O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a ocorrência dos critérios de Favrot em cães diagnosticados com Dermatite Atópica Canina (DAC) no Hospital Veterinário Professor Firmino Mársico Filho da Universidade Federal Fluminense, bem como sua associação com doenças concomitantes. Foram analisadas 2199 fichas propedêuticas com queixas dermatológicas, dos anos de 2016 e 2017. Do total, 165 (7,5%) animais foram diagnosticados com DACdos quais 94 (57%) eram fêmeas e 71 (43%) machos. Embora os cães mestiços fossem a maioria dos casos (22,4%), a raça pura mais frequentemente acometida foi a Poodle (12,5%). Foram identificados 134 (81,2%) cães com cinco ou mais critérios de Favrot, sendo 32,7% animais com seis critérios, 26,7% com cinco critérios, 17,0% com sete critérios e 4,8% com oito critérios. Enfatiza-se o aparecimento em mais de 90% dos casos os critérios intradomiciliado, com prurido primário, responsivo à corticoterapia e com bordas das pinas não acometidas. Dos 165 animais avaliados, 115 (69,7%) eram portadores de uma ou mais afecções concomitantes à DAC, sendo a otite externa a principal (73%). Considera-se que os critérios de Favrot podem ser aplicados para a triagem dos pacientes com suspeita de dermatite atópica canina atendidos no HUVET-UFF.
The objective of this study was to analyze the occurrence of Favrot criteria in dogs diagnosed with Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD) at the Veterinary Hospital Professor Firmino Mársico Filho of Universidade Federal Fluminense, as well as its association with concomitant diseases. A total of 2199 propaedeutic records with dermatological complaints from 2016 and 2017 were analyzed. Of the total, 165 (7.5%) animals were diagnosed with CAD. Among those diagnosed with CAD, 94 (57%) were females and 71 (43%) males. Although crossbreed dogs were the majority of cases (22.4%), the purebred dog most frequently affected by CAD was the Poodle (12.5%). One hundred and thirty four (81.2%) animals were identified with five or more Favrot criteria, 32.7% animals with six criteria, 26.7% with five criteria, 17.0% with seven criteria and 4.8% with eight criteria. It emphasizes the appearance in more than 90% of criteria, dog living mostly indoors,alesional pruritus, glucocorticoid-responsive pruritus and nonaffected ear margins. Of the 165 animals evaluated, 115 (69.7%) had one or more conditions concomitant with CAD, with otitis externa being the main one (73%). It is considered that the Favrot criteria can be applied for the screening of patients with suspected canine atopic dermatitis treated at HUVET-UFF.
Animais , Cães , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Sintomas Concomitantes , Dermatite Atópica/diagnóstico , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Comorbidade , Diagnóstico Clínico/veterináriaResumo
Cardiopatias felinas apresentam importante relevância na rotina veterinária, todavia os seus aspectos epidemiológicos em gatos não são conhecidos regionalmente. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever a frequência das cardiopatias na região Norte e Vale do Itajaí no estado de Santa Catarina e determinar a sobrevida de pacientes cardiopatas e não cardiopatas. O estudo contou com a análise retrospectiva de 74 laudos ecocardiográficos e prontuários médicos de gatos oriundos de estabelecimentos veterinários da região, de janeiro de 2017 a dezembro de 2019. Tutores ou veterinários responsáveis foram contatados para averiguar a sobrevida dos animais. Os animais do estudo em sua maioria eram machos (n=40/74) e sem raça definida (n=47/74). Cardiomiopatia foi o diagnóstico mais comum (n=21/74), com destaque para o fenótipo hipertrófica (n=13/21). As cardiomiopatias foram diagnosticadas mais comumente em gatos acima de oito anos de idade. Os principais sinais clínicos nos gatos sintomáticos (n=41/74) foram sopro (n=15/41) e dispneia (n=6/41). Os principais achados ecocardiográficos foram hipertrofia concêntrica da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo (n=18/41) e dilatação do átrio esquerdo (n=12/41). A mediana de sobrevida dos 74 gatos foi de 303±209.8 dias, estando altamente relacionado com a classe do estadiamento clínico (P=0,006). Gatos com fenótipo dilatada tiveram menor média de sobrevida (180.5 dias). As doenças concomitantes mais observadas foram doença renal crônica (n=7/15), hipertensão (n=5/15) e/ou hipertireoidismo (n=3/15). Gatos com cardiomiopatias, sintomáticos e com estágios mais avançados de remodelamento cardíaco, demostraram viver menos se comparados com aqueles em estágio inicial da cardiopatia. Bem como pacientes com doenças de base associada apresentaram menor expectativa de vida.
Feline cardiopathies are relevant on veterinary practice although lack of regional epidemiogical description. The purpose of this study is to determine cardiopathy prevalence and survival of cardiac and non-cardiac patients on Santa Catarina's northern and Itajai valley regions. The retrospective study included 74 echocardiographic exams and medical records from January 2017 to December 2019. Veterinarians and owners were contacted to check survival on cardiac and non-cardiac patients. The animals were most male (n=40/74) and mongrel (n=47/74). Cardiomyopathies were the most common diagnosis (n=21/74), specially the hypertrophic phenotype (n=13/21). The cardiomyopathy diagnosis was evidenced in cats above eight years old. The most usual clinical findings on symptomatic patients (n=41/74) were cardiac murmur (n=15/41) and dyspnea (n=6/41). Left ventricular free wall concentric hypertrophy (n=18/41) and left atrium dilation (n=12/41) were the main echocardiographic findings. Median survival from 74 cats was 303±209,8 days and related to clinical staging (p=0,006). Cats with dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype presented lower mean survival (180,5 days). Concomitant diseases included chronic renal disease (n=7/15), systemic arterial hypertension (n=5/15) and/or hyperthyroidism (n=3/15). In conclusion, cats with cardiomyopathies, symptomatic and with more advanced stages of cardiac remodeling, have shown to live less than those in early stage of heart disease. As well as patients with associated concomitant diseases, they had a lower life expectancy.
Animais , Gatos , Sobrevida/fisiologia , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Gatos/fisiologia , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Cardiomiopatias/veterinária , Sintomas Concomitantes , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sopros Cardíacos/veterinária , Dispneia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Equidae nutritional change increased the frequency of diseases due to inappropriate administration and storage of rations. Although there are reports of ionophore poisoning (IP) and leukoencephalomalacia (LEM) in equidae from Brazil, the concurrent occurrence of both diseases by the same contaminated commercial ration is unprecedented. Therefore, the present paper aims to describe the epidemiological, clinical, laboratorial and pathological findings of concurrent IP and LEM outbreaks in horses.Cases: Eleven farmers from seven different locations in Distrito Federal, Midwestern Brazil, reported sudden clinical signs in 27 horses after the ingestion of commercial pelleted ration. During the farm visits, it was found that the ration brand and batches were identical, and macroscopic evaluation revealed no abnormalities. Eight horses were clinically evaluated and presented hyporexia, apathy, hypermetria, ataxia, dehydration, dyspnea, tongue hypotonia, muscle tremors, tachycardia, facial hypoalgesia, dysphagia, and sporadic or permanent recumbence. Laboratorial changes were restricted to creatine phosphokinase (mean: 1,573.4 ± 16.9 IU/L) and gammaglutamyl transferase (mean: 34.85 ± 29.14 IU/L) serum increases. Pathological evaluation has performed in eight horses presenting pallor and whitish striations in the gluteal, longissimus dorsi, femoral quadriceps muscles and myocardium, varying from mild to moderate. One horse also showed a soft and yellowish focal area on the right temporal lobe white matter. Microscopically, alterations in skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues included striated muscle fibers and cardiomyocytes segmental necrosis, characterized by sarcoplasmic fragmentation with clusters of eosinophilic debris, cellular retraction and hypereosinophilia. Histological alterations in the central nervous system of one horse were characteristic of LEM.[...]
Animais , Cavalos , Ionóforos/intoxicação , Micotoxicose/complicações , Micotoxicose/epidemiologia , Micotoxicose/veterinária , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Sintomas ConcomitantesResumo
Background: Equidae nutritional change increased the frequency of diseases due to inappropriate administration and storage of rations. Although there are reports of ionophore poisoning (IP) and leukoencephalomalacia (LEM) in equidae from Brazil, the concurrent occurrence of both diseases by the same contaminated commercial ration is unprecedented. Therefore, the present paper aims to describe the epidemiological, clinical, laboratorial and pathological findings of concurrent IP and LEM outbreaks in horses.Cases: Eleven farmers from seven different locations in Distrito Federal, Midwestern Brazil, reported sudden clinical signs in 27 horses after the ingestion of commercial pelleted ration. During the farm visits, it was found that the ration brand and batches were identical, and macroscopic evaluation revealed no abnormalities. Eight horses were clinically evaluated and presented hyporexia, apathy, hypermetria, ataxia, dehydration, dyspnea, tongue hypotonia, muscle tremors, tachycardia, facial hypoalgesia, dysphagia, and sporadic or permanent recumbence. Laboratorial changes were restricted to creatine phosphokinase (mean: 1,573.4 ± 16.9 IU/L) and gammaglutamyl transferase (mean: 34.85 ± 29.14 IU/L) serum increases. Pathological evaluation has performed in eight horses presenting pallor and whitish striations in the gluteal, longissimus dorsi, femoral quadriceps muscles and myocardium, varying from mild to moderate. One horse also showed a soft and yellowish focal area on the right temporal lobe white matter. Microscopically, alterations in skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues included striated muscle fibers and cardiomyocytes segmental necrosis, characterized by sarcoplasmic fragmentation with clusters of eosinophilic debris, cellular retraction and hypereosinophilia. Histological alterations in the central nervous system of one horse were characteristic of LEM.[...](AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Ionóforos/intoxicação , Micotoxicose/complicações , Micotoxicose/epidemiologia , Micotoxicose/veterinária , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Sintomas ConcomitantesResumo
A tríade felina caracteriza-se pela associação de três enfermidades concomitantes, sendo a colangiohepatite, doença intestinal inflamatória e pancreatite, sua ocorrência pode-se relacionar à anatomia desta espécie. Os sinais clínicos manifestam-se de forma inespecífica, sendo o diagnóstico inicial feito nos achados laboratoriais e de imagem, porém, forma definitiva, somente ao exame histopatológico dos órgãos citados. Instituise a terapêutica de acordo com as alterações apresentadas pela paciente, destacando-se antieméticos, corticosteroides e antimicrobianos. Desta forma, devido à complexidade da doença e inespecificidade dos achados clínicos, buscou--se descrever as características da colangiohepatite, doença intestinal inflamatória e pancreatite, com ênfase ao seu diagnóstico e terapêutica. (AU)
Feline triad is characterised by the Association of three concurrent diseases, being the colangiohepatite, inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis, their occurrence can relate to the anatomy of this species. Clinical signs are nonspecific, and form the initial diagnosis based on laboratory findings and imaging, however, definitive form, only to Histopathological examination of the bodies mentioned. Establishing whether the therapy according to the amendments tabled by the patient, including antiemetics, corticosteroids and antimicrobials. In this way, due to the complexity of the disease and low specificity of the clinical findings, sought to describe the characteristics of colangiohepatite, inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis, with emphasis on diagnosis and therapy. (AU)
Animais , Gatos , Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais/veterinária , Pancreatite/veterinária , Colangite/veterinária , Hepatite , Sintomas Concomitantes , Hepatopatias , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterináriaResumo
A tríade felina caracteriza-se pela associação de três enfermidades concomitantes, sendo a colangiohepatite, doença intestinal inflamatória e pancreatite, sua ocorrência pode-se relacionar à anatomia desta espécie. Os sinais clínicos manifestam-se de forma inespecífica, sendo o diagnóstico inicial feito nos achados laboratoriais e de imagem, porém, forma definitiva, somente ao exame histopatológico dos órgãos citados. Instituise a terapêutica de acordo com as alterações apresentadas pela paciente, destacando-se antieméticos, corticosteroides e antimicrobianos. Desta forma, devido à complexidade da doença e inespecificidade dos achados clínicos, buscou--se descrever as características da colangiohepatite, doença intestinal inflamatória e pancreatite, com ênfase ao seu diagnóstico e terapêutica.
Feline triad is characterised by the Association of three concurrent diseases, being the colangiohepatite, inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis, their occurrence can relate to the anatomy of this species. Clinical signs are nonspecific, and form the initial diagnosis based on laboratory findings and imaging, however, definitive form, only to Histopathological examination of the bodies mentioned. Establishing whether the therapy according to the amendments tabled by the patient, including antiemetics, corticosteroids and antimicrobials. In this way, due to the complexity of the disease and low specificity of the clinical findings, sought to describe the characteristics of colangiohepatite, inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis, with emphasis on diagnosis and therapy.
Animais , Gatos , Colangite/veterinária , Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais/veterinária , Hepatite , Pancreatite/veterinária , Hepatopatias , Sintomas Concomitantes , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterináriaResumo
Bovine Herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) has not been conclusively demonstrated to cause bovine abortion. Brain lesions produced by Neospora caninum and Bovine Herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) exhibit common features. Therefore, careful microscopic evaluation and additional diagnostic procedures are required to achieve an accurate final etiological diagnosis. The aim of the present work was to investigate the occurrence of infections due to BoHV-1, BoHV-5 and N. caninum in 68 cases of spontaneous bovine abortions which showed microscopic lesions in the fetal central nervous system. This study allowed the identification of 4 (5.9%) fetuses with dual infection by BoHV-5 and N. caninum and 33 (48.5%) cases in which N. caninum was the sole pathogen identified. All cases were negative to BoHV-1. The results of this study provide evidence that dual infection by BoHV-5 and N. caninum occur during pregnancy in cattle; however, the role of BoHV-5 as a primary cause of bovine abortion needs further research. Molecular diagnosis of BoHV-5 and N. caninum confirmed the importance of applying complementary assays to improve the sensitivity of diagnosing bovine abortion.(AU)
Não está demonstrado até ao momento, que o Herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BoHV-5) seja um agente causal de aborto bovino. Uma vez que as lesões cerebrais tanto de Neospora caninum como de Herpesvírus bovino tipo 1(BoHV-1) têm características similares, é necessária uma avaliação microscópica cuidadosa, bem como exames laboratoriais adicionais, para obter um diagnóstico final preciso. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar a presença de infeções por BoHV-1, BoHV-5 e N. caninum em 68 casos de aborto espontâneo, nos quais se verificaram lesões microscópicas no sistema nervoso central. Foram encontrados 4 (5,9%) fetos com infeção simultânea de BoHV-5 e N. caninum e 33 (48,5%) casos com infeção exclusiva de N. caninum. Todos os casos foram negativos a BoHV-1. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que a infeção dual por BoHV-5 y N. caninum está presente durante a gestçao dos bovinos. Apesar disso, o papel de BoHV-5 como agente primário causal de aborto, carece de mais investigaçao. O diagnóstico molecular de BoHV-5 e N. caninum confirmou a importância de se aplicar ensaios complementares para melhorar a sensibilidade do diagnóstico de aborto bovino.(AU)