Background: Acute spinal traumas can lead to irreversible damage associated with vascular and inflammatory changes in neural tissue. Since spine and spinal cord traumas have an unfavorable prognosis in small animals, and reports of the use of Steinmann pins and polymethylmethacrylate repair of lumbar vertebra fracture-luxation in puppies are rare in the literature, the present paper aimed to report the surgical treatment of transversal fracture through the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra, with dorsocranial displacement of the caudal fragment by using Steinmann pins and polymethylmethacrylate in a 7-month-old Labrador Retriever male dog. Case: A 7-month-old intact male Labrador Retriever dog, weighing 24.0 kg was attended at School Veterinary Hospital with a history of hit by car and paraplegia of the hind limbs. On neurological examination was observed no proprioception and no deep pain sensitivity on the both pelvic limbs. The lumbar spinal palpation showed intense pain, and the motor function and patellar reflexes were reduced. The values of haematological and biochemical analysis remained within the reference values for the species. Radiographs revealed a transversal fracture through the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra, with dorsocranial displacement of the caudal fragment, and was decided to perform a surgical treatment by open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture. The dog was positioned in ventral recumbency for surgery, and a dorsal midline incision was made from the second lumbar vertebra to the sixth lumbar vertebra. Two crossed 1.5 mm Kirschner wires were placed through the caudal articular facets of the fourth lumbar vertebra to provide initial stability...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Polimetil Metacrilato , Vértebras Lombares/cirurgia , Vértebras Lombares/lesões , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/cirurgia , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/veterináriaResumo
Background: Acute spinal traumas can lead to irreversible damage associated with vascular and inflammatory changes in neural tissue. Since spine and spinal cord traumas have an unfavorable prognosis in small animals, and reports of the use of Steinmann pins and polymethylmethacrylate repair of lumbar vertebra fracture-luxation in puppies are rare in the literature, the present paper aimed to report the surgical treatment of transversal fracture through the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra, with dorsocranial displacement of the caudal fragment by using Steinmann pins and polymethylmethacrylate in a 7-month-old Labrador Retriever male dog. Case: A 7-month-old intact male Labrador Retriever dog, weighing 24.0 kg was attended at School Veterinary Hospital with a history of hit by car and paraplegia of the hind limbs. On neurological examination was observed no proprioception and no deep pain sensitivity on the both pelvic limbs. The lumbar spinal palpation showed intense pain, and the motor function and patellar reflexes were reduced. The values of haematological and biochemical analysis remained within the reference values for the species. Radiographs revealed a transversal fracture through the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra, with dorsocranial displacement of the caudal fragment, and was decided to perform a surgical treatment by open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture. The dog was positioned in ventral recumbency for surgery, and a dorsal midline incision was made from the second lumbar vertebra to the sixth lumbar vertebra. Two crossed 1.5 mm Kirschner wires were placed through the caudal articular facets of the fourth lumbar vertebra to provide initial stability...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Polimetil Metacrilato , Vértebras Lombares/lesões , Vértebras Lombares/cirurgia , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/cirurgia , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/veterináriaResumo
A utilização de células-tronco na reparação de lesões tem sido extensivamente investigada. Neste estudo, examinamos os efeitos terapêuticos de dois transplantes (12x106 céls/transplante) de células-tronco mesenquimais alogênicas derivadas do tecido adiposo (CTDAs) em 11 cães com lesões crônicas traumáticas toracolombares da medula espinhal. As CTDAs foram foram cultivadas in vitro, a proliferação e a viabilidade foram avaliadas. As suspensões foram expandidas e administradas no espaço intradural com intervalo de uma semana entre transplantes. Os cães foram submetidos à avaliações clínicas, laboratoriais, radiográficas, tomográficas, sensitivas, motoras e cistométricas. A maioria dos animais não tinha raça definida (63,63%), mesma proporção para o acometimento de fêmeas e foi observada predominância de fratura com subluxação vertebral (81,81%). Na comparação dos cães pré e pós-transplante não foram observadas alterações hematológicas e três animais (27,27%) apresentaram cistite bacteriana. Em relação a sensibilidade, motricidade e cistometria, também não houve alterações significativas dos índices antes e pós transplantes, sendo observado a ausência nociceptiva na maioria dos animais (72,73%), paraplegia e incontinência urinária na mesma proporção. Neste estudo concluiu-se que o protocolo utilizado de transplante de CTDAs, demonstrou ser um tratamento seguro para cães com lesão medular crônica, com melhora discreta da funcionalidade vesical, porém sem melhora clínica significativa.(AU)
The use of stem cells in injury repair has been extensively investigated. In this study, we examined the therapeutic effects of two transplants (12x106 cells/transplantation) of allogenic adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) in 11 dogs with chronic spinal cord injury. ASC were cultured in vitro, proliferation and cell viability were evaluated. Cell suspensions were prepared and administered in the intradural space, with a one-week interval between transplants. The animals were submitted to clinical, laboratory, radiographic, tomographic, sensory, motor and cystometric evaluations. Most of the animals were not a breed defined (63.63%), the same proportion for females affected, predominance of vertebral subluxation fracture was observed (81.81%). Before and after the transplants no hematological changes were observed, three animals (27.27%) presented bacterial cystitis, and in relation to motor, cystometry and sensitivity, no improvement was observed; the rates were maintained before and after transplants, predominance of nociceptive absence in most animals (72.73%), and paraplegia and urinary incontinence in the same proportion. In this study it was concluded that the use of ADSCs for the treatment of dogs with chronic spinal cord injury is safe, with a slight improvement in bladder function, but without significantly clinical improvement.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Compressão da Medula Espinal/cirurgia , Compressão da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/cirurgia , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Transplante de Células-Tronco Mesenquimais/veterinária , Cães/lesõesResumo
A utilização de células-tronco na reparação de lesões tem sido extensivamente investigada. Neste estudo, examinamos os efeitos terapêuticos de dois transplantes (12x106 céls/transplante) de células-tronco mesenquimais alogênicas derivadas do tecido adiposo (CTDAs) em 11 cães com lesões crônicas traumáticas toracolombares da medula espinhal. As CTDAs foram foram cultivadas in vitro, a proliferação e a viabilidade foram avaliadas. As suspensões foram expandidas e administradas no espaço intradural com intervalo de uma semana entre transplantes. Os cães foram submetidos à avaliações clínicas, laboratoriais, radiográficas, tomográficas, sensitivas, motoras e cistométricas. A maioria dos animais não tinha raça definida (63,63%), mesma proporção para o acometimento de fêmeas e foi observada predominância de fratura com subluxação vertebral (81,81%). Na comparação dos cães pré e pós-transplante não foram observadas alterações hematológicas e três animais (27,27%) apresentaram cistite bacteriana. Em relação a sensibilidade, motricidade e cistometria, também não houve alterações significativas dos índices antes e pós transplantes, sendo observado a ausência nociceptiva na maioria dos animais (72,73%), paraplegia e incontinência urinária na mesma proporção. Neste estudo concluiu-se que o protocolo utilizado de transplante de CTDAs, demonstrou ser um tratamento seguro para cães com lesão medular crônica, com melhora discreta da funcionalidade vesical, porém sem melhora clínica significativa.(AU)
The use of stem cells in injury repair has been extensively investigated. In this study, we examined the therapeutic effects of two transplants (12x106 cells/transplantation) of allogenic adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) in 11 dogs with chronic spinal cord injury. ASC were cultured in vitro, proliferation and cell viability were evaluated. Cell suspensions were prepared and administered in the intradural space, with a one-week interval between transplants. The animals were submitted to clinical, laboratory, radiographic, tomographic, sensory, motor and cystometric evaluations. Most of the animals were not a breed defined (63.63%), the same proportion for females affected, predominance of vertebral subluxation fracture was observed (81.81%). Before and after the transplants no hematological changes were observed, three animals (27.27%) presented bacterial cystitis, and in relation to motor, cystometry and sensitivity, no improvement was observed; the rates were maintained before and after transplants, predominance of nociceptive absence in most animals (72.73%), and paraplegia and urinary incontinence in the same proportion. In this study it was concluded that the use of ADSCs for the treatment of dogs with chronic spinal cord injury is safe, with a slight improvement in bladder function, but without significantly clinical improvement.(AU)