Background: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid in South America and the only representative of its genus. The scientific literature presents studies referring to the management and anaesthesia of the species but is scarce in case of emergency procedures, and to date, there are no reports of anaesthesia for emergency procedures in a neonatal maned wolf. Thus, this study aimed to report xenotransfusion and emergency anaesthesia for thoracic limb amputation in an approximately 8-days-old maned wolf pup. Case: A maned wolf pup, approximately 8-day-old, with a history of an accident with an agricultural machine, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraná - Palotina Sector (HVP - UFPR) with a grade III open fracture of left radius and ulna. At the physical evaluation, bullous rales were observed in the right caudal lobe on pulmonary auscultation, hypoglycemia and severe dehydration, the latter being determined by the occurrence of enophthalmos, increased capillary refill time and skin turgor (3 s). The hemogram revealed regenerative hypochromic macrocytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia, and the chest radiograph showed alveolar pattern opacification, associated with the presence of air bronchograms in the caudal lobes, more evident on the right side, suggestive of pulmonary contusion. Considering the laboratory alterations and the need for amputation of the thoracic limb, xenotransfusion was chosen before the anaesthetic procedure. The animal was pre-medicated with methadone 0.2 mg/kg and anaesthetic induction was performed with propofol titrated to effect, requiring 10 mg/kg. This was followed by endotracheal intubation and anaesthetic maintenance using the partial intravenous technique with an infusion of 5 µg/kg/h of remifentanil and Isoflurane vaporised through a non-rebreathing system in oxygen at 0.6. Anaesthetic monitoring included heart rate and electrocardiogram tracing, respiratory rate, oxyhemoglobin saturation, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide, systemic blood pressure by the oscillometric method, and oesophageal body temperature. Although the blood tests after the transfusion showed an increase in hematocrit, changes suggestive of a delayed hemolytic reaction because of the transfusion were also noticed. Discussion: Preanesthetic stabilisation is critical, as anaesthesia of unstable patients may result in a higher risk of anaesthetic complications. Critically ill patients may present systemic imbalances that can trigger pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes of anaesthetics and analgesics. Neonates have several marked physiological differences, since some organs are still immature, have a high body volume of water, and present a reduced amount of total fat and concentrations of circulating proteins, making it necessary to adjust protocols and doses used for these patients. Blood transfusion between the same species is always the best option, though xenotransfusion becomes an option when there is no homologous donor available. However, it can present a great risk to life, as there is a lack of studies regarding the blood typing of the species and blood compatibility tests. We concluded that there was an increase in hematocrit after 24 h of xenotransfusion and, even with signs of delayed hemolytic reaction observed in the blood test, the patient did not show specific clinical signs of transfusion reaction. The pup was sensitive to methadone but required a high dose of propofol for anaesthetic induction. The use of methadone as a pre-anaesthetic agent and the infusion of remifentanil provided adequate analgesia based on the parameters evaluated.
Animais , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Canidae/fisiologia , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologiaResumo
Background: Ischemic neuromyopathy is the most common reason for amputation in cats. In veterinary medicine, the use of prosthetic limbs is not widespread; therefore, in most cases total limb amputation is indicated. However, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is an alternative with several benefits for the treatment of vascular disorders with reperfusion, ischemia, and infection. Therefore, this study aimed to report the positive effects of HBOT on the treatment of ischemic neuromyopathy secondary to arterial thromboembolism on the patient's clinical improvement, and on the preparation of the patient for insertion of an osseointegrated prosthesis. Case: A 6-month-old mixed-breed kitten returned for treatment after undergoing surgery seven days earlier for reduction of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia, during which it suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest. The patient presented with acute pelvic limb paralysis with 24-h evolution, absent femoral pulse, plantar cushions and dorsal part of the limbs cold and pale. After supportive therapy and diagnosis of aortic thromboembolism by arterial Doppler, the patient started adjunctive treatment with HBOT from the first day of hospitalization. Sessions took place in an exclusive hyperbaric chamber for animals and lasted 60 min at a pressure of 2.5 absolute atmospheres and 100% oxygen, initially every 12 h. However, during the first 5 days of hospitalization, the distal region of both pelvic limbs began to show tissue devitalization and edema, and hematologic parameters showed changes on the 7th day. The right pelvic limb (RPL) showed more involvement of superficial tissues, extending to the tarsometatarsal joint region. After 8 days of hospitalization, the devitalized tissue was debrided. The RPL had an extensive devitalized area with exposed bone in the phalanges and necrosis in the pads. The left pelvic limb (LPL) suffered minor complications, with involvement of the phalangeal region. After 12 days, with HBOT every 48 h, exuberant granulation tissue was observed. After 17 days, the patient was discharged, and HBOT sessions were performed weekly. Gangrene of the midfoot and lack of proprioception were observed in RPL, while LPL showed bone divulsion of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th phalanges. Because of the poor prognosis for limb viability, the RPL was partially amputated, and a self-threaded intraosseous prosthesis was inserted. Discussion: The cardiorespiratory arrest that occurred during the surgical procedure to reduce the diaphragmatic hernia without thromboprophylaxis may have contributed to the peripheral ischemia. HBOT was proposed for the adjuvant treatment of ischemic injury because it is especially indicated for cases of ischemia-reperfusion injury. The main hematological parameters were evaluated at an average interval of 7 days. While the platelet count and hematocrit increased, the leukocytosis decreased. This demonstrates the benefit of oxygen therapy in the reported patient. The use of HBOT in orthopedic injuries is known to result mainly in stimulation of osteoblasts, promoting osseointegration of the prosthesis. We conclude that the adjuvant treatment with HBOT helped to preserve a large segment of both pelvic limbs, prevent the progression of necrosis, and provide a healthy bed for fixation of an osseointegrated prosthesis in the RPL, resulting in clinical improvement of the patient.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Tromboembolia/terapia , Tromboembolia/veterinária , Prótese Ancorada no Osso/veterinária , Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica/veterináriaResumo
Na rotina veterinária, as lesões nas extremidades dos membros são constantes e representam um desafio especial pelas características anatômicas, susceptibilidade de exposição óssea e limitações de reparos e reconstruções quando comparado a outras regiões do corpo. A osteomielite, decorrente de mordeduras, tem alta prevalência e sua rápida evolução pode levar a medidas drásticas, como a amputação. Neste trabalho, é relatada a utilização da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica como terapia integrativa ao tratamento convencional e a avaliação de seus efeitos durante as 12 sessões realizadas em uma cadela vítima de mordedura, que apresentava necrose e exposição óssea com colonização por Staphylococcus sp e Pasteurella multocida. A avaliação evolutiva do quadro foi elaborada a partir de registro fotográfico da lesão, com escala, a cada três sessões e submetido à análise morfométrica por software analítico. A velocidade da marcha cicatricial revelou que a utilização desta terapia propiciou precocidade e efetiva atuação na cicatrização e no combate à osteomielite, evitando a amputação do restabelecendo as liberdades da paciente, contribuindo ao aprofundamento do emprego da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica na Medicina Veterinária.(AU)
In the veterinary routine, injuries in the extremities of the limbs are constant and represent a special challenge due to the anatomical characteristics, susceptibility of bone exposure and limitations of repairs and reconstructions when compared to other regions of the body. Osteomyelitis resulting from bites is highly prevalent and its rapid evolution can lead to drastic measures such as amputation. This work describes the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an integrative therapy to conventional treatment and the evaluation of its effects during the 12 treatments performed in a female dog victim of a bite, that presented evolution to necrosis and bone exposure with colonization by Staphylococcus sp e Pasteurella multocida. The evolutionary assessment of the condition was elaborated from a photographic record of the lesion, with scale, every three treatments and submitted to morphometric analysis by analytical software. The speed of the healing gait demonstrated, that the use of this therapy proved precocity and effective action in healing and in the fight against osteomyelitis, avoiding the amputation of the limb, restoring the patient's freedoms. Thus contributing to the deepening on the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in veterinary medicine.(AU)
Animais , Osteomielite/diagnóstico , Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica/veterináriaResumo
The use of endo-exo prosthesis is an alternative to improve the quality of life of amputees, allowing correct distribution of body weight, reducing skin problems and pain related to the implant, and reducing lameness. The aim of this paper is to report the use of a fixed bilateral endo-exo femur prostheses in a cat with amputation prior to treatment. The endoprostheses were made with titanium and the exoprostheses were made with 3D printing technology. A longitudinal craniolateral surgical approach was used and the skin incision was made over the knee-joint, then fascia lata incision, followed by biceps femoris and vastus lateralis muscles retraction, incision through the joint capsule to expose the tibiofemoral joint, disarticulation, and tibia and fibula removal. Afterwards, a femoral leveling osteotomy and insertion of the implant in the medullary canal were performed, being attached in the cis and trans cortical bone. The patient was evaluated in the immediate post-operative and periodically thereafter, showing satisfactory results, without macroscopic signs of rejection, wound dehiscence or infection, fracture, or injury of limbs, and presented adapted walking. Furthermore, it was observed the return to common behaviors for the species.
O uso de endoexoprótese é uma alternativa para melhoria na qualidade de vida de pacientes amputados, permitindo distribuição correta do peso corporal, redução de problemas de pele e dor ligadas ao implante e redução da claudicação. Este trabalho objetivou relatar a utilização de endoexoprótese bilateral fixa em fêmur em felino com amputação prévia ao atendimento. Foram modeladas endopróteses em titânio e exopróteses projetadas e impressas em 3D. O acesso cirúrgico, em ambos os membros, foi realizado por incisão craniolateral transarticular da pele, incisão da fáscia lata, rebatimento dos músculos bíceps femoral e vasto lateral, incisão da cápsula articular para exposição da articulação femorotibial, desarticulação e remoção cirúrgica da tibia e da fibula. Em seguida, realizou-se osteotomia niveladora femoral e inserção do implante no canal medular, sendo esse fixo nas corticais cis e trans. O paciente foi avaliado no pós-cirúrgico imediato e posteriormente de forma periódica, demonstrando resultados satisfatórios, sem sinais macroscópicos de rejeição, deiscência ou infecção da ferida cirúrgica, fratura ou lesão de membros, e apresentava deambulação adaptada. Além disso, foi observado o retorno de comportamentos comuns da espécie.
Animais , Gatos , Membros Artificiais/veterinária , Procedimentos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Fêmur/transplante , Impressão Tridimensional , CaminhadaResumo
Background: Thermography is a noninvasive, non-contact, painless, and non-ionizing imaging technique that records cutaneous thermal patterns generated by infrared emission of the surface. The surface heat is closely related to dermal microcirculation. Thromboembolism is responsible for important changes in the thermal pattern of the body surface due to physical obstruction of blood flow, being the main complication in immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. The aim of this paper is to report a dog with thrombus in his left forelimb secondary to idiopathic hemolytic anemia, whose diagnostic screening was performed through infrared thermography. Case: A 9-year-old mixed breed bitch was referred to a veterinary hospital with a history of emesis, diarrhea and dark-colored urine for 2 days. The complete blood count showed hypochromic macrocytic anemia (hematocrit [HTC] 28%, reference: 37 to 55%) with the presence of nucleated erythrocyte (14/100 leukocytes, reference: 0 to 5/100 leukocytes), polychromasia and spherocytes. Leukocytosis (28,300 mm³, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³) by neutrophilia with left deviation and toxic granulations was also present, in addition to hemoglobinuria at urine exam. Therefore, treatment for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) was instituted. After 2 days, the animal returned with acute functional impairment of the left forelimb. Physical examination revealed that the limb was cold, without pulse, proprioception, reflexes, and deep pain. New blood analyses revealed decreased hematocrit (HTC 17%, reference: 37 to 55%), and increased total leukocyte number (57,000 mm3, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³). Infrared thermography revealed an important temperature difference between the limbs, with the affected limb temperature considerably lower (31.3ºC) when compared to the contralateral limb (35.0ºC). Thermography showed the site of the thrombus in the medial portion of the limb (cephalic vein), where the catheter had been placed for fluid therapy. Due to the severity of the condition, the bitch was submitted to amputation surgery, which occurred without complications. The patient had a good response to treatment, with decreased signs of hemolysis and hypercoagulability. The medications were slowly withdrawn, and the clinical discharge occurred after 4 weeks. Discussion: In humans, thermography has been widely used in the assessment of thrombotic diseases, contributing to diagnosis, localization, and prognosis. In veterinary medicine, however, the use of this tool in the diagnosis of thromboembolism is still rare. The difference of 3.7°C between the affected and contralateral limb was objectively verified using thermography. A minimum difference of 2.4°C between limbs has high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing thromboembolism and occurs due to the reduction in local blood flow. In the present case this tool was essential for the anatomical location of the thrombus, which was in the middle third of the forearm, and allowed an adequate surgical planning. It is known that the main complication of IMHA is thromboembolism. Its predisposing factors include venous stasis, endothelial damage, and hypercoagulability, being exacerbated by cage confinement, decubitus and presence of a peripheral venous catheter. The reported case corroborates at least one of these factors since it had a peripheral venous catheter in the left forelimb, which later showed absence of pulse, spinal reflexes, pain and proprioception. The thermography showed to be an objective, rapid and non-invasive tool to diagnose and precisely locate the thrombus, which allowed for adequate treatment and surgical planning for the case. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report about use of thermography to diagnose thromboembolism secondary to immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in a dog.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tromboembolia/diagnóstico por imagem , Termografia/veterinária , Trombofilia/veterinária , Anemia Hemolítica/veterinária , Terapia de Imunossupressão/veterináriaResumo
Background: Diseases of the bovine digit and hoof remain major problems in dairy farming and the beef cow industry. Severe claudication accompanying swelling and pain at the lesion is often observed in deep digital sepsis, septic arthritis, severe sole ulcers, and chronic interdigital phlegmon. In addition, digital amputation is often performed in cases of white line disease or severe trauma, such as bone fractures. There are few reports of amputation of the medial digit of the bovine front hoof. In this case, amputation of the medial digit of the front leg of a pregnant cow was performed; its hospitalization and return to productivity is reported. Case: The bovine was a 9-year-old Holstein cow in the 6th month of pregnancy, weighing 671 kg. Upon admission, the cow could not bear weight on its right front leg, and swelling and a purulent discharge were observed in the coronary area of the medial digit. X-ray examination results indicated a periosteal reaction centered on the 3rd phalanx of the medial digit of its right front leg hoof and slight periosteal reactions at the adaxial sides of the middle and proximal phalanges, strongly suggestive of septic arthritis caused by infection. According to the X-ray examination results, no abnormalities of the lateral digit of the front right hoof were observed; thus, it was estimated that the post-amputation hoof would be able to bear weight. Therefore, a decision was made to perform immediate amputation of the medial digit of the right front leg hoof to reduce pain for improved delivery of the offspring and improved milk production during the lactation period, rather than allowing the lesion progress until the dry period or the expected date of delivery. According to the X-ray examination results, amputation of the 1st phalanx alone was expected to suffice for removal of the cause of the pain; thus, a decision was made to perform amputation at the edge adjacent to the 2nd phalanx. The right front medial digit was prepared for aseptic surgery, and infiltration anesthesia was performed. An incision was made with a surgical knife at the interdigit of the right front limb. A wire saw was inserted into the site to cut the 2nd phalanx in the anti-axial direction down to the skin to resect the lesion. White viscous pus was discharged at the resection site; therefore, the wound was lavaged with tap water and packed with povidone iodine-impregnated gauze. The wound was also covered with a diaper and dressed with non-elastic and elastic bandages. The dressing was changed daily to aid wound healing. No problems were observed in the standing-up motion or other relevant movements immediately after the surgery. Granulation tissue formed rapidly, approximately 2 weeks after the surgery, and the lesion dried gradually. Approximately one month after the surgery, the subject exhibited little difficulty in both standing up and walking. The subject successfully delivered its 7th offspring at the farm on postoperative day 93. Discussion: The animal of this study was a 9-year-old, pregnant cow, and although amputation of the front medial digit is a relatively rare procedure, the cow was able to deliver and return to production, owing to sufficient postoperative treatment and care. The case also demonstrated the advantage of X-ray examination in bovine hoof diseases for accurate diagnosis, precise operation, and prognostic assessment.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Dedos do Pé/cirurgia , Dedos do Pé/lesões , Membro Anterior/lesões , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Artrite Infecciosa/veterinária , Claudicação Intermitente/veterináriaResumo
Background: The Coragyps atratus flies long distances in search of food and has a marked behaviour of food competition. Since they are frequently found in areas of recent human occupation, they are subject to trauma, which may require surgical interventions. Locoregional blocks are used as part of a balanced-anaesthesia protocol and are currently being evaluated in birds, with brachial plexus block being the main technique described in the literature. However, to our knowledge, this is the first description of intravenous regional anaesthesia (Bier's block) in a vulture. Thus, we aim to report the use of Bier's block with 1% lidocaine, in a black-headed vulture submitted to digit amputation. Case: A black-headed vulture (Coragyps atratus), weighing 2 kg, was rescued and referred to the Veterinary Hospital due to its inability to fly. Physical examination revealed a swollen digit in the right pelvic limb. Radiographic examination confirmed the intermediate phalanx fracture of the 4th digit of the right pelvic limb with signs suggestive of advanced osteomyelitis. The animal was referred to surgery for amputation of the affected digit. Before surgery, water and food were withdrawn for 12 h. Pre-anaesthetic medication consisted of 1 mg/kg midazolam and 0.5 mg/kg morphine intramuscularly (IM). Anaesthetic induction was performed through face mask with isoflurane, followed by orotracheal intubation with a 3 mm-endotracheal tube. Anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane through a non-rebreathing circuit in 100% oxygen. Using a multiparametric monitor, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2 ), oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2 ), electrocardiography (ECG), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and core temperature (CT) were evaluated. Antisepsis of the right pelvic limb was performed and an elastic band was applied around the distal region of the affected tibia to serve as a tourniquet. A scalp vein set was used to access the lateral saphenous vein in the region distal to the tourniquet, and 5 mg/ kg lidocaine 1% was injected intravenously. The patient remained stable during the procedure, with no need for analgesic rescue. The tourniquet was gradually released 40 min past its application, being completely removed after 45 min of surgery. The anaesthetic supply was interrupted, with extubation after 4 min; the patient had satisfactory anaesthetic recovery. Discussion: The present report describes the success in using the technique of intravenous regional anaesthesia with 1% lidocaine for digit amputation performed on a specimen of black-headed vulture. The pre-anaesthetic medication provided analgesia, satisfactory sedation for venoclysis, and anaesthetic induction without complications. Anaesthetic induction and maintenance in birds are preferably performed with inhaled anaesthetics, thus the choice of mask induction. Despite the reduction in RR soon after induction, the patient remained on spontaneous ventilation. Bier's block using 5 mg/kg lidocaine showed to be an easy and safe technique in vultures, but doses up to 6 mg/kg lidocaine are not associated with adverse effects in birds. The intravenous regional anaesthesia technique described in this manuscript promoted adequate analgesia for the digit amputation procedure in black-headed vultures and allowed hemodynamic stability without significant anaesthetic complications. Thus, the present report points to the potential use of this locoregional block in other birds.
Animais , Falconiformes/cirurgia , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Bloqueio Nervoso/veterinária , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Anestesia Local/veterináriaResumo
Background: High voltage electric shock causes serious injury to the body, which can lead to a fatal condition. Sloths are commonly the target of this type of accident and factors such as the degree of tissue impairment and late medical care can contribute to the death of the animal or the indication of euthanasia. In this way, the present study aims to describe the treatment strategies in Choloepus didactylus victim of high voltage electrocution. Case: A female sloth weighing 6.15 kg was treated at the Wild Animals Sector of the Veterinary Hospital (HV-SAS) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) victim of high voltage electric shock with burn on the right side face, stomatitis, glossitis, lesions extensive and bullous lesions in the thoracic and pelvic limbs, in addition to an open fracture in the radioulnar joint of the left limb with signs of necrosis. After patient stabilization (fluid therapy, antibiotic therapy, pain control, cleaning and wound dressing), the patient was transfered to the impatient room. The main treatment strategies adopted were surgery, drug therapy, food and occupational therapy. The day after the patient's arrival, the amputation of the left thoracic limb was performed. On the third day of hospitalization, the right thoracic and pelvic limbs were also amputated, and on the tenth day, debridement of the right lateral face was performed. As for drug therapy, the following drugs were used postoperatively: ceftriaxone (40 mg/kg, BID, for 47 days), dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg, BID, for 4 days), silymarin (15 mg/kg, BID, for 30 days), morphine (0.4 mg/kg, BID, for 14 days; 0.8 mg/kg, SID, for 22 days) and dressing wounds on the lateral face and surgical stumps with ointment of collagenase with chloramphenicol. In food management, the animal had good acceptance of a mixture of fruits, vegetables and animal protein in a pasty presentation. The treatment by occupational therapy included basic care such as exercising, sunbathing, and desensitizing the surgical stumps (massage therapy). In conclusion, after five months, the therapeutic protocol implemented resulted in the clinical improvement of the animal, as it allowed the complete healing of the lesions on the face and surgical stumps. In addition, the care taken with the surgical stumps allowed the animal to use them as support for its locomotion. Discussion: Amputation and debridement surgeries were effective in treating electrocuted patients and should be considered when tissue is compromised, which justifies the surgical protocol adopted in this study. They were based on reports in humans, since in wild animals, although many are victims of this type of trauma, little is known about the appropriate therapeutic approach for each species. Surgical interventions associated with the antibiotic ceftriaxone were efficient for controlling the infection, since this antibiotic has a broad spectrum of activity, being used mainly in skin and soft tissue and/or bone infections, which justified its use in that patient. As for nutritional therapy, supplementation with animal protein may have contributed to the clinical improvement of the animal, since they are excellent components for tissue recovery in patients who suffered losses from burns caused by electric shocks. Stump desensitization is indicated as a treatment for neuropathic pain in amputees, and in the present study, it was essential for the animal to use the limb for locomotion. The exercises in a grassy area associated with sunbathing added as a stimulus to the patient's movement.
Animais , Bichos-Preguiça/cirurgia , Bichos-Preguiça/lesões , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/reabilitação , Traumatismos por Eletricidade/veterinária , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Animais SelvagensResumo
Background: The medical science of birds, with the exception of aviculture, has a very short history compared to other subdisciplines of veterinary medicine. With this in mind, the current work aims to report the case of a buff-necked ibis with an open fracture of the left humerus, presenting the surgical treatment and anesthetic protocol used, in order to contribute to the avian medical literature. Case: An adult buff-necked ibis (Theristicus caudatus) was referred to the University Veterinary Hospital with an open fracture of the left humeral shaft, 7 days after rescue. During the physical examination, a skin lesion was identified in the fracture area, with signs of low vascularization, devitalization, necrotic tissues, and purulent secretions being noted. On radiographic examination, the fracture was classified as comminuted, with exposure of the left humeral shaft. After evaluating the limb, it was decided to amputate the wing, and 24 h later, the patient was referred to the operating room after fasting for 4 h. As pre-anesthetic medication, ketamine (20 mg/kg) and midazolam (1 mg/kg) were administered, both intramuscularly. Orotracheal intubation was performed, after which the tracheal tube was connected to a Baraka-type gas-free system and the supply of isoflurane was started through a universal vaporizer, diluted in 100% oxygen. For transoperative analgesia, brachial plexus block was performed using 2% lidocaine (2 mg/kg). During the surgical procedure, an incision was made in the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the middle third of the left humerus, and detachment of the greater deltoid muscle was performed with a periosteal elevator, followed by excision of the tensor propatagialis. In the ventrodorsal region, circular ligation of the brachial vein, ulnar vein and artery, and median-ulnar nerve was carried out, and disarticulation of the scapulacoracoid-humeral region. Subsequently, abolition of dead space and a myorrhaphy were performed, followed by demorrhaphy. In the immediate post-operative period, morphine (5 mg/kg), meloxicam (0.1 mg/kg), and enrofloxacin (10 mg/kg) were administered intramuscularly. The patient was discharged from the hospital 6 h after the end of the surgical procedure. Discussion: Interest in the conservation of wild birds is one of the causes of the increased demand for anesthetic and surgical procedures in these species. However, it is a challenge for professionals in the field. The use of analgesics is recommended for reasons of well-being, but also because of the possibility of reducing the concentration of inhalational anesthetics in surgical procedures. Ketamine associated with midazolam promotes sufficient sedation and muscle relaxation in the patient, enabling safe preoperative management, in addition to reducing the amount of inhaled anesthetics used during the transoperative period. Isofluorane promotes safe general anesthesia for birds and has an advantage over injectable drugs, as it provides better dynamic control of anesthetic depth in these species. The brachial plexus block performed is a simple procedure that promotes quality anesthesia and analgesia in the perioperative period. The choice for amputation was due to the absence of musculature for closure, severe skin, muscle, and bone devitalization, and the infectious process in the region, factors that would prevent osteosynthesis. Although amputation through the bone is preferable, the disarticulation technique was used due to the absence of a healthy proximal humeral fragment. The patient's death can be explained by the poor nutritional status the bird was in, as it presented an open fracture with severe contamination, a concomitant injury that occurred during the possible trauma, and the excessive time between the day of the trauma and the day of medical attendance. However, the surgical and anesthetic procedures were adequate and satisfactory for the patient. The importance of identifying and treating diseases secondary to contaminated fractures in these species is emphasized.
Animais , Aves/cirurgia , Fraturas Expostas/veterinária , Fraturas do Úmero/cirurgia , Fraturas do Úmero/veterinária , Anestésicos Combinados/uso terapêutico , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterináriaResumo
The concern about pain management in exotic mammals is increasing. However, only a few studies describe locoregional anesthesia techniques in rabbits. Thus, this report aims to describe the lumbar paravertebral block, guided by peripheral nerve stimulation, in a rabbit undergoing mid-femoral amputation. We received a one-year-old rabbit weighing 1.27kg with a history of non-union of the right femur and osteomyelitis. The animal came to us for high pelvic limb amputation. After premedication with ketamine, midazolam, and morphine, the patient was maintained under general anesthesia in a non-rebreathing circuit under spontaneous ventilation with isoflurane vaporized in 0.6 oxygen. Using a peripheral nerve stimulator, we performed the lumbar paravertebral block, positioning the needle between the L5 and L6 vertebrae and injecting 0.2mL/kg bupivacaine. The patient remained stable throughout the procedure, without the need for analgesic rescue with opioids during surgery and postoperatively. The discharge occurred after 24 hours. The lumbar paravertebral block proved efficient for trans and postoperative analgesia for high pelvic limbic amputation in rabbits.
A preocupação quanto ao manejo da dor em mamíferos exóticos é crescente, entretanto existem poucos estudos que descrevem o uso de técnicas de anestesia locorregional em coelhos. Assim, este relato tem por objetivo descrever o bloqueio paravertebral lombar guiado por neurolocalizador em um coelho submetido à amputação mediofemoral. Um coelho de um ano de idade e 1,27kg foi atendido com histórico de não união de fêmur direito e osteomielite, sendo encaminhado para amputação alta do membro pélvico. Após pré-medicação com cetamina, midazolam e morfina, o paciente foi mantido sob anestesia geral em circuito sem reinalação de gases, sob ventilação espontânea com isoflurano vaporizado em 0,6 de oxigênio. O bloqueio do plexo lombar foi realizado pela abordagem paravertebral, com o auxílio de neurolocalizador, sendo a agulha posicionada entre as vértebras L5 e L6 e injeção de 0,2mL/kg de bupivacaína 0,5%. O paciente manteve-se estável durante todo o procedimento, sem a necessidade de resgate analgésico com opioides no trans e no pós-operatório. O paciente recebeu alta médica após 24 horas. O bloqueio lombar paravertebral demonstrou-se eficiente para analgesia trans e pós-operatória no procedimento de amputação alta de membro pélvico de coelho.
Animais , Coelhos , Coelhos/cirurgia , Coluna Vertebral , Amputação Cirúrgica , AnestesiaResumo
Background: Preputial injuries are significant in the clinical routine. Traumas, conditions, and mass excision result in extensive and full-thickness defects that lead to chronic penile exposure and consequential injuries. Severe injuries may require preputial reconstructive surgery to restore function and aesthetics. The objective is to report the use of the preputial reconstruction technique using the caudal superficial epigastric axial standard flap associated with a single-stage, full-thickness oral mucosa graft in 3 dogs where the loss of the prepuce was significant. Cases: Three dogs were admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of UFMT with preputial lesions of different etiologies. All cases were referred for preventive reconstruction using a flap in the caudal axial epigastric pattern associated with a single-stage oral mucosa graft. In the 3 reported cases, changes that compromised surgical success, such as suture dehiscence, necrosis, or infection, were not observed during hospitalization. Cutaneous stitch dehiscence, however, was observed in all 3 cases. Dog 1. A small point of dehiscence and tissue necrosis was found and treated with chemical debridement and healed by second intention, which proved to be sufficient on the 30th day. Dog 2. A half-moon rotation flap was performed, which closed the defect. Dog 3. A new procedure using the reporting theme technique was necessary in order to cover the cranial portion of the foreskin. The dehiscence present in dogs 2 and 3 was significant. Flap retraction was observed in all 3 cases. In dogs 1 and 3, the retraction was slight, and the exposure of a small portion of the penile glans were observed, showing no changes that required intervention. In dog 2, retraction was important, leading to partial stenosis of the preputial ostium. A larger ostium was obtained by suturing the mucosa to the edge of the wedge. Considering the possibility of adhesion formation, "captons" were made in sterile silicone tubes, and sutures were placed in the dorsal and ventral aspects to prevent adherence of the oral mucosa graft located on the inside of the new foreskin. The captons were removed on the tenth post-operative day, revealing a good opening of the preputial orifice and adequate penile exposure. Discussion: The absence of a foreskin caused by trauma or surgical excision leads to chronic penile exposure, dryness, and ulcerations. The simple covering of the skin with an axial-type flap of the caudal superficial epigastric region tends to fail since only the graft edges are sutured into the abdominal skin. In these circumstances, the subcutaneous region on the penis is exposed and comes in direct contact with urine and the penile mucosa, causing the flap skin to grow to exacerbated retraction. The transplantation of a free-lip mucosa graft allows the subcutaneous region of the transposed skin flap to create adhesions in the fenestrated regions of the lip tissue through the formation of granulation tissue buds, which is performed in a single stage. The permanence of the penis protects the lower urinary system from the occurrence of infections relative to what is normally observed in cases where partial or total penile amputation is practiced in combination with adjunctive scrotal urethrostomy. Given the observations of the 3 cases described here, the technique of pre-facial reconstruction with an axial skin flap of the caudal superficial epigastric region, combined with free-labial mucosa graft, was found to be feasible for the single-stage foreskin technique, but that paraphimosis remanagement may be necessary when cutaneous portions of the penile skin caudal to the glans are removed.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Transplante de Tecidos/veterinária , Prepúcio do Pênis/lesões , Mucosa Bucal/transplante , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodosResumo
Mammary tumors are the most common in bitches, and bone and pulmonary metastases are not well described. Adenosquamous mammary carcinoma is a rare tumor that can be classified as a type of metaplastic tumor. This report describes the clinical and histopathological findings of this atypical presentation of mammary carcinoma in an 11-year-old, spayed, Poodle. Surgery was performed to remove malignant mammary nodules with a provisional diagnosis of carcinoma on cytologic examination. Thirteen months later, the dog returned showing left pelvic limb lameness that had persisted for 6 months prior to the consultation. The patient showed right pelvic limb lameness and a mass in the same limb. Radiographs of the affected limb revealed a pathological fracture in the femoral diaphysis and proliferation of the periosteum. After clinical staging, a left pelvic limb amputation was performed. A diagnosis of grade II adenosquamous mammary carcinoma was made through histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Although uncommon, bone and pulmonary metastases from mammary tumors, such as adenosquamous carcinoma, can be considered differential diagnoses for bony tumors. This report highlights the aggressive nature and significant metastatic potential of the adenosquamous carcinoma.
Os tumores mamários são os mais comuns em cadelas e as metástases ósseas e pulmonares não são bem descritas. O carcinoma mamário adenoescamoso é um tumor raro que pode ser classificado como um tipo de tumor metaplásico. Este relato descreve os achados clínicos e histopatológicos dessa apresentação atípica de carcinoma mamário em um Poodle de 11 anos de idade, castrado. A cirurgia foi realizada para remover nódulos mamários malignos com diagnóstico provisório de carcinoma no exame citológico. Treze meses depois, a cadela retornou apresentando claudicação do membro pélvico esquerdo que persistia por seis meses antes da consulta. O paciente apresentava claudicação do membro pélvico direito e uma massa no mesmo membro. A radiografia do membro afetado revelou fratura patológica na diáfise femoral, proliferação do periósteo e áreas de osteopenia. Após estadiamento clínico, foi realizada amputação do membro pélvico esquerdo. O diagnóstico de carcinoma adenoescamoso mamário grau II foi feito através da histopatologia e imunohistoquímica. Embora incomuns, as metástases ósseas e pulmonares de tumores mamários, como o carcinoma adenoescamoso, podem ser consideradas diagnósticos diferenciais para tumores ósseos. Este relatório destaca a natureza agressiva e significativo potencial metastático do carcinoma adenoescamoso.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Carcinoma Adenoescamoso/veterinária , Metaplasia/veterinária , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
O lipoma infiltrativo é uma neoplasia benigna rara que acomete os adipócitos. Apresenta etiologia desconhecida, sem raça predisponente. É altamente agressivo, não metastático e com índices de recidivas significativos. Um cão da raça Shih Tzu, macho, castrado e com 7 anos e 7 meses foi atendido na clínica veterinária da Universidade Salvador, com queixa de tumoração em membro torácico esquerdo, presente já há 5 anos. Exames de imagem, histopatológico e cirurgia confirmaram o diagnóstico de lipoma infiltrativo em tórax e membro torácico esquerdo. O tratamento preconizado foi amputação do membro devido a magnitude da infiltração. Para o pós-operatório foi realizada fisioterapia e acompanhamento. A recidiva, em região dorsal, se deu após 82 dias de cirurgia e novamente se optou pelo procedimento cirúrgico.
Infiltrative lipoma is a rare benign neoplasm that affects adipocytes. It has unknown etiology, with no predisposing race. It is highly aggressive, non-metastatic and with significant relapse rates. A Shih Tzu dog, male, neutered, 7 years and 7 months old, was seen at the veterinary clinic of Salvador University, complaining of tumor in the left thoracic limb. Imaging, surgery and histopathological exams to confirm the diagnosis of infiltrative lipoma in the chest and left thoracic limb presente for 5 years. The recommended treatment was amputation of the limb due to the magnitude of the infiltration. In the postoperative period, physiotherapy and follow-up were performed, recurrence in the dorsal region occurred 82 days after the surgery and the surgical procedure was again chosen.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Torácicas/veterinária , Neoplasias Lipomatosas/veterinária , Lipoma/veterinária , Invasividade Neoplásica , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) returned to the category of vulnerable by the 2014 IUCN /SSC, due to the population reduction, less than 30%. The main reasons are: environmental degradation and fragmentation,being run over, burning, attacks by hunting dogs, illegal trade and diseases. It is very common to find these fractured patientsand the treatment is mostly surgical. Amputation is indicated when there are extensive lacerations and when reconstructivesurgery is not possible. The objective is to report a viable treatment option in fractured wild patients, contributing to thepreservation of the species.Case: It was received at the Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique - UNIRP an young female giant anteater (M. tridactyla)weighing 5.75 kg, brought by the Environmental Forestry Police of the municipality of São José do Rio Preto - SP, foundin the region of Olímpia at a gas station. The animal was traumatized by an agricultural harvester, with partial traumaticamputation in the left pelvic limb and tail. In the preoperative period, the patient was admitted to hospital under assistedcare, analgesia and all the necessary support for stabilization. High amputation was performed, with hip disarticulationand treatment of the tail wound, which was initially opted for healing in the first intention, where sutures were used toapproach the edges of the wound, but presented dehiscence and was treated as a second intention. There were almost 2months of care with specific food, cleaning of the enclosures, medications and dressings. After 57 days of hospitalization,the patient was transferred to the Municipal Zoo of São José do Rio Preto - SP, where it...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Xenarthra/lesões , Xenarthra/cirurgia , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Infecção por Mosca da Bicheira/veterinária , Trombocitose/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterinária , Leucopenia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) returned to the category of vulnerable by the 2014 IUCN /SSC, due to the population reduction, less than 30%. The main reasons are: environmental degradation and fragmentation,being run over, burning, attacks by hunting dogs, illegal trade and diseases. It is very common to find these fractured patientsand the treatment is mostly surgical. Amputation is indicated when there are extensive lacerations and when reconstructivesurgery is not possible. The objective is to report a viable treatment option in fractured wild patients, contributing to thepreservation of the species.Case: It was received at the Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique - UNIRP an young female giant anteater (M. tridactyla)weighing 5.75 kg, brought by the Environmental Forestry Police of the municipality of São José do Rio Preto - SP, foundin the region of Olímpia at a gas station. The animal was traumatized by an agricultural harvester, with partial traumaticamputation in the left pelvic limb and tail. In the preoperative period, the patient was admitted to hospital under assistedcare, analgesia and all the necessary support for stabilization. High amputation was performed, with hip disarticulationand treatment of the tail wound, which was initially opted for healing in the first intention, where sutures were used toapproach the edges of the wound, but presented dehiscence and was treated as a second intention. There were almost 2months of care with specific food, cleaning of the enclosures, medications and dressings. After 57 days of hospitalization,the patient was transferred to the Municipal Zoo of São José do Rio Preto - SP, where it...
Feminino , Animais , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Xenarthra/cirurgia , Xenarthra/lesões , Eosinofilia/veterinária , Infecção por Mosca da Bicheira/veterinária , Leucopenia/veterinária , Trombocitose/veterináriaResumo
A urolitíase obstrutiva é frequente na ovinocultura e possui etiologia multifatorial, porém o manejo nutricional inadequado é considerado o mais relevante para sua ocorrência. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar a influência de duas dietas com diferentes proporções e concentrações de cálcio (Ca) e fósforo (P) no desenvolvimento da urolitíase obstrutiva, e descrever os achados clínicos e anatomopatológicos do sistema urinário de ovinos. Utilizaram-se 30 cordeiros, machos, mestiços das raças Santa Inês e Ile de France, que foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (G1, n=15) - Ca:P de 1,9:1 e 0,42% de P; Grupo 2 (G2, n=15) - Ca:P de 1,5:1 e 0,65% de P. As dietas foram fornecidas por 90 dias consecutivos com feno de Coast-cross, farelo de soja, trigo e milho, e água ad libitum. Após o diagnóstico da doença, os cordeiros foram submetidos ao tratamento clínico e cirúrgico, quando necessário. A urolitíase foi detectada em 36,7% (11/30) dos cordeiros, sendo 26,7% assintomáticos e 10% (3/30) apresentaram obstrução uretral. Um cordeiro foi desobstruído após amputação do processo uretral e sondagem uretral; outro foi a óbito por ruptura vesical e uroperitôneo; outro foi sacrificado após uretrostomia perineal e cistostomia sem sucesso. Em ambos os grupos, as alterações histopatológicas renais mais frequentes foram congestão vascular, dilatação e degeneração tubular. A presença de proteínas na luz tubular foi mais pronunciada no G2. As dietas fornecidas, ricas em concentrado, embora com relação Ca:P adequadas, provocaram a calculogênese, o que comprovou que o excesso de minerais e pouca quantidade de volumoso podem causar a enfermidade no rebanho.
Obstructive urolithiasis is common in farmed sheep and has a multifactorial etiology, but inadequate nutritional management is considered the most relevant condition for its occurrence. The objectives of this study were to verify the influence of two diets with different concentrations of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) on the development of obstructive urolithiasis, and to describe the clinical and anatomopathological findings of the urinary system in sheep. Thirty male crossbred Santa Inês and Ile de France lambs were randomly distributed into two groups: Group 1 (G1, n = 15) - Ca: 1.9:1 P and 0.42% P; Group 2 (G2, n = 15) - Ca: P 1.5:1 and 0.65% P. The diets consisting of Coast-cross hay, soybean meal, wheat, and corn were provided for 90 consecutive days with water ad libitum. After the diagnosis of the disease, the lambs were subjected to clinical and surgical treatment, when necessary. Urolithiasis was detected in 36.7% (11/30) of lambs, 26.7% were asymptomatic and 10% (3/30) had urethral obstruction. A lamb was unobstructed after amputation of the urethral process and urethral catheterization, one died of bladder and uroperitoneum rupture, and another was sacrificed after the failure of perineal urethrostomy and cystostomy. The most frequent renal histopathological changes were vascular congestion, dilation, and tubular degeneration. Proteins in the tubular lumen were more pronounced in G2. The diets were rich in concentrate and had adequate Ca:P ratios, but caused calculogenesis, showing that excess minerals and a small amount of roughage can cause disease in the herd.
Masculino , Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Doenças dos Ovinos/induzido quimicamente , Fósforo/análise , Sistema Urinário/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Urinário/fisiopatologia , Urolitíase/veterinária , OvinosResumo
Obstructive urolithiasis is common in farmed sheep and has a multifactorial etiology, but inadequate nutritional management is considered the most relevant condition for its occurrence. The objectives of this study were to verify the influence of two diets with different concentrations of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) on the development of obstructive urolithiasis, and to describe the clinical and anatomopathological findings of the urinary system in sheep. Thirty male crossbred Santa Inês and Ile de France lambs were randomly distributed into two groups: Group 1 (G1, n = 15) - Ca: 1.9:1 P and 0.42% P; Group 2 (G2, n = 15) - Ca: P 1.5:1 and 0.65% P. The diets consisting of Coast-cross hay, soybean meal, wheat, and corn were provided for 90 consecutive days with water ad libitum. After the diagnosis of the disease, the lambs were subjected to clinical and surgical treatment, when necessary. Urolithiasis was detected in 36.7% (11/30) of lambs, 26.7% were asymptomatic and 10% (3/30) had urethral obstruction. A lamb was unobstructed after amputation of the urethral process and urethral catheterization, one died of bladder and uroperitoneum rupture, and another was sacrificed after the failure of perineal urethrostomy and cystostomy. The most frequent renal histopathological changes were vascular congestion, dilation, and tubular degeneration. Proteins in the tubular lumen were more pronounced in G2. The diets were rich in concentrate and had adequate Ca:P ratios, but caused calculogenesis, showing that excess minerals and a small amount of roughage can cause disease in the herd.
A urolitíase obstrutiva é frequente na ovinocultura e possui etiologia multifatorial, porém o manejo nutricional inadequado é considerado o mais relevante para sua ocorrência. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar a influência de duas dietas com diferentes proporções e concentrações de cálcio (Ca) e fósforo (P) no desenvolvimento da urolitíase obstrutiva, e descrever os achados clínicos e anatomopatológicos do sistema urinário de ovinos. Utilizaram-se 30 cordeiros, machos, mestiços das raças Santa Inês e Ile de France, que foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (G1, n=15) - Ca:P de 1,9:1 e 0,42% de P; Grupo 2 (G2, n=15) - Ca:P de 1,5:1 e 0,65% de P. As dietas foram fornecidas por 90 dias consecutivos com feno de Coast-cross, farelo de soja, trigo e milho, e água ad libitum. Após o diagnóstico da doença, os cordeiros foram submetidos ao tratamento clínico e cirúrgico, quando necessário. A urolitíase foi detectada em 36,7% (11/30) dos cordeiros, sendo 26,7% assintomáticos e 10% (3/30) apresentaram obstrução uretral. Um cordeiro foi desobstruído após amputação do processo uretral e sondagem uretral; outro foi a óbito por ruptura vesical e uroperitôneo; outro foi sacrificado após uretrostomia perineal e cistostomia sem sucesso. Em ambos os grupos, as alterações histopatológicas renais mais frequentes foram congestão vascular, dilatação e degeneração tubular. A presença de proteínas na luz tubular foi mais pronunciada no G2. As dietas fornecidas, ricas em concentrado, embora com relação Ca:P adequadas, provocaram a calculogênese, o que comprovou que o excesso de minerais e pouca quantidade de volumoso podem causar a enfermidade no rebanho.
Animais , Masculino , Fósforo , Doenças dos Ovinos , Obstrução Uretral/prevenção & controle , Dieta/veterinária , Urolitíase/veterinária , OvinosResumo
Background: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan that belongs to the Apicomplexa phylum, coccidian subclass, and affects all warm-blooded animals. The role of opossums in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in Brazil is not fully understood, and there are very few descriptions of toxoplasmosis lesions in these animals. This report describes the anatomopathological, molecular and immunohistochemical findings of a case of encephalic toxoplasmosis in free-living white-eared possum (Didelphis albiventris). Case: A young male opossum (D. albiventris), was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Wild Animals of the University of Brasília, Federal District. The animal was apathetic, uncoordinated, reluctant to move, and had an exposed proximal fracture in the left radius and ulna with laceration of muscles and adjacent tendinous structures. Amputation on the left thoracic limb was performed followed by analgesia and antibiotic therapy. The environment is frequented by other wild animals, and stray cats have access to the patio of the building. Twenty-five days after arriving at the hospital, the animal was found dead in its cage. After death, a necropsy was performed. Organ fragments from the abdominal cavity, thoracic and central nervous system were collected, processed routinely for histology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Macroscopic lesions in the central nervous system were not observed. On microscopy, the brain showed moderate random glial nodules throughout the neuropil associated with the presence of spherical to elongated parasitic cysts of about 20 µm, with a thin wall and with its interior full of bradyzoites, consistent with Toxoplasma gondii. There was also moderate fibrinoid necrosis and moderate multifocal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate surrounding the blood vessels (perivascular cuffs) To investigate the etiology of the brain injury, brain sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technique for detection of T. gondii and Neospora caninum. Immunostaining for T. gondii in the cyst wall and in bradyzoites and negative immunostaining for N. caninum. qPCR was positive for T. gondii and negative for N. caninum. Discussion: Diagnosis of encephalic toxoplasmosis in a Didelphis albiventris was possible based on histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings. The morphological classification of the brain lesion was important for the diagnosis. Brain toxoplasmosis in opossums usually results in focal areas of malacia on macroscopy and focally extensive necrosis on microscopy, neutrophil infiltrate, calcified necrotic material, and perivascular cuffs of lymphocytes and plasma cells. In the present case, similar histopathological lesions were noted, but no significant macroscopic changes were observed. The etiology here was defined by immunohistochemistry and qPCR, techniques proven to be useful and with good specificity for diagnosing toxoplasmosis in mammals. It is believed that the positive immunohistochemical and molecular result for Toxoplasma gondii together with the negative result for Neospora caninum were conclusive for the diagnosis. Thus, we demonstrate here a post mortem diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in a free-living synanthropic opossum and the use of anatomopathology, immunohistochemistry and real-time polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic option for this disease in opossums.
Animais , Masculino , Encéfalo/patologia , Toxoplasmose Animal , Toxoplasmose Cerebral/veterinária , Didelphis/parasitologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaResumo
Surgical pathology of the musculoskeletal system, and in particular the diseases of the limb distal segment in pigs are quite common. Their significant spread leads to economic losses due to culling, compulsory slaughter, short-received pig production and pig crop. The purpose of this work was to reveal clinical and morphological features of limb distal segment diseases in pigs and to study the possibility of preserving their health and productivity. The conservative treatment of purulonecrotic lesions in the deep structures of the limb distal segment in pigs is not promising. It is shown that the best way to treat a given pathology is amputation of a sick limb. The technique of carrying out exarticulation of talus shin consists in separation of soft tissues, capsule and ligaments, ligation of vessels, formation of stump. The postoperative recovery period of the animal body is 25 days.(AU)
A patologia cirúrgica do sistema musculoesquelético e, em particular, as doenças do segmento distal dos membros em suínos são bastante comuns. A sua propagação significativa leva a perdas econômicas devido ao abate seletivo, abate obrigatório, produção de suínos pouco recebida e colheita de suínos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi revelar características clínicas e morfológicas das doenças do segmento distal de membros em suínos e estudar a possibilidade de preservar sua saúde e produtividade. O tratamento conservador das lesões purulonecróticas nas estruturas profundas do segmento distal do membro em porcos não é promissor. Fica estabelecido que a melhor forma de tratar uma determinada patologia é a amputação de um membro doente. A técnica de realizar a exarticulação da canela do talos consiste na separação dos tecidos moles, cápsula e ligamentos, ligadura dos vasos, formação do coto. O período de recuperação pós-operatória do corpo do animal é de 25 dias.(AU)
Animais , Suínos , Membro Anterior/lesões , Membro Posterior/lesões , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Supuração/veterinária , Extremidades/lesões , Necrose/veterináriaResumo
The purpose of this study was to evaluate infrared beak trimming versus hot-blade beak trimming on performance, organ and bone development of laying pullets, using 240 birds, at 0-16 weeks of age, from two strains (white layer - Hy-Line W36 and brown layer - Hy-Line Brown). Infrared debeaking was performed on the first day of life in the hatchery, whereas hot-blade beak trimming was performed at eight days of age. Zootechnical performance at 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks of age was analyzed. At the end of the trial, one Bird per experimental unit was euthanized for liver, gizzard, proventriculus, heart and small intestine relative weight evaluation. Both tibiotarsus were collected to measure bone breaking resistance, bone mineral content and bone densitometry. There was higher body weight and feed intake in both bird strains submitted to infrared beak trimming. Additionally, hot-blade white layers presented lower body development and feed intake. The debeaking methods did not influence relative organ weights or tibiotarsus parameters evaluated. We conclude that the infrared beak trimming method promotes better pullet body development than the conventional hot-blade method, improving feed intake, without compromising organ and bone development, being a more adequate debeaking method to be used in layer production.(AU)
Para avaliar a debicagem infravermelha versus a debicagem pelo método da lâmina quente no desempenho, no desenvolvimento de órgãos e na qualidade óssea de poedeiras em recria, foram utilizadas 240 aves, entre zero e 16 semanas de idade, em duas linhagens (branca - Hy-Line W36 e vermelha - Hy-Line Brown). A debicagem por infravermelho foi realizada no primeiro dia de vida no incubatório, enquanto a debicagem com lâmina quente foi realizada aos oito dias de idade. Analisou-se o desempenho zootécnico na sexta, nona, 12ª e 15ª semanas de idade. No final do estudo, uma ave por unidade experimental foi eutanasiada para avaliação do peso relativo do fígado, da moela, do proventrículo, do coração e do intestino delgado, e ossos do tibiotarso foram coletados para avaliação da resistência à ruptura, do conteúdo mineral e da densitometria óssea. Houve maior peso corporal e consumo alimentar nas aves pertencentes às duas linhagens quando submetidas à debicagem por infravermelho, sem haver influência sobre o peso relativo dos órgãos e a qualidade óssea. Conclui-se que o método de debicagem por radiação infravermelha promove melhor desenvolvimento corporal das frangas em relação à debicagem por lâmina quente, melhorando consumo de ração, sem comprometer o desenvolvimento de órgãos e ossos, sendo mais adequada para utilização na avicultura de postura comercial.(AU)