade espermática.(AU)

This study aimed to evaluate different extenders in refrigerated storage of dusky grouper sperm. Initially, motility rate, motility time, and sperm density were analyzed to characterize the fresh sperm quality. Different diluents were used in the refrigerated storage sperm at 4ºC in normal atmosphere and modified atmosphere (100% oxygen). The fresh sperm has a spermatozoa density of 3.1±0.2 x 109 spermatozoa mL-1, motility rate 90% and motility time of 3,060 seconds. In the experiment of refrigerated storage, the motility rate and the motility time were maintained appropriate for 144 hours for the extender A (70%; 3,100 seconds) in normal atmosphere. In the modified atmosphere, the sperm quality decreased drastically during the first 24 hours, independently of the diluent used, not propitiating advantages. The refrigerated sperm of dusky grouper is a viable alternative for the short-term storage, being possible, to maintain for up to 144 hours an appropriate sperm viability.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Pesqueiros/análise , Perciformes/embriologia , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 76(1): 126-135, Feb. 2016. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25343


Abstract Lutjanid species exhibit multiple spawning behaviour during an extended spawning season in warm months, asynchronous oocyte development and indeterminate fecundity. Although early studies have contributed to knowledge of the reproductive cycle of many species within the group, they have not considered aspects about the number of cortical alveoli oocyte stage throughout maturity phases along spawning season. The latter aspect is also considered very important to confirm indeterminate fecundity hypothesis. In the present study, were analyzed 154 Brazilian snapper Lutjanus alexandrei female gonads obtained from artisanal fisheries in Pernambuco State (Brazil) between October 2010 and March 2011. Were measured oocyte size frequency distribution for maturity phases (developing, spawning capable and actively spawning), and oocyte development stage (unyolked oocytes, cortical alveoli, primary, secondary and tertiary vitellogenic oocytes and hydrated oocytes), and also the oocyte stage frequency during spawning season. The frequency of cortical alveoli oocyte stage was constantly found in the spawning period (>37%), showing slight variation throughout maturity phases. The absence of gap in the oocyte size frequency distribution between primary and secondary oocyte growth stages during spawning season is a strong indicator of continuous oocyte recruitment from reserve stocks. In addition, co-occurrence of tertiary vitellogenic oocytes, hydrated oocytes, post-ovulatory follicles and yellow-brown bodies in the histological sections of ovaries reinforce indeterminate fecundity hypothesis.(AU)

Resumo Os lutjanídeos apresentam um comportamento de desovas parceladas ao longo de uma extensa estação reprodutiva nos meses mais quentes do ano, desenvolvimento assincrônico dos ovócitos e padrão de regulação de fecundidade indeterminado. Embora muitos estudos anteriores tenham contribuído no conhecimento do ciclo reprodutivo das espécies do grupo, não foram considerados os aspectos relacionados ao percentual dos ovócitos em estágio de cortical alveoli entre as fases de maturidade sexual durante a estação reprodutiva. Este último aspecto, considerado importante para confirmação da hipótese de fecundidade do tipo indeterminada. Para isso, no presente trabalho foram analisadas 154 gônadas de fêmeas da baúna de fogo Lutjanus alexandrei obtidas da pesca artesanal em Pernambuco entre o período de outubro de 2010 a março de 2011. Foram mensurados os diâmetros dos ovócitos nas fases de maturidade sexual (desenvolvimento, capaz de desovar e ativamente desovando), e para todos os estágios ovocitários (ovócitos pre-vitelogênicos, cortical alveolar, vitelogênese primária, secundária, terciária e ovócitos hidratados), e avaliada a frequência de ocorrência ao longo do período de desova. O percentual de ovócitos em estágio cortical alveoli permaneceu constante durante o período de reprodutivo (> 37%), apresentando pouca variação entre as fases de maturidade sexual. A ausência de um intervalo na frequência de diâmetro dos ovócitos em crescimento primário e secundário entre todas as fases de maturidade sexual é um forte indicador de recrutamento contínuo de ovócitos do estoque de reserva. Além disso, a presença conjunta de ovócitos em vitelogênese terciária, ovócitos hidratados, folículos pós-ovulatórios e corpos amarelados nos cortes histológicos reforçam a hipótese de fecundidade do tipo indeterminada.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes/embriologia , Perciformes/fisiologia , Oócitos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovulação , Anticoncepção/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 13(4): 820-829, Oct.-Dec.2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461248


Overfishing of king angelfish Holacanthus Passer reduced populations in the Gulf of California. This study aimed to determine the fatty acid and proximate composition of male and female gonads, and the E2 concentration in plasma of wild organisms with different stages of gonadal development captured during early and mid-summer at El Datil, near Kino Bay, Sonora, Mexico, to help establish basic reproductive aspects and possibly to help develop the aquaculture of this ornamental species. Out of the 45 adult specimens analyzed, 66.7% were females and 33.3% were males; 16.7% of the females had ripe gonads while 83.3% had spent gonads, and 20% of males had ripe gonads while 80% had spent gonads, Indicating they were reproducing earlier, likely in the spring. Females had smaller size but numerically greater gonadosomatic index (GSI) and condition factor (K) than males. Ripe and spent females showed no statistical differences in weight, length or K; however, ripe females showed significantly higher GSI (P = 0.0005) than spent females, 3.43 vs. 0.87%. Lipid content was higher in ripe gonads, with higher content of fatty acids. In both sexes, DHA was quantitatively the major fatty acid, (10.83-16.28 mg of DHA g-1 of gonad wet weight). The n-3/n-6 ratios varied from 1.99 to 3.54, lower for ripe organisms due to a higher content of ARA and n-6 derivatives. Gonad DHA content changed in relation to its developmental stage and it might serve as an additional maturation index. Information on the chemical composition and fatty acid profile of the gonads can be used as indicators of dietary lipid and essential fatty acid requirements of broodfish, which may contribute to the formulation of a balanced diet for the culture of this ornamental species.

Feminino , Animais , Gônadas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Perciformes/embriologia , Perciformes/metabolismo , Ácidos Graxos
Anim. Reprod. ; 13(4): 820-829, Oct.-Dec.2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17400


Overfishing of king angelfish Holacanthus Passer reduced populations in the Gulf of California. This study aimed to determine the fatty acid and proximate composition of male and female gonads, and the E2 concentration in plasma of wild organisms with different stages of gonadal development captured during early and mid-summer at El Datil, near Kino Bay, Sonora, Mexico, to help establish basic reproductive aspects and possibly to help develop the aquaculture of this ornamental species. Out of the 45 adult specimens analyzed, 66.7% were females and 33.3% were males; 16.7% of the females had ripe gonads while 83.3% had spent gonads, and 20% of males had ripe gonads while 80% had spent gonads, Indicating they were reproducing earlier, likely in the spring. Females had smaller size but numerically greater gonadosomatic index (GSI) and condition factor (K) than males. Ripe and spent females showed no statistical differences in weight, length or K; however, ripe females showed significantly higher GSI (P = 0.0005) than spent females, 3.43 vs. 0.87%. Lipid content was higher in ripe gonads, with higher content of fatty acids. In both sexes, DHA was quantitatively the major fatty acid, (10.83-16.28 mg of DHA g-1 of gonad wet weight). The n-3/n-6 ratios varied from 1.99 to 3.54, lower for ripe organisms due to a higher content of ARA and n-6 derivatives. Gonad DHA content changed in relation to its developmental stage and it might serve as an additional maturation index. Information on the chemical composition and fatty acid profile of the gonads can be used as indicators of dietary lipid and essential fatty acid requirements of broodfish, which may contribute to the formulation of a balanced diet for the culture of this ornamental species.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ácidos Graxos , Gônadas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Perciformes/embriologia , Perciformes/metabolismo