Background: Omphalophlebitis is characterized as an omphalopathy that affects the umbilical vein. In these cases, ultrasonography can help identify the severity of abdominal lesions and guide the choice of treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein is a surgical procedure indicated in cases where this vessel presents with purulent secretion up to the liver parenchyma. This report describes a case of omphalophlebitis in a calf treated by marsupialization of the umbilical vein. The preoperative and postoperative sonographic findings are also described. Case: A 4-day-old Holstein calf was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, Brazil. On physical examination, the animal was found to be apathetic, with tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, hyperemic mucous membranes, and moderate dehydration. An increase in volume was observed in the umbilical region, with local hyperthermia, firm consistency, and sensitivity to palpation. On deep palpation of the abdomen, a mass originating in the umbilical region and extending cranially was observed, leading to the suspicion of omphalophlebitis. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed external umbilical abscess and omphalophlebitis. Initially, conservative treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs was performed; however, there was no improvement in the clinical picture. Therefore, exploratory celiotomy was performed to remove the umbilical infectious focus. During the procedure, it was verified that the umbilical vein was dilated with a thickened wall until its insertion in the hepatic parenchyma, hence removal of the infected region through a ligature was not possible. Thus, marsupialization of the umbilical vein was performed to create a cutaneous opening for drainage of the purulent contents. In the postoperative period, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic drugs were administered. Dressing of the surgical wound and of the umbilical vein lumen was performed with topical polyvidone at 0.2%. Removal of the stitches was done 14 days postoperatively. Weekly ultrasonographic examinations were performed, which showed a gradual reduction in the diameter of the umbilical vein throughout the postoperative period. Thirty days after the surgical procedure, no further drainage of the purulent content was observed from the umbilical vein, and healing of the stump was demonstrated. After 7 months, a repeat ultrasonography was performed, revealing normal echogenicity and echotexture of the hepatic parenchyma and complete atrophy of the umbilical vein. Discussion: Umbilical vein marsupialization is a surgery rarely described in the literature, and no report has followed the evolution of a case by ultrasonography. The ultrasound examination of the umbilical structures was essential for the definitive diagnosis and choice of surgical treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein was chosen due to the impossibility of ligature of this vessel, which presented with thickened walls and lumen filled with purulent content until its insertion into the liver. Postoperative monitoring via serial ultrasonography examinations allowed follow up of the evolution of the case and animal recovery. At the sonographic reevaluation after 7 months, the findings were unremarkable, indicating complete recovery of the patient. Umbilical marsupialization is a surgical technique that allows complete recovery of calves with severe omphalophlebitis. Ultrasonography is fundamental for the diagnosis of omphalophlebitis and in determining the best therapeutic protocol. Sonographic evaluation during the postoperative period allows follow-up of the progression of lesions in abdominal structures and helps in defining the prognosis.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Umbigo/irrigação sanguínea , Umbigo/patologia , Abscesso Hepático/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o melhor acesso laparoscópico para visualização e manipulação das estruturas umbilicais no interior da cavidade abdominal de fetos bovinos. Foram utilizados nove fetos de bezerros de vacas no terço final da gestação, todos submetidos à laparoscopia com dois portais de acesso, primeiro no flanco direito e depois na região ventral do abdômen, onde foram verificadas as possibilidades de acesso às estruturas umbilicais. Em ambas as abordagens, os portais de acesso permitiram visualizar e manipular as estruturas de interesse, mas a abordagem lateral foi mais eficaz com melhor visualização e manipulação. Os acessos ventrais não proporcionavam a mesma facilidade de visualização e manipulação, pois as estruturas umbilicais fixadas na parede abdominal ficavam muito próximas aos portais. Esses resultados demonstram que a laparoscopia pode ser utilizada para manipulação e visualização das estruturas umbilicais, sendo a abordagem lateral mais eficaz.
Animais , Bovinos , Umbigo , Laparoscopia , Cavidade Abdominal , FetoResumo
Umbilical disorders, which frequently occur in calves, are among the major causes of economic losses in herds. Antibiotic therapy alone is effective for some infectious cases, but surgical intervention is often indicated. This review aims to provide an overview of the clinical and surgical perspectives of the principal umbilical disorders in calves. The umbilicus may be affected by infectious or non-infectious conditions, including hernia, persistent urachus, omphalitis, urachitis, omphalophlebitis, and omphaloarteritis. Infectious varieties can culminate in sepsis and sometimes even involve other organs. Under these conditions, the chief complaint of calves tends to be apathy and visible swelling in the umbilical region. When surgery is indicated, the veterinary surgeon needs to have a thorough understanding of umbilical disorders, which coupled with careful clinical examination, will enable the formulation of an effective surgical plan. Surgical principles linked to pre-, trans-, and post-operative care must be considered, as recovery depends upon the surgery performed, pathological factors, and the patient's individual response. Some of the most common surgeries performed include herniorrhaphy, urachus, and umbilical vein resection. Several technological resources, such as ultrasonography and laparoscopy, are new tools that can help improve the performance of these procedures.
As afecções umbilicais são frequentes em bezerros e causam prejuízos econômicos e produtivos nos rebanhos. Apesar da antibioticoterapia ser eficaz em muitos casos infecciosos, o tratamento cirúrgico pode ser indicado. Pela incipiência de revisão relacionada a temática, objetivou-se produzir uma revisão sobre a abordagem clínica e cirúrgica das principais afecções umbilicais de bezerros. O umbigo pode apresentar infecções, como onfalite, uraquite, onfaloflebite, onfaloarterite, paratopias cirúrgicas e persistência de úraco. As infecções podem progredir para quadros septicêmicos com acometimentos de outros órgãos. A queixa principal dessas afecções consiste na protrusão da região umbilical e apatia dos bezerros. Quando a indicação terapêutica for cirúrgica, uma adequada compreensão das afecções umbilicais aliada a um bom exame clínico possibilitará ao cirurgião veterinário estabelecer um bom plano cirúrgico. Princípios cirúrgicos relacionados ao pré, trans e pós-operatório devem ser levados em consideração, pois a recuperação do paciente está diretamente relacionada à tratamento cirúrgico executada, fatores patológicos e resposta individual do paciente. Dentre as cirurgias mais comuns realizadas estão as herniorrafias, cirurgias de úraco e de veias umbilicais. Vários recursos tecnológicos trazem novidades nesses procedimentos, como a ultrassonografia, com destaque para videocirurgia.
Animais , Bovinos , Umbigo/anormalidades , Doenças dos Bovinos , Hérnia Umbilical/cirurgia , Hérnia Umbilical/veterinária , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidadesResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the types of calve housing used in dairy farms, the prevalence of umbilical disorders and related risk factors. The 16 farms studied were visited to characterize the types of installation and possible risk factors, as well as information obtained from a questionnaire applied to the farmers. 806 Holstein calves were physically examined, in addition to collecting blood samples for the evaluation of Failures in Passive Immunity Transfer (FPIT), in animals that manifested inflammatory omphalopathies, and were also submitted to ultrasound examination. The prevalence of omphalopathies was assessed by Fisher's test, and multivariate logistic regression to assess risk factors. Eight types of installation were found: tropical house, suspended cage, collective stall, collective picket, Argentinean type, single-story cage, individual stall, and collective picket with chain. Omphalopathies accounted for 6.45% of the calves. Small size farms (up to 99 lactation cows) had high risk for umbilical disorders, ground floor collective calves, without side protection, with sand floor, in closed sheds and without heatstroke were considered risk factors for omphalopathies. Adequate colostrum and umbilical antisepsis are not associated with disease, its appearance being related to the housing conditions of the animals.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os tipos de alojamento para bezerros leiteiros, a prevalência de onfalopatias e os fatores de risco relacionados. As 16 fazendas estudadas foram visitadas buscando-se caracterizar os tipos de instalação e os possíveis fatores de risco, além de informações obtidas de um questionário aplicado aos fazendeiros. Foram examinados fisicamente 806 bezerros da raça Holandesa, além da coleta de amostras de sangue, para avaliação da falha de transferência de imunidade passiva (FTIP), nos animais que manifestaram onfalopatias inflamatórias, sendo submetidos também ao exame ultrassonográfico. A prevalência das onfalopatias foi avaliada por teste de Fisher, e foi feita regressão logística multivariada a fim de se avaliarem os fatores de risco. Verificou-se oito tipos de instalação: casinha tropical, gaiola suspensa, baia coletiva, piquete coletivo, bezerreiro tipo argentino, gaiola térrea, baia individual e piquete coletivo com corrente. As onfalopatias corresponderam a 6,45% dos bezerros. Os bezerreiros coletivos térreos, sem proteções laterais, com piso de areia, borracha, concreto ou madeira, em galpões fechados, sem insolação, com alta densidade animal, antissepsia umbilical realizada por três dias e FTIP acima de 50% foram considerados fatores de risco para onfalopatias e possuem relação com o bezerreiro, sendo decisivas para evitar essas condições a colostragem e a antissepsia umbilical adequadas.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Umbigo/patologia , Colostro/imunologia , Alojamento , Hérnia Umbilical/veterinária , Insolação/prevenção & controle , Pisos e Cobertura de Pisos/normas , Fazendas/organização & administraçãoResumo
Pathological changes in the umbilical region are common in calves. Among such alterations, omphalitis is included. This term is used to define inflammation and infection of the external structures of the umbilicus. According to the affected structures, it can be subclassified into omphalophlebitis, omphaloarteritis, omphalourachitis and panvasculitis. These inflammations are usually associated with bacterial infections. There are predisposing conditions that include inadequate handling such as poor hygiene and neglect of primary care. Omphalitis can affect the animal in a multisystemic way, compromising its well-being and bringing economic losses. In treatment, the use of antimicrobials does not always solve the problem. Thus, surgical treatment can be used, which has good results and should be the choice in the disease. The objective of this work is to report 30 cases of omphalitis in calves, submitted to surgical or conservative treatment. Thirty cases of omphalitis in calves treated in the routine of the Veterinary Hospital of the Paranaense University was analyzed. On physical examination, the animals presented fever, apathy, hyporexia or anorexia and increase of umbilical volume, usually with purulent secretion. Some animals had sepsis and arthritis. In animals with sepsis, hyperemia of the episcleral vessels, dehydration and severe apathy were observed. In calves with arthritis, increased joint volume, pain on palpation and lameness were observed. In animals where the owners did not authorize the surgery, treatment was instituted with sulfadoxine and flunixim meglumine. In dehydrated calves, fluid therapy was used. Animals that were surgically treated received the same clinical treatment protocol as non-operated animals. The surgical procedure was performed under general anesthesia and consisted of resection of the affected umbilical structures. Omphalophlebitis was the most common illness. The most frequent complication was sepsis. Calves treated surgically had a higher survival rate (86.66%) than those treated clinically (46.67%). The clinical signs presented by all animals converged with the literature, allowing for clinical diagnosis. Clinical examination is essential for diagnosis in omphalitis cases. Complementary methods include ultrasound, thermography and laparoscopy, which are important to identify changes in intra-abdominal umbilical structures. Accurate diagnosis of the involved structures was only possible in animals surgically, as well as alterations in organs such as the liver and bladder. There is great variability related to the umbilical structures involved, according to initial care, breeds, seasonality or even the method of conception. Unlike what is observed in the literature, in the present study, there was a higher prevalence of omphalophlebitis, demonstrating variability in relation to the umbilical structures involved. Sepsis, observed in 16.7% of cases, results from bacterial ascension of the umbilical structures. Lameness due to polyarthritis was found in 10% of animals. Meningoencephalitis was observed in 3.3%. Hepatic and retroperitoneal abscedation were observed in 6.7% and 3.3% of cases, respectively. Conservative treatment with antibiotics and local antiseptics has a limited effect on this type of condition, which was proven in the present study, since the survival rate was statistically higher in animals surgically treated.(AU)
Animais , Umbigo/patologia , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Hérnia Umbilical/cirurgia , Hérnia Umbilical/tratamento farmacológico , Hérnia Umbilical/veterinária , BovinosResumo
As afecções umbilicais merecem destaque entre as enfermidades que acometem bezerros no primeiro mês de vida, pela alta incidência durante essa fase da vida dos neonatos e pelas relevantes perdas econômicas, decorrentes da mortalidade, custos de tratamento e atendimento veterinário, além de sequelas que poderão determinar menores ganho de peso e produção leiteira. O diagnóstico dessas enfermidades muitas vezes é prejudicado pela dificuldade em se detectar os acometimentos das estruturas intra-abdominais do umbigo, o que afetará negativamente a escolha do tratamento mais adequado e o estabelecimento do real prognóstico para cada animal. No presente estudo, realizou-se a análise ultrassonográfica dos animais com inflamação/infecção dos componentes umbilicais sendo possível observar algumas características em relação a mensurações e ecogenicidade, presentes nos componentes umbilicais acometidos. A partir dessas avaliações concluiu-se que a medida mais adequada para identificar animais com possíveis processos inflamatórios nos componentes umbilicais é a espessura da parede dos vasos umbilicais quando comparada ao diâmetro dos mesmos. Ainda, o estudo possibilitou verificar algumas particularidades do comportamento dos componentes do cordão umbilical em bezerros sadios da raça Holandesa, bem como determinar que os vasos umbilicais intra-abdominais iniciam uma involução em porção mais interna e progridem para as extremidades próximas ao anel umbilical com o evoluir da idade. Destaca-se que o confronto desses resultados com aqueles poucos descritos na literatura disponível mostrou-se com notáveis diferenças.(AU)
Umbilical disorders deserve mention among the illnesses affecting calves in the first month of life. The high incidence during this phase of life of newborns and relevant economic losses arising from mortality, cost of treatment and veterinary care, beyond sequelae may determine lower weight gain and milk production. The diagnosis of these diseases is often hampered by the difficulty to detect the involvement of intra-abdominal umbilical structures, which negatively affect the choice of the most appropriate treatment and the actual outcome for each calf. In the present study, we performed ultrasound examinations of calves with inflammation/infection in the umbilical components and observed some characteristics related with measurements and echogenicity present in umbilical affected components. From these evaluation it was concluded that the wall thickness of the umbilical vessels is the more reliable standard to determine changes in these components, as compared with that of the diameter of the umbilical vessels. Furthermore, from this study we observed some peculiarities of involution of the intra-abdominal umbilical cord components in healthy Holstein calves used for the control group to characterize the behavior of the umbilical structures during the progress of the age in the newborns. It is noteworthy that the comparison of these results with those found in the rare literature available showed notable differences.(AU)
Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Umbigo/patologia , Umbigo , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Inflamação , Inflamação/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Cordão UmbilicalResumo
As afecções umbilicais merecem destaque entre as enfermidades que acometem bezerros no primeiro mês de vida, pela alta incidência durante essa fase da vida dos neonatos e pelas relevantes perdas econômicas, decorrentes da mortalidade, custos de tratamento e atendimento veterinário, além de sequelas que poderão determinar menores ganho de peso e produção leiteira. O diagnóstico dessas enfermidades muitas vezes é prejudicado pela dificuldade em se detectar os acometimentos das estruturas intra-abdominais do umbigo, o que afetará negativamente a escolha do tratamento mais adequado e o estabelecimento do real prognóstico para cada animal. No presente estudo, realizou-se a análise ultrassonográfica dos animais com inflamação/infecção dos componentes umbilicais sendo possível observar algumas características em relação a mensurações e ecogenicidade, presentes nos componentes umbilicais acometidos. A partir dessas avaliações concluiu-se que a medida mais adequada para identificar animais com possíveis processos inflamatórios nos componentes umbilicais é a espessura da parede dos vasos umbilicais quando comparada ao diâmetro dos mesmos. Ainda, o estudo possibilitou verificar algumas particularidades do comportamento dos componentes do cordão umbilical em bezerros sadios da raça Holandesa, bem como determinar que os vasos umbilicais intra-abdominais iniciam uma involução em porção mais interna e progridem para as extremidades próximas ao anel umbilical com o evoluir da idade. Destaca-se que o confronto desses resultados com aqueles poucos descritos na literatura disponível mostrou-se com notáveis diferenças.(AU)
Umbilical disorders deserve mention among the illnesses affecting calves in the first month of life. The high incidence during this phase of life of newborns and relevant economic losses arising from mortality, cost of treatment and veterinary care, beyond sequelae may determine lower weight gain and milk production. The diagnosis of these diseases is often hampered by the difficulty to detect the involvement of intra-abdominal umbilical structures, which negatively affect the choice of the most appropriate treatment and the actual outcome for each calf. In the present study, we performed ultrasound examinations of calves with inflammation/infection in the umbilical components and observed some characteristics related with measurements and echogenicity present in umbilical affected components. From these evaluation it was concluded that the wall thickness of the umbilical vessels is the more reliable standard to determine changes in these components, as compared with that of the diameter of the umbilical vessels. Furthermore, from this study we observed some peculiarities of involution of the intra-abdominal umbilical cord components in healthy Holstein calves used for the control group to characterize the behavior of the umbilical structures during the progress of the age in the newborns. It is noteworthy that the comparison of these results with those found in the rare literature available showed notable differences.(AU)
Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Inflamação/diagnóstico por imagem , Inflamação/veterinária , Umbigo/diagnóstico por imagem , Umbigo/patologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Cordão Umbilical/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
Esse trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de caracterizar a involução das estruturas umbilicais em bezerros sadios da raça Nelore ao longo dos primeiros 35 dias de vida, e de comparar esse processo em bezerros concebidos por métodos naturais ou por fertilização in vitro (FIV). Quarenta bezerros foram distribuídos em dois grupos (n=20) de acordo com o método de concepção (natural ou FIV) e cada grupo foi composto por dez machos e dez fêmeas. A ultrassonografia (transdutor microconvexo de 7,5 MHz) foi empregada para examinar o conjunto das estruturas remanescentes do cordão umbilical que compõem o umbigo externo e as estruturas abdominais (veia umbilical, artéria umbilical esquerda e ducto alantóide), mensurando-se os seus diâmetros em locais definidos. Os exames foram realizados entre 24 e 36 horas de vida e aos 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias de idade. Testaram-se os efeitos do sexo, da idade e do método de concepção por meio da análise de variâncias de medidas repetidas. O exame ultrassonográfico provou-se adequado para a avaliação das estruturas umbilicais extra e intracavitárias permitindo a caracterização do processo fisiológico de involução das mesmas. No umbigo externo, as veias umbilicais foram observadas como imagem individualizada até os 14 dias de vida e um conjunto de estruturas em processo de atrofia era visualizado após essa idade. No abdômen, a veia e a artéria umbilicais foram visualizadas até os 35 dias de idade e o ducto alantóide somente durante a primeira semana de vida. Essas estruturas apresentaram-se com parede hiperecóica regular e contínua e lúmen homogeneamente anecóico. O diâmetro de todas as estruturas umbilicais estudadas se reduziu continuamente ao longo do primeiro mês de vida (p<0,05), sem efeito do sexo (p>0,05). Comparados aos bezerros concebidos por métodos naturais, os produtos de FIV nasceram com os vasos umbilicais e o ducto alantóide um pouco mais calibrosos (diâmetros 1 a 3 mm maiores). Distintamente dos valores mais elevados estabelecidos em estudos prévios para os bezerros de raças européias, pode-se admitir, por fim, que nos bezerros recém-nascidos sadios da raça Nelore a espessura das estruturas que compõem o umbigo externo não deve ultrapassar 2 cm, o diâmetro da veia e da artéria umbilicais pode chegar a 1 cm e o do ducto alantóide é próximo a 0,5 cm.(AU)
This study was carried out to characterize the involution of the umbilical cord structures in healthy Nelore calves during their first 35 days of life, and to compare this process in calves conceived by natural methods or by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Forty calves were separated in two groups (n=20) according to their conception method (natural or IVF) and each group consisted of ten male and ten female calves. The ultrasound (7.5 MHz micro convex transducer) was used to examine all the remaining structures of the umbilical cord that make the external navel and the abdominal structures (umbilical vein, left umbilical artery and allantoic duct), and their diameters were measured in distinct locations. The examinations were performed between 24 and 36 hours of life and at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of age. The effects of sex, age and method of conception were tested by repeated measures ANOVA. The ultrasound examination was suitable for evaluation of extra- and intra-abdominal umbilical structures and characterization of its involutive physiological process. Both veins were visualized in the external umbilicus up to 14 days of life and set of structures in process of atrophy were seen after this age. In the abdomen, the artery and the vein could be examined up to 35 days of age, and the allantoic duct only during the first week of life. These structures showed a regular and consistent hyperechoic wall and a homogeneous anechoic lumen. The diameter of all studied structures decreased throughout the first month of life (p<0.05) without any sex effect (p>0.05). The umbilical vessels and the allantoic duct were slightly wider (diameter 1-3 mm larger) in calves conceived by IVF. Differently from the highest values previously demonstrated for Bos taurus calves, we can disclose that in healthy newborn Nelore calves the thickness of the structures which make the external navel should not exceed 2 cm, the diameter of the umbilical vein and artery can reach 1 cm and the diameter of the allantoic duct is close to 0.5cm.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Fertilização/fisiologia , Umbigo/anatomia & histologia , Cordão Umbilical/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/classificação , UltrassonografiaResumo
Background: Several factors influence the survival and performance of piglets during lactation. Birth weight appears as one of the most important factors affecting the survival of piglets, mainly during the first week after birth. There is also a positive correlation between birth weight and weaning weight. In addition to the birth weight, the presence of oral, umbilical or limb lesions can compromise the performance of suckling piglets, affecting their weaning weight. Although limb lesions are common among suckling piglets, there is little information associating these lesions with piglet performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of birth weight as well as of oral, umbilical or limb lesions on mortality and performance of piglets at 7, 14 and 21 days of age. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed in a pig farm located in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. A total of 2004 piglets were evaluated for the presence of oral (at the first day of life), umbilical and limb lesions (at the end of first and second weeks of life). Piglets were weighed at birth and at 7, 14 and 21 of age. Overall, birth and weaning weights were respectively 1546 ± 8.2 g and 5837 ± 32.0 g (means ± SEM). Mortality rate from birth to weaning was 4.7% and 79.0% of deaths occurred during the first week of life. Piglets with birth weight until 1200g showed pre-weaning mortality higher (P < 0.05) than heavier piglets (13.0% - 47/362 vs 2.9% - 48/1642). The occurrence of oral lesions at the first day of life did not affect the survival of piglets until weaning. Birth weight was positively correlated with weaning weight (r = 0.515; P < 0.001). The difference between lighter (> 600 g - 900 g) and heavier piglets (> 2100 g) was 1477 g at birth and 3229 g at weaning. Occurrence of oral or umbilical lesions did not compromise the piglet performance. The presence of limb lesions affected negatively the weaning weight (P < 0.05), mainly when lesions were present in the second week of life. Body weight at 21 d of age was higher (P < 0.05) in piglets without lesions (5957 ± 30.4 g) than in piglets with lesions at the second week (5417 ± 125.9 g) or in those with lesions at both first and second weeks of life (5218 ± 104.2 g). Discussion: The mortality rate of 4.7% observed during lactation is lower than that observed in other reports. The occurrence of a low mortality rate in this study may refl ect the continuing presence of employees in facilities and intensive care provided to the piglets at farrowing and during the suckling period. In agreement with other studies, lighter piglets presented higher pre-weaning mortality than heavier piglets, and 70.5% of deaths occurred in piglets weighing between 600 g and 1500 g. Birth weight was also shown to be a determinant factor for weight gain until weaning, confirming the results of previous studies. Piglets with a low body weight at birth have low body energy reserves and a reduced ability to maintain their body temperature. These aspects result in a lower colostrum and milk intake, a reduction of passive immunity and undernourishment, resulting in a lower survival and pre-weaning performance. It has been shown that most of limb lesions may cause only discomfort to piglets, but can also act as a gateway to infectious pathogens which result in relevant lesions. The reduction of body weight observed in piglets which had limb lesions during the second week of life may be associated with the fact that from this week onwards there is an increase in daily weight gain of piglets, then limiting their potential body weight gain if lesions are present during this phase.
Animais , Feminino , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Umbigo/lesões , Peso ao Nascer , Traumatismos Faciais/veterinária , Mortalidade Prematura , Atividade Motora , DesmameResumo
A ocorrência de miíases cutâneas foi verificada em 10 diferentes criatórios de ovinos no norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil, durante o período de um ano, onde foram analisados os fatores relacionados a essas parasitoses. Os rebanhos possuíam predominantemente animais mestiços Santa Inês, criados em sistemas semiextensivo. Foram registrados 50 casos e a maior incidência foi observada nos meses de março (22%) e abril (18%), períodos de maiores temperaturas e umidade relativa do ar. As patas foram as regiões mais frequentemente acometidas (34% dos casos). As lesões por pododermatites (38% dos casos), onfaloflebites (10%), linfadenite (6%) e dermatobiose (6%) foram os fatores mais frequentemente relacionados às miíases. As taxas de ocorrência não diferiram quanto ao sexo e idade dos animais. Foi constatado que a maioria dos proprietários não realizava o tratamento das miíases de forma correta, sendo que após a implantação de uma terapia preconizada nesta pesquisa, 92% das lesões apresentaram cura entre sete e trinta dias. Os resultados apontam a importância de estratégias para prevenção baseadas nos fatores relacionados neste estudo. A inspeção constante dos ovinos, identificando-se os ferimentos e tratando-se as lesões precocemente, devem constituir práticas rotineiras, principalmente no período chuvoso e quando estão presentes nas patas dos animais.(AU)
Cutaneous myiasis was investigated in 10 sheep herds during one year in northern Minas Gerais, Brazil, and factors related to its occurrence were analyzed. The sheep were predominantly hybrid Saint Inês, bred in semi-extensive systems. A total of 50 cases were registered and the highest incidence occurred during March (22%) and April (18%), months with high temperatures and high relative humidity of the air. There was no influence of sex and age for the occurrence of myiasis. The lesions were mostly found on the legs (34% of the cases). Pododermatitis (38% of the cases), omphalophlebitis (10%), lymphadenitis (6%) and dermatobiosis (6%) were the predisposing factors more frequently associated with myiasis. The myiasis was not correctly treated by the owners, but after implantation of a correct therapy, 92% of the lesions presented cure within 7 to 30 days. The results show the importance of preventive strategies based on the predisposing factors identified in this study. The constant inspection, identifying wounds and precociously treating the lesions, should be routine especially at the end of rainy season and when predisposing factors are present.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/parasitologia , Dípteros/parasitologia , Miíase/veterinária , Miíase/prevenção & controle , Infecção por Mosca da Bicheira/veterinária , Estações do Ano , Causalidade , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos , Linfadenite/parasitologia , Umbigo/parasitologia , Hipodermose/veterinária , Ivermectina/uso terapêuticoResumo
Foram utilizados 128.700, 44.227, 90.383, 47.506, 42.619, 45.057, 17.666 e 27.181 dados, respectivamente, de peso à desmama (PD), peso ao sobreano (PS), escore de umbigo à desmama (UD), escore de umbigo à desmama de macho (UDM), escore de umbigo à desmama de fêmea (UDF), escore de umbigo ao sobreano (US), escore de umbigo ao sobreano de macho (USM) e escore de umbigo ao sobreano de fêmea (USF) com o objetivo de estimar parâmetros genéticos de escore visual do umbigo e as respectivas correlações genéticas com as características de crescimento - peso à desmama e peso ao sobreano -, em bovinos da raça Nelore, aplicando-se um modelo animal em análises uni e bicaracterísticas. As estimativas de herdabilidade (h²) para as características UD, UDM, UDF, US, USM, USF, PD e PS foram de 0,14±0,01; 0,18±0,02; 0,15±0,01; 0,26±0,01; 0,32±0,03; 0,27±0,02, 0,29±0,01 e 0,27±0,02, respectivamente, em análises unicaracterísticas. Em análises bicaracterísticas, as estimativas de h² para UD, US, PD e PS foram de 0,15, 0,27, 0,29 e 0,45, respectivamente. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre UDM e UDF, entre USM e USF e entre UD e US foram positivas e altas, as correlações genéticas entre escore do umbigo e características de crescimento foram todas positivas e de magnitudes de baixa a moderada.(AU)
Records of 128,700, 44,227, 90,383; 47,506; 42,619; 45,057; 17,666 and 27,181 animals were analyzed, for weight at weaning (WW), yearling weight (YW), navel score at weaning (NW), male navel score at weaning (MNW), female navel score at weaning (FNW), navel score at yearling (NY), male navel score at yearling (MNY) and female navel score at yearling (FNY), respectively, to estimate genetic parameters of navel visual scores and growth traits in Nelore cattle, using uni and bi-traits analysis. Heritability estimates obtained by uni-traits analysis for NW, MNW, FNW, NY, MNY, FNY, WW and YW traits were 0.14±0.01; 0.18±0.02; 0.15±0,01; 0.26±0,01; 0.32±0.03; 0.27±0.02; 0.29±0.01 and 0.27±0.02, respectively. Heritability estimates obtained by bi-traits analysis of NW, NY, WW and YW were 0.15; 0.27; 0.29 and 0.45. Genetic correlations between MNW and FNW, between MNY and FNY and between NW and NY, were positive and high, suggesting that these traits were determined by the same genes. Genetic correlation between navel score and growth traits were all positive and of low to moderate magnitude.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Umbigo/anatomia & histologia , Desmame , Peso Corporal , Moldes Genéticos , Prepúcio do Pênis/patologia , Prolapso , Melhoramento Genético , Crescimento/genéticaResumo
Alguns problemas têm sido observados nos bezerros produtos da técnica fertilização in vitro, dentre esses a elevada casuística de onfalopatias. A partir dessa observação, objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar um estudo retrospectivo da correlação entre os métodos de concepção e a ocorrência de onfalopatias em bovinos e descrever os resultados obtidos a partir dos tratamentos conservativo e cirúrgico. Foram utilizados 44 bovinos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Unesp, Campus de Araçatuba, com idade variando de um dia a 12 meses entre os anos de 2003 e 2007. Desses bovinos 27 eram provenientes de fertilização in vitro (FIV), 12 de inseminação artificial (IA), dois de monta natural (MN) e três de transferência de embriões (TE). O diagnóstico clínico-cirúrgico revelou que todos apresentavam afecções umbilicais, sendo 22 casos de persistência de úraco, oito de onfaloflebite, oito de hérnias umbilicais, cinco de onfalites e um de fibrose umbilical. Inicialmente e no pós-operatório administrou-se em todos os animais, uma vez ao dia, durante dez dias, 3mg/kg de ceftiofur sódico pela via intravenosa (IV). Nos casos de infecção grave ou irresponsiva a terapia antimicrobiana inicial, acrescentou-se 6,6mg/kg, durante sete dias de sulfato de gentamicina IV. ...(AU)
Some problems have been observed in bovine products of the in vitro fertilization technical, among these, the high umbilical diseases casuistry. From this observation, the aim of this work was to accomplish a retrospective study of the correlation between the conception methods and the occurrence of umbilical diseases in bovines and describe the results obtained from the conservative and surgical treatments. For this 44 animals attended at Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Unesp Araçatuba, with age varying from one day to 12 months among the years of 2003 and 2007 were used, twenty seven were from in vitro fertilization (IVF), twelve were from artificial insemination (AI), two were from natural mounts and three were from embryo transfer. The clinical-surgical diagnosis of the animals revealed that all of them presented umbilical disorders, being 22 cases of urachus patent, eight omphalophlebitis, eight umbilical hernia, five omphalitis and one umbilical fibrosis. Before and at the postoperative period was administered in all animals once a day for ten days 3mg/kg of ceftiofur sodium IV. In cases of serious infection or lack of response of the initial antimicrobial therapy a complementary treatment during seven days with 6.6 mg/kg of gentamicin sulfate IV was carried out. The antisepsis of the umbilicus with tincture of iodine to 2 percent was carried out twice daily in cases treated clinically, with out surgery, while the animals underwent surgery received 1.1mg/kg of flunixin meglumine IV once daily for five consecutive days.Among the 22 animals diagnosed with urachus patent, 10 had urine drainage from the umbilicus and received 2mL of 10 percent tincture of iodine in the urachus, and 15 was treated with surgical excision, due to formation of diverticulum from the blader to urachus. All animals that were affected with omphalophlebitis and umbilical hernia were submitted to surgery...(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Inseminação Artificial/mortalidade , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Fertilização in vitro/mortalidade , Fertilização in vitro/veterinária , Transferência Embrionária/mortalidade , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Reprodução/imunologia , Umbigo/irrigação sanguínea , Umbigo/patologia , Hérnia Umbilical/cirurgia , Hérnia Umbilical/veterinária , Injeções Intravenosas , Gentamicinas , Distribuição de Qui-QuadradoResumo
Relata-se o caso de um gato que apresentava persistência do uraco, cujos principais sinais clínicos, iniciados apenas aos cinco meses de idade foram micção através da cicatriz umbilical, hiperemia da área circunvizinha e presença de uma fístula no centro do umbigo. A afecção foi diagnosticada mediante exames clínico, laboratorial, ultra-sonográfico e radiográfico, especialmente pela cistografia(AU)
It is reported a case of a cat presenting persistence of the urachal. The symptoms only began at five months of age. The diagnosis was confirmed by the clinical, laboratorial, ultrasonographic and radiographic exams, especially by the cystography(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Gatos , Úraco/anormalidades , Úraco/embriologia , Hiperemia/diagnóstico , Hiperemia/veterinária , Sistema Urinário/anormalidades , Umbigo/anormalidades , Gatos/cirurgiaResumo
Utilizaram-se 11.310 medidas de escore visual da característica umbigo, medida aos 18 meses em bovinos, para estimar os componentes de variância, a herdabilidade e as correlações genéticas entre escore do umbigo e peso à desmama (PD) e ganho de peso da desmama ao sobreano (GP345), utilizando-se modelo animal bi-característica. Os escores de umbigo (EU) variaram de 1 (mais pendulosos) a 5 (mais curtos). Os valores de herdabilidade foram 0,31 (PD), 0,14 (GP345) e 0,29 (EU), e as correlações genéticas foram -0,05 (EUIPD) e 0,14 (EUIGP345). A correlação entre avaliação do umbigo de machos e fêmeas foi de 0,80. Conclui-se que a característica umbigo é passível de seleção e que ela não compromete a seleção para melhores PD e GP345.(AU)
In this study 11,310 visual score measurements of navel characteristic, collected from bovines, were used. Visual scores for navel (NS), ranged from 1 (the longest) to 5 (the shortest). Variance components, genetic parameters and genetic correlations between navel characteristic of 18-month old animals and growth characteristics (weaning weight -WW and weight gain from weaning to over year -WG345) were estimated using a two-traits animal model. Heritability estimates were 0.31 (NS) abd 0.14 (WG345), and the genetic correlation estimates were: -0.05 (NS×WW) and 0.14 (WW×WG345) and the estimated correlation between navel (female) ´ navel (male) was 0.80. Score navel can be object of selection and selection for shorter navel does not apparently significantly affect animal performance for WW and WG345.(AU)