O aumento da expectativa de vida dos animais de companhia favorece a ocorrência de casos de câncer, como o de bexiga. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar a exequibilidade da técnica de ureterostomia cutânea em suínos após a realização da cistectomia total, quando comparada à técnica de ureterostomia colônica, assim como detectar e caracterizar possíveis complicações transoperatórias. Foram utilizados 20 animais, distribuídos em dois grupos. Todos foram submetidos à cistectomia radical e, em seguida, à ureterostomia cutânea ou colônica. A exequibilidade das técnicas foi avaliada. Observou-se o tamanho da incisão, o tempo de diérese, de realização da derivação urinária e o tempo de síntese, estimou-se a perda sanguínea e o grau de dificuldade na realização dos procedimentos de preparo dos ureteres, o preparo do sítio de ureteroanastomose e a realização da ureteroanastomose em si. Os resultados indicam que a ureterostomia cutânea apresentou maior eficiência quando comparada à colônica nos quesitos perda de sangue, tamanho da incisão realizada e facilidade de realização da anastomose. Já a ureterocolostomia apresentou melhor resultado referente à execução do preparo ureteral. Assim, concluiu-se que ambas as técnicas podem ser indicadas como derivações urinárias viáveis e que a escolha dependerá de fatores intrínsecos ao cirurgião e ao paciente.(AU)
Increased life expectancy of pets favors the occurrence of cancer, such as the urinary bladder ones. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of cutaneous ureterostomy technique in pigs after the total cystectomy compared to the technique of colonic ureterostomy, as well as detect and characterize possible intraoperative complications. For that, 20 pigs were used, divided into two groups. All patients underwent radical cystectomy and then the cutaneous or colonic ureterostomies. The technical feasibility was assessed during the procedures. The procedures compared were: the incision size, dieresis time, realization of urinary diversion and the synthesis time. Also, the estimated blood loss and the degree of difficulty in performing the preparation procedures of the ureters, ureteroanastomose site preparation and ureteroanastomose itself were compared. The results indicate that performing cutaneous ureterostomy was better than the colonic ureterostomy in relation to blood loss, incision size, and anastomosis performance. In contrast, ureterocolonostomy showed better results on the implementation of ureteral preparation. Thus, it was concluded that both techniques can be indicated as viable urinary diversions and the choice will depend on factors intrinsic to the surgeon and the patient.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ureterostomia/métodos , Ureterostomia/veterinária , Sus scrofa/cirurgia , Neoplasias da Bexiga Urinária/veterinária , Cistectomia/veterinária , Modelos AnimaisResumo
O aumento da expectativa de vida dos animais de companhia favorece a ocorrência de casos de câncer, como o de bexiga. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar a exequibilidade da técnica de ureterostomia cutânea em suínos após a realização da cistectomia total, quando comparada à técnica de ureterostomia colônica, assim como detectar e caracterizar possíveis complicações transoperatórias. Foram utilizados 20 animais, distribuídos em dois grupos. Todos foram submetidos à cistectomia radical e, em seguida, à ureterostomia cutânea ou colônica. A exequibilidade das técnicas foi avaliada. Observou-se o tamanho da incisão, o tempo de diérese, de realização da derivação urinária e o tempo de síntese, estimou-se a perda sanguínea e o grau de dificuldade na realização dos procedimentos de preparo dos ureteres, o preparo do sítio de ureteroanastomose e a realização da ureteroanastomose em si. Os resultados indicam que a ureterostomia cutânea apresentou maior eficiência quando comparada à colônica nos quesitos perda de sangue, tamanho da incisão realizada e facilidade de realização da anastomose. Já a ureterocolostomia apresentou melhor resultado referente à execução do preparo ureteral. Assim, concluiu-se que ambas as técnicas podem ser indicadas como derivações urinárias viáveis e que a escolha dependerá de fatores intrínsecos ao cirurgião e ao paciente.(AU)
Increased life expectancy of pets favors the occurrence of cancer, such as the urinary bladder ones. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of cutaneous ureterostomy technique in pigs after the total cystectomy compared to the technique of colonic ureterostomy, as well as detect and characterize possible intraoperative complications. For that, 20 pigs were used, divided into two groups. All patients underwent radical cystectomy and then the cutaneous or colonic ureterostomies. The technical feasibility was assessed during the procedures. The procedures compared were: the incision size, dieresis time, realization of urinary diversion and the synthesis time. Also, the estimated blood loss and the degree of difficulty in performing the preparation procedures of the ureters, ureteroanastomose site preparation and ureteroanastomose itself were compared. The results indicate that performing cutaneous ureterostomy was better than the colonic ureterostomy in relation to blood loss, incision size, and anastomosis performance. In contrast, ureterocolonostomy showed better results on the implementation of ureteral preparation. Thus, it was concluded that both techniques can be indicated as viable urinary diversions and the choice will depend on factors intrinsic to the surgeon and the patient.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ureterostomia/métodos , Ureterostomia/veterinária , Sus scrofa/cirurgia , Neoplasias da Bexiga Urinária/veterinária , Cistectomia/veterinária , Modelos AnimaisResumo
Background: In the last years the number of exotic company animals has been increased, and the demand for neuteringservices for these animals has become greater. By the authors knowledge, there are no records of elective ovariectomyin domestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus). The current paper reports a case of elective laparoscopic ovariectomy in adomestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus).Case: A 4-month-old domestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus), weighing 45 kg was referred to elective video-laparoscopicovariectomy at the Veterinary Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (HCV - UFRGS). Physicalexamination and laboratory tests, including hemogram and biochemistry (alanine aminotransferase - ALT, serum albumin and creatinine), were within normal range for the species. Ketamine hydrochloride (Cetamin®) 10, xylazinehydrochloride (Xilazin®) 2, and midazolam (Midazolam®) 0.5 were administered intramuscularly (IM)as pre-anesthetic medication. The anesthetic induction was performed with intravenous (IV) propofol (Propovan®) andanesthesia was maintained with isoflurane (Isoforine®) diluted in O2 by a universal vaporizer with a partial gas rebreathinganesthetic system. Throughout the procedure, were monitoring constantly the invasive blood pressure (IBP), electrocardiogram (ECG) in lead II, peripheral arterial saturation with O2 (SpO2), end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration (ETCO2),and esophageal temperature. The abdominal cavity was accessed through the insertion of three portals (one of 10 mm ofdiameter and other two of 5 mm of diameter). The cavity was inflated with medicinal CO2 until the pressure of 10 mmHgwas achieved. The uterine body and ovaries were identified. The right ovary was suspended and, by a bipolar clamp, theovarian vessels were occluded through electrocoagulation in three distinct locations with approximately 0,5 cm betweenthemselves...
Feminino , Animais , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/métodos , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Sus scrofa/cirurgiaResumo
Background: In the last years the number of exotic company animals has been increased, and the demand for neuteringservices for these animals has become greater. By the authors knowledge, there are no records of elective ovariectomyin domestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus). The current paper reports a case of elective laparoscopic ovariectomy in adomestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus).Case: A 4-month-old domestic swine (Sus scrofa domesticus), weighing 45 kg was referred to elective video-laparoscopicovariectomy at the Veterinary Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (HCV - UFRGS). Physicalexamination and laboratory tests, including hemogram and biochemistry (alanine aminotransferase - ALT, serum albumin and creatinine), were within normal range for the species. Ketamine hydrochloride (Cetamin®) 10, xylazinehydrochloride (Xilazin®) 2, and midazolam (Midazolam®) 0.5 were administered intramuscularly (IM)as pre-anesthetic medication. The anesthetic induction was performed with intravenous (IV) propofol (Propovan®) andanesthesia was maintained with isoflurane (Isoforine®) diluted in O2 by a universal vaporizer with a partial gas rebreathinganesthetic system. Throughout the procedure, were monitoring constantly the invasive blood pressure (IBP), electrocardiogram (ECG) in lead II, peripheral arterial saturation with O2 (SpO2), end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration (ETCO2),and esophageal temperature. The abdominal cavity was accessed through the insertion of three portals (one of 10 mm ofdiameter and other two of 5 mm of diameter). The cavity was inflated with medicinal CO2 until the pressure of 10 mmHgwas achieved. The uterine body and ovaries were identified. The right ovary was suspended and, by a bipolar clamp, theovarian vessels were occluded through electrocoagulation in three distinct locations with approximately 0,5 cm betweenthemselves...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovariectomia/métodos , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Sus scrofa/cirurgiaResumo
A miniature pig was examined because of left pelvic limb lameness after falling from a short height. Clinical examination and radiographs of the pelvic region revealed a left caudoventral hip luxation. Surgical reduction of luxation was performed on the patient under general anesthesia using a transarticular pinning technique. Postoperative radiographs confirmed that the luxation was reduced, the joint was aligned, and the transarticular pinning was correct. The transarticular pin was removed 21 days after it was surgically inserted. The limb was fully functional in the immediate postoperative period. Nine months after the surgery, the patient could use the limb properly, but mild degenerative joint disease was observed via radiographic follow-up. This technique may be a viable treatment option for the repair of caudoventral hip luxation in miniature pigs.(AU)
Um mini-pig foi atendido devido à claudicação do membro pélvico esquerdo após pequena queda. O exame clínico e radiografias da região pélvica revelaram uma luxação caudoventral de quadril no lado esquerdo. A redução cirúrgica da luxação foi realizada, com o paciente sob anestesia geral, usando um pino transarticular. As radiografias pós-operatórias confirmaram que a luxação foi reduzida, com alinhamento e fixação transarticular corretos. O pino transarticular foi removido cirurgicamente 21 dias após de ter sido inserido. O membro se tornou totalmente funcional já no período pós-operatório imediato. Nove meses após a cirurgia, o paciente utilizava o membro corretamente, porém foi detectada doença articular degenerativa leve através de acompanhamento radiográfico. A técnica empregada foi uma opção viável de tratamento para a reparação da luxação caudoventral de quadril em mini-pig.(AU)
Animais , Luxação do Quadril/cirurgia , Luxação do Quadril/veterinária , Sus scrofa/cirurgia , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , /lesõesResumo
A miniature pig was examined because of left pelvic limb lameness after falling from a short height. Clinical examination and radiographs of the pelvic region revealed a left caudoventral hip luxation. Surgical reduction of luxation was performed on the patient under general anesthesia using a transarticular pinning technique. Postoperative radiographs confirmed that the luxation was reduced, the joint was aligned, and the transarticular pinning was correct. The transarticular pin was removed 21 days after it was surgically inserted. The limb was fully functional in the immediate postoperative period. Nine months after the surgery, the patient could use the limb properly, but mild degenerative joint disease was observed via radiographic follow-up. This technique may be a viable treatment option for the repair of caudoventral hip luxation in miniature pigs.
Um mini-pig foi atendido devido à claudicação do membro pélvico esquerdo após pequena queda. O exame clínico e radiografias da região pélvica revelaram uma luxação caudoventral de quadril no lado esquerdo. A redução cirúrgica da luxação foi realizada, com o paciente sob anestesia geral, usando um pino transarticular. As radiografias pós-operatórias confirmaram que a luxação foi reduzida, com alinhamento e fixação transarticular corretos. O pino transarticular foi removido cirurgicamente 21 dias após de ter sido inserido. O membro se tornou totalmente funcional já no período pós-operatório imediato. Nove meses após a cirurgia, o paciente utilizava o membro corretamente, porém foi detectada doença articular degenerativa leve através de acompanhamento radiográfico. A técnica empregada foi uma opção viável de tratamento para a reparação da luxação caudoventral de quadril em mini-pig.