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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e243332, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345537


Abstract The present study was aimed to manifest the antibacterial and antifungal activity of methanolic extracts of Salix alba L. against seven Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus (1), S. aureus (2), Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli (1), E. coli (2) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and three fungal isolates from the air such as Aspergillus terreus, A. ornatus, and Rhizopus stolonifer. Two different serotypes of S. aureus and E. coli were used. The agar well-diffusion method results showed the dose-dependent response of plant extracts against bacterial and fungal strains while some organisms were found resistant e.g. E. coli (1), S. sonnei, A. terreus and R. stolonifer. The highest antibacterial activity was recorded at 17.000±1.732 mm from 100 mg/mL of leaves methanolic extracts against S. pyogenes while the activity of most of the pathogens decreased after 24 h of incubation. The highest antifungal activity was reported at 11.833±1.0 mm against A. ornatus at 50 mg/mL after 48 h of the incubation period. These experimental findings endorse the use of S. alba in ethnopharmacological formulations and suggest the use of methanolic extracts of the said plant to develop drugs to control the proliferation of resistant disease causing pathogenic microbes.

Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo manifestar a atividade antibacteriana e antifúngica de extratos metanólicos de Salix alba L. contra sete patógenos bacterianos Gram-positivos e Gram-negativos. Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus (1), S. aureus (2), Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli (1), E. coli (2) e Neisseria gonorrhoeae e três isolados de fungos do ar, como Aspergillus terreus, A. ornatus, e Rhizopus stolonifer. Dois sorotipos diferentes de S. aureus e E. coli foram usados. Os resultados do método de difusão em ágar mostraram a resposta dependente da dose de extratos de plantas contra cepas de bactérias e fungos, enquanto alguns organismos foram considerados resistentes, e.g. E. coli (1), S. sonnei, A. terreus e R. stolonifer. A maior atividade antibacteriana foi registrada em 17.000 ± 1.732 de 100 mg/mL de extratos metanólicos de folhas contra S. pyogenes, enquanto a atividade da maioria dos patógenos diminuiu após 24 h de incubação. A maior atividade antifúngica foi relatada em 11,833 ± 1,0 contra A. ornatus a 50 mg/mL após 48 h do período de incubação. Esses achados experimentais endossam o uso de S. alba em formulações etnofarmacológicas e sugerem o uso de extratos metanólicos da referida planta para o desenvolvimento de fármacos que controlem a proliferação de doenças resistentes que causam micróbios patogênicos.

Salix , Antifúngicos/farmacologia , Aspergillus , Rhizopus , Staphylococcus aureus , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Metanol , Escherichia coli , Antibacterianos/farmacologia
Sci. agric ; 76(5): 398-404, Sept.-Oct. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497804


Green propolis is found only in Brazil and due to its important biological characteristics, the food industry views it as a rich source of bioactive compounds. However, an extract must be produced for its application, which is difficult considering the rigid characteristics of raw propolis. Superfine grinding, a process capable of reducing particle size, enables the extraction of most bioactive compounds in propolis. This study evaluated the influence of grinding on size characteristics, antioxidant and antifungal properties of Brazilian green propolis for food preservation. The propolis powder was produced through six different types of grinding (different sieves and rpm), and its quality was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. After grinding, extracts and bioactive assays were produced and the total phenolic content, antioxidant and antifungal capacity were determined. The data showed that the grinding process affected all the results of bioactive assays used. Treatment B (sieve 0.08 mm, 12,000 rpm) presented statistically significant values for the bioactivity assays and thus antifungal activity against Rhizopus stolonifer (doses 0-5 %) was tested only for the control (standardized size without superfine grinding) and treatment B. Both treatments showed antifungal activity, but the control provided more effective mycelial growth inhibition (lower dose 1 %). Superfine grinding increased the antioxidant activity, although this behavior was not observed in the antifungal assay. Despite these results, green propolis extracts present important biological effects that indicate their use as food preservatives to extend shelf life of food products.

Antifúngicos , Conservantes de Alimentos , Própole , Rhizopus
Sci. agric. ; 76(5): 398-404, Sept.-Oct. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24484


Green propolis is found only in Brazil and due to its important biological characteristics, the food industry views it as a rich source of bioactive compounds. However, an extract must be produced for its application, which is difficult considering the rigid characteristics of raw propolis. Superfine grinding, a process capable of reducing particle size, enables the extraction of most bioactive compounds in propolis. This study evaluated the influence of grinding on size characteristics, antioxidant and antifungal properties of Brazilian green propolis for food preservation. The propolis powder was produced through six different types of grinding (different sieves and rpm), and its quality was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. After grinding, extracts and bioactive assays were produced and the total phenolic content, antioxidant and antifungal capacity were determined. The data showed that the grinding process affected all the results of bioactive assays used. Treatment B (sieve 0.08 mm, 12,000 rpm) presented statistically significant values for the bioactivity assays and thus antifungal activity against Rhizopus stolonifer (doses 0-5 %) was tested only for the control (standardized size without superfine grinding) and treatment B. Both treatments showed antifungal activity, but the control provided more effective mycelial growth inhibition (lower dose 1 %). Superfine grinding increased the antioxidant activity, although this behavior was not observed in the antifungal assay. Despite these results, green propolis extracts present important biological effects that indicate their use as food preservatives to extend shelf life of food products.(AU)

Própole , Conservantes de Alimentos , Antifúngicos , Rhizopus
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 49(1): 29-37, jan.-mar. 2018. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19067


Increased environmental pollution has necessitated the need for eco-friendly clean-up strategies. Filamentous fungal species from gold and gemstone mine site soils were isolated, identified and assessed for their tolerance to varied heavy metal concentrations of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and iron (Fe). The identities of the fungal strains were determined based on the internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 (ITS 1 and ITS 2) regions. Mycelia growth of the fungal strains were subjected to a range of (0-100 Cd), (0-1000 Cu), (0-400 Pb), (0-500 As) and (0-800 Fe) concentrations (mgkg-1) incorporated into malt extract agar (MEA) in triplicates. Fungal radial growths were recorded every three days over a 13-days' incubation period. Fungal strains were identified as Fomitopsis meliae, Trichoderma ghanense and Rhizopus microsporus. All test fungal exhibited tolerance to Cu, Pb, and Fe at all test concentrations (400-1000 mgkg-1), not differing significantly (p > 0.05) from the controls and with tolerance index >1. T. ghanense and R. microsporus demonstrated exceptional capacity for Cd and As concentrations, while showing no significant (p > 0.05) difference compared to the controls and with a tolerance index >1 at 25 mgkg-1 Cd and 125 mgkg-1 As. Remarkably, these fungal strains showed tolerance to metal concentrations exceeding globally permissible limits for contaminated soils. It is envisaged that this metal tolerance trait exhibited by these fungal strains may indicate their potentials as effective agents for bioremediative clean-up of heavy metal polluted environments.(AU)

Fungos , Metais Pesados , Mineração , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Coriolaceae , Trichoderma , Rhizopus , Poluição Ambiental/análise , Nigéria
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 48(2): 275-285, abr.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17551


The purpose of this study was to investigate the production of flavor compounds from olive mill waste by microbial fermentation of Rhizopus oryzae and Candida tropicalis. Olive mill waste fermentations were performed in shake and bioreactor cultures. Production of flavor compounds from olive mill waste was followed by Gas ChromatographyMass spectrometry, Gas chromatography- olfactometry and Spectrum Sensory Analysis ®. As a result, 1.73-log and 3.23-log cfu/mL increases were observed in the microbial populations of R. oryzae and C. tropicalis during shake cultures, respectively. C. tropicalis can produce a higher concentration of d-limonene from olive mill waste than R. oryzae in shake cultures. The concentration of d-limonene was determined as 185.56 and 249.54 µg/kg in the fermented olive mill waste by R. oryzae and C. tropicalis in shake cultures respectively. In contrast, R. oryzae can produce a higher concentration of d-limonene (87.73 µg/kg) d-limonene than C. tropicalis (11.95 µg/kg) in bioreactor cultures. Based on sensory analysis, unripe olive, wet towel, sweet aromatic, fermented aromas were determined at high intensity in olive mill waste fermented with R. oryzae meanwhile olive mill waste fermented with C. tropicalis had only a high intensity of unripe olive and oily aroma.(AU)

Aromatizantes , Resíduos , Fermentação , Rhizopus , Candida tropicalis , Olea , Biotecnologia , Azeite de Oliva , Fungos
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 83: 01-04, 2016. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1462406


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of direct contact and volatile fraction of from green coffee oil, tested at concentrations of 500, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 µL L-1, on mycelial growth and sporulation of Penicillium roqueforti and Rhizopus stolonifer . The essential oil of clove at a concentration of 800 µL L-1 was used for comparison. At concentrations of 1,500 and 2,000 µL L-1, the green coffee oil in direct contact caused a reduction of sporulation for R. stolonifer, similar to clove oil. In the volatile fraction of the green coffee oil, there was a significant reduction in sporulation of P. roqueforti and R. stolonifer at a concentration of 2,000 µL L-1. The green coffee oil, in direct contact or by volatilization, significantly reduced the mycelial growth and sporulation of both fungi compared to the control.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do contato direto e da fração volátildo óleo de café verde, testado nas concentrações de 500, 1.000, 1.500 e 2.000 µL L-1, sobre o crescimento micelial e a esporulação dos fungos Penicillium roqueforti e Rhizopus stolonifer. O óleo essencial de cravo-da-índia na concentração de 800 µL L-1 foi utilizado para comparação. Nas concentrações de 1.500 e 2.000 µL L-1, o óleo de café verde em contato direto proporcionou redução da esporulação do fungo R. stolonifer , sendo estatisticamente semelhante ao óleo de cravo-da-índia. Na fração volátil do óleo de café verde, observou-se redução significativa da esporulação de P. roquefortie R. stolonifer na concentração de 2.000 µL L-1. O óleo de café verde, em contato direto ou por volatilização, reduziu significativamente o crescimento micelial e a esporulação de ambos os fungos em comparação com a testemunha.

Antifúngicos , Penicillium , Rhizopus , Óleo de Cravo , Fungos
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 83: e1162013, 2016. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1006701


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do contato direto e da fração volátildo óleo de café verde, testado nas concentrações de 500, 1.000, 1.500 e 2.000 µL L-1, sobre o crescimento micelial e a esporulação dos fungos Penicillium roqueforti e Rhizopus stolonifer. O óleo essencial de cravo-da-índia na concentração de 800 µL L-1 foi utilizado para comparação. Nas concentrações de 1.500 e 2.000 µL L-1, o óleo de café verde em contato direto proporcionou redução da esporulação do fungo R. stolonifer , sendo estatisticamente semelhante ao óleo de cravo-da-índia. Na fração volátil do óleo de café verde, observou-se redução significativa da esporulação de P. roqueforti e R. stolonifer na concentração de 2.000 µL L-1. O óleo de café verde, em contato direto ou por volatilização, reduziu significativamente o crescimento micelial e a esporulação de ambos os fungos em comparação com a testemunha.(AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of direct contact and volatile fraction of from green coffee oil, tested at concentrations of 500, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 µL L-1, on mycelial growth and sporulation of Penicillium roqueforti and Rhizopus stolonifer . The essential oil of clove at a concentration of 800 µL L-1 was used for comparison. At concentrations of 1,500 and 2,000 µL L-1, the green coffee oil in direct contact caused a reduction of sporulation for R. stolonifer, similar to clove oil. In the volatile fraction of the green coffee oil, there was a significant reduction in sporulation of P. roqueforti and R. stolonifer at a concentration of 2,000 µL L-1. The green coffee oil, in direct contact or by volatilization, significantly reduced the mycelial growth and sporulation of both fungi compared to the control.(AU)

Penicillium , Rhizopus , Óleo de Cravo , Antifúngicos , Fungos
Arq. Inst. Biol. ; 83: 01-04, 2016. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-731149


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of direct contact and volatile fraction of from green coffee oil, tested at concentrations of 500, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 µL L-1, on mycelial growth and sporulation of Penicillium roqueforti and Rhizopus stolonifer . The essential oil of clove at a concentration of 800 µL L-1 was used for comparison. At concentrations of 1,500 and 2,000 µL L-1, the green coffee oil in direct contact caused a reduction of sporulation for R. stolonifer, similar to clove oil. In the volatile fraction of the green coffee oil, there was a significant reduction in sporulation of P. roqueforti and R. stolonifer at a concentration of 2,000 µL L-1. The green coffee oil, in direct contact or by volatilization, significantly reduced the mycelial growth and sporulation of both fungi compared to the control.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do contato direto e da fração volátildo óleo de café verde, testado nas concentrações de 500, 1.000, 1.500 e 2.000 µL L-1, sobre o crescimento micelial e a esporulação dos fungos Penicillium roqueforti e Rhizopus stolonifer. O óleo essencial de cravo-da-índia na concentração de 800 µL L-1 foi utilizado para comparação. Nas concentrações de 1.500 e 2.000 µL L-1, o óleo de café verde em contato direto proporcionou redução da esporulação do fungo R. stolonifer , sendo estatisticamente semelhante ao óleo de cravo-da-índia. Na fração volátil do óleo de café verde, observou-se redução significativa da esporulação de P. roquefortie R. stolonifer na concentração de 2.000 µL L-1. O óleo de café verde, em contato direto ou por volatilização, reduziu significativamente o crescimento micelial e a esporulação de ambos os fungos em comparação com a testemunha.(AU)

Penicillium , Rhizopus , Óleo de Cravo , Antifúngicos , Fungos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 34(7): 637-642, jul. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-10664


Visando a otimização do uso da técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) na detecção de Aspergillus spp. e zigomicetos (membros da família Mucoraceae), utilizaram-se dois anticorpos monoclonais fungo-específicos em fragmentos de tecidos de animais (fixados em formol e embebidos em parafina) com diagnóstico histomorfológico prévio de aspergilose e zigomicose, os quais foram submetidos a três sistemas de detecção diferentes (dois biotinilados e um não biotinilado). Os dois anticorpos apresentaram alta especificidade e sensibilidade nos tecidos examinados. Não ocorreram reações cruzadas entre os anticorpos utilizados e os agentes etiológicos avaliados (incluindo casos de aspergilose, zigomicose, candidíase e pitiose). No entanto, reações inespecíficas foram observadas nas hifas em alguns casos, as quais puderam ser eliminadas através de um dos métodos de detecção utilizados. Para a aspergilose, o método da estreptavidina-biotina-fosfatase alcalina não apresentou reações inespecíficas nas hifas. Enquanto que nos casos de zigomicoses, as reações inespecíficas não ocorreram no método por polímero (não biotinilado). A técnica de IHQ mostrou-se uma ferramenta muito útil na detecção e confirmação dos casos de aspergilose e zigomicose neste estudo retrospectivo.(AU)

Aiming to optimize the usage of the immunohistochemical technique (IHC) in the detection of Aspergillus spp. and zygomycetes (members of the Mucoraceae family), two fungal-specific monoclonal antibodies were used in tissue fragments (formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded), previously diagnosed by histomorphology as aspergillosis and zygomycosis. Tissues were submitted to three different detection systems (two biotinilated and one non biotinilated). Both antibodies showed high specificity and sensitivity in the examined tissues. No cross-reactions were observed between the antibodies used and the agents evaluated (including cases of aspergillosis, zygomycosis, candidiasis and pythiosis). However, nonspecific reactions in hyphae were observed in some cases, but were eliminated by mean of one of the detection systems used. In the aspergillosis cases, with the streptavidin-biotin-alkaline phosphatase method, nonspecific reactions were not observed. In the zygomycosis cases, nonspecific reactions did not occur using a polymer (nonbiotinilated). The IHC technique showed to be a useful tool detecting and confirming aspergillosis and zygomycosis in this retrospective study.(AU)

Animais , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Aspergillus/isolamento & purificação , Rhizopus/isolamento & purificação , Anticorpos , Aspergilose/veterinária , Zigomicose/veterinária , Reações Cruzadas , Aves/microbiologia , Bovinos/microbiologia , Cães/microbiologia , Ovinos/microbiologia
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 44(2): 559-567, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-965


One variable at a time procedure was used to evaluate the effect of qualitative variables on the production of tannase from Aspergillus niger Van Tieghem. These variables including: fermentation technique, agitation condition, tannins source, adding carbohydrates incorporation with tannic acid, nitrogen source type and divalent cations. Submerged fermentation under intermittent shaking gave the highest total tannase activity. Maximum extracellular tannase activity (305 units/ 50 mL) was attained in medium containing tannic acid as tannins source and sodium nitrate as nitrogen source at 30 ºC for 96 h. All added carbohydrates showed significant adverse effects on the production of tannase. All tested divalent cations significantly decreased tannase production. Moreover, split plot design was carried out to study the effect of fermentation temperature and fermentation time on tannase production. The results indicated maximum tannase production (312.7 units/50 mL) at 35 ºC for 96 h. In other words, increasing fermentation temperature from 30 ºC to 35 ºC resulted in increasing tannase production.(AU)

Aspergillus niger , Taninos , Ensaios Enzimáticos , Rhizopus , Fermentação