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Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 46(3): 659-666, July-Sept. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-2285


Ten bacterial strains that utilize cyanide (CN) as a nitrogen source were isolated from cassava factory wastewater after enrichment in a liquid media containing sodium cyanide (1 mM) and glucose (0.2% w/v). The strains could tolerate and grow in cyanide concentrations of up to 5 mM. Increased cyanide levels in the media caused an extension of lag phase in the bacterial growth indicating that they need some period of acclimatisation. The rate of cyanide removal by the strains depends on the initial cyanide and glucose concentrations. When initial cyanide and glucose concentrations were increased up to 5 mM, cyanide removal rate increased up to 63 and 61 per cent by Bacillus pumilus and Pseudomonas putida. Metabolic products such as ammonia and formate were detected in culture supernatants, suggesting a direct hydrolytic pathway without an intermediate formamide. The study clearly demonstrates the potential of aerobic treatment with cyanide degrading bacteria for cyanide removal in cassava factory wastewaters..(AU)

Bacillus/metabolismo , Cianetos/metabolismo , Pseudomonas putida/metabolismo , Águas Residuárias/química , Amônia/metabolismo , Bacillus/isolamento & purificação , Reatores Biológicos/microbiologia , Formiatos/metabolismo , Glucose/metabolismo , Índia , Manihot , Pseudomonas putida/isolamento & purificação , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 46(3): 649-657, July-Sept. 2015. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17510


To facilitate the biodegradation of diesel oil, an oil biodegradation bacterial consortium was constructed. The alkane hydroxylase (alkB) gene of Pseudomonas putida GPo1 was constructed in a pCom8 expression vector, and the pCom8-GPo1 alkB plasmid was transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α. The AlkB protein was expressed by diesel oil induction and detected through SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The culture of the recombinant (pCom8-GPo1 alkB/E. coli DH5α) with the oil biodegradation bacterial consortium increased the degradation ratio of diesel oil at 24 h from 31% to 50%, and the facilitation rates were increased as the proportion of pCom8-GPo1 alkB. coli DH5α to the consortium increased. The results suggested that the expression of the GPo1 gene in E. coli DH5α could enhance the function of diesel oil degradation by the bacterial consortium.(AU)

Acinetobacter/metabolismo , Biodegradação Ambiental , Citocromo P-450 CYP4A/genética , Escherichia coli/metabolismo , Consórcios Microbianos/genética , Pseudomonas putida/enzimologia , Acinetobacter/genética , Escherichia coli/enzimologia , Escherichia coli/genética , Óleos Combustíveis , Gasolina , Engenharia Genética , Oxirredução , Plasmídeos/genética , Pseudomonas putida/genética , Pseudomonas putida/metabolismo
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 45(4): 1303-1308, Oct.-Dec. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28061


A previously reported o-nitrobenzaldehyde (ONBA) degrading bacterium Pseudomonas sp. ONBA-17 was further identified and characterized. Based on results of DNA base composition and DNA-DNA hybridization, the strain was identified as P. putida. Its degradation effect enhanced with increase of inoculum amount and no lag phase was observed. Higher removal rate was achieved under shaking conditions. All tested ONBA with different initial concentrations could be completely degraded within 5 d. In addition, degradative enzyme(s) involved was confirmed as intra-cellular distributed and constitutively expressed. Effects of different compounds on relative activity of degradative enzyme(s) within cell-free extract were also evaluated. Finally, 2-nitrobenzoic acid and 2, 3-dihydroxybenzoic acid were detected as metabolites of ONBA degradation by P. putida ONBA-17, and relevant metabolic pathway was preliminary proposed. This study might help with future research in better understanding of nitroaromatics biodegradation.

Benzaldeídos/metabolismo , Redes e Vias Metabólicas , Pseudomonas putida/metabolismo , Biotransformação , Hidroxibenzoatos/metabolismo , Nitrobenzoatos/metabolismo , Pseudomonas putida/classificação , Pseudomonas putida/genética
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 45(2): 427-438, Apr.-June 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27810


Growth associated biosynthesis of medium chain length poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (mcl-PHA) in Pseudomonas putida Bet001 isolated from palm oil mill effluent was studied. Models with substrate inhibition terms described well the kinetics of its growth. Selected fatty acids (C8:0 to C18:1) and ammonium were used as carbon and nitrogen sources during growth and PHA biosynthesis, resulting in PHA accumulation of about 50 to 69% (w/w) and PHA yields ranging from 10.12 g L-1 to 15.45 g L-1, respectively. The monomer composition of the PHA ranges from C4 to C14, and was strongly influenced by the type of carbon substrate fed. Interestingly, an odd carbon chain length (C7) monomer was also detected when C18:1 was fed. Polymer showed melting temperature (Tm) of 42.0 (± 0.2) °C, glass transition temperature (Tg) of -1.0 (± 0.2) °C and endothermic melting enthalpy of fusion (ΔHf) of 110.3 (± 0.1) J g-1. The molecular weight (Mw) range of the polymer was relatively narrow between 55 to 77 kDa.

Carbono/metabolismo , Poli-Hidroxialcanoatos/metabolismo , Pseudomonas putida/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pseudomonas putida/metabolismo , Compostos de Amônio/metabolismo , Meios de Cultura/química , Microbiologia Ambiental , Ácidos Graxos/metabolismo , Microbiologia Industrial , Resíduos Industriais , Pseudomonas putida/isolamento & purificação , Temperatura
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 45(4): 1229-1237, Oct.-Dec. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29104


The plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial strain Pseudomonas putida Rs-198 was isolated from salinized soils from Xinjiang Province. We optimized the composition of the low-cost medium of P. putida Rs-198 based on its bacterial concentration, as well as its phosphate-dissolving and indole acetic acid (IAA)-producing capabilities using the response surface methodology (RSM), and a mathematical model was developed to show the effect of each medium component and its interactions on phosphate dissolution and IAA production. The model predicted a maximum phosphate concentration in medium containing 63.23 mg/L inorganic phosphate with 49.22 g/L corn flour, 14.63 g/L soybean meal, 2.03 g/L K2HPO4, 0.19 g/L MnSO4 and 5.00 g/L NaCl. The maximum IAA concentration (18.73 mg/L) was predicted in medium containing 52.41 g/L corn flour, 15.82 g/L soybean meal, 2.40 g/L K2HPO4, 0.17 g/L MnSO4 and 5.00 g/L NaCl. These predicted values were also verified through experiments, with a cell density of 10(13) cfu/mL, phosphate dissolution of 64.33 mg/L, and IAA concentration of 18.08 mg/L. The excellent correlation between predicted and measured values of each model justifies the validity of both the response models. The study aims to provide a basis for industrialized fermentation using P. putida Rs-198.

Meios de Cultura/química , Pseudomonas putida/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Carga Bacteriana , Custos e Análise de Custo , Meios de Cultura/economia , Ácidos Indolacéticos/metabolismo , Programas de Rastreamento , Modelos Teóricos , Fosfatos/metabolismo , Pseudomonas putida/metabolismo