Abstract Only few studies have focus on animals that received Pilocarpine (Pilo) and did not develop behavioral status epilepticus (SE) and, whether they may become epileptic in the models chronic phase. Previews works observed mossy fiber sprouting in the hippocampus of Non-SE (NSE) rats, while others observed spontaneous and recurrent seizures (SRS) 6 - 8 months after animals received Pilo. It is known that neuronal excitability is influenced by female hormones, as well as, the occurrence of SE in castrated and non-castrated female rats. However, it is not known whether females that received Pilo and did not show SE, may have SRS. The aim of this work was to investigate whether castrated and non-castrated female rats that did not show behavioral SE after Pilo, will develop SRS in the following one-year. For that, animals received 360 mg/kg of Pilo and were video monitored for 12 months. SE females from castrated and non-castrated groups became epileptic since the first month after drug injection. Epileptic behaviors were identified watching video monitoring recordings in the fast speed. Castrated and Non-castrated NSE animals showed behaviors resembling seizures described by Racine Scale stages 1 - 3. Motor alterations showed by NSE groups could be observed only when recordings were analyzed in slow speed. In addition, behavioral manifestations as, rhythmic head movements, sudden head movements, whole body movements and immobility were also observed in both, SE and NSE groups. We concluded that NSE female rats may have become epileptic. Adding to it, slow speed analysis of motor alterations was essential for the observation of NSE findings, which suggests that possibly many motor alterations have been underestimated in epilepsy experimental research.
Resumo Poucos são os estudos com foco em animais que receberam Pilocarpina (Pilo) e não desenvolveram status epilepticus (SE) comportamental e, se os mesmos se tornarão epilépticos na fase crônica do modelo. Autores observaram o brotamento das fibras musgosas no hipocampo de ratos Não-SE (NSE), enquanto outros observaram crises espontâneas e recorrentes (CER) 6 - 8 meses após receberam a droga. A excitabilidade neuronal é influenciada pelos hormônios femininos e, da mesma forma, a ocorrência de SE em ratas castradas e não-castradas. Entretanto, não é sabido se as fêmeas que não apresentam SE terão CER. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se fêmeas castradas e não castradas que não tiveram SE comportamental após a injeção de Pilo desenvolverão CER dentro de um ano. Para isto, os animais receberam 360 mg/kg de Pilo e foram videomonitorados por 12 meses. As fêmeas SE castradas e não-castradas se tornaram epilépticas desde o primeiro mês pós Pilo. O comportamento epiléptico foi identificado assistindo as gravações na velocidade rápida. As fêmeas NSE castradas e não-castradas apresentaram comportamentos similares aos estágios 1 - 3 da Escala de Racine. As alterações motoras nestes grupos (NSE) foram observadas apenas quando as videomonitoração foi analisada na velocidade lenta. Além destas, manifestações comportamentais como movimentos rítmicos da cabeça, movimentos súbitos da cabeça, movimentos de todo o corpo e imobilidade também foram observadas em ambos grupos, SE e NSE. Concluímos que as fêmeas NE podem ter se tornado epilépticas. Adicionado a isto, a análise das alterações motoras na velocidade lenta foi essencial para a observação dos achados das fêmeas NSE, o que sugere que possivelmente muitas alterações motoras têm sido subestimados na pesquisa em epilepsia experimental.
Tomato fruit blotch virus (ToFBV) is a blunervirus that causes blotches on mature tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) fruits in Italy and Australia in 2020, and was newly detected in Brazil. A cytological study on pericarp tissues from the blotched areas of infected fruits collected in Brasília, Brazil, revealed characteristic cell alterations. Small and slender bacilliform particles (ca. 25 nm wide × 100 nm long) were found accumulating in the perinuclear space and the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum of the epidermis, peri- and mesocarp cells. No viroplasm-like inclusion was observed either in the nuclei or in the cytoplasm. Such cell alterations are reminiscent of those described in cultured mosquito cells infected by negeviruses, an unofficial group of insect viruses. Negeviruses and some other arthropod-borne viruses shared a common ancestor in the RdRp gene with kitavirids, including blunerviruses. Although additional detailed studies are required, we show evidence that ToFBV particles are enveloped and bacilliform, and that such similarity in cytopathology seems to support the evolutionary relationship between plant kitavirids and insect negeviruses.(AU)
24444 , Solanum lycopersicum/fisiologia , Solanum lycopersicum/parasitologiaResumo
Purpose: Nontransmissible chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus (DM) and nephropathy, affect a significant portion of the population, often treated due to injuries that require healing and regeneration. To create an experimental model of associated comorbidities, for healing and regeneration studies, protocols for induction of nephropathy by ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) and induction of DM by injection of streptozotocin (STZ) were associated. Methods: Sixty-four mice (Mus musculus), female, adult, Swiss strain, weighing approximately 20 g, were divided into four groups: G1: control (n = 24), G2: nephropathy group (N) (n = 7), G3, DM (n = 9), and G4: N+DM (n = 24). Arteriovenous stenosis (I/R) of the left kidney was performed as the first protocol. The animals received a hyperlipidemic diet for 7 days after the injection of STZ (150 mg/kg, via i.p.) and an aqueous glucose solution (10%) for 24 h. The animals in the G3 and G4 groups were observed for 14 days before receiving the diet and STZ. The evolution of nephropathy was observed using a urine test strip and the DM, through the analysis of blood glucose with a reagent strip on a digital monitor. Results: The ischemic induction protocols of nephropathy and DM with STZ, associated, were sustainable, low-cost, and without deaths. There were alterations compatible with initial renal alterations, in the first 14 days, such as increased urinary density, pH alteration, presence of glucose, proteins and leukocytes, when compared to the control group. DM was confirmed by the presence of hyperglycemia 7 days after induction and its evolution after 14 days. The animals in the G4 group showed constant weight loss when compared to the other groups. It was possible to observe morphological alterations in the kidneys submitted to I/R, regarding coloration, during surgery and after the end of the observation period, in the volume and size of the left kidney, when compared to the contralateral kidney. Conclusion: It was possible to induce nephropathy and DM associated in the same animal, in a simple way, confirmed with rapid tests, without losses, providing a basis for future studies.
Animais , Feminino , Camundongos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental , Nefropatias Diabéticas/fisiopatologiaResumo
Purpose: Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a condition in pediatric surgery that ranges from intestine necrosis to death. Ischemic postconditioning (IPoC) methods were developed to reduce the damage caused by revascularization. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of these methods in an experimental weaning rat model. Methods: Thirty-two 21-day-old Wistar rats were allocated into four groups according to the surgical procedure performed: control, ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), local (LIPoC) and remote IPoC (RIPoC). At euthanasia, fragments of the intestine, liver, lungs, and kidneys were submitted to histological, histomorphometric, and molecular analyses. Results: In the duodenum, intestines, and kidneys histological alterations promoted by IRI were reversed by remote postconditioning method. In the distal ileum, the histomorphometric alterations could be reversed by the postconditioning methods with more evident effects promoted by the remote method. The molecular analysis found that the levels of expression of Bax (proapoptotic) and Bcl-XL (antiapoptotic) genes in the intestine were increased by IRI. These alterations were equally reversed by the postconditioning methods, with more evident effects of the remote method. Conclusions: IPoC methods positively reduced the damage caused by IRI in weaning rats.
Animais , Ratos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão , Ratos Wistar , Pós-Condicionamento Isquêmico/veterinária , Isquemia Mesentérica/veterinária , AntioxidantesResumo
L-carnitine perform a major role in transporting long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are oxidized. It has been used in animal diets to decrease fat and increase muscle protein. The aim of this study was to evaluate the zootechnical performance, degree of steatosis in the liver, and genotoxic potential in Astyanax lacustris fed with different levels of L-carnitine (LC). Yellowtail tetra juveniles (n = 140) were distributed in 20 tanks of 70 L, with seven fish in each, in a water recirculation system with controlled temperature (27±0.1°C). The treatments with different levels of L-carnitine supplementation were: 0 (control), 250, 500, 750, and 1000 mg of LC per kg of food. The diets were provided twice a day for 60 days. The results showed that the different levels of LC did not affect (P>0.05) weight gain, survival, viscerosomatic index, and the liver hepatocytes showed a normal appearance. However, the use of LC supplementation showed genotoxic potential with a significant difference (P<0.05) for cell alterations when compared to the control at concentrations above 500mg kg-1.
A L-carnitina exerce um papel importante no transporte de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa até a mitocôndria para serem oxidados e tem sido incorporada em rações para animais com o objetivo de diminuir a deposição de gordura e aumentar a proteína muscular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho zootécnico, o grau de esteatose no fígado e o potencial genotóxico em Astyanax lacustris alimentados com diferentes níveis de L-carnitina (LC). Juvenis de lambari-do-rabo-amarelo (n=140) foram distribuídos em 20 caixas de 70L, sete peixes em cada, em um sistema de recirculação de água com temperatura controlada (27±0,1°C). Os tratamentos com os níveis de suplementação foram: 0 (controle), 250, 500, 750 e 1000 mg de LC kg-1 de ração. As dietas foram fornecidas duas vezes ao dia, durante 60 dias. Os resultados mostraram que os diferentes níveis de LC não influenciaram (P>0,05) o ganho de peso; a sobrevivência, o índice viscerossomático e os hepatócitos do fígado apresentaram-se com aparência normal. No entanto, a suplementação com LC apresentou potencial genotóxico com diferença significativa (P<0,05) para alterações celulares quando comparada ao controle em concentrações superiores a 500mg kg-1.
Animais , Carnitina , Dieta/veterinária , Genotoxicidade , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , PeixesResumo
The aim of the study was to investigate the nephrotoxicity of doxorubicin in cats with malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland. All selected cats did not present comorbidities such as nephropathies and/or cardiomyopathies, confirmed by physical and laboratory tests, underwent radical mastectomy associated with regional lymph node excision and were treated with a protocol based on doxorubicin. Renal markers of urea, creatinine, symmetrical dimethylarginine were evaluated during all the treatment, and two months after the end. Abdominal ultrasound, urinalysis and biochemical analysis of protein, urinary creatinine and urinary GGT were performed in the beginning and two months after the end of the treatment, to evaluate possible renal alterations. Six cats did not present renal alterations in any exams performed during the study. Two cats presented azotemia during this study, and one of them stopped the treatment early, because of the intense azotemia. Clinical imaging and laboratory monitoring of patients throughout the treatment is essential, including the measurement of analytes that detect kidney changes early. Thus, it is emphasized that doxorubicin is a safe drug for use in non-nephropathic cats.
O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a nefrotoxicidade da doxorrubicina em gatas com neoplasias malignas da glândula mamária. Todas as gatas selecionadas não apresentaram comorbidades como nefropatias e/ou cardiomiopatias, comprovadas por exames físicos e laboratoriais, foram submetidas à mastectomia radical associada à exérese de linfonodos regionais e tratadas com protocolo baseado em doxorrubicina. Os marcadores renais ureia, creatinina, dimetilarginina simétrica foram avaliados durante todo o tratamento e dois meses após o término. Ultrassonografia abdominal, urinálise e análise bioquímica de proteínas, creatinina urinária e GGT urinária foram realizadas no início e dois meses após o término do tratamento, para avaliar possíveis alterações renais. Seis gatas não apresentaram alterações renais em nenhum dos exames realizados durante o estudo. Duas gatas apresentaram azotemia durante este estudo, e uma delas interrompeu o tratamento precocemente, devido à intensa azotemia. A individualidade de cada paciente deve ser sempre considerada, pois são muitas as variáveis. O monitoramento clínico, com exames complementares, tais como bioquímicos séricos e de imagem dos pacientes durante todo o tratamento, é essencial, especialmente a mensuração de analitos que detectam alterações renais precocemente. Diante disso, ressalta-se que a doxorrubicina é um medicamento seguro para utilização em gatas não nefropatas.
Animais , Gatos , Doxorrubicina/toxicidade , Doenças do Gato , Neoplasias Mamárias AnimaisResumo
Abstract The cold storage of milt implies potentials alterations in its quality because the storage generates as main process, free radicals that produce spermatozoa membrane lipids damage with the consequent motility and fertilising capacity disruptions. To decrease the damage generated by free radicals the cells have antioxidant defences (proteins, enzymes, and low molecular weight substances). The objective of the present study evaluated the time storage effect and different antioxidants prepared in spermatic diluents on sperm viability of O. mykiss milt stored at 4°C. The two-way ANOVA denoted that the time storage and antioxidant influence have significant effects separated or combined on viability parameters (sperm motility and viability, proteins concentrations and superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma). In contrast, only the storage time affected the fertilising capacity and catalase enzymatic activity in seminal plasma. The resulting analysis can conclude that the antioxidant presence improves the viability of cold stored milt, especially the transport conditions and the antioxidants allow the fecundity despite motility decrease.
Resumo O armazenamento a frio de leite implica potenciais alterações em sua qualidade, pois gera como processo principal radicais livres que provocam danos aos lipídios da membrana dos espermatozoides, com as consequentes alterações na motilidade e na capacidade de fertilização. Para diminuir os danos causados pelos radicais livres, as células têm defesas antioxidantes (proteínas, enzimas e substâncias de baixo peso molecular). O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do tempo de armazenamento e diferentes antioxidantes preparados em diluentes espermáticos no armazenamento de viabilidade de O. mykiss milt a 4°C. A ANOVA de duas vias denotou que o armazenamento no tempo e a influência antioxidante têm efeitos significativos separados ou combinados nos parâmetros de viabilidade (motilidade espermática, viabilidade espermática, concentrações de proteínas e atividade enzimática da superóxido dismutase no plasma seminal), enquanto apenas o tempo de armazenamento afetou a capacidade de fertilização e atividade enzimática da catalase no plasma seminal. A análise resultante pode concluir que a presença de antioxidante melhora a viabilidade do leite frio, especialmente as condições de transporte, e os antioxidantes permitem a fecundidade apesar da diminuição da motilidade.
Abstract MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are essential nonprotein-coding genes. In a range of organisms, miRNAs has been reported to play an essential role in regulating gene expressions at post-transcriptional level. They participate in most of the stress responsive processes in plants. Drought is an ultimate abiotic stress that affects the crop production. Therefore understanding drought stress responses are essential to improve the production of agricultural crops. Throughout evolution, plants have developed their own defense systems to cope with the adversities of environmental stresses. Among defensive mechanisms include the regulations of gene expression by miRNAs. Drought stress regulates the expression of some of the functionally conserved miRNAs in different plants. The given properties of miRNAs provide an insight to genetic alterations and enhancing drought resistance in cereal crops. The current review gives a summary to regulatory mechanisms in plants as well as miRNAs response to drought stresses in cereal crops. Some possible approaches and guidelines for the exploitation of drought stress miRNA responses to improve cereal crops are also described.
Resumo MicroRNAs (miRNAs) são genes essenciais não codificadores de proteínas. Em uma variedade de organismos, foi relatado que miRNAs desempenham papel essencial na regulação da expressão gênica em nível pós-transcricional. Eles participam da maioria dos processos responsivos ao estresse nas plantas. A seca é um estresse abiótico final que afeta a produção agrícola. Portanto, compreender as respostas ao estresse da seca é essencial para melhorar a produção de safras agrícolas. Ao longo da evolução, as plantas desenvolveram seus próprios sistemas de defesa para lidar com as adversidades do estresse ambiental. Entre os mecanismos de defesa está a regulação da expressão gênica por miRNAs. O estresse hídrico regula a expressão de alguns dos miRNAs funcionalmente conservados em diferentes plantas. As propriedades dadas dos miRNAs fornecem uma visão das alterações genéticas e aumentam a resistência à seca nas safras de cereais. A revisão atual apresenta um resumo dos mecanismos regulatórios nas plantas, bem como a resposta dos miRNAs ao estresse hídrico nas plantações de cereais. Algumas abordagens e diretrizes possíveis para a exploração das respostas do miRNA ao estresse da seca para melhorar as safras de cereais também são descritas.
Abstract In Mexico, intensive production of bullfrogs is one of the most important aquaculture activities, due to growing demand for their meat. Frogs can be hosts for several parasites that negatively affect their development and health. The objective of this study was to identify the presence of intestinal parasites in bullfrogs in aquaculture production units. Eighteen bullfrogs aquaculture production units were selected, and 20 animals (n=360) from each farm. Fecal samples were obtained by mucosal scraping and processed using the concentration method. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 70.5%, and all farms had frogs infected by some species of parasite. Two species of parasites were identified: Eimeria sp. and Strongyloides sp. Significant differences were found regarding parasite prevalence between males and females (73.8% vs 58.8%) and regarding tibia length (5.5 vs 6.1 cm) and weight (168 vs 187 g) between parasitized and non-parasitized frogs. In conclusion, the present study showed a high prevalence of intestinal parasites, and morphometric alterations (weight, snout-cloaca length, radio-ulna length, tibia length and distance between parotid glands) were identified in the parasitized animals. These results provided useful information that will enable establishment of adequate control measures to help minimize the adverse effects of these parasites.
Resumo No México, a produção intensiva de rãs-touro é uma das atividades mais relevantes da aquicultura devido à sua crescente demanda. As rãs podem ser hospedeiras de vários parasitos que afetam negativamente seu desenvolvimento e sua saúde animal. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a presença de parasitas gastrointestinais (IPs) em rãs de boi em unidades de produção aquícola. Foram selecionadas 18 unidades de produção aquícola de rãs-touro, e de cada unidade 20 animais (n=360). Amostras fecais foram obtidas por raspagem de mucosas e processadas pelo método de concentração. A prevalência geral de IPs foi de 70,5%, todas as fazendas foram infectadas com algum parasita. Duas espécies de parasitas Eimeria sp. e Strongyloides sp. foram identificadas; encontrando-se diferenças significativas na prevalência entre machos e fêmeas (73,8% vs 58,8%), comprimento da tíbia (5,5 vs 6,1 cm) e peso (168 vs 187 g) entre rãs parasitadas e não parasitadas. Em conclusão, o presente estudo mostrou uma alta prevalência e alterações morfométricas (peso, comprimento do ronco-cloaca, comprimento do rádio-ulna, comprimento da tíbia e distância entre as glândulas parótidas) todas identificadas nos animais parasitados. Esses resultados mostram informações relevantes que permitirão o estabelecimento de medidas de controle adequadas para ajudar a minimizar os efeitos adversos desses parasitas.
Background: Spinocerebellar degenerations and neuronal vacuolations are alterations characterized by the formation of vacuoles in the nervous tissue, commonly called status spongiosus. This condition occurs in young Rottweiler dogs causing a disease called Neuronal Vacuolation and Spinocerebellar Degeneration. Clinically, it presents with ataxia of the pelvic limbs, which evolves to generalized ataxia, tetraparesis, and laryngeal paralysis. Histologically, spongiform and vacuolar alterations of the neuropil and neurons are highlighted. This reports a case of neuronal vacuolation and spinocerebellar degeneration in a Rottweiler puppy. Case: Necropsy was performed on the cadaver of a 5-month-old Rottweiler bitch that had been presenting with ataxia for approximately 1 month, in addition to dyspnea, pulmonary crepitations, and microphthalmia. Macroscopic evaluation revealed pale ocular and oral mucosae; marked gastric dilatation and abdominal distension; pulmonary hemorrhage and edema; hepatosplenomegaly; fatty degeneration of the liver; and congestion of meningeal blood vessels. Microscopically, histological evaluation of the spinal cord showed an increase in gray matter cellularity with marked presence of oligodendrocytes and microglia cells; moderate to severe multifocal intracytoplasmic micro- and macrovacuoles with displacement of the neurons' nuclei to the periphery of the cell; central chromatolysis of the neurons adjacent to neurons affected by vacuolation; and mild multifocal necrosis associated with mild multifocal neuronophagia. The white matter exhibited discrete digestion chambers, in addition to marked diffuse congestion of the leptomeninges. In the cerebellum, neurons in the nerve nuclei (emboliform, globose, and fastigial) showed moderate multifocal vacuoles in the cytoplasm, whereas adjacent neurons showed central chromatolysis, necrosis, and mild neuronophagia. Additional histological findings included lymphoid hyperplasia, fatty degeneration of the liver, pulmonary edema, and pulmonary hemorrhage. Discussion: Spongiform and degenerative encephalopathies are diseases recognized worldwide, mainly in cattle and sheep. However, the identification of these changes in new species has led to the need for further investigations. In dogs, the first reports occurred in 1995 and 1997 in Rottweiler animals. This disease affects young dogs, and although its pathogenesis is not completely known, it is believed to be associated with a genetic mutation in the RAB3GAP1 gene. Clinically, it is associated with clinical neurological manifestations, including progressive ataxia of the pelvic limbs, changes in spinal reflex, disordered proprioceptive reactions, laryngeal paralysis, as well as behavioral and gait alterations. In the clinical evaluation, leukoencephalomyelopathy and neuroaxonal dystrophy should be diseases considered as possible differential diagnoses, as they present with similar alterations. However, in histological evaluation, the exclusion of both is basically due to the absence of neuronal vacuolization. Unfortunately, the definitive diagnosis is only made post mortem, through a histopathological evaluation of the nervous tissue. Because it is a disease whose pathogenesis is little known and which shows signs of having a genetic character, histopathological examination for diagnostic purposes in young animals with neurological signs is of great importance.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Vacúolos/patologia , Encefalopatias/veterinária , Degenerações Espinocerebelares/veterinária , Neurônios/patologia , Autopsia/veterináriaResumo
The present experimental work was conducted to elucidate the toxicity of nimesulide at three different doses in black kites (Milvus migrans). M. migrans is one of the most common raptors near human habitations. The goal of the current investigation was to determine whether nimesulide is similarly hazardous to raptors as was diclofenac sodium and to investigate the acute oral toxicity of nimesulide in these birds. For this study, eight adult male black kites (M. migrans) were randomly divided into four groups. M. migrans in the control group (n = 02) were not treated with nimesulide. The other three groups were given nimesulide doses. The birds in the first (n = 02) were declared the control group. The second (n = 02), third (n = 02), and fourth groups were administered nimesulide at a low, medium, and high dose of 2, 4, and 6 mg/kg live body weight of bird/day, respectively, for 10 days. Nimesulide-addled birds became listless and despondent, then anorexic. The birds were standing there with their eyes closed and showing no signs of life. There was an increase in saliva production, a slowing of breathing, and dilated pupils. No clinical signs were observed in the control group. No mortality was seen in the control or treated groups. The control group did not show lesions of gout, but black kites intoxicated with nimesulide at 2, 4, and 6 mg/kg live body weight of bird/day showed inflammation, apoptosis, hemorrhage, necrosis, and leukocytic infiltration tissues of the liver, kidney, and heart of black kites (M. migrans) treated with different concentrations of nimesulide. The treated groups also showed apoptosis of myofibrils and hyperplasia. The hypertrophy, atrophy, fibrosis, necrosis of skeletal muscles and hemorrhage were prominent in the muscles of black kites (M. migrans) intoxicated with nimesulide. All observed histological alterations got worse in a dose-related way. There was no significant difference in AST, ALT, ALP, serum uric acid, but a significant difference was observed in the values of serum urea (p = 0.001) and serum creatinine (p = 0.019).
O presente trabalho experimental foi conduzido para elucidar a toxicidade da Nimesulida em três doses diferentes em milhafres (Milvus migrans). M. migrans é uma das aves de rapina mais comuns perto de habitações humanas. O objetivo da presente investigação foi determinar se a Nimesulida é igualmente perigosa para as aves de rapina como foi o diclofenaco sódico e investigar a toxicidade oral aguda do fármaco nessas aves. Para este estudo, 8 milhafres machos adultos (M. migrans) foram aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos. M. migrans no grupo controle (n = 2) não foram tratados com Nimesulida. Os outros 3 grupos receberam doses do fármaco. As aves do primeiro grupo (n = 2) foram declaradas o grupo controle. O segundo (n = 2), terceiro (n = 2) e quarto grupos receberam Nimesulida nas doses baixa, média e alta de 2, 4 e 6 mg/kg de peso corporal vivo da ave/dia, respectivamente, por 10 dias. Aves confusas com Nimesulida tornaram-se apáticas e desanimadas, depois anoréxicas. Os pássaros estavam parados com os olhos fechados e sem sinais de vida. Houve um aumento na produção de saliva, lentidão na respiração e pupilas dilatadas. Nenhum sinal clínico foi observado no grupo controle. Nenhuma mortalidade foi observada nos grupos de controle ou tratados. O grupo controle não apresentou lesões de gota, mas os milhafres intoxicados com Nimesulida nas doses de 2, 4 e 6 mg/kg peso vivo da ave/dia apresentaram inflamação, apoptose, hemorragia, necrose e infiltração leucocitária nos tecidos do fígado, rim e coração de milhafre-preto tratados com diferentes concentrações de Nimesulida. Os grupos tratados também apresentaram apoptose de miofibrilas e hiperplasia. A hipertrofia, atrofia, fibrose, necrose da musculatura esquelética e hemorragia foram proeminentes nos músculos de milhafres negros intoxicados com o fármaco. Todas as alterações histológicas observadas pioraram de forma dose-dependente. Não houve diferença significativa em AST, ALT, ALP, ácido úrico sérico, no entanto, foi observada diferença significativa nos valores de ureia sérica (p = 0,001) e creatinina sérica (p = 0,019).
Animais , Aves , Tratamento Farmacológico , Anti-Inflamatórios/toxicidadeResumo
Paternal programming is the concept that the environmental signals from the sire's experiences leading up to mating can alter semen and ultimately affect the phenotype of resulting offspring. Potential mechanisms carrying the paternal effects to offspring can be associated with epigenetic signatures (DNA methylation, histone modification and non-coding RNAs), oxidative stress, cytokines, and the seminal microbiome. Several opportunities exist for sperm/semen to be influenced during development; these opportunities are within the testicle, the epididymis, or accessory sex glands. Epigenetic signatures of sperm can be impacted during the pre-natal and pre-pubertal periods, during sexual maturity and with advancing sire age. Sperm are susceptible to alterations as dictated by their developmental stage at the time of the perturbation, and sperm and seminal plasma likely have both dependent and independent effects on offspring. Research using rodent models has revealed that many factors including over/under nutrition, dietary fat, protein, and ingredient composition (e.g., macro- or micronutrients), stress, exercise, and exposure to drugs, alcohol, and endocrine disruptors all elicit paternal programming responses that are evident in offspring phenotype. Research using livestock species has also revealed that sire age, fertility level, plane of nutrition, and heat stress can induce alterations in the epigenetic, oxidative stress, cytokine, and microbiome profiles of sperm and/or seminal plasma. In addition, recent findings in pigs, sheep, and cattle have indicated programming effects in blastocysts post-fertilization with some continuing into post-natal life of the offspring. Our research group is focused on understanding the effects of common management scenarios of plane of nutrition and growth rates in bulls and rams on mechanisms resulting in paternal programming and subsequent offspring outcomes. Understanding the implication of paternal programming is imperative as short-term feeding and management decisions have the potential to impact productivity and profitability of our herds for generations to come.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ruminantes/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Fetal/fisiologia , Herança Paterna/genética , Epigenômica/métodosResumo
Glanders is a disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia mallei that primarily affects horses, mules and donkeys. The disease can cause lesions in the skin, lungs and several other organs. However, it often manifests as an asymptomatic disease. In Brazil, serological tests of high sensitivity and specificity are used to assist in the detection of antibodies against B. mallei and to contribute to the control of the disease. However, due to the mandatory euthanasia of seroreactive animals, equids with positive serology for B. mallei and asymptomatic generated great conflicts between breeders, veterinarians and diagnostic laboratories. This study clarifies the limitations of complementary diagnostic tests for detecting B. mallei. It describes the clinical, morphological and laboratory findings in 24 equines from different municipalities in the Mato Grosso State, Brazil, which reacted to the complement fixation test and were positive in the western blotting test for glanders. Data and tissue samples were collected from 24 horses for histological, microbiological and molecular analysis. In 23 horses, no clinical signs, morphological alterations, microbiological isolation, or molecular detection would characterize B. mallei infection. On the other hand, samples from an asymptomatic horse without lesional alterations showed sequence amplification compatible with B. mallei in the PCR. Considering that the infection by B. mallei is subject to the application of animal sanitary defense measures and that, by international requirement and national legislation, the serological results are tools that should support the sanitation procedures for the error of the bacteria in the Mato Grosso State, Brazil.
Mormo é uma enfermidade causada pela bactéria Burkholderia mallei que acomete primariamente cavalos, mulas e burros. A doença pode causar lesões na pele, pulmões e em diversos outros órgãos, entretanto frequentemente manifesta-se como uma enfermidade assintomática. No Brasil são utilizados testes sorológicos de elevada sensibilidade e especificidade para auxiliar na detecção de anticorpos contra B. mallei e contribuir para controle da doença. Porém, devido à obrigatoriedade da eutanásia de animais sororeagentes, os equídeos com sorologia positiva para B. mallei e assintomáticos geraram grandes embates entre criadores, médicos-veterinários e laboratórios de diagnóstico. Este trabalho esclarece as limitações dos testes diagnósticos complementares para detecção de B. mallei e descreve os achados clínicos, morfológicos e de exames laboratoriais em 24 equídeos, procedentes de diferentes municípios do estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, que reagiram ao teste de fixação de complemento e foram positivos no teste de "western blotting" para mormo. Foram colhidos dados e amostras de tecidos de 24 equídeos para análise histológica, microbiológica e molecular. Em 23 equídeos não existiam sinais clínicos, alterações morfológicas, isolamento microbiológico ou detecção molecular que caracterizassem infecção por B. mallei. Por outro lado, amostras de um cavalo assintomático e sem alterações lesionais apresentaram amplificação de sequência compatível com B. mallei na PCR. Considerando que a infecção por B. mallei é passível da aplicação de medidas de defesa sanitária animal e que por exigência internacional e da legislação nacional, os resultados sorológicos são ferramentas que devem amparar os procedimentos de saneamento para erradicação da bactéria no estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil.
Animais , Equidae/microbiologia , Mormo/patologia , Mormo/epidemiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Burkholderia mallei/isolamento & purificaçãoResumo
Abstract For many centuries human populations have been suffering and trying to fight with disease-bearing mosquitoes. Emerging and reemerging diseases such as Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya affect billions of people around the world and recently has been appealing to control with chemical pesticides. Malathion (MT) is one of the main pesticides used against mosquitoes, the vectors of these diseases. This study aimed to assess cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of the malathion for the bioindicator Allium cepa L. using a multivariate and integrative approach. Moreover, an appendix table was compiled with all available literature of insecticides assessed by the Allium cepa system to support our discussion. Exposures during 48h to 0.5 mg mL-1 and 1.0 mg mL-1 MT were compared to the negative control (distilled water) and positive control (MMS solution at 10 mg L-1). The presence of chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei frequency, and mitotic index abnormalities was evaluated. Anaphase bridges were the alterations with higher incidence and presented a significantly elevated rate in the concentration of 0.5 mg mL-1, including when compared to the positive control. The integrative discriminant analysis summarizes that MT in assessed concentrations presented effects like the positive control, corroborating its potential of toxicity to DNA. Therefore, it is concluded that MT in its pure composition and in realistic concentrations used, has genotoxic potential in the biological assessment of A. cepa cells. The multivariate integrative analysis was fundamental to show a whole response of all data, providing a global view of the effect of MT on DNA.
Resumo Por muitos séculos, as populações humanas sofrem e tentam combater os mosquitos transmissores de doenças. Doenças emergentes e reemergentes como Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya afetam bilhões de pessoas em todo o mundo e, recentemente, vem apelando ao controle com pesticidas químicos. O Malation (MT) é um dos principais pesticidas usados contra mosquitos, vetores dessas doenças. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a citotoxicidade e a mutagenicidade do MT para o bioindicador Allium cepa L. usando uma abordagem multivariada e integrativa. Além disso, uma tabela suplementar foi compilada com toda a literatura disponível de inseticidas avaliada pelo sistema Allium cepa para apoiar nossa discussão. Exposições ao MT durante 48h a 0,5 mg mL-1 e 1,0 mg mL-1 foram comparadas a um controle negativo (água destilada) e um controle positivo (10 mg L-1 de MMS). Foram avaliadas a presença de aberrações cromossômicas, frequência de micronúcleos e anormalidades no índice mitótico. As pontes anafásicas foram as alterações com maior incidência e apresentaram uma taxa significativamente elevada na concentração de 0,5 mg mL-1, inclusive quando comparadas ao controle positivo. A análise discriminante integrativa resume que o MT nas concentrações avaliadas apresentou efeitos semelhantes ao controle positivo, corroborando seu potencial de toxicidade para o DNA. Portanto, conclui-se que o MT, em sua composição pura e nas concentrações realistas utilizadas, possui potencial genotóxico na avaliação biológica de células de A. cepa. A análise integrativa multivariada foi fundamental para mostrar uma resposta completa de todos os dados, fornecendo uma visão global do efeito da MT no DNA.
Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a disease with high incidence worldwide. As of 2018, it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the world. In Saudi Arabia, the incidence of this disease has been increasing in the younger population. Both genetic and lifestyle factors may have contributed to its increased incidence and pathogenesis. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food flavor enhancer that can be found in many commercial foods, and it can sometimes be used as a substitute to table salt. MSG has been investigated for its possible genotoxicity, yielding controversial results. In the present study, the effect of MSG on cell viability and its effect on expression of APC, BECN1, and TP53 genes in SW620 and SW480 colon cancer cell lines were studied. TP53 is a tumor suppressor gene that functions in modifying DNA errors and/or inducing apoptosis of damaged cells, and both APC and BECN1 genes are involved in CRC and are of importance in cellular growth and metastasis. Cancer cell viability was analyzed using MTT assay, and the results showed a significant increase in the number of viable cells after 24 h of treatment with MSG with different concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 10, 50, and 100mM). Moreover, gene expression results showed a significant increase in the expression levels of APC and BECN1 under specified conditions in both cell lines; conversely, TP53 showed a significant decrease in expression in SW620 cells. Thus, it can be concluded that MSG possibly confers a pro-proliferative effect on CRC cells.
Resumo O câncer colorretal (CCR) é uma doença com alta incidência mundial. Desde 2018, é a segunda principal causa de mortes por câncer no mundo. Na Arábia Saudita, a incidência dessa doença vem aumentando na população mais jovem. Tanto fatores genéticos quanto de estilo de vida podem ter contribuído para o aumento da sua incidência e patogênese. O glutamato monossódico (MSG) é um intensificador de sabor de alimentos que pode ser encontrado em muitos alimentos comerciais e às vezes pode ser usado como um substituto do sal de cozinha. O MSG tem sido investigado por sua possível genotoxicidade, produzindo resultados controversos. Neste estudo, foram estudados o efeito do MSG na viabilidade celular e seu efeito na expressão dos genes APC, BECN1 e TP53 em linhas de células de câncer de cólon SW620 e SW480. TP53 é um gene supressor de tumor que atua modificando erros de DNA e/ou induzindo apoptose de células danificadas, estando os genes APC e BECN1 envolvidos no CRC e sendo importantes no crescimento celular e metástase. A viabilidade das células cancerosas foi analisada por meio do ensaio MTT, e os resultados mostraram um aumento significativo no número de células viáveis após 24 h de tratamento com MSG em diferentes concentrações (0,5; 1,0; 10; 50 e 100mM). Além disso, os resultados da expressão gênica mostraram um aumento significativo nos níveis de expressão de APC e BECN1 sob condições especificadas em ambas as linhagens celulares. Por outro lado, TP53 mostrou uma diminuição significativa na expressão em células SW620. Assim, pode-se concluir que, possivelmente, o MSG confere um efeito pró-proliferativo às células CRC.
Fire might occur under natural conditions in the Pantanal of Brazil; however, with climate change, severe periods of drought potentiated the devasting fires in 2020, resulting in substantial wildlife loss. Considering that mammal communities are strongly affected by fire and habitat alterations, the aim of this study was to evaluate possible differences in mammal diversity and the number of records before and one year after the fire in one region of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil (Parque SESC Baía das Pedras - PSBP). The data collection was performed using camera trapping between 2015 and 2017 and 2021, together with visual field observations in PSBP. We observed that the mammal assemblage composition was similar before and one year after the fire. Four species were more or less frequent in burned areas than in unburned ones. Since the fire was controlled in this area, avoiding its total destruction, and the species that fled from the surrounding areas, which were completely burnt, might be using PSBP as a refuge while the vegetation recovers elsewhere. Therefore, the PSBP might have contributed to protecting mammal species after the fire and maintaining and conserving biodiversity on a regional scale in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Áreas Alagadas , Incêndios , Mamíferos/classificaçãoResumo
The stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula is an important pollinator of different agricultural and native crops. This study evaluated changes in the relative activity of esterases and critical electrolyte concentration in brain cells after exposure to pesticides malathion and thiamethoxam. Lethal concentration 50% showed greater toxicity of thiamethoxam in relation to malathion. Esterases EST-3 and EST-4 (carboxylesterase) were partially inhibited after contamination by contact and ingestion of malathion and contamination by contact with thiamethoxam, suggesting participation of these esterases in the metabolization of these compounds. The lowest critical electrolyte concentration (CEC) was found after contamination by malathion ingestion (0.15 M), indicating changes in gene expression. The alterations observed in the intensity of EST-3 and EST-4 and the chromatin structure indicate that pesticides can act in gene expression and be used as biomarkers of contaminant residues. Furthermore, knowing the susceptibility of T. angustulabees to pesticides, it would be possible to use this species for biomonitoring environmental quality in preserved areas and agroecosystems.(AU)
Animais , Praguicidas/toxicidade , Abelhas/fisiologia , Indicadores de Contaminação , Sintomas Toxicológicos/análiseResumo
Only few studies have focus on animals that received Pilocarpine (Pilo) and did not develop behavioral status epilepticus (SE) and, whether they may become epileptic in the model's chronic phase. Previews works observed mossy fiber sprouting in the hippocampus of Non-SE (NSE) rats, while others observed spontaneous and recurrent seizures (SRS) 6 - 8 months after animals received Pilo. It is known that neuronal excitability is influenced by female hormones, as well as, the occurrence of SE in castrated and non-castrated female rats. However, it is not known whether females that received Pilo and did not show SE, may have SRS. The aim of this work was to investigate whether castrated and non-castrated female rats that did not show behavioral SE after Pilo, will develop SRS in the following one-year. For that, animals received 360 mg/kg of Pilo and were video monitored for 12 months. SE females from castrated and non-castrated groups became epileptic since the first month after drug injection. Epileptic behaviors were identified watching video monitoring recordings in the fast speed. Castrated and Non castrated NSE animals showed behaviors resembling seizures described by Racine Scale stages 1 - 3. Motor alterations showed by NSE groups could be observed only when recordings were analyzed in slow speed. In addition, behavioral manifestations as, rhythmic head movements, sudden head movements, whole body movements and immobility were also observed in both, SE and NSE groups. We concluded that NSE female rats may have become epileptic. Adding to it, slow speed analysis of motor alterations was essential for the observation of NSE findings, which suggests that possibly many motor alterations have been underestimated in epilepsy experimental research.
Poucos são os estudos com foco em animais que receberam Pilocarpina (Pilo) e não desenvolveram status epilepticus (SE) comportamental e, se os mesmos se tornarão epilépticos na fase crônica do modelo. Autores observaram o brotamento das fibras musgosas no hipocampo de ratos Não-SE (NSE), enquanto outros observaram crises espontâneas e recorrentes (CER) 6 - 8 meses após receberam a droga. A excitabilidade neuronal é influenciada pelos hormônios femininos e, da mesma forma, a ocorrência de SE em ratas castradas e não-castradas. Entretanto, não é sabido se as fêmeas que não apresentam SE terão CER. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se fêmeas castradas e não castradas que não tiveram SE comportamental após a injeção de Pilo desenvolverão CER dentro de um ano. Para isto, os animais receberam 360 mg/kg de Pilo e foram videomonitorados por 12 meses. As fêmeas SE castradas e não-castradas se tornaram epilépticas desde o primeiro mês pós Pilo. O comportamento epiléptico foi identificado assistindo as gravações na velocidade rápida. As fêmeas NSE castradas e não-castradas apresentaram comportamentos similares aos estágios 1 - 3 da Escala de Racine. As alterações motoras nestes grupos (NSE) foram observadas apenas quando as videomonitoração foi analisada na velocidade lenta. Além destas, manifestações comportamentais como movimentos rítmicos da cabeça, movimentos súbitos da cabeça, movimentos de todo o corpo e imobilidade também foram observadas em ambos grupos, SE e NSE. Concluímos que as fêmeas NE podem ter se tornado epilépticas. Adicionado a isto, a análise das alterações motoras na velocidade lenta foi essencial para a observação dos achados das fêmeas NSE, o que sugere que possivelmente muitas alterações motoras têm sido subestimados na pesquisa em epilepsia experimental.
Feminino , Animais , Ratos , Epilepsia/induzido quimicamente , Epilepsia/veterinária , Modelos Animais , Pilocarpina/administração & dosagem , Pilocarpina/efeitos adversos , Pilocarpina/farmacologiaResumo
Only few studies have focus on animals that received Pilocarpine (Pilo) and did not develop behavioral status epilepticus (SE) and, whether they may become epileptic in the model's chronic phase. Previews works observed mossy fiber sprouting in the hippocampus of Non-SE (NSE) rats, while others observed spontaneous and recurrent seizures (SRS) 6 - 8 months after animals received Pilo. It is known that neuronal excitability is influenced by female hormones, as well as, the occurrence of SE in castrated and non-castrated female rats. However, it is not known whether females that received Pilo and did not show SE, may have SRS. The aim of this work was to investigate whether castrated and non-castrated female rats that did not show behavioral SE after Pilo, will develop SRS in the following one-year. For that, animals received 360 mg/kg of Pilo and were video monitored for 12 months. SE females from castrated and non-castrated groups became epileptic since the first month after drug injection. Epileptic behaviors were identified watching video monitoring recordings in the fast speed. Castrated and Non castrated NSE animals showed behaviors resembling seizures described by Racine Scale stages 1 - 3. Motor alterations showed by NSE groups could be observed only when recordings were analyzed in slow speed. In addition, behavioral manifestations as, rhythmic head movements, sudden head movements, whole body movements and immobility were also observed in both, SE and NSE groups. We concluded that NSE female rats may have become epileptic. Adding to it, slow speed analysis of motor alterations was essential for the observation of NSE findings, which suggests that possibly many motor alterations have been underestimated in epilepsy experimental research.(AU)
Poucos são os estudos com foco em animais que receberam Pilocarpina (Pilo) e não desenvolveram status epilepticus (SE) comportamental e, se os mesmos se tornarão epilépticos na fase crônica do modelo. Autores observaram o brotamento das fibras musgosas no hipocampo de ratos Não-SE (NSE), enquanto outros observaram crises espontâneas e recorrentes (CER) 6 - 8 meses após receberam a droga. A excitabilidade neuronal é influenciada pelos hormônios femininos e, da mesma forma, a ocorrência de SE em ratas castradas e não-castradas. Entretanto, não é sabido se as fêmeas que não apresentam SE terão CER. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se fêmeas castradas e não castradas que não tiveram SE comportamental após a injeção de Pilo desenvolverão CER dentro de um ano. Para isto, os animais receberam 360 mg/kg de Pilo e foram videomonitorados por 12 meses. As fêmeas SE castradas e não-castradas se tornaram epilépticas desde o primeiro mês pós Pilo. O comportamento epiléptico foi identificado assistindo as gravações na velocidade rápida. As fêmeas NSE castradas e não-castradas apresentaram comportamentos similares aos estágios 1 - 3 da Escala de Racine. As alterações motoras nestes grupos (NSE) foram observadas apenas quando as videomonitoração foi analisada na velocidade lenta. Além destas, manifestações comportamentais como movimentos rítmicos da cabeça, movimentos súbitos da cabeça, movimentos de todo o corpo e imobilidade também foram observadas em ambos grupos, SE e NSE. Concluímos que as fêmeas NE podem ter se tornado epilépticas. Adicionado a isto, a análise das alterações motoras na velocidade lenta foi essencial para a observação dos achados das fêmeas NSE, o que sugere que possivelmente muitas alterações motoras têm sido subestimados na pesquisa em epilepsia experimental.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Epilepsia/induzido quimicamente , Epilepsia/veterinária , Pilocarpina/farmacologia , Pilocarpina/administração & dosagem , Pilocarpina/efeitos adversos , Modelos AnimaisResumo
O uso de exames laboratoriais na clínica de pequenos animais é um importante recurso, principalmente quando se trata de exames bioquímicos que avaliam funções renais e hepáticas. Esses exames podem auxiliar não somente na descoberta de doenças e no direcionamento do seu tratamento, como também no estadiamento de patologias já diagnosticadas. Com base no exposto foi realizado um estudo transversale retrospectivo avaliando os valores absolutos e a frequência de exames bioquímicos realizados num laboratório de análises clínicas veterinárias de Formiga/MG. Foram avaliados os valores de Nitrogênio Ureico, Creatinina, AST, ALT, ALP, Gama GT, Glicose e Proteínas Totais e Frações. Foi visto que a maioria dos resultados se encontravam dentro dos valores de referência e que algumas enzimas precisam ser relacionadas com outras para resultados mais precisos.(AU)
The use of laboratory tests in small animal clinics is an important resource, especially when it comes to biochemical tests that assess kidney and liver functions. These exams can help not only in the discovery of diseases and in directing their treatment, but also in the staging of already diagnosed pathologies. Based on the above, a cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out, evaluating the absolute values and the frequency of biochemical tests performed in a clinical veterinary analysis laboratory in Formiga/MG. Ureic Nitrogen, Creatinine, AST, ALT, ALP, GT Gamma, Glucose and Total Proteins and Fractions were evaluated. It was seen that most results were within reference values and that some enzymes need to be related with others for more accurate results.(AU)