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Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1): 01-05, Jan-Jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415236


O herpesvírus da espécie Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), é o responsável pela doença aviária altamente infecciosa e aguda, descrita como "Doença de Pacheco" (DP). Diversas espécies de psitacídeos (papagaios da Amazônia, seguido por papagaios cinzentos africanos, papagaios comuns, araras, cacatuas e algumas espécies de periquitos), são suscetíveis à doença, principalmente àquelas oriundas de criadouros que deram entrada em centros de reabilitações em quaisquer regiões geográficas. Objetivou- se com o presente estudo avaliar e discutir as ocorrências da "Doença de Pacheco" em psitaciformes descritas no Brasil e em outros países, pretendendo-se discernir sobre as causas da infecção, discorrendo sobre as causas de contágio e disseminação, descrevendo brevemente a sintomatologia, possíveis lesões, diagnósticos, profilaxia e tratamento, a fim de evitar o contágio, minimizando a morbidade e mortalidade das aves. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, a qual foi realizada por meio de consultas à periódicos e livros mais recentes. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, em que foram utilizadas as bases de dados da SciELO, portal Capes e Google Acadêmico para realizar a revisão em artigos, monografias, teses e dissertações de vários autores e livros. Pouco se conhece, e nenhum registro ainda foi reportado para a doença no Brasil, apesar de sua ocorrência ser amplamente divulgada em diversos países. Os principais sinais clínicos são anorexia, sonolência, letargia, penas eriçadas, diarreia amarelada, regurgitação, inatividade e, às vezes, sinais nervosos, chegando, por fim, à morte súbita e rápida. Na necropsia, podem ser achados hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia e necrose. A profilaxia se concentra no controle da superpopulação e protocolo adequado de quarentena das aves. O tratamento indicado para o herpesvírus é o uso de nucleosídeo sintético, com atividade inibitória, o aciclovir, que tem apresentado bons resultados na redução das taxas de mortalidade.(AU)

The herpesvirus of the species Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), is responsible for the highly infectious and acute avian disease, described as "Pacheco's Disease" (PD). Several species of parrots (Amazon parrots, followed by African gray parrots, common parrots, macaws, cockatoos and some species of parakeets) are susceptible to the disease, especially those originating from breeding sites that have entered rehabilitation centers in any region. geographic. The aim of the present study was to evaluate and discuss the occurrences of "Pacheco's Disease" in parrots described in Brazil and in other countries, intending to discern the causes of the infection, discussing the causes of contagion and dissemination, briefly describing the symptomatology, possible lesions, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment, in order to avoid contagion, minimizing the morbidity and mortality of the birds. This is a bibliographic review, which was carried out through consultations with the most recent journals and books. This is a bibliographic review, in which the SciELO databases, Capes portal and Google Scholar were used to review articles, monographs, theses and dissertations by various authors and books. Little is known, and no record has yet been reported for the disease in Brazil, despite its occurrence being widely publicized in several countries. The main clinical signs are anorexia, drowsiness, lethargy, ruffled feathers, yellowish diarrhea, regurgitation, inactivity and, sometimes, nervous signs, finally leading to sudden and rapid death. At necropsy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and necrosis may be found. Prophylaxis focuses on overpopulation control and proper bird quarantine protocol. The treatment indicated for herpesvirus is the use of a synthetic nucleoside, with inhibitory activity, acyclovir, which has shown good results in reducing mortality rates.(AU)

El herpesvirus de la especie Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1), es responsable de la enfermedad aviar aguda y altamente infecciosa, descrita como "Enfermedad de Pacheco" (EP). Varias especies de loros (loros amazónicos, seguidos de loros grises africanos, loros comunes, guacamayos, cacatúas y algunas especies de periquitos) son susceptibles a la enfermedad, en especial los que se originan en criaderos que han ingresado a centros de rehabilitación en cualquier región geográfica. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar y discutir las ocurrencias de la "Enfermedad de Pacheco" en loros descritas en Brasil y en otros países, con la intención de discernir las causas de la infección, discutiendo las causas de contagio y diseminación, describiendo brevemente la sintomatología, posibles lesiones, diagnóstico, profilaxis y tratamiento, con el fin de evitar el contagio, minimizando la morbimortalidad de las aves. Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica, que se realizó mediante consultas a las revistas y libros más recientes. Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica, en la que se utilizaron las bases de datos SciELO, el portal Capes y Google Scholar para revisar artículos, monografías, tesis y disertaciones de diversos autores y libros. Se sabe poco y aún no se ha informado de ningún registro de la enfermedad en Brasil, a pesar de que su aparición es ampliamente publicitada en varios países. Los principales signos clínicos son anorexia, somnolencia, letargo, plumas erizadas, diarrea amarillenta, regurgitación, inactividad y, en ocasiones, signos nerviosos, que finalmente conducen a la muerte súbita y rápida. En la necropsia, se pueden encontrar hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia y necrosis. La profilaxis se centra en el control de la sobrepoblación y el protocolo adecuado de cuarentena de aves. El tratamiento indicado para el herpesvirus es el uso de un nucleósido sintético, con actividad inhibidora, el aciclovir, que ha mostrado buenos resultados en la reducción de la mortalidad.(AU)

Animais , Papagaios/virologia , Doenças das Aves/virologia , Alphaherpesvirinae/classificação , Infecções por Herpesviridae/virologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 844, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415268


Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma is a primary malignant tumor of the liver tissue and its occurrence in birds is considered rare. The tumor can occur as a single mass leading to hepatomegaly, or as multiple nodules in the liver. In animals of the genus Amazona, only 1 case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma has been reported in the United States, therefore, little is known about its epidemiology and clinicopathological aspects in these species. In this context, the aim of this work was to describe a case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma in an Amazona aestiva. Case: A blue-fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) was referred to necropsy after being found dead in its enclosure. On examination, it presented cachectic body score. Examination of the coelomic cavity, revealed a serous translucent fluid and adhesions between the liver and peritoneum.A red mass restricted to the right hepatic lobe and raised to the capsular surface, interspersed with whitish and dark red multifocal areas was observed. When cut, this mass was soft, protruding, multilobulated, whitish and with a friable reddish center. Additionally, on the dorsal surface of the left lung lobe, there was a rounded, well defined, whitish, and soft nodule. Microscopically, partial replacement of the hepatic parenchyma was observed by neoplastic proliferation of cuboidal epithelial cells, organized in mantle and supported by a scarce fibrovascular stroma. Cells have large, eosinophilic, well-delimited cytoplasm, with a central, oval nucleus, loose chromatin, and evident nucleolus. Moderate pleomorphism was characterized by anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, and aberrant nuclei. In the lung, a focally extensive mass with a pattern similar to that seen in the liver was observed. In the kidney, multifocal neoplastic emboli were noted. Liver immunohistochemistry was performed. Positive and negative controls were used to validate the reaction; however, there was no immunolabelling for the evaluated antibodies. Discussion: The histopathological characteristics observed in this study favored the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with metastasis to kidney and lung. Primary liver tumors are rare in wild birds. In ducks, experimental studies have pointed aflatoxins and the duck hepatitis B virus as oncogenic agents, however, in birds of the genus Amazona, there are no studies that evaluate predisposing factors to the development of liver carcinoma. Macroscopically, hepatocellular carcinoma may present in massive, nodular or diffuse forms. In birds, the right lobe is the largest, which may suggest that this lobe is more prone to the development of HCC, as seen in the present case. The solid form, similar to that observed in this report, seems to be more commonly observed, as seen in the wild bird reports consulted. Metastases most often spread hematogenous, and in the present report there was metastasis to kidneys and lungs, which is a common feature for this neoplasm. In the present case, there was no labeling by any of the antibodies, perhaps because of their aggressiveness, associated with autolytic factors that prevent the labeling of antibodies, in addition to the specificity in the antibodyantigen relationship. This tumor must be differentiated from other liver tumors such as cholangiocarcinoma, and also the well-differentiated hepatocellular adenoma, in addition to non-neoplastic conditions. HCC should be considered as a differential diagnosis for Amazona aestiva found dead in the enclosure without previous clinical signs. This neoplasm is rare in Amazon parrots and reports should be encouraged in order to contribute to the understanding of the epidemiological and clinicopathological aspects of the tumor.

Animais , Carcinoma Hepatocelular , Amazona , Neoplasias Hepáticas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1581, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1382066


Due to the genetic similarity of pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from birds and pathotypes of human origin, it is suggested that they have a common ancestor and may exchange virulence-associated genes. This study aimed to detect virulence-associated genes in E. coli strains isolated from the Red-browed Amazon parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha) kept at a conservation institute in Brazil. High genetic variability in virulence was observed, since 12 virulence profiles were found among 14 strains. The number of virulence-associated genes of single strains ranged from 5 to 22 out of 33 genes tested, and only one strain did not present any virulence genes. Regarding adhesion genes, most strains presented from two to five genes, and crlA (85.7%) and fimC (85.7%) were the most frequent. Frequencies were similar for invasion and iron acquisition genes. Variations among genes were observed for serum resistance and toxin-related genes. Some of the E. coli strains isolated from parrots presented virulence genes that are commonly associated with pathotypes of human origin, including newborn meningitis E. coli, uropathogenic E. coli, and sepsis-associated E. coli. It is noteworthy that some of these genes were present in the majority of the analyzed strains. Our results indicate that these strains detected in clinically healthy parrots can be potential reservoirs of several virulence-associated genes. These genes can be transmitted to other E. coli strains, including those that affect humans. These E. coli strains present a high pathogenic potential of virulence-associated genes in extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains.(AU)

Animais , Papagaios/virologia , Biomarcadores , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Infecções por Escherichia coli/virologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(2): 445-450, Mar.-Apr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1248936


Ascaridiasis by Ascaridia hermaphrodita is a common parasitic disease in blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva) and the contamination occurs by ingestion of eggs. Illegal trade of wild birds can increase the frequency of visceral erratic migration by this parasite. Hence, this report describes the erratic migration of A. hermaphrodita and associated lesions in a blue-fronted Amazon parrot. This is a retrospective study, which originated from several apprehension of illegal birds in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. Necropsy revealed intense intestinal ascarid infestation. Hepatic lesions were also observed associated with the parasite migration. Stereoscopy allowed the identification of the morphology of the parasites. Summarizing, this condition in wild birds is not fully understood and may be associated with illegal trade.(AU)

Ascaridíase por Ascaridia hermaphrodita é uma doença parasitária comum em papagaios-verdadeiros. Sua contaminação ocorre pela ingestão de ovos. O tráfico de aves silvestres pode facilitar a migração errática visceral desse parasita. Este relato descreve a migração errática de A. hermaphrodita e lesões associadas em papagaio-verdadeiro. Trata-se de um relato retrospectivo, analisado a partir de uma série de apreensões de aves no estado da Paraíba, Brasil. A necropsia revelou intensa infestação ascarídea intestinal. Também foram observadas lesões hepáticas em uma ave, associadas à migração do parasita. A estereoscopia permitiu distinguir a morfologia dos parasitas. Resumidamente, essa condição em aves silvestres é pouco conhecida e pode ser considerada, inclusive, associada à comercialização ilegal.(AU)

Animais , Ascaridia/isolamento & purificação , Amazona/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/diagnóstico , Brasil , Crime , Animais Selvagens/parasitologia
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(2): 102-105, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453268


The occurrence of neoplasms in birds is still unknown, with the literature based mainly on scarce reports, in this context, data about epidemiology in specific species are almost nonexistent. Sarcomas are malignant mesenchymal origin neoplasms, which can develop from different tissues, such as adipose, cartilage, bone, among others. The occurrence of sarcomas in birds has been previously described, with different therapeutic approaches. The present report describes the clinical approach in a blue-fronted amazon (Amazona aestiva) diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma in the dorsal cervical region, with surgical excision associated with a metronomic chemotherapy protocol as an adjuvant. The therapeutic combination proved to be effective in controlling the disease, guaranteeing important survival, with clinical absence of side effects.

A ocorrência das neoplasias em aves ainda é desconhecida, com a literatura se baseando principalmente em relatos escassos, nesse contexto, dados acerca de epidemiologia em espécies específicas são quase inexistentes. Os sarcomas são neo-plasias malignas de origem mesenquimal, podendo se desenvolver a partir de tecidos diversos, como adiposo, cartilaginoso, ósseo, dentre outros. A ocorrência de sarcomas em aves já foi previamente descrita, com diferentes abordagens terapêuticas. O presente relato descreve a abordagem clínica em um papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva) diagnosticado com um sarcoma de tecidos moles em região cervical dorsal, sendo realizada a exérese cirúrgica associada a protocolo quimioterápico metronô-mico em caráter adjuvante. A combinação terapêutica se mostrou eficaz no controle da doença, garantindo sobrevida impor-tante, na ausência clínica de efeitos colaterais.

Animais , Ciclofosfamida , Papagaios/cirurgia , Piroxicam , Quimioterapia Adjuvante/veterinária , Sarcoma/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(2): 102-105, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765304


The occurrence of neoplasms in birds is still unknown, with the literature based mainly on scarce reports, in this context, data about epidemiology in specific species are almost nonexistent. Sarcomas are malignant mesenchymal origin neoplasms, which can develop from different tissues, such as adipose, cartilage, bone, among others. The occurrence of sarcomas in birds has been previously described, with different therapeutic approaches. The present report describes the clinical approach in a blue-fronted amazon (Amazona aestiva) diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma in the dorsal cervical region, with surgical excision associated with a metronomic chemotherapy protocol as an adjuvant. The therapeutic combination proved to be effective in controlling the disease, guaranteeing important survival, with clinical absence of side effects.(AU)

A ocorrência das neoplasias em aves ainda é desconhecida, com a literatura se baseando principalmente em relatos escassos, nesse contexto, dados acerca de epidemiologia em espécies específicas são quase inexistentes. Os sarcomas são neo-plasias malignas de origem mesenquimal, podendo se desenvolver a partir de tecidos diversos, como adiposo, cartilaginoso, ósseo, dentre outros. A ocorrência de sarcomas em aves já foi previamente descrita, com diferentes abordagens terapêuticas. O presente relato descreve a abordagem clínica em um papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva) diagnosticado com um sarcoma de tecidos moles em região cervical dorsal, sendo realizada a exérese cirúrgica associada a protocolo quimioterápico metronô-mico em caráter adjuvante. A combinação terapêutica se mostrou eficaz no controle da doença, garantindo sobrevida impor-tante, na ausência clínica de efeitos colaterais.(AU)

Animais , Papagaios/cirurgia , Quimioterapia Adjuvante/veterinária , Ciclofosfamida , Piroxicam , Sarcoma/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios
R. bras. Parasitol. Vet. ; 29(1): e017519, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24445


Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Sarcocystis neurona are obligate intracellular parasites within the phylum Apicomplexa. The red-tailed Amazon parrot (Amazona brasiliensis) is a near-threatened species of psittacine that is endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil and has been designated as a bioindicator because of its sensitivity to environmental qualitative status and changes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of antibodies against T. gondii, N. caninum and S. neurona in wild red-tailed Amazon parrot nestlings on Rasa Island, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 51 parrots and plasma samples were stored at 20 °C until immunofluorescence antibody tests (IFAT) were performed. Antigen slides were prepared using tachyzoites of T. gondii (RH strain) and, N. caninum (NC-1 strain) and using merozoites of S. neurona (SNR37 strain). Plasma samples were tested at initial dilutions of 1:16 for T. gondii, 1:50 for N. caninum and 1:5 for S. neurona. An anti-chicken antibody conjugated with FITC was used as a secondary antibody at 1:50 dilution. No antibodies for any of these three protozoa were found, thus suggesting that these wild red-tailed Amazon parrot nestlings had not been exposed to these parasites.(AU)

Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum e Sarcocystis neurona são protozoários intracelulares do filo Apicomplexa. O papagaio-de-cara-roxa (Amazona brasiliensis) é um psitacídeo endêmico da floresta atlântica, considerado uma espécie quase ameaçada de extinção e bioindicadora por sua sensibilidade às mudanças no ambiente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi detectar a presença de anticorpos contra T. gondii, N. caninum e S. neurona em filhotes de papagaios-de-cara-roxa (Amazona brasiliensis) de vida livre na Ilha Rasa, Brasil. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 51 papagaios e armazenadas a - 20ºC até a realização da Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI). As lâminas de RIFI com os antígenos, foram preparadas com taquizoítos de T. gondii (cepa RH) e N. caninum (cepa NC-1) e com merozoítos de S. neurona (cepa SNR37). Os plasmas foram diluídos em PBS (Ph 7,2) nas diluições 1:16 para T. gondii, 1:50 para N. caninum e 1:5 para S. neurona. O conjugado anti-IgG de galinhas marcado com fluoresceína (FITC) foi utilizado na diluição de 1:50. Não foram detectados anticorpos para os três protozoários nas amostras sugerindo que os filhotes de papagaios-de-cara-roxa não foram expostos aos protozoários.(AU)

Animais , Psittaciformes/imunologia , Psittaciformes/microbiologia , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Neospora/imunologia , Sarcocystis/imunologia
Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ; 13(1): 1-11, Mar. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28792


A retrospective study including a total of 44 ornamental and pet birds with neoplasms diagnosed at the Hospital de Aves, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México from January 2007 to April 2014 was conducted. Most of affected birds were Psittaciformes (n=26, 59%) including budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) (n=12/26, 46.15%) and amazon parrots (Amazona spp.) (n=7/26, 26.92%), and followed by Passeriformes and Anseriformes (n=7/44, 15.90%, each) and Galliformes (n=4/44, 9.09%). The youngest studied bird was a 6.5-week-old lovebird (Agapornis sp.) with a papilloma, and the oldest bird was a 37-year-old yellow-naped parrot (Amazona auropalliata) with a hemangiosarcoma. Most of the affected birds were adults (n=23, 52.27%). The gender was determined for 17 birds (38.63%), of which eight (47.05%) were females and nine (52.94%) males. There were 45 reported neoplasms,as one salmon-crested cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) had two neoplasms. The two most frequent neoplasms were fibrosarcomas (n=9/45, 20%) and hemangiosarcomas (n=5/45, 11.11%). The largest number of neoplasms was found in the integumentary system (n=18/45, 40%), followed by the reproductive system (n=10/45, 22.22%). Of the 16 types of neoplasms, seven (43.75%) were malignant, six (37.5%) were benign, and three (18.75%) were potentially malignant. This study showed similarities with retrospective previously reported studies and contributes to the knowledge of the neoplastic diseases that occur in ornamental and pet birds in Mexico.(AU)

Animais , Doenças das Aves/epidemiologia , Neoplasias/epidemiologia , Neoplasias/veterinária , Melopsittacus , Passeriformes , Anseriformes , Galliformes , Psittaciformes , Animais de Estimação , México/epidemiologia
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 13(1): 1-11, Mar. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469746


A retrospective study including a total of 44 ornamental and pet birds with neoplasms diagnosed at the Hospital de Aves, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México from January 2007 to April 2014 was conducted. Most of affected birds were Psittaciformes (n=26, 59%) including budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) (n=12/26, 46.15%) and amazon parrots (Amazona spp.) (n=7/26, 26.92%), and followed by Passeriformes and Anseriformes (n=7/44, 15.90%, each) and Galliformes (n=4/44, 9.09%). The youngest studied bird was a 6.5-week-old lovebird (Agapornis sp.) with a papilloma, and the oldest bird was a 37-year-old yellow-naped parrot (Amazona auropalliata) with a hemangiosarcoma. Most of the affected birds were adults (n=23, 52.27%). The gender was determined for 17 birds (38.63%), of which eight (47.05%) were females and nine (52.94%) males. There were 45 reported neoplasms,as one salmon-crested cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) had two neoplasms. The two most frequent neoplasms were fibrosarcomas (n=9/45, 20%) and hemangiosarcomas (n=5/45, 11.11%). The largest number of neoplasms was found in the integumentary system (n=18/45, 40%), followed by the reproductive system (n=10/45, 22.22%). Of the 16 types of neoplasms, seven (43.75%) were malignant, six (37.5%) were benign, and three (18.75%) were potentially malignant. This study showed similarities with retrospective previously reported studies and contributes to the knowledge of the neoplastic diseases that occur in ornamental and pet birds in Mexico.

Animais , Animais de Estimação , Anseriformes , Doenças das Aves/epidemiologia , Galliformes , Melopsittacus , Neoplasias/epidemiologia , Neoplasias/veterinária , Passeriformes , Psittaciformes , México/epidemiologia
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 40(6): 2603-2612, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501525


Parrots (Order Psittaciformes) are globally distributed birds that, together with members of the Columbiformes, represent the most susceptible animals, in regards to infection by Chlamydophila psittaci, which is an obligate, zoonotic, intracellular bacterium that causes chlamydiosis in domestic and wild birds and psittacosis in humans. The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of C. psittaci in Brazilian psittacids kept in conservation breeding sites in Pará State, Brazil. Cloacal and oropharynx swab samples were collected from 201 psittacids that were distributed among four breeding sites: Metropolitan Area of Belém (C1 and C2), Northeastern Pará (C3), and Low Amazon (C4). The samples were screened for C. psittaci using semi-nested PCR, and the resulting incidence data were analyzed using proportion and chi-square tests. Chlamydophila infection was confirmed for all the breeding sites, with an overall prevalence of 31.84%, and no species-specific predisposition was observed. Furthermore, 13.93% of the sampled birds eliminated the infectious agent by the cloaca, whereas 11.44% eliminated the agent by the oropharynx, and 6.47% eliminated the agent by both routes. Moreover, there was a significant difference between the incidence of Chlamydophila infection of breeding sites C2 and C3 (p=0.029), which yielded the smallest and largest number of diagnosed cases, respectively. In the present study, most of the birds (27.86%) were considered unapparent carriers of Chlamydophila infection, and only 3.98% of the birds yielded both a positive diagnosis and clinical signs of chlamydiosis.

Psitacídeos são aves distribuídas em todo o mundo e, juntamente com Columbiformes, representam os animais mais suscetíveis a uma infecção causada por Chlamydophila psittaci, uma bactéria intracelular, obrigatória, zoonótica que causa clamídia em aves domésticas e selvagens e psitacose em humanos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de C. psittaci em diferentes espécies de psitacídeos da fauna brasileira mantidos em criadouros conservacionistas no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Amostras de swabs de cloaca e orofaringe de 201 psitacídeos distribuídos em quatro criadouros nas mesorregiões Metropolitana de Belém (C1 e C2), Nordeste do Pará (C3) e Baixo Amazonas (C4) foram utilizados. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste molecular de semi-nested PCR. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas de acordo com o teste de proposição por R e teste do qui-quadrado (p 0,05). A presença de Chlamydophila sp. foi confirmada em todos os criadouros, com uma prevalência de 31,84% de aves infectadas, com predisposição não específica da espécie encontrada para a infecção entre as aves amostradas. Os resultados da semi-nested PCR mostraram que 13,93% das aves eliminaram o agente infeccioso pela cloaca, 11,44% pela orofaringe e 6,47% por ambas. Além disso, quando aplicado em cada local, este teste mostrou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os criadouros C2 e C3 (p = 0,029), que apresentou o menor e maior número de casos diagnosticados, respectivamente. A maioria dos animais, ou 27,86%, foi considerada como portadora inaparente da infecção e apenas 3,98% das aves com diagnóstico positivo apresentaram algum sinal clínico sugestivo da doença.

Animais , Chlamydophila psittaci/patogenicidade , Infecções por Chlamydophila , Papagaios , Psittaciformes , Infecções Bacterianas
Semina Ci. agr. ; 40(6): 2603-2612, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26871


Parrots (Order Psittaciformes) are globally distributed birds that, together with members of the Columbiformes, represent the most susceptible animals, in regards to infection by Chlamydophila psittaci, which is an obligate, zoonotic, intracellular bacterium that causes chlamydiosis in domestic and wild birds and psittacosis in humans. The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of C. psittaci in Brazilian psittacids kept in conservation breeding sites in Pará State, Brazil. Cloacal and oropharynx swab samples were collected from 201 psittacids that were distributed among four breeding sites: Metropolitan Area of Belém (C1 and C2), Northeastern Pará (C3), and Low Amazon (C4). The samples were screened for C. psittaci using semi-nested PCR, and the resulting incidence data were analyzed using proportion and chi-square tests. Chlamydophila infection was confirmed for all the breeding sites, with an overall prevalence of 31.84%, and no species-specific predisposition was observed. Furthermore, 13.93% of the sampled birds eliminated the infectious agent by the cloaca, whereas 11.44% eliminated the agent by the oropharynx, and 6.47% eliminated the agent by both routes. Moreover, there was a significant difference between the incidence of Chlamydophila infection of breeding sites C2 and C3 (p=0.029), which yielded the smallest and largest number of diagnosed cases, respectively. In the present study, most of the birds (27.86%) were considered unapparent carriers of Chlamydophila infection, and only 3.98% of the birds yielded both a positive diagnosis and clinical signs of chlamydiosis.(AU)

Psitacídeos são aves distribuídas em todo o mundo e, juntamente com Columbiformes, representam os animais mais suscetíveis a uma infecção causada por Chlamydophila psittaci, uma bactéria intracelular, obrigatória, zoonótica que causa clamídia em aves domésticas e selvagens e psitacose em humanos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de C. psittaci em diferentes espécies de psitacídeos da fauna brasileira mantidos em criadouros conservacionistas no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Amostras de swabs de cloaca e orofaringe de 201 psitacídeos distribuídos em quatro criadouros nas mesorregiões Metropolitana de Belém (C1 e C2), Nordeste do Pará (C3) e Baixo Amazonas (C4) foram utilizados. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste molecular de semi-nested PCR. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas de acordo com o teste de proposição por R e teste do qui-quadrado (p 0,05). A presença de Chlamydophila sp. foi confirmada em todos os criadouros, com uma prevalência de 31,84% de aves infectadas, com predisposição não específica da espécie encontrada para a infecção entre as aves amostradas. Os resultados da semi-nested PCR mostraram que 13,93% das aves eliminaram o agente infeccioso pela cloaca, 11,44% pela orofaringe e 6,47% por ambas. Além disso, quando aplicado em cada local, este teste mostrou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os criadouros C2 e C3 (p = 0,029), que apresentou o menor e maior número de casos diagnosticados, respectivamente. A maioria dos animais, ou 27,86%, foi considerada como portadora inaparente da infecção e apenas 3,98% das aves com diagnóstico positivo apresentaram algum sinal clínico sugestivo da doença.(AU)

Animais , Psittaciformes , Papagaios , Chlamydophila psittaci/patogenicidade , Infecções por Chlamydophila , Infecções Bacterianas
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(2): 637-640, mar.-abr. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-910980


The maintenance of wild animals in captivity can be a source for transmission of infectious and zoonotic diseases. In February 2016, blue-fronted amazon parrots that were kept at the Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres (CRAS) of Campo Grande - MS died suddenly. The specimens were sent to the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FAMEZ) to be necropsied. Anatomopathological exams were performed and organ fragments from all systems were collected for histopathological exams. Liver and spleen fragments were also collected for bacteriological exams. Histopathological exam revealed bacterial aggregates distributed through the organs. Bacteriological exam isolated Salmonella spp. from the fragments of liver and spleen. The confirmation of the genus was made by serum agglutination on slide and by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The genetic sequencing identified the sample as Salmonella Typhimurium.(AU)

Animais , Amazona/microbiologia , Infecções por Salmonella/microbiologia , Salmonella typhimurium/patogenicidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(2): 637-640, mar.-abr. 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19214


The maintenance of wild animals in captivity can be a source for transmission of infectious and zoonotic diseases. In February 2016, blue-fronted amazon parrots that were kept at the Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres (CRAS) of Campo Grande - MS died suddenly. The specimens were sent to the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FAMEZ) to be necropsied. Anatomopathological exams were performed and organ fragments from all systems were collected for histopathological exams. Liver and spleen fragments were also collected for bacteriological exams. Histopathological exam revealed bacterial aggregates distributed through the organs. Bacteriological exam isolated Salmonella spp. from the fragments of liver and spleen. The confirmation of the genus was made by serum agglutination on slide and by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The genetic sequencing identified the sample as Salmonella Typhimurium.(AU)

Animais , Amazona/microbiologia , Infecções por Salmonella/microbiologia , Salmonella typhimurium/patogenicidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734040


Background: The indiscriminate use of antibiotics both in humans and in animals, has contributed to the development of bacterial resistance. One of the key mechanisms in the resistance of enterobacteria to antibiotics is the production of extendedspectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs), which reduce the therapeutic options available. Several studies have been performed in different animal species in order to isolate and identify multidrug-resistant strains and determine their antibiotic sensitivity profile. The purpose of this study was to detect ESBL-producing enterobacteria in isolates from a pet blue-fronted amazon parrot.Case: A 16-year-old pet blue-fronted-amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) weighing 0.445 kg, from the city of Presidente Castelo Branco, Paraná, Brazil, was admitted into a specialized veterinary clinic in the city of Maringá. This parrot was presented with agitation and aggressive behavior. It was fed with sunflower seeds, and its cage was small and unsanitary especially in the feeding and drinking areas, which were heavily contaminated with feces. The parrot had been diagnosed with acute sinusitis approximately one year prior, with a history of treatment with tylosin, thuya (a herbal remedy popularly used for fowl pox), and a mineral-vitamin complex. The clinical symptoms included dyspnea and bilateral increase of facial swelling, with a mass in the peri-nasal region. A membranous red tissue not related to the nictitating membrane was observed in the lower left eyelid. To obtain a better clinical evaluation, the bird was anesthetized with an intramuscular injection of dextroketamine 50 mg/kg (KetaminS+™). Subsequently, physical examination, head radiographic examinations, and an attempt at sinus draining were performed. The radiographic examinations showed a decreased amount of air in the nasal sinuses.[...](AU)

Animais , Amazona , beta-Lactamases/análise , Enterobacteriaceae/isolamento & purificação , Resistência beta-Lactâmica
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457979


Background: The indiscriminate use of antibiotics both in humans and in animals, has contributed to the development of bacterial resistance. One of the key mechanisms in the resistance of enterobacteria to antibiotics is the production of extendedspectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs), which reduce the therapeutic options available. Several studies have been performed in different animal species in order to isolate and identify multidrug-resistant strains and determine their antibiotic sensitivity profile. The purpose of this study was to detect ESBL-producing enterobacteria in isolates from a pet blue-fronted amazon parrot.Case: A 16-year-old pet blue-fronted-amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) weighing 0.445 kg, from the city of Presidente Castelo Branco, Paraná, Brazil, was admitted into a specialized veterinary clinic in the city of Maringá. This parrot was presented with agitation and aggressive behavior. It was fed with sunflower seeds, and its cage was small and unsanitary especially in the feeding and drinking areas, which were heavily contaminated with feces. The parrot had been diagnosed with acute sinusitis approximately one year prior, with a history of treatment with tylosin, thuya (a herbal remedy popularly used for fowl pox), and a mineral-vitamin complex. The clinical symptoms included dyspnea and bilateral increase of facial swelling, with a mass in the peri-nasal region. A membranous red tissue not related to the nictitating membrane was observed in the lower left eyelid. To obtain a better clinical evaluation, the bird was anesthetized with an intramuscular injection of dextroketamine 50 mg/kg (KetaminS+™). Subsequently, physical examination, head radiographic examinations, and an attempt at sinus draining were performed. The radiographic examinations showed a decreased amount of air in the nasal sinuses.[...]

Animais , Amazona , Enterobacteriaceae/isolamento & purificação , Resistência beta-Lactâmica , beta-Lactamases/análise
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(3,supl. 3): 27-29, 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472413


Hepatic steatosis is also known as fatty liver, hepatic lipidosis, fatty degeneration and is very common in captive parrots, especially in parrots of the genus Amazona. Its etiology is multifactorial, and the excessive consumption of high fat food associated with the sedentary lifestyle are the main predisposing factors. The present study reports a case of hepatic steatosis in a blue fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva), which due to the severity of the case, died a few hours after starting treatment and had its diagnosis confirmed through necropsy and histopathological exams.

Animais , Fígado Gorduroso/diagnóstico , Fígado Gorduroso/mortalidade , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , Papagaios , Autopsia/veterinária , Obesidade/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 28(3,supl. 3): 27-29, 2018.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20848


Hepatic steatosis is also known as fatty liver, hepatic lipidosis, fatty degeneration and is very common in captive parrots, especially in parrots of the genus Amazona. Its etiology is multifactorial, and the excessive consumption of high fat food associated with the sedentary lifestyle are the main predisposing factors. The present study reports a case of hepatic steatosis in a blue fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva), which due to the severity of the case, died a few hours after starting treatment and had its diagnosis confirmed through necropsy and histopathological exams.(AU)

Animais , Papagaios , Fígado Gorduroso/mortalidade , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , Fígado Gorduroso/diagnóstico , Obesidade/veterinária , Autopsia/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 10(2): 43-46, July 26, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469680


Wild birds from illegal wildlife trade are susceptible to several injuries due to the unfavorable sanitary conditions in which they are maintained. Among these animals, parrots of the Amazona genus are frequent victims, and are hosts to parasites of the Ascaridia genus. This study aimed to describe clinical, pathological and parasitological aspects of ascaridiasis in Blue-fronted parrots apprehended from illegal wildlife trade in Paraíba State, Brazil. Sixteen Amazona aestiva dead at triage after progressive weight loss were submitted to necropsy. Moderate to intense ascaridiasis was observed in 36.4% of the parrots, and associated with poor and cachectic body conditions. Simultaneous diseases were also observed. The parasites were bleached and observed in stereomicroscopy. Based on morphologic aspects, the parasites were identified as Ascaridia hermaphrodita.

Animais , Amazona/parasitologia , Ascaridia , Ascaríase/parasitologia , Ascaríase/patologia , Animais Selvagens , Psittaciformes
Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ; 10(2): 43-46, July 26, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16828


Wild birds from illegal wildlife trade are susceptible to several injuries due to the unfavorable sanitary conditions in which they are maintained. Among these animals, parrots of the Amazona genus are frequent victims, and are hosts to parasites of the Ascaridia genus. This study aimed to describe clinical, pathological and parasitological aspects of ascaridiasis in Blue-fronted parrots apprehended from illegal wildlife trade in Paraíba State, Brazil. Sixteen Amazona aestiva dead at triage after progressive weight loss were submitted to necropsy. Moderate to intense ascaridiasis was observed in 36.4% of the parrots, and associated with poor and cachectic body conditions. Simultaneous diseases were also observed. The parasites were bleached and observed in stereomicroscopy. Based on morphologic aspects, the parasites were identified as Ascaridia hermaphrodita.(AU)

Animais , Amazona/parasitologia , Ascaridíase/patologia , Ascaridíase/parasitologia , Ascaridia , Animais Selvagens , Psittaciformes
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(8)2017.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-743692


ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to describe the modified Schirmer tear test (mSTT), intraocular pressure (IOP) by rebound tonometry and palpebral fissure length (PFL) in blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Thirty-five healthy adult animals from a conservation breeding center in Brazil were used in this study. Modified Schirmer tear test, rebound tonometry and PFL measurements were performed in both eyes, with birds under physical restraint. Mean mSTT was 6.2±0.1mm/min and mean IOP was 6.4±0.1mmHg, while PFL was 10.1±0.1mm. A moderate correlation was seen between mSTT and PFL for OD (=0.14) and OS (=0.20). The results provide ophthalmic tests reference values for A. aestiva.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o teste lacrimal de Schirmer modificado (TLSm), a pressão intraocular (PIO) pela tonometria de rebote e o comprimento da fissura palpebral (FP) do papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva). Foram avaliados 35 papagaios adultos e saudáveis, provenientes de um Criadouro Conservacionista do Brasil. Após avaliação clínica e laboratorial, as aves foram fisicamente contidas para aferição, em ambos os olhos, do TLSm, da PIO pela tonometria de rebote e do comprimento da FP utilizando-se um paquímetro digital. Valor médio do TLSm foi 6.2±0.1mm/min e da PIO foi 6.4±0.1 mmHg, enquanto a aferição da FP foi 10.1±0.1mm. Uma correlação moderada foi observada entre TLSm e a FP para olho direito (OD) (=0.14) e olho esquerdo (OE) (=0.20). Os resultados podem servir como valores de referência para testes oftálmicos para A. aestiva.