The present study aimed to investigate the effect of milk liquid and powder supplements on piglets' performance, drinking behavior, and sow back-fat thickness change during the lactation period. There were four experimental groups (n = 24), and in the control group (n = 6), the piglets were suckled from the sow. For the supplemental groups (n = 18), milk powder (MP), milk liquid by feeding trough (MLFT), and milk liquid feeding by the bucket (MLFB). Data were collected with the weight of a total of 252 piglets measured at birth, at 14 days and at weaning (28 days), respectively. Sow back-fat thickness was measured 3 days before farrowing, 14 days after farrowing and at weaning. There were significant differences in average daily weight gain between day 14 and weaning age for the MP and MLFT (P < 0.05) but not in MLFB (P > 0.05). For approaches to the feeder, there were significantly higher in MP and MLFT groups (P < 0.05). Based on the examination of sow back-fat thickness, the back-fat loss was minimal (P < 0.05) in the MP and MLFT compared to the MLFB and the control. Giving the milk supplement as powder and liquid by feeding trough has increased the piglets' average daily gain and body weight on day 14th and the weaning day. Moreover, the back-fat thickness reduction of sows in the supplemental groups is lower compared to the control group.
Animais , Suínos , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta/veterinária , Comportamento Alimentar , Animais LactentesResumo
This study evaluated the effect of different metabolizable energy (ME) levels in diets on digestibility, performance, and feeding behavior of weaned piglets. A digestibility study to determine ME levels was performed using 12 male piglets with 11.5 ± 0.5 kg body weight (BW), in a cross-over design fed with different ME levels (treatments). In the performance study were used 64 female piglets with 7.5 ± 0.8 kg BW, in a randomized block design with four treatments (3.30, 3.40, 3.50, and 3.60 ME levels), and feeding program with three phases (pre-initial I, pre-initial II, and initial). For feeding behavior, four pens of each treatment were monitored with cameras. The crude-protein digestibility coefficient reduced as dietary ME level increased (P <0.05). In pre-initial I animal performance was not influenced (P <0.05) by ME diet levels, and in the pre-initial II and initial phases, increases in ME caused quadratic (r² 0.99) and linear (r² 0.99) effects on daily feed intake, respectively. When ME levels increased, feed conversion ratio decreased linearly in the pre-initial II phase (r² =0.98), and quadratically in the initial phase (r²= 0.99). The number and duration of feeder visits linearly decreased as the diet energy levels increased (P <0.05). Weaned piglets can regulate feed intake according to dietary ME levels. The performance of weaned piglets can be maintained using diets containing metabolizable energy levels between 3.30 at 3.60 if the ratio of nutrients to energy is maintained constant.The feed intake behavior of weaned piglets is influenced by increases in dietary metabolizable energy levels evaluated, resulting in fewer and shorter visits to the feeder.
Este estudo avaliou o efeito de diferentes níveis de energia metabolizável (EM) em dietas sobre a digestibilidade, desempenho e comportamento alimentar de leitões desmamados. Um estudo de digestibilidade para determinação dos níveis de EM foi realizado com 12 leitões machos com 11,5 ± 0,5 kg de peso corporal, em delineamento cruzado, alimentados com diferentes níveis de EM (tratamentos). No estudo de desempenho foram utilizadas 64 leitões fêmeas com peso corporal de 7,5 ± 0,8 kg, em delineamento de blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos (níveis de 3,30, 3,40, 3,50 e 3,60 ME), e programa de alimentação com três fases (pré- inicial I, pré-inicial II e inicial). Para o comportamento alimentar, quatro baias de cada tratamento foram monitorados com câmeras. O coeficiente de digestibilidade da proteína bruta diminuiu com o aumento do nível de EM da dieta (P <0,05). No pré-inicial I o desempenho dos animais não foi influenciado (P <0,05) pelos níveis da dieta de EM, e nas fases pré-inicial II e inicial, o aumento de EM causou efeitos quadráticos (r² 0,99) e lineares (r² 0,99) na alimentação diária ingestão, respectivamente. Quando os níveis de EM aumentaram, a conversão alimentar diminuiu linearmente na fase pré-inicial II (r² = 0,98), e quadraticamente na fase inicial (r² = 0,99). O número e a duração das visitas aos comedouros diminuíram linearmente à medida que os níveis de energia da dieta aumentaram (P <0,05). Leitões desmamados podem regular o consumo de ração de acordo com os níveis de EM da dieta, o desempenho de leitões desmamados pode ser mantido usando dietas contendo níveis de energia metabolizável entre 3.30 a 3.60 se a proporção de nutrientes para energia for mantida constante. O comportamento de consumo de ração de leitões desmamados é influenciado pelo aumento nos níveis de energia metabolizável da dieta avaliados, resultando em menos e mais curtas visitas ao comedouro.
Animais , Suínos , Dieta/veterinária , Comportamento Alimentar , Ração AnimalResumo
Pyrrhulina brevis is an endemic fish from the Amazon basin that is valued in the ornamental fish market. In larviculture, fish are very sensitive to stressors and have a high mortality rate. Salinized water may provide more energy to overcome stress and feeding frequency is an important strategy to improve productive performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the best feeding frequency and the best level of water salinization for larval development of P. brevis. A total of 360 post-larvae of P. brevis (5.26 ± 1.65 mg, 5.57 ± 0.68 mm) were randomly distributed in 36 aquariums (1 L) in a 3x4 factorial scheme, to evaluate three concentrations of salt in water (0, 1 and 2 g L-1) and four feeding frequencies (once, twice, three and four times a day). We offered 150 Artemia nauplii per day and per post-larvae during 15 days. The fish kept at 1 g L-1 salinized water, and those fed 3 and 4 times a day presented significantly greater final length and weight, weight gain, and specific growth rate for length and weight. An interaction between salinized water and feeding frequency was observed for survival rate. We conclude that, during the initial rearing phase of P. brevis, feeding frequency of three times a day and salinized water at 1 g L-1 is recommended.(AU)
Pyrrhulina brevis é um peixe endêmico da bacia amazônica que apresenta bons valores no mercado de peixes ornamentais. Na larvicultura, os peixes são muito sensíveis aos estressores e apresentam alta taxa de mortalidade. A água salinizada pode fornecer mais energia para superar o estresse e a frequência alimentar é uma estratégia importante para melhorar o desempenho produtivo. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a melhor frequência alimentar e o melhor nível de salinização da água para o desenvolvimento larval de P. brevis. Um total de 360 pós-larvas de P. brevis (5,26 ± 1,65 mg, 5,57 ± 0,68 mm) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 36 aquários (1 L) em esquema fatorial 3x4, para avaliar três concentrações de sal na água (0, 1 e 2 g L-1) e quatro frequências de alimentação (uma, duas, três e quatro vezes ao dia). Foram oferecidas 150 náuplios de Artemia por dia e por pós-larva, durante 15 dias. Os peixes mantidos com 1 g L-1 de água salinizada e os alimentados 3 e 4 vezes ao dia apresentaram comprimento e peso finais, ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico para comprimento e peso significativamente maiores. Uma interação entre água salinizada e frequência alimentar foi observada para a taxa de sobrevivência. Concluímos que, durante a fase inicial de criação de P. brevis, recomenda-se uma frequência alimentar de três vezes ao dia e água salinizada a 1 g L-1.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Characidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Águas Salinas , Valor NutritivoResumo
The present study investigated whether the same temperature-humidity index (THI) values under different conditions of air temperature and relative humidity (RH) would affect the thermoregulatory, nutritional, and behavioral responses of laying hens. One hundred twenty Hy-Line Brown laying hens (60-weeks-old) were divided equally in two environmental chambers: 26 °C with 70% RH (hRH75) and 30 °C with 30% RH (hT75) for 28 days. The two ambient environments (hRH75 and hT75) had an identical THI value of 75, calculated using an empirical formula for laying hens. Neither hRH75 nor hT75 affected rectal and body-surface temperatures and heart and respiratory rates. The concentration of volatile fatty acids in fecal excreta were altered by the thermal treatments. hT75 vs. hRH75 decreased the proportion of acetate and increased the proportion of propionate in fecal samples. hT75 vs. hRH75 lowered the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber at 14 days. Thermal treatments did not affect heat stress-associated behavioral responses including feeding, drinking, panting, and wing elevation at any stage. Laying hens exposed to the same THI at different temperatures and RH exhibit equal physiological responses including rectal and body-surface temperatures, heart and respiratory rates, and behavioral responses. Nonetheless, high-temperature treatment (hT75; 30 °C and 30% RH) vs. low temperature treatment (hRH75; 26 °C and 70% RH) affects nutrient digestibility and gut metabolites, suggesting that there are negligible but discernable responses to temperature in the gut physiology.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Temperatura , NutrientesResumo
Data obtained by direct observation of organisms in their natural habitats can provide valuable contributions regarding intra- and inter-specific interactions, as well as spatial distribution and trophic relationships. However, relatively few such data are available for the Neotropical ichthyofauna relative to the great species diversity of this region. We present data on the ichthyofauna in karst environments of the Serra da Bodoquena, Upper Paraguay River basin regarding their categorization into functional trophic groups. We used direct observations that focused on the most frequent feeding tactics and their spatial (vertical and horizontal) distribution in the channel. We observed 83 fish species in 17 functional trophic groups. The greatest species richness was concentrated in the Characidae and Loricariidae in the categories Diurnal Backwater Drift Feeders and Grazers, respectively. Regarding horizontal depth stratification, we found a positive relationship between the association of small fish with the shallow marginal habitats. This work represents a contribution to a region known for its high tourist potential and to the important diversity of the entire ichthyofauna of the Upper Paraguay basin region that requires proper conservation strategies for sustaining these species.(AU)
Dados obtidos pela observação direta dos organismos em seus hábitats naturais podem fornecer valiosas contribuições com relação a interações intra e inter-específicas, além de distribuição espacial e relações tróficas. Entretanto, relativamente poucos dados estão disponíveis no que diz respeito à ictiofauna neotropical dada à grande diversidade dessa região. Apresentamos dados sobre a ictiofauna em ambientes cársticos da Serra da Bodoquena, bacia do alto rio Paraguai e a categorização das mesmas em grupos tróficos funcionais baseada em observações diretas relacionadas às táticas alimentares mais frequentes e à sua distribuição espacial (vertical e horizontal) no canal. Assim sendo, observamos 83 espécies de peixes alocadas em 17 grupos tróficos funcionais. A maior riqueza de espécies concentrou-se nas famílias Characidae e Loricariidae, abrangendo as categorias Catadores Diurnos de Itens Arrastados pela Corrente e Pastadores, respectivamente. Com relação à estratificação horizontal, encontramos a relação positiva entre a associação de peixes de pequeno porte com relação aos hábitats marginais. Esse trabalho representa uma contribuição a uma região conhecida pelo seu alto potencial turístico e à importante diversidade da ictiofauna da região da bacia do alto Paraguai que requer estratégias de conservação adequadas para sustentar essas espécies.(AU)
Animais , Cadeia Alimentar , Comportamento Alimentar , Peixes/fisiologia , Brasil , Ecossistema , Níveis TróficosResumo
Human disturbances affect the macroinvertebrate populations in coastal regions. They respond to disturbances by altering their density and behaviour. Therefore, many of them are used as bioindicator species of human disturbance. Here, we pioneer the use of fiddler crabs to examine whether they alter their behaviour under human disturbance. Male fiddler crabs possess one large claw used for courting (waving) and fighting, and one small feeding claw, whereas females have two feeding claws. They show several surface activities. This study investigates (1) the effects of human disturbance on density and sex-ratio, and (2) the effects of human disturbance, and sex on behavioural time allocations in Austruca annulipes. Their density, sex-ratio, and time allocations were investigated in human-disturbed area (DA) and nondisturbed area (NDA). They showed feeding, feeding and walking, walking, running, standing/vigilance, inside burrows, burrowing, grooming, fighting, and waving. The results showed that crab density was higher and the sex ratio was more male biased in NDA than in DA. Human disturbance and sex affected time allocations but their interaction had no effect. Crabs in DA spent more time running, standing, and inside burrows but less time walking, burrowing, fighting, and waving than crabs in NDA. Between sexes, males spent more time standing, burrowing, grooming, and fighting but less time feeding, and walking than females. This indicates that human disturbances force the crabs to spend more time on anti-predator and escape behavior (standing/vigilance, running, inside burrows) rather than courting (waving) and constructing burrows (mating/breeding sites), which are important for breeding.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Transtornos do Comportamento Social , Braquiúros/fisiologia , Interação Humano-Animal , TailândiaResumo
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the productive performance, the ingestive behavior, the apparent digestibility of the diet, and the carcass characteristics of beef steers finished in confinement under the effect of ammonium dipropionate in the diet, and the fractionation or not in the supply of the diet. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme, totaling four treatments, as follows: Diet without ammonium dipropionate provided twice a day; Diet without ammonium dipropionate given once daily; Diet with ammonium dipropionate provided twice daily; Ammonium dipropionate diet provided once daily. Thirty-two ½ Angus ½ Nellore bulls were used, with an average age of 11 months. The use of ammonium dipropionate in the overall average increased average daily gain, dry matter intake, and carcass gain. The diet provided twice a day provided, on average, greater weight gain, greater carcass gain, and better feed conversion. When evaluating the association between treatments, the use of dipropionate plus the diet supplied twice a day showed greater daily carcass gain during the experimental period and higher hot carcass weight (1.251 kg, 111.4 kg, and 308.6 kg respectively), as well as ensuring better apparent digestibility of dry matter (74.57%). With the data obtained in the present study, it is possible to state that it is advisable to use ammonium dipropionate while maintaining the fractionation of the diet for beef steers in the finishing phase.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo, o comportamento ingestivo, a digestibilidade aparente da dieta e as características de carcaça de novilhos de corte terminados em confinamento sob efeito do dipropionato de amônio na dieta, e do fracionamento ou não no fornecimento da dieta. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em um esquema fatorial 2 x 2, totalizando quatro tratamentos, sendo: Dieta sem dipropionato de amônio fornecida duas vezes ao dia; Dieta sem dipropionato de amônio fornecida uma vez ao dia; Dieta com dipropionato de amônio fornecida duas vezes ao dia; Dieta com dipropionato de amônio fornecida uma vez ao dia. Utilizou-se 32 novilhos ½ sangue Angus ½ sangue Nelore, com idade média de 11 meses. O uso do dipropionato de amônio na média geral aumentou o ganho médio diário, a ingestão de matéria seca, e o ganho de carcaça. A dieta fornecida duas vezes ao dia proporcionou na média geral, maior ganho de peso, maior ganho de carcaça e melhor conversão alimentar. Ao avaliar a associação entre os tratamentos, o uso de dipropionato mais a dieta fornecida duas vezes ao dia mostrou maior ganho de carcaça diário, durante o período experimental e maior peso de carcaça quente (1,251 kg, 111,4 kg e 308,6 kg respectivamente), assim como garantiu melhor digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (74,57%). Com os dados obtidos no presente estudo é possível afirmar que é recomendável utilizar o dipropionato de amônio mantendo o fracionamento da dieta para novilhos de corte em fase de terminação.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar , Ração Animal/análise , Beclometasona/efeitos adversosResumo
A criação de bezerras é uma das atividades mais complexas em uma propriedade leiteira. Desde o nascimento, o desempenho máximo deve ser priorizado, pois o sucesso no aleitamento leva ao aumento do peso vivo ao desmame e à futura produção de leite. Existem diferentes formas de fornecer leite aos bezerros, e uma delas é o aleitamento artificial, onde os animais recebem a dieta líquida em baldes, mamadeiras ou recipientes semelhantes. Neste tipo de aleitamento, diferentes fontes de dieta líquida podem ser utilizadas como o leite integral, os sucedâneos lácteos e o leite não comercializável ou leite de descarte. Independentemente do método de aleitamento, a quantidade de leite a ser oferecida deverá atender às exigências do animal para melhor desempenho futuro. A presente revisão de literatura avaliou as diferentes fontes de dieta líquida empregadas no aleitamento artificial de bezerras e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento ponderal desses animais na fase de cria.(AU)
Raising calves is one of the most complex activities on a dairy farm. From birth, maximum performance should be prioritized, since successful breastfeeding leads to an increase in live weight at weaning and the future milk production. There are different ways for providing milk to calves, one of them is artificial feeding, where animals are fed the liquid diet in buckets, bottles, or similar. In this type of breastfeeding, there are several sources of liquid diet that could be applied as whole milk, dairy substitutes, and non-marketable milk or waste milk. Regardless of the breastfeeding method, the amount of milk to be offered must meet the requirements of the animal, for the best future performance. This literature review evaluated different sources of liquid diet in artificial feeding and its impact on the weight development of dairy calves in this rearing phase.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Apoio NutricionalResumo
The evaluation of feeding strategies is necessary to ensure the sustainability of aquaculture. This study assessed the effect of two diets with different E:P ratios (9.6 and 10.3 kcal of digestible energy per gram of crude protein) on Nile tilapia juveniles. The growth, feed and nutrient use, economic parameters, whole-body composition, and liver steatosis of fish were evaluated. There was no significant effect of treatments on the growth, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, uniformity, and survival of the fish. The lower feed cost (P>0.05) per biomass or 1000 units produced was registered in Nile tilapia juveniles fed with 10.3 kcal DE/g CP diet for seven days. The contribution of ether extract in fish weight gain was reduced (P=0.055) by the increased use of the 10.3 kcal DE/g CP diet in the feeding strategies. The same trend was observed in fish whole-body lipid levels. Body indexes were similar (P>0.05) among fish from the different treatments. Mixing diets with different E:P ratios in a weekly feeding protocol does not impair productive performance of Nile tilapia juveniles. However, considering the cost of feeding, the recommendation is to supply a diet with 33%CPand 3.4 kcal/DE for seven days per week.(AU)
A avaliação das estratégias de alimentação é necessária para garantir a sustentabilidade da aquicultura. Este estudo avaliou o efeito de duas dietas com diferentes proporções de E:P (9,6 e 10,3 kcal de energia digestível por grama de proteína bruta) para juvenis de tilápia do Nilo. Foram avaliados o crescimento, uso da dieta e nutrientes, parâmetros econômicos, composição corporal e esteatose hepática de peixes. Não houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre o crescimento, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, uniformidade e sobrevivência dos peixes. O menor custo de ração (P>0,05) por biomassa ou 1000 unidades produzidas foi registrado nos juvenis de tilápia do Nilo alimentados com a dieta 10,3 kcal DE/g PB por sete dias. A contribuição do extrato etéreo no ganho de peso dos peixes foi reduzida (P=0,055) pela maior utilização da dieta 10,3 kcal DE/g PB nas estratégias de alimentação utilizadas. A mesma tendência foi observada nos níveis de lipídios corporais em peixes. Os índices corporais foram semelhantes (P>0,05) entre os peixes dos diferentes tratamentos. A mistura de dietas com diferentes relações E:P em um protocolo de alimentação semanal não prejudica o desempenho produtivo de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo. No entanto, considerando os custos de alimentação, a recomendação é fornecer uma dieta com 33% PB e 3,4 kcal/DE por sete dias por semana.(AU)
Animais , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Aquicultura/métodosResumo
Para ajustar a frequência alimentar de juvenis de cobia ou beijupirá (Rachycentron canadum), 540 juvenis, com peso médio de 2,0 g (± 0,4) e comprimento médio de 8,7cm (± 0,5), foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos: T2, T4, T6 e T8 (alimentação realizada duas, quatro, seis e oito vezes ao dia, respectivamente). Cada tratamento teve três repetições. Os juvenis de beijupirá foram alimentados em regime ad libitum. Observou-se diferença significativa no peso final (P<0,05), tendo os peixes do tratamento que receberam ração duas vezes ao dia (T2) apresentado peso significativamente menor do que os peixes que receberam oito refeições ao dia (T8). Não houve diferença nas variáveis conversão alimentar, ganho de peso, comprimento e sobrevivência (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Assim, para juvenis de beijupirá, observou-se que a frequência de alimentação de oito refeições por dia, juntamente com um regime de alimentação ad libitum, é a mais adequada durante essa fase. Os dados obtidos no presente experimento permitem otimizar uma etapa da cadeia produtiva do beijupirá.
Animais , Nutrientes , Dieta/veterinária , Peixes , Ração AnimalResumo
Feeding ecology studies are crucial for understanding energy flow in reef ecosystems. In this study, we used an integrative approach to investigate the diel-feeding ecology of the sergeant-major Abudefduf saxatilis. To examine the possibility of diel-periodicity and size-class differences in foraging behaviour, we tracked fish individuals until their first bite on two subtropical reefs. During each observation, we recorded the substratum that was bitten and estimated the individual's total length. To assess the diet, we analysed the stomach contents of five individuals from each location. In total, we observed 2,703 individuals biting seven substrates. Our results showed no significant differences in substrate use for diel-periodicity. However, we found significant differences between two size classes. Despite this, both populations tended to forage near the surface in the water column in the morning and on the benthos in the afternoon, although this tendency was not statistically significant. Smaller individuals fed mostly in the water column, while larger individuals foraged on all substrates, likely due to their different energetic demands. Our findings indicate this species has an omnivorous, generalist diet, comprising 12 items from both benthos and plankton. The lack of differences in diel-periodicity is likely due to the sergeant-major's opportunistic behaviour.
Estudos de ecologia alimentar são cruciais para entender o fluxo de energia em ecossistemas recifais. Neste estudo, usamos uma abordagem integrativa para investigar a ecologia alimentar do sargentinho Abudefduf saxatilis. Para responder se há periodicidade ou diferenças relacionadas a classes de tamanho no substrato forrageado, acompanhamos indivíduos deste peixe até a primeira mordida, em dois recifes subtropicais. Durante cada observação, registramos o substrato mordido e estimamos o comprimento total do indivíduo. Para estudar a sua dieta, analisamos o conteúdo estomacal de cinco indivíduos em cada recife. No total, observamos 2.703 indivíduos mordendo em sete substratos diferentes. Nossos resultados não mostraram diferenças significativas no uso de substrato para a periodicidade diária. No entanto, encontramos diferenças significativas entre duas classes de tamanho. Apesar disso, ambas as populações tenderam a forragear próximo à superfície na coluna d'água pela manhã e no substrato bentônico à tarde, embora essa tendência não tenha sido estatisticamente significativa. Indivíduos menores forragearam principalmente na coluna d'água, enquanto os indivíduos maiores forragearam em todos os tipos de substratos, provavelmente devido às suas diferentes demandas energéticas. Nossos resultados corroboram que o sargentinho tem uma dieta onívora e generalista, composta por 12 itens de ambos os compartimentos, bentônico e planctônico. A falta de diferenças na periodicidade diária é provavelmente devido ao comportamento oportunista do sargentinho.
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Perciformes/fisiologia , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
The objective was to investigate the feeding behavior of sheep in marandu grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) pastures under continuous stocking with the same average height and different horizontal structures. The treatments were composed of less heterogeneous pastures (P-H, 24% coefficient of variation of plant heights and more heterogeneous pastures (P+H, 46% coefficient of variation of plant heights) and the locations of the picket, front and back, were also evaluated. A randomized block design was used, with split plots in space and four replications in two years. Crossbred lambs were used, managed under continuous stocking and variable stocking rate, to maintain average height of pastures at 30 cm. Greater masses of total forage, live leaf, live stem and dead material, and greater time of sheep in rumination, occurred in the front, in relation to the paddock background. In P-H, grazing time (GT) did not vary between regions. In P+H, GT was lower at the front than at the background. Idle time (IT) was similar between P-H and P+H. However, the animals remained more IT in the front than in the background. The feeding behavior of grazing sheep is modified in marandu grass pastures under continuous stocking with the same average height, but with different spatial variability of the vegetation.
Objetivou-se investigar o comportamento ingestivo de ovinos em pastos de capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) sob lotação contínua com mesma altura média e diferentes estruturas horizontais. Os tratamentos foram compostos de pastos menos heterogêneo (P-H, 24% de coeficiente de variação das alturas das plantas) e pastos mais heterogêneo (P+H, 46% de coeficiente de variação das alturas das plantas), também foi avaliado os locais do piquete, frente e fundo. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas no espaço e quatro repetições em dois anos. Foram utilizadas borregas mestiças, manejadas sob lotação continua e com taxa de lotação variável, para manter altura média dos pastos em 30cm. Maiores massas de forragem total, folha viva, colmo vivo e material morto, e maior tempo dos ovinos em ruminação, ocorreram na frente, em relação ao fundo do piquete. No P-H, o tempo em pastejo (TP) não variou entre as regiões. No P+H, o TP foi menor na frente do que no fundo. O tempo em ócio (TO) foi semelhante entre os P-H e P+H. Porém, os animais permaneceram mais TO na frente que no fundo. O comportamento ingestivo de ovinos em pastejo é modificado em pastos de capim-marandu sob lotação contínua com mesma altura média, porém com diferentes variabilidades espaciais da vegetação.
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Ovinos , Brachiaria , Dieta/veterinária , Ruminação DigestivaResumo
The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) population is decreasing, with less than 10,000 individuals in the wild because of habitat destruction, fragmentation, and illegal hunting. Captive breeding has become an increasingly crucial strategy for conserving endangered species, but efforts to generate self-sustaining populations have failed despite ample resources being allocated. Animals are often stressed in captivity, and it is necessary to examine reproductive behavior relating to the complexity of habitat requirements, dietary preferences, and, in particular, pregnant mothers and their sensitivity to disruptions. Using videography, we observed the reproductive behavior of two red pandas along with other behavioral activities in the Central Zoo, Kathmandu, Nepal. We collected behavioral data from December 2020 to June 2021 using scan and focal sampling. Reproductive behaviors (e.g., scent-marking, allogrooming, chasing, running, aggressiveness, mating, and feeding feces) were observed, along with behaviors like locomotion, climbing, standing, self-grooming, feeding, sleeping, self-play, and stretching. We observed 12% of reproductive behavior from total activity. Copulation was attempted on three occasions suggesting reproduction can be successful if animal husbandry is properly managed. We recommend zoo managers further refine strategies for captive breeding endangered species such as red pandas. Successful captive breeding benefits the zoo, and captive-born animals can mitigate extinction in the wild.
Animais , Reprodução , Comportamento Animal , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Ailuridae/fisiologia , Animais de Zoológico , NepalResumo
Lontra longicaudis Olfers, 1818 is a semi-aquatic carnivore widely distributed in the Neotropical region. Understanding their diet contributes to an indirect understanding of their ecology and the composition of the local fauna. To this end, we analyzed 109 fecal samples and identified 238 morphological structures; these samples were collected between May 2006 and September 2007 from the Santa Lúcia Biological Station (SLBS) in southeastern Brazil. The area is intersected by the Timbuí River, which arrives at the site after crossing the urban perimeter of the city of Santa Teresa in the state of Espírito Santo. We found a predominance of fish in the otters' diets (82%), mainly cichlids (50%), which are fish with sedentary habits and low mobility levels. The crustacean Trichodactylus fluviatilis Latreille, 1828 was the third most consumed taxon; this occurred mainly during the rainy season, corresponding to the crustacean's reproductive period, when it is more vulnerable to predation. Otters exhibited a seasonal variation in their prey selectivity. Furthermore, they displayed opportunistic foraging behavior, as the most preyed fish were those with both low mobility and a high frequency in the environment, followed by fish with high mobility and high frequency, and then those with low mobility and low frequency. We concluded that the feeding habits of the otters in the SLBS are in line with the optimal foraging theory since prey selection was optimized through the balance between net energy gained and the energy costs of foraging.
Animais , Lontras/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Peixes , CaçaResumo
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of lactic acid bacteria preparations on microbial diversity and community structure of calves. On days 1 and 7 of the trial period, feces were collected into sterile tubes and labeled (Day 1: control group D1DZ, experimental group D1SY, and Day 7: control group D7DZ, experimental group D7SY). Twenty Angus calves (150±10 kg) were selected and randomly divided into two groups of 10 calves each. The control group fed a basal diet. In addition to feeding the basal diet, the experimental group was given 15 mL lactobacillus preparation orally at 09:00 and 16:00 h every day. Calves were allowed free feeding and drinking water. All other feeding environments and management conditions remained consistent with the experiment lasting for seven days. At the end of the experiment, the fecal microflora of the calves was analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing techniques. The 16S rRNA analysis data were processed using the Excel 2007 software and analyzed by the IBM SPSS statistical software (Statistical Analysis System, version 22). The Alpha diversity index analysis showed that the Chao and the Ace indices were significantly different after feeding supplemented with lactic acid bacteria. The PCA analysis showed that the fecal flora structure differed significantly after supplementation with the lactic acid bacteria preparation. Further analysis showed that the lactic acid bacteria increased Firmicutes, Patescibacteria, Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group, Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1, and prevotellaceae_UCG-003 in the feces. Therefore, we speculate that lactic acid bacteria preparations play an important role in animal production and are beneficial to the diversity of the fecal microflora of the calves.
Animais , Bovinos , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta/veterinária , Fezes/microbiologiaResumo
The objective was to evaluate levels of replacement of corn silage with extruded forage (Foragge®) in sheep feeding. Twenty adult Santa Inês ewes in maintenance, and 55.8 kg average weight were housed in metabolic cages, and the treatments consisted of 20, 40, 60 and 80% replacement of corn silage with Foragge®extruded forage with 60% Uruchloa brizanthain the diet. The design was completely randomized, with regression analysis and non-parametric analysis at 5% probability. The supply of up to 80% extruded roughage to replace corn silage increased dry matter intake and digestibility, and fecal output in dry matter (p < 0.05). Also, it increased the efficiency of ingestion, rumination and chewing activities of sheep, but did not alter urinary parameters and energy metabolites (p > 0.05). However, it reduced the concentration of uric acid (p < 0.05). Foragge®extruded roughage can replace corn silage by up to 80% with changes in intake, digestibility, fecal parameters, ingestive behavior and concentration of uric acid and urea, with no modifications in urinary parameters and energy metabolites.(AU)
Animais , Silagem/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Zea mays/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
Sows do not produce enough milk to sustain optimal growth of their litters. This is particularly important when considering the current hyperprolific sow genetic lines. Mammary development needs to be considered to improve potential milk yield. One can only attempt to stimulate mammogenesis during periods when rapid mammary development is already ongoing. There are two such periods before lactation starts, namely, from three months of age until puberty, and from 90 days of gestation until farrowing. Early studies showed that a 20% feed restriction from 90 days of age until puberty drastically reduces mammary parenchymal tissue mass. Yet, in a more recent study, sow milk yield was not altered following a 10% or 20% feed restriction, or a 25% dietary fibre addition from 90 days of age to breeding. This absence of effect was likely due to the greater feed intake of control gilts in that recent study compared with the older studies, and suggested that feed intake of growing gilts can be reduced to 2.7 kg/d (but not 2.1 kg/d) without detrimental effects on future milk yield. During prepuberty, inclusion of the phytoestrogen genistein in the diet increases the number of mammary parenchymal cells. During late gestation, feeding very high energy levels may have detrimental effects on mammary development and subsequent milk production. Feed intake throughout gestation is also important because of its effect on body condition, with gilts that are too thin (< 16 mm backfat thickness) in late gestation showing less mammary development. A 40% increase in lysine intake via inclusion of additional soybean meal to the diet of gilts from days 90 to 110 of gestation increased mammary parenchymal mass by 44%. Increasing circulating concentrations of the growth factor IGF-1 during late gestation also increased mammary parenchymal mass by 22%. Current data clearly demonstrate that feeding management before lactation can be used to enhance mammary development, hence future milk yield.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Suínos/fisiologia , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Otimização de ProcessosResumo
The examination of maternal qualities in the ethology of cows and their young offspring, derived from the study on adaptability and productivity of second and third-generation Aberdeen Angus cattle imported to Kazakhstan from Canadian and European selection, is presented in this paper. The findings indicate that Canadian heifers, belonging to the second generation, displayed extended feeding behavior throughout the day, dedicating 33.2 minutes or 2.2% more time to feeding compared to their European counterparts (P < 0.001). Similar disparities between groups were observed in the duration of the ruminant process. Moreover, Canadian heifers consumed water for an additional 2 minutes or 0.6%, which can be attributed to their higher daily feed intake. The calving process of Aberdeen Angus cows generally proceeded smoothly, demonstrating a well-developed maternal instinct towards their offspring. Notably, calves born from Canadian cows exhibited greater agility and achieved the ability to stand on their feet in a shorter time, with an average duration of 41.0 ± 1.60 minutes, which was 11.7% faster than European calves. Additionally, Canadian calves displayed a shorter time to locate their mother's breast, with an average duration of 68.0 ± 7.70 minutes.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Carne , InstintoResumo
Goldfish or Kinguio is a widely marketed species worldwide due to the ornamental market. There is some lack of acknowledgment of the production of the species under specific climatic conditions. To evaluate the effect of temperature on embryonic development and the first exogenous feeding of goldfish, an experiment was proposed. Fifteen incubators, organized in five treatments (18, 22, 26, 30, and 34 °C) with three replications each, were used to keep the fertilized goldfish eggs until the first exogenous feeding of the larvae. The main development events were observed to understand the possible effects of these temperatures on embryos and larvae of the species. Temperature influences embryo development and the time of first exogenous feeding of goldfish. The temperature of 34 °C was lethal to the species causing 100% of anomalies in the embryos and larvae. The experiment data allow us to conclude that the species presents a maximum thermal limit during embryogenesis, and these data are important to the aquaculture industry and to understand the effect of climate changes on goldfish. The data obtained in this experiment will assist in the management of invasive species and production of the species (aquaculture).
O peixe dourado ou Kinguio é uma espécie amplamente comercializada em todo o mundo devido ao mercado ornamental. Existe alguma falta de conhecimento da produção da espécie em condições climáticas específicas. Para avaliar o efeito da temperatura no desenvolvimento embrionário e na primeira alimentação exógena do Kinguio, um experimento foi proposto. Quinze incubadoras, organizadas em cinco tratamentos (18, 22, 26, 30 e 34 °C) com três repetições cada, foram utilizadas para manter os ovos fertilizados de Kinguio até a primeira alimentação exógena das larvas. Os principais eventos do desenvolvimento foram observados para entender os possíveis efeitos dessas temperaturas em embriões e larvas da espécie. A temperatura influencia o desenvolvimento do embrião e o tempo da primeira alimentação exógena do Kinguio. A temperatura de 34°C foi letal para a espécie causando 100% de anomalias nos embriões e larvas. Os dados do experimento permitem concluir que a espécie apresenta um limite térmico máximo durante a embriogênese, sendo esses dados importantes para a indústria da aquicultura e para entender o efeito das mudanças climáticas no Kinguio. Os dados obtidos neste experimento auxiliarão no manejo de espécies invasoras e na produção da espécie (aquicultura).
Animais , Carpa Dourada/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aquicultura , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversosResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the energy values and metabolizability of different lipid sources in the diet of Japanese quail at the laying phase. The quail were distributed in a completely randomized design with ten replications of seven poultry per treatment, totaling six treatments: basal feed (control) and basal feed containing 10% soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, and poultry fat. The values of nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) and the metabolizability coefficient (MC%) were evaluated. No significant difference was found between the different lipid sources for AMEn (kcal/kg) and MC (%). The value of metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen for soybean oil was 8,790 kcal/kg; 8,773 kcal/kg for corn oil; 8,784 kcal/kg for canola oil; 8,788 kcal/kg for sunflower oil; and 8,681 kcal/kg for poultry fat in laying Japanese quail. The digestibility coefficients were 93.88% for soybean oil, 93.53% for corn oil, 93.32% for canola oil, 93.74% for sunflower oil, and 93.06% for poultry fat.