Background: Tibiotarsal joint luxations are mostly traumatic and due to automobile accidents. The arthrodesis of this joint is considered the final solution for trauma with ligament lesions without repair, luxations without possibility of joint recovery and chronic joint diseases. The direction to which the joint is dislocated is associated with the forces of trauma, and bilateral ligament injuries are not uncommon. However, the medial ligaments are more frequently injured. The aim of this study is to describe the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis using a customized titanium plate for application to the medial surface of the joint.Case: An undefined breed dog, weighing 21.5 kg, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) with history of trauma and injury in the right pelvic limb. After physical and radiographic examinations it was diagnosed with an exposed luxation of the tibiotarsal joint and tissue loss in the region. The tibiotarsal region was cleaned and a bandage was made daily until the first surgical procedure, which occurred five days later. Initially, it was treated without success with the use of a transarticular external fixator1 . Subsequently, pantarsal arthrodesis was performed using a customized titanium angled plate (Made by a private manufacturer based on the functional angulation of the tibiotarsal joint of the contralateral limb). The joint was accessed for exposure of the distal portion of the tibia, tarsal and metatarsals bones. Wear of the articular surfaces was performed and then the customized angulation plate for pantarsal arthrodesis was placed on the medial side of the joint. Bicortical drillings were performed, starting with the proximal orifice. According to the holes of the plate, five 3.5 mm diameter screws1 (four at the distal tibia and one at the tarsus) and four 2.7 mm diameter screws were used in the metatarsal bones.[...](AU)
Animais , Adulto , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Tarso Animal/lesões , Titânio/uso terapêuticoResumo
Background: Tibiotarsal joint luxations are mostly traumatic and due to automobile accidents. The arthrodesis of this joint is considered the final solution for trauma with ligament lesions without repair, luxations without possibility of joint recovery and chronic joint diseases. The direction to which the joint is dislocated is associated with the forces of trauma, and bilateral ligament injuries are not uncommon. However, the medial ligaments are more frequently injured. The aim of this study is to describe the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis using a customized titanium plate for application to the medial surface of the joint.Case: An undefined breed dog, weighing 21.5 kg, was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) with history of trauma and injury in the right pelvic limb. After physical and radiographic examinations it was diagnosed with an exposed luxation of the tibiotarsal joint and tissue loss in the region. The tibiotarsal region was cleaned and a bandage was made daily until the first surgical procedure, which occurred five days later. Initially, it was treated without success with the use of a transarticular external fixator1 . Subsequently, pantarsal arthrodesis was performed using a customized titanium angled plate (Made by a private manufacturer based on the functional angulation of the tibiotarsal joint of the contralateral limb). The joint was accessed for exposure of the distal portion of the tibia, tarsal and metatarsals bones. Wear of the articular surfaces was performed and then the customized angulation plate for pantarsal arthrodesis was placed on the medial side of the joint. Bicortical drillings were performed, starting with the proximal orifice. According to the holes of the plate, five 3.5 mm diameter screws1 (four at the distal tibia and one at the tarsus) and four 2.7 mm diameter screws were used in the metatarsal bones.[...]
Animais , Adulto , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Tarso Animal/lesões , Titânio/uso terapêuticoResumo
The objective of this work was to report the case of a dog with limb claudication of the right pelvic limb five months ago, using intramedullary pin associated with the LC-LCP plate in the surgical treatment. The surgical approach was made cranial to the tibiotarsal joint, applying the normalized 3mm intramedullary pin through the tibia to the calcaneus. A nine-hole 3.5 mm LC-LCP plate was applied associated with the pin using four proximally locked bolts and three distal locked bolts. On the eighth postoperative day, the animal returned daily activities while maintaining the integrity of the implant. The association of intramedullary pin with LC-LCP plaque promoted additional stability, thus reducing complications, which allowed us to introduce another alternative for the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis in dogs.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Artropatias/cirurgia , Artropatias/veterinária , Próteses e Implantes/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this work was to report the case of a dog with limb claudication of the right pelvic limb five months ago, using intramedullary pin associated with the LC-LCP plate in the surgical treatment. The surgical approach was made cranial to the tibiotarsal joint, applying the normalized 3mm intramedullary pin through the tibia to the calcaneus. A nine-hole 3.5 mm LC-LCP plate was applied associated with the pin using four proximally locked bolts and three distal locked bolts. On the eighth postoperative day, the animal returned daily activities while maintaining the integrity of the implant. The association of intramedullary pin with LC-LCP plaque promoted additional stability, thus reducing complications, which allowed us to introduce another alternative for the performance of pantarsal arthrodesis in dogs.
Animais , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Artropatias/cirurgia , Artropatias/veterinária , Próteses e Implantes/veterináriaResumo
The purpose of this study was to describe a pantarsal arthrodesis using a medial locking plate in an overweight dog. A 5-year-old, 28 kg, female dachshund presented with a left plantigraded hindlimb with calcaneous osteolytic injury and bone exposure. First, the patient was treated for the skin wound and started on a weight-loss program. A customized locking plate was used in the pantarsal arthrodesis. A normal hindlimb position and gait were observed after 27 days, and bone fusion was achieved at 60 days postoperatively. Implant removal was performed at 120 days, and the patient was discharged. The dog was kept on weight-loss therapy until it achieved a body weight of 11 kg. The customized bone implant used for pantarsal arthrodesis proved feasible and effective in treating an obese dog with low bone density.
Animais , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Reabsorção Óssea/terapia , Reabsorção Óssea/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , ObesidadeResumo
The purpose of this study was to describe a pantarsal arthrodesis using a medial locking plate in an overweight dog. A 5-year-old, 28 kg, female dachshund presented with a left plantigraded hindlimb with calcaneous osteolytic injury and bone exposure. First, the patient was treated for the skin wound and started on a weight-loss program. A customized locking plate was used in the pantarsal arthrodesis. A normal hindlimb position and gait were observed after 27 days, and bone fusion was achieved at 60 days postoperatively. Implant removal was performed at 120 days, and the patient was discharged. The dog was kept on weight-loss therapy until it achieved a body weight of 11 kg. The customized bone implant used for pantarsal arthrodesis proved feasible and effective in treating an obese dog with low bone density.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Artrodese/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Reabsorção Óssea/terapia , Reabsorção Óssea/veterinária , ObesidadeResumo
The method of fixation should be well tolerated and its application must be made in theshortest possible surgery and anesthesia times. This report describes the surgicalmanagement of a Harris's hawk who, on orthopedic examination, had functional impotenceof the pelvic limb right. A transverse complete fracture of the tibiotarsus was observed onradiographic examination. Closed fracture reduction was chosen and osteosynthesis withhybrid external fixator with tied-in intramedullary pin. After 30 days it was bone healingwas confirmed.
Animais , Falcões/cirurgia , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Tíbia/cirurgia , Aves Predatórias/cirurgiaResumo
The method of fixation should be well tolerated and its application must be made in theshortest possible surgery and anesthesia times. This report describes the surgicalmanagement of a Harris's hawk who, on orthopedic examination, had functional impotenceof the pelvic limb right. A transverse complete fracture of the tibiotarsus was observed onradiographic examination. Closed fracture reduction was chosen and osteosynthesis withhybrid external fixator with tied-in intramedullary pin. After 30 days it was bone healingwas confirmed.(AU)
Animais , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Tíbia/cirurgia , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Falcões/cirurgia , Aves Predatórias/cirurgiaResumo
Twenty-five arthrodeses were performed in four cats and 17 dogs using synthetic hydroxyapatite as fresh autogenous graft cancellous bone substitute. Arthrodesis was performed in the carpal joint in eight cases, in the tarsal joint in 10, in the elbow joint in six, and in the knee joint in one case. The mean radiographic follow-up time was 30 days in one animal, 45 days in another animal and 60 days in the 19 remaining cases. Bone union was observed in 24 arthrodeses. Non-union of one elbow arthrodesis was due to failure of stabilization. Restoration of limb functionality was classified as good to excellent in 22 cases. Hydroxyapatite was able to promote bone growth and is suitable for using in routine surgical procedures for small animals(AU)
Realizaram-se 25 artrodeses em 21 casos, quatro em gatos e 17 em cães, utilizando hidroxiapatita sintética como substituto ao enxerto ósseo autógeno esponjoso fresco, sendo oito na articulação do carpo, 10 na articulação do tarso, seis na do cotovelo e uma na do joelho. As avaliações radiográficas foram realizadas aos 30 dias em um animal, aos 45 dias em outro e aos 60 dias nos 19 casos restantes. Visibilizou-se união óssea em 24 artrodeses e a não-união em um cotovelo foi atribuída a falha na estabilização. O retorno à função do membro foi classificado de bom a excelente em 22 casos. A hidroxiapatita foi capaz de viabilizar o crescimento ósseo e mostrou-se factível para utilização na prática cirúrgica rotineira em pequenos animais(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Artrodese/métodos , Carpo Animal/fisiopatologia , Carpo Animal/cirurgia , Tarso Animal/fisiopatologia , Tarso Animal/cirurgia , Joelho de Quadrúpedes/fisiopatologia , Joelho de Quadrúpedes/cirurgia , Durapatita/uso terapêutico , Cães/cirurgia , Gatos/cirurgia , Membro Anterior/fisiopatologia , Membro Anterior/cirurgiaResumo
Objetivo: Apresentar caso de artrodese parcial com utilização de placa óssea em "t" e parafusos como tratamento de luxação de tarso em cão. Descrição: Cadela sem raça definida, três anos de idade, aproximadamente 14 kg, foi atendida no Serviço de Cirurgia Ortopédica da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ/ USP), São Paulo, SP, com histórico de claudicação. Ao exame físico, o animal apresentava impotência funcional de membro posterior esquerdo, aumento de volume e sensibilidade dolorosa. À palpação do membro notou-se mobilidade anormal, crepitação presente, dor severa e instabilidade na região da articulação tarso metatársica. O exame radiográfico revelou luxação tarso metatársico com desvio do eixo axial e perda parcial da relação articular tarso metatársico. Com base nos sinais clínicos, radiográficos e laboratoriais, marcou-se a cirurgia. A placa em "t" foi posicionada de maneira que os dois parafusos proximais ficassem fixados no tarso e os quatro parafusos distais no terceiro metatarsiano. No pós-operatório imediato foi adotado penso esparadrapo com talas laterais por 60 dias. Em dois meses de pós-operatório foi dado alta ao paciente. Conclusões: A artrodese total é atualmente o procedimento cirúrgico mais utilizado em luxações do tarso de cães. Porém, a artrodese parcial pode ser considerada por apresentar pouca complicação e pequeno risco de falha do implante, com preservação da integridade de articulações não afetadas.
Objective: To reporl on a case ofparlial arlhrodesis elllploying a "I" bone plale alld screll'S, for Irealmenl oflarsal luxalion ill a dog. Description: Fel1lale dog, lIlixed breed, Ihree years old, approximalely J.j kg, exalllined ai lhe Serviço de Cirurgia Ortopédica da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ/USP), (Surgical Orlhopedic Service of lhe School of Velerinary Medicine and Animal Science of lhe Ulliversity of São Paulo), São Paulo, Sp, Brazil, wilh a history of lameness. Upon physical examinalion, lhe lefi hind/illlb was nonweightbearing, enlarged and painful. Palpalion revealed crepilus, severe pain and inslabi/ily oflhe larso-melalarsal joinl. Radiology revealed larso-lIlelatarsal luxalion wilh axial devialion and parlial loss of lhe larso-lIletalarsal arlicular relalionship. Based onlhe clinicaI, radiological and laboralorial jindings, surgery was scheduled. The "I" plale lVas placed in such a manner Ihat bolh proximal screws lVerejixaled to lhe larsus and Ihefour dislal screll's lVere jixated lo lhe Ihird lIlelatarsus. Laleral splinls were elllployed in lhe early posl-operalive period and kepl for 60 days. The palienllVas releasedfrollllreatlllenl afieI' fwo 11I0nths. COl1cJusiol1S: Today, lolal arlhrodesis is lhe lI/os1 comlllon surgical procedurefor frealmenl oflarsalluxation in dogs. HOlVever parlial arlhrodesis can be considered due lo ils few complicalions and low risk ofimplant failure, wilh preservalion oflhe inlegrily ofnon affecled joinls.
Objetivo: Presentar un caso de artrodesis parcial con utilización de placa ósea en "I" Y tornillos como tratamiento para la luxación del tarso en perros. Descripción: Una perra sin raza definida, de tres años de edad y aproximadamente 14 kilos, fue atendida en el Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad de São Paulo (FMVZ/USP), São Paulo, Sp,Brasil, con un histórico de claudicación. En el examen físico el animal presentaba impotencia funcional del miembro posterior izquierdo, aumento de volumen y sensibilidad dolorosa. En la palpación del miembro se notó una movilidad anormal, crepitación presente, dolor severo e inestabilidad de la región de la articulación tarso metatarsiana. EI examen radiográfico reveló luxación tarso metatarsiana con desvío del eje axial y pérdida parcial de la relación articular tarso metatarsiana. Fundamentado en señales clínicos, radiográficos y de laboratorio, se marcó la cirugía. La placa en "I" se posicionó de lal manera que los dos tornillos proximales permaneciesen fijados en enarso y los cuatro tornillos distates en enercer metatarsiano. En el pos operatorio inmediato se adoptó un vendaje de esparadrapo con tablillas laterales durante 60 días. En dos meses de pos operatorio se le día alta al paciente. Conclusiones: La artrodesis 10lal es actualmente el procedimiento quirúrgico más utilizado en luxaciones del tarso en pelos. Sin embargo la artrodesis parcial puede ser considerada al presentar poca complicación y pequeño riesgo de fallos en el implante, con preservación de la integridad de articulaciones no afectadas.
Animais , Cães , Luxações Articulares/cirurgia , Luxações Articulares/diagnóstico , Luxações Articulares/história , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Artrodese , Tarso Animal/cirurgiaResumo
Objetivo: Apresentar caso de artrodese parcial com utilização de placa óssea em "t" e parafusos como tratamento de luxação de tarso em cão. Descrição: Cadela sem raça definida, três anos de idade, aproximadamente 14 kg, foi atendida no Serviço de Cirurgia Ortopédica da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ/ USP), São Paulo, SP, com histórico de claudicação. Ao exame físico, o animal apresentava impotência funcional de membro posterior esquerdo, aumento de volume e sensibilidade dolorosa. À palpação do membro notou-se mobilidade anormal, crepitação presente, dor severa e instabilidade na região da articulação tarso metatársica. O exame radiográfico revelou luxação tarso metatársico com desvio do eixo axial e perda parcial da relação articular tarso metatársico. Com base nos sinais clínicos, radiográficos e laboratoriais, marcou-se a cirurgia. A placa em "t" foi posicionada de maneira que os dois parafusos proximais ficassem fixados no tarso e os quatro parafusos distais no terceiro metatarsiano. No pós-operatório imediato foi adotado penso esparadrapo com talas laterais por 60 dias. Em dois meses de pós-operatório foi dado alta ao paciente. Conclusões: A artrodese total é atualmente o procedimento cirúrgico mais utilizado em luxações do tarso de cães. Porém, a artrodese parcial pode ser considerada por apresentar pouca complicação e pequeno risco de falha do implante, com preservação da integridade de articulações não afetadas.(AU)
Objective: To reporl on a case ofparlial arlhrodesis elllploying a "I" bone plale alld screll'S, for Irealmenl oflarsal luxalion ill a dog. Description: Fel1lale dog, lIlixed breed, Ihree years old, approximalely J.j kg, exalllined ai lhe Serviço de Cirurgia Ortopédica da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ/USP), (Surgical Orlhopedic Service of lhe School of Velerinary Medicine and Animal Science of lhe Ulliversity of São Paulo), São Paulo, Sp, Brazil, wilh a history of lameness. Upon physical examinalion, lhe lefi hind/illlb was nonweightbearing, enlarged and painful. Palpalion revealed crepilus, severe pain and inslabi/ily oflhe larso-melalarsal joinl. Radiology revealed larso-lIlelatarsal luxalion wilh axial devialion and parlial loss of lhe larso-lIletalarsal arlicular relalionship. Based onlhe clinicaI, radiological and laboralorial jindings, surgery was scheduled. The "I" plale lVas placed in such a manner Ihat bolh proximal screws lVerejixaled to lhe larsus and Ihefour dislal screll's lVere jixated lo lhe Ihird lIlelatarsus. Laleral splinls were elllployed in lhe early posl-operalive period and kepl for 60 days. The palienllVas releasedfrollllreatlllenl afieI' fwo 11I0nths. COl1cJusiol1S: Today, lolal arlhrodesis is lhe lI/os1 comlllon surgical procedurefor frealmenl oflarsalluxation in dogs. HOlVever parlial arlhrodesis can be considered due lo ils few complicalions and low risk ofimplant failure, wilh preservalion oflhe inlegrily ofnon affecled joinls.(AU)
Objetivo: Presentar un caso de artrodesis parcial con utilización de placa ósea en "I" Y tornillos como tratamiento para la luxación del tarso en perros. Descripción: Una perra sin raza definida, de tres años de edad y aproximadamente 14 kilos, fue atendida en el Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad de São Paulo (FMVZ/USP), São Paulo, Sp,Brasil, con un histórico de claudicación. En el examen físico el animal presentaba impotencia funcional del miembro posterior izquierdo, aumento de volumen y sensibilidad dolorosa. En la palpación del miembro se notó una movilidad anormal, crepitación presente, dolor severo e inestabilidad de la región de la articulación tarso metatarsiana. EI examen radiográfico reveló luxación tarso metatarsiana con desvío del eje axial y pérdida parcial de la relación articular tarso metatarsiana. Fundamentado en señales clínicos, radiográficos y de laboratorio, se marcó la cirugía. La placa en "I" se posicionó de lal manera que los dos tornillos proximales permaneciesen fijados en enarso y los cuatro tornillos distates en enercer metatarsiano. En el pos operatorio inmediato se adoptó un vendaje de esparadrapo con tablillas laterales durante 60 días. En dos meses de pos operatorio se le día alta al paciente. Conclusiones: La artrodesis 10lal es actualmente el procedimiento quirúrgico más utilizado en luxaciones del tarso en pelos. Sin embargo la artrodesis parcial puede ser considerada al presentar poca complicación y pequeño riesgo de fallos en el implante, con preservación de la integridad de articulaciones no afectadas.