O esqueleto de papagaios da espécie Amazona aestiva foi descrito e comparado com representantes de outras espécies do gênero Amazona. Para tanto, foram utilizados 22 exemplares da espécie Amazona aestiva; dois das espécies Amazona vinacea; Amazona rhodocorythae, Amazona farinosa, além de um exemplar das espécies Amazona brasiliensis e Amazona pretrei, doados após morte natural pelo Criadouro Poços de Caldas. Foram realizadas radiografias de corpo inteiro, variando de decúbito lateral direito ou esquerdo, no caso das projeções latero-laterais, e em decúbito dorsal, no caso da projeção ventro-dorsal. Independentemente da espécie, os crânios dos papagaios estudados puderam ser classificados como pró-cinéticos, por apresentarem liberdade de movimentos em sua porção rostral. Na maioria dos casos, a coluna vertebral esteve formada por 12 vértebras cervicais, seis vértebras torácicas livres, sinsacro (formado pela fusão da última vértebra torácica, 7 lombosacrais e uma caudal), cinco vértebras caudais livres e pelo pigóstilo (formado por três vértebras caudais fusionadas) e, apesar de diferenças pontuais, o esqueleto apendicular torácico e pélvico se mostrou muito semelhante ao observado para outros gêneros de aves e, inclusive, não foi possível observar dimorfismo sexual através das características anatômicas dos esqueletos dos papagaios trabalhados.(AU)
This study describes the skeleton of Amazona aestiva parrots and compared it with representatives of other Amazona species. To this end, we used 22 specimens of Amazona aestiva, two specimens each of Amazona vinacea; Amazona rhodocorythae, Amazona farinosa and one specimen each of Amazona brasiliensis and Amazona pretrei donated after natural death by Poços de Caldas Breeding Park. Full body radiographs were taken, in either the right or left lateral decubitus position, in the case of laterolateral projections, and in supine position, in the case of ventrodorsal projection. Regardless of the species, skulls of the parrots were classified as prokinetic, because of free movements in their rostral portion. In most cases, the spine consisted of: 12 cervical vertebrae, six free thoracic vertebrae, synsacrum (formed by the fusion of the last thoracic vertebrae, 7 lumbosacral vertebrae and one caudal vertebrae), five free caudal vertebrae and the pygostyle (formed by three fused caudal vertebrae). Despite punctual differences, thoracic and pelvic appendicular skeleton proved to be very similar to that observed for other genera of birds. In addition, there was no sexual dimorphism considering the anatomical characteristics of the skeletons of parrots analyzed.(AU)
Animais , Amazona/anatomia & histologia , Esqueleto , Radiografia/veterinária , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Papagaios/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Aves da ordem Psittaciformes estão entre as mais ameaçadas do Brasil. Das 86 espécies existentes, 24 (27,9%) estão na Lista Vermelha da União Internacional para Conservação da Natureza. Os papagaios do gênero Amazona possuem um destaque por estarem entre os mais traficados, principalmente o papagaioverdadeiro (Amazona aestiva). O papagaio-de-cara-roxa (A. brasiliensis) se encontra na categoria quase ameaçada e o papagaio-charão (A. pretrei) na vulnerável, ambos necessitando manejo em vida livre. Além da perda de habitat e do tráfico, a disseminação de patógenos é uma ameaça emergente a essas espécies, em decorrência da ampla movimentação, comércio e manipulação das mesmas. Considerando a falta de informações sobre a saúde desses animais, o objetivo deste estudo foi de investigar patógenos selecionados em filhotes de A. aestiva, A. brasiliensis e A. pretrei de vida livre e A. aestiva apreendidos do tráfico. Amostras de 235 Amazona sp. de vida livre foram coletadas de quatro estados brasileiros e amostras de 90 A. aestiva foram coletadas de filhotes apreendidos do tráfico e encaminhados a um Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres (CRAS). As amostras foram testadas por meio da PCR para C. psittaci, Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1, poxvírus e Beak and feather disease vírus (BFDV). O DNA de C. psittaci foi detectado em amostras de cinco filhotes de vida livre. O DNA dos outros patógenos não foi detectado nas amostras das aves de vida livre ou do tráfico. O sequenciamento da C. psittaci na amostra de um A. brasiliensis revelou alta similaridade com isolados encontrados em psitacídeos no Brasil, pertencentes ao genótipo A. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram que a prevalência de patógenos em aves de vida livre é bastante baixa e que patógenos exóticos, como o circovírus, parecem ainda não ter atingido essas populações, apesar de já estarem presentes em cativeiro no Brasil. Isso reforça a necessidade de proteger a nossa avifauna de ameaças iminentes de introdução e disseminação desses vírus na natureza. Novos protocolos de avaliação de saúde devem ser discutidos e seguidos rigorosamente para a reintrodução de psitacídeos na natureza. Com relação às aves do CRAS, estas foram isoladas e amostradas logo que chegaram ao centro, não sendo acompanhadas para avaliar os efeitos do cativeiro em longo prazo na saúde das mesmas. Medidas preventivas nunca devem ser negligenciadas em psitacídeos introduzidos em um plantel, pois pesquisas revelam ocorrência de surtos e a detecção de patógenos relevantes para a conservação dessas aves. Novos estudos devem ser encorajados para um melhor conhecimento da epidemiologia de patógenos em psitacídeos de vida livre e para ampliar o conhecimento dos seus impactos sobre a conservação das espécies.
Birds of the order Psittaciformes are among the most threatened birds in Brazil. Of the 86 species recorded, 24 (27.9%) are in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. Amazon parrots have a highlight for being among the most trafficked birds, especially the blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva). The red-tailed Amazon parrot (A. brasiliensis) is in the near threatened category and the red-spectacled Amazon parrot (A. pretrei) is threatened in the vulnerable category, both of them needing management in the wild. In addition to habitat loss and illegal trade, the spread of pathogens is an emerging threat to these species due to their wide movement, trade and manipulation. Considering the lack of information on the health of wild parrots, the aims of this study were to investigate selected pathogens on wild A. aestiva, A. brasiliensis and A. pretrei nestlings and in A. aestiva seized from illegal trade. Samples from 235 wild Amazon parrots were collected in four Brazilian states, and samples from 90 A. aestiva were collected from nestlings seized from illegal trade and submitted to a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (CRAS). Samples were tested by PCR for Chlamydia psittaci, Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1, poxvirus and Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV). Chlamydia psittaci DNA was detected in swab samples from five wild nestlings. The DNA of the other pathogens was not detected in the wild and trafficked bird samples. Sequencing of C. psittaci in the sample of one A. brasiliensis revealed high similarity with isolates found in parrots in Brazil, belonging to genotype A. The results of the present study demonstrate that the prevalence of pathogens in wild parrots is very low, and exotic pathogens such as BFDV may not yet have reached these populations, although they are present in captivity in Brazil. This reinforces the need to protect our bird fauna from imminent threats of introducing and spreading these viruses into the wild. Novel health assessment protocols should be discussed and strictly followed for the reintroduction of parrots in the wild. Regarding the birds from CRAS, they were isolated and sampled soon after their arrival at the center, and were not monitored to evaluate long-term effects of captivity on their health. Preventive measures should never be neglected in psittacine birds introduced in a flock, as studies reveal outbreaks and the detection of relevant pathogens to the conservation of these birds. Further studies should be encouraged to better understand the epidemiology of pathogens in wild parrots, to expand the knowledge of their impacts on species conservation.
Over 70% of threatened birds in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, south Brazil, inhabit forest environments. The creation and maintenance of protected areas is one of the most important measures aiming to mitigate these problems. However, the knowledge of the local biodiversity is essential so that these areas can effectively preserve the natural resources. Between 2004 and 2009 we sampled the avifauna in two conservation units in Rio Grande do Sul: Floresta Nacional de Canela (FNC) and Parque Natural Municipal da Ronda (PMR), both representative of the Mixed Humid Forest (Araucaria Forest). A total of 224 species was recorded, 116 at FNC and 201 at PMR, ten of which threatened regionally: Pseudastur polionotus, Odontophorus capueira, Patagioenas cayennensis, Amazona pretrei, A. vinacea, Triclaria malachitacea, Campephilus robustus, Grallaria varia, Procnias nudicollis and Sporophila melanogaster. Richness and species composition seem to be related to different stages of forest conservation, to size and connectivity, as well as to the diversity of environments. The better conservation of PMR compared to FNC, allied to its geographic position, results in a richer avifauna, with a larger amount of rare and endangered species, as well as species sensitive to disturbance and endemic to the Atlantic Rainforest. We suggest management actions aiming the conservation and the long-term recovery of natural environments at these sites.
Animais , Aves/classificação , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção/estatística & dados numéricos , FaunaResumo
Over 70% of threatened birds in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, south Brazil, inhabit forest environments. The creation and maintenance of protected areas is one of the most important measures aiming to mitigate these problems. However, the knowledge of the local biodiversity is essential so that these areas can effectively preserve the natural resources. Between 2004 and 2009 we sampled the avifauna in two conservation units in Rio Grande do Sul: Floresta Nacional de Canela (FNC) and Parque Natural Municipal da Ronda (PMR), both representative of the Mixed Humid Forest (Araucaria Forest). A total of 224 species was recorded, 116 at FNC and 201 at PMR, ten of which threatened regionally: Pseudastur polionotus, Odontophorus capueira, Patagioenas cayennensis, Amazona pretrei, A. vinacea, Triclaria malachitacea, Campephilus robustus, Grallaria varia, Procnias nudicollis and Sporophila melanogaster. Richness and species composition seem to be related to different stages of forest conservation, to size and connectivity, as well as to the diversity of environments. The better conservation of PMR compared to FNC, allied to its geographic position, results in a richer avifauna, with a larger amount of rare and endangered species, as well as species sensitive to disturbance and endemic to the Atlantic Rainforest. We suggest management actions aiming the conservation and the long-term recovery of natural environments at these sites.(AU)
Animais , Aves/classificação , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção/estatística & dados numéricos , FaunaResumo
Background: Birds beaks can be affected by a lot of abnormalities due to nutritional problems, infections, changes related to the development and trauma. Considering the treatment of fractures or other birds beaks injuries, the use of prosthesis can be an alternative treatment. Among the numerous kind of prosthetics for this propose, homologous, synthetic and mixedare frequently used. Birds cadavers are the suppliers of homologous prostetic. This study aims to report the treatment of a gnatotheca disjunction in a parrot (Amazona pretrei) using homologous gnatotheca prosthesis.Case: A red-spectacled parrot (Amazona pretrei) was sent to the zoo after an apprehension conducted by IBAMA, at this moment the animal was in a good clinical condition. After a few months, in a routine check of the birds for deworming and coproparasitological exam, it was observed a gnatotheca bifurcation. The specifi c cause was not identifi ed. Bifurcation of gnatotheca was diagnosed in one parrot. For surgery reconstruction it was implanted homologous gnatotheca prosthesis. After pre anesthetic medication with cetamine (5, IM) and midazolam (0.25, IM), the animal was kept under inhalational anesthesia with isofl urane vaporized in 100% oxygen in an open circuit, using a mask. It was administered butorphanol (0.5, IM, TID, for two days). The prosthesis was implanted using the
Background: Birds beaks can be affected by a lot of abnormalities due to nutritional problems, infections, changes related to the development and trauma. Considering the treatment of fractures or other birds beaks injuries, the use of prosthesis can be an alternative treatment. Among the numerous kind of prosthetics for this propose, homologous, synthetic and mixed are frequently used. Birds cadavers are the suppliers of homologous prostetic. This study aims to report the treatment of a gnatotheca disjunction in a parrot (Amazona pretrei) using homologous gnatotheca prosthesis.Case: A red-spectacled parrot (Amazona pretrei) was sent to the zoo after an apprehension conducted by IBAMA, at this moment the animal was in a good clinical condition. After a few months, in a routine check of the birds for deworming and coproparasitological exam, it was observed a gnatotheca bifurcation. The specifi c cause was not identifi ed. Bifurcation of gnatotheca was diagnosed in one parrot. For surgery reconstruction it was implanted homologous gnatotheca prosthesis. After pre anesthetic medication with cetamine (5, IM) and midazolam (0.25, IM), the animal was kept under inhalational anesthesia with isofl urane vaporized in 100% oxygen in an open circuit, using a mask. It was administered butorphanol (0.5, IM, TID, for two days). The prosthesis was implanted using the
Background: Birds' beaks can be affected by a lot of abnormalities due to nutritional problems, infections, changes related to the development and trauma. Considering the treatment of fractures or other birds' beaks injuries, the use of prosthesis can be an alternative treatment. Among the numerous kind of prosthetics for this propose, homologous, synthetic and mixed are frequently used. Bird's cadavers are the suppliers of homologous prostetic. This study aims to report the treatment of a gnatotheca disjunction in a parrot (Amazona pretrei) using homologous gnatotheca prosthesis. Case: A red-spectacled parrot (Amazona pretrei) was sent to the zoo after an apprehension conducted by IBAMA, at this moment the animal was in a good clinical condition. After a few months, in a routine check of the birds for deworming and coproparasitological exam, it was observed a gnatotheca bifurcation. The specific cause was not identified. Bifurcation of gnatotheca was diagnosed in one parrot. For surgery reconstruction it was implanted homologous gnatotheca prosthesis. After pre anesthetic medication with cetamine (5¹, IM) and midazolam (0.25¹, IM), the animal was kept under inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane vaporized in 100% oxygen in an open circuit, using a mask. It was administered butorphanol (0.5¹, IM, TID, for two days). The prosthesis was implanted using the overlap technique. The tip was withdrawn from the donor bird, measured, cut and polished using micro grinding. Then, it was cleaned with a 0.9% NaCl to posterior deployment over the residual gnatotheca. After preparing prosthesis, residual gnatotheca's edges were sanded to modeling and correct positioning of the prosthesis at the methyl methacrylate. Drillings were performed on donor and receptor fragments using a drill (nº1) to put steel wire no4 cerclages. The implant was covered with methyl methacrylate for better stability and to avoid contamination. The procedure lasted 30 min and it was uneventful. The animal returned anesthesia showing no apparent discomfort with the prosthesis. The day after the procedure, the animal showed excellent recovery with immediate return of nozzle's function, starting feeding itself with grain. The bird remained stable for 22 days. It had adapted to the prosthesis, feeding with regular ration and seeds, until it was found dead in her room due to an attack of a pampas fox that escaped from its jail. Discussion: Although injuries in birds' rhamphotheca are not uncommon, the number of professionals trained on its treatment is reduced, as well as different forms of therapy are scarce. This case report supports literature in which the use of prosthesis associated with cerclages, or depending on the case, with resin are described as a better method in matters of fixation. The rhamphotheca is a structure consisting of smooth surface, filled with branched bone fiber. These structures may be not adequately supported with cerclage wires or may be susceptible to loosening. For these reasons, it was decided to use cerclage covered with methyl methacrylate to promote better fixation and structures embedding. Unfortunately, it was not possible to follow the evolution of the patient in the long term. This report demonstrates that the proposed technique can be suitable for gnatotheca's defect correction in charão parrot and provides an excellent progress in short term.
Animais , Papagaios , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , Bico/cirurgia , Bico/lesõesResumo
The enteric flora of psittacines is mainly composed of Gram positive bacteria. Gram negative bacteria, like Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp., have a high pathogenic potential and can be considerate as an indicative of management problems that may culminate in disease manifestation due to stress factors, poor diets and overcrowding, in combination with a high bacterial load on the environment. The objective of this study was evaluated the presence of Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and the virulence genes iss and iutA from E. coli isolates. Forty-four samples were analyzed from psittacines living in captivity, which fifteen samples were from organs fragments of necropsied birds, and twenty-nine were from cloacal and crop swabs of red-spectacled parrots (Amazona pretrei) keeping in captivity. No samples were positive for Salmonella spp. In the samples in which E. coli was detected, both virulence factors (genes iss and iutA) were present.(AU)
A flora entérica dos psitacídeos é composta principalmente por bactérias Gram positivas. Bactérias Gram negativas, como Escherichia coli e Salmonella spp., apresentam elevado potencial patogênico, sendo consideradas indicativo de problemas de manejo, que poderão culminar em manifestação de doenças em decorrência de fatores estressantes, dietas deficientes e superlotação, combinados com alta carga bacteriana no ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a presença de Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli e os fatores de virulência dos genes iss e iutA dos isolados de E. coli. Analisou-se um total de 44 amostras provenientes de psitacídeos criados em cativeiro, sendo estas 15 fragmentos de órgãos de aves submetidas a exame de necropsia e também 29 amostras de swabs de cloaca e inglúvio de papagaios-charão (Amazona pretrei) criados em cativeiro. Nenhuma amostra foi positiva para Salmonella spp. Nas amostras de E. coli detectou-se ambos os fatores de virulência pesquisados.(AU)
Animais , Papagaios/microbiologia , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Enterobacteriaceae , GenótipoResumo
Background: Birds beaks can be affected by a lot of abnormalities due to nutritional problems, infections, changes related to the development and trauma. Considering the treatment of fractures or other birds beaks injuries, the use of prosthesis can be an alternative treatment. Among the numerous kind of prosthetics for this propose, homologous, synthetic and mixedare frequently used. Birds cadavers are the suppliers of homologous prostetic. This study aims to report the treatment of a gnatotheca disjunction in a parrot (Amazona pretrei) using homologous gnatotheca prosthesis.Case: A red-spectacled parrot (Amazona pretrei) was sent to the zoo after an apprehension conducted by IBAMA, at this moment the animal was in a good clinical condition. After a few months, in a routine check of the birds for deworming and coproparasitological exam, it was observed a gnatotheca bifurcation. The specifi c cause was not identifi ed. Bifurcation of gnatotheca was diagnosed in one parrot. For surgery reconstruction it was implanted homologous gnatotheca prosthesis. After pre anesthetic medication with cetamine (5, IM) and midazolam (0.25, IM), the animal was kept under inhalational anesthesia with isofl urane vaporized in 100% oxygen in an open circuit, using a mask. It was administered butorphanol (0.5, IM, TID, for two days). The prosthesis was implanted using the
Background: Birds beaks can be affected by a lot of abnormalities due to nutritional problems, infections, changes related to the development and trauma. Considering the treatment of fractures or other birds beaks injuries, the use of prosthesis can be an alternative treatment. Among the numerous kind of prosthetics for this propose, homologous, synthetic and mixed are frequently used. Birds cadavers are the suppliers of homologous prostetic. This study aims to report the treatment of a gnatotheca disjunction in a parrot (Amazona pretrei) using homologous gnatotheca prosthesis.Case: A red-spectacled parrot (Amazona pretrei) was sent to the zoo after an apprehension conducted by IBAMA, at this moment the animal was in a good clinical condition. After a few months, in a routine check of the birds for deworming and coproparasitological exam, it was observed a gnatotheca bifurcation. The specifi c cause was not identifi ed. Bifurcation of gnatotheca was diagnosed in one parrot. For surgery reconstruction it was implanted homologous gnatotheca prosthesis. After pre anesthetic medication with cetamine (5, IM) and midazolam (0.25, IM), the animal was kept under inhalational anesthesia with isofl urane vaporized in 100% oxygen in an open circuit, using a mask. It was administered butorphanol (0.5, IM, TID, for two days). The prosthesis was implanted using the
A microbiota intestinal de Psitaciformes é composta principalmente por bactérias Gram positivas, não se considerando saudável a presença de bactérias Gram negativas. As aves silvestres possuem importância para a saúde pública por albergarem patógenos passíveis de transmissão zoonótica. O deslocamento territorial dessas aves, como o que ocorre no tráfico de animais selvagens, constitui um mecanismo de propagação de novos focos endêmicos de agentes infecciosos a grandes distâncias dos locais onde foram adquiridos. Neste trabalho analisamos a presença de enterobactérias em psitacídeos utilizando amostras de órgãos de aves recebidas para necropsia na rotina do Laboratório Central de Diagnóstico de Patologias Aviárias (LCDPA) situado no Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva (DMVP) do Centro de Ciências Rurais (CCR) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Também foi realizada coleta de suabes cloacais e de inglúvio em aves vivas mantidas em cativeiro visando monitorar a presença de possíveis bactérias patogênicas. Escherichia coli foi considerada a bactéria predominante na maioria das amostras, então após análise microbiológica e confirmação dos isolados de E. coli, selecionamos 28 colônias, as quais foram testadas para os fatores de virulência iss, relacionado com a capacidade da cepa em resistir aos efeitos líticos do soro, e iutA, sendo este gene um receptor de membrana externa dos compostos sideróforos da aerobactina (genes iuc) que é um sistema de captação de ferro pelo qual E. coli expressa afinidade. Espera-se que os dados obtidos nessa pesquisa contribuam no estabelecimento do estado sanitário de psitaciformes auxiliando na manutenção da espécie e prevenindo riscos à saúde pública