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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1719-Jan. 30, 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458241


Background: The crystallization of bodily fluids, primarily saliva, has been the subject of study in many species and is asimple alternative to detect estrus because it demands neither a significant financial investment nor qualified professionalsto execute the examination. Fern pattern crystallization has been described in the cervical and nasal mucus, saliva andtear secretion, and in colostrum. Changes in salivary crystallization during the reproduction cycle are related to differenthormonal concentrations in this period. Thus, the present study has evaluated the patterns of saliva crystallization in sheepsubjected to estrus induction and synchronization protocols.Materials, Methods & Results: The sample consisted of 11 crossbreed Corriedale sheep, which were evaluated during twoexperimental periods (spring and autumn), and that underwent induction and synchronizing estrus protocols. In a randomphase of the estrus cycle (day 0), each sheep was implanted with an intravaginal device (Primer®), impregnated with 0.36g of progesterone for seven days. This device was inserted according to manufacturer’s instructions of the manufacturerand with the assistance of a specific applicator. On the day of device removal (day 7), the animals received 0.0375 mg ofD-Cloprostenol (Prolise®) and 10 mg of Folltropin® extracted from the swine pituitary (NIH-FSH-P1 of Folltropin-V) byintramuscular administration. The saliva was collected at six points during the experimental periods: day 1 (3 days beforeplacement of the implant); day 4 (day of insertion of the implant); day 9 (5 days after the insertion of the implant); day11 (day of removal of the implant and application of hormones); day 12 (24 h after removal of the implant [presumableestrus]); and day 13 (48 h after removal of the implant). Smears containing 10 µL of saliva were observed under an opticallight microscope...

Feminino , Animais , Detecção do Estro/métodos , Estro , Ovinos , Saliva , Sincronização do Estro
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48: Pub. 1719, Feb. 8, 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25755


Background: The crystallization of bodily fluids, primarily saliva, has been the subject of study in many species and is asimple alternative to detect estrus because it demands neither a significant financial investment nor qualified professionalsto execute the examination. Fern pattern crystallization has been described in the cervical and nasal mucus, saliva andtear secretion, and in colostrum. Changes in salivary crystallization during the reproduction cycle are related to differenthormonal concentrations in this period. Thus, the present study has evaluated the patterns of saliva crystallization in sheepsubjected to estrus induction and synchronization protocols.Materials, Methods & Results: The sample consisted of 11 crossbreed Corriedale sheep, which were evaluated during twoexperimental periods (spring and autumn), and that underwent induction and synchronizing estrus protocols. In a randomphase of the estrus cycle (day 0), each sheep was implanted with an intravaginal device (Primer®), impregnated with 0.36g of progesterone for seven days. This device was inserted according to manufacturers instructions of the manufacturerand with the assistance of a specific applicator. On the day of device removal (day 7), the animals received 0.0375 mg ofD-Cloprostenol (Prolise®) and 10 mg of Folltropin® extracted from the swine pituitary (NIH-FSH-P1 of Folltropin-V) byintramuscular administration. The saliva was collected at six points during the experimental periods: day 1 (3 days beforeplacement of the implant); day 4 (day of insertion of the implant); day 9 (5 days after the insertion of the implant); day11 (day of removal of the implant and application of hormones); day 12 (24 h after removal of the implant [presumableestrus]); and day 13 (48 h after removal of the implant). Smears containing 10 µL of saliva were observed under an opticallight microscope...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovinos , Detecção do Estro/métodos , Estro , Sincronização do Estro , Saliva
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(3): 287-290, Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-842056


This study aimed to evaluate the ability of a saliva collection device (Salivette®) to measure cortisol levels in saliva samples of domestic cats and to assess the effect of a synthetic analogue of the feline facial pheromone fraction F3 (Feliway®) on cortisol levels. A total of 28 domestic cats from a private high-quality sanctuary were sampled before exposure to the facial pheromone and after 35 days of exposure. Two pheromone devices were placed in the area where the animals ate to guarantee the exposure of all cats. The collecting device yielded a sufficient volume of saliva (≥0.20mL) to allow cortisol measurement. Cortisol measurements ranged from 0.02g/dL to 0.16µg/dL, with a difference between before (42.1%) and after (62.6%) exposure to the pheromone (F=3.2351; p≤0.0002). No difference in cortisol levels was observed between before (x =0.078µg/dL) and after (x =0.066µg/dL) (t=1.79; p=0.08) exposure. However, salivary cortisol levels decreased in 75% (21/28) of the cats after exposure (x 2=12.07; p=0.0005), suggesting that the animals have different susceptibilities to the pheromone or that they spent different lengths of time in the area where the pheromone devices were installed.(AU)

O presente estudo avaliou o uso de um dispositivo de coleta salivar (Salivette®) para mensurar o cortisol salivar de gatos domésticos e avaliar o efeito do análogo sintético do feromônio facial felino - fração F3 (Feliway®) sobre seus níveis de cortisol. Um total de 28 gatos domésticos mantidos em gatil particular tiveram amostras de saliva coletadas antes da exposição ao feromônio facial felino e após 35 dias de exposição. Dois difusores de feromônio foram instalados na área onde os animais se alimentavam, a fim de garantir que todos os gatos fossem expostos. Os dispositivos de coleta salivar permitiram a coleta de volume salivar suficiente (≥0,20 mL) para a mensuração do cortisol. Os níveis de cortisol salivar variaram de 0,02g/dL a 0,16ug/dL, com coeficiente de variação de 42,1% antes e de 62,6% após à exposição ao feromônio (F=3.2351; p≤ 0.0002). Não foi verificada diferença entre os níveis de cortisol salivar nas amostras obtidas antes (x =0,078µg/dL) e após (x =0,066µg/dL) (t=1,79; p=0,08) à exposição. Entretanto, os níveis de cortisol salivar diminuíram em 75% (21/28) dos gatos expostos ao feromônio (x 2=12,07; p=0,0005), sugerindo que os animais apresentam susceptibilidade diferente ao feromônio facial sintético ou que passaram períodos de tempo distintos na área onde os difusores foram instalados.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Comportamento Animal , Hidrocortisona/análise , Feromônios/análise , Saliva/química , Estresse Psicológico , Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(3): 287-290, mar. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16804


This study aimed to evaluate the ability of a saliva collection device (Salivette®) to measure cortisol levels in saliva samples of domestic cats and to assess the effect of a synthetic analogue of the feline facial pheromone fraction F3 (Feliway®) on cortisol levels. A total of 28 domestic cats from a private high-quality sanctuary were sampled before exposure to the facial pheromone and after 35 days of exposure. Two pheromone devices were placed in the area where the animals ate to guarantee the exposure of all cats. The collecting device yielded a sufficient volume of saliva (≥0.20mL) to allow cortisol measurement. Cortisol measurements ranged from 0.02g/dL to 0.16µg/dL, with a difference between before (42.1%) and after (62.6%) exposure to the pheromone (F=3.2351; p≤0.0002). No difference in cortisol levels was observed between before (x =0.078µg/dL) and after (x =0.066µg/dL) (t=1.79; p=0.08) exposure. However, salivary cortisol levels decreased in 75% (21/28) of the cats after exposure (x 2=12.07; p=0.0005), suggesting that the animals have different susceptibilities to the pheromone or that they spent different lengths of time in the area where the pheromone devices were installed.(AU)

O presente estudo avaliou o uso de um dispositivo de coleta salivar (Salivette®) para mensurar o cortisol salivar de gatos domésticos e avaliar o efeito do análogo sintético do feromônio facial felino - fração F3 (Feliway®) sobre seus níveis de cortisol. Um total de 28 gatos domésticos mantidos em gatil particular tiveram amostras de saliva coletadas antes da exposição ao feromônio facial felino e após 35 dias de exposição. Dois difusores de feromônio foram instalados na área onde os animais se alimentavam, a fim de garantir que todos os gatos fossem expostos. Os dispositivos de coleta salivar permitiram a coleta de volume salivar suficiente (≥0,20 mL) para a mensuração do cortisol. Os níveis de cortisol salivar variaram de 0,02g/dL a 0,16ug/dL, com coeficiente de variação de 42,1% antes e de 62,6% após à exposição ao feromônio (F=3.2351; p≤ 0.0002). Não foi verificada diferença entre os níveis de cortisol salivar nas amostras obtidas antes (x =0,078µg/dL) e após (x =0,066µg/dL) (t=1,79; p=0,08) à exposição. Entretanto, os níveis de cortisol salivar diminuíram em 75% (21/28) dos gatos expostos ao feromônio (x 2=12,07; p=0,0005), sugerindo que os animais apresentam susceptibilidade diferente ao feromônio facial sintético ou que passaram períodos de tempo distintos na área onde os difusores foram instalados.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Feromônios/análise , Hidrocortisona/análise , Comportamento Animal , Estresse Psicológico , Saliva/química , Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(5): 453-458, maio 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734764


Desmama é uma fase crítica na vida do suíno devido a separação materna e a introdução de uma dieta seca. A termografia infravermelha medida na região ocular se mostra como um indicador confiável para a condição de estresse pontual de suínos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre medidas de termografia infravermelha da superfície ocular e de cortisol em situações de estresse em leitões na pós desmama. Foram avaliados 66 leitões, uma vez por semana, durante sete semanas, em dois períodos do dia (7h e 15h) com medidas de temperatura superficial ocular, temperatura superficial do dorso e amostras de saliva para determinação de cortisol salivar. A análise estatística contemplou os efeitos fixos de semana e período do dia e sua interação e correlações de Pearson para relação entre termografia ocular, temperatura superficial e cortisol a 5% de significância. Cortisol salivar não diferiu entre os períodos, mas foi superior nas três primeiras semanas após o desmame (P<0,05). Nas duas primeiras semanas após a desmama, o cortisol apresentou correlação alta e positiva (P<0,05) com a temperatura ocular máxima (0,89) e a temperatura superficial do dorso (0,80). As duas temperaturas superficiais apresentaram uma associação moderada positiva (r=0,41; P<0,0001) durante todo o período experimental. Este estudo destaca que a temperatura de superfície ocular obtida por meio da termografia infravermelha pode ser um indicador de temperatura de superfície corporal e estado de bem-estar de leitões em fase de creche, além de ser um método não invasivo e de rápida mensuração. Entretanto, mais pesquisas são necessárias para aprofundar a relação entre temperatura ocular e cortisol durante estresse crônico.(AU)

Weaning is a critical phase in pigs life due to maternal separation and the introduction of a new diet. Infrared thermography measurement taken in the ocular region appears to be a reliable indicator of the stress condition of the pig. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between ocular surface temperature by infrared thermography and cortisol in piglets post weaning. Sixty-six piglets were evaluated once a week, during 7 weeks, in two periods of the day (7am and 15pm) and ocular surface temperature and dorsal surface temperature were collected using a thermographic camera and a laser surface thermometer, respectively. Saliva was also collected to determine salivary cortisol. Statistical analysis included fixed effects of week and period of the day and their interaction, and relationship between thermography, dorsal surface temperature and cortisol were done by Pearsons correlations with 5% significance level. Salivary cortisol did not differ between periods, but it was higher in the first three weeks after weaning (P<0.05). During the first two weeks after weaning cortisol presented high and positive correlation (P<0.05) between ocular surface temperature (0.89) and dorsal surface temperature (0.80). The two superficial temperatures had a moderate and positive association (r=0.41; P<0.0001) during all experiment. This study highlights that the ocular surface temperature obtained through infrared thermography can be a superficial body temperature indicators, besides being a non-invasive and fast method of measurement. However, more research is needed to deepen the relationship between ocular surface temperature and cortisol during chronic stress.(AU)

Animais , Suínos , Termografia/métodos , Termografia/veterinária , Hidrocortisona/análise , Saliva , Olho , Temperatura Cutânea , Bem-Estar do Animal , Desmame
Vet. Zoot. ; 24(3): 613-619, set. 2017. mapas
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17797


A raiva é uma enfermidade infectocontagiosa de caráter zoonótico, causada pelo vírus da raiva (RABV). Os quirópteros juntamente com os canídeos são os principais reservatórios do RABV, sendo responsáveis respectivamente pela manutenção dos ciclos aéreo e terrestre da doença. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar interações entre o vírus e o reservatório no ciclo aéreo da raiva. Para isto, a presença do RABV foi investigada em amostras de saliva de morcegos de diferentes espécies. Foram realizadas trinta e seis capturas de morcegos, na Região de Maringá, Paraná, sul do Brasil, no período de abril a dezembro de 2013. Os morcegos foram capturados com auxílio de redes de nylon e acondicionados em sacos de algodão. Foram registrados os dados biométricos e coletada uma amostra de swab oral de cada exemplar. Para a identificação do RABV, foi realizada a técnica de Semi-Nested RT-PCR (“Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction”) tendo como alvo o gene N que codifica a nucleoproteína do vírus. A análise de dados foi realizada por estatística descritiva. Ao longo do estudo, foram capturados 444 morcegos, pertencentes a quatro famílias e quinze espécies. O RABV não foi identificado em nenhuma das amostras analisadas. Estes resultados demonstram a ausência de excreção do RABV pela saliva de morcegos saudáveis na região alvo do estudo e salientam para a necessidade de mais estudos sobre a manutenção da raiva nas diferentes espécies de morcegos.(AU)

Rabies is an zoonotic infectious disease, caused by rabies virus (RABV). The bats with canids are the main RABV reservoirs, accounting respectively for maintaining the air cycles and terrestrial of the disease. This study aimed to identify interactions between the virus and the reservoir in air rabies cycle. For this, the presence of RABV was investigated in bat saliva samples from different species. Thirty-six capture bats were held in Maringá Region Parana, southern Brazil, from April to December 2013. The bats were captured with the help of nylon nets and placed in cotton bags. Were registered biometric data and collected a sample of oral swab of each especimen. For the identification of RABV, the semi-nested RT-PCR technique ("Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction") targeting the N gene encodes the nucleoprotein of the virus was performed. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. Throughout the study, were captured 444 bats belonging to four families and fifteen species. The RABV was not identified in the evaluated samples. These results demonstrate the absence of excretion of RABV in the saliva of healthy bats in the studied area and reinforce the need for more studies about the maintenance of rabies in different species of bats.(AU)

La rabia es una enfermedad infecciosa de zoonótica causada por el virus de la rabia (RABV). Los murciélagos con los cánidos son los principales reservorios RABV, que representan, respectivamente, para el mantenimiento de los ciclos de aire y terrestre de la enfermedad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar las interacciones entre el virus y el reservatório en el ciclo aéreo de la rabia. Para ello, la presencia de RABV se investigó en muestras de saliva de murciélago de diferentes especies. treinta y seis colecciones de murciélagos de hisopos orales se llevaron a cabo en Maringá Región Paraná, sur de Brasil, de abril a diciembre de 2013. Los murciélagos fueron capturadas con la ayuda de redes de nylon y se colocaron en bolsas de algodón eran registrado los datos biométricos y se recogió una muestra de hisopo bucal de cada individuo. Para la identificación de RABV, la técnica de semi-anidada RT-PCR ( "reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de transcripción inversa") en el gen N se realizó codifica la nucleoproteína del virus. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva. Durante todo el estudio, 444 murciélagos fueron capturados pertenecientes a cuatro familias y quince especies. El RABV no fue identificado en ninguna de las muestras. Estos resultados demuestran la ausencia de RABV en excreción de la saliva de los murciélagos sanos en el estudio de la región de destino y subrayan la necesidad de más estudios sobre la ira de mantenimiento en diferentes especies de murciélagos.(AU)

Animais , Quirópteros/virologia , Vírus da Raiva/isolamento & purificação , Saliva/virologia , Raiva/epidemiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 22(1): 22-26, Jan-Jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502454


The aims of this study were evaluated testosterone levels in saliva and seminal plasma and correlate these informations with libido and sperm production of two lines of boars. The hormonal analysis was done using ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) and test F and Sperman correlation of SAS program was used for statistical analysis. There was no difference (P>0.05) between boar lines and testosterone levels in saliva and seminal plasma, collection length, semen volume and concentration and sperm motility and viability. Boars used in this study had libido, semen production and sperm cells considered normal and there was no difference between the lines. The results obtained can be classified as normal parameters expected in this situation.

Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os níveis de testosterona na saliva e no plasma seminal, correlacionando-os com a libido e a produção espermática de reprodutores suínos de duas linhagens de alto desempenho. As análises hormonais foram realizadas utilizando o método ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) e as análises estatísticas dos dados foram realizadas por meio do teste F e da correlação de Spearman pelo Software SAS. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre as linhagens de reprodutores quanto aos níveis de testosterona na saliva e no plasma seminal, duração da coleta, volume e concentração do ejaculado e motilidade e viabilidade espermática. Por serem animais com libido, produção de sêmen e motilidade espermática consideradas normais, não houve diferença entre as linhagens, sendo que os resultados obtidos podem ser classificados como parâmetros normais esperados nestas situações.

Animais , Hormônios/análise , Reprodução , Saliva/fisiologia , Sus scrofa/anatomia & histologia , Suínos/fisiologia , Sêmen/fisiologia , Testosterona/análise , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/instrumentação , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Libido , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides
Vet. Not. ; 22(1): 22-26, Jan-Jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15230


The aims of this study were evaluated testosterone levels in saliva and seminal plasma and correlate these informations with libido and sperm production of two lines of boars. The hormonal analysis was done using ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) and test F and Sperman correlation of SAS program was used for statistical analysis. There was no difference (P>0.05) between boar lines and testosterone levels in saliva and seminal plasma, collection length, semen volume and concentration and sperm motility and viability. Boars used in this study had libido, semen production and sperm cells considered normal and there was no difference between the lines. The results obtained can be classified as normal parameters expected in this situation.(AU)

Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os níveis de testosterona na saliva e no plasma seminal, correlacionando-os com a libido e a produção espermática de reprodutores suínos de duas linhagens de alto desempenho. As análises hormonais foram realizadas utilizando o método ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) e as análises estatísticas dos dados foram realizadas por meio do teste F e da correlação de Spearman pelo Software SAS. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre as linhagens de reprodutores quanto aos níveis de testosterona na saliva e no plasma seminal, duração da coleta, volume e concentração do ejaculado e motilidade e viabilidade espermática. Por serem animais com libido, produção de sêmen e motilidade espermática consideradas normais, não houve diferença entre as linhagens, sendo que os resultados obtidos podem ser classificados como parâmetros normais esperados nestas situações.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Testosterona/análise , Saliva/fisiologia , Sêmen/fisiologia , Hormônios/análise , Sus scrofa/anatomia & histologia , Reprodução , Libido , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/instrumentação , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 18(4): 259-268, out-dez. 2015.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-715236


O fluido oral é um líquido incolor e viscoso que resulta da combinação entre a saliva e os transudatos da cavidade oral, transudato da mucosa oral e fluido crevicular gengival. A saliva é secretada pelas glândulas salivares, enquanto o transudatos da cavidade oral tem origem nos capilares da mucosa e nos tecidos gengivais. O uso do fluido oral é assegurando por uma ampla base de investigações científicas na medicina humana e veterinária. Vários patógenos podem ser avaliados pela reatividade de anticorpos e ou identificação de antígenos. Além disso, o procedimento de coleta é simples, não invasivo e garante uma amostragem sistemática nos diagnósticos clínicos e em pesquisas. Por conseguinte, as informações relacionadas à secreção e composição, bem como os mecanismos de transporte dos componentes do fluido oral são de grande valor. Objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o fluido oral, enfatizando o processo de secreção, composição, mecanismos de transporte de substâncias, bem como suas aplicações clínicas e principais limitações nos seres humanos e nos animais domésticos.(AU)

The oral fluid is a colorless and viscous liquid that results from the combination of saliva and transudates of oral cavity, oral mucosal transudate and gingival crevicular fluid. Saliva is secreted from the salivary glands, while the transudates of oral cavity as its origin in capillary mucosa and gingival tissues. The use of oral fluid is thereby ensuring a broad base of scientific research in human and veterinary medicine. Several pathogens can be assessed by reactivity or identification of antibodies and antigens. Furthermore, the collection procedure is simple, noninvasive and provides a systematic sampling in clinical diagnostics and in research. Therefore, the information related to the secretion and composition as well as the transport mechanisms of the oral fluid components are of great value. The aim of this work is make a critical review of the oral fluid, emphasizing the process of secretion and composition, transport mechanisms of the substances present in the plasma to the oral cavity and its clinical applications and major limitations in humans and domestic animals.(AU)

El fluido oral es un líquido incoloro y viscoso que resulta de la combinación entre la saliva y los trasudados de la cavidad oral, trasudado de la mucosa oral y fluido crevicular gingival. La saliva es secretada por las glándulas salivales, mientras el trasudado de la cavidad oral tiene origen en los capilares de la mucosa y en los tejidos gingivales. El uso del fluido oral es garantizado por una amplia base de investigaciones científicas en la medicina humana y veterinaria. Varios agentes patógenos pueden ser evaluados por la reactividad de anticuerpos y/o la identificación de antígenos. Además, el procedimiento de recogida es simple, no invasivo, y asegura un muestreo sistemático en los diagnósticos clínicos y en la investigación. Por lo tanto, las informaciones relacionadas con la secreción y composición, así como los mecanismos de transporte de los componentes del fluido oral son importantes. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre el fluido oral, destacando el proceso de secreción, composición, mecanismos de transporte de sustancias, así como sus aplicaciones clínicas y principales limitaciones en los seres humanos y en los animales domésticos.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Saliva/fisiologia , Saliva/imunologia , Diagnóstico
R. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 74(4): 310-319, 2015. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-338139


The diagnosis of T. gondii infection is usually performed by serological tests, but the blood collection could be restricted in some groups as children. Antibodies are also found in other biological materials, such as saliva, whose sampling has been done by means of non-invasive procedure. Commercially available assays for performing antibody detection are standardized for analyzing serum samples. There are alternative techniques for detecting antibody in saliva, however they demand the use of equipment which is not easy to be used in field. Dot-ELISA is highly sensitivity and the results are of visual reading without any equipments, being available to be used in field studies, by means a rapid and efficient screening technique. Thus, a dot-ELISA with high sensitivity was standardized for detecting anti-T. gondii antibodies in saliva and serum by using samples from 20 adult volunteers. Sensitivity and specificity of the standardized dot-ELISA were similar in both saliva and serum samples, and precisely distinguishing the positive and negative samples, even in low antibody concentration-containing sample as saliva. Saliva showed to be as a potential biological material for detecting anti-T. gondii antibody in epidemiological studies on toxoplasmosis in children or other protected groups, where the blood collection is restricted.(AU)

O diagnóstico da infecção pelo T. gondii é usualmente feito pelas técnicas sorológicas, mas a amostra (soro ou plasma) pode ser restrita em determinados grupos protegidos, em que a coleta de sangue é considerada agressiva e invasiva. Os anticorpos são encontrados em outros materiais biológicos, de coleta não invasiva, como a saliva. Os métodos de detecção de anticorpos no mercado estão padronizados para utilizar amostras de soro, e há metodologias alternativas de maior sensibilidade utilizando-se saliva, mas estas requerem equipamentos de difícil uso no campo. Dot-ELISA tem alta sensibilidade e leitura visual sem equipamentos, que facilita a execução de ensaio em campo utilizando-se técnica de triagem rápida e eficiente. Neste contexto, foi padronizado o dot-ELISA de alta sensibilidade para detecção de anticorpos anti-T. gondii em saliva e soro, utilizando-se amostras de 20 voluntários adultos. A sensibilidade e a especificidade do dot-ELISA padronizado foram semelhantes em soro e saliva, com exata distinção de amostras positivas e negativas, mesmo na ocorrência de baixas concentrações de anticorpos como na saliva. A saliva mostra ser material biológico adequado para detecção de anticorpos anti-T. gondii em estudos epidemiológicos da toxoplasmose em crianças ou outros grupos protegidos, em que a coleta de sangue é restrita.(AU)

Humanos , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Saliva/imunologia , Imunoglobulina G/imunologia , Toxoplasmose/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose/imunologia , Imunoensaio
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 43: Pub. 1266, Apr. 15, 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24310


Background: Goats can be infected by a lentivirus called the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) that causes an infectious disease characterized by a chronic. For replication, the CAEV, integrate as a provirus in the DNA of the host cell genome. By consequence, infection of cells persistent life-long infection of the animal. The CAEV can be found in most body fluids, It has been demonstrated its presence in blood, milk, semen. However, the search for the CAEV in other body fluids besides blood is important to assess possible viral transmission. The aim of this study was to determine whether the presence of proviral DNA sequences in saliva of animals infected.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was carried out on the farm belonging to the Embrapa Goat and Sheep Research Center, located in the municipality of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. To assess the oral fluid for the presence of CAEV, samples of saliva from eight infected breeders were collected by suctioning saliva from the oral cavity on the side region of the breeders lower molar teeth using a probe coupled to a plastic 5 mL syringe. And pro-viral DNA was extracted from the samples using NaCl and proteinase K. Two rounds of polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR) were carried out to amplify the final 187 pb fragment of the pro-viral DNA. All the oligonucleotide primers were determined from the gag region...(AU)

Animais , Vírus da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina/genética , Vírus da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina/isolamento & purificação , Saliva/virologia , Cabras/virologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Lentivirus Ovinos-Caprinos/isolamento & purificação
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 43: Pub.1266-2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457332


Background: Goats can be infected by a lentivirus called the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) that causes an infectious disease characterized by a chronic. For replication, the CAEV, integrate as a provirus in the DNA of the host cell genome. By consequence, infection of cells persistent life-long infection of the animal. The CAEV can be found in most body fluids, It has been demonstrated its presence in blood, milk, semen. However, the search for the CAEV in other body fluids besides blood is important to assess possible viral transmission. The aim of this study was to determine whether the presence of proviral DNA sequences in saliva of animals infected.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was carried out on the farm belonging to the Embrapa Goat and Sheep Research Center, located in the municipality of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. To assess the oral fluid for the presence of CAEV, samples of saliva from eight infected breeders were collected by suctioning saliva from the oral cavity on the side region of the breeders lower molar teeth using a probe coupled to a plastic 5 mL syringe. And pro-viral DNA was extracted from the samples using NaCl and proteinase K. Two rounds of polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR) were carried out to amplify the final 187 pb fragment of the pro-viral DNA. All the oligonucleotide primers were determined from the gag region...

Animais , Cabras/virologia , Saliva/virologia , Vírus da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina/genética , Vírus da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina/isolamento & purificação , Lentivirus Ovinos-Caprinos/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 21: 1-14, Sept. 29, 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29046


Arachnida is the largest class among the arthropods, constituting over 60,000 described species (spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, palpigrades, pseudoscorpions, solpugids and harvestmen). Many accidents are caused by arachnids, especially spiders and scorpions, while some diseases can be transmitted by mites and ticks. These animals are widely dispersed in urban centers due to the large availability of shelter and food, increasing the incidence of accidents. Several protein and non-protein compounds present in the venom and saliva of these animals are responsible for symptoms observed in envenoming, exhibiting neurotoxic, dermonecrotic and hemorrhagic activities. The phylogenomic analysis from the complementary DNA of single-copy nuclear protein-coding genes shows that these animals share some common protein families known as neurotoxins, defensins, hyaluronidase, antimicrobial peptides, phospholipases and proteinases. This indicates that the venoms from these animals may present components with functional and structural similarities. Therefore, we described in this review the main components present in spider and scorpion venom as well as in tick saliva, since they have similar components. These three arachnids are responsible for many accidents of medical relevance in Brazil. Additionally, this study shows potential biotechnological applications of some components with important biological activities, which may motivate the conducting of further research studies on their action mechanisms.(AU)

Animais , Animais Peçonhentos , Venenos de Escorpião , Venenos de Aranha , Saliva , Carrapatos
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 1-14, 31/03/2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484612


Arachnida is the largest class among the arthropods, constituting over 60,000 described species (spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, palpigrades, pseudoscorpions, solpugids and harvestmen). Many accidents are caused by arachnids, especially spiders and scorpions, while some diseases can be transmitted by mites and ticks. These animals are widely dispersed in urban centers due to the large availability of shelter and food, increasing the incidence of accidents. Several protein and non-protein compounds present in the venom and saliva of these animals are responsible for symptoms observed in envenoming, exhibiting neurotoxic, dermonecrotic and hemorrhagic activities. The phylogenomic analysis from the complementary DNA of single-copy nuclear protein-coding genes shows that these animals share some common protein families known as neurotoxins, defensins, hyaluronidase, antimicrobial peptides, phospholipases and proteinases. This indicates that the venoms from these animals may present components with functional and structural similarities. Therefore, we described in this review the main components present in spider and scorpion venom as well as in tick saliva, since they have similar components. These three arachnids are responsible for many accidents of medical relevance in Brazil. Additionally, this study shows potential biotechnological applications of some components with important biological activities, which may motivate the conducting of further research studies on their action mechanisms.

Animais , Animais Peçonhentos , Carrapatos , Saliva , Venenos de Aranha , Venenos de Escorpião
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 45(2): 495-501, Apr.-June 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-745965


P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp. are important pathogens associated with late nosocomial pneumonia in hospitalized and institutionalized individuals. The oral cavity may be a major source of these respiratory pathogens, particularly in the presence of poor oral hygiene and periodontal infection. This study investigated the prevalence of P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp. in subgingival biofilm and saliva of subjects with periodontal disease or health. Samples were obtained from 55 periodontally healthy (PH) and 169 chronic periodontitis (CP) patients. DNA was obtained from the samples and detection of P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp. was carried out by multiplex and nested PCR. P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp. were detected in 40% and 45% of all samples, respectively. No significant differences in the distribution of these microorganisms between men and women, subgingival biofilm and saliva samples, patients < 35 and > 35 years of age, and smokers and non-smokers were observed regardless periodontal status (p > 0.05). In contrast, the frequencies of P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp. in saliva and biofilm samples were significantly greater in CP than PH patients (p < 0.01). Smokers presenting P. aeruginosa and high frequencies of supragingival plaque were more likely to present CP than PH. P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp. are frequently detected in the oral microbiota of CP. Poor oral hygiene, smoking and the presence of P. aeruginosa are strongly associated with periodontitis.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Acinetobacter/isolamento & purificação , Biofilmes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Gengiva/microbiologia , Voluntários Saudáveis , Doenças Periodontais/microbiologia , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolamento & purificação , Saliva/microbiologia , Acinetobacter/fisiologia , DNA Bacteriano/genética , DNA Bacteriano/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Prevalência , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/fisiologia
Braz. J. Microbiol. ; 45(3): 799-805, July-Sept. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28919


The aim of the study was to analyze epidemiological and microbiological aspects of oral colonization by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus of health care workers in a cancer hospital. Interview and saliva sampling were performed with 149 health care workers. Antimicrobial resistance was determined by disk diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration. Polymerase Chain Reaction, Internal Transcribed Spacer-Polymerase Chain Reaction and Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis were performed for genotypic characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus. Risk factors were determined by logistic regression. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus colonization prevalence was 19.5%, denture wearing (p = 0.03), habit of nail biting (p = 0.04) and preparation and administration of antimicrobial (p = 0.04) were risk factors identified. All methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus were S. epidermidis, 94.4% of them had mecA gene. Closely related and indistinguishable methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis were detected. These results highlight that HCWs which have contact with patient at high risk for developing infections were identified as colonized by MRSE in the oral cavity, reinforcing this cavity as a reservoir of these bacteria and the risk to themselves and patients safety, because these microorganisms may be spread by coughing and talking.

Humanos , Portador Sadio/epidemiologia , Portador Sadio/microbiologia , Pessoal de Saúde , Resistência a Meticilina , Infecções Estafilocócicas/epidemiologia , Infecções Estafilocócicas/microbiologia , Staphylococcus epidermidis/efeitos dos fármacos , Proteínas de Bactérias/genética , Eletroforese em Gel de Campo Pulsado , Entrevistas como Assunto , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Saliva/microbiologia , Staphylococcus epidermidis/classificação
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 33(1): 61-73, jan. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-8095


Este trabalho descreve a colheita adequada de amostras, as técnicas/procedimentos disponíveis para o diagnóstico de influenza A em suínos, assim como os resultados e suas respectivas interpretações, para auxiliar médicos veterinários de campo na identificação dessa doença. Em suínos vivos, as amostras adequadas são: secreção nasal, fluido oral e sangue (soro). Para suínos mortos, colher preferencialmente amostras de pulmão com consolidação cranioventral. Secreção nasal e fragmentos de pulmão refrigerado são utilizados para detectar partícula viral viável (isolamento viral - IV) ou ácido nucleico viral (RT-PCR convencional e RT-PCR em tempo real). As amostras não devem ser congeladas, pois o vírus é inativado a -20°C. A caracterização molecular dos isolados é feita pela análise filogenética obtida pelo sequenciamento de DNA. O soro é utilizado para a detecção de anticorpos (Acs) por meio do teste da inibição da hemaglutinação e ELISA. O fluido oral pode ser utilizado para detecção de anticorpo (ELISA) ou de vírus. Fragmentos de pulmão fixados em formol a 10% são examinados microscopicamente para identificar pneumonia broncointersticial e para detecção de antígeno viral pela imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Para o sucesso do diagnóstico, as amostras devem ser colhidas de suínos que estão preferencialmente na fase aguda da doença, para aumentar as chances de detecção viral. As melhores opções para o diagnóstico de influenza A em suínos vivos são RT-PCR e isolamento viral de amostras de swab nasal ou fluido oral. Pulmão para análise por RT-PCR, isolamento viral ou IHQ é a amostra de escolha em suínos mortos. Testes sorológicos têm valor diagnóstico limitado e são utilizados apenas para determinar o estado imune do rebanho, não indicando doença clínica, pois os Acs são detectados 7-10 dias pós-infecção (fase subaguda). O diagnóstico de influenza é importante para avaliar o envolvimento desse agente no complexo de doença respiratória suína. Além disso, o isolamento do vírus influenza é essencial para o monitoramento dos principais subtipos circulantes em uma determinada região ou país, assim como para a detecção de novos rearranjos virais, já que influenza é considerada uma zoonose.(AU)

This article is intended to describe the adequate sample collection, the laboratory procedures/techniques, the expected results and their interpretation for diagnosis of influenza infection in swine, serving as a support for field veterinarians. In live pigs, the samples to be taken are nasal secretions, oral fluids and blood. For dead pigs, preference should be given to samples of cranioventral lung consolidation. Nasal discharge and chilled lung fragments are used for detection of virus (virus isolation - VI) or viral nucleic acids (conventional RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR). Samples should not be frozen, because the virus is inactivated at -20°C. Molecular characterization of isolates is performed by phylogenetic analysis of gene sequences obtained by DNA sequencing. Serum is used for the detection of antibodies using hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test and ELISA. Oral fluid may be used for either antibody (ELISA) or viral detection. Fragments of lung fixed in 10% formaldehyde are used for histopathological analysis to identify bronchointerstitial pneumonia, and for immunohistochemistry (IHC) for antigens. For a successful diagnosis, sampling should be preferably performed in the acute phase of the disease to improve chances of virus detection. The best options to perform the diagnosis of influenza A in a swine herd are RT-PCR and VI from nasal swabs or oral fluid in live pigs and/or lung tissue for RT-PCR, VI or IHC in dead pigs. Serological tests are of very limited diagnostic value and are useful only to determine the immune status of the herd, not indicating clinical disease, because antibodies are detected after 7-10 days post infection (subacute phase). The diagnosis of influenza is important to evaluate the involvement of this agent in the complex of respiratory diseases in pigs. Furthermore, the isolation of influenza virus is essential for monitoring the main subtypes circulating in a given region or country, as well as for the detection of potential new viral reassortants, because influenza is considered a zoonosis.(AU)

Animais , Alphainfluenzavirus/isolamento & purificação , Manejo de Espécimes , Suínos/virologia , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos/veterinária , Saliva , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 18(2): 180-187, 2012. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-639477


Helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative bacterium, possesses two important virulence factors: the vacuolating toxin (vacA), and the cytotoxin-associated gene product (cagA). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the presence of H. pylori in the stomach and oral cavity of humans and compare the cagA and vacA genotypes of H. pylori found in different samples (stomach, saliva and dental plaque) from the same patient. Gastric biopsies, saliva and dental plaques were obtained from 62 dyspeptic adults. DNA was extracted and evaluated for the presence of H. pylori and the alleles cagA and vacA. Persons with gastritis had a higher frequency of H. pylori -positive samples in the stomach while positive samples from gastric biopsies were significantly correlated with those from the oral cavity. There was a high H. pylori frequency in patients while the cagA gene was associated with vacA s1 alleles in gastric biopsies. Our results suggest a reservoir of the species in the oral cavity and that, in one patient, more than one H. pylori strain may exist in the saliva, dental plaque and stomach. We found a relationship between gastric infection and the bacterium in the oral cavity, with the cytotoxin genotype varying between saliva and dental plaque.(AU)

Humanos , Biópsia , Helicobacter pylori , Infecções por Helicobacter/diagnóstico , Saliva , Estômago , Vírus 40 dos Símios , Citotoxinas , Placa Dentária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 5(2): 70-73, jul. 2012. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1397777


Nested reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and SYBR Green real time PCR protocols for the intravitam detection of rabies virus genomic RNA were tested with clinical samples for the first time from rabies suspected animals (n=12). With SYBR Green real time PCR, five saliva samples were detected as positive, hence confirming that, for the sake of ante- mortem detection of rabies in saliva of animals, the sensitivity of real time PCR is more than that of RT-PCR as well as immunofluorescence that could detect rabies in three saliva samples each.(AU)

Animais , Raiva/diagnóstico , Saliva/virologia , Doenças Negligenciadas/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/métodos
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 18(2): 180-187, 2012. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-8049


Helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative bacterium, possesses two important virulence factors: the vacuolating toxin (vacA), and the cytotoxin-associated gene product (cagA). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the presence of H. pylori in the stomach and oral cavity of humans and compare the cagA and vacA genotypes of H. pylori found in different samples (stomach, saliva and dental plaque) from the same patient. Gastric biopsies, saliva and dental plaques were obtained from 62 dyspeptic adults. DNA was extracted and evaluated for the presence of H. pylori and the alleles cagA and vacA. Persons with gastritis had a higher frequency of H. pylori -positive samples in the stomach while positive samples from gastric biopsies were significantly correlated with those from the oral cavity. There was a high H. pylori frequency in patients while the cagA gene was associated with vacA s1 alleles in gastric biopsies. Our results suggest a reservoir of the species in the oral cavity and that, in one patient, more than one H. pylori strain may exist in the saliva, dental plaque and stomach. We found a relationship between gastric infection and the bacterium in the oral cavity, with the cytotoxin genotype varying between saliva and dental plaque.(AU)

Humanos , Helicobacter pylori/citologia , Dispepsia/diagnóstico , Dispepsia/microbiologia , Virulência , Saliva/microbiologia , Técnicas de Genotipagem/métodos