Data analysis in goat production, such as those related to body and scrotal measurements, indicate the productive and reproductive animal development. The current study aimed to evaluate the correlations between thoracic perimeter (TP), body length (BL), body compacity (BC), body volume (BV), and scrotal circumference (SC) with body weight (BW) in young male goats of Saanen and Boer breeds. It was used 38 Saanen and 24 Boer male goats, with age average of 7.2 ± 2.0 months. Thoracic perimeter and body length measurements were obtained using a tape measure (cm) and the live weight (kg) a mechanic scale. The variables body compacity (BC) and body volume (BV) were calculated using the equations: and . Boer breed showed live weight and body compacity higher than Saanen breed (p < 0.05). Regarding correlations between biometric measurements and body weight, we did not find any statistical differences between the breeds (p > 0.05). The scrotal circumference presented the lowest association with body weight (p < 0.05). However, all biometric measurements showed highly significant correlations with live body (p < 0.01). In conclusion, thoracic perimeter was the main measure of body weight predictor, considering efficiency and practical aspects.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Biometria , Peso CorporalResumo
Data analysis in goat production, such as those related to body and scrotal measurements, indicate the productive and reproductive animal development. The current study aimed to evaluate the correlations between thoracic perimeter (TP), body length (BL), body compacity (BC), body volume (BV), and scrotal circumference (SC) with body weight (BW) in young male goats of Saanen and Boer breeds. It was used 38 Saanen and 24 Boer male goats, with age average of 7.2 ± 2.0 months. Thoracic perimeter and body length measurements were obtained using a tape measure (cm) and the live weight (kg) a mechanic scale. The variables body compacity (BC) and body volume (BV) were calculated using the equations: and . Boer breed showed live weight and body compacity higher than Saanen breed (p 0.05). The scrotal circumference presented the lowest association with body weight (p < 0.05). However, all biometric measurements showed highly significant correlations with live body (p < 0.01). In conclusion, thoracic perimeter was the main measure of body weight predictor, considering efficiency and practical aspects.
Animais , Biometria , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peso CorporalResumo
La estacionalidad de la reproducción es una característica de la mayoría de las razas caprinas y ovinas de latitudes subtropicales. Las hembras presentan anovulación y disminución de las concentraciones plasmáticas de LH en primavera y verano, mientras que los machos disminuyen drásticamente los niveles plasmáticos de testosterona, la producción espermática y el comportamiento sexual en invierno y primavera. Esta estacionalidad es sincronizada principalmente por las variaciones naturales del fotoperiodo. Sin embargo, las interacciones socio-sexuales entre machos y hembras permiten modificar esta estacionalidad. Así, la introducción de machos en grupos de hembras en anestro estacional estimulan las actividades endocrina y reproductiva de las hembras, através del fonómeno conocido como "efecto macho". La respuesta de las hembras al efecto macho varía con la intensidad del comportamiento sexual desplegado por los machos. Por ello, los machos sexualmente activos son más eficaces que los machos en reposo sexual para estimula la ovulación de las hembras. Además, la presencia continua de los machos sexualmente activos evita la anovulación estacional, así como la disminución estacional de las concentraciones plasmáticas de LH en hembras ovariectomizadas portadoras de implantes subcutáneos que liberan estradiol. En conjunto, estos hallazgos indican que los machos cabríos y carneros sexualmente activos son una alternativa para manipular la estacionalidad reproductiva de las hembras durante el anestro estacional, y/o evitar la anovulación estacional. Además, considerando las demandas sociales para reducir o eliminar los tratamientos hormonales en la producción animal, la asociación del fotoperiodo y las interacciones socio-sexuales entre machos y hembras constituye una alternativa sustentable para la manipulación de la actividad reproductiva de los pequeños rumiantes.
Animais , Hormônio Luteinizante/análise , Hormônio Luteinizante/química , Ovulação , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Estações do Ano , Fotoperíodo , Ovinos , RuminantesResumo
Feeding behavior analysis provides information about the relationships between animals and pastures. Therefore, this review aims to describe some aspects of the feeding behavior profiles of both sheep and goats in grazing systems. The structure of the pasture is a key factor in the feeding behavior of grazing animals. The amount of feed consumed in a given period of time is affected by the number of meals, duration and velocity of swallowing, changes in grazing time, bite rate, bite weight, and quality of ingested forage. The different phenological stages of forage also influence the animals strategies to optimize their intake, which consequently changes their behavioral activities. Sheep and goats tend to be more selective than cattle, and young animals are more selective than older animals; this selectivity characteristicis one of the most important aspects to be observed in pasture management. According to the degree of selectivity, the animals will intake forages of higher or lower nutritive quality. In addition, the intensity and distribution of their daily activities (grazing, ruminating, and resting)are influenced by several factors, such as the availability and nutritive value of the pasture, its management, the animal activity in the group, and the predominant climatic conditions of the region.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pastagens/análise , Comportamento AlimentarResumo
Feeding behavior analysis provides information about the relationships between animals and pastures. Therefore, this review aims to describe some aspects of the feeding behavior profiles of both sheep and goats in grazing systems. The structure of the pasture is a key factor in the feeding behavior of grazing animals. The amount of feed consumed in a given period of time is affected by the number of meals, duration and velocity of swallowing, changes in grazing time, bite rate, bite weight, and quality of ingested forage. The different phenological stages of forage also influence the animals strategies to optimize their intake, which consequently changes their behavioral activities. Sheep and goats tend to be more selective than cattle, and young animals are more selective than older animals; this selectivity characteristicis one of the most important aspects to be observed in pasture management. According to the degree of selectivity, the animals will intake forages of higher or lower nutritive quality. In addition, the intensity and distribution of their daily activities (grazing, ruminating, and resting)are influenced by several factors, such as the availability and nutritive value of the pasture, its management, the animal activity in the group, and the predominant climatic conditions of the region.
Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pastagens/análise , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Characterization of the profile of goat and sheep production in Sergipe enables better understanding of the main barriers linked to low productivity, generating important information for the development of this sector. The objective was to identify and characterize the production of goats and sheep in Sergipe. From 2011 to 2014, 41 goat properties and 60 sheep properties were analyzed, located in 25 municipalities in the three mesoregions of the State (Leste, Agreste, and Sertão). The information was obtained through application of a structured questionnaire to the farmers addressing topics such as: characterization of the property, herd, facilities, sanitary, nutritional, and reproductive management, and socioeconomic aspects of the farmer. The results demonstrated that 58.5% (24/41) of goat farms had an area less than 30 hectares (ha), reared predominantly mixed breed animals (SRD), with low use of technologies, aiming at family consumption, and complementing income through local marketing. On the sheep properties, 58.3% (35/60) were over 100 ha and used for the production of Santa Inês sheep and crossbreeds together with cattle. Significant flaws were also observed in feed, sanitary, and reproductive management, emphasizing the non-use of preserved foods and forages typical of the region, factors that contribute to the low level of productivity and ustainability of production in a viable and homogeneous manner. The findings led to the conclusion that more organized production is necessary, mainly through investment in technologies and qualified and continuous rural extension, aiming at improving the production, productivity, income, and quality of life of the breeders.
A caracterização do perfil das criações possibilita um maior entendimento dos principais entraves ligados a baixa produtividade e auxilia na disponibilização de dados importantes para a busca de soluções para crescimento da ovinocaprinocultura. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o sistema de produção de caprinos e ovinos no estado de Sergipe. Foram visitadas entre os anos de 2011 e 2014, 41 e 60 propriedades de caprinos e ovinos, respectivamente, localizadas em 25 municípios distribuídos nas três mesorregiões do Estado (Leste, Agreste e Sertão). O levantamento dos dados ocorreu pela aplicação de questionário junto aos proprietários, com temas referentes às características do rebanho, instalações, manejo sanitário, nutricional e reprodutivo eperfil do criador. A caprinocultura foi caracterizada como atividade complementar da renda de pequenos produtores rurais, com a maioria do rebanho representado por animais de padrão racial não definido e pela raça Saanen. A atividade é voltada ao consumo familiar com baixo uso tecnológico e produção leiteira para atendimento do comércio local. Enquanto que na ovinocultura, os rebanhos são compostos por animais puros e mestiços da raça Santa Inês mantidos em grandes áreas de terra devido a sua criação consorciada com bovinos. As falhas de manejo observadas nos rebanhos caprinos e ovinos comprometem a viabilidade do sistema de produção, contribuindo com maiores desafios para ovinocaprinocultura sergipana em atender a demanda do mercado consumidor do Estado
Animais , Comportamento do Consumidor , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Medicina VeterináriaResumo
Characterization of the profile of goat and sheep production in Sergipe enables better understanding of the main barriers linked to low productivity, generating important information for the development of this sector. The objective was to identify and characterize the production of goats and sheep in Sergipe. From 2011 to 2014, 41 goat properties and 60 sheep properties were analyzed, located in 25 municipalities in the three mesoregions of the State (Leste, Agreste, and Sertão). The information was obtained through application of a structured questionnaire to the farmers addressing topics such as: characterization of the property, herd, facilities, sanitary, nutritional, and reproductive management, and socioeconomic aspects of the farmer. The results demonstrated that 58.5% (24/41) of goat farms had an area less than 30 hectares (ha), reared predominantly mixed breed animals (SRD), with low use of technologies, aiming at family consumption, and complementing income through local marketing. On the sheep properties, 58.3% (35/60) were over 100 ha and used for the production of Santa Inês sheep and crossbreeds together with cattle. Significant flaws were also observed in feed, sanitary, and reproductive management, emphasizing the non-use of preserved foods and forages typical of the region, factors that contribute to the low level of productivity and ustainability of production in a viable and homogeneous manner. The findings led to the conclusion that more organized production is necessary, mainly through investment in technologies and qualified and continuous rural extension, aiming at improving the production, productivity, income, and quality of life of the breeders.(AU)
A caracterização do perfil das criações possibilita um maior entendimento dos principais entraves ligados a baixa produtividade e auxilia na disponibilização de dados importantes para a busca de soluções para crescimento da ovinocaprinocultura. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o sistema de produção de caprinos e ovinos no estado de Sergipe. Foram visitadas entre os anos de 2011 e 2014, 41 e 60 propriedades de caprinos e ovinos, respectivamente, localizadas em 25 municípios distribuídos nas três mesorregiões do Estado (Leste, Agreste e Sertão). O levantamento dos dados ocorreu pela aplicação de questionário junto aos proprietários, com temas referentes às características do rebanho, instalações, manejo sanitário, nutricional e reprodutivo eperfil do criador. A caprinocultura foi caracterizada como atividade complementar da renda de pequenos produtores rurais, com a maioria do rebanho representado por animais de padrão racial não definido e pela raça Saanen. A atividade é voltada ao consumo familiar com baixo uso tecnológico e produção leiteira para atendimento do comércio local. Enquanto que na ovinocultura, os rebanhos são compostos por animais puros e mestiços da raça Santa Inês mantidos em grandes áreas de terra devido a sua criação consorciada com bovinos. As falhas de manejo observadas nos rebanhos caprinos e ovinos comprometem a viabilidade do sistema de produção, contribuindo com maiores desafios para ovinocaprinocultura sergipana em atender a demanda do mercado consumidor do Estado(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento do Consumidor , Medicina VeterináriaResumo
Domestic and wild goats are very susceptible animals to predation, specially when pregnancy occurs. This study aimed to evaluate the use of goat fetal ovarian tissue for vitrification followed by xenotransplantation and fresh xenotransplantation in two immunosuppressed mice models (C57BL/6 SCID and Balb-C NUDE). Goat fetus ovaries were collected in slaughterhouses, divided into small cortical pieces and were destined for fresh xenotransplantation (FX) and cryopreservation followed by xenotransplantation (CX). Five recipients from each lineage were used for FX and 10 animals from each lineage for CX. The mice were euthanized after 65 postoperative days, and the transplants were collected for microscopic assessment. The blood plasma was collected for estradiol measurement. Independently of mice strain, all recipients presented complete estrus cycle in FX and 80% after CX groups. Follicles were observed at all development stages without morphological changes. The volume density and total vessel surface observed in the transplants were different (p <0.01) between groups. The estradiol levels in the recipients did not differ (p <0.05) among the treatments. Thus, it is possible to activate the preantral follicles in the ovaries of fetuses by optimizing germplasm utilization and conservation of domestic and endangered wild goats that are in predatory situations, undesirable drowning or accidental death, since provided conditions for xenotransplantation are performed.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Camundongos , Criopreservação , Fase Folicular , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Vitrificação , Transplante HeterólogoResumo
Reproductive efficiency is critically dependent on embryo survival, establishment of a successful pregnancy and placental development. Recent advances in gene editing technology have enabled investigators to use gene knockdown and knockout approaches to better understand the role of hormone signaling in placental function and fetal growth and development. In this review, an overview of ruminant placentation will be provided, including recent data highlighting the role of histone lysine demethylase 1A and androgen signaling in ruminant placenta and pregnancy. Studies in ruminant placenta establish a role for histone lysine demethylase 1A in controlling genetic networks necessary for important cellular events such as cell proliferation and angiogenesis, as well as androgen receptor signaling during early placentation.
Feminino , Animais , Histona Desmetilases , Placenta , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Ruminantes/genética , AndrogêniosResumo
Reproductive efficiency is critically dependent on embryo survival, establishment of a successful pregnancy and placental development. Recent advances in gene editing technology have enabled investigators to use gene knockdown and knockout approaches to better understand the role of hormone signaling in placental function and fetal growth and development. In this review, an overview of ruminant placentation will be provided, including recent data highlighting the role of histone lysine demethylase 1A and androgen signaling in ruminant placenta and pregnancy. Studies in ruminant placenta establish a role for histone lysine demethylase 1A in controlling genetic networks necessary for important cellular events such as cell proliferation and angiogenesis, as well as androgen receptor signaling during early placentation.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/genética , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Placenta , Histona Desmetilases , AndrogêniosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate non-carcass components of goats submitted to grazing in the Caatinga rangeland and supplemented with spineless cactus (Nopalea cochelinifera Salm Dick), Jitirana hay (Merremia aegyptia L. Urban) and Mororó hay (Bauhinia cheilanta Bong Stend). Thirty male goats (castrated), with no defined breed, with an initial mean body weight of 19 ± 0.35 kg and approximately 90 days of age were used. The treatments consisted of grazing without supplementation (GWS), grazing + Jitirana hay (GJ); grazing + Jitirana hay + spineless cactus (GJSC); grazing + Mororó hay (GM); grazing + Mororó hay + spineless cactus (GMSC). The means of the variables were tested by Tukey's test at 5% probability. The goats fed GWS, GJSC, GM and GMSC presented higher weights and yields of the diaphragm, and the spleen weight (p < 0.05). The highest yield of omasum (p < 0.05) occurred with goats fed GJ treatment. There were treatments (p < 0.05) on omental fat weight and leg yield, with the highest values for goats, fed GWS, GJSC, GM, and GMSC. The "Buchada" EBW-1 yield was higher (p < 0.05) for animals fed GWS. Feeding supplementation of goats grazing in the Caatinga had few influences on weights and yields of non-carcass componentes.(AU)
Animais , Cactaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/metabolismo , Pastagens/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do LactenteResumo
Domestic and wild goats are very susceptible animals to predation, specially when pregnancy occurs. This study aimed to evaluate the use of goat fetal ovarian tissue for vitrification followed by xenotransplantation and fresh xenotransplantation in two immunosuppressed mice models (C57BL/6 SCID and Balb-C NUDE). Goat fetus ovaries were collected in slaughterhouses, divided into small cortical pieces and were destined for fresh xenotransplantation (FX) and cryopreservation followed by xenotransplantation (CX). Five recipients from each lineage were used for FX and 10 animals from each lineage for CX. The mice were euthanized after 65 postoperative days, and the transplants were collected for microscopic assessment. The blood plasma was collected for estradiol measurement. Independently of mice strain, all recipients presented complete estrus cycle in FX and 80% after CX groups. Follicles were observed at all development stages without morphological changes. The volume density and total vessel surface observed in the transplants were different (p <0.01) between groups. The estradiol levels in the recipients did not differ (p <0.05) among the treatments. Thus, it is possible to activate the preantral follicles in the ovaries of fetuses by optimizing germplasm utilization and conservation of domestic and endangered wild goats that are in predatory situations, undesirable drowning or accidental death, since provided conditions for xenotransplantation are performed.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Camundongos , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Vitrificação , Fase Folicular , Criopreservação , Transplante HeterólogoResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate non-carcass components of goats submitted to grazing in the Caatinga rangeland and supplemented with spineless cactus (Nopalea cochelinifera Salm Dick), Jitirana hay (Merremia aegyptia L. Urban) and Mororó hay (Bauhinia cheilanta Bong Stend). Thirty male goats (castrated), with no defined breed, with an initial mean body weight of 19 ± 0.35 kg and approximately 90 days of age were used. The treatments consisted of grazing without supplementation (GWS), grazing + Jitirana hay (GJ); grazing + Jitirana hay + spineless cactus (GJSC); grazing + Mororó hay (GM); grazing + Mororó hay + spineless cactus (GMSC). The means of the variables were tested by Tukey's test at 5% probability. The goats fed GWS, GJSC, GM and GMSC presented higher weights and yields of the diaphragm, and the spleen weight (p < 0.05). The highest yield of omasum (p < 0.05) occurred with goats fed GJ treatment. There were treatments (p < 0.05) on omental fat weight and leg yield, with the highest values for goats, fed GWS, GJSC, GM, and GMSC. The "Buchada" EBW-1 yield was higher (p < 0.05) for animals fed GWS. Feeding supplementation of goats grazing in the Caatinga had few influences on weights and yields of non-carcass componentes.
Animais , Cactaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/metabolismo , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do Lactente , Pastagens/análiseResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar a inclusão de ureia na dieta de cabritos sobre o desempenho e características de carcaça. Foram utilizados 18 cabritos (150 dias de idade e 21 Kg de peso) distribuídos em dois grupos com dietas isoproteicas. Os animais do grupo controle (GC) foram alimentados com ração sem ureia na sua composição, enquanto os animais do outro grupo (GU) foram alimentados com ração com 1% da MS de ureia na base da matéria seca. Avaliou-se o ganho de peso médio (g/dia), biometrias corporais, assim como o peso e rendimento de carcaça nos animais. Não houve diferenças significativas em nenhuma das variáveis estudadas (p>0,05), como: ganho de peso (g/dia) (GU: 122,1 ± 11,89 vsGC: 132,9 ± 4,97), perímetro torácico (cm) (GU: 73,0 ± 1,2 vsGC: 74,5 ± 0,57), comprimento corporal (cm) (GU: 74,0 ± 1,42 vsGC: 73,67 ± 0,70), peso ao abate (kg) (GU: 34,39 ± 1,76 vsGC: 36,56 ± 0,96), rendimentos de carcaça quente (%) (GU: 47,37 ± 0,82 vsGC: 47,23 ± 0,72) e fria (GU: 45,64 ± 0,60 vsGC: 45,84 ± 0,70). Conclui-se que o uso de 1% de ureia na MS da dieta de caprinos machos jovem não afeta o desempenho dos animais e as características de carcaça.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of inclusion of urea in the diet of goats on performance and carcass traits. Eighteen kids (150 days old and 21 kg of weight) were divided into two groups receiving isoprotein diets. The animals in the control group (CG) were fed ration without urea, while the animals in the urea group (UG) were fed ration with 1% urea on a dry matter basis. Average weight gain (g/day), body biometrics, and carcass weight and yield were evaluated in the animals. There were no significant differences in any of the variables studied (p>0.05): weight gain (g/day) (UG: 122.1 ± 11.89 vsCG: 132.9 ± 4.97), chest circumference (cm) (UG: 73.0 ± 1.2 vsCG: 74.5 ± 0.57), body length (cm) (UG: 74.0 ± 1.42 vsCG: 73.67 ± 0.70), slaughter weight (kg) (UG: 34.39 ± 1.76 vsCG: 36.56 ± 0.96), hot carcass yield (%) (UG: 47.37 ± 0.82 vsCG: 47.23 ± 0.72), or cold carcass yield (UG: 45.64 ± 0.60 vsCG: 45.84 ± 0.70). In conclusion, the addition of 1% urea in the DM to the diet of young male goats does not affect the performance of the animals or carcass traits.
Animais , Aumento de Peso , Nitrogênio , Pesos e Medidas Corporais , Ração Animal , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ureia/administração & dosagemResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar a inclusão de ureia na dieta de cabritos sobre o desempenho e características de carcaça. Foram utilizados 18 cabritos (150 dias de idade e 21 Kg de peso) distribuídos em dois grupos com dietas isoproteicas. Os animais do grupo controle (GC) foram alimentados com ração sem ureia na sua composição, enquanto os animais do outro grupo (GU) foram alimentados com ração com 1% da MS de ureia na base da matéria seca. Avaliou-se o ganho de peso médio (g/dia), biometrias corporais, assim como o peso e rendimento de carcaça nos animais. Não houve diferenças significativas em nenhuma das variáveis estudadas (p>0,05), como: ganho de peso (g/dia) (GU: 122,1 ± 11,89 vsGC: 132,9 ± 4,97), perímetro torácico (cm) (GU: 73,0 ± 1,2 vsGC: 74,5 ± 0,57), comprimento corporal (cm) (GU: 74,0 ± 1,42 vsGC: 73,67 ± 0,70), peso ao abate (kg) (GU: 34,39 ± 1,76 vsGC: 36,56 ± 0,96), rendimentos de carcaça quente (%) (GU: 47,37 ± 0,82 vsGC: 47,23 ± 0,72) e fria (GU: 45,64 ± 0,60 vsGC: 45,84 ± 0,70). Conclui-se que o uso de 1% de ureia na MS da dieta de caprinos machos jovem não afeta o desempenho dos animais e as características de carcaça.(AU)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of inclusion of urea in the diet of goats on performance and carcass traits. Eighteen kids (150 days old and 21 kg of weight) were divided into two groups receiving isoprotein diets. The animals in the control group (CG) were fed ration without urea, while the animals in the urea group (UG) were fed ration with 1% urea on a dry matter basis. Average weight gain (g/day), body biometrics, and carcass weight and yield were evaluated in the animals. There were no significant differences in any of the variables studied (p>0.05): weight gain (g/day) (UG: 122.1 ± 11.89 vsCG: 132.9 ± 4.97), chest circumference (cm) (UG: 73.0 ± 1.2 vsCG: 74.5 ± 0.57), body length (cm) (UG: 74.0 ± 1.42 vsCG: 73.67 ± 0.70), slaughter weight (kg) (UG: 34.39 ± 1.76 vsCG: 36.56 ± 0.96), hot carcass yield (%) (UG: 47.37 ± 0.82 vsCG: 47.23 ± 0.72), or cold carcass yield (UG: 45.64 ± 0.60 vsCG: 45.84 ± 0.70). In conclusion, the addition of 1% urea in the DM to the diet of young male goats does not affect the performance of the animals or carcass traits.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Ureia/administração & dosagem , Ração Animal , Pesos e Medidas Corporais , Aumento de Peso , NitrogênioResumo
The morphology of the ruminal and omasal mucosa and hepatic parenchyma of 44 young bulls submitted to four types of concentrates were evaluated by varying the inclusion level of crude Glycerin - CG (0, 6, 12 and 18%). The variables evaluated were number of ruminal papillae per cm² of wall; area of the papillae and total absorption surface per cm² of wall; Mitotic index - MI, height and area of ruminal and omasal papillae; and hepatic morphology. The samples processed for inclusion in paraffin and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin. The different levels of inclusion of CG in the diet did not interfere either in the number of papillae per cm2 of rumen wall (P= 0,70) or in the ruminal absorptive surface area (P= 0,89). Animals that received diets with levels 12 and 18% had higher MI of the ruminal epithelium (P< 0.01), but higher cell proliferation wasn't reflected in height gain and papillary area (P= 0,82). The omasal mucosa wasn't influenced by the inclusion of CG (MI e height gain and papillary area, P= 0,43, P= 0,56 e P= 0,9, respectively). The inclusion of GB in up to 18% of diet dry matter didn't alter the morphology of the rumen and omaso mucosa; and the integrity hepatic parenchyma.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Omaso/anatomia & histologia , Rúmen/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Glicerol/administração & dosagem , Fígado/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Neospora caninum has been described as a parasite that sporadically causes reproductive problems in goats. Several aspects of the pathogenesis of neosporosis in naturally infected goats remain to be established. The aims of the present study were to characterize the placental lesions in goats naturally infected by N. caninum and to evaluate several diagnostic techniques for effective detection of this protozoan in the goat placenta. Some placentas in this study originated from abortion and stillbirth in which there were severe lesions. The lesions were characterized mainly by necrosis involving the mesenchyme of the chorionic villi and trophoblast cells often alongside mononuclear inflammation and in some cases with neutrophilic infiltration. N. caninum DNA was detected in these placentas, but parasite structures were not visualized through immunohistochemistry (IHC). However, five of 11 placentas from N. caninum-infected goats that gave birth to healthy kids had histological lesions characterized by mononuclear inflammation. Of these 11 placentas, N. caninum DNA was detected in seven, and N. caninum tachyzoites were detected in only one of these seven placentas using IHC. The present study demonstrates that severe lesions in the placenta are associated with abortion and stillbirth in caprine neosporosis and the placental alterations are likely involved in abortion pathogenesis. Moreover, the results highlight the importance of using more than one diagnostic technique for the detection of the protozoan in placentas because N. caninum cannot be reliably detected by histological and immunohistochemical tests.(AU)
Neospora caninum é descrito como um parasito que causa problemas reprodutivos esporádicos em cabras. Muitos aspectos da patogênese da neosporose em cabras naturalmente infectadas ainda precisam ser estabelecidos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar as lesões placentárias em cabras naturalmente infectadas por N. caninum e avaliar as técnicas diagnósticas para a detecção efetiva do protozoário na placenta. Algumas placentas deste estudo são originárias de abortos e natimortos, nas quais havia lesões graves. As lesões foram classificadas principalmente por necrose envolvendo o mesênquima das vilosidades coriônicas e células trofoblásticas, geralmente associadas a infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear e em alguns casos infiltrado neutrofílico. O DNA do N. caninum foi detectado nestas placentas, porém estruturas parasitárias não foram visualizadas na imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Entretanto, cinco das onze placentas de cabras infectadas, que deram à luz a conceptos saudáveis, apresentaram lesões histológicas caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. Destas 11 placentas, foi detectado DNA de N. caninum em sete e taquizoítos foram encontrados em apenas uma por meio de imuno-histoquímica. O presente estudo demonstra que abortos e natimortos na espécie caprina, causados pelo N. caninum estão associados a lesões acentuadas nas placentas, sendo que as mesmas estão envolvidas na patogênese do aborto. Os resultados também ressaltam a importância do uso de mais de uma técnica diagnóstica para a detecção do protozoário em placentas, pois o N. caninum não pode ser confiavelmente detectado somente pelos exames de histopatologia e imuno-histoquímica.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Neospora/parasitologia , Aborto Animal/diagnósticoResumo
Neospora caninum has been described as a parasite that sporadically causes reproductive problems in goats. Several aspects of the pathogenesis of neosporosis in naturally infected goats remain to be established. The aims of the present study were to characterize the placental lesions in goats naturally infected by N. caninum and to evaluate several diagnostic techniques for effective detection of this protozoan in the goat placenta. Some placentas in this study originated from abortion and stillbirth in which there were severe lesions. The lesions were characterized mainly by necrosis involving the mesenchyme of the chorionic villi and trophoblast cells often alongside mononuclear inflammation and in some cases with neutrophilic infiltration. N. caninum DNA was detected in these placentas, but parasite structures were not visualized through immunohistochemistry (IHC). However, five of 11 placentas from N. caninum-infected goats that gave birth to healthy kids had histological lesions characterized by mononuclear inflammation. Of these 11 placentas, N. caninum DNA was detected in seven, and N. caninum tachyzoites were detected in only one of these seven placentas using IHC. The present study demonstrates that severe lesions in the placenta are associated with abortion and stillbirth in caprine neosporosis and the placental alterations are likely involved in abortion pathogenesis. Moreover, the results highlight the importance of using more than one diagnostic technique for the detection of the protozoan in placentas because N. caninum cannot be reliably detected by histological and immunohistochemical tests.(AU)
Neospora caninum é descrito como um parasito que causa problemas reprodutivos esporádicos em cabras. Muitos aspectos da patogênese da neosporose em cabras naturalmente infectadas ainda precisam ser estabelecidos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar as lesões placentárias em cabras naturalmente infectadas por N. caninum e avaliar as técnicas diagnósticas para a detecção efetiva do protozoário na placenta. Algumas placentas deste estudo são originárias de abortos e natimortos, nas quais havia lesões graves. As lesões foram classificadas principalmente por necrose envolvendo o mesênquima das vilosidades coriônicas e células trofoblásticas, geralmente associadas a infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear e em alguns casos infiltrado neutrofílico. O DNA do N. caninum foi detectado nestas placentas, porém estruturas parasitárias não foram visualizadas na imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Entretanto, cinco das onze placentas de cabras infectadas, que deram à luz a conceptos saudáveis, apresentaram lesões histológicas caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. Destas 11 placentas, foi detectado DNA de N. caninum em sete e taquizoítos foram encontrados em apenas uma por meio de imuno-histoquímica. O presente estudo demonstra que abortos e natimortos na espécie caprina, causados pelo N. caninum estão associados a lesões acentuadas nas placentas, sendo que as mesmas estão envolvidas na patogênese do aborto. Os resultados também ressaltam a importância do uso de mais de uma técnica diagnóstica para a detecção do protozoário em placentas, pois o N. caninum não pode ser confiavelmente detectado somente pelos exames de histopatologia e imuno-histoquímica.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Neospora/parasitologia , Aborto Animal/diagnóstico , Doenças Placentárias/veterináriaResumo
Using the goniometric method, it is possible to take measures of extension, flexion, abduction, and adduction of a synovial joint. The aim of this study was to use goniometry to compare flexion and extension of fore and hind limbs of Saanen goats at different ages. Flexion and extension angles of the shoulder, elbow, and carpus joints, as well as of the thigh, stifle, and tarsus joints, were measured using a standard goniometer on 10 six-month-old goats and on 15 three-year-old goats. The range of motion was reduced in all joints of the adult animals compared to that of the younger animals, but the difference was statistically significant only for the shoulder, elbow, stifle, and tarsus. It was noted that the greater muscle volume of adult animals influenced the flexion capacity of limbs (statistically verified for all joints), whereas young animals reached a more complete flexion with smaller angles than in adults. Therefore, we have shown that age affects goniometric measurements of synovial joints in Saanen goats. Such data may be useful in evaluation of joints in other goats.(AU)
Por meio do método goniométrico é possível tomar medidas de extensão e de flexão, abdução e adução de uma articulação sinovial. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os dados goniométricos dos membros torácicos e pélvicos de cabras da raça Saanen em diferentes idades quando submetidos a movimentos de extensão e flexão. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 10 cabras de seis meses de idade e 15 de três anos para medir os ângulos de flexão e extensão das articulações do ombro, cotovelo e carpo, bem como das articulações da coxa, joelho e do tarso com a utilização de um goniômetro universal. A amplitude de movimento foi reduzida em animais adultos em todas as articulações, mas estatisticamente significativa no ombro, cotovelo, joelho e tarso. Durante as medições verificou-se que o volume maior do músculo de animais adultos influenciou a capacidade de flexão dos membros, estatisticamente mostrado em todas as articulações estudadas. Por outro lado, os animais jovens atingiram flexão mais completa, com ângulos menores do que em adultos. Portanto, houve diferenças entre as idades estatisticamente significativas nos valores goniométricos dos membros torácicos e pélvicos quando esses foram submetidos a movimentos de flexão e extensão. Confirma-se, pois, que a idade interfere nos valores goniométricos das articulações sinoviais dos animais da raça Saanen e esses dados poderão ser utilizados na avaliação articular de caprinos.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/anatomia & histologia , Artrometria Articular/veterinária , Resistência à FlexãoResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of antibodies against small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) in goats and sheep slaughtered in the state of Paraíba, in the Northeast semiarid region of Brazil. Blood was collected from 500 goats and 500 sheep in slaughterhouses in the municipalities of Alhandra, Guarabira, Esperança, Picuí, Monteiro, Sumé, Patos, Piancó, Catolé do Rocha, and Sousa. The agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test was used for the diagnosis of SRLV infection. Of the 1,000 animals analyzed, 28 (2.8%) were seropositive, with a frequency of 3% (15/500) in goats and 2.6% (13/500) in sheep. It was also observed that no significant difference was present in seropositivity among the different municipalities. The low frequency of seropositive animals can be explained by the fact that most of the sampled animals came from extensive breeding herds consisting of meat production native breeds and crossbred animals.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a frequência de anticorpos contra lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes (LVPR) em caprinos e ovinos abatidos no Estado da Paraíba, região semiárida do Nordeste brasileiro. Foi coletado sangue de 500 caprinos e 500 ovinos nos abatedouros dos municípios de Alhandra, Guarabira, Esperança, Picuí, Monteiro, Sumé, Patos, Piancó, Catolé do Rocha e Sousa. Para o diagnóstico da infecção por LVPR, foi utilizado o teste de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA). Dos 1.000 animais analisados, 28 (2,8%) foram soropositivos, com frequência de 3% (15/500) nos caprinos e 2,6% (13/500) nos ovinos. Observou-se, ainda, que não houve diferença significativa entre os diferentes municípios com relação à soropositividade. A baixa frequência de animais soropositivos pode ser explicada pela maioria de animais amostrados serem procedentes de rebanhos com criação extensiva, compostos por animais de raças nativas com aptidão de corte e mestiços.