It is well known that the concentration of the thyroid hormone thyroxine increases as day length increases, and the other way around, in Karagouniko and Chios ewes but based on openly international English literature, nothing is known about this hormone on the rams of the breeds mentioned above concerning a meticulous analysis of their aerial environment. So from this perspective, the current research was conducted to investigate the thyroxine concentrations of Karagouniko and Chios rams, taking into account two periods, January-June and July-November, when the day length was increasing and decreasing, respectively. Apart from photoperiod, the meteorological variables air temperature, relative humidity, and sunshine were taken into consideration in the farm of the Artificial Insemination Center of Karditsa (39021Î18ÎÎN, 21054Î19ÎÎE), Greece (temperate climate zone), where the experimental animals raised. The possible change of thyroxine concentration in both sheep breeds and the possible changes of the abovementioned meteorological variables between the examined periods were detected using t-tests. Higher thyroxine values (P < 0.05) were confirmed in JanuaryJune (55.11 ng/ml in Karagouniko and 47.72 ng/ml in Chios rams), in comparison to July-November (49.03 ng/ml in Karagouniko and 44.14 ng/ml in Chios rams). Air temperature and sunshine followed a reverse course (P < 0.05). In both periods, Karagouniko rams were characterized by higher concentrations of thyroxine than Chios rams (P < 0.01). Our results add more insight into the physiology of Karagouniko and Chios sheep related to thyroxine and temperate aerial environment.
Animais , Hormônios Tireóideos , Tiroxina , Ovinos , Clima TemperadoResumo
Hipertireoidismo é uma doença causada pela disfunção do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-tireoide, na qual há um aumento na produção e secreção de T3 (triiodotironina) e T4 (tiroxina). É comum em gatos de meia idade a idosos, mas raro em cães, nos quais normalmente são causados por iatrogenia ou neoplasias da tireoide. O presente trabalho relata um caso de hipertireoidismo em um cão da raça golden retriever, secundário a um carcinoma folicular-compacto de tireoide. A enfermidade causa alterações em diversos sistemas, portanto é importante que o diagnóstico precoce seja firmado para o sucesso do tratamento e a avaliação do tamanho, da invasividade tumoral, da presença de metástases, bem como, das condições clínicas do paciente que são essenciais para a escolha da terapêutica.(AU)
Hyperthyroidism is a disease caused by the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis dysfunction, in which there is an increased production and secretion of T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). It is common in middle aged to old cats but is rare in dogs, in which are usually a result of iatrogenic cause or thyroid neoplasia. The present paper reports a case of hyperthyroidism in a golden retriever dog secondary to a thyroid follicular-compact carcinoma. The disease causes changes in several systems, so to achieve the treatment's success it must be performed an early diagnoses. The analyzis of the tumor size and invasion, presence of metastasis and the patient's clinical conditions are essential to the settlement of the therapeutic choice.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Tiroxina , Tri-Iodotironina , Carcinoma , HipertireoidismoResumo
Background: Hypothyroidism is characterized by hypofunction of the thyroid gland. It results in deficient production of thyroid hormones. Neurological disorders resulting from hypothyroidism are rare, which highlights the importance of this study. This study reports a case of hypothyroidism in a dog with neurological clinical signs, that was treated at the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz's Veterinary Hospital (HV-UESC). Case: A 4-year-old male intact Dogo Argentino breed dog, weighing 64 kg, presenting obesity, anorexia, prostration, walking in circles, and chronic dermatopathy was presented at HV-UESC. Upon physical examination, the animal presented a deficit of proprioception in the 4 limbs, with preserved superficial and deep pain. No alteration was observed in the ears, that could explained the clinical signs. In terms of dermatopathy, the animal presented symmetrical alopecia in the lateral region of the thighs and tail. Blood samples were collected for a complete blood count and biochemical tests of urea, creatinine, ALT, AST and cholesterol. Imaging radiography and ultrasonography were performed, which ruled out thoracic and abdominal changes that could be related to the case. Prior to receiving the blood test results, idiopathic encephalitis was suspected and enrofloxacin and prednisone were prescribed for 7 days. During the medication period, previous exams were provided, which indicated only increased cholesterol (500 mg/dL). The animal showed no improvement with the prescribed medication. In view of the clinical signs presented by the patient and the results of the additional tests, hormonal disease was suspected, compatible with hypothyroidism. Thus, hormonal tests of total T4, free T4, and TSH were requested, leading to verification of reduced total T4 (0.3 ng/dL) and free T4 (0.15 ng/dL) levels, and confirming the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The previous treatment was suspended and thyroid hormone replacement was initiated. After 3 days of treatment, the neurological signs regressed and the animal became more active; after 30 days, the areas of alopecia decreased. Although the patient did not receive the recommended clinical follow-up for such cases, it was possible to establish the ideal levothyroxine dosage for the dog after appropriate adjustments, which permitted thyroid hormone levels to return to normal. Discussion: This report refers to a case of hypothyroidism in a giant dog breed. The dog in the report showed clinical signs of a dermatological, metabolic, and neurological nature, which is consistent with a lack of thyroid hormone. The main signs presented by the animal were neurological, such as walking in circles and a deficit of proprioception in the four limbs. These clinical signs are rarely mentioned in the literature associated with hypothyroidism. Laboratory abnormalities are correlated with the severity and chronicity of the disease. The animal showed a decrease in total T4 and free T4, which is to be expected in a hypothyroid animal. As a result, levothyroxine replacement treatment was initiated. The dose used for the dog, which is the recommended dose in the literature, greatly increased its total T4 levels. As a result, the dose was readjusted after a new clinical evaluation. The rate of metabolism and absorption of levothyroxine varies widely and is independent of weight. The patient showed quickly improvement in neurological signs, activity level, and serum cholesterol rate. Regarding dermatological signs and body condition, there was a more gradual improvement. This corroborates what is mentioned in the literature, which indicates that improvements can take many months
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/veterináriaResumo
The production system model that has been adopted in most Brazilian regions, the soybean/second corn crop succession, has led to problems in water and soil conservation and favorable conditions for diseases, pests, and weeds in the agricultural system and, consequently, increasing its energy use. Crop rotation is an alternative to this production model, directly interfering with the problematic aspects of the crop succession system and, consequently, its energy balance. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the crop rotation system with the best energy balance and efficiency. The data on the quantity of inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and fuel), labor, and grain yield used in the study were collected from a crop rotation experiment conducted at the experimental station of the Rural Development Institute of Paraná - IAPAR-EMATER, Londrina, PR, Brazil, from 2014 to 2020. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with six treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of T1 (second corn crop/soybean), T2 (white oat/ soybean, triticale/corn, and wheat/soybean), T3 (rye + black oat/soybean, black oat + fodder radish/corn, and congo grass/soybean), T4 (canola/corn, crambe/corn; canola/soybean); T5 (buckwheat-fodder radish/ corn, bean/soybean, and buckwheat-white oat/ soybean), and T6 (wheat/corn, canola/corn + congo grass, and bean/soybean). The different crop rotations and the traditional second corn crop/soybean system provided positive energy balance and efficiency, that is, they produced more energy than they consumed. The canola/corn, crambe/corn, and canola/soybean rotation systems had the highest energy balance and efficiency, with values of 866,442.27 MJ ha−1 and 10.27, respectively, mainly due to corn cultivation in the summer, which resulted in a higher energy return than the other grain-producing crops.(AU)
O modelo de sistema de produção que vem sendo adotado na maioria das regiões brasileiras, a sucessão de soja/milho segunda safra, é um sistema que vem acarretando problemas na conservação da água e dos solos, e também levando a condições favoráveis para doenças, pragas e plantas daninhas no sistema agrícola e consequentemente elevando o uso de energia no sistema. A alternativa para esse modelo de produção é a rotação de cultura, no qual, pode interferir diretamente nos pontos problemáticos do sistema de sucessão de culturas e consequentemente no balanço de energia dos sistemas. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo é identificar o sistema de rotação de culturas, com melhor balanço e eficiência energética. Os dados de quantidade de insumos (sementes, adubos, defensivos e combustível), mão de obra homem e rendimento de grãos utilizados no estudo, foram coletados de um experimento de rotação de culturas conduzido na estação experimental do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Rural do Paraná IAPAR-EMATER, Londrina-PR, durante os anos de 2014 a 2020. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos do experimento são: T1 (milho segunda safra/soja); T2 (aveia branca/soja; triticale/milho; trigo/soja); T3 (centeio + aveia preta/soja; aveia preta + nabo forrageiro/milho; braquiária/soja); T4 (canola/milho; crambe/milho; canola/soja); T5 (trigo mourisco - nabo forrageiro/milho; feijão/soja; trigo mourisco - aveia branca/soja) e T6 (trigo/milho; canola/milho + braquiária; feijão/soja). As diferentes rotações, bem como o sistema tradicional milho segunda safra/ soja, proporcionaram balanço e eficiência energética positiva, ou seja, produziram mais energia do que consumiram. O sistema de rotação com canola/milho; crambe/milho; canola/soja apresentou o maior balanço e maior eficiência energética, com 866.442,27 MJ ha-1 e 10,27, respectivamente, em decorrência principalmente do cultivo do milho no verão, que resultou maior retorno energético em relação às demais culturas produtoras de grãos.(AU)
Tiroxina , Produtos Agrícolas , Poaceae , 24444Resumo
El objetivo de esta revision fue resaltar el comportamiento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina, IGF y GH) que actúan sobre el metabolismo energético de animals no rumiantes en estado de ayuno. Los procesos metabólicos están regulados por la disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendocrinos. Para comprender las vías metabólicas y su regulación hormonal en los diferentes tejidos, es necessário detener el metabolismo especializado en los diversos órganos y tejidos que integran el metabolismo energético en todo el cuerpo del animal. Así, se espera dilucidar la amplia gama de hormonas movilizadoras de energia y los mecanismos hormonales presentes en cada tejido, así como describer la interrelación entre insulin, glucagón y adrenalina en la coordinación del metabolismo energético de músculo, hígado y tejido adipose, debido a que cada tejido tiene sus propias características metabólicas, en general, la concentración de nutrientes en la sangre es controlada por el hígado, que a su vez se convierte en el órgano central para mantener la homeostasis de los principals nutrientes. El suministro de energia en el cuerpo durante el período de ayuno se debe a la degradación del glucógeno, la proteólisis muscular y la lipólisis que jugarán roles fisiológicos específicos para que las vías metabólicas tengan sus propias características...
The objective of this review was to emphasize the hormonal behavior (Insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, leptin, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenaline IGF and GH) acting on energy metabolism of non-ruminant animals on the fasting state. Metabolic processes are regulated by the availability of substrate, by neuroendocrine mechanisms. To understand the metabolic pathways and their hormonal regulation on the different tissues, it is necessary to stop to the specialized metabolism on the various organs and tissues that integrate the energy metabolism in the whole organism of the animal. Thus it is expected to elucidate the broad range of energy mobilization hormones and the hormonal mechanisms present in each tissue, as well as to describe the interrelationship between insulin, glucagon and adrenaline in the coordination of energetic metabolism of muscle, liver and tissue Because each tissue has its own metabolic characteristics, in general, the concentration of nutrients in the blood is controlled by the liver, which in turn becomes the central organ of the maintenance of the homeostasis of the main nutrients. The energy supply in the body during the fasting period is due to the degradation of glycogen, muscular proteolysis and lipolysis that will play specific physiological roles so that the metabolic pathways have their own characteristics, the release of the hormones being regulated by...
Objetivou-se com está revisão ressaltar o comportamento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina IGF e GH) atuantes no metabolismo energético de animais não ruminantes sobre o estado de jejum. Os processos metabólicos são regulados pela disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendócrinos. Para entender as vias metabólicas e sua regulação hormonal sobre os diferentes tecidos, faz-se necessário deter-se ao metabolismo especializado sobre os vários órgãos e tecidos que integram o metabolismo energético em todo o organismo do animal. Assim espera-se elucidar o amplo alcance dos hormônios de mobilização de energia e os mecanismos hormonais presente em cada tecido, como também descrever a inter-relação entre a insulina, o glucagon e a adrenalina na coordenação do metabolismo energético do músculo, fígado e tecido adiposo, pois cada tecido tem características metabólicas própria, de um modo geral, a concentração dos nutrientes no sangue é controlada pelo fígado, que por sua vez, torna-se o órgão central da manutenção da homeostasia dos principais nutrientes. O aporte energético no organismo durante o período de jejum se dá pela degradação de glicogênio, a proteólise muscular e lipólise que vão desempenhar papéis fisiológicos específicos para que as vias metabólicas tenham características próprias, sendo a liberação dos hormônios regulada...
Animais , Hormônios/análise , Jejum/metabolismo , Metabolismo Energético , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , Epinefrina , Glucagon , Grelina , Hidrocortisona , Insulina , Leptina , Tiroxina , Tri-IodotironinaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reasons of quality deviation of a concentrate from a predefined standard. Five treatments were established: T1 - Control, standard concentrate formulation (SCF); T2 - PXMore5, SCF with more 5% vitamin-mineral premix (VMP); T3 - PXLess5, SCF with less 5% VMP. All three treatments used a 400kg batches in an INTECNIAL mixer; T4 - FeedMixer, SCF using a 4,000kg batch in an IMOTO mixer; T5 - PremixMixer, SCF using a 1,200kg batch in an MUYANG mixer. For each treatment, bags of 20 kg were stored in three storage places for four months. Water activity of concentrate was affected by temperature and air relative humidity in different storage places. Regarding the kind of mixer, the greatest variation in concentration of crude protein, mineral residue, copper, zinc, and selenium was observed in the PremixMixer. Adjustments are imperative in the handling and use procedures of this kind of mixer to meet the quality requirements required in the concentrate production. Analyzing the effect of the mineral-vitamin premix level, no difference could be defined with the evaluated parameters.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as razões do desvio de qualidade de um concentrado de um padrão predefinido. Foram estabelecidos cinco tratamentos: T1 - controle, concentrado com formulação padrão (CFP); T2 - PXMais5, CFP com 5% a mais de vitaminas e minerais da pré-mistura (PVM); T3 - PXMenos5, CFP com 5% a menos de PVM. Todos esses três tratamentos utilizaram lotes de 400kg em um misturador INTECNIAL; T4 - FeedMixer, CFP usando um lote de 4.000kg em um misturador IMOTO; T5 - PremixMixer, CFP usando um lote de 1.200kg em um misturador MUYANG. Para cada tratamento, sacos de 20kg foram armazenados em três ambientes distintos por quatro meses. A atividade de água do concentrado foi afetada pela temperatura e umidade relativa do ar em diferentes locais de armazenamento. Em relação ao tipo de misturador, a maior variação na concentração de proteína bruta, resíduo mineral, cobre, zinco e selênio foi devido ao PremixMixer. Ajustes são imperativos nos procedimentos de manuseio e uso desse tipo de misturador para atender aos requisitos de qualidade exigidos na produção de concentrado. Ao se analisar o efeito do nível da pré-mistura de vitaminas e minerais, nenhuma diferença pôde ser definida com os parâmetros avaliados.(AU)
Animais , Suínos , Nutrientes/administração & dosagem , Ração Animal/análise , Selênio , Tiroxina , Tri-Iodotironina , Vitaminas , Zinco , CobreResumo
Background: Primary canine hypothyroidism, an endocrine disorder that causes imbalances in the hypothalamus-pituitarythyroid axis, is a common cause of endocrine dermatoses, which frequently presents with opaque dry brittle hair. Tissue changes are also visible, such as myxedema, hyperkeratosis, epidermal atrophy, alopecia, and others. This paper describes the skin changes caused by primary hypothyroidism in a female dog before and after treatment with levothyroxine. Case: This case study involved a 7-year-old Dalmatian bitch with a history of weight gain and changes such as rough dry brittle hair. For about a year, the dog also had also presented symmetrical erythematous and alopecia skin lesions in the regions of the hind limbs, lower back and tail, progressive lethargy and fatigue after exercise. A hemogram showed mild normocytic and normochromic regenerative anemia, as well as mild leukopenia and neutropenia. Biochemical tests revealed increased levels of creatinine, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. Skin biopsy revealed the presence of comedones in the epidermis and acanthosis and trichilemmal keratinization. Hormonal tests revealed high TSH and low free T4 and total T4 levels. A cervical ultrasound scan showed changes in the thyroid glands, with hypoechoic parenchyma, in addition to increased size of the right lobe, suggesting thyroiditis. Based on these exams, the patient was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism, and treatment with levothyroxine was instituted. Discussion: Around 90% of dogs with hypothyroidism show a decrease in total T4 and about 65-75% of them show an increase in TSH levels. In endocrinopathy, there is a decrease in the expression of T3 receptors in the keratinocytes and genes responsible for epidermal renewal. Also, molecules that affect epidermal differentiation bind to intracellular receptors belonging to the steroid/thyroid hormone superfamily. In this study, however, the application of the minimum levothyroxine dose restored the normal epidermal pattern for the species and the remaining parameters returned to normal. The hormone T3 acts in the differentiation of keratinocytes, a fact that, although not yet proven, is believed to be indirect and mediated by the epidermal growth factor or by the expression of the genes responsible for the renewal of the epidermis. Besides, some effects on the epidermis caused by deficiency of thyroid hormones may be due to secondary vitamin A deficiency, which is necessary for epithelial differentiation and binding epidermal growth factor (EGF) to the cell. Still, there is a theory that sex hormones also affect the differentiation of the epidermis, as studies show that deficiency causes effects similar to those caused by hypothyroidism. Some studies indicate the investigation of the relationship between secondary vitamin D deficiency and the increased cellularity of the epidermis of the spayed hypothyroid female rats. Additionally, the mechanism of the formation of hyperkeratosis in hypothyroidism is not yet elucidated. T3 is known to regulate keratin gene expression and perhaps also epidermal maturation, epithelial cycle, and normal keratin synthesis. The single treatment with levothyroxine in the female dog was effective in promoting the restoration of gene expression to T3 in keratinocytes.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Queratinócitos , Hipotireoidismo/terapia , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterináriaResumo
El objetivo de esta revision fue resaltar el comportamiento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina, IGF y GH) que actúan sobre el metabolismo energético de animals no rumiantes en estado de ayuno. Los procesos metabólicos están regulados por la disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendocrinos. Para comprender las vías metabólicas y su regulación hormonal en los diferentes tejidos, es necessário detener el metabolismo especializado en los diversos órganos y tejidos que integran el metabolismo energético en todo el cuerpo del animal. Así, se espera dilucidar la amplia gama de hormonas movilizadoras de energia y los mecanismos hormonales presentes en cada tejido, así como describer la interrelación entre insulin, glucagón y adrenalina en la coordinación del metabolismo energético de músculo, hígado y tejido adipose, debido a que cada tejido tiene sus propias características metabólicas, en general, la concentración de nutrientes en la sangre es controlada por el hígado, que a su vez se convierte en el órgano central para mantener la homeostasis de los principals nutrientes. El suministro de energia en el cuerpo durante el período de ayuno se debe a la degradación del glucógeno, la proteólisis muscular y la lipólisis que jugarán roles fisiológicos específicos para que las vías metabólicas tengan sus propias características...(AU)
The objective of this review was to emphasize the hormonal behavior (Insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, leptin, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenaline IGF and GH) acting on energy metabolism of non-ruminant animals on the fasting state. Metabolic processes are regulated by the availability of substrate, by neuroendocrine mechanisms. To understand the metabolic pathways and their hormonal regulation on the different tissues, it is necessary to stop to the specialized metabolism on the various organs and tissues that integrate the energy metabolism in the whole organism of the animal. Thus it is expected to elucidate the broad range of energy mobilization hormones and the hormonal mechanisms present in each tissue, as well as to describe the interrelationship between insulin, glucagon and adrenaline in the coordination of energetic metabolism of muscle, liver and tissue Because each tissue has its own metabolic characteristics, in general, the concentration of nutrients in the blood is controlled by the liver, which in turn becomes the central organ of the maintenance of the homeostasis of the main nutrients. The energy supply in the body during the fasting period is due to the degradation of glycogen, muscular proteolysis and lipolysis that will play specific physiological roles so that the metabolic pathways have their own characteristics, the release of the hormones being regulated by...(AU)
Objetivou-se com está revisão ressaltar o comportamento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina IGF e GH) atuantes no metabolismo energético de animais não ruminantes sobre o estado de jejum. Os processos metabólicos são regulados pela disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendócrinos. Para entender as vias metabólicas e sua regulação hormonal sobre os diferentes tecidos, faz-se necessário deter-se ao metabolismo especializado sobre os vários órgãos e tecidos que integram o metabolismo energético em todo o organismo do animal. Assim espera-se elucidar o amplo alcance dos hormônios de mobilização de energia e os mecanismos hormonais presente em cada tecido, como também descrever a inter-relação entre a insulina, o glucagon e a adrenalina na coordenação do metabolismo energético do músculo, fígado e tecido adiposo, pois cada tecido tem características metabólicas própria, de um modo geral, a concentração dos nutrientes no sangue é controlada pelo fígado, que por sua vez, torna-se o órgão central da manutenção da homeostasia dos principais nutrientes. O aporte energético no organismo durante o período de jejum se dá pela degradação de glicogênio, a proteólise muscular e lipólise que vão desempenhar papéis fisiológicos específicos para que as vias metabólicas tenham características próprias, sendo a liberação dos hormônios regulada...(AU)
Animais , Jejum/metabolismo , Hormônios/análise , Metabolismo Energético , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , Insulina , Glucagon , Grelina , Leptina , Hidrocortisona , Epinefrina , Tri-Iodotironina , TiroxinaResumo
Background: Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease that leads to a reduction in the hormones thyroxine (T3) and triiodothyronine (T4), which therapy with levothyroxine restores the clinical signs related to the metabolic rate. Due to the influence of thyroid hormones on the heart, which is under the constant influence of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), dogs with hypothyroidism can develop bradycardia, arrhythmia, and dysautonomia. Heart rate variability (HRV) assesses autonomic modulation by the Holter method, which is scarce in dogs. We aimed to report the cardiac and autonomic effects of the primary hypothyroidism untreated and treated with levothyroxine in a canine case by Holter monitoring. Case: A 7-year-old female Dalmatian, weighing 36 kg, was referred for clinical evaluation due to apathy, weight gain, low hair quality, and lethargy. On physical examination, alopecic lesions on the hind limbs and tail, as well as bradycardia with a heart rate (HR) of 40-50 beats per minute (bpm) were observed, in addition to a 3/6 mitral murmur and 2/6 tricuspid murmur. Given the suspicion of thyroid gland disorder, the blood hormonal measurement revealed an increase in thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH; 0.65 ng/mL) and a decrease in free T4 (0.11 ng/mL) and total T4 (0.44 ng/mL), confirming primary hypothyroidism. Therapy was started with a minimum dose of levothyroxine (0.913 mg, every 12 h), which clinical signs were restored in 5 months of treatment, with weight loss, hair growth, and active behavior. To assess the impact of untreated and treated hypothyroidism on the patients ANS, a Holter monitoring exam was performed for 24 h before and after therapy. Before treatment, the average HR was 75 bpm, and the HR2.0s), 1st-degree atrioventricular blocks (AVB), six...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Dosagem/métodos , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Eletrocardiografia Ambulatorial/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso AutônomoResumo
Background: Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease that leads to a reduction in the hormones thyroxine (T3) and triiodothyronine (T4), which therapy with levothyroxine restores the clinical signs related to the metabolic rate. Due to the influence of thyroid hormones on the heart, which is under the constant influence of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), dogs with hypothyroidism can develop bradycardia, arrhythmia, and dysautonomia. Heart rate variability (HRV) assesses autonomic modulation by the Holter method, which is scarce in dogs. We aimed to report the cardiac and autonomic effects of the primary hypothyroidism untreated and treated with levothyroxine in a canine case by Holter monitoring. Case: A 7-year-old female Dalmatian, weighing 36 kg, was referred for clinical evaluation due to apathy, weight gain, low hair quality, and lethargy. On physical examination, alopecic lesions on the hind limbs and tail, as well as bradycardia with a heart rate (HR) of 40-50 beats per minute (bpm) were observed, in addition to a 3/6 mitral murmur and 2/6 tricuspid murmur. Given the suspicion of thyroid gland disorder, the blood hormonal measurement revealed an increase in thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH; 0.65 ng/mL) and a decrease in free T4 (0.11 ng/mL) and total T4 (0.44 ng/mL), confirming primary hypothyroidism. Therapy was started with a minimum dose of levothyroxine (0.913 mg, every 12 h), which clinical signs were restored in 5 months of treatment, with weight loss, hair growth, and active behavior. To assess the impact of untreated and treated hypothyroidism on the patients ANS, a Holter monitoring exam was performed for 24 h before and after therapy. Before treatment, the average HR was 75 bpm, and the HR<50 bpm occurred during 05 h 20 min 36 s. Still, 320 pause events (>2.0s), 1st-degree atrioventricular blocks (AVB), six...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Dosagem/métodos , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Disautonomias Primárias/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia Ambulatorial/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso AutônomoResumo
A study was conducted to assess the cumulative effects of combined stresses (heat and nutritional) on physiological adaptability, blood biochemical and endocrine responses in Malpura rams. The study was conducted for a period of 45 days. Twenty eight adult Malpura rams (average BW 66.0 Kg) were used in the present study. The rams were divided into four groups viz., CON (n=7; control), HS (n=7; heat stress), NS (n=7; nutritional stress) and CS (n=7; combined stress). The animals were stall fed with a diet consisting of 60% roughage and 40% concentrate. The CON and HS ewes were provided with ad libitum feeding while NS and CS rams were provided with restricted feed (30% intake of GI ewes) to induce nutritional stress. The HS and NS rams were kept in climatic chamber @ 42ºC and 55% RH for six hours a day between 10:00 hr to 16:00 hr to induce heat stress. The parameters studied were respiration rate (RR), pulse rate (PR), rectal temperature (RT), scrotal volume, sweating rate scrotum, sweating rate skin, haemoglobin (Hb) and packed cell volume (PCV), plasma cortisol, T3 (tri-iodo-thyronine), and T4 (thyroxin) level. Combined stresses significantly (P<0.01) influenced all adaptive parameters studied. The study shows that Malpura rams possess the adaptive capability to two stresses simultaneously. This is evident from the non-significant changes in RR, RT, sweating rate of scrotum and skin and Hb concentration between HS and CS groups. Further, the capability to adjust the cortisol level to minimum possible increase to elicit the heat stress relieving effects also proves the superior adaptive capability of Malpura rams to the effects of combined stresses.(AU)
Animais , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Ovinos/fisiologia , Estresse Fisiológico , Adaptação a Desastres , Índia , Tiroxina , HidrocortisonaResumo
A study was conducted to assess the cumulative effects of combined stresses (heat and nutritional) on physiological adaptability, blood biochemical and endocrine responses in Malpura rams. The study was conducted for a period of 45 days. Twenty eight adult Malpura rams (average BW 66.0 Kg) were used in the present study. The rams were divided into four groups viz., CON (n=7; control), HS (n=7; heat stress), NS (n=7; nutritional stress) and CS (n=7; combined stress). The animals were stall fed with a diet consisting of 60% roughage and 40% concentrate. The CON and HS ewes were provided with ad libitum feeding while NS and CS rams were provided with restricted feed (30% intake of GI ewes) to induce nutritional stress. The HS and NS rams were kept in climatic chamber @ 42ºC and 55% RH for six hours a day between 10:00 hr to 16:00 hr to induce heat stress. The parameters studied were respiration rate (RR), pulse rate (PR), rectal temperature (RT), scrotal volume, sweating rate scrotum, sweating rate skin, haemoglobin (Hb) and packed cell volume (PCV), plasma cortisol, T3 (tri-iodo-thyronine), and T4 (thyroxin) level. Combined stresses significantly (P<0.01) influenced all adaptive parameters studied. The study shows that Malpura rams possess the adaptive capability to two stresses simultaneously. This is evident from the non-significant changes in RR, RT, sweating rate of scrotum and skin and Hb concentration between HS and CS groups. Further, the capability to adjust the cortisol level to minimum possible increase to elicit the heat stress relieving effects also proves the superior adaptive capability of Malpura rams to the effects of combined stresses.
Animais , Adaptação a Desastres , Estresse Fisiológico , Ovinos/fisiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Hidrocortisona , Tiroxina , ÍndiaResumo
The role of iodine in ruminant reproductive function is well known. However, studies about the impact of this deficiency in reproductive performance of cattle are scarce. This paper describes stillbirth episodes in three beef cow herds in northwest Argentina. The stillbirth losses ranged between 15.8 and 25%. Grossly, the thyroid glands presented diffuse, bilateral and symmetric enlargement. Microscopically, follicular epithelium showed severe hyperplasia and hypertrophy, forming multiple stratified layers of large cuboidal cells, with papillary projections into the follicular lumen. Free thyroxine (T4f) mean levels in serum from aborted cows and heifers was 0.63±0.05 ng/dl. A diagnosis of congenital goiter was performed based on these findings. Following the diagnosis, the herds were supplemented orally and parentally with iodine. Mean T4f level post-treatment was 0.80±0.05 ng/dl and the stillbirth rate dropped sharply.
Animais , Bovinos , Bócio/congênito , Bócio/veterinária , Deficiência de Iodo/diagnóstico , Morte Perinatal , Natimorto/veterinária , Iodo/administração & dosagem , Tironinas , TiroxinaResumo
The role of iodine in ruminant reproductive function is well known. However, studies about the impact of this deficiency in reproductive performance of cattle are scarce. This paper describes stillbirth episodes in three beef cow herds in northwest Argentina. The stillbirth losses ranged between 15.8 and 25%. Grossly, the thyroid glands presented diffuse, bilateral and symmetric enlargement. Microscopically, follicular epithelium showed severe hyperplasia and hypertrophy, forming multiple stratified layers of large cuboidal cells, with papillary projections into the follicular lumen. Free thyroxine (T4f) mean levels in serum from aborted cows and heifers was 0.63±0.05 ng/dl. A diagnosis of congenital goiter was performed based on these findings. Following the diagnosis, the herds were supplemented orally and parentally with iodine. Mean T4f level post-treatment was 0.80±0.05 ng/dl and the stillbirth rate dropped sharply.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bócio/congênito , Bócio/veterinária , Morte Perinatal , Natimorto/veterinária , Deficiência de Iodo/diagnóstico , Iodo/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina , TironinasResumo
Background: hypothyroidism is a disease of clinical importance that causes multisystem disorders, which can be confused with other endocrinopathies. Rapid and accurate diagnosis is necessary in order to avoid worsening of the clinical manifestation. The use of drugs in a wrong way can directly imply the difficulty of the diagnostic approach, since they may cause changes in the biochemical profiles, which are of great importance as markers in diseases of animals with low thyroid function.Case: The case reports a German Spitz male, one year old and six months old, neutered, who presented bilateral do not cause itching alopecia, being treated by another professional for endocrine and fungal affections. In this same medical appointment were neglected biochemical and hematological profile exams. The exams that had been performed were skin scrapings, which showed growth of fungi and bacteria, besides the measurement of thyroid hormones as TSH, T4L (T4 free) e T3, and also the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test. Based on the findings the therapy instituted by such professional was the administration of itraconazole (ITL®), levothyroxine sodium (compounded drugs) and trilostane (compounded drugs). With absence of clinical improvement, the guardian came to the hospital veterinary, in search of a second diagnostic opinion, where during the collection of information at the time of the anamnesis the patient presented lethargy, drowsiness and absence of hair on both sides. During the clinical examination, the animal presented mild bradycardia and a slightly diminished rectal temperature; in the dermatological evaluation the presence of pup pelt, cutaneous hyperpigmentation and hair thinning in the abdominal area were noted. From this evaluation, hematological exams were requested, which had altered the presence of lymphocytosis, and biochemical tests, where changes in the cholesterol and triglyceride levels were expected, but they were within the normal range.[...](AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Antagonistas Adrenérgicos/administração & dosagem , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Erros de Diagnóstico/efeitos adversos , Erros de Diagnóstico/veterináriaResumo
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) and thyroxine (T4) on survival and growth of bovine preantral ovarian follicles (PAOF) cultured in vitro. Ovarian fragments were collected in local abattoirs and immediately fixed for classical histology and transmission electron microscopy (non-cultured control). The other fragments were then cultured in situ for seven days in minimum essential medium alone (MEM+ - cultured control) or in the presence of 1,000 ng/mL rbST and 20 ng/mL T4, isolated or associated. After seven days, there was a reduction (P0.01) of the medium used on the follicular diameter of the PAOF cultured for seven days. Ultrastructural analysis showed cell damage. In conclusion, the presence of rbST maintains the rate of morphologically normal follicles during the culture for seven days (observed by optical microscopy), but it does not exert beneficial effects on its ultrastructural integrity and oocyte and follicular growth.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da somatotropina recombinante bovina (rbST) e da tiroxina (T4) sobre a sobrevivência e o crescimento de folículos ovarianos pré-antrais (FOPA) bovinos cultivados in vitro. Fragmentos ovarianos foram coletados em abatedouros locais e imediatamente fixados para histologia clássica e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (controle não cultivado). Os demais fragmentos foram cultivados in situ por sete dias em meio essencial mínimo sozinho (MEM+ - controle cultivado), ou na presença de 1.000 ng/mL de rbST e 20 ng/mL de T4, isoladamente ou em associação. Após sete dias, houve redução (P0,01) do meio utilizado, no diâmetro folicular, dos FOPA cultivados por sete dias. A análise ultraestrutural demonstrou danos celulares. Conclui-se que, apesar da presença da rbST manter a taxa de folículos morfologicamente normais durante o cultivo por sete dias (observado por microscopia óptica), o uso de rbST e T4 em meio de cultivo in vitro de FOPA, nas concentrações utilizadas no presente experimento, não exerce efeitos benéficos quanto à integridade ultraestrutural e aos crescimentos oocitário e folicular.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Hormônio do Crescimento/análise , Tiroxina/análise , Técnicas In Vitro/veterináriaResumo
Background: hypothyroidism is a disease of clinical importance that causes multisystem disorders, which can be confused with other endocrinopathies. Rapid and accurate diagnosis is necessary in order to avoid worsening of the clinical manifestation. The use of drugs in a wrong way can directly imply the difficulty of the diagnostic approach, since they may cause changes in the biochemical profiles, which are of great importance as markers in diseases of animals with low thyroid function.Case: The case reports a German Spitz male, one year old and six months old, neutered, who presented bilateral do not cause itching alopecia, being treated by another professional for endocrine and fungal affections. In this same medical appointment were neglected biochemical and hematological profile exams. The exams that had been performed were skin scrapings, which showed growth of fungi and bacteria, besides the measurement of thyroid hormones as TSH, T4L (T4 free) e T3, and also the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test. Based on the findings the therapy instituted by such professional was the administration of itraconazole (ITL®), levothyroxine sodium (compounded drugs) and trilostane (compounded drugs). With absence of clinical improvement, the guardian came to the hospital veterinary, in search of a second diagnostic opinion, where during the collection of information at the time of the anamnesis the patient presented lethargy, drowsiness and absence of hair on both sides. During the clinical examination, the animal presented mild bradycardia and a slightly diminished rectal temperature; in the dermatological evaluation the presence of pup pelt, cutaneous hyperpigmentation and hair thinning in the abdominal area were noted. From this evaluation, hematological exams were requested, which had altered the presence of lymphocytosis, and biochemical tests, where changes in the cholesterol and triglyceride levels were expected, but they were within the normal range.[...]
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Antagonistas Adrenérgicos/administração & dosagem , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Tiroxina/administração & dosagem , Erros de Diagnóstico/efeitos adversos , Erros de Diagnóstico/veterináriaResumo
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) and thyroxine (T4) on survival and growth of bovine preantral ovarian follicles (PAOF) cultured in vitro. Ovarian fragments were collected in local abattoirs and immediately fixed for classical histology and transmission electron microscopy (non-cultured control). The other fragments were then cultured in situ for seven days in minimum essential medium alone (MEM+ - cultured control) or in the presence of 1,000 ng/mL rbST and 20 ng/mL T4, isolated or associated. After seven days, there was a reduction (P<0.05) in the percentage of normal follicles in MEM+ alone or with T4. In oocyte diameter, there was a reduction in MEM+ alone. There was no influence (P>0.01) of the medium used on the follicular diameter of the PAOF cultured for seven days. Ultrastructural analysis showed cell damage. In conclusion, the presence of rbST maintains the rate of morphologically normal follicles during the culture for seven days (observed by optical microscopy), but it does not exert beneficial effects on its ultrastructural integrity and oocyte and follicular growth.(AU)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da somatotropina recombinante bovina (rbST) e da tiroxina (T4) sobre a sobrevivência e o crescimento de folículos ovarianos pré-antrais (FOPA) bovinos cultivados in vitro. Fragmentos ovarianos foram coletados em abatedouros locais e imediatamente fixados para histologia clássica e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (controle não cultivado). Os demais fragmentos foram cultivados in situ por sete dias em meio essencial mínimo sozinho (MEM+ - controle cultivado), ou na presença de 1.000 ng/mL de rbST e 20 ng/mL de T4, isoladamente ou em associação. Após sete dias, houve redução (P<0,05) na percentagem de folículos normais no MEM+ sozinho ou quando adicionado T4. No diâmetro oocitário, houve redução no MEM+ sozinho. Não houve influência (P>0,01) do meio utilizado, no diâmetro folicular, dos FOPA cultivados por sete dias. A análise ultraestrutural demonstrou danos celulares. Conclui-se que, apesar da presença da rbST manter a taxa de folículos morfologicamente normais durante o cultivo por sete dias (observado por microscopia óptica), o uso de rbST e T4 em meio de cultivo in vitro de FOPA, nas concentrações utilizadas no presente experimento, não exerce efeitos benéficos quanto à integridade ultraestrutural e aos crescimentos oocitário e folicular.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Hormônio do Crescimento/análise , Tiroxina/análise , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Técnicas In Vitro/veterináriaResumo
O hipotireoidismo canino é uma endocrinopatia comumente diagnosticada em cães. Os principais sinais clínicos presentes são os metabólicos (letargia, ganho de peso e intolerância a exercícios) e dermatológicos (pelagem seca e quebradiça, alopecia endócrina e mixedema). No entanto, alterações neuromusculares, cardíacas e reprodutivas também podem estar presentes. O diagnóstico é realizado através de informações do histórico do animal, sinais clínicos, exames de triagem e testes hormonais. O tratamento de escolha é a suplementação com levotiroxina sódica e a resposta do tratamento é satisfatória com remissão dos sinais clínicos, em até 6 meses de suplementação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de hipotireoidismo em um cão. Uma paciente canina, SRD, fêmea, castrada, quatro anos e pesando 44,5kg foi encaminhada para a consulta endocrinológica apresentando letargia, ganho de peso, termofilia e discreta rarefação pilosa na cauda. No hemograma e nas dosagens bioquímicas (ALT, GGT, FA, triglicerídeos e colesterol) não foram observadas alterações significativas. As dosagens hormonais de TSH e T4 livre foram realizadas e os resultados mostraram um TSH acima dos valores de referência para a normalidade (3,58 ng/mL) e um T4 livre abaixo dos valores de referência para a normalidade (0,41 ng/mL), assim o diagnóstico foi de hipotireoidismo. O tratamento instituído foi com levotiroxina sódica na dose de 20 mcg/ kg uma vez ao dia. Após 60 dias foi realizado o teste de reposição com levotiroxina e a reavaliação da paciente. Houve resposta satisfatória ao tratamento, com remissão dos sinais clínicos de letargia, intolerância a exercícios e ganho de peso.(AU)
Canine hypothyroidism is an endocrinopathy usually diagnosed in dogs. The main clinical signs present are metabolic (lethargy, weight gain and exercise intolerance) and dermatologic (dry, brittle hair coat, endocrine alopecia and myxedema). However, neuromuscular, cardiac, and reproductive changes may also be present. The diagnosis is accomplished by history, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic and measurement of hormones. The treatment of choice is levothyroxine sodium supplementation and treatment response is satisfactory with remission of clinical signs within 6 months of supplementation. This study aimed to report a case of hypothyroidism in a dog. A canine, mixed-breed, female, neutered, 4 years and weight 44.5 kg was forwarded to endocrinology assignment showing lethargy, weight gain, cold intolerance and discrete hair rarefaction on the tail. At the complete blood count and serum biochemistry (ALT, GGT, AP, triglycerides and cholesterol) no significant changes were observed. Baseline serum TSH and free T4 concentration were performed and the diagnosis of hypothyroidism was achieved by results of high TSH (3.58 ng / mL) and low free T4 (0.41 ng / mL). The treatment instituted was levothyroxine sodium dose of 20 mcg/ kg SID, after 60 days the replacement assay with levothyroxine and patient's evaluation was applied. There was a satisfactory response to the treatment by remission of clinical signs of lethargy, exercise intolerance and weight gain.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/tratamento farmacológico , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Obesidade/veterinária , Tiroxina/uso terapêutico , Terapia Nutricional/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterináriaResumo
O hipotireoidismo canino é uma endocrinopatia comumente diagnosticada em cães. Os principais sinais clínicos presentes são os metabólicos (letargia, ganho de peso e intolerância a exercícios) e dermatológicos (pelagem seca e quebradiça, alopecia endócrina e mixedema). No entanto, alterações neuromusculares, cardíacas e reprodutivas também podem estar presentes. O diagnóstico é realizado através de informações do histórico do animal, sinais clínicos, exames de triagem e testes hormonais. O tratamento de escolha é a suplementação com levotiroxina sódica e a resposta do tratamento é satisfatória com remissão dos sinais clínicos, em até 6 meses de suplementação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de hipotireoidismo em um cão. Uma paciente canina, SRD, fêmea, castrada, quatro anos e pesando 44,5kg foi encaminhada para a consulta endocrinológica apresentando letargia, ganho de peso, termofilia e discreta rarefação pilosa na cauda. No hemograma e nas dosagens bioquímicas (ALT, GGT, FA, triglicerídeos e colesterol) não foram observadas alterações significativas. As dosagens hormonais de TSH e T4 livre foram realizadas e os resultados mostraram um TSH acima dos valores de referência para a normalidade (3,58 ng/mL) e um T4 livre abaixo dos valores de referência para a normalidade (0,41 ng/mL), assim o diagnóstico foi de hipotireoidismo. O tratamento instituído foi com levotiroxina sódica na dose de 20 mcg/ kg uma vez ao dia. Após 60 dias foi realizado o teste de reposição com levotiroxina e a reavaliação da paciente. Houve resposta satisfatória ao tratamento, com remissão dos sinais clínicos de letargia, intolerância a exercícios e ganho de peso.
Canine hypothyroidism is an endocrinopathy usually diagnosed in dogs. The main clinical signs present are metabolic (lethargy, weight gain and exercise intolerance) and dermatologic (dry, brittle hair coat, endocrine alopecia and myxedema). However, neuromuscular, cardiac, and reproductive changes may also be present. The diagnosis is accomplished by history, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic and measurement of hormones. The treatment of choice is levothyroxine sodium supplementation and treatment response is satisfactory with remission of clinical signs within 6 months of supplementation. This study aimed to report a case of hypothyroidism in a dog. A canine, mixed-breed, female, neutered, 4 years and weight 44.5 kg was forwarded to endocrinology assignment showing lethargy, weight gain, cold intolerance and discrete hair rarefaction on the tail. At the complete blood count and serum biochemistry (ALT, GGT, AP, triglycerides and cholesterol) no significant changes were observed. Baseline serum TSH and free T4 concentration were performed and the diagnosis of hypothyroidism was achieved by results of high TSH (3.58 ng / mL) and low free T4 (0.41 ng / mL). The treatment instituted was levothyroxine sodium dose of 20 mcg/ kg SID, after 60 days the replacement assay with levothyroxine and patient's evaluation was applied. There was a satisfactory response to the treatment by remission of clinical signs of lethargy, exercise intolerance and weight gain.