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Acta cir. bras. ; 32(3): 182-193, mar. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17073


Purpose: To measure the tissue sulfomucin and sialomucin content of the colon mucosa without fecal flow, subjected to intervention with curcumin, and the influence of the concentration used and the intervention time. Methods: Thirty-six rats were subjected to proximal right colostomy and distal mucous fistula. They were divided into two groups according to whether sacrifice was performed two or four weeks after the intervention. Each group was divided into three subgroups according to the enema applied daily: saline alone; curcumin at 50 mg/kg/day or curcumin at 200 mg/kg/day. Acid mucins were diagnosed using the Alcian blue technique. The mucin content was quantified by means of computer-assisted image analysis. The significance level of 5% was used throughout (p 0.05). Results: There were dose-related increases in the quantities of sulfomucins in the animals subjected to interventions with curcumin, both after two weeks (p 0.00001) and after four weeks (p 0.00001). There were increases in sialomucin quantity that were concentration-related (p 0.00001) and time-related (p 0.00001). Conclusion: Curcumin enemas increase the quantity of acid mucins in the intestinal flow in the excluded colon, with dose and time dependency.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Curcumina/administração & dosagem , Curcumina/uso terapêutico , Curcuma , Mucinas/análise , Sialomucinas/análise , Colo/fisiopatologia , Colo/cirurgia , Colite/cirurgia , Colite/terapia , Mucosa , Colostomia/métodos , Enema
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 36(4): 312-316, 2016. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-334286


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a morfometria da parede intestinal e a dinâmica de mucinas secretadas no jejuno de frangos de corte suplementadas com probiótico Bacillus subtilis cepa C3102. Foram utilizados 720 pintinhos com um dia de vida, divididos em dois grupos: GA (Grupo controle) - aves alimentadas com ração sem suplementação de Bacillus subtilis cepa C3102 (1º ao 35º dia) e GB (Grupo tratado) - aves alimentadas com ração com suplementação de Bacillus subtilis cepa C3102 (1º ao 35º dia). Aos 7 e 35 dias 2cm do jejuno foram coletados e submetidos à rotina de processamento histológico. Cortes transversais de 1μm foram corados pela técnica do Alcian Blue (AB) para detecção de sialomucinas (pH 0,5) e sulfomucinas (pH 2,5), como também para contagem de células caliciformes presentes. A análise histoquímica revelou uma maior quantidade de sialomucinas presentes no jejuno dos animais que foram suplementados com probiótico Bacillus subtilis cepa C3102 (GB), quando comparados com os animais do grupo controle (GA). O número de células caliciformes presentes no grupo tratado (GB) foi superior ao grupo controle (GA).(AU)

The aim of this study was to analyze the morphology of the intestinal wall and the dynamics of mucins secreted in the jejunum of broilers supplemented with probiotic Bacillus subtilis strain C3102. We used 720 chicks with a day of life, divided into two groups: GA (control group) - birds fed diet without supplementation of Bacillus subtilis strain C3102 (1 to 35 days) and GB (treated group) - birds fed with supplementation of Bacillus subtilis strain C3102 (1 to 35 days). On the 7th and the 35th day, 2cm of jejunum were collected and submitted to histological processing. 1μm cross sections were stained by Alcian blue (AB) for detecting of sialomucins (pH 0.5) and sulphomucins (pH 2.5) as well as to count goblet cells. Histochemical analysis revealed a greater amount of sialomucins in the jejunum of animals that were supplemented with probiotic Bacillus subtilis strain C3102 (GB), when compared with the control group (GA). The number of goblet cells in the treated group (GB) was higher than the control group (GA).(AU)

Animais , Intestinos/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/metabolismo , Bacillus subtilis , Mucinas/análise , Jejuno , Probióticos/análise , Sialomucinas/análise , Células Caliciformes
Acta cir. bras. ; 30(5): 328-338, May 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22960


PURPOSE: To measure the content of acidic mucin, sialomucin, and sulfomucins in the colonic mucosa without fecal stream submit to intervention with sucralfate (SCF).METHODS: Thirty-six rats were submitted to a right colostomy and a distal mucous fistula and divided into two groups according to sacrifice to be performed two or four weeks. Each group was divided into three subgroups according daily application of enemas containing saline, SCF at 1.0 g/kg/day or 2.0 g/kg/day. Colitis was diagnosed by histological analysis. Acid mucins were determined with the Alcian-Blue and sulfomucin and sialomucin by high iron diamine-alcian blue (HID-AB) techniques. The mucins were quantified by computer-assisted image analysis. Mann-Whitney and ANOVA tests were used to analyze the results establishing the level of significance of 5% for both (p 0.05).RESULTS: SCF enemas decreased the inflammation score and was related to the concentration used and time of the intervention. SCF at both concentrations increased the content of acid mucin, which was related to the concentration used and to the improvement in the inflammatory score. There was an increase in the content of sulfomucins and sialomucins in SCF groups. SCF increased sulfomucins from 2 weeks of intervention, which was not related to the dose or time of application. The increase in sialomucin content was related to the time and dose used in the intervention.CONCLUSION: Sucralfate increased the content of acidic mucins, primarily at the expense of sialomucin, which was affected by the dose and time of intervention.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Sialomucinas/análise , Mucinas , Sucralfato/uso terapêutico , Colo , Colite/terapia , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador
Acta cir. bras. ; 25(3): 231-240, May-June 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-7424


PURPOSE: To quantify the intensity of sulfomucin and sialomucin expression in the colon mucosa, by means of computer-assisted image processing, comparing segments with and without fecal stream and correlating with the duration of fecal transit exclusion. METHODS: Forty-five Wistar rats were subjected to diversion of the fecal stream in the left colon by means of constructing a proximal colostomy and distal mucosal fistula. They were distributed randomly into three experimental groups of 15 animals, of which 10 were subjected to colon diversion (experimental subgroup) and five were only subjected to laparotomy, without colon diversion (control subgroup). The three experimental groups were formed according to the sacrifice date, which was to be performed six weeks after the surgical procedure (Group A), 12 weeks (Group B) and 18 weeks (Group C). The sulfomucin and sialomucin expression in the colon mucosa was evaluated using the histochemical technique of high iron diamine-alcian blue (HID-AB). The tissue expression was quantified for each animal, in the segments with and without fecal stream, at a location where there were four complete contiguous crypts in two random fields, with the aid of the computer-assisted image analysis software. The final value was taken to be the mean reading from the two fields selected, in the segments with and without fecal stream. To compare the expressions of the two mucin subtypes in the segments with and without fecal stream, the paired Student t test was used. To analyze variance according to duration of exclusion, ANOVA with the Newman-Keuls post-test was used, setting the significance level at 5 percent (p<0.05). RESULTS: There were significant reductions in tissue sulfomucin and sialomucin content in the colon without fecal stream, independent of the duration of exclusion considered. There was increased tissue sulfomucin content and decreased tissue sialomucin in the segments without fecal stream, ...(AU)

OBJETIVO: Quantificar, por meio de processamento de imagem assistida por computador, a intensidade de expressão de sulfomucinas e sialomucinas na mucosa cólica comparando segmentos com e sem trânsito e relacionando-a ao tempo de exclusão de trânsito fecal. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e cinco ratos Wistar machos foram submetidos à derivação do trânsito no cólon esquerdo pela confecção de colostomia proximal e fístula mucosa distal. Foram divididos de forma randomizada em três grupos experimentais de 15 animais, nos quais 10 foram submetidos à derivação do trânsito cólico (subgrupo experimental) e cinco somente a laparotomia exploradora sem desvio do trânsito fecal (subgrupo controle). Os três grupos experimentais foram formados segundo o sacrifício ter sido realizado em seis (grupo A), 12 (Grupo B) e 18 semanas (Grupo C). A avaliação da expressão de sulfomucinas e sialomucinas na mucosa cólica foi realizada pela técnica histoquímica da diamina de ferro alto alcian-blue (HID-AB). A quantificação da expressão tecidual foi determinada, para cada animal, nos segmentos com e sem trânsito, em local onde existiam quatro criptas contíguas e íntegras em dois campos aleatórios com auxílio de programa de análise de imagem assistida por computador. Adotou-se como valor final a média das leituras dos dois campos selecionados, nos segmentos providos e desprovidos de trânsito fecal. Na comparação entre a expressão dos dois subtipos de mucinas nos segmentos com e sem trânsito fecal utilizou-se o teste t de Student pareado. Para análise de variância segundo o tempo de exclusão utilizou-se o teste de ANOVA com o pós-teste de Newmann-Keuls, estabelecendo-se nível de significância de 5 por cento (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: Houve redução significante no conteúdo tecidual de sulfomucinas e sialomucinas no cólon desprovido de trânsito fecal, independente do tempo de exclusão considerado. Houve aumento no conteúdo tecidual de sulfomucinas e diminuição de sialomucinas nos segmentos ...(AU)

Animais , Sialomucinas/efeitos adversos , Sialomucinas/análise , Sialomucinas , Síndrome do Intestino Irritável/metabolismo , Síndrome do Intestino Irritável/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica , Ratos , Derivação Jejunoileal , Diagnóstico por Imagem