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Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 14(3): 147-151, set. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453225


Flexural deformity in growing animals is a condition in which a joint is kept in a flexed or abnormally extended position. In foals, it is characterised mainly by deviation of the limbs. As such, the aim is to report a case of flexural deformity in a pelvic limb of Quarter Horse. The animal was treated at the Jerônimo Dix-Huit Rosado Maia Veterinary Hospital (HOVET-UFERSA): a female, with dappled coat, approximately two years of age, presenting with interphalangeal flexural deformity of the left pelvic limb. In the anamnesis, the owner reported that the animal had shown the deformity from six months of age, and on physical examination, presented grade IV lameness of the left pelvic limb, excessive wear of the toe, with the limb offering no support. Upon palpation, contracture of the superficial and deep digital flexor tendons was identified. Surgical treatment was therefore chosen, including tenotomy of the deep digital flexor tendon together with desmotomy of the lower check ligament. Medicinal therapy based on antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory was carried out, in addition to corrective trimming of the hoof and a horseshoe with toe extension; cleaning and changing the dressing was performed every 48 hours, and active physical therapy was given through a daily 15-minute walk. After 15 days hospitalisation, the animal was discharged, showing considerable improvement in it

A deformidade flexuralé uma condição de animais em crescimento, na qual uma articulação é mantida em posição flexionada ou estendida anormalmente. Em potros, caracteriza-se principalmente pelo desvio dos membros. Desta forma, objetiva-se relatar um caso de deformidade flexuralem membro pélvico de equino Quarto de Milha. Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Jerônimo Dix-Huit Rosado Maia (HOVET-UFERSA), umafêmea, da raça Quarto de Milha, pelagem tordilha, com aproximadamente dois anos de idade, apresentando deformidade flexuralinterfalangeana em membro pélvico esquerdo. Na anamnese, o proprietário relatou que o animal apresentava encastelamento do membro desde os 6 meses de idade. Ao exame físico, apresentou claudicação grau IV no membro pélvico esquerdo, desgaste excessivo de pinça, e sem apoio do membro. À palpação foi identificada contratura dos tendões flexores digitais superficial e profundo. Desta forma, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico de tenotomia do tendão flexor digital

Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/anormalidades , Contratura , Tenotomia
Acta Vet. bras. ; 14(3): 147-151, set. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27015


Flexural deformity in growing animals is a condition in which a joint is kept in a flexed or abnormally extended position. In foals, it is characterised mainly by deviation of the limbs. As such, the aim is to report a case of flexural deformity in a pelvic limb of Quarter Horse. The animal was treated at the Jerônimo Dix-Huit Rosado Maia Veterinary Hospital (HOVET-UFERSA): a female, with dappled coat, approximately two years of age, presenting with interphalangeal flexural deformity of the left pelvic limb. In the anamnesis, the owner reported that the animal had shown the deformity from six months of age, and on physical examination, presented grade IV lameness of the left pelvic limb, excessive wear of the toe, with the limb offering no support. Upon palpation, contracture of the superficial and deep digital flexor tendons was identified. Surgical treatment was therefore chosen, including tenotomy of the deep digital flexor tendon together with desmotomy of the lower check ligament. Medicinal therapy based on antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory was carried out, in addition to corrective trimming of the hoof and a horseshoe with toe extension; cleaning and changing the dressing was performed every 48 hours, and active physical therapy was given through a daily 15-minute walk. After 15 days hospitalisation, the animal was discharged, showing considerable improvement in it

A deformidade flexuralé uma condição de animais em crescimento, na qual uma articulação é mantida em posição flexionada ou estendida anormalmente. Em potros, caracteriza-se principalmente pelo desvio dos membros. Desta forma, objetiva-se relatar um caso de deformidade flexuralem membro pélvico de equino Quarto de Milha. Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Jerônimo Dix-Huit Rosado Maia (HOVET-UFERSA), umafêmea, da raça Quarto de Milha, pelagem tordilha, com aproximadamente dois anos de idade, apresentando deformidade flexuralinterfalangeana em membro pélvico esquerdo. Na anamnese, o proprietário relatou que o animal apresentava encastelamento do membro desde os 6 meses de idade. Ao exame físico, apresentou claudicação grau IV no membro pélvico esquerdo, desgaste excessivo de pinça, e sem apoio do membro. À palpação foi identificada contratura dos tendões flexores digitais superficial e profundo. Desta forma, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico de tenotomia do tendão flexor digital(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/anormalidades , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Tenotomia , Contratura
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489033


Os animais da raça quarto de milha são conhecidos por serem usados em diversas práticas e atividades, devido à sua alta ve-locidade. A constante busca pela melhora no ganho de massa muscular e recuperação em equinos, principalmente atletas, im-pulsiona as pesquisas para suplementos sem efeitos colaterais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros clínicos e laborato-riais em animais dessa raça, suplementados com gama-orizanol e L-carnitina antes e após a execução da prova de três tambores. Esses equinos puros de origem recebiam 200 mililitros (ml) do suplemento Energy Horse® como suplementação alimentar mis-turados à ração para os estabulados, e via oral para os animais de piquete. Executaram o percurso de uma prova de tambor em pista de tamanho oficial em 3 momentos do experimento: dia 0, dia 30 e dia 60 após o tratamento. Os animais foram clinicamente exa-minados antes e após os exercícios (coloração de mucosas ocular e oral; frequência cardíaca; frequência respiratória; e motilidade intestinal), além da pesagem e coleta de sangue para dosagem de colesterol total, proteína total, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT), gama glutamil transpeptidase (GGT), fosfatase alcalina (FA), creatinoquinase (CK) e glicose.

The American quarter horses are known by their uses in various activities, due to their high resistance and speed. The constant search for improvement in muscle mass gain and recovery in horses, mainly athletes, drives research for supplements without side effects. The objective of the present study was to evaluate clinical and laboratory parameters in these animals supplemented with gamma-orizanol and L-carnitine, before and after the execution of the barrel racing. These pure horses would receive 200 milliliters (ml) from the Energy Horse® supplement as a feed supply for animals in stable and oral feed for picket animals. The course of a race on an official track was performed in three moments of the experiment: day 0, day 30 and day 60 after treatment. Animals were clinically examined before and after exercise, in addition to heart rate, total part, total protein, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), creatine kinase (CK) and glucose.

Animais , Carnitina/efeitos adversos , Cavalos/fisiologia , Lipídeos/efeitos adversos , Suplementos Nutricionais
R. Educ. contin. Med. Vet. Zoot. ; 17(2): 40-46, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22432


Os animais da raça quarto de milha são conhecidos por serem usados em diversas práticas e atividades, devido à sua alta ve-locidade. A constante busca pela melhora no ganho de massa muscular e recuperação em equinos, principalmente atletas, im-pulsiona as pesquisas para suplementos sem efeitos colaterais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros clínicos e laborato-riais em animais dessa raça, suplementados com gama-orizanol e L-carnitina antes e após a execução da prova de três tambores. Esses equinos puros de origem recebiam 200 mililitros (ml) do suplemento Energy Horse® como suplementação alimentar mis-turados à ração para os estabulados, e via oral para os animais de piquete. Executaram o percurso de uma prova de tambor em pista de tamanho oficial em 3 momentos do experimento: dia 0, dia 30 e dia 60 após o tratamento. Os animais foram clinicamente exa-minados antes e após os exercícios (coloração de mucosas ocular e oral; frequência cardíaca; frequência respiratória; e motilidade intestinal), além da pesagem e coleta de sangue para dosagem de colesterol total, proteína total, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT), gama glutamil transpeptidase (GGT), fosfatase alcalina (FA), creatinoquinase (CK) e glicose.(AU)

The American quarter horses are known by their uses in various activities, due to their high resistance and speed. The constant search for improvement in muscle mass gain and recovery in horses, mainly athletes, drives research for supplements without side effects. The objective of the present study was to evaluate clinical and laboratory parameters in these animals supplemented with gamma-orizanol and L-carnitine, before and after the execution of the barrel racing. These pure horses would receive 200 milliliters (ml) from the Energy Horse® supplement as a feed supply for animals in stable and oral feed for picket animals. The course of a race on an official track was performed in three moments of the experiment: day 0, day 30 and day 60 after treatment. Animals were clinically examined before and after exercise, in addition to heart rate, total part, total protein, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), creatine kinase (CK) and glucose.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Lipídeos/efeitos adversos , Carnitina/efeitos adversos , Suplementos Nutricionais
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(5): 317-323, May 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1012751


The conservation of haylage (a pre-dried feed) can be challenging, since there is an increased risk of mould growth, which can contaminate this foodstuff with mycotoxins. However, when the hygienic quality is secured, haylage enhances grass palatability and provide enough supply of dry matter throughout the year. Due to the lack of information regarding its effect on blood parameters in horses fed exclusively with this foodstuff, the aim of this study is to provide information regarding its use in comparison to hay and ensure that it does not affect horses' biochemical profile. Twelve Quarter Horse broodmares were distributed into two groups, each fed with Tifton-85 (Cynodon spp.) hay or haylage for a period of 28 days, and the biochemical profile was done in five different times (T0 before the experiment started and, chronologically, seven days apart - T1, T2, T3 and T4), It was analyzed total protein (TP) and its fractioning; enzymes alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl-transferase; endogenous catabolism products urea and creatinine; and ions calcium and phosphorus. Mycotoxins in haylage were also investigated and remained below the legislation thresholds. Only TP was higher in the last sampling (T4) of the haylage group, which may be related to the foodstuff's higher protein digestibility. No differences were observed between serum enzymes, urea, creatinine and Ca/P from both experimental groups. Haylage has proven to be safe, when well prepared for horses, without causing impairing side effects, as shown by the normal serum biochemistry parameters presented in this study.(AU)

A conservação do haylage (alimento pré-seco) pode ser desafiadora, considerando o aumento do risco de crescimento de fungos, com consequente produção de micotoxinas. Entretanto, quando a qualidade da higiene e armazenamento é assegurada, o haylage aumenta a palatabilidade da forragem e fornece suplemento de matéria seca suficiente ao longo do ano. Devido à falta de informação relativa aos efeitos dessa alimentação nos parâmetros sanguíneos de equinos alimentados exclusivamente com essa dieta, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o perfil bioquímico sanguíneo dos equinos após administração da haylage em comparação com feno. Doze matrizes Quarto de Milha foram distribuídas em dois grupos, cada um recebendo feno ou haylage de Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) por um período de 28 dias. O perfil bioquímico foi realizado em cinco tempos (T) diferentes (T0, antes do início do experimento e cronologicamente, a cada sete dias após o fornecimento das dietas - T1, T2, T3 e T4) para análise de proteína total (PT) e seu perfil fracionado, das enzimas alanina aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase, γ-glutamil-transferase, dos produtos de catabolismo creatinina e ureia e, dos íons cálcio e fósforo. Micotoxinas no haylage foram investigadas e mantiveram-se abaixo dos limites determinados pela legislação brasileira. O perfil bioquímico revelou, somente, elevação da PT em T4 no grupo que recebeu haylage, o que pode estar relacionado à sua maior digestibilidade proteica. Nenhuma diferença foi observada nos outros parâmetros estudados em ambos os grupos experimentais. Conclui-se que Haylage é comprovadamente seguro, quando bem preparado para equinos, sem causar efeitos na saúde geral, conforme demonstrado pelos exames bioquímicos no presente estudo.(AU)

Animais , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Cynodon/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(5): 317-323, mai. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23755


The conservation of haylage (a pre-dried feed) can be challenging, since there is an increased risk of mould growth, which can contaminate this foodstuff with mycotoxins. However, when the hygienic quality is secured, haylage enhances grass palatability and provide enough supply of dry matter throughout the year. Due to the lack of information regarding its effect on blood parameters in horses fed exclusively with this foodstuff, the aim of this study is to provide information regarding its use in comparison to hay and ensure that it does not affect horses' biochemical profile. Twelve Quarter Horse broodmares were distributed into two groups, each fed with Tifton-85 (Cynodon spp.) hay or haylage for a period of 28 days, and the biochemical profile was done in five different times (T0 before the experiment started and, chronologically, seven days apart - T1, T2, T3 and T4), It was analyzed total protein (TP) and its fractioning; enzymes alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl-transferase; endogenous catabolism products urea and creatinine; and ions calcium and phosphorus. Mycotoxins in haylage were also investigated and remained below the legislation thresholds. Only TP was higher in the last sampling (T4) of the haylage group, which may be related to the foodstuff's higher protein digestibility. No differences were observed between serum enzymes, urea, creatinine and Ca/P from both experimental groups. Haylage has proven to be safe, when well prepared for horses, without causing impairing side effects, as shown by the normal serum biochemistry parameters presented in this study.(AU)

A conservação do haylage (alimento pré-seco) pode ser desafiadora, considerando o aumento do risco de crescimento de fungos, com consequente produção de micotoxinas. Entretanto, quando a qualidade da higiene e armazenamento é assegurada, o haylage aumenta a palatabilidade da forragem e fornece suplemento de matéria seca suficiente ao longo do ano. Devido à falta de informação relativa aos efeitos dessa alimentação nos parâmetros sanguíneos de equinos alimentados exclusivamente com essa dieta, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o perfil bioquímico sanguíneo dos equinos após administração da haylage em comparação com feno. Doze matrizes Quarto de Milha foram distribuídas em dois grupos, cada um recebendo feno ou haylage de Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) por um período de 28 dias. O perfil bioquímico foi realizado em cinco tempos (T) diferentes (T0, antes do início do experimento e cronologicamente, a cada sete dias após o fornecimento das dietas - T1, T2, T3 e T4) para análise de proteína total (PT) e seu perfil fracionado, das enzimas alanina aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase, γ-glutamil-transferase, dos produtos de catabolismo creatinina e ureia e, dos íons cálcio e fósforo. Micotoxinas no haylage foram investigadas e mantiveram-se abaixo dos limites determinados pela legislação brasileira. O perfil bioquímico revelou, somente, elevação da PT em T4 no grupo que recebeu haylage, o que pode estar relacionado à sua maior digestibilidade proteica. Nenhuma diferença foi observada nos outros parâmetros estudados em ambos os grupos experimentais. Conclui-se que Haylage é comprovadamente seguro, quando bem preparado para equinos, sem causar efeitos na saúde geral, conforme demonstrado pelos exames bioquímicos no presente estudo.(AU)

Animais , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Cynodon/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.409-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458173


Background: Cryptorchidism is characterized by the incomplete descent of one or both testicles to the scrotum, beinga hereditary alteration and frequently an unilateral condition. Besides the sexual and aggressive behaviour, the retainedtesticle is commonly located in abdominal cavity, being considered a risk factor for neoplasm development. The mostcommon testicular neoplasm reported in mammalian species are Sertoli cell tumors, Leydig cell tumors, seminomas andteratomas. A presumptive diagnosis of testicular tumor can be achieved by ultrasonography, although the definitive diagnosis is obtained only by histopathology. In this report, we are presenting a case of testicular teratoma in an unilateralabdominal cryptorchid horse.Case: A 3 year-old stallion, American Quarter Horse, was attended and presented a right testicle retained inside the abdomen and a left testicle in the scrotum. Transrectal palpation was used to identify a round and firm structure, presumablythe right testicle, lateral to the urinary bladder and located inside abdomen. Further, a transrectal ultrasound examinationshowed a complex, round mass with irregular edges containing both cystic and solid structures, hypoechoic fluid-filledcavities separated by linear hyperechoic septa. After a clinical examination, the animal was diagnosed with cryptorchidismand was submitted to orchiectomy and cryptorchidectomy by inguinal approach. Surgery was performed under generalanesthesia and postoperative care included cold shower, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy. Testicles were surgicallyremoved and further sent for histopathological examination. The visual appearance...

Masculino , Animais , Criptorquidismo/complicações , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Teratoma/veterinária , Testículo/patologia , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 409, Aug. 7, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21498


Background: Cryptorchidism is characterized by the incomplete descent of one or both testicles to the scrotum, beinga hereditary alteration and frequently an unilateral condition. Besides the sexual and aggressive behaviour, the retainedtesticle is commonly located in abdominal cavity, being considered a risk factor for neoplasm development. The mostcommon testicular neoplasm reported in mammalian species are Sertoli cell tumors, Leydig cell tumors, seminomas andteratomas. A presumptive diagnosis of testicular tumor can be achieved by ultrasonography, although the definitive diagnosis is obtained only by histopathology. In this report, we are presenting a case of testicular teratoma in an unilateralabdominal cryptorchid horse.Case: A 3 year-old stallion, American Quarter Horse, was attended and presented a right testicle retained inside the abdomen and a left testicle in the scrotum. Transrectal palpation was used to identify a round and firm structure, presumablythe right testicle, lateral to the urinary bladder and located inside abdomen. Further, a transrectal ultrasound examinationshowed a complex, round mass with irregular edges containing both cystic and solid structures, hypoechoic fluid-filledcavities separated by linear hyperechoic septa. After a clinical examination, the animal was diagnosed with cryptorchidismand was submitted to orchiectomy and cryptorchidectomy by inguinal approach. Surgery was performed under generalanesthesia and postoperative care included cold shower, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy. Testicles were surgicallyremoved and further sent for histopathological examination. The visual appearance...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Teratoma/veterinária , Testículo/patologia , Criptorquidismo/complicações , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-7, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457921


Background: Cutaneous wounds in locomotor limbs represent one of the most frequent disorders in equine medicine. Wounds in equines are distinguished from those in other species by unique characteristics, including different healing rates among breeds, wound location and high propensity to formation of exuberant granulation tissue during the healing process. The wound healing process that cannot be sutured can be accelerated by the use of skin grafts, lowering the treatment cost. The objective of this report was to divulgate the success upon treatment of an extensive lacerated wound in the metatarsal region of a horse using autologous skin grafts.Case: A 3-year-old, female, American quarter horse weighting 450 kg was brought to veterinary hospital with lower limb injury. According to the owner’s report, the animal had one of its limbs stuck in a plain wire fence. A wound was observed in the metatarsal region during physical examination, the lesion caused an extensive skin laceration that showed the dorsal surface of the metatarsal bone and the digital extensor tendon. After injury assessment, wound debridement was carried out by surgery intervention followed by antisepsis and application of autologous plasma every two days as post-surgical care and wound preparation to receive the graft. Forty-five days after the first intervention, grafts were collected from the neck and implanted in the wound. The procedure achieved 70% of success. After approximately 75 days, transplantation was performed in other regions of the wound using the same technique. The duration of treatment at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR) was eight months, and then the animal returned home, where dressings were applied for two months to avoid the risk of contamination and until complete recovery.Discussion: The debridement of the wound and edges approximation were of great value in order to begin the process of wound granulation.[...]

Animais , Cavalos/cirurgia , Cavalos/lesões , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Metatarso/lesões , Pele/lesões , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-7, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-726508


Background: Cutaneous wounds in locomotor limbs represent one of the most frequent disorders in equine medicine. Wounds in equines are distinguished from those in other species by unique characteristics, including different healing rates among breeds, wound location and high propensity to formation of exuberant granulation tissue during the healing process. The wound healing process that cannot be sutured can be accelerated by the use of skin grafts, lowering the treatment cost. The objective of this report was to divulgate the success upon treatment of an extensive lacerated wound in the metatarsal region of a horse using autologous skin grafts.Case: A 3-year-old, female, American quarter horse weighting 450 kg was brought to veterinary hospital with lower limb injury. According to the owners report, the animal had one of its limbs stuck in a plain wire fence. A wound was observed in the metatarsal region during physical examination, the lesion caused an extensive skin laceration that showed the dorsal surface of the metatarsal bone and the digital extensor tendon. After injury assessment, wound debridement was carried out by surgery intervention followed by antisepsis and application of autologous plasma every two days as post-surgical care and wound preparation to receive the graft. Forty-five days after the first intervention, grafts were collected from the neck and implanted in the wound. The procedure achieved 70% of success. After approximately 75 days, transplantation was performed in other regions of the wound using the same technique. The duration of treatment at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR) was eight months, and then the animal returned home, where dressings were applied for two months to avoid the risk of contamination and until complete recovery.Discussion: The debridement of the wound and edges approximation were of great value in order to begin the process of wound granulation.[...](AU)

Animais , Cavalos/lesões , Cavalos/cirurgia , Transplante de Pele/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Metatarso/lesões , Pele/lesões , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 45(suppl.1): 01-04, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457760


Background: Indolent corneal ulcers have been described as superficial ulcers with an associated rim of loose peripheral epithelium Treatment for indolent ulcers include debridement, grid keratotomy, multiple punctate keratotomy, third eyelid flaps, application of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives, superficial keratectomy, and a debridement with a diamond burr. Case: A 2-month-old female American Quarter Horse was referred to the Ophthalmology Veterinary Section of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, presenting epiphora and blepharospasm. A local veterinarian doctor had prescribed broad spectrum topical antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops, although there was no positive response to the treatment for the past two weeks. Ophthalmic examination reveals and moderate discomfort in the left eye, epiphora, and mild corneal edema in the area of the defect. Slit lamp biomicroscopy revealed a superficial corneal ulcer with about 6 mm. Corneal epithelium did not adhere to underlying corneal stroma. The remainder of the ophthalmic examination of the left eye was unremarkable. The diagnosis of a corneal ulcer was made based on these clinical signs and fluorescein staining of the cornea where the stain dissects under the unattached epithelial lip. A handheld battery-operated motorized diamond burr, with a 3.5 mm medium grit tip, was utilized to remove the epithelium. The medical treatment included tobramycin eye drops, and flurbiprofen sodium ophthalmic solution, being applied six times daily, after the procedure, during two weeks, and atropine sulphate 1% was applied once a day, during three days. The foal was hospitalized until healing the corneal ulcer. For two weeks, the foal was assessed daily, and, after that, follow-up visits were scheduled weekly for four months. Healing was defined as the point at which the cornea no longer retained fluorescein. […]

Animais , Cavalos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Infecções Oculares/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 45(suppl.1): 01-04, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16402


Background: Indolent corneal ulcers have been described as superficial ulcers with an associated rim of loose peripheral epithelium Treatment for indolent ulcers include debridement, grid keratotomy, multiple punctate keratotomy, third eyelid flaps, application of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives, superficial keratectomy, and a debridement with a diamond burr. Case: A 2-month-old female American Quarter Horse was referred to the Ophthalmology Veterinary Section of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, presenting epiphora and blepharospasm. A local veterinarian doctor had prescribed broad spectrum topical antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops, although there was no positive response to the treatment for the past two weeks. Ophthalmic examination reveals and moderate discomfort in the left eye, epiphora, and mild corneal edema in the area of the defect. Slit lamp biomicroscopy revealed a superficial corneal ulcer with about 6 mm. Corneal epithelium did not adhere to underlying corneal stroma. The remainder of the ophthalmic examination of the left eye was unremarkable. The diagnosis of a corneal ulcer was made based on these clinical signs and fluorescein staining of the cornea where the stain dissects under the unattached epithelial lip. A handheld battery-operated motorized diamond burr, with a 3.5 mm medium grit tip, was utilized to remove the epithelium. The medical treatment included tobramycin eye drops, and flurbiprofen sodium ophthalmic solution, being applied six times daily, after the procedure, during two weeks, and atropine sulphate 1% was applied once a day, during three days. The foal was hospitalized until healing the corneal ulcer. For two weeks, the foal was assessed daily, and, after that, follow-up visits were scheduled weekly for four months. Healing was defined as the point at which the cornea no longer retained fluorescein. […](AU)

Animais , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Cavalos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Infecções Oculares/veterinária
R. bras. Reprod. Anim. ; 40(4): 647-649, Out-Dez. 2016.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24315


In this paper the influence of the kind of semen and of the female donator in the embryo recuperationand the influence of the receptor female in the pregnancy level. 22 donators, 60 receptors were used and 1 studfor the collection of fresh semen. The donators and the stud were of the American Quarter Horse breed and thereceptors were not of any defined breed. The cooled semen was shipped from Sao Paulo and the frozen semenwas stored in the stud farm itself. The embryo recuperation level of the donators was of 62,69% (n=42), andthere wasnt any statistical difference (P>0,05) in the influence of the donator. T|he level of the pregnancy wasof 78,77% (n=33) and there wasnt any influence of the receptor (P>0,05). The kind of semen influenced in theembryo recuperation (P>0,05), so the fresh semen obtained the best result (90%). So, of all the analysed factors,the only one which influenced on the resultsof the reproductive efficiency of the donators was the kind of semen.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/embriologia , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 40(4): 647-649, Out-Dez. 2016.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492422


In this paper the influence of the kind of semen and of the female donator in the embryo recuperationand the influence of the receptor female in the pregnancy level. 22 donators, 60 receptors were used and 1 studfor the collection of fresh semen. The donators and the stud were of the American Quarter Horse breed and thereceptors were not of any defined breed. The cooled semen was shipped from Sao Paulo and the frozen semenwas stored in the stud farm itself. The embryo recuperation level of the donators was of 62,69% (n=42), andthere wasn’t any statistical difference (P>0,05) in the influence of the donator. T-he level of the pregnancy wasof 78,77% (n=33) and there wasn’t any influence of the receptor (P>0,05). The kind of semen influenced in theembryo recuperation (P>0,05), so the fresh semen obtained the best result (90%). So, of all the analysed factors,the only one which influenced on the resultsof the reproductive efficiency of the donators was the kind of semen.

Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/embriologia , Transferência Embrionária/métodos , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 26(1): 142-144, 2016. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472272


This case report aimed to show a foal treatment with acute salmonellosis. The male foal was a month years old American quarter horse, weighing 51 kg. In its anamnesis, it wasreported that the animal had fetid yellowish-green diarrhea evolving faster. On clinical examination, the animal presented absent appetite, dehydration, high capillary refill time, enlarged lymphnodes, fever, a heart rate of 44 bpm, respiratory of 15 mpm and intestinal hypermotility. The diagnosis was based on clinical suspicion. In the first hours of hospitalization, it was administered drugs aiming to restore the loss of fluids and electrolytes, decreased fluid secretion, control of endotoxemia and restoration of normal microbiota. The proposed treatment was effective in controlling equine salmonellosis, recovering the physiological condition of the patient.

Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Salmonelose Animal/classificação , Salmonelose Animal/epidemiologia , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterinária , Endotoxemia
Ciênc. anim ; 26(1): 142-144, 2016. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24882


This case report aimed to show a foal treatment with acute salmonellosis. The male foal was a month years old American quarter horse, weighing 51 kg. In its anamnesis, it wasreported that the animal had fetid yellowish-green diarrhea evolving faster. On clinical examination, the animal presented absent appetite, dehydration, high capillary refill time, enlarged lymphnodes, fever, a heart rate of 44 bpm, respiratory of 15 mpm and intestinal hypermotility. The diagnosis was based on clinical suspicion. In the first hours of hospitalization, it was administered drugs aiming to restore the loss of fluids and electrolytes, decreased fluid secretion, control of endotoxemia and restoration of normal microbiota. The proposed treatment was effective in controlling equine salmonellosis, recovering the physiological condition of the patient.(AU)

Animais , Salmonelose Animal/classificação , Salmonelose Animal/epidemiologia , Cavalos/microbiologia , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterinária , Endotoxemia
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-221510


O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever achados de alterações nos dentes e cavidade oral de um grupo de 64 equinos, com idade entre 4,5 e 30 anos, que foram necropsiados no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Brasília, em decorrência de óbitos sem lesões no crânio e verificar se existe alguma relação com o tipo de manejo adotado. Os achados patológicos nas cavidades orais estiveram presentes em 100% dos casos (64/64). Destes, 67% (43/64) eram animais utilizados em tração animal e neste grupo foram computadas 274 alterações no total. 33% (21/64) eram animais de raça definida, tendo como maior número a raça Quarto de Milha, apresentando 105 alterações. A avaliação odontológica revelou alta prevalência de lesões pré-molares e molares, como crescimento excessivo de dentes presente em todos os animais. Os animais sem raça definida apresentaram mais lesões oclusais e de tecidos moles, enquanto que os de raça definida mais desgaste dentário, afecções bacterianas e traumáticas. Tais achados mostram que as odontopatias são muito prevalentes na clínica de equinos e o manejo alimentar correto, somado a profilaxia dentária são responsáveis pela saúde oral desses animais.

The objective of this study was to describe findings in the teeth and oral cavity in a group of 64 horses, aged between 4.5 and 30 years old, that were necropsied at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of University of Brasília, due to deaths without injuries to the skull and to check if there is some relation with the type of management adopted. Pathological findings in the oral cavities were present in 100% of the cases (64/64). Of these, 67% (43/64) were animals used in animal traction and in this group, 274 changes were computed in total. 33% (21/64) were pure breed animals, with 105 alterations, with the highest number related to the American Quarter Horse. Dental evaluation revealed a high prevalence of premolar and molar injuries, such as excessive tooth growth present in all animals. Mixed-breed animals showed more occlusal and soft tissue injuries, while pure breed animals had more dental, bacterial and traumatic lesions. Such findings show that odontopathies are very prevalent in the clinic of horses and the correct feeding management, in addition to dental prophylaxis are responsible for the oral health of these animals.

Vet. Not. (Online) ; 20(1): 61-70, Jan-Jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502401


Posture defects are known to be predisposing factors in the development of musculo-skeleton lesions. The present study therefore aimed to investigate the frequency of postural defects, evaluating and comparing quarter horses in sports modalities of cutting and team penning. The posture of 30 quarter horses from the Sérgio Martins Stud in Uberlândia was evaluated, of which 20 practiced cutting and the remaining 10 did team penning. The animals posture was examined by visual evaluation, which involved three views, the cranial, lateral and caudal. The distribution of frequency and statistical analysis were carried out using Fisher"s Exact Test. In the cranial view, the defects found were open and closed posture at the front and knock-knees. The lateral view identified the following defects; leaning forward, buck-knees and camped back. From the caudal view, the defects found were open and closed hind posture and cow-hocks. On comparing, by means of statistical tests, the main postural defects that showed statistical significance, cowhock and closed hind posture were the most common for animals that did team penning. We can conclude that these animals had a higher frequency of cowhocks and closed hind posture than animals that practiced cutting.

Os defeitos de aprumo são conhecidos como fatores predisponentes no desenvolvimento de lesões no aparelho locomotor. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho averiguar a frequência de defeitos de aprumo, avaliando e comparando equinos da raça quarto de milha de modalidades esportivas apartação e team penning. Foram avaliados os aprumos de 30 equinos da raça quarto de milha, sendo 20 da modalidade esportiva apartação e 10 de team penning. Os animais foram examinados por avaliação visual dos aprumos, onde foram observados pelas três vistas, cranial, lateral e caudal. Foi realizada a distribuição de frequência e a análise estatística por meio do Fishers Exact Test. Na vista cranial, foram encontrados os defeitos de aprumo aberto e fechado de frente e joelho cambaio. Na vista lateral, identificou os seguintes defeitos; debruçado de frente e transcurvo e avançado e plantado de trás. Na vista caudal, encontrou os defeitos de aprumo aberto e fechado de trás e jarrete fechado. Ao comparar, por meio do teste estatístico, os maiores defeitos de aprumos foram os animais com defeito de jarrete fechado e com o defeito fechado de trás, na modalidade team penning. Portanto, os animais da modalidade team penning tiveram uma frequência para jarrete fechado e fechado de trás maior do que os animais de apartação.

Animais , Cavalos/lesões , Doenças dos Cavalos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Esportiva/fisiologia , Locomoção/fisiologia , Morbidade , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Vet. Not. ; 20(1): 61-70, Jan-Jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-481281


Posture defects are known to be predisposing factors in the development of musculo-skeleton lesions. The present study therefore aimed to investigate the frequency of postural defects, evaluating and comparing quarter horses in sports modalities of cutting and team penning. The posture of 30 quarter horses from the Sérgio Martins Stud in Uberlândia was evaluated, of which 20 practiced cutting and the remaining 10 did team penning. The animals posture was examined by visual evaluation, which involved three views, the cranial, lateral and caudal. The distribution of frequency and statistical analysis were carried out using Fisher"s Exact Test. In the cranial view, the defects found were open and closed posture at the front and knock-knees. The lateral view identified the following defects; leaning forward, buck-knees and camped back. From the caudal view, the defects found were open and closed hind posture and cow-hocks. On comparing, by means of statistical tests, the main postural defects that showed statistical significance, cowhock and closed hind posture were the most common for animals that did team penning. We can conclude that these animals had a higher frequency of cowhocks and closed hind posture than animals that practiced cutting.(AU)

Os defeitos de aprumo são conhecidos como fatores predisponentes no desenvolvimento de lesões no aparelho locomotor. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho averiguar a frequência de defeitos de aprumo, avaliando e comparando equinos da raça quarto de milha de modalidades esportivas apartação e team penning. Foram avaliados os aprumos de 30 equinos da raça quarto de milha, sendo 20 da modalidade esportiva apartação e 10 de team penning. Os animais foram examinados por avaliação visual dos aprumos, onde foram observados pelas três vistas, cranial, lateral e caudal. Foi realizada a distribuição de frequência e a análise estatística por meio do Fishers Exact Test. Na vista cranial, foram encontrados os defeitos de aprumo aberto e fechado de frente e joelho cambaio. Na vista lateral, identificou os seguintes defeitos; debruçado de frente e transcurvo e avançado e plantado de trás. Na vista caudal, encontrou os defeitos de aprumo aberto e fechado de trás e jarrete fechado. Ao comparar, por meio do teste estatístico, os maiores defeitos de aprumos foram os animais com defeito de jarrete fechado e com o defeito fechado de trás, na modalidade team penning. Portanto, os animais da modalidade team penning tiveram uma frequência para jarrete fechado e fechado de trás maior do que os animais de apartação.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/lesões , Locomoção/fisiologia , Morbidade , Doenças dos Cavalos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Esportiva/fisiologia , /métodos , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Campo digit ; 8(2)2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471744


ResumoEste trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a presença do dente primeiro pré-molar (PM1) ou dente de lobo de 1200 equinos da região noroeste do Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Os animais examinados eram de ambos os sexos, da raça Quarto de Milha (QM), sendo 735 machos e 465 fêmeas. Os estudos apontaram que a incidência dos PM1 foi de 11,75% do total de animais examinados, correspondendo um total de 141 equinos, dos quais 87 eram machos (7,25%) e 54 eram fêmeas (4,5%).Palavras chaves: Odontologia, dente de lobo, erupção.AbstractThis work aimed to evaluate the presence of the first premolar tooth (PM1) or tooth of wolf in 1200 horses in the northwest of Paraná State, Brazil. The animals were examined for both sexes of American Quarter Horse (QM), of which 735 males and 465 females. The studies showed that the incidence of PM1 was 11.75% of the total animals examined, representing a total of 141 horses, of which 87 were males (7.25%) and 54 were females (4.5%).Key words: Dentistry, tooth of wolf, eruption.