The objective of this study was to determine the energy values and metabolizability of different lipid sources in the diet of Japanese quail at the laying phase. The quail were distributed in a completely randomized design with ten replications of seven poultry per treatment, totaling six treatments: basal feed (control) and basal feed containing 10% soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, and poultry fat. The values of nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) and the metabolizability coefficient (MC%) were evaluated. No significant difference was found between the different lipid sources for AMEn (kcal/kg) and MC (%). The value of metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen for soybean oil was 8,790 kcal/kg; 8,773 kcal/kg for corn oil; 8,784 kcal/kg for canola oil; 8,788 kcal/kg for sunflower oil; and 8,681 kcal/kg for poultry fat in laying Japanese quail. The digestibility coefficients were 93.88% for soybean oil, 93.53% for corn oil, 93.32% for canola oil, 93.74% for sunflower oil, and 93.06% for poultry fat.
Animais , Coturnix , Dieta/veterinária , Lipídeos , Ração AnimalResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of microencapsulated carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde on metabolizable energy, feed digestibility, intestinal morphometric analysis, and antioxidant parameters in broilers. A completely randomized design with five treatments and eight replications of eight broilers (Cobb male) was used, and collections were carried out at 20 and 42 days of age. Carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde concentrations (mg/kg) were: 0 (control), 50, 100, 150, and 200. Carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde improved apparent metabolizable energy but did not change protein and ether extract digestibility. Supplementation increased intestinal villus height and villi:crypt ratio; in which 100 mg/kg produced the greatest villus height. Serum uric acid levels were lower in birds receiving supplementation. Improvement in the activity of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase was observed, while lower uric acid, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and reactive oxygen species levels were observed. Microencapsulated carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde improve apparent metabolizable energy and can be administered in broiler feed without risk to the bird's health. These supplements may serve as alternative products to aid the performance of commercial poultry.
Animais , Galinhas , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , AntioxidantesResumo
The study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of using phytase levels at different energy densities in the diet of broilers, from 28 to 35 days of age. The experimental diets contained increasing levels of apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance and different levels of phytase. Growth performance variables, nutrient digestibility, as well as variables related to bone integrity were examined. Diets containing 500 FTU/kg in combination with of AMEn resulted in better growth performance. Supplementation with 500 and 1000 FTU/kg in the diets provide better coefficients of apparent and ileal digestibility of calcium and phosphorus, but negatively influence the deposition of calcium, phosphorus, dry matter, and ash in the tibia, in addition to adversely affecting the breakage and area of these bones in broilers. Bone length and the levels of magnesium and zinc present in the tibias were not influenced by the energy and phytase levels of the diets. There is no interaction between the different energetic densities and the phytase doses in the variables analyzed in the studied period. Increasing the energy density of diets resulted in improved apparent and ileal digestibility for most nutrients.
O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da utilização de níveis de fitase em diferentes densidades energéticas na dieta de frangos de corte, no período de 28 a 35 dias de idade. As dietas experimentais contiveram níveis crescentes de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida para balanço de nitrogênio e diferentes níveis de fitase. Foram avaliadas variáveis de desempenho zootécnico, digestibilidade de nutrientes e variáveis relacionadas à integridade óssea. Dietas contendo 500 FTU/kg de fitase em combinação com de EMAn resultam em melhor desempenho zootécnico. A suplementação com 500 e 1000 FTU/kg nas dietas propicia melhores coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente e ileal do cálcio e do fósforo, mas influencia negativamente na deposição de cálcio, fósforo, matéria seca e cinzas das tíbias, além de afetar adversamente a quebra e a área desses ossos em frangos de corte. O comprimento do osso e os níveis de magnésio e zinco presentes nas tíbias não são influenciados pelos níveis energéticos e de fitase das dietas. Não há interação entre as diferentes densidades energéticas e as doses de fitase nas variáveis analisadas no período estudado. O aumento da densidade energética das dietas resulta em melhora na digestibilidade aparente e ileal para a maioria dos nutrientes.
Animais , Galinhas , Dieta/veterinária , Aditivos AlimentaresResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of including soy lecithin emulsifier (SL) in broiler diets with reduced metabolizable energy levels and to correlate it with nutrient metabolizability coefficients, as well as to determine apparent metabolizable energy (AME). Two metabolic trials were conducted in a completely randomized design with a 3x2 factorial arrangement (diet with three levels of metabolizable energy, with or without the inclusion of emulsifier), totaling six treatments. In the starter phase, chicks received diets with 2,950, 3,050, and 3,150 kcal/kg of metabolizable energy, with six replications of 10 birds each, totaling 360 birds. In the grower phase, the energy levels of 3,100, 3,150, and 3,200 kcal/kg of feed were tested in 210 birds were used in seven replications of five chicks each. An interaction effect was observed in the starter phase, with the nitrogen metabolizability coefficient increasing when the emulsifier was added to diets with reduced energy. Additionally, emulsifier inclusion increased nitrogen-corrected AME (AMEn). An interaction effect was also present in the grower phase, with AME and AMEn increasing when the emulsifier was added to diets with lower energy levels. In summary, emulsifier inclusion in broiler diets can reduce metabolizable energy while improving AMEn in both the starter and grower phases, as well as AME in growing broilers.
Objetivou-se avaliar a adição do emulsificante, lecitina de soja, nas rações de frangos com redução dos níveis de energia metabolizável e correlacioná-las com os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade de nutrientes, além da determinação da energia metabolizável aparente (EMA). Realizou-se dois ensaios metabólicos em delineamento inteiramente casualizados, esquema fatorial 3x2 (ração com três níveis de energia metabolizável, com ou sem a inclusão do emulsificante na dieta), totalizando seis tratamentos. Na fase inicial, os pintos receberam dieta com 2.950, 3.050 e 3.150 kcal/kg de energia metabolizável, com seis repetições com 10 aves, totalizando 360 aves. Na fase de crescimento foram utilizadas 210 aves, sendo sete repetições com cinco frangos e os níveis de energia testados foram: 3.100, 3.150 e 3.200 kcal/kg de ração. Na fase inicial, observou-se efeito de interação, apresentando aumento do coeficiente de metabolizabilidade do nitrogênio (CMN) ao adicionar o emulsificante em dietas com energia reduzida e também, efeito do emulsificante no aumento da energia metabolizável aparente corrigida pelo balanço do nitrogênio (EMAn). Na fase de crescimento, observou-se efeito de interação, apresentando aumento da EMA e EMAn ao adicionar o emulsificante em dietas com menores níveis de energia. Conclui-se que a inclusão do emulsificante é indicada para frangos de corte, pois permite reduzir a energia metabolizável da dieta, melhorando a EMAn nas fases inicial e de crescimento, bem como a da EMA com frangos em crescimento.
Animais , Galinhas , Emulsificantes/administração & dosagem , Dieta/veterinária , Lecitinas/administração & dosagemResumo
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the specific gravity of maize kernels on physicochemical traits, energy values, and metabolizability coefficients. Pearson's correlations were evaluated between specific gravity (kg/m3) and crude protein (%); ether extract (%); crude fiber (%); gross energy (%); presence of fumonisins (ppb) and aflatoxins (ppb); and kernel quality (good, rotten, weevil-damaged, broken, and shriveled kernels, %). A metabolism trial was conducted with diets containing maize fractions of different specific gravities for male broilers from 14 to 21 days of age. Apparent metabolizable energy (AME), nitrogen-corrected AME (AMEn), and the metabolizability coefficients of dry matter (MCDM), crude protein (MCCP), ether extract (MCEE), calcium (MCCa), and phosphorus (MCP) were evaluated. The experiment consisted of five treatments (reference diet and diets with 40% replaced with maize at five specific gravities (740, 740, 760, or 800 kg/m3). Eight replications were used, totaling 400 broilers chickens. The Scott-Knott test was applied and regression equations were fitted to compare the treatments. Specific gravity had moderate correlations with good and broken kernels and low-magnitude correlations with chemical parameters. Increasing specific gravities caused AME and AMEn to increase linearly when analyzed on an as-is basis; and to respond quadratically when expressed on a dry-matter basis. The specific gravity of 780 kg/m3 provided the lowest MCDM, MCCP, MCCa, and MCP values, whereas the lowest MCEE, was found at the lowest density. It was not possible to determine the best nutritional composition or the best metabolizability coefficients.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da densidade do grão de milho sobre características físico-químicas, valores energéticos e de metabolizabilidade aparente. Avaliou-se a correlação entre a densidade específica (kg/m3) e os parâmetros: proteína bruta (%); extrato etéreo (%); fibra bruta (%); energia bruta (%); presença de fumonisinas (ppb) e aflatoxinas (ppb); umidade (%); grãos bons, quebrados, chochos, carunchados e ardidos, em Percentagem. Um ensaio de metabolismo com dietas contendo diferentes densidades específicas do grão de milho, para frango de corte, no período de 14 a 21 dias de idade, foi conduzido para avaliar a energia metabolizável aparente (EMA) e a corrigida pelo balanço de nitrogênio (EMAn), os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade: matéria seca (CM_MS), proteína bruta (CM_PB), extrato etéreo (CM_EE), cálcio (CM_Ca) e fósforo (CM_P). O experimento foi composto por cinco tratamentos (dieta referência e dietas substituindo 40% desta com milhos de densidades específicas: 740 kg/m3, 760 kg/m3, 780 kg/m3 e 800 kg/m3), com oito repetições, totalizando 400 frangos machos. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Scott-knott e estimada as equações de regressão nas diferentes densidades específicas das frações de milho. As correlações entre a densidade específica e grãos bons e quebrados foram de moderada magnitude e com os parâmetros químicos foram de baixa magnitude. Com o aumento da densidade específica para EMA e EMAn na matéria natural obteve-se resposta linear decrescente, enquanto na matéria seca, foi quadrático. Para CMMS, CMPB, CMCA e CMP a densidade de 780 kg/m3 apresentou os menores valores, enquanto para CMEE, o menor valor foi para a menor densidade específica. Não foi possível determinar a fração de milho com melhor composição nutricional e melhores coeficientes de metabolizabilidade.(AU)
Grão Comestível/metabolismo , Zea mays/metabolismo , Análise de Alimentos/métodos , Metabolismo EnergéticoResumo
This experiment was conducted for 42 days, and aimed to investigate the effect of conditioning temperature and time on feed quality, performance, jejunum morphology, ileal microbial population, and apparent metabolizable energy in broilers. According to the completely randomized design (CRD) in a factorial arrangement 2*3 (conditioning temperatures: 65 and 75 °C; conditioning times: 30, 60, and 90 second), 540 one-day-old male Ross 308 broilers were randomly distributed among six treatments with six replications, each replicate including 15 birds. Treatments included: 1) 65-30, 2) 65-60, 3) 65-90, 4) 75-30, 5) 75-60, 6) 75-90. The results showed that 60 seconds of conditioning at 75 °C increased the pellet durability index (PDI) in the starter diets (p<0.05). In the grower and finisher diets, groups (65-60) and (65-90) showed the highest PDI (p<0.05). Broilers fed diets conditioned at 75 °C for 60 s showed more body weight gain (p<0.05). On days 25 and 42, the highest villus height (VH) was observed in treatment (75-60), and 60 s steam conditioning increased crypt depth (CD) (p<0.05). At 75 oC, the number of goblet cells decreased, while their highest number was observed at 30 and 60 s on 25 d (p<0.05). Conditioning at 75 °C for 60 s enhanced the apparent metabolizable energy (AME) in broilers (p<0.05). In conclusion, 60 s conditioning at 75 °C improved the PDI of starter diets, performance, villus height, and AME, while the suitable temperature and pelleting time for grower and finisher diets were (65-60) and (65-90).(AU)
Animais , Temperatura , Galinhas/fisiologia , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/fisiologia , Condicionamento Físico AnimalResumo
The current experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of Pancreatin supplementation at different levels on ileal and fecal digestibility in layer-type cockerels. A total of 480-day-old silver brown Hy-Line male chicks were randomly allocated into 5 treatments, 6 replicates (16 birds per pen) arranged in a completely randomized design. Pancreatin enzyme was supplemented on a basal corn-soybean meal-based diet at 0, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 mg/kg and was fed in two growth phases (starter and grower). The results indicated that at the end of the starter stage, except for 1000 mg/kg, dietary Pancreatin supplementation levels increased (p<0.05) the ileal crude protein (CP). Similarly, addition of Pancreatin increased (p< 0.05) apparent ileal amino acids (AA) digestibility (AIAAD) total means of AA (MTAA), means of indispensable AA (MIAA) and dispensable AA (MDAA) with the optimum performance on 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg. However, except for histidine and alanine which were negatively affected (p<0.05), and MIAA, MDAA, MTAA which were also positively affected, the addition level at 1000 mg/kg did not affect most of the AIAAD compared to the non-supplemented. Further, Pancreatin supplementation had no effect (p>0.05) on nitrogen digestibility (ND), nitrogen retention (NR), digestible energy (DE), apparent metabolizable energy (AME), dry matter digestibility (DMD), dry matter retention (DMR), and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AME-n) on fed starter diet. On the other hand, at the end of the grower stage, dietary Pancreatin enzyme supplementation reduced (p<0.05) the ileal CP, MIAA, MDAA, MTAA, AIAAD, AME, AME-n, ND, NR, DE, DMD, and DMR in a dose-dependent manner. The rate of reduction was more marked on Pancreatin addition level 1000 mg/kg. In conclusion, Pancreatin supplementation at 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg, and 750 mg/kg improved AIAAD and ileal CP, especially at the young age. The rate of pancreatin enzyme effect was dependent on enzyme supplement level to the ileal CP and individual amino acid.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Pancreatina/síntese química , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Digestão/fisiologiaResumo
This study determined the metabolizable energy of DDGS for broiler quails (Experiment I) and evaluated the effect of different dietary levels of DDGS on performance, carcass, organ weight, meat quality, and economic viability (Experiment II). In Experiment I, 72 broiler quails were randomly distributed into two treatments (reference or test diets). The experimental period consisted of 5 days of adaptation, followed by 5 days of total excreta collection. Experimental diets consisted of a reference or a test diet containing 800 g/kg reference diet and 200 g/kg DDGS. In experiment II, 432 unsexed broiler quails were randomly distributed into groups fed six levels of DDGS (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, or 250 g/kg). At 43 days of age, birds were slaughtered and evaluated for carcass yield, organ weight, and meat quality. Apparent metabolizable energy values corrected for nitrogen retention of DDGS were 2,488 and 2,466 kcal/kg for males and females, respectively. In the growth phase and the overall period, feed intake increased linearly (p=0.015 and 0.040) and feed conversion ratio worsened (p=0.038 and 0.001) with the inclusion of DDGS in the diet, respectively. A linear increasing (p=0.001) of gizzard weight was observed with increasing dietary DDGS levels, while the economic variables were affect depending on seasonal feedstocks prices. It is concluded that dietary levels up to 250 g/kg DDGS do not affect growth, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of broiler quails. However, the prices of ingredients in the harvest and off-season period should be considered to determine the level of inclusion of DDGS.(AU)
Animais , Grão Comestível/química , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Carne/análiseResumo
This study evaluated forage-free diets supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (SB) based on ground flint corn on intake, apparent nutrient digestibility, ruminal parameters, and N balance. Four rumen-cannulatedDorper × Santa Inês lambs, with a body weight of 43.4 ± 0.85 kg (mean ± standard deviation) were used. The experimental design was a 4×4 Latin square. Each experimental period lasted 21 days. Experimental diets were: positive control, a diet without SB containing 400 g/kg DM of soybean hulls (CONT), and three diets based on ground flint corn, containing 10 (10SB), 20 (20SB) or 30 (30SB) g/kg DM of SB. Intake of neutral and acid detergent fiber was greater for CONT (P < 0.01) when compared to SB. Intake and apparent nutrient digestibility of dry and organic matter, ether extract, and crude protein did not differ. Intake (P = 0.01) and digestibility (P < 0.01) of non-fiber carbohydrates were greater for SB diets and neutral detergent fiber digestibility was greater (P = 0.03) for CONT. The total digestible nutrients and metabolizable energy were greater for SB (P = 0.04). Rumen concentrations of acetate (P < 0.01), isobutyrate (P < 0.01), butyrate (P < 0.01), isovalerate (P < 0.01), and total short-chain fatty acids (P < 0.01) were greater for CONT. Ruminal pH showed a quadratic (P = 0.05) response to SB levels, with greater values for 20SB. Sodium bicarbonate was efficient in increasing ruminal pH at the level of 20 g/kg DM without interfering with the intake and apparent nutrient digestibility characteristics.
O presente estudo avaliou a suplementação de bicarbonato de sódio (BS) em dietas sem forragem à base de milho moído sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, os parâmetros ruminais e o balanço de N. Foram utilizados quatro cordeiros Dorper × Santa Inês, com um peso corporal inicial de 43,4 ± 0,85 kg (média ± desvio padrão). O delineamento experimental foi quadrado latino 4×4. Cada período experimental durou 21 dias. As dietas experimentais foram: controle positivo, sem BS, contendo 400 g/kg de MS de casca de soja (CONT) e três dietas à base de milho moído, sem casca de soja, contendo 10 (10BS), 20 (20BS) ou 30 (30BS) g/kg de MS de BS. O consumo de fibra em detergente neutro e ácido foi maior (P < 0,01)para o CONT quando comparado com BS. O consumo e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta não diferiram entre os tratamentos. O consumo (P = 0,01) e digestibilidade (P < 0,01) dos carboidratos não fibrosos foram superiores para as dietas contendo BS e a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro foi maior para o CONT. Os teores de nutrientes digestivos totais e energia metabolizável foram superiores para as dietas contendo BS (P = 0,04). A concentração ruminal de acetato (P < 0,01), isobutirato (P < 0,01), butirato (P < 0,01), isovalerato (P < 0,01) e ácidos graxos totais de cadeia curta (P < 0,01) foram mais elevadas para o CONT. O pHruminal apresentou resposta quadrática (P = 0,05) em relação aos níveis de BS, sendo observado maior pH para os animais alimentados com a dieta 20BS. O BS foi eficiente em aumentar o pHruminal no teor de 20 g/kg MS sem interferir no consumo e na digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes. Portanto, 20 g/kg de MS é a dose indicada de BS em dietas sem forragem para terminação de cordeiros em confinamento.
Animais , Ovinos , Bicarbonato de Sódio , Zea mays , Dieta/veterinária , Ração AnimalResumo
In this study, the aim was to determine the nutritional content of specially formulated commercial soft/egg foods for canaries, preferred by professional breeders in Türkiye, and the nutritional and raw material content of seed mixtures, thereby providing insights into the general diet compositions and essential feeding regimens for canaries. The study examined 17 different seed types, eight mixed seed feeds, and 11 egg food formulations. Two main groups, "domestic" and "imported," were formed from these mixed seed feed and egg food products. The nutritional content ratios of each feed material were determined through chemical analyses, and the predicted metabolizable energy values were calculated and compared between group averages. According to the results, there were no significant differences (p>0.05) between the data of domestic and imported mixed seed feed groups in terms of parameters other than crude fiber (CF). However, the CF value was found to be statistically significantly lower in the imported group (p<0.05), and a decreasing trend in the crude ash (CA) value was also observed in the same group. It was determined that almost all parameters resulted in similar values between the domestic and imported egg food groups. However, when each feed product was evaluated separately, significant data differences and wide variation ranges were found within the groups, especially in terms of crude fat and starch parameters. As a result, it is understood that domestically produced commercial egg food formulations with basic nutritional content comparable to European imported products are available for use by canary breeders in Türkiye. However, it is apparent that imported products, particularly in mixed seed formulations, had raw materials with lower CF and CA contents.(AU)
Animais , Apoio Nutricional/métodos , Ovos/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Sementes/química , Canários/fisiologiaResumo
Two experiments were carried with broilers from 29 to 42 days of age for the nutritional evaluation of dietary chia. Thus, the nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) and the apparent metabolizability coefficients of gross energy and ether extract of chia seeds and oil, toasted soybean grain (TSG), and soybean oil were determined in the experiment I, by total excreta collection method, using 120 broilers. Each experimental diet (reference diet [RD] and four diets with the tested feedstuffs) was evaluated in eight replicates of three broilers. The TSG and chia seeds replaced the RD in 250 g/kg, whereas soybean and chia oils replaced the RD in 100 g/kg. Simultaneously, a second experiment was carried subdivided into two trials. In the performance trial, we evaluated the dietary feedstuffs effects on performance, carcass and cut yields, blood parameters, and activity of lipogenic enzymes. The nutrient metabolizability coefficients and AMEn were evaluated in the metabolism trial. The AMEn values of 37.49, 37.35, 15.85, and 8.43 MJ/kg of dry matter were determined for chia oil, soybean oil, TSG, and chia seeds, respectively (experiment I). In the second experiment, the best feed conversion was observed in broilers fed diets containing chia oil and TSG. However, the diet formulated with chia seeds worsened broiler feed conversion, exhibited the smaller energy value and apparent metabolizability coefficient of the ether extract, and increased the activity of the malic enzyme and serum total cholesterol level. There was no difference for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level. In general, chia oil showed to be efficient in replacing soybean oil in broiler diets.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Salvia hispanica/química , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Metabolismo dos LipídeosResumo
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the supplemental effects of a novel protease produced from Bacillus subtilis in low crude protein (CP) corn distiller dried grain with solubles (cDDGS) based diets on growth performance, carcass attributes, nutrients digestibility, blood chemistry, and intestinal histomorphometry of broiler chickens. One hundred and sixty, one-day-old chicks were randomly allotted to one of 4 dietary treatments. Each dietary treatment had four replicates, with 10 birds in each replicate. Two basal diets were formulated for both starter (1-21d) and finisher (22-35d) phase; (PC) a corn soybean meal based diet as per standard recommendations of Ross 308; (NC) 5% cDGGS with 5% reduction in CP with concomitant reduction in essential amino acids (EAAs) compared with PC. The negative control diet was further subdivided into 3 parts. One part was without enzyme supplementation, while the other two parts were supplemented with a novel protease (PROT1) and a commercial protease (PROT2), respectively. The same procedure was adopted for finisher diets. A digestibility assay (32-35d) was carried out using acid insoluble ash (AIA), an external digestibility marker. At the end of 35d, ileal digesta were collected from four birds per experimental unit for nutrient digestibility measurement. Tissue samples of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were collected for villus height, villus width, crypt depth, and crypt width. Body weight gain (BWG) and feed:gain were improved (p<0.05) with protease supplementation. No effect was observed on carcass parameters. However, CP digestibility, apparent digestibility coefficient for nitrogen (ADCn), nitrogen retention (Nret ), and apparent ileal amino acid digestibility (AIAAD) were improved (p<0.05). However, there was no effect on apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn), blood glucose, total protein and cholesterol (p>0.05) and intestinal integrity (p>0.05). It was concluded that protease enzyme can improve nitrogen and CP digestibility, resulting in improved amino acids availability in low protein diets.(AU)
Animais , Bacillus subtilis , Proteínas , Galinhas/metabolismo , Nutrientes , Zea maysResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different exogenous protease and carbohydrase in broiler diets on the nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility (SIAAD) of soybean meals (SBM) in two Brazilian regions (Minas Gerais-MG and Rio Grande do Sul-RS). The total excreta collection of 528 14-d-old chicks was used to determine AMEn in a completely randomized design in a 2 (SBM MG and RS) x 5 (enzyme A, B, C, D and basal diet) + 1 (reference diet, RD) factorial arrangement, totaling 11 treatments, 8 repetitions, and 6 birds per experimental unit. Two experimental treatments (T1 and T6) without enzyme supplementation formulated with SBM MG and RS were used as negative control (NC). The RD without the inclusion of SBM MG and RS was used to correct the nitrogen balance. To determine the SIAAD, ileal content was collected from of broilers and the same experimental design and treatments of the previous trial were used except for the RD, which was replaced with a nitrogen-free diet (NFD) to quantify the excretion of endogenous amino acids. Soybean meal from MG showed the highest levels (p<0.05) of AME and AMEn (3,188 kcal/kg and 2,700 kcal/kg, respectively) in comparison to SBM RS (3,121 kcal/kg and 2,549 kcal/kg, respectively) and, when supplemented with the exogenous enzyme C, also improved the SIAAD (p<0.05), as compared to other enzymes.(AU)
Peptídeo Hidrolases/efeitos adversos , Ingestão de Energia/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Glycine max/química , BrasilResumo
A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of an emulsifier on reduced-energy diets using two fat sources for broilers. The study was designed as a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. The first factor was 2 fat sources (poultry fat or beef tallow). The second factor was a basal diet with the recommended energy levels, a diet with a 0.83 MJ/kg of energy reduction, and a diet with an energy reduction and inclusion of 1 g emulsifier/kg of diet. The emulsifier used in this study was composed of soy lecithin and polyethylene glycol ricinoleate. The emulsifier increased apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) in beef tallow diets compared to energy-reduced diets (P<0.001). Broilers fed poultry fat had higher weights and weight gains at 35 and 42 d of age (p=0.001), and they had higher daily deposition of fat in the carcass (P = 0.025) when compared to diets with beef tallow. The inclusion of emulsifiers in broiler diets improves AME and AMEn but did not affect the energy reduction diets, which resulted in reduced performance, decreasing daily fat deposition, but without effects on serum lipid profile in broilers.(AU)
Um estudo foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito de um emulsificante em dietas com baixo teor de energia usando duas fontes de gordura para frangos de corte. O estudo foi delineado em arranjo fatorial 2 x 3 de tratamentos, o primeiro fator foi 2 fontes de gordura (gordura de frango ou sebo bovino) e o segundo fator uma dieta basal com os níveis de energia recomendados, uma dieta com 0,83 MJ / kg de redução de energia e uma dieta com redução de energia e inclusão de 1 g de emulsionante / kg de dieta (composto de lecitina de soja e ricinoleato de polietilenoglicol). O emulsificante aumentou a energia metabolizável aparente (EMA) e a energia metabolizável aparente corrigida para o balanço de nitrogênio (EMAn) em dietas com sebo bovino em comparação com dietas com redução de energia (P <0,001). Frangos de corte alimentados com gordura de frango apresentam maiores pesos e ganhos de peso aos 35 e 42 dias de idade (p=0,001), e maior deposição diária de gordura na carcaça (P=0,025) quando comparados às dietas com sebo bovino. O emulsificante incluído nas dietas de frangos de corte melhora a EMA e EMAn, mas não supre a redução energética, causando efeitos negativos no desempenho, diminuindo a deposição diária de gordura, mas sem efeitos no perfil lipídico sérico em frangos de corte.(AU)
Animais , Emulsificantes/efeitos adversos , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Carne/análise , Galinhas/fisiologia , Gorduras/análiseResumo
This study aimed to assess the growth performance and nutritional status of sheep under intermittent water supply by means of performance, intake, apparent digestibility of nutrients, water balance and nitrogen. Thirty-two intact male sheep (20.7 ± 2.63 kg, 8 months of age) were distributed in a completely randomized design with 4 water supply intervals via drinking trough (0h00, 24h00, 48h00, and 72h00), with 8 replicates. The extension in the water restriction period caused a reduction in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, digestible energy, and metabolizable energy (P < 0.05). The digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber showed a linear decrease with increasing periods of water restriction (P < 0.05). Water intake via food, total water intake, and water excretion via feces showed a linear increase in response to an increase in the water supply interval (P < 0.05). Water intake via drinking, metabolic water, total water excretion and water balance presented a linear decrease, with increasing periods of water restriction (P < 0.05). Nitrogen intake and absorbed nitrogen were influenced by water restriction, presenting a linear decreasing trend according to water supply periods (P < 0.05). Final weight, daily weight gain, and total weight gain, were influenced by the periods of water restriction, showing a linear reduction (P < 0.05). Feed conversion increased as the water restriction period increased (P=0.004). Intermittent water supply at intervals of up to 72h00 reduced nutrient intake and digestibility, resulting in a decrease in weight gain of the studied animals.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo e o estado nutricional de ovinos de ovinos submetidos à oferta intermitente de água, através do desempenho, consumo, digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, balanço hídrico e balanço de nitrogênio. Trinta e dois ovinos machos inteiros (20,7 ± 2,63 kg e idade de 8 meses) foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 4 intervalos de abastecimento de água via bebedouro (0h00, 24h00, 48h00 e 72h00), com 8 repetições. O aumento do período de restrição hídrica proporcionou redução nos consumos de matéria seca, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro, energia digestível e energia metabilizável (P < 0,05). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro reduziram linearmente (P < 0,05) com o aumento do período de restrição hídrica. A ingestão de água via alimento, a ingestão total de água e a excreção de água pelas fezes apresentaram um aumento linear em resposta ao aumento do intervalo de fornecimento de água (P < 0,05). A ingestão de água via bebedouro, água metabólica, excreção total de água e balanço hídrico apresentaram decréscimo linear, com o aumento do período de restrição hídrica (P < 0,05). O consumo de nitrogênio e o nitrogênio absorvido foram influenciados pela restrição hídrica, apresentando comportamento linear decrescente de acordo com os períodos de abastecimento de água (P < 0,05). O peso final, ganho de peso diário e ganho de peso total, foram influenciados pelos períodos de restrição hídrica, decrescendo linearmente (P < 0.05). A conversão alimentar aumentou com o aumento do período de restrição hídrica (P=0,004). O fornecimento intermitente de água em intervalos de até 72h reduziu a ingestão e a digestibilidade de nutrientes, promovendo diminuição no ganho de peso dos animais estudados.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Aumento de Peso , Estado Nutricional , Ingestão de LíquidosResumo
The objective was to evaluate three sources of acid insoluble ash (AIA) (celite, kaolin, and sand), as indicators, to determine the apparent metabolizable energy of corn on a natural matter (AME) basis, dry matter digestibility coefficient (DMDC), and crude protein digestibility coefficient (CPDC) using total and partial excreta collection methods. Two hundred and ten Ross broiler chicks of 18 to 27 days of age were used. Broilers were adapted to experimental the diet for four days, and excreta were collected for 5 days. A reference diet (RD) based on corn and soybean meal was prepared to meet the nutritional requirements of the birds. A test diet was prepared with 40% replacement of RD with corn. The formulated diets were: D1, 99% Reference diet + 1% celite; D2, 59.4% RD + 39.6 % corn + 1% celite; D3, 99% Reference diet + 1% kaolin; D4, 59.4% RD + 39.6 % corn + 1% kaolin; D5, 99% Reference diet + 1% sand; D6, 59.4% RD + 39.6 % corn + 1% sand. The treatments were distributed in a completely randomized design, with six diets and five replicates of seven birds each in a 2x3 factorial arrangement. There were significant interactions for all variables investigated. It was observed that the AME and DMDC values of corn were similar in the two methods of collection, and CPDC values using kaolin and celite makers were similar. However, the AME and CPDC of corn using sand with partial collection method were underestimated by 17.70 and 15.53%, respectively compared to those with the total collection method. The AME values of corn with the collection methods using celite and, the DMDC using celite and sand were significantly different. It was observed that the DMDC using celite and sand provided significantly lower values (4.67 and 5.15%), respectively, and the AME using celite was 2.86% lower than that obtained by total collection. To determine the EMA, DMDC, and CPDC in broilers, it is more efficient to use celiteTM and kaolin as markers with partial collection of excreta. Sand should not be used with partial excreta collection method, because it provides lower values of AME and CPDC compared to with total excreta collection method.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar três fontes de cinza insolúvel em ácido (CIA) (celite, caulim, e areia), como indicadores para determinação da energia metabolizável aparente do milho na matéria natural (EMA), coeficiente de digestibilidade da matéria seca (CDMS), e coeficiente de digestibilidade da proteína bruta (CDPB) por meio dos métodos de coleta total e parcial de excretas. Foram utilizados duzentos e dez frangos da linhagem comercial Ross no período de 18 a 27 dias de idade. Os frangos foram adaptados à dieta experimental por quatro dias, e as excretas foram coletadas por 5 dias. Foi formulada uma dieta referência (DR) a base de milho e farelo de soja para atender as exigências nutricionais das aves. A dieta teste com substituição de 40% de milho à DR. As dietas formuladas foram: D1, 99% dieta referência + 1% celite; D2, 59.4% DR + 39.6 % milho + 1% celite; D3, 99% dieta referência + 1% caulim; D4, 59.4% RD + 39.6 % milho + 1% caulim; D5, 99% dieta referência + 1% areia; D6, 59.4% DR + 39.6 % milho + 1% areia. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis dietas e cinco repetições de 7 aves cada em esquema fatorial 2x3. Houve interações significativas para todas as variáveis investigadas. Observouse que os valores de EMA e CDMS do milho são semelhantes pelos dois métodos de coleta utilizando caulim, e CDPB utilizando caulim e celite. Contudo, a EMA e o CDPB do milho usando areia na coleta parcial foram subestimados em 17,70 e 15,53%, respectivamente, em relação à coleta total. Os valores EMA do milho para os métodos de coleta usando celite e, o CDMS usando celite e areia foram significativamente diferentes. Observou-se que o CDMS com celite e areia proporcionou valores significativamente menores (4,67 e 5,15%), respectivamente, e a EMA com celite foi 2,86% menor que o obtido pela coleta total. Para determinar a EMA, CDMS e CDPB em frangos de corte, é mais eficiente usar celiteTM e caulim como indicadores na coleta parcial de excretas. A areia não deve ser usada com o método de coleta parcial de excretas, pois fornece valores menores de EMA e CDPB em comparação com o método de coleta total de excretas.(AU)
Animais , Ácidos , Cinzas , Galinhas/metabolismo , Zea mays , Indicadores e ReagentesResumo
The objective of this study was to determine and compare the chemical composition; oxidation indicators; ether extract (EE) digestibility; and digestible, metabolizable, and net energy (DE, ME, and NE, respectively) content of distillers corn oil (DCO) from Brazil (CBR) and the United States (CUS), with refined (RSB) and degummed soybean oil (DSB) from Brazil offered to pigs. Fifty crossbred barrows (23.1±3.4 kg body weight) were fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet, or diets composed of 90% basal diet and 10% of one of the four oil sources (CBR, CUS, RSB, or DSB). Pigs were fed an amount of their respective experimental diets equivalent to 2.8 times the maintenance DE requirement for 9 d (sequentially 7 d for adaptation and 2 d for partial collection of feces). Distillers corn oil from Brazil contained lower linoleic acid (47.4%) than CUS (53.9%), RSB (54.2%), and DSB (51.5%), but greater contents of oleic (32.1%) and palmitic (14.6%) acids compared to CUS (27.0 and 12.9%), RSB (22.9 and 11.2%), and DSB (23.5 and 11.2%). The moisture and unsaponifiable contents of CBR (0.17 and 1.64%) and CUS (0.20 and 1.64%) were similar, but greater than the values found for RSB (0.05 and 1.20%) and DSB (0.12 and 1.02%). The anisidine value, free fatty acid content, and acidity of DCO samples were higher than soybean oils. The peroxide value and thiobarbituric reactive substances content increased in the oil samples over time. The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy and the DE, ME and NE values of the oils did not differ among oil sources and ranged from 87.8 to 91.5%, and from 8280 to 8630, 8139 to 8459, and 7162 to 7444 kcal/kg, respectively. The ATTD of EE was greater in RSB and DSB than for CBR, but similar to CUS. The DCO produced in Brazil is an excellent energy source for pigs, with DE, ME, and NE values similar to those of DCO from the US and soybean oils.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Óleo de Milho/química , Óleo de Soja/química , Destilação/métodosResumo
Cassava by-products are abundant and largely unused in familiy agro-industries in the Amazon region, where slow-growing broilers are commonly raised. Thus the incorporation of cassava by-products in broiler feed may provide starch enrichment for better zootechnical performance. We evaluated the use of cassava residues instead of corn in the diet of slow-growing broilers. We determined the chemical composition of cassava scrapings (CS) and cassava starch residue (CSR), and tested the digestibility of the residues in 192 broilers and three treatments: inclusion of 30 g kg-1 CS or CSR and a control without residue, with eight replicates of eight broilers each. Digestibility was assessed through collection of total excreta from 19 to 22 days of age. Apparent and corrected metabolizable energy, and apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein and crude energy were significantly higher for CSR than CS. Therefore, only CSR was used in a performance experiment using 324 broilers 30 to 90 days old, distributed in four treatments (0; 6.8; 13.4 and 20 g kg-1 CSR in feed) with nine replicates of nine broilers each. There was no significant difference among treatments in weight gain, feed intake, yield of carcass, breast and viscera, meat color, luminosity, pH, shear force, cooking-weight loss and drip loss. As there was a significant reduction in feed conversion and thigh and drumstick yield for 20 g kg-1, we suggest the incorporation of CSR up to 13.4 g kg-1.(AU)
Subprodutos da mandioca são abundantes e pouco utilizados nas agroindústrias familiares na Amazônia, onde é comum a criação de frangos de corte de crescimento lento. Portanto, a incorporação de subprodutos de mandioca na alimentação destes frangos pode proporcionar enriquecimento de amido para melhor desempenho zootécnico. Avaliamos a utilização de resíduos da mandioca na alimentação de frangos de crescimento lento em substituição ao milho. Determinamos a composição química da raspa de mandioca (RM) e do resíduo de amido de mandioca (RAM), e testamos a digestibilidade dos resíduos utilizando 192 frangos e três tratamentos: inclusão de 30 g kg-1 RM ou RAM e um controle sem mandioca, com oito repetições de oito frangos cada. Digestibilidade foi determinada por coleta de excretas totais dos 19 aos 22 dias de idade. Energia metabolizável aparente e corrigida e os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, proteína bruta e energia bruta foram significativamente maiores para RAM que RM. Assim, apenas RAM foi usado em um experimento de desempenho com 324 frangos de 30 a 90 dias de idade e quatro tratamentos (0; 6,8; 13,4 e 20 g kg-1 RAM na ração), com nove repetições de nove frangos cada. Os tratamentos não diferiram significativamente em ganho de peso, consumo de ração, rendimento de carcaça, peito e vísceras, cor da carne, luminosidade, pH, força de cisalhamento, e perda de peso por cozimento e gotejamento. Como houve redução significativa na conversão alimentar e no rendimento de coxa e sobrecoxa com 20 g kg-1, sugerimos o uso de RAM até 13,4 g kg -1.(AU)
Animais , Manihot/química , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Digestão/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
The effects of Ca:P total ratio and particle size of oyster shell meal (OSM) were evaluated in broiler diets. In Experiment 1, 800 broilers (22-42 days old) were distributed in a 2×2 factorial design, with two Ca:P ratios (1.7 and 2.0:1) and two OSM particle sizes (coarse = 1,354 µm and fine = 428 µm), totaling four treatments with 10 repetitions with 20 broilers. Feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio were calculated. In Experiment 2, 1,280 broilers were distributed in a 2×2×2 factorial design (1.7 and 2.0:1 Ca:P ratios; coarse and fine OSM; male and female broilers), with eight treatments and 16 repetitions with 10 broilers. Apparent metabolizability of dry matter, Ca, P, and apparent metabolizable energy (AME), as well as bone resistance, bone weight, ash, Ca, and P content in the tibia were assessed. Growth performance was not affected (P > 0.05). Coarse OSM increased tibia Ca content in male broilers (P < 0.001), and higher Ca:P ratio improved bone ash and bone resistance in both sexes (P < 0.001), but reduced P content in male broilers (P < 0.05); male broilers displayed heavier bones with higher ash content than females (P < 0.05). Metabolizability of Ca was improved with coarse OSM (P < 0.05); whereas metabolizability of DM, P, and AME was not affected (P > 0.05). In conclusion, diets with a Ca:P total ratio of 2.0:1 containing coarser OSM improved bone mineral composition, particularly in male broilers, and coarse OSM improved the metabolizability of Ca in broilers regardless of the Ca:P total ratio or broiler sex.
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos para avaliar os efeitos do tamanho de partícula da farinha de ostras (FO) e relação Ca:P total em dietas para frangos de corte. No primeiro experimento, 800 frangos (22 a 42 dias) foram distribuídos em um delineamento fatorial 2x2: 2 relações Ca:P (1,7 e 2,0:1) e dois tamanhos de partícula da FO (grossa = 1354 µm e fina = 428 µm), totalizando quatro tratamentos com 10 repetições de 20 aves. O consumo de ração, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar foram calculados. No segundo experimento, 1.280 frangos foram distribuídos em um fatorial 2x2x2 (relações Ca:P 1,7 e 2,0:1; FO grossa e fina; aves machos e fêmeas) com oito tratamentos e 16 repetições de 10 aves. Foram avaliados: metabolizabilidade aparente da matéria seca, Ca e P, energia metabolizável aparente (EMA), peso e resistência óssea, conteúdo de cinzas, Ca e P na tíbia. As variáveis de desempenho não foram afetadas (P > 0,05). O uso de FO grossa aumentou o conteúdo de Ca na tíbia de frangos machos (P < 0,001), e a relação Ca:P de 2,0:1 aumentou o conteúdo de cinzas e aprimorou resistência óssea em ambos os sexos (P < 0,001), porém reduziu P na tíbia dos machos (P < 0,05); frangos machos também tiveram ossos mais pesados e maior conteúdo de cinzas do que fêmeas (P < 0,05). A metabolizabilidade de Ca foi melhorada com FO grossa, enquanto a metabolizabilidade da matéria seca, P, e EMA não foram afetadas (P > 0,05). Conclui-se que as dietas com relação Ca:P de 2,0:1 e com FO grossa resultaram em melhor composição mineral óssea - particularmente em frangos machos - e a FO grossa melhorou a metabolizabilidade de Ca independentemente da relação Ca:P ou do gênero das aves.
Animais , Tamanho da Partícula , Calcificação Fisiológica , Cálcio da Dieta/administração & dosagem , Galinhas , Fósforo na Dieta/administração & dosagem , Ração Animal/análise , OstreidaeResumo
ABSTRACT This study assessed whether the net energy (NE) system is beneficial for determining the efficiency of feed utilization in Chinese Yellow Chickens. A total of 5,600 male Chinese Yellow Chickens were assigned to eight dietary treatments (ten replicate pens per treatment and 70 chickens per pen) of differing apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and NE values. A highly significant linear correlation between dietary energy and feed conversion ratios (FCR) was observed (p 0.01). The linear regression equation between metabolizable energy (ME) and FCR was: AME=1435.5×F/G+6278.2, where R²=0.8272. The linear regression equation between NE and FCR was NE=1350.1×F/G+5340.9, and R²=0.9551. The R² of FCR (0.9551) for diets formulated using NE values was higher than the R² of FCR (0.8272) for diets prepared on the basis of the ME system. We conclude that the NE system is more accurate than the AME system for determining the energy requirements of Chinese Yellow Chickens.