The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of the main pathologies that affect the genital organs of young bulls. We used a database that contained data for 6,408 young Nelore bulls. The data were collected from June to August 2004 and 2005. The bulls were evaluated by andrological examination and semen samples were collected with the aid of an electroejaculation device. The animals were classified in terms of their sexual maturity as animals suitable for reproduction, animals suitable for reproduction in terms of natural service, animals temporarily unfit for reproduction, and animals excluded from reproduction. The reproductive disorders recorded in the excluded animals were classified as penile, testicular, anterior or posterior limb, epididymal, spermatic cord, spermatic, anal sphincter, foreskin, systemic, and seminal vesicle alterations. We used descriptive statistics and analysis of variance to analyze the data. Of the 6,408 bulls evaluated, 309 animals were excluded from reproduction (4.82%). The majority of the excluded bulls (31.7%) suffered from testicular-related pathologies (testicular asymmetry, small scrotal circumference for their age, orchitis, and hydrocele (64.28%, 32.65%, 2.04%, and 1.02%, respectively), seminal vesicle alterations (31.39%), sperm defects (17.15%), and penile alterations (6.79%). Of the 309 animals excluded from reproduction, 21 (6.79%of the excluded and 0.32% of the total animals) suffered from some type of penile alteration, such as persistence of the frenulum (16/21) and total or partial penile adhesion (5/21). Confining the herd for two months and subjecting the animals to their first andrological examination at a younger than usual age, with the objective of selling them, could be why there were high incidences of seminal vesicle pathologies (owing to the homosexual behavior of the males) and of penises with high [...].
Objetivou-se identificar a prevalência das principais patologias que acometem os órgãos genitais de tourinhos jovens. Foi utilizado um banco de dados de 6408 touros jovens da raça Nelore, nos meses de junho a agosto de 2004 e 2005. Os tourinhos foram avaliados por meio de exame andrológico e o sêmen coletado com auxílio do eletroejaculador. A maturidade sexual dos animais foi classificada em: animais aptos à reprodução, animais aptos à reprodução em regime de monta natural, animais temporariamente inaptos à reprodução e animais descartados. As afecções reprodutivas registradas nos animais descartados foram distribuídas em: alterações de pênis, testículos, membros anteriores ou posteriores, epidídimo, cordão espermático, alterações espermáticas, alterações do esfíncter anal, prepúcio, sistêmicas e de vesícula seminal. Análises descritiva e de Variância foram realizadas para análise dos dados. Dos 6408 touros avaliados, 309 animais foram descartados da reprodução (4,82%).A maioria dos touros descartados (31,7%) apresentou patologias relacionadas ao testículo (assimetria testicular, baixo perímetro escrotal para a idade, orquite e hidrocele, com valores de 64,28, 32,65, 2,04 e 1,02%, respectivamente), e vesículas seminais (31,39%), seguidas pelos defeitos espermáticos (17,15% dos descartados) e alterações de pênis (6,79%). Dos 309 animais descartados da reprodução, 21 (6,79% dos descartados e 0,32% do total de animais) apresentaram algum tipo de alteração peniana como persistência do frênulo (16/21) e aderências penianas, total ou parcial (5/21). O confinamento do rebanho por dois meses e a redução da idade dos animais para realização do primeiro exame andrológico, com objetivo de venda de animais precoces, podem ser os responsáveis pela maior incidência de patologias relacionadas às vesículas seminais [...].
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Doenças dos Genitais Masculinos/patologia , Doenças dos Genitais Masculinos/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of the main pathologies that affect the genital organs of young bulls. We used a database that contained data for 6,408 young Nelore bulls. The data were collected from June to August 2004 and 2005. The bulls were evaluated by andrological examination and semen samples were collected with the aid of an electroejaculation device. The animals were classified in terms of their sexual maturity as animals suitable for reproduction, animals suitable for reproduction in terms of natural service, animals temporarily unfit for reproduction, and animals excluded from reproduction. The reproductive disorders recorded in the excluded animals were classified as penile, testicular, anterior or posterior limb, epididymal, spermatic cord, spermatic, anal sphincter, foreskin, systemic, and seminal vesicle alterations. We used descriptive statistics and analysis of variance to analyze the data. Of the 6,408 bulls evaluated, 309 animals were excluded from reproduction (4.82%). The majority of the excluded bulls (31.7%) suffered from testicular-related pathologies (testicular asymmetry, small scrotal circumference for their age, orchitis, and hydrocele (64.28%, 32.65%, 2.04%, and 1.02%, respectively), seminal vesicle alterations (31.39%), sperm defects (17.15%), and penile alterations (6.79%). Of the 309 animals excluded from reproduction, 21 (6.79%of the excluded and 0.32% of the total animals) suffered from some type of penile alteration, such as persistence of the frenulum (16/21) and total or partial penile adhesion (5/21). Confining the herd for two months and subjecting the animals to their first andrological examination at a younger than usual age, with the objective of selling them, could be why there were high incidences of seminal vesicle pathologies (owing to the homosexual behavior of the males) and of penises with high [...].(AU)
Objetivou-se identificar a prevalência das principais patologias que acometem os órgãos genitais de tourinhos jovens. Foi utilizado um banco de dados de 6408 touros jovens da raça Nelore, nos meses de junho a agosto de 2004 e 2005. Os tourinhos foram avaliados por meio de exame andrológico e o sêmen coletado com auxílio do eletroejaculador. A maturidade sexual dos animais foi classificada em: animais aptos à reprodução, animais aptos à reprodução em regime de monta natural, animais temporariamente inaptos à reprodução e animais descartados. As afecções reprodutivas registradas nos animais descartados foram distribuídas em: alterações de pênis, testículos, membros anteriores ou posteriores, epidídimo, cordão espermático, alterações espermáticas, alterações do esfíncter anal, prepúcio, sistêmicas e de vesícula seminal. Análises descritiva e de Variância foram realizadas para análise dos dados. Dos 6408 touros avaliados, 309 animais foram descartados da reprodução (4,82%).A maioria dos touros descartados (31,7%) apresentou patologias relacionadas ao testículo (assimetria testicular, baixo perímetro escrotal para a idade, orquite e hidrocele, com valores de 64,28, 32,65, 2,04 e 1,02%, respectivamente), e vesículas seminais (31,39%), seguidas pelos defeitos espermáticos (17,15% dos descartados) e alterações de pênis (6,79%). Dos 309 animais descartados da reprodução, 21 (6,79% dos descartados e 0,32% do total de animais) apresentaram algum tipo de alteração peniana como persistência do frênulo (16/21) e aderências penianas, total ou parcial (5/21). O confinamento do rebanho por dois meses e a redução da idade dos animais para realização do primeiro exame andrológico, com objetivo de venda de animais precoces, podem ser os responsáveis pela maior incidência de patologias relacionadas às vesículas seminais [...].(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Doenças dos Genitais Masculinos/patologia , Doenças dos Genitais Masculinos/veterináriaResumo
Cotesia flavipes (Cameron, 1891) (Hymenoptera) is a gregarious endoparasitoid used in applied biological control against Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera). In this study, we characterize the larval external morphology and the number of instars of C. flavipes. Parasitized larvae of D. saccharalis were sampled from the 1st to the 10th day after parasitism and dissected in an anticoagulant buffer for collection of C. flavipes immatures. Immatures were processed for scanning electron microscopy. Larvae of C. flavipes were prepared in NaOH solution and slide mounted to allow for mandible size measurements. Analysis of measurements of the parasitoid larval mandible size indicated that C. flavipes has three instars. Newly hatched larvae are caudate-mandibulate, assuming a hymenopteriform shape later in their development. The anal vesicle began to expand in the first instar and, once expanded, remained unchanged up to the beginning of the third instar. At the third instar, the anal vesicle decreased in volume. Herein we report the development and possible functions of the larval external structures modified during the development of C. flavipes, as for example their role in aiding newly-eclosed larvae to avoid the host immune response and to move within the host. To summarize the morphological changes during parasitoid growth, we should mention that the modifications in the anal vesicle were correlated with the feeding activity, and the maintenance of the anal vesicle indicates that this structure remained functional, probably playing a role in nutrient absorption and host regulation. On the other hand, the mandibles of early stage larvae are probably used to assist the parasitoid larvae during eclosion.
Cotesia flavipes (Cameron, 1891) (Hymenoptera) is a gregarious endoparasitoid used in applied biological control against Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera). In this study, we characterize the larval external morphology and the number of instars of C. flavipes. Parasitized larvae of D. saccharalis were sampled from the 1st to the 10th day after parasitism and dissected in an anticoagulant buffer for collection of C. flavipes immatures. Immatures were processed for scanning electron microscopy. Larvae of C. flavipes were prepared in NaOH solution and slide mounted to allow for mandible size measurements. Analysis of measurements of the parasitoid larval mandible size indicated that C. flavipes has three instars. Newly hatched larvae are caudate-mandibulate, assuming a hymenopteriform shape later in their development. The anal vesicle began to expand in the first instar and, once expanded, remained unchanged up to the beginning of the third instar. At the third instar, the anal vesicle decreased in volume. Herein we report the development and possible functions of the larval external structures modified during the development of C. flavipes, as for example their role in aiding newly-eclosed larvae to avoid the host immune response and to move within the host. To summarize the morphological changes during parasitoid growth, we should mention that the modifications in the anal vesicle were correlated with the feeding activity, and the maintenance of the anal vesicle indicates that this structure remained functional, probably playing a role in nutrient absorption and host regulation. On the other hand, the mandibles of early stage larvae are probably used to assist the parasitoid larvae during eclosion.
Cotesia flavipes (Cameron, 1891) (Hymenoptera) is a gregarious endoparasitoid used in applied biological control against Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera). In this study, we characterize the larval external morphology and the number of instars of C. flavipes. Parasitized larvae of D. saccharalis were sampled from the 1st to the 10th day after parasitism and dissected in an anticoagulant buffer for collection of C. flavipes immatures. Immatures were processed for scanning electron microscopy. Larvae of C. flavipes were prepared in NaOH solution and slide mounted to allow for mandible size measurements. Analysis of measurements of the parasitoid larval mandible size indicated that C. flavipes has three instars. Newly hatched larvae are caudate-mandibulate, assuming a hymenopteriform shape later in their development. The anal vesicle began to expand in the first instar and, once expanded, remained unchanged up to the beginning of the third instar. At the third instar, the anal vesicle decreased in volume. Herein we report the development and possible functions of the larval external structures modified during the development of C. flavipes, as for example their role in aiding newly-eclosed larvae to avoid the host immune response and to move within the host. To summarize the morphological changes during parasitoid growth, we should mention that the modifications in the anal vesicle were correlated with the feeding activity, and the maintenance of the anal vesicle indicates that this structure remained functional, probably playing a role in nutrient absorption and host regulation. On the other hand, the mandibles of early stage larvae are probably used to assist the parasitoid larvae during eclosion.