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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54894, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370440


Amantadine and rimantadine are used for prevention and treatment of influenza A virus (IAV) infection. The rates of resistant IAVs have been increasing globally. However, amino acid substitutions in the M2 transmembrane channel lead to amantadine resistance. The residues of 26, 27, 30, 31 or 34 are marker of amantadine resistance in IAVs. In this study, 15 pooled tracheal samples collected from 15 chicken farms with severe respiratory sign and mortality in 2016-2018. After identification of influenza A and H9 subtype, the 1027 bp fragment of M gene was sequenced for molecular evaluation of amantadine resistance in AIV strains. Results showed 12 out of 15 pooled samples were positive for IAV and H9 subtype. Based on M2 gene analysis, 8 out of 12 (66.66%) were resistance to amantadine. Four out of 8 (50%) showed S31N substitution (serine to asparagine) and four out of 8 (50%) have V27A substitution (valine to alanine). There was no dual amantadine resistance mutation in any specimens. In conclusion, the emergence of amantadine resistance variants of AIV in Iran, can raise concerns about controlling of the seasonal and the future pandemic influenza. Therefore, greater caution is needed in the use of adamantanes.(AU)

Animais , Amantadina , Galinhas/virologia , Análise de Sequência , Influenza Aviária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e07037, 2022. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437016


The effectiveness of vectored recombinant vaccines to control infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in chickens from a region (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) with ~10 million layers was evaluated under field conditions from 2014-2018. During this period, only recombinant turkey herpesvirus (rHVT) or fowl poxvirus (rFPV) vaccines that express antigens of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1) were used. Layer chickens (n=1,283), from eight different egg-producing companies, were individually sampled and examined (active surveillance), and in instances when government poultry health veterinarians were notified due to respiratory disease (passive surveillance). Clinical, macroscopic, and histopathology examinations were performed to diagnose ILT as well as molecular techniques for the detection and characterization of the GaHV-1 DNA from the trachea and trigeminal ganglia (TG). The layer hens sampled and examined belonged to flocks and farms that used different vaccination protocols (non-vaccinated, single dose vaccination, and prime/ boost vaccination). This is the first long-term field study of the effectiveness of ILT vectored vaccines in a high-density multiple age layer hen region. Using various diagnostic methods, the occurrence of GaHV-1 infection and ILT clinical disease in layer hens vaccinated with vectored recombinant vaccines in one quarantined region of Brazil were investigated. The number of ILTV positive chickens by PCR and ILT clinical disease cases was lower in farms when all chickens were vaccinated with at least one vaccine. However, the difference in the detection rates of GaHV-1 infection was significant only when compared farms with prime/ boost and farms using single dose of HTV-LT.

A efetividade das vacinas recombinantes vetorizadas para o controle da laringotraqueíte infecciosa (LTI) nas aves de uma região (Minas Gerais, Brasil) com aproximadamente 10 milhões de poedeiras foi avaliada em condições de campo, no período de 2014 a 2018. Durante este período, somente as vacinas recombinantes "turkey herpesvirus" (rHVT) ou "fowl poxvirus" (rFPV), que expressam antígenos do vírus da laringotraqueíte (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1) foram utilizadas. Galinhas poedeiras (n=1.283), de oito diferentes granjas produtoras de ovos, foram individualmente amostradas e examinadas por monitoramento ativo e, na ocorrência de notificação de doença respiratória aos veterinários do serviço oficial, por monitoramento passivo. Exames clínicos, macroscópicos e histopatológicos foram realizados para o diagnóstico de LTI, bem como técnicas moleculares para a detecção e caracterização do DNA de GaHV-1 da traqueia e gânglio trigêmeo. As galinhas poedeiras pertenciam a lotes e granjas que usavam diferentes protocolos de vacinação (não vacinadas, uma dose ou tipo de vacina e duas doses ou tipos de vacina). Este é o primeiro longo estudo a campo sobre a efetividade das vacinas vetorizadas em uma região com população elevada de poedeiras de múltiplas idades. Utilizando vários métodos de diagnóstico, a ocorrência da infecção por GaHV-1 e a LTI clínica em poedeiras de uma região interditada do Brasil foi investigada. O número de galinhas positivas para o vírus GaHV-1 e para casos clínicos de LTI nas granjas foi menor quando todas as aves estavam vacinadas com, pelo menos, um tipo ou dose de vacina. Entretanto, a diferença na taxa de detecção da infecção por GaHV-1 foi significativa somente quando a comparação foi realizada entre granjas com aves vacinadas com duas doses e aves de granjas vacinadas com uma única dose de HVT-LT.

Animais , Vacinas Virais/análise , Galinhas/virologia , Análise de Sequência/veterinária , Herpesvirus Galináceo 1/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 818, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401521


Background: Industrial poultry farming has developed progressively in Brazil, conferring the country a prominent position on the national and international scene. Likewise, alternative poultry farming is an important economic activity for small-scale family farmers. However, shortcomings related to sanitary management lead to increased occurrence of avian diseases, such as those caused by Salmonella spp. Despite salmonellosis has been described in industrial establishments, reports in alternative farms are less common, therefore the objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of salmonellosis in free-range chickens in the municipality of Barra, Western Bahia, Brazil. Cases: The poultry farmer reported the occurrence of diarrhoea in his chicken flock since the acquisition of the batch of chicks. Initially, carrying out the medicinal treatment of the birds, there was clinical improvement, however, successive recurrences of clinical signs occurred, such as diarrhoea, apathy, anorexia, and death of some birds. Upon learning about the case, an epidemiological investigation of the flock was carried out, and it was noted that some of the birds were retracted, apathetic, anorexic, and a lot of diarrheic faeces of a yellowish-white appearance were also observed. The entire flock had a history of vaccination against diseases: newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, gumboro disease, and fowlpox. For better evaluation, five birds were necropsied, enabling the observation that the animals had a good body score. However, the necropsy revealed lesions such as splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and enteritis in the three birds initially analysed (Animals 1, 2, and 3). The other birds (Animals 4 and 5) were submitted to evaluation for Eimeria sp. oocysts by means of scrapings from the intestinal mucosa, and there were no structures compatible with oocysts. Faecal samples were collected from another six birds in the flock for coproparasitological examination, and the presence of oocysts was not detected. Finally, sera from 20 birds in the flock were collected for the Rapid Serum Agglutination Test (SAR) for the detection anti-Salmonella Pullorum antibodies. Discussion: The diagnosis was based on clinical evaluation, post mortem pathological findings of the necropsied birds, epidemiological data and confirmed with SAR testing, whereby 11 birds were seropositive for Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Pullorum. The prevalence of S. Pullorum is poorly described in alternative farming. Based on the farmer's report, it is believed that the chicks were purchased already infected, because birds from the same batch, also purchased by neighbouring producers, showed the same clinical signs. The unsatisfactory sanitation in the flock was another factor that may have favoured the persistence of the bacteria, since, the lack of removal of organic matter is a source of nutrients for microorganisms, and this may have favoured the multiplication and maintenance of the bacteria in the down feathers, feed, and water. The elimination of S. Pullorum through the faeces, in addition to the density of the birds, may have led to transmission to the other healthy birds. However, the knowledge and adoption of prophylactic measures in free-range chicken farms is a crucial factor in minimizing the occurrence of outbreaks and thus avoiding a future public Health Problem.

Animais , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Salmonelose Animal/epidemiologia , Galinhas/microbiologia
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(3): eRBCA-2020-1392, 2021. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31204


A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate seroprevalence and virus prevalence of the H9 subtype of avian influenza virus in non-vaccinated broiler farms of dense poultry-populated districts, Lahore and Sheikhupura of Punjab-Pakistan. A convenient sampling method was adopted for collection of blood (n=500) and oropharyngeal swab (n=500) samples from 25 broiler farms of each district for hemagglutination inhibition assay and RT-PCR test, respectively. Proportional estimates were calculated using R software and overall seroprevalence of H9 was estimated at 36.3% (95% CI 33.3-39), with no significant difference (p>0.05) between Lahore (37.2 %, 95% CI=31.2-39.59) and Sheikhupura (35.4%, 95% CI= 29.64-39.76). RT-PCR identified 2% (4/200) pool level viral prevalence. None of the farms from Lahore districts were RT-PCR positive for H9. Simple logistic regression followed by multivariable analysis, identified the presence of foot bath/dipping area at the entrance (OR=0.7, 95% CI=0.52-0.93) and availability of rubber shoes for visitors (OR=0.36, 95% CI 0.26-0.48) as protective factors. History of respiratory signs (OR=1.51, 95%=CI 1.12-2.04), history of sudden death in past flocks (OR=3.26, 95% CI=2.41-4.41), and birds previously infected with avian influenza virus (OR=1.33, 95% CI=1-1.76) were significant risk factors. Negligence in preventive measures at farms level was associated with the spread of H9 infection between the farms. To control future outbreaks, biosecurity and continuous monitoring of non-vaccinated flocks are suggested.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/virologia , Influenza Aviária/classificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(3): eRBCA, 2021. tab, graf, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490869


A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate seroprevalence and virus prevalence of the H9 subtype of avian influenza virus in non-vaccinated broiler farms of dense poultry-populated districts, Lahore and Sheikhupura of Punjab-Pakistan. A convenient sampling method was adopted for collection of blood (n=500) and oropharyngeal swab (n=500) samples from 25 broiler farms of each district for hemagglutination inhibition assay and RT-PCR test, respectively. Proportional estimates were calculated using R software and overall seroprevalence of H9 was estimated at 36.3% (95% CI 33.3-39), with no significant difference (p>0.05) between Lahore (37.2 %, 95% CI=31.2-39.59) and Sheikhupura (35.4%, 95% CI= 29.64-39.76). RT-PCR identified 2% (4/200) pool level viral prevalence. None of the farms from Lahore districts were RT-PCR positive for H9. Simple logistic regression followed by multivariable analysis, identified the presence of foot bath/dipping area at the entrance (OR=0.7, 95% CI=0.52-0.93) and availability of rubber shoes for visitors (OR=0.36, 95% CI 0.26-0.48) as protective factors. History of respiratory signs (OR=1.51, 95%=CI 1.12-2.04), history of sudden death in past flocks (OR=3.26, 95% CI=2.41-4.41), and birds previously infected with avian influenza virus (OR=1.33, 95% CI=1-1.76) were significant risk factors. Negligence in preventive measures at farms level was associated with the spread of H9 infection between the farms. To control future outbreaks, biosecurity and continuous monitoring of non-vaccinated flocks are suggested.

Animais , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/virologia , Influenza Aviária/classificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487616


ABSTRACT: Avian colibacillosis is an acute and globally occurring infectious disease of domestic and wild birds caused by Escherichia coli, and it is associated with considerable economic losses mainly due to the morbidity and mortality associated. The present study aimed to describe the pathological, bacteriological and immunohistochemical aspects of avian colibacillosis in broiler chickens of Mozambique. Forty-nine broiler chicken presented anorexia, decreased weight gain, ataxia, diarrhea, dyspnea, and death in a clinical course of 3-5 days. The birds were raised in five farms (small, medium and large farms) with manual and automatic breeding system, with flocks ranging from 100 to 20,000 birds. At the necropsy, all birds had poor body condition, and the pericardium and the Glissons capsule of all avian exhibited different degrees of adherence often associated with severe fibrin deposition. The thoracic and abdominal air sacs were thickened and adhered to the costal wall. Mild, moderate or marked hepatomegaly associated with white pinpoint multifocal areas (100%, 49/49) and mild to moderate splenomegaly in 75.5% (37/49) with a mottled surface were observed. The lungs and kidney were enlarged and reddish. Histologically, a multiorgan fibrinoheterophilic polyserositis was observed in 75.5% of the cases (37/49), which were characterized by inflammatory infiltrates composed mainly of degenerative heterophils, macrophages and plasma cells, associated with fibrin deposits and intermixed by coccobacillary bacterial basophilic aggregates. These affected mainly the pericardium (28.6%, 14/49), the pleura (18.4%, 9/49), the Glissons capsule (10.2%, 5/49), the ventriculus (10.2, 5/33), and the proventriculus (8.2%, 4/49) serosa. Multifocal to coalescing areas of coagulative necrosis associated with similar inflammatory cells were observed mainly in the spleen (28.6%, 14/49), liver (24.5%, 12/49), and intestines (22.4%, 11/49). A similar infiltrate was also observed affecting the the lungs (16.3%, 8/49), the kidney (16.3%, 8/49) and the myocardium (14.3%, 7/49). Isolation and identification of E. coli was obtained in 12 cases through bacterial culture. Some organs (2 cases of each farms) were selected and submitted to immunohistochemistry anti-E. coli, and a positive stain was observed in all tested cases in liver (3/3), heart (4/4), spleen (1/1), lungs (4/4), intestines (4/4), bursa of Fabricius (1/1), ventriculus (1/1), and proventriculus (1/1) tissue sections. These results demonstrate that E. coli was the cause of mortality in these birds. Therefore, biosecurity and management measures should be employed to prevent and control the disease occurrence in Mozambiques poultry farming.

RESUMO: A colibacilose aviária é uma doença aguda de ocorrência mundial que acomete aves domésticas e silvestres, causada por Escherichia coli e resulta em perdas econômicas consideráveis devido à elevada morbidade e mortalidade das aves. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos patológicos, bacteriológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de colibacilose aviária em frangos de corte de Moçambique. Um total de 49 frangos de corte apresentaram anorexia, baixo ganho de peso, ataxia, diarreia, dispneia e morte em um curso clínico de 3 a 5 dias. As aves eram provenientes de 5 granjas (pequenas, média e grandes), com sistema de criação manual e automático, com rebanhos que variavam de 100 a 20.000 aves. À necropsia, todas as aves exibiam condição corporal ruim a caquética, além de pericárdio e cápsula de Glisson de todas aves (100%; n=49) com diferentes graus de aderência e deposição de fibrina de forma difusa acentuada. Os sacos aéreos torácicos e abdominais estavam espessados e aderidos à parede costal. Foi observado ainda hepatomegalia discreta, moderada a severa frequentemente associada com áreas multifocais puntiformes brancacentas (100%; 49/49), e esplenomegalia discreta a moderada, associado a áreas multifocais moteadas (75,5%; 37/49). Os pulmões e rins estavam aumentados e com coloração avermelhada. Histologicamente, observou-se majoritariamente serosite fibrinoheterofílica em 75,5% dos casos (37/49), caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório composto por heterófilos degenerados, macrófagos, linfócitos e plasmócitos, com deposição de fibrina entremeada por uma miríade de estruturas bacterianas cocobacilares. Esta lesão foi observada principalmente em pericárdio (28,6%; 14/49), pleura (18,4%; 9/49), cápsula de Glisson (10,2%; 5/49), ventrículo (10,2; 5/33) e em proventrículo (8,2%; 4/49). Áreas multifocais a coalescentes de necrose de coagulação associada a infiltrado inflamatório semelhante ao descrito foi observado principalmente no baço (28,6%; 14/49), fígado (24.5%; 12/49), e intestinos (8,2%; 4/49). Um infiltrado inflamatório semelhante também foi visualizado em pulmões (16,3%; 8/49), rins (16,3%; 8/49) e miocárdio (14,3%; 7/49), Colônias puras de E. coli foram identificadas e isoladas em 12 casos. Alguns órgãos (2 de cada granja) foram submetidos ao exame imuno-histoquímico anti-E. coli e marcação positiva foi visualizada em todos casos testados, como em fígado (3/3), coração (4/4), baço (1/1), pulmão (4/4), intestinos (4/4), bursa de Fabricius (1/1), rim (1/1), ventrículo (1/1) e proventrículo (1/1). Estes resultados demonstram que E. coli foi a causa de morte destas aves. Sendo assim, a adoção de boas medidas de biosseguridade e de manejo são indispensáveis para a prevenção e controle da ocorrência da doença nas granjas de frango de corte de Moçambique.

Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ; 14(2): 88-98, jul. 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31226


Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a severe respiratory disease, which causes high morbidity and mortality in affected birds. In our study, ILT were reported in 42 farms from nine governates over two years (2018–2020) that showed clinical signs of ILT including dyspnea, blood expectoration of, excessive lacrimation, rattling, conjunctivitis. The disease affected different chicken breeds and age groups despite vaccination with licensed and commonly used vaccines. Samples of larynx, trachea, lungs and air sacs were examined and collected for histopathological, ultrastructural, immunohistochemical examination and molecular detection. Gross examination of laryngeal and tracheal lumen revealed different types of exudate varied from catarrhal to fibrinonecotric, also pneumonia and airsacculitis were detected. Histopathological examination showed different alternation in larynx, trachea, lung and air sac as characteristic syncytial cells containing intranuclear inclusion body hanged in fibrinoheterphilic exudate that precent in laryngeal, tracheal, bronchial and parabronchial lumen and air sacs. Tracheal lesion scoring system was used to categorize the severity of lesion in different governates. Tracheal lesion score showed that 6.02%, 26.5%, 43.3% of the birds exhibited mild, moderate, and severe changes, respectively, while 24.18% of the birds exhibited very severe changes. Furthermore, severe cases were related to the Qalyubia , Fayoum then Sharkia Governorate. Moreover, immunohistochemistry was used to detect viral particles in syncytial cells, inflammatory cells beside epithelium of trachea and lung. Transmission electron microscopy enabled the detection of virus particles and demonstrated that heterophils could be infected. PCR targeting a region in the thymidine kinase gene and glycoprotein gJ gene confirmed the presence of infectious laryngotracheitis ILT virus-specific DNA. In conclusion, anatomopathological, immunohistochemical, molecular and ultrastructural findings showed increased of ILTV severity in Egypt. Larynx, trachea, lungs and air sac should be collected and examined that aid in diagnosis. Importance of good biosecurity level to be considered.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas/anatomia & histologia , Aves Domésticas/imunologia , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Herpesvirus Galináceo 1/classificação , Herpesvirus Galináceo 1/patogenicidade , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Microscopia Eletrônica
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 14(2): 88-98, jul. 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469792


Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a severe respiratory disease, which causes high morbidity and mortality in affected birds. In our study, ILT were reported in 42 farms from nine governates over two years (2018–2020) that showed clinical signs of ILT including dyspnea, blood expectoration of, excessive lacrimation, rattling, conjunctivitis. The disease affected different chicken breeds and age groups despite vaccination with licensed and commonly used vaccines. Samples of larynx, trachea, lungs and air sacs were examined and collected for histopathological, ultrastructural, immunohistochemical examination and molecular detection. Gross examination of laryngeal and tracheal lumen revealed different types of exudate varied from catarrhal to fibrinonecotric, also pneumonia and airsacculitis were detected. Histopathological examination showed different alternation in larynx, trachea, lung and air sac as characteristic syncytial cells containing intranuclear inclusion body hanged in fibrinoheterphilic exudate that precent in laryngeal, tracheal, bronchial and parabronchial lumen and air sacs. Tracheal lesion scoring system was used to categorize the severity of lesion in different governates. Tracheal lesion score showed that 6.02%, 26.5%, 43.3% of the birds exhibited mild, moderate, and severe changes, respectively, while 24.18% of the birds exhibited very severe changes. Furthermore, severe cases were related to the Qalyubia , Fayoum then Sharkia Governorate. Moreover, immunohistochemistry was used to detect viral particles in syncytial cells, inflammatory cells beside epithelium of trachea and lung. Transmission electron microscopy enabled the detection of virus particles and demonstrated that heterophils could be infected. PCR targeting a region in the thymidine kinase gene and glycoprotein gJ gene confirmed the presence of infectious laryngotracheitis ILT virus-specific DNA. In conclusion, anatomopathological, immunohistochemical, molecular and ultrastructural findings showed increased of ILTV severity in Egypt. Larynx, trachea, lungs and air sac should be collected and examined that aid in diagnosis. Importance of good biosecurity level to be considered.

Animais , Aves Domésticas/anatomia & histologia , Aves Domésticas/imunologia , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Herpesvirus Galináceo 1/classificação , Herpesvirus Galináceo 1/patogenicidade , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Microscopia Eletrônica , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06831, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32424


Avian colibacillosis is an acute and globally occurring infectious disease of domestic and wild birds caused by Escherichia coli, and it is associated with considerable economic losses mainly due to the morbidity and mortality associated. The present study aimed to describe the pathological, bacteriological and immunohistochemical aspects of avian colibacillosis in broiler chickens of Mozambique. Forty-nine broiler chicken presented anorexia, decreased weight gain, ataxia, diarrhea, dyspnea, and death in a clinical course of 3-5 days. The birds were raised in five farms (small, medium and large farms) with manual and automatic breeding system, with flocks ranging from 100 to 20,000 birds. At the necropsy, all birds had poor body condition, and the pericardium and the Glisson's capsule of all avian exhibited different degrees of adherence often associated with severe fibrin deposition. The thoracic and abdominal air sacs were thickened and adhered to the costal wall. Mild, moderate or marked hepatomegaly associated with white pinpoint multifocal areas (100%, 49/49) and mild to moderate splenomegaly in 75.5% (37/49) with a mottled surface were observed. The lungs and kidney were enlarged and reddish. Histologically, a multiorgan fibrinoheterophilic polyserositis was observed in 75.5% of the cases (37/49), which were characterized by inflammatory infiltrates composed mainly of degenerative heterophils, macrophages and plasma cells, associated with fibrin deposits and intermixed by coccobacillary bacterial basophilic aggregates. These affected mainly the pericardium (28.6%, 14/49), the pleura (18.4%, 9/49), the Glisson's capsule (10.2%, 5/49), the ventriculus (10.2, 5/33), and the proventriculus (8.2%, 4/49) serosa. Multifocal to coalescing areas of coagulative necrosis associated with similar inflammatory cells were observed mainly in the spleen (28.6%, 14/49), liver (24.5%, 12/49), and intestines (22.4%, 11/49). A similar infiltrate was also observed affecting the the lungs (16.3%, 8/49), the kidney (16.3%, 8/49) and the myocardium (14.3%, 7/49). Isolation and identification of E. coli was obtained in 12 cases through bacterial culture. Some organs (2 cases of each farms) were selected and submitted to immunohistochemistry anti-E. coli, and a positive stain was observed in all tested cases in liver (3/3), heart (4/4), spleen (1/1), lungs (4/4), intestines (4/4), bursa of Fabricius (1/1), ventriculus (1/1), and proventriculus (1/1) tissue sections. These results demonstrate that E. coli was the cause of mortality in these birds. Therefore, biosecurity and management measures should be employed to prevent and control the disease occurrence in Mozambique's poultry farming.(AU)

A colibacilose aviária é uma doença aguda de ocorrência mundial que acomete aves domésticas e silvestres, causada por Escherichia coli e resulta em perdas econômicas consideráveis devido à elevada morbidade e mortalidade das aves. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos patológicos, bacteriológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de colibacilose aviária em frangos de corte de Moçambique. Um total de 49 frangos de corte apresentaram anorexia, baixo ganho de peso, ataxia, diarreia, dispneia e morte em um curso clínico de 3 a 5 dias. As aves eram provenientes de 5 granjas (pequenas, média e grandes), com sistema de criação manual e automático, com rebanhos que variavam de 100 a 20.000 aves. À necropsia, todas as aves exibiam condição corporal ruim a caquética, além de pericárdio e cápsula de Glisson de todas aves (100%; n=49) com diferentes graus de aderência e deposição de fibrina de forma difusa acentuada. Os sacos aéreos torácicos e abdominais estavam espessados e aderidos à parede costal. Foi observado ainda hepatomegalia discreta, moderada a severa frequentemente associada com áreas multifocais puntiformes brancacentas (100%; 49/49), e esplenomegalia discreta a moderada, associado a áreas multifocais moteadas (75,5%; 37/49). Os pulmões e rins estavam aumentados e com coloração avermelhada. Histologicamente, observou-se majoritariamente serosite fibrinoheterofílica em 75,5% dos casos (37/49), caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório composto por heterófilos degenerados, macrófagos, linfócitos e plasmócitos, com deposição de fibrina entremeada por uma miríade de estruturas bacterianas cocobacilares. Esta lesão foi observada principalmente em pericárdio (28,6%; 14/49), pleura (18,4%; 9/49), cápsula de Glisson (10,2%; 5/49), ventrículo (10,2; 5/33) e em proventrículo (8,2%; 4/49). Áreas multifocais a coalescentes de necrose de coagulação associada a infiltrado inflamatório semelhante ao descrito foi observado principalmente no baço (28,6%; 14/49), fígado (24.5%; 12/49), e intestinos (8,2%; 4/49). Um infiltrado inflamatório semelhante também foi visualizado em pulmões (16,3%; 8/49), rins (16,3%; 8/49) e miocárdio (14,3%; 7/49), Colônias puras de E. coli foram identificadas e isoladas em 12 casos. Alguns órgãos (2 de cada granja) foram submetidos ao exame imuno-histoquímico anti-E. coli e marcação positiva foi visualizada em todos casos testados, como em fígado (3/3), coração (4/4), baço (1/1), pulmão (4/4), intestinos (4/4), bursa de Fabricius (1/1), rim (1/1), ventrículo (1/1) e proventrículo (1/1). Estes resultados demonstram que E. coli foi a causa de morte destas aves. Sendo assim, a adoção de boas medidas de biosseguridade e de manejo são indispensáveis para a prevenção e controle da ocorrência da doença nas granjas de frango de corte de Moçambique.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Pesos e Medidas , Imuno-Histoquímica , Galinhas/microbiologia , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Aumento de Peso , Mortalidade , Estruturas Bacterianas/patogenicidade
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06831, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1250487


Avian colibacillosis is an acute and globally occurring infectious disease of domestic and wild birds caused by Escherichia coli, and it is associated with considerable economic losses mainly due to the morbidity and mortality associated. The present study aimed to describe the pathological, bacteriological and immunohistochemical aspects of avian colibacillosis in broiler chickens of Mozambique. Forty-nine broiler chicken presented anorexia, decreased weight gain, ataxia, diarrhea, dyspnea, and death in a clinical course of 3-5 days. The birds were raised in five farms (small, medium and large farms) with manual and automatic breeding system, with flocks ranging from 100 to 20,000 birds. At the necropsy, all birds had poor body condition, and the pericardium and the Glisson's capsule of all avian exhibited different degrees of adherence often associated with severe fibrin deposition. The thoracic and abdominal air sacs were thickened and adhered to the costal wall. Mild, moderate or marked hepatomegaly associated with white pinpoint multifocal areas (100%, 49/49) and mild to moderate splenomegaly in 75.5% (37/49) with a mottled surface were observed. The lungs and kidney were enlarged and reddish. Histologically, a multiorgan fibrinoheterophilic polyserositis was observed in 75.5% of the cases (37/49), which were characterized by inflammatory infiltrates composed mainly of degenerative heterophils, macrophages and plasma cells, associated with fibrin deposits and intermixed by coccobacillary bacterial basophilic aggregates. These affected mainly the pericardium (28.6%, 14/49), the pleura (18.4%, 9/49), the Glisson's capsule (10.2%, 5/49), the ventriculus (10.2, 5/33), and the proventriculus (8.2%, 4/49) serosa. Multifocal to coalescing areas of coagulative necrosis associated with similar inflammatory cells were observed mainly in the spleen (28.6%, 14/49), liver (24.5%, 12/49), and intestines (22.4%, 11/49). A similar infiltrate was also observed affecting the the lungs (16.3%, 8/49), the kidney (16.3%, 8/49) and the myocardium (14.3%, 7/49). Isolation and identification of E. coli was obtained in 12 cases through bacterial culture. Some organs (2 cases of each farms) were selected and submitted to immunohistochemistry anti-E. coli, and a positive stain was observed in all tested cases in liver (3/3), heart (4/4), spleen (1/1), lungs (4/4), intestines (4/4), bursa of Fabricius (1/1), ventriculus (1/1), and proventriculus (1/1) tissue sections. These results demonstrate that E. coli was the cause of mortality in these birds. Therefore, biosecurity and management measures should be employed to prevent and control the disease occurrence in Mozambique's poultry farming.(AU)

A colibacilose aviária é uma doença aguda de ocorrência mundial que acomete aves domésticas e silvestres, causada por Escherichia coli e resulta em perdas econômicas consideráveis devido à elevada morbidade e mortalidade das aves. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os aspectos patológicos, bacteriológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de colibacilose aviária em frangos de corte de Moçambique. Um total de 49 frangos de corte apresentaram anorexia, baixo ganho de peso, ataxia, diarreia, dispneia e morte em um curso clínico de 3 a 5 dias. As aves eram provenientes de 5 granjas (pequenas, média e grandes), com sistema de criação manual e automático, com rebanhos que variavam de 100 a 20.000 aves. À necropsia, todas as aves exibiam condição corporal ruim a caquética, além de pericárdio e cápsula de Glisson de todas aves (100%; n=49) com diferentes graus de aderência e deposição de fibrina de forma difusa acentuada. Os sacos aéreos torácicos e abdominais estavam espessados e aderidos à parede costal. Foi observado ainda hepatomegalia discreta, moderada a severa frequentemente associada com áreas multifocais puntiformes brancacentas (100%; 49/49), e esplenomegalia discreta a moderada, associado a áreas multifocais moteadas (75,5%; 37/49). Os pulmões e rins estavam aumentados e com coloração avermelhada. Histologicamente, observou-se majoritariamente serosite fibrinoheterofílica em 75,5% dos casos (37/49), caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório composto por heterófilos degenerados, macrófagos, linfócitos e plasmócitos, com deposição de fibrina entremeada por uma miríade de estruturas bacterianas cocobacilares. Esta lesão foi observada principalmente em pericárdio (28,6%; 14/49), pleura (18,4%; 9/49), cápsula de Glisson (10,2%; 5/49), ventrículo (10,2; 5/33) e em proventrículo (8,2%; 4/49). Áreas multifocais a coalescentes de necrose de coagulação associada a infiltrado inflamatório semelhante ao descrito foi observado principalmente no baço (28,6%; 14/49), fígado (24.5%; 12/49), e intestinos (8,2%; 4/49). Um infiltrado inflamatório semelhante também foi visualizado em pulmões (16,3%; 8/49), rins (16,3%; 8/49) e miocárdio (14,3%; 7/49), Colônias puras de E. coli foram identificadas e isoladas em 12 casos. Alguns órgãos (2 de cada granja) foram submetidos ao exame imuno-histoquímico anti-E. coli e marcação positiva foi visualizada em todos casos testados, como em fígado (3/3), coração (4/4), baço (1/1), pulmão (4/4), intestinos (4/4), bursa de Fabricius (1/1), rim (1/1), ventrículo (1/1) e proventrículo (1/1). Estes resultados demonstram que E. coli foi a causa de morte destas aves. Sendo assim, a adoção de boas medidas de biosseguridade e de manejo são indispensáveis para a prevenção e controle da ocorrência da doença nas granjas de frango de corte de Moçambique.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Pesos e Medidas , Imuno-Histoquímica , Galinhas/microbiologia , Escherichia coli/patogenicidade , Aumento de Peso , Mortalidade , Estruturas Bacterianas/patogenicidade
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(05): 2813-2824, set.-out. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501874


The genus Brachyspira corresponds to the group of bacteria formerly classified into the genus Serpulina and includes several commensal and pathogenic intestinal spirochetes that affect pigs, poultry, and other animal species, including humans. In birds, some pathogenic species of this genus causes a condition known as avian intestinal spirochetosis, which remains under diagnosed, thereby causing serious economic losses. Brachyspira is a fastidious organism that necessitates the employment of fast and efficient identification techniques. The aim of this study was to identify Brachyspira spp. using histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples from the cecum of commercial poultry. Samples were collected from129 birds aged between 35 and 45 days from commercial broiler farms. For evaluation, routine histology processing (H&E) and the histochemical technique, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) were done. Additionally, FFPE tissue samples were evaluated for FISH and IHC. The histological lesions were analyzed and graded after H&E staining, and the goblet cells were counted and compared using PAS staining with the positive and negative samples obtained through FISH and IHC. For FISH, probes labeled with Brachyspira spp., B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. intermedia were used, where as rabbit polyclonal antibody specific for Brachyspira spp. was used for IHC. Of 129 samples, 82 were positive with IHC and 86 were positive with FISH. The samples positive for the genus Brachyspira in the FISH technique were tested for B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. intermedia in which 56 were positive for B. pilosicoli, 75 for B. hyodysenteriae and 80 for B. intermedia. There was an increase in goblet cells in the samples positive for FISH and IHC. The techniques used were effective and gave corresponding results, thus serving as a fast and efficient tool for diagnosis.

O gênero Brachyspira corresponde ao grupo de bactérias anteriormente classificadas no gênero Serpulinae inclui várias espiroquetas intestinais comensais e patogênicas que afetam suínos, aves e outras espécies animais, incluindo humanos. Em aves, algumas espécies patogênicas desse gênero causam uma condição conhecida como espiroquetose intestinal aviária, que permanece sub-diagnosticada, causando sérios prejuízos econômicos. Brachyspira é um organismo fastidioso que necessita do emprego de técnicas de identificação rápidas e eficientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar Brachyspira spp. usando histologia, imunohistoquímica (IHQ) e hibridização fluorescente in situ (FISH) em amostras de tecido fixado em formalina e embebido em parafina (TFEP) do ceco de aves comerciais. As amostras foram coletadas de 129 aves com idades entre 35 e 45 dias em granjas comerciais. Para avaliação, o processamento histológico de rotina (H&E) e a técnica histoquímica, ácido periódico-Schiff (PAS) foram realizados. Além disso, as amostras de tecido TFEP foram avaliadas para FISH e IHC. As lesões histológicas foram analisadas e graduadas após coloração H&E, e as células caliciformes contadas e comparadas pela coloração PAS com as amostras positivas e negativas obtidas por FISH e IHC. Para FISH, foram utilizadas sondas marcadas com Brachyspira spp., B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae e B. intermedia, enquanto o anticorpo policlonal de coelho específico para Brachyspira spp. foi usado para IHC. De 129 amostras, 82 foram positivas com IHC e 86 foram positivas com FISH. As amostras positivas para o gênero Brachyspira pela técnica de FISH foram testadas para B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae e B. intermedia, sendo 56 positivas para B. pilosicoli, 75 para B. hyodysenteriae e 80 para B. intermedia. Houve aumento de células [...].

Animais , Brachyspira/imunologia , Brachyspira/química , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/diagnóstico , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/imunologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/patologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/veterinária
Semina Ci. agr. ; 42(05): 2813-2824, set.-out. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33449


The genus Brachyspira corresponds to the group of bacteria formerly classified into the genus Serpulina and includes several commensal and pathogenic intestinal spirochetes that affect pigs, poultry, and other animal species, including humans. In birds, some pathogenic species of this genus causes a condition known as avian intestinal spirochetosis, which remains under diagnosed, thereby causing serious economic losses. Brachyspira is a fastidious organism that necessitates the employment of fast and efficient identification techniques. The aim of this study was to identify Brachyspira spp. using histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples from the cecum of commercial poultry. Samples were collected from129 birds aged between 35 and 45 days from commercial broiler farms. For evaluation, routine histology processing (H&E) and the histochemical technique, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) were done. Additionally, FFPE tissue samples were evaluated for FISH and IHC. The histological lesions were analyzed and graded after H&E staining, and the goblet cells were counted and compared using PAS staining with the positive and negative samples obtained through FISH and IHC. For FISH, probes labeled with Brachyspira spp., B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. intermedia were used, where as rabbit polyclonal antibody specific for Brachyspira spp. was used for IHC. Of 129 samples, 82 were positive with IHC and 86 were positive with FISH. The samples positive for the genus Brachyspira in the FISH technique were tested for B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. intermedia in which 56 were positive for B. pilosicoli, 75 for B. hyodysenteriae and 80 for B. intermedia. There was an increase in goblet cells in the samples positive for FISH and IHC. The techniques used were effective and gave corresponding results, thus serving as a fast and efficient tool for diagnosis.(AU)

O gênero Brachyspira corresponde ao grupo de bactérias anteriormente classificadas no gênero Serpulinae inclui várias espiroquetas intestinais comensais e patogênicas que afetam suínos, aves e outras espécies animais, incluindo humanos. Em aves, algumas espécies patogênicas desse gênero causam uma condição conhecida como espiroquetose intestinal aviária, que permanece sub-diagnosticada, causando sérios prejuízos econômicos. Brachyspira é um organismo fastidioso que necessita do emprego de técnicas de identificação rápidas e eficientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar Brachyspira spp. usando histologia, imunohistoquímica (IHQ) e hibridização fluorescente in situ (FISH) em amostras de tecido fixado em formalina e embebido em parafina (TFEP) do ceco de aves comerciais. As amostras foram coletadas de 129 aves com idades entre 35 e 45 dias em granjas comerciais. Para avaliação, o processamento histológico de rotina (H&E) e a técnica histoquímica, ácido periódico-Schiff (PAS) foram realizados. Além disso, as amostras de tecido TFEP foram avaliadas para FISH e IHC. As lesões histológicas foram analisadas e graduadas após coloração H&E, e as células caliciformes contadas e comparadas pela coloração PAS com as amostras positivas e negativas obtidas por FISH e IHC. Para FISH, foram utilizadas sondas marcadas com Brachyspira spp., B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae e B. intermedia, enquanto o anticorpo policlonal de coelho específico para Brachyspira spp. foi usado para IHC. De 129 amostras, 82 foram positivas com IHC e 86 foram positivas com FISH. As amostras positivas para o gênero Brachyspira pela técnica de FISH foram testadas para B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae e B. intermedia, sendo 56 positivas para B. pilosicoli, 75 para B. hyodysenteriae e 80 para B. intermedia. Houve aumento de células [...].(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Brachyspira/química , Brachyspira/imunologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/diagnóstico , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/imunologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/patologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/veterinária
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 22(1): eRBCA-2019-1225, 2020. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29150


Raising backyard birds is a common practice in Brazil, mainly in the countryside or suburban areas. However, the level of respiratory pathogens in these animals is unknown. We sampled two hundred chickens from 19 backyard flocks near commercial poultry farms and performed ELISA to Infectious Bronchitis Virus, avian Metapneumovirus, Mycoplasma synoviae and Mycoplasma gallisepticum. We evaluated the association between the predictive ability of ELISA and Hemagglutination-inhibition (HI)by comparing results from eight flocks positive to Mycoplasma gallisepticum on ELISA. Besides, we assessed essential biosecurity measures in the properties (multiple species birds, rodent control, hygienic conditions, and water quality for the bird`s consumption). We could access the vaccination program only on four properties; in three of them, the birds were supposedly vaccinated for IBV. Overall the properties had a poor score for the biosecurity measures, and the seroprevalence in backyard poultry flocks for IBV, a MPV, MS, and MG were respectively 87.5% (14/16), 89.5% (17/19), 100 (19/19) and MG 84.21% (16/19). We found low specificity and predictive value between ELISA and HI in MG analysis and a positive correlation between the presence of clinical symptoms and mean MG titers. Backyard chicken are pathogens reservoirs and pose a risk for the commercial poultry farms in the region, and further efforts of the governmental entities and private sector of poultry production should consider these information to avoid future economic losses.(AU)

Animais , Aves/anormalidades , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Contenção de Riscos Biológicos , Hemaglutinação , Metapneumovirus , Vírus da Bronquite Infecciosa
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 22(1): eRBCA, 2020. tab, graf, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490746


Raising backyard birds is a common practice in Brazil, mainly in the countryside or suburban areas. However, the level of respiratory pathogens in these animals is unknown. We sampled two hundred chickens from 19 backyard flocks near commercial poultry farms and performed ELISA to Infectious Bronchitis Virus, avian Metapneumovirus, Mycoplasma synoviae and Mycoplasma gallisepticum. We evaluated the association between the predictive ability of ELISA and Hemagglutination-inhibition (HI)by comparing results from eight flocks positive to Mycoplasma gallisepticum on ELISA. Besides, we assessed essential biosecurity measures in the properties (multiple species birds, rodent control, hygienic conditions, and water quality for the bird`s consumption). We could access the vaccination program only on four properties; in three of them, the birds were supposedly vaccinated for IBV. Overall the properties had a poor score for the biosecurity measures, and the seroprevalence in backyard poultry flocks for IBV, a MPV, MS, and MG were respectively 87.5% (14/16), 89.5% (17/19), 100 (19/19) and MG 84.21% (16/19). We found low specificity and predictive value between ELISA and HI in MG analysis and a positive correlation between the presence of clinical symptoms and mean MG titers. Backyard chicken are pathogens reservoirs and pose a risk for the commercial poultry farms in the region, and further efforts of the governmental entities and private sector of poultry production should consider these information to avoid future economic losses.

Animais , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Aves/anormalidades , Contenção de Riscos Biológicos , Hemaglutinação , Metapneumovirus , Vírus da Bronquite Infecciosa
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 87: e0122020, 2020. tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1145873


The poultry industry has been considered one of the most efficient agricultural activities, placing Brazil in the ranking of the largest producers of chicken meat. However, a threat to the poultry production chain is the entrance of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in the country, which would bring huge economic and social losses. Monitoring of the virus was conducted in domestic poultry (Gallus gallus domesticus) farms on the migratory birds landing sites Mangue Seco and Cacha Pregos between 2013 and 2014 to control Newcastle disease (NCD) in these locations. Activities in health education, filling the questionnaire to define the sanitary profile of the farms, georeferenced registration and collection of blood samples, cloacal and tracheal swabs of the backyard birds were the epidemiological surveillance actions performed. A total of 133 serum samples were analyzed in Mangue Seco and 81 in Cacha Pregos. The results showed that both Mangue Seco (63.4%) and Cacha Pregos (88.9%) presented reactive animals for the NDV. The results of real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and viral isolation analyses were negative, proving that the domestic poultry were not eliminating the virus at the time of sample collection. The high percentage of reactive animals by indirect ELISA test in both epidemiological units studied suggests the presence of NDV circulating lentogenic strain, since there was no death registration and the birds did not have characteristic symptoms of the disease.(AU)

A avicultura tem sido considerada uma das atividades agrícolas mais eficientes, colocando o Brasil no ranking dos maiores produtores de carne de frango. No entanto, uma ameaça à cadeia produtiva da avicultura é a entrada do vírus da doença de Newcastle (NDV) no país, o que acarretaria enormes prejuízos econômicos e sociais. O monitoramento do vírus foi realizado em granjas de aves domésticas (Gallus gallus domesticus) nos locais de desembarque de aves migratórias de Mangue Seco e Cacha Pregos entre 2013 e 2014 para controlar a doença de Newcastle (DCNT) nesses locais. Atividades de educação em saúde, preenchimento de questionário para definição do perfil sanitário das fazendas, cadastro georreferenciado e coleta de amostras de sangue e swabs cloacal e traqueal de aves de quintal foram as ações de vigilância epidemiológica realizadas. Um total de 133 amostras de soro foram analisadas em Mangue Seco e 81 em Cacha Pregos. Os resultados mostraram que tanto Mangue Seco (63,4%) quanto Cacha Pregos (88,9%) apresentaram animais reativos para o NDV. Os resultados da reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RT-PCR) e das análises de isolamento viral foram negativos, comprovando que as aves domésticas não estavam eliminando o vírus no momento da coleta das amostras. O alto percentual de animais reativos pelo teste ELISA indireto em ambas as unidades epidemiológicas estudadas sugere a presença de cepa lentogênica circulante de NDV, uma vez que não houve registro de óbito e as aves não apresentavam sintomas característicos da doença.(AU)

Aves Domésticas , Vírus da Doença de Newcastle , Galinhas , Vírus , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Registros , Educação em Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Monitoramento Epidemiológico , Fazendas
Arq. Inst. Biol. ; 87: e0122020, 2020. tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29351


The poultry industry has been considered one of the most efficient agricultural activities, placing Brazil in the ranking of the largest producers of chicken meat. However, a threat to the poultry production chain is the entrance of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in the country, which would bring huge economic and social losses. Monitoring of the virus was conducted in domestic poultry (Gallus gallus domesticus) farms on the migratory birds landing sites Mangue Seco and Cacha Pregos between 2013 and 2014 to control Newcastle disease (NCD) in these locations. Activities in health education, filling the questionnaire to define the sanitary profile of the farms, georeferenced registration and collection of blood samples, cloacal and tracheal swabs of the backyard birds were the epidemiological surveillance actions performed. A total of 133 serum samples were analyzed in Mangue Seco and 81 in Cacha Pregos. The results showed that both Mangue Seco (63.4%) and Cacha Pregos (88.9%) presented reactive animals for the NDV. The results of real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and viral isolation analyses were negative, proving that the domestic poultry were not eliminating the virus at the time of sample collection. The high percentage of reactive animals by indirect ELISA test in both epidemiological units studied suggests the presence of NDV circulating lentogenic strain, since there was no death registration and the birds did not have characteristic symptoms of the disease.(AU)

A avicultura tem sido considerada uma das atividades agrícolas mais eficientes, colocando o Brasil no ranking dos maiores produtores de carne de frango. No entanto, uma ameaça à cadeia produtiva da avicultura é a entrada do vírus da doença de Newcastle (NDV) no país, o que acarretaria enormes prejuízos econômicos e sociais. O monitoramento do vírus foi realizado em granjas de aves domésticas (Gallus gallus domesticus) nos locais de desembarque de aves migratórias de Mangue Seco e Cacha Pregos entre 2013 e 2014 para controlar a doença de Newcastle (DCNT) nesses locais. Atividades de educação em saúde, preenchimento de questionário para definição do perfil sanitário das fazendas, cadastro georreferenciado e coleta de amostras de sangue e swabs cloacal e traqueal de aves de quintal foram as ações de vigilância epidemiológica realizadas. Um total de 133 amostras de soro foram analisadas em Mangue Seco e 81 em Cacha Pregos. Os resultados mostraram que tanto Mangue Seco (63,4%) quanto Cacha Pregos (88,9%) apresentaram animais reativos para o NDV. Os resultados da reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RT-PCR) e das análises de isolamento viral foram negativos, comprovando que as aves domésticas não estavam eliminando o vírus no momento da coleta das amostras. O alto percentual de animais reativos pelo teste ELISA indireto em ambas as unidades epidemiológicas estudadas sugere a presença de cepa lentogênica circulante de NDV, uma vez que não houve registro de óbito e as aves não apresentavam sintomas característicos da doença.(AU)

Aves Domésticas , Vírus da Doença de Newcastle , Galinhas , Vírus , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Registros , Educação em Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Monitoramento Epidemiológico , Fazendas
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(4): 1363-1368, July-Aug. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131490


In this study we describe the epidemiology, clinical signs, and pathology of an outbreak of avian aspergillosis in alternative breeding in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Between the fifth and tenth day of life, 360 chicks from a flock of 4000 developed unspecific clinical signs and died. The birds were housed in a reused aviary litter, without previous treatment. In 11 six-day-old female ISA Brown chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus), necropsy revealed firm, yellowish-white, multinodular lesions extending from the pleura to the lung parenchyma. Histologically, a granulomatous, multifocal to coalescent pneumonia was observed. Granulomas were characterized by central necrosis, with heterophil and epithelioid macrophage infiltration and presence of countless Y-shaped intralesional septate hyphae morphologically compatible with Aspergillus spp. The diagnosis through isolation confirmed Aspergillus fumigatus. We highlight the importance of aspergillosis as a primary cause of diseases in the respiratory tract of young birds in alternative breeding. Measures to prevent aspergillosis mainly regarding the reuse of aviary litter are essential in poultry husbandry to prevent economic losses, reduce environmental contamination and mitigate the potential risk to public health.(AU)

Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de um surto de aspergilose aviária em criação alternativa na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. De um lote de 4000 pintainhas, entre o quinto e o 10º dia de vida, 360 aves apresentaram sinais clínicos inespecíficos e morreram. As aves foram alojadas em cama reutilizada do aviário, sem tratamento prévio. Na necropsia de 11 pintainhas (Gallus gallus domesticus), fêmeas, seis dias de idade da linhagem Isa Brown, foram observadas no pulmão lesões multinodulares, branco-amareladas e firmes, que se estendiam da pleura ao parênquima. Histologicamente foi observada pneumonia granulomatosa, multifocal a coalescente. Os granulomas eram caracterizados por necrose central, com infiltrado inflamatório de heterófilos, macrófagos, células epitelioides com presença de inúmeras hifas septadas intralesionais, semelhantes à letra "Y", morfologicamente compatíveis com Aspergillus spp. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo isolamento de Aspergillus fumigatus. Alerta-se para a importância da aspergilose como causa primária de afecções no trato respiratório de aves jovens em criações alternativas. Medidas preventivas relacionadas ao manejo dessas aves são indispensáveis principalmente quanto à reutilização da cama dos aviários, a fim de evitar perdas econômicas, reduzir a contaminação ambiental e o potencial risco à saúde pública.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Aspergilose/epidemiologia , Aspergillus fumigatus/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brasil
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(4): 1363-1368, July-Aug. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30212


In this study we describe the epidemiology, clinical signs, and pathology of an outbreak of avian aspergillosis in alternative breeding in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Between the fifth and tenth day of life, 360 chicks from a flock of 4000 developed unspecific clinical signs and died. The birds were housed in a reused aviary litter, without previous treatment. In 11 six-day-old female ISA Brown chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus), necropsy revealed firm, yellowish-white, multinodular lesions extending from the pleura to the lung parenchyma. Histologically, a granulomatous, multifocal to coalescent pneumonia was observed. Granulomas were characterized by central necrosis, with heterophil and epithelioid macrophage infiltration and presence of countless Y-shaped intralesional septate hyphae morphologically compatible with Aspergillus spp. The diagnosis through isolation confirmed Aspergillus fumigatus. We highlight the importance of aspergillosis as a primary cause of diseases in the respiratory tract of young birds in alternative breeding. Measures to prevent aspergillosis mainly regarding the reuse of aviary litter are essential in poultry husbandry to prevent economic losses, reduce environmental contamination and mitigate the potential risk to public health.(AU)

Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de um surto de aspergilose aviária em criação alternativa na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. De um lote de 4000 pintainhas, entre o quinto e o 10º dia de vida, 360 aves apresentaram sinais clínicos inespecíficos e morreram. As aves foram alojadas em cama reutilizada do aviário, sem tratamento prévio. Na necropsia de 11 pintainhas (Gallus gallus domesticus), fêmeas, seis dias de idade da linhagem Isa Brown, foram observadas no pulmão lesões multinodulares, branco-amareladas e firmes, que se estendiam da pleura ao parênquima. Histologicamente foi observada pneumonia granulomatosa, multifocal a coalescente. Os granulomas eram caracterizados por necrose central, com infiltrado inflamatório de heterófilos, macrófagos, células epitelioides com presença de inúmeras hifas septadas intralesionais, semelhantes à letra "Y", morfologicamente compatíveis com Aspergillus spp. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo isolamento de Aspergillus fumigatus. Alerta-se para a importância da aspergilose como causa primária de afecções no trato respiratório de aves jovens em criações alternativas. Medidas preventivas relacionadas ao manejo dessas aves são indispensáveis principalmente quanto à reutilização da cama dos aviários, a fim de evitar perdas econômicas, reduzir a contaminação ambiental e o potencial risco à saúde pública.(AU)

Animais , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Aspergilose/epidemiologia , Aspergillus fumigatus/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brasil
Ci. Rural ; 49(4): e20180694, Mar. 21, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19270


Family Tayassuidae in the suborder Suina include two species of peccaries in Brazil: the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) and the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu). These animals share common pathogens with domestic swine (Sus scrofa); however, their role as potential carrier remains unclear. This study focused on detecting the prevalence of influenza A antibodies in Tayassu pecari and Pecari tajacu from commercial rearing farms from two states in Brazil. A set of 50 blood samples from Pecari tajacu and 55 from Tayassu pecari were analyzed using a commercial indirect ELISA in order to investigate anti influenza A antibodies. Pecari tajacu samples presented 22% (11/50) of seropositivity for the virus. Serological surveillance is an important tool to identify the presence and the spread of the influenza virus in feral pigs.(AU)

A família Tayassuidae pertencente a subordem Suina e compreende duas espécies presentes no Brasil: Queixada (Tayassu pecari) e o Caititu (Pecari tajacu). Ambas as espécies compartilham patógenos com o suíno doméstico (Sus scrofa), entretanto o papel destes animais como carreadores destas infecções permanece indefinido. O presente estudo teve como objetivo detectar a ocorrência de anticorpos contra vírus influenza A em amostras de soro de rebanhos comerciais de queixada e caititu, provenientes de dois estados do Brasil. Um total de 50 amostras de soro de Pecari tajacu e 55 amostras de Tayassu pecari foram testadas por meio de ELISA, sendo que 22% (11/50) das amostras de Pecari tajacu foram soropositivas para o agente. Estudos de vigilância sorológica são importantes para identificar a presença e a disseminação do vírus influenza em suínos selvagens.(AU)

Animais , Anticorpos Antivirais , Influenza Aviária/imunologia , Sus scrofa/virologia , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 12(2): 33-40, 20190000. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469725


In India, increasing incidence of Marek’s Disease Virus (MDV) outbreaks are being reported even in vaccinated poultry farms. Hence identifying the new emerging pathotype of MDV is necessary for successful control through vaccination. Birds received in the post mortem section of The Avian Disease Laboratory, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, were screened for the presence of MDV by collecting neoplastic tissues, spleen and feather follicles. Screening was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histopathological examination. Among the tested 150 birds’ tissue samples, 35 bird tissue samples were found positive for MDV. Based on pathotyping specific PCR, it was found that 34 birds tissues were affected virulent MDV and one birds tissue was affected with very virulent MDV. Since, HVT vaccine will not protect the very virulent pathotype, combined vaccine of SB-1 and HVT can be administered to control the very virulent MDV. Among the MD infected birds, neoplastic liver is most commonly encountered. Spleen tissue samples was found to be more suitable for the DNA isolation for PCR.

Animais , Doença de Marek/diagnóstico , Doença de Marek/patologia , Aves Domésticas , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Índia