The objective was to compare deoxynivalenol (DON) concentrations in feed ingredients and commercial swine diets measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Seventy feed ingredient samples consisted of corn, corn dried distillers grains with solubles, corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal, palm kernel expellers, rice bran, soy hulls, soybean meal, and wheat. Commercial swine diet samples (n = 92) were collected from 23 swine farms of varying regions in Korea and different growth stages of pigs. The DON concentration of all samples was determined in duplicate. Statistical comparisons were performed to compare the analytical methods (ELISA vs. HPLC), diet phases, and regions. The DON concentrations in most ingredients and all diets determined by ELISA method were greater than those determined by HPLC. The DON concentrations determined by the ELISA method were less than 1 mg/kg in all ingredients except corn dried distillers grains with solubles and corn gluten feed, and those determined by the HPLC were less than 0.5 mg/kg in all ingredients. The DON concentrations in complete diets did not vary by region or growth stages of pigs. The DON concentrations in most feed ingredients and commercial swine diets determined by ELISA method are greater than those determined by HPLC, but does not vary by regions in Republic of Korea or pig growth stages.
Animais , Suínos , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , MicotoxinasResumo
Slash-and-burn is a traditional agricultural system still widely used in Brazil. The variation in temperature during fires results in different levels of physical, chemical, and biological changes in the soil, which makes it necessarily better to understand the dynamics of fire severity in this system. The aim of this study was to make an analytical comparison of the variation in the temperature reached in the soil during fires in slash-and-burn agriculture. Temperature data were measured in burnt areas with similar fallow times at the following soil depths 0; 2.5 and 5 cm and compared with secondary data from other studies in the same slash-and-burn system in southern Brazil. The peak temperature showed more significant variations in the surface (0 cm) of different soils and different types of regeneration vegetation in each area. Overall, the peak temperatures ranged from 32 to 673 ºC across the three depths. The peak temperature reduction in the 5 cm layer was 88 % compared to the surface and 30 % compared to the 2.5 cm layer. The sandier soils showed greater thermal conductivity at depth. The surface litter seems to exert a more significant influence on the burning severity than the biomass load cut for burning, suggesting that the characteristics of the litter layer on the surface should be better characterized in future studies on fire severity.(AU)
Solo/química , Análise do Solo , Agricultura/métodos , Temperatura , Brasil , 24444Resumo
Iron is a fundamental microelement for human life; however, deficiencies or excesses of these metal ions can cause severe complications and mortality. Chelators are compounds that bind and inhibit iron. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectrophotometric methods are key analytical tools in the identification of chemical entities, with the benefits of having good precision and accuracy, and the equipment being easily available as well as quick and simple to implement. In this study, we aimed to provide an alternative, cheaper method for the quantification of iron ion chelation by substituting ferrozine for gallic acid and validating its use with UV-vis according to official ANVISA and ICH guidelines. The parameters assessed were specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy, robustness, and finally, the percentage of iron ions chelating was calculated. The results demonstrated that this method was accurate, simple, specific, selective, precise, and reproducible, and was successfully validated for the determination of iron ions chelating. The percentage of iron ions chelating, promoted by the standard chelator EDTA, was 45% and 47% for Fe2+ and Fe3+, respectively. It is concluded that this new method is beneficial in terms of its simplicity, rapidness, low cost, and the fact that it produces very low levels of dangerous residues.(AU)
Ácido Gálico , Íons , FerroResumo
Lactose is the main carbohydrate in milk, and its absorption occurs via enzymatic hydrolysis, generating glucose and galactose. Lactose intolerance is the reduction of intestinal hydrolysis capacity due to hypolactasia, which results in the need to consume dairy foods with low levels of this carbohydrate. ß-galactosidase enzymes are used in dairy industries to hydrolyze lactose, thereby allowing intolerant consumers access to dairy products without the negative health implications. Alternative and official analytical methods are used to quantify the carbohydrate content resulting from enzymatic hydrolysis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the enzymatic hydrolysis of two distinct industrial enzymes produced by the microorganisms Bacillus licheniformis and Kluyveromyces lactis using three analytical methods: enzymatic method, cryoscopy, and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using artificial intelligence to improve the control of the industrial processes. After adding the enzymes to skim milk, time kinetics was performed by collecting samples at time 0, every 10 min for 1 h, and every 30 min until the end of 5 h of hydrolysis. In 97% of the cases, a decrease in lactose concentration was observed by HPLC, followed by the deepening of the cryoscopic point. Glucose measurements by absorbance and HPLC quantification were correlated (r = 0.79; p < 0.01) but not concordant (p < 0.01). It was concluded that by means of artificial intelligence, it was possible to indirectly estimate lactose concentration using an algorithm that associates cryoscopy and glucose concentration.(AU)
O principal carboidrato do leite é a lactose e a sua absorção ocorre devido à hidrólise enzimática, gerando glicose e galactose. A intolerância à lactose é a redução da capacidade de hidrólise intestinal devido à hipolactasia, gerando a necessidade do consumo de alimentos lácteos com baixo teor deste carboidrato. As enzimas ß-galactosidase são utilizadas nas indústrias de laticínios para hidrolisar a lactose, proporcionando ao consumidor intolerante a possibilidade de ingerir os produtos lácteos sem prejuízos à saúde. Para quantificar o conteúdo de carboidratos resultante da hidrólise enzimática, são utilizados métodos analíticos alternativos e oficiais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a hidrólise enzimática de duas enzimas industriais distintas produzidas pelos microrganismos Bacillus licheniformis e Kluyveromyces lactis, por meio de três métodos analíticos: método enzimático, crioscopia e HPLC. A inteligência artificial foi utilizada para melhorar o controle dos processos industriais. Após a adição das enzimas ao leite desnatado, foi realizada a cinética de tempo coletando as amostras no tempo 0, a cada 10 minutos, até completar 1 hora de reação, e a cada 30 minutos até serem atingidas 5 horas de reação de hidrólise. Em 97% dos casos, a diminuição da concentração de lactose por HPLC acompanhou o aprofundamento do ponto crioscópico. As medições de glicose por absorbância e HPLC foram correlacionadas (r = 0,79; p < 0,01), mas não concordantes (p < 0,01). Concluiu-se que, por meio da inteligência artificial, é possível estimar indiretamente a concentração de lactose a partir de um algoritmo que associa a crioscopia e a concentração de glicose.(AU)
Inteligência Artificial , Hidrólise , Lactose , Kluyveromyces , Bacillus licheniformisResumo
The loop is a material classically used in the laboratory for the purpose of plate streaking and handling biological materials. However, metal loops techniques might be time consuming, considering the amount of time spent to guarantee its cooling process through each inoculation. Furthermore, plastic loops may also represent environmental issues during its production and discard process and can also represent higher costs for the laboratory. Thus, in situations of limited resources, even the simplest materials can be restricted due to logistical and budgetary issues, especially in developing countries. Inspired by demands like these, facing an occasional shortage of supply of laboratory plastic handles, we hereby present a quality control for sterilization methods and cost-effectiveness studies towards the use of wooden sticks in a Latin American country and we discuss the possibility of the large-scale use of this technique.
A alça calibrada é um material usado classicamente em laboratório para fins de inoculação em placas e manuseio de materiais biológicos. No entanto, as técnicas de alças metálicas podem consumir muito tempo, considerando a quantidade de tempo gasto para garantir seu processo de resfriamento a cada inoculação. Além disso, alças de plástico também podem representar questões ambientais durante o processo de produção e descarte e também podem representar custos mais altos para o laboratório. Assim, em situações de recursos limitados, até os materiais mais simples podem ser restringidos devido a questões logísticas e orçamentárias, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Inspirados por demandas como essas, diante de uma escassez ocasional de suprimentos de alças de plástico de laboratório, apresentamos um controle de qualidade para métodos de esterilização e estudos de custo-efetividade para o uso de varas de madeira em um país latino-americano e discutimos a possibilidade de grande uso em escala dessa técnica.
Análise Custo-Benefício , Controle de QualidadeResumo
Correlation between proximal sensing techniques and laboratory results of qualitative variables plus agronomic attributes was evaluated of a 3,0 ha vineyard in the county of Muitos Capões, Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in Vitis vinifera L. at 2017/2018 harvest, aiming to evaluate the replacement of conventional laboratory analysis in viticulture by Vegetation Indexes, at situations were laboratory access are unavailable. Based on bibliographic research, looking for vegetative indexes developed or used for canopy reflectance analysis on grapevines and whose working bands were within the spectral range provided by the equipment used, a total of 17 viable candidates were obtained. These chosen vegetation indices were correlated, through Pearson (5%), with agronomic soil attributes (apparent electrical conductivity, clay, pH in H2O, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, effective CTC, CTC at pH 7.0, zinc, copper, sulfur and boron) for depths 0 -20 cm and 20-40 cm, and plant tissue (Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, manganese and boron) , in addition to some key oenological and phytotechnical parameters for the quantification of wine production and quality. One hundred and thirty ninesignificant correlations were obtained from this cross, with 36 moderate coefficients between 19 parameter variables versus 12 of the indexes. We concluded that in cases where access or availability of laboratory analyzes is difficult or impracticable, the use of vegetation indices is possible if the correlation coefficients reach, at least, the moderate magnitude, serving as a support to decision making until the lack analytical structure to be remedied.
Avaliou-se a correlação entre as técnicas de sensoriamento proximal e os resultados laboratoriais de variáveis qualitativas, mais os atributos agronômicos do solo de um vinhedo de 3,0 ha no município de Muitos Capões, região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, na safra 2017/2018. Objetivou avaliar a substituição das análises laboratoriais convencionais em viticultura por Índices de Vegetação, em situações de indisponibilidade de acesso ao laboratório. Com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, buscaram-se índices vegetativos desenvolvidos ou utilizados para análise de refletância de dossel em videiras e cujas bandas de trabalho estavam dentro do intervalo espectral fornecido pelo equipamento utilizado, obtendo-se um total de 17 candidatos viáveis. Esses índices de vegetação escolhidos foram correlacionados, por meio de Pearson (5%), com atributos agronômicos do solo (condutividade elétrica aparente, argila, pH em H2O, fósforo, potássio, matéria orgânica, alumínio, cálcio, magnésio, CTC efetivo, CTC em pH 7,0, zinco, cobre, enxofre e boro) para profundidades de 0 - 20 cm e 20 - 40 cm, e tecido vegetal (nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, enxofre, cobre, zinco, ferro, manganês e boro), além de alguns parâmetros enológicos e fitotécnicos essenciais para a quantificação da produção e qualidade do vinho. Deste cruzamento foram obtidas 139 correlações significativas, resultando 36 coeficientes moderados entre 19 variáveis de parâmetros versus 12 dos índices. Concluímos que nos casos em que o acesso ou disponibilidade de análises laboratoriais é difícil ou impraticável, a utilização de índices de vegetação é possível, desde que os coeficientes de correlação atinjam, pelo menos, a magnitude moderada, servindo como suporte para a tomada de decisão até a falta de estrutura analítica ser remediada.
Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Produção Agrícola/instrumentação , Produção Agrícola/métodos , Brasil , Qualidade do Solo , Tomada de Decisões , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodosResumo
Lipids in food are conventionally analyzed in two stages: extraction with organic solvent and fat esterification reaction, in this case, the type of fat of each food influences the choice of extraction and esterification reagents. In the direct method, such procedures are performed in one step. This work compared the conventional extraction method and quantification of lipids and fatty acids, with a direct method in infant formula. A reference sample of infant formula conteining certified lipids and fatty acids values from the National Institute of Standards and Technology was used. The conventional method for lipid analysis used the acid hydrolysis method; for the determination of fatty acids, the fats were extracted with a mixture of ethyl ether and petroleum ether. The direct method consisted of direct trans esterification with sodium methoxide. In the analysis of fatty acids, the majority of the results showed statistically equal values (α < 0.05) for both methods. The direct method proved suitable, mainly because of reduction in analytical time and quantity of solvents (AU).
Os lipídios em alimentos são analisados, de forma convencional, em duas etapas: extração com solvente orgânico e reação de esterificação da gordura, neste caso o tipo de gordura de cada alimento influencia na escolha dos reagentes da extração e esterificação. No método direto, estes procedimentos são realizados em uma etapa única. Este trabalho comparou a metodologia convencional de extração e quantificação de lipídios e ácidos graxos, com um método direto em fórmula infantil. Foi utilizada uma amostra de referência de fórmula infantil com valores certificados para lipídios e ácidos graxos da Nacional Institute of Standards and Technology. A metodologia convencional para a análise de lipídios empregou método com hidrólise ácida; para a determinação dos ácidos graxos, a gordura foi extraída com uma mistura de éter etílico e éter de petróleo. O método direto fundamentou-se na transesterificação direta com metóxido de sódio. Na análise dos ácidos graxos, a maioria dos resultados demonstrou valores estatisticamente iguais (α < 0,05) para os dois métodos. O método direto demonstrou ser apropriado, principalmente pela diminuição do tempo de análise e quantidade de solventes (AU).
Cromatografia Gasosa , Gorduras , Ácidos GraxosResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e correlacionar os resultados de qualidade do leite cru refrigerado de dez propriedades rurais de Viçosa (MG) obtidos por métodos de referências do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento e por espectrofotômetros de luz infravermelha em três laboratórios (A, B e C) credenciados pelo mesmo órgão de fiscalização. As amostras de leite foram analisadas quanto à contagem bacteriana, contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e teores de gordura, proteína e extrato seco desengordurado (ESD). Não houve discordância de amostras de leite quanto aos teores de proteína e gordura. Porcentagens diferentes de discordância foram observadas entre os resultados dos laboratórios e método de referência quanto à CCS, contagem bacteriana e teores de ESD. Os teores médios de proteína dos laboratórios A e B e os teores médios de ESD de todos laboratórios não foram estatisticamente iguais (p<0,05) aos teores obtidos pelo método de referência. Os teores de gordura obtidos no laboratório B não tiveram correlação estatística (p>0,05) com os teores obtidos pelo método de referência. Observou-se que as CCS e contagens bacterianas médias de todos os laboratórios foram estatisticamente iguais (p>0,05) e correlacionadas (p<0,05) às contagens médias obtidas pelos métodos de referência. Conclui-se que os teores de proteína em dois laboratórios e ESD em todos os laboratórios não são equivalentes com os métodos de referência do MAPA. É importante que os laboratórios revejam a calibração dos seus equipamentos quanto à quantificação dos teores de sólidos do leite.
The objective of this study was to analyze and to correlate the results of refrigerated raw milk quality in ten farms of Viçosa (MG). The milk was analyzed by the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento standard methods and by infrared spectrophotometers in three laboratories (A, B and C) accredited by the same institution. The milk samples were analyzed for bacterial counts, somatic cell count (SCC) and fat, protein and solids not fat (SNF) tenors. There were no disagreement milk samples as the protein and fat tenors. Different percentages of disagreement were observed between the results of laboratory and standard method as the SCC, bacterial count and SNF tenor. The protein mean tenor of A and B laboratories and the SNF mean tenor of all laboratories were not statistically equal (p<0.05) the tenors obtained by standard method. The fat tenors obtained in B laboratory were not statistically correlated (p>0.05) with tenors obtained by the standard method. It was observed that the means of SCC and bacterial counts of all laboratories were statistically the same (p>0.05) and correlated (p<0.05) to the means counts obtained by standard methods. It is concluded that the protein tenors in two laboratories and SNF in all laboratories are not equivalent with the reference methods of MAPA. It is important that laboratories review the calibration of the equipment on the quantification of milk solids tenors.
Controle de Qualidade , Espectrofotômetros , Normas de Qualidade de Alimentos , Leite/normas , Carga Bacteriana/normas , Alimentos Crus/análiseResumo
Fermented milk beverage is a product containing milk, whey and/or other ingredients, fermented by specific microorganisms and/or added with fermented milks. Fat determination in this product is important to quality control and inspection. The Gerber method is used worldwide as a simple and rapid method for fat content analysis in raw and processed milks. In Brazil, Roese-Gottlieb is the official method for analysis of fat content in milk beverages. However, the use of Gerber method for fat content determination in fermented milk beverages is widespread throughout the industry in the country. Several authors have tested the use of Gerber method for some dairy products, but there is no report on this evaluation for fermented milk beverages. In this context, the objectives of this work were to determine the fat content of fermented milk beverages by the Gerber method and evaluate the performance of this test, using Roese-Gottlieb as a reference method. Thirty samples of fermented milk beverages were analyzed by both methods. The fat contents ranged from 1.25 to 2.40% by the Gerber method and from 1.24 to 2.50% by the Roese-Gottlieb method. There was no difference (p > 0.05) between the methods. The Gerber method can be used to determine the fat content of fermented milk beverages, without prejudice to the results obtained.(AU)
Bebida láctea fermentada é um produto que contém leite, soro e/ou outros ingredientes, fermentada pela ação de microrganismos específicos e/ou adicionada de leites fermentados. A determinação do teor de gordura nesse produto é importante para o controle de qualidade e inspeção. O método de Gerber é utilizado em todo o mundo como um método simples e rápido para a análise do teor de gordura em leites cru e processado. No Brasil, Roese-Gottlieb é o método oficial para análise do teor de gordura em bebidas lácteas. No entano, a utilização do método de Gerber para determinação do teor de gordura em bebidas lácteas é frequente nas indústrias do país. Vários autores testaram o método de Gerber para alguns products lácteos, mas não há relato dessa avaliação para bebidas lácteas fermentadas. Tendo em vista o que foi exposto, os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar o teor de gordura de bebidas lácteas fermentadas pelo método de Gerber e avaliar o desempenho desse teste, utilizando Roese-Gottlieb como método de referência. Trinta amostras de bebidas lácteas fermentadas foram analisadas por ambos os métodos. Os teores de gordura variaram de 1,25 a 2,40% pelo método de Gerber e de 1,24 a 2,50% pelo método de Roese-Gottlieb. Não foi constatada diferença (p > 0,05) entre os métodos. O método de Gerber pode ser utilizado para determinação do teor de gordura de bebidas lácteas fermentadas, sem prejuízo dos resultados obtidos.(AU)
Controle de Qualidade , Bebidas , Produtos Fermentados do Leite/análise , Soro do Leite , LaticíniosResumo
Moringa oleifera leaves richly contain numerous nutrients that can be used to induce performance in animals and when supplemented in layer feeds can improve the feed intake, body weight, egg qualities and mineral content of the eggs. The study was aimed to determine the performance of layers, egg quality and mineral profile of the eggs produced by inclusion of varying percentages of M. oleifera leaf powder in the feed of layers. Two hundred and forty Isa-brown layer birds were offered 0%, 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5% M. oleifera leaf powder supplemented feeds respectively, using a completely randomized design. The mineral analysis was done following the procedure of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Data collected were analysed using analysis of variance at 0.05 level of significance. The results indicated that the body weight, feed intake, FCR, egg weight, egg length and shell thickness were significantly higher in layers fed M. oleifera leaf powder. However, the laying percentage was significantly higher in the control. The phosphorous, sodium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, selenium and chromium contents of the eggs increased as the percentage of moringa inclusion increased. The eggs produced by layers fed with 5% M. oleifera leaf powder had significantly highest contents of magnesium, potassium and calcium, but decreased with further supplementation of moringa. The findings indicated that the supplementation of M. oleifera leaf powder at various levels improves the mineral contents of eggs but this is significantly achieved at a higher inclusion rate.(AU)
Animais , Espectrofotômetros de Absorção Atômica/métodos , Galinhas/metabolismo , Moringa oleifera , Ovos/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Ingestão de Alimentos , Valor NutritivoResumo
The purpose of this study was to model the factors affecting the 305-day milk yield of dairy cows by using Automatic Linear Modeling Technique (ALM). The data set of this study consisted of eight different cow breeds grown in eight province of Turkey. Results of ALM showed that the accuracy of the model was 64.2 % means that 64.2% of the variation in the 305-day milk yield could be explained by the constructed model. Created model was consisted of four factors namely the Breed, Lactation Length, Parity, and Province. Therefore, those selected factors were more efficient than the others in predicting the 305-day milk yield.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi modelar os fatores que afetam a produção de leite das vacas leiteiras em 305 dias, utilizando a Técnica de Modelagem Linear Automática (ALM). O conjunto de dados deste estudo consistia em oito raças diferentes de vacas cultivadas em oito províncias da Turquia. Os resultados da ALM mostraram que a precisão do modelo era de 64,2% significa que 64,2% da variação na produção de leite de 305 dias poderia ser explicada pelo modelo construído. O modelo criado consistia de quatro fatores: Raça, Comprimento da Lactação, Paridade e Província. Portanto, esses fatores selecionados foram mais eficientes do que os outros na previsão da produção de leite de 305 dias.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Lactação , Modelos Lineares , Métodos de Análise Laboratorial e de Campo/métodos , Leite , Turquia , Modelos EstatísticosResumo
New apps have changed the traditional way of learning and teaching; they are also applied as a quickly executed and effective method in agriculture. Soil-app is a web application with a friendly click-point interface built through packages lodged in R software. The app is an advanced model of an open-source platform to support teaching and learning activities in soil analyses and fertilizer recommendations. Soil-app includes soil test interpretation, soil amendment calculations (lime and gypsum), the fertilizer rate for the most important crops in Brazil, an NPK blend calculator, and NPK blend evaluation. It also includes experimental statistical analysis as applied to soil science. Soil-app is a user-friendly and high-performance tool, garnering fast adoption by both students and professionals. It is available for network use through the following link:
Análise do Solo , Aplicativos Móveis , Métodos de Análise Laboratorial e de Campo , Software , Fertilizantes , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , PrevisõesResumo
New apps have changed the traditional way of learning and teaching; they are also applied as a quickly executed and effective method in agriculture. Soil-app is a web application with a friendly click-point interface built through packages lodged in R software. The app is an advanced model of an open-source platform to support teaching and learning activities in soil analyses and fertilizer recommendations. Soil-app includes soil test interpretation, soil amendment calculations (lime and gypsum), the fertilizer rate for the most important crops in Brazil, an NPK blend calculator, and NPK blend evaluation. It also includes experimental statistical analysis as applied to soil science. Soil-app is a user-friendly and high-performance tool, garnering fast adoption by both students and professionals. It is available for network use through the following link:
Aplicativos Móveis , Análise do Solo , Métodos de Análise Laboratorial e de Campo , Software , Fertilizantes , Previsões , Interpretação Estatística de DadosResumo
A pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a segurança do consumidor quanto ao consumo de pipoca industrializada comercializada por ambulantes nos semáforos da Região Metropolitana do Recife Pernambuco. Foram analisadas 75 amostras de 5 diferentes marcas de pipoca de milho degerminado, quanto aos indicadores higiênico-sanitários (Coliformes totais-CT, Escherichia coli-EC e Fungos: bolores e leveduras), conforme métodos da Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Os resultados demonstraram grandes variações nas contagens. Os padrões microbiológicos determinados pela legislação brasileira para indicadores higiênico-sanitários em cereais extrusados são referentes apenas a Escherichia coli, o qual limita em 10UFC/g e não contempla limites para Coliformes totais e Fungos. Ao comparar os resultados desta pesquisa (CT: <3,0 UFC/g a 70 UFC/g, EC: <3,0 UFC/g e Fungos Bolores e Leveduras: 102 UFC/g a 106 UFC/g) com os padrões estabelecidos, pode-se observar que a não detecção do indicador EC, em todas as amostras, indica a segurança do produto quanto à contaminação por material fecal. Sendo um produto obtido mediante tecnologia simples, com baixos teores de umidade e de atividade de água, variações observadas nas contagens de fungos não levam a comprometer a segurança do produto, uma vez que, a legislação atual não estabelece padrões para este parâmetro. Evidências levaram a predizer que a carga microbiana e os níveis de microrganismos indicadores higiênico-sanitários detectados nas amostras não comprometem a comercialização e a saúde dos consumidores de pipoca industrializada e que casos isolados de contaminação mais elevada não representam uma constância e podem ser mitigados mediante práticas adequadas de produção.(AU)
The research had the purpose to evaluate the consumer's safety regarding the consumption of popcorn extruded commercialized by the walking salesman in the traffic lights of the Great Recife region Pernambuco. There were analyzed 75 samples, of 5 different brands of degerminated popcorn, as for the hygienic sanitary indicators (Total Coliforms -CT, Escherichia coli-EC and Fungus: molds and yeasts), accordingly to methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. The results showed great counting variations. The Brazilian legislation does not establish specific microbiologic patterns for the popcorn. When comparing the results of this research (CT: <3.0 MPN/g to 70 MPN/g, EC: <3.0 MPN/g and Fungus: molds and yeast: 102 CFU/g to 106 CFU/g) with the established patterns for similar products, it can be observed that, the non detection of the EC indicator in all samples, indicates the safety regarding the product contamination by fecal material. Being a product obtained through simple technology and with low humidity and water activity levels, the variations observed in the. Fungus counting do not lead to compromise the product safety, once that, in most of the cases, the contamination are found in the level of 104 UFC/g, close to the maximum standard in the current legislation for elaborated products, such as cookies (104 UFC/g). Evidence led us to predict that the microbial hygienic sanitary levels detected in the samples should not compromise the popcorn commercialization and the consumer's health. Isolated high contamination cases do not show a constancy that lead to compromise the product's harmlessness and safety.(AU)
Qualidade dos Alimentos , Análise de Alimentos , Brasil , Zea mays/fisiologiaResumo
Em razão dos avanços tecnológicos na ciência dos alimentos, tanto nos aspectos de identidade e qualidade, tornam-se imperativas a necessidade de modernização e a contínua atualização dos métodos analíticos. Novas técnicas instrumentais, baseadas em determinados princípios físicos e químicos, frequentemente são desenvolvidas. Objetivou-se no presente trabalho comparar os métodos de determinação de umidade pelo Método Convencional (estufa 105°C) e por infravermelho para o controle do teor de umidade em Jerked Beef (Carne Bovina Salgada Curada Dessecada). Observou-se que há diferença significativa entre os métodos, porém o método por infravermelho foi mais eficiente.(AU)
Technological advances in food science, both in terms of identity and quality, make it imperative to modernize and continuously update analytical methods. New instrumental techniques, used in chemical and chemical substances frequently used. The objective of the present work is to compare the methods of determination of the Conventional Method (oven 105 °C) and by infrared to control the content of Jerked Beef (Salted Cured Bovine Meat). Note that there is a significant difference between the methods, but the infrared method proved to be more efficient.(AU)
Estudo Comparativo , Carne/análise , Bovinos , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Efeito Estufa , Raios InfravermelhosResumo
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) has the potential to predict soil organic carbon (SOC). However, it is still little used as a matter of routine in soil laboratories in Brazil. The objective of this study was to make evaluations as to whether SOC predicted by spectral techniques can replace measurement by routine chemical methods with no loss in quality and be applied in the recommendation of nitrogen fertilizer as well as identifying the best prediction strategies to use. A data set containing 2,471 samples from six soil spectral libraries (SSL) was used to develop spectroscopic models for SOC content prediction, including consideration of sample stratification and preprocessing techniques. The SOC was quantified through the analytical-chemical methods of wet combustion with determination by titration, designated as the reference method (REM), and colorimeter, designated as the routine method (ROM in an independent data set). SOC contents predicted by the spectral analysis method (SAM) were compared to the REM and ROM results, converted to soil organic matter (SOM) and used for N recommendations. The best estimate for SOM content using the SAM was achieved through stratification of the SSL and application of the standard normal variate (SNV) preprocessing. The SOC predicted by spectral techniques proved capable of replacing the SOC measured by routine chemical methods with no loss of quality and supported by an appropriate nitrogen fertilizer recommendation, provided the models met the conditions and possessed the characteristics of the samples to be analyzed.
Análise do Solo , Carbono/análise , Nitrogênio/análise , Solo/química , Fenômenos de Química OrgânicaResumo
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) has the potential to predict soil organic carbon (SOC). However, it is still little used as a matter of routine in soil laboratories in Brazil. The objective of this study was to make evaluations as to whether SOC predicted by spectral techniques can replace measurement by routine chemical methods with no loss in quality and be applied in the recommendation of nitrogen fertilizer as well as identifying the best prediction strategies to use. A data set containing 2,471 samples from six soil spectral libraries (SSL) was used to develop spectroscopic models for SOC content prediction, including consideration of sample stratification and preprocessing techniques. The SOC was quantified through the analytical-chemical methods of wet combustion with determination by titration, designated as the reference method (REM), and colorimeter, designated as the routine method (ROM in an independent data set). SOC contents predicted by the spectral analysis method (SAM) were compared to the REM and ROM results, converted to soil organic matter (SOM) and used for N recommendations. The best estimate for SOM content using the SAM was achieved through stratification of the SSL and application of the standard normal variate (SNV) preprocessing. The SOC predicted by spectral techniques proved capable of replacing the SOC measured by routine chemical methods with no loss of quality and supported by an appropriate nitrogen fertilizer recommendation, provided the models met the conditions and possessed the characteristics of the samples to be analyzed.(AU)
Solo/química , Análise do Solo , Carbono/análise , Nitrogênio/análise , Fenômenos de Química OrgânicaResumo
This study was done to determine the best value of the total electrolyte balance (BET) concerning the variables of performance and egg quality of the laying hens. We investigated 240 Hy-Line Brown laying hens, of 30 to 46 weeks of age, adopting the completely randomized experimental design, which included five treatments (1000, 1250, 1500, 1750 and 2000 μeq / kg), 8 repetitions and 6 birds per unit. The performance and quality of the birds eggs were evaluated in the different treatments. The results were subjected to the analysis of variance and, wherever significant effect was noted, the regression equations were estimated, taking into account the electrolyte balance (μeq / kg) as a concomitant variable, applying the SAS statistical program (2001). The consumption, production, and feed conversion variables by dozen eggs, final bird weight, egg density, yolk color, Haugh Unit, albumen weight, shell weight, and egg weight, were found to be unaffected by the experimental BET values. The values of the feed conversion per egg mass, yolk weight and uniformity were affected by the different BETs. The electrolyte balance values showing minimum feed conversion, higher yolk weight, and better uniformity were, respectively, BET = 1400, 1330, and 1250 in μeq / kg of loads at the different temperatures. From the regression equations, the value indicated was BET=1390 for the 30- to 46-week-old laying hens. The electrolyte balance of the diet was found to affect the laying hens in terms of performance and egg quality.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o melhor valor de balanço eletrolítico total (BET) para as variáveis de desempenho e qualidade dos ovos de galinhas poedeiras. Foram utilizadas 240 galinhas poedeiras da linhagem HyLine Brown, durante o período de 30 a 46 semanas de idade, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (1000, 1250, 1500, 1750 e 2000 μeq/kg), oito repetições e seis aves por unidade experimental. Foram avaliados o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos das aves com os diferentes tratamentos. Foi realizada análise de variância e, no caso de efeito significativo, foram estimadas equações de regressão considerando como variável concomitante o balanço eletrolítico (μeq/kg), usando o programa estatístico SAS (2001). As variáveis de consumo, produção, conversão alimentar por dúzia de ovos, peso final das aves, densidade do ovo, coloração da gema, Unidade Haugh, peso do albúmen, peso da casca e peso do ovo, não foram afetados pelos BET experimentais. Os valores de conversão alimentar por massa de ovos, peso de gema e uniformidade foram influenciados pelos diferentes BET. Os valores de balanço eletrolítico que propiciaram conversão alimentar mínima, melhor peso de gema e melhor uniformidade foram, respectivamente: BET=1400, BET = 1330 e BET = 1250 em μeq/kg de cargas nas rações. Conforme as equações de regressão indica-se o valor de BET de 1390 para poedeiras de 30 a 46 semanas de idade. O balanço eletrolítico da dieta afeta o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos de galinhas poedeiras.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Análise de Alimentos/métodos , Óvulo/citologia , Controle de QualidadeResumo
Background: Although scorpionism is recorded worldwide, some regions such as Iran present a higher incidence. Due to the great prevalence of scorpion stings in Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran, the present study examined the relationship between different climate parameters and the scorpion sting rate in this area from April 2010 to March 2015. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study, we considered all scorpion sting cases recorded in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Data were analyzed using statistics, frequency distribution and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: A total of 104,197 cases of scorpion stings was recorded from 2010 to 2015. The cumulative incidence of scorpion sting was 2.23%. The spatial distribution of scorpion stings showed that most cases occurred in the Dehdez district (4,504 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants) and the Masjed Soleyman county (4,069 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants). A significant association was found between climate factors (temperature, evaporation rate, sunshine duration, humidity, and precipitation) and the scorpion sting rate. An increase in rainfall and humidity coincided with a reduction in scorpion stings whereas an increase in temperature, evaporation, and sunshine duration was accompanied by a growth of scorpion stings. No significant correlation was found between wind velocity/direction and the incidence rate of stings. Moreover, the seasonal peak incidence of scorpion stings was recorded in summer (an average of 8,838 cases) and the lowest incidence was recorded during winter (an average of 1,286 cases). The annual trend of scorpion sting cases decreased during the period from 2010 to 2015. Conclusion: Climate variables can be a good index for predicting the incidence of scorpion stings in endemic regions. Since they occur mostly in the hot season, designing preventive measures in the counties and districts with a high incidence of scorpion stings such as Dehdez and Masjed Soleyman can minimize mortality and other burdens.(AU)
Animais , Estações do Ano , Mordeduras e Picadas , Clima , Picadas de EscorpiãoResumo
Although scorpionism is recorded worldwide, some regions such as Iran present a higher incidence. Due to the great prevalence of scorpion stings in Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran, the present study examined the relationship between different climate parameters and the scorpion sting rate in this area from April 2010 to March 2015. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study, we considered all scorpion sting cases recorded in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Data were analyzed using statistics, frequency distribution and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: A total of 104,197 cases of scorpion stings was recorded from 2010 to 2015. The cumulative incidence of scorpion sting was 2.23%. The spatial distribution of scorpion stings showed that most cases occurred in the Dehdez district (4,504 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants) and the Masjed Soleyman county (4,069 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants). A significant association was found between climate factors (temperature, evaporation rate, sunshine duration, humidity, and precipitation) and the scorpion sting rate. An increase in rainfall and humidity coincided with a reduction in scorpion stings whereas an increase in temperature, evaporation, and sunshine duration was accompanied by a growth of scorpion stings. No significant correlation was found between wind velocity/direction and the incidence rate of stings. Moreover, the seasonal peak incidence of scorpion stings was recorded in summer (an average of 8,838 cases) and the lowest incidence was recorded during winter (an average of 1,286 cases). The annual trend of scorpion sting cases decreased during the period from 2010 to 2015. Conclusion: Climate variables can be a good index for predicting the incidence of scorpion stings in endemic regions. Since they occur mostly in the hot season, designing preventive measures in the counties and districts with a high incidence of scorpion stings such as Dehdez and Masjed Soleyman can minimize mortality and other burdens.(AU)