Chromium pollution is produced in connection with industrial processes like in tanneries. It has been suggested that bioremediation could be a good option for clean up. The stress effect of variable chromate levels, pHs and growth temperatures on biochemical parameters of two Cr(VI) reducing bacterial strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa Rb-1 and Ochrobactrum intermedium Rb-2 was investigated. Transmission electrone microscopy (TEM) was performed to study the intracellular distribution of Cr(VI). It was observed that initial stress of 1000 µgmL-1 caused significant enhancement of all studied biochemical parameters at pH 7.0 and growth temperature of 37 °C showing great bioremediation potential of the strains. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the distribution of chromium precipitates was not uniform as they were distributed in the cytoplasm as well as found associated with the periplasm and outer membrane. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed the possible involvement of carboxyl, amino, sulpohonate and hydroxyl groups present on the bacterial cell surface for the binding of Cr(VI) ions. Cr(VI) stress brought about changes in the distridution of these functional groups. It can be concluded that the investigated bacterial strains adjust well to Cr(VI) stress in terms of biochemical parameters and along that exhibited alteration in morphology.
Cromo/metabolismo , Ochrobactrum/metabolismo , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/metabolismo , Estresse Fisiológico , Cromo/toxicidade , Citoplasma/ultraestrutura , Poluentes Ambientais/metabolismo , Poluentes Ambientais/toxicidade , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Oxirredução , Ochrobactrum/efeitos dos fármacos , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/efeitos da radiação , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/ultraestruturaResumo
Avaliou-se o heteroantagonismo entre Enterobacter agglomerans isolada do trato gastrintestinal de urubu (Coragyps atratus) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa isoladas do ambiente hospitalar. Foram utilizados o método de sobrecamada ou lento e a técnica direta ou de poços. Pelo método da sobrecamada, de 196 testes realizados para pesquisa da atividade antagonista, foi detectada a presença de halos de inibição relacionados ao fenômeno de heteroantagonismo em 118 deles (60,2 por cento). Pelo método de poços, obtiveram-se resultados semelhantes. As sete amostras de E. agglomerans foram capazes de realizar heteroantagonismo nas condições testadas, que foram detectados pela formação de halos claros de inibição. O extrato de levedura adicionado a 1 por cento no meio de cultura foi um suplemento adequado para a demonstração do antagonismo.(AU)
The heteroantagonism between Enterobacter agglomerans, isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of American vulture Coragyps atratus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from a hospital environment was evaluated. The slow (layer) and the wells (direct) techniques were tested, using agar and soy tryptone broth pH 7.3 at 37ºC. Through the slow method from 196 tests, inhibition growth halos, related heteroantagonism phenomenon observed in 118, corresponding to 60.2 percent positive results. Equivalent positive results were detected using wells (direct) methodology. The seven samples of E. agglomerans tested were capable of revealing heteroantagonism in the experimental conditions; antagonism reveled by the presence of a clear growth inhibition halo. The added 1 percent yeast extract to media was adequate for revealing antagonisms best.(AU)