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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e253009, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339373


Abstract Today, global focus of research is to explore the solution of energy crisis and environmental pollution. Like other agricultural countries, bulk quantities of watermelon peels (WMP) are disposed-off in environment as waste in Pakistan and appropriate management of this waste is the need of hour to save environment from pollution. The work emphasizes the role of ethanologenic yeasts to utilize significant sugars present in WMP for low-cost bioethanol fermentation. Dilute hydrochloric acid hydrolysis of WMP was carried out on optimized conditions employing RSM (response surface methodology) following central composite design (CCD). This experimental design is based on optimization of ethanologenesis involving some key independent parameters such as WMP hydrolysate and synthetic media ratio (X1), incubation temperature (X2) and incubation temperature (X3) for maximal ethanol yield exploiting standard (Saccharomyces cerevisiae K7) as well as experimental (Metchnikowia cibodasensisY34) yeasts. The results revealed that maximal ethanol yields obtained from S. cerevisiae K7 was 0.36±0.02 g/g of reducing sugars whereas M. cibodasensisY34, yielded 0.40±0.01 g ethanol/g of reducing sugars. The yeast isolate M. cibodasensisY34 appeared as promising ethanologen and embodies prospective potential for fermentative valorization of WMP-to-bioethanol.

Resumo Hoje, o foco global da pesquisa é explorar a solução da crise energética e da poluição ambiental. Como em outros países agrícolas, grandes quantidades de cascas de melancia (WMP) são descartadas como resíduos no meio ambiente no Paquistão, mas a gestão adequada desses resíduos é a mais recente solução para salvar o meio ambiente da poluição. O trabalho enfatiza o papel das leveduras etanologênicas para utilizar açúcares significativos presentes no WMP para fermentação de bioetanol de baixo custo. A hidrólise de ácido clorídrico diluído de WMP foi realizada em condições otimizadas empregando RSM (metodologia de superfície de resposta) e seguindo o projeto de composto central (CCD). Este projeto experimental é baseado na otimização da etanologenesis envolvendo alguns parâmetros independentes importantes, como hidrolisado de WMP e razão de meio sintético (X1), temperatura de incubação (X2) e temperatura de incubação (X3) para rendimento máximo de etanol explorando o padrão (Saccharomyces cerevisiae K7) também como leveduras experimentais (Metchnikowia cibodasensis Y34). Os resultados revelaram que os rendimentos máximos de etanol obtidos a partir de S. cerevisiae K7 foi de 0,36 ± 0,02 g / g de açúcares redutores, enquanto M. cibodasensis Y34 rendeu 0,40 ± 0,01 g de etanol / g de açúcares redutores. O isolado de levedura M. cibodasensis Y34 apareceu como um etanologeno promissor e incorpora um potencial prospectivo para a valorização fermentativa de WMP em bioetanol.

Cucurbitaceae , Etanol , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Água , Biotransformação , Estudos Prospectivos , Fermentação
Colloq. Agrar ; 19(1): 328-337, jan.-dez. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509731


Brandy is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages in Brazil, being produced with sweet vegetables, cereals, sugar cane and fruits that have fermentable sugars. This drink is confused with cachaça, from which it is distinguished by the alcoholic degree and typically Brazilian productivity. Banana stands out in Brazil and in the world as the second fruit in productivity, behind only orange, being an accessible raw material for the production of brandy. This processing is advantageous due to the rapid ripening of this fruit, which can often make it impossible to fresh to the consumer. This study aimed to carry out the fermentation through the inoculation of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeseparately for pulp and skins of Dwarf Cavendish bananas to verify the alcohol content produced. The banana pulp brandy reached an alcohol content of 39,5° GL, within the stipulated by the current legislation, the peel, however, did not allow adequate alcohol levels (7,5° GL). It is concluded that the pulp of Dwarf Cavendish banana is viable for the production of brandy.(AU)

A aguardente é uma das bebidasalcoólicasmais consumidasno Brasil, sendo produzida comvegetais doces, cereais, cana-de-açúcar e frutas que possuemaçúcares fermentescíveis. Esta bebida é confundida com a cachaça, da qual é diferenciadapelo grau alcoólicoe produtividade tipicamente brasileira. Abanana possui destaque no Brasil e no mundo como a segunda fruta em produtividade,atrás apenas da laranja, sendo uma matéria-prima acessível para a produção de aguardenteem razão do processo de amadurecimento rápido,o que acaba muitas vezes por inviabilizar a venda in naturapara o consumidor. Este estudo objetivou realizar a fermentação através da inoculação da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiaeseparadamente para mostosdapolpa e cascas de bananas nanicapara verificar o teor alcóolico produzido. A aguardente de polpa de bananaatingiu teor alcoólicode 39,5° GL, dentro do estipulado pela legislação vigente, a casca, contudo, não permitiuníveis alcóolicos adequados(7,5°GL). Conclui-se que a polpa da banana nanica é viável para a produção de aguardente.(AU)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/química , Destilação/métodos , Musa/química , Fermentação , Alcoólicos
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(2): 625-634, mar.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434494


The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different commercial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the characteristics of Sauvignon Blanc wines produced in the Campanha Gaúcha region. The must obtained by mechanical destemming and crushing was treated with 150 mg L of potassium metabisulfite and pectolitic enzymes and subject to enzymatic hidrolisis and débourbage for 24h00 at 4°C. The must was divided into glass fermenters of 4,6 L, in triplicate for each of the four treatments, which were defined by the inoculation of 25g hL-1 of dry yeast: T1 - Zymaflore X5® (Laffort, Bordeaux, France); T2 - AWRI 796 (AB Biotek, Sydney, Australia); T3 - Maurivim PDM (AB Biotek, Sydney, Australia); T4 - 50% Zymaflore X5® + 50% AWRI 796. The wines were analyzed, regarding: ethanol; reducing sugars; total acidity; volatile acidity; pH; dry matter; and ash. The most significant differences were observed in: ethanol; reducing sugars; pH; dry matter. Among the treatments inoculated with single strains, T1 showed higher ethanol and lower reducing sugars content. T3 presented results similar to T1. T2 resulted in higher content of reducing sugars and consequently lower ethanol levels. The mixed fermentation (T4) achieved the lowest levels of reducing sugars among the treatments. It suggests that mixed fermentations could be an alternative to produce drier wines.(AU)

O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae comerciais nas características de vinhos Sauvignon Blanc, da região da Campanha Gaúcha, Brasil. Após desengace e esmagamento das uvas, o mosto foi sulfitado (150 mg L de metabissulfito de potássio), submetido a 24h00 de débourbage. Após, o mosto foi dividido em garrafões de vidro de 4,6 L, para realização da fermentação alcoólica, em triplicata. Os tratamentos constituíram-se pela inoculação de 25 g hL-1leveduras desidratadas: T1 - Zymaflore X5® (Laffort, Bordeaux, França); T2 - AWRI 796® (AB Biotek, Sydney, Austrália); T3 - Maurivin PDM® (AB Biotek, Sydney, Austrália), T4 - 50% Zymaflore X5® + 50% de AWRI 796®. As variáveis analisadas nos vinhos foram: etanol; açúcares redutores; acidez total; acidez volátil; pH; extrato seco; cinzas. As diferenças mais significativas foram observadas para: etanol; açúcares redutores; pH; extrato seco. Dentre os tratamentos com inoculação de cepas únicas, T1 apresentou maior graduação alcoólica e baixo teor de açúcares redutores. T3 apresentou resultados semelhantes a T1. T2 apresentou menor graduação alcoólica e maior teor de açúcares redutores. T4 apresentou os níveis mais baixos de açúcares redutores dentre os tratamentos. Isso sugere que a inoculação de mais de uma cepa pode ser uma alternativa para produzir vinhos mais secos.(AU)

Vinho/análise , Leveduras/química , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/química , Brasil , Fermentação
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(1): 123-134, jan.-fev. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418813


The present work aims to verify whether the autolyzed Saccharomyces cerevisiae reduces total coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. from the hide, feces and carcass of feedlot-finished steers. Eighteen half-Angus steers were subjected to three treatments daily for 105 days: control (n=6), Lev 4 g (diet with 4 g yeast animal day-1, n=6) or Lev 7 g (diet with 7 g yeast animal day-1, n=6). On Days 29 and 90 after entrance into the feedlot, fecal samples, skin swabs, water and food were collected to identify and count E. coli and total coliforms and identify Salmonella spp. On the day of slaughter, carcasses were collected to identify and quantify E. coli, total coliforms, and mesophiles. There were reductions in E. coli and total coliforms in fecal samples (P=0.0001 and 0.001, respectively) and mesophilic aerobics in carcasses (P= 0.05) in the treated groups, and no Salmonella spp. was observed in any of the samples collected. It was concluded that supplementation reduced fecal excretion of and, consequently, carcass contamination by E. coli, mesophiles and total coliforms in confined animals and that this technique is a beneficial and residue-free sanitary measure to improve the microbiological quality of meat.

Este trabalho objetivou verificar se o prebiótico a base de parede celular de Saccharomyces cerevisiae reduz coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e Salmonella spp da pele, fezes e da carcaça de bovinos terminados em confinamento. Para tanto, 18 novilhos, ½ sangue Angus foram submetidos a três tratamentos diários durante 105 dias: controle (n=6), Lev 4g (dieta com 4 g de levedura por animal dia-1, n=6) ou Lev 7g ( dieta com 7 g de levedura por animal dia-1, n=6). Nos dias 29 e 90 após a entrada no confinamento, coletou-se amostras de fezes, swab de pele, água e alimento para contagem de Escherichia coli e coliformes totais e isolamento de Salmonella spp. No dia do abate, realizou-se coleta nas carcaças para identificação de Salmonella spp e quantificação de Escherichia coli, coliformes totais, mesófilos. Notou-se redução de Escherichia coli e coliformes totais nas amostras de fezes (P=0,0001 e 0,001 respectivamente) e de Escherichia coli, coliformes totais e aeróbios mesófilos na carcaça (P=0,06; 0,10 e 0,05 respectivamente) nos grupos tratados. Houve ausência de Salmonella spp. em todas as coletas realizadas. Concluiu-se que a suplementação reduziu a excreção fecal e consequentemente, a contaminação da carcaça pela Escherichia coli, mesófilos e coliformes totais dos animais confinados, sendo uma medida sanitária benéfica e livre de resíduos para melhorar a qualidade microbiológica da carne.

Animais , Bovinos , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Infecções por Salmonella , Doenças dos Bovinos , Infecções por Escherichia coli/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2021-1613, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427938


The present study intended to identify the effects of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on production performance and parameters related to the quality of layers' eggs. Effects of yeast on immune titers after routine vaccinations against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis were also studied. Fayoumi chicken (n=288) were divided in four groups (72 in each), and Black Australorp (n=288) in four groups (72 in each). Both had 12 weeks of age and were kept in 08 groups (3 replicates per treatment). Hens were fed a controlled diet along with the addition of 0.5g, 1.0 g, and 1.5 g of S. cerevisiae per kg of feed, till 25 weeks of age. Feed intake and egg production were measured on a daily basis, while body weight gain and egg weight were measured weekly. Egg quality parameters were evaluated by picking 5 eggs from every group weekly. Birds were vaccinated for Newcastle disease (ND) and infectious bronchitis (IB) at the 18th week. Subsequently, 10 days after vaccination, antibody titers were determined by Hemagglutination Inhibition and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for both diseases. Results showed no significant effect of S. cerevisiae on layers' weight gain and feed intake. However, egg production was increased in the experimental group. Moreover, yeast supplementation impacted positively on birds' immune system. In conclusion, probiotic supplementation improved birds' egg production and immunity.(AU)

Animais , Alimentos Fortificados/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/imunologia , Ovos/análise , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/fisiologia , Probióticos/efeitos adversos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07066, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1440725


Although yeast supplementation has shown an immunostimulant effect in feedlot cattle, the question remains whether it influences the occurrence of the bovine respiratory disease complex (BRD) in feedlot cattle. Therefore, our objective was to evaluate whether dietary supplementation with autolyzed yeast affects the efficiency of blood phagocytes, reducing inflammation and the occurrence of BRD in feedlot cattle. A randomized experimental trial was conducted with whole steers with half Angus blood for 106 days: control (n=10): diet without yeast; Y4 (n=12): yeast diet (4g per animal per day); and Y7 (n=7): yeast diet (7g per animal per day). On Days 0, 14, 42, 70, and 105, blood count, leukocyte oxidative metabolism, serum haptoglobin, frequency of nasal secretion and orbital temperature were evaluated. On slaughter day, a lung evaluation was performed. On Days 42 and 70 of feedlot finishing, the treated animals showed increased leukocyte oxidative metabolism (D42 P=0.04; D70 P=0.02) compared to the control group. These animals had a lower frequency of mucopurulent nasal secretion, lower orbital temperature and reduced pneumonia occurrence than the treated groups (P=0.05) with less lung lesion severity (P=0.01), allowing us to infer that the autolyzed yeast improves blood phagocytic function and decreases the inflammation and BRD of feedlot steers, especially at a dose of 4g.

Embora a suplementação com leveduras tenha demonstrado efeito imunoestimulante em bovinos, permanece-se a dúvida se ela influencia na ocorrência do complexo doença respiratória bovina (CDRB) em bovinos confinados. Portanto, objetivou-se avaliar se a suplementação dietética com levedura autolisada influencia a eficiência de fagócitos sanguíneos, reduzindo inflamações e a ocorrência de CDRB em bovinos confinados. Realizou-se um ensaio experimental randomizado com 36 novilhos inteiros 1/2 sangue Angus por 106 dias: controle (n=10): dieta sem levedura; Y4 (n=12): dieta com levedura (4g por animal por dia); e Y7 (n=7): dieta com levedura (7g por animal por dia). Nos dias 0, 14, 42, 70 e 105, hemograma, metabolismo oxidativo de leucócitos, haptoglobina sérica, frequência de secreção nasal e temperatura orbital foram avaliados. No dia do abate, foi realizada avaliação pulmonar. Nos dias 42, e 70 de terminação em confinamento, os animais tratados apresentaram aumento do metabolismo oxidativo dos leucócitos (D42 P=0,04; D70 P=0,02) em relação ao grupo controle. Esses animais apresentaram menor frequência de secreção nasal mucopurulenta, menor temperatura orbital, menor ocorrência de pneumonias (P=0,05) com menor gravidade das lesões pulmonares (P=0,01), permitindo inferir que a levedura autolisada na dieta melhorou a eficiência dos fagócitos sanguíneos, reduzindo inflamações e a ocorrência de CDRB, especialmente na dosagem de 4g.

Animais , Bovinos , Pneumonia/prevenção & controle , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Suplementos Nutricionais , Complexo Respiratório Bovino , Imunidade
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 40: e22029, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1450613


Eptesicus Rafinesque, 1820 is widely distributed in the Old and New World (26 species), and Histiotus Gervais, 1856 is a South American endemic (11 species). Molecular phylogenies have recovered Eptesicus (sensu lato) as polyphyletic, with New World Eptesicus and the sister genus Histiotus in a paraphyletic American clade sister to Old World Eptesicus. Based on these phylogenetic reconstructions, authors have treated Histiotus as either a subgenus of Eptesicus or restricted Eptesicus to the New World species, treating Histiotus as a full genus, and using the name Cnephaeus Kaup, 1829 at the generic rank to comprise Old World Eptesicus. Based on recently published molecular studies, and on novel qualitative and quantitative morphological comparisons of representatives of Histiotus and New and Old World Eptesicus, we provide evidence for restricting the name Eptesicus to the species E. fuscus (Palisot de Beauvois, 1796) and E. guadeloupensis Genoways & Baker, 1975, allocating the remaining New World species under a new genus, keeping Histiotus as a full genus, and raising Cnephaeus to generic rank to comprise all Old World taxa currently under Eptesicus. This arrangement resolves the paraphyly of New World Eptesicus, and promotes taxonomic stability for Histiotus, which is a well-established genus of easily recognizable Neotropical bats and treated separate from Eptesicus by most authorities.

Animais , Quirópteros/classificação , Biodiversidade
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20200281, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442921


The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance, apparent digestibility, and carcass and longissimus dorsi muscle characteristics of lambs fed diets supplemented with four levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Thirty-two male Hampshire lambs (25.82±1.95 kg body weight) were distributed in four treatments: basal diet (20:80, forage:concentrate), and the inclusion of 0, 3, 5, and 10 g animal−1 d−1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The variables evaluated were dry matter intake, daily weight gain, feed conversion, apparent digestibility, dorsal fat thickness, longissimus dorsi muscle area, and physicochemical characteristics of carcass and muscle. We used a completely randomized design and orthogonal polynomials to test the linear and quadratic effects of the inclusion levels of the yeast. Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed a quadratic effect on lamb performance. Dry matter intake decreased with yeast in response to a better feed conversion and body weight gain; however, at the highest Saccharomyces cerevisiae dose, daily weight gain and final weight were lower than with the basal diet treatment. Saccharomyces cerevisiae did not affect apparent digestibility or carcass and muscle physicochemical characteristics. Supplementation with 3 and 5 g d−1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae improves productive performance of lambs fed high concentrate diets without affecting the physicochemical characteristics of the carcass or muscle.(AU)

Animais , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/química , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20220034, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442986


The objective of this trial was to investigate the potential benefits of enzyme and probiotic supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass traits, and meat quality of Simmental cattle. Sixty Simmental steers (367.75±4.69 kg) were randomly divided into three groups: control (fed basal diet), BC1 group (fed basal diet and 10 g/d brewer's yeast and cellulase supplementation per cattle), and BC2 group (fed basal diet and 20 g/d brewer's yeast and cellulase supplementation per cattle). A 10-d preparation period was followed by a 120-d experimental period. The results showed that the final weight of the BC2 group was greater than that of the control group. Also, feed conversion ratio of the BC2 group was better than that of the control group. Net meat weight increased by 3.86% in the BC2 group compared with the control group. The apparent digestibility of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and crude protein of the BC2 group was greater than that of the control group. Dietary supplementation with brewer's yeast and cellulase supplementation could improve the growth performance and nutrient digestibility of Simmental cattle.(AU)

Animais , Celulase/efeitos adversos , Ativação Enzimática/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/química , Bovinos/fisiologia
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e262214, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394101


The aim of this study was to produce high yield of a local bacterial alkaline protease in the yeast system because the scientific involvement of microorganisms in enzyme production is still not given enough attention in Saudi Arabia. Soil samples were collected from the rhizosphere of some desert plants in Saudi Arabia. Ninety-three alkaline protease producing bacterial isolates were recovered on skimmed-milk agar at pH 9.4 and 45°C for 48 hr. Isolate D9 obtained from the rhizosphere of Heliotropium digynum at Dhahran City was the most potent isolate in respect to enzyme productivity (184.6 U/ml). The full gene of alkaline protease was amplified and showed the expected size (1300 bp). Restriction enzymes analysis also verified the integrity of the PCR product. The sequence of the protease gene revealed an open reading frame of 1329 nt correspond to the full length of the protease gene of isolate D9 encoding a 443 aa protein. After ligation of the amplified gene by the TA cloning method, digestion with appropriate restriction enzymes confirmed the integrity of the cloned gene. The insert was prepared by two PCRs that were conducted with a pair of primers specifically designed for this purpose. The digested and purified cloning vector pRS426/GAL1p-207-Glu-MS was ligated with the insert then transformed into various strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae via the electroporation method. Maximum protease expression was done by recombinant OS303 in galactose containing media (145.5 U/ml) with an approximately 2-fold increase when compared with the wild OS303 strain., this may be due to ability to activate gal operon.

O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir alto rendimento de uma protease alcalina bacteriana local no sistema de leveduras, já que o envolvimento científico de microrganismos na produção de enzimas ainda não recebe atenção suficiente na Arábia Saudita. Amostras de solo foram coletadas da rizosfera de algumas plantas do deserto na Arábia Saudita. Noventa e três isolados bacterianos produtores de protease alcalina foram recuperados em ágar de leite desnatado a pH 9,4 e 45°C por 48 horas. O isolado D9 obtido da rizosfera de Heliotropium digynum na cidade de Dhahran foi o mais potente em relação à produtividade da enzima (184,6 U/ml). O gene completo da protease alcalina foi amplificado e apresentou o tamanho esperado (1300 pb). A análise de enzimas de restrição também verificou a integridade do produto de PCR. A sequência do gene da protease revelou uma fase de leitura aberta de 1329 nt, correspondendo ao comprimento total do gene da protease do isolado D9 que codifica uma proteína 443 aa. Após a ligação do gene amplificado pelo método de clonagem TA, a digestão com enzimas de restrição apropriadas confirmou a integridade do gene clonado. A inserção foi preparada por dois PCRs que foram conduzidos com um par de primers projetados especificamente para esta finalidade. O vetor de clonagem digerido e purificado pRS426/GAL1p-207-Glu-MS foi ligado com a inserção e então transformado em várias cepas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae por meio do método de eletroporação. A expressão máxima da protease foi feita por OS303 recombinante em meio contendo galactose (145,5 U/ml) com um aumento de aproximadamente duas vezes quando comparado com a cepa OS303 selvagem, e isso pode ser por causa da capacidade de ativar o operon gal.

Animais , Peptídeo Hidrolases , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Leveduras , Ativadores de Enzimas , Enzimas/biossíntese , Rizosfera
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(5): 2155-2170, jun. 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1397477


In this study, the possibility of increasing fermentation efficiency of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on sugarcane bagasse (a type of lignocellulosic waste) was analyzed. Sugarcane bagasse was subjected to hydrothermal and acidic pre-treatment. Next, the enzymatic hydrolysis of raw biomass and each pre treated biomass was performed using CellicCtec® enzymatic complex to obtain sugarcane hydrolysate, hydrothermal hydrolysate and acidic hydrolysate. Next, these were fermented by S. cerevisiae to check if the by-products of enzymatic hydrolysis, furfural and acetic acid had an inhibitory effect on fermentation efficiency. Next, each pre-treated biomass was subjected to detoxification involving activated charcoal. Each detoxified biomass was tested for fermentation efficiency. The lignocellulosic composition for sugarcane hydrolysate, hydrothermal hydrolysate and acidic hydrolysate, varied significantly, and were found to be, for cellulose 36.7%, 27.7% and 63.7% respectively; for hemicellulose 22.2%, 4.4% and 12% respectively; and for lignin 21.2%, 27.7% and 28.7% respectively. The presence of furfural and acetic acid had a strong influence on the fermentation efficiency of S. cerevisiae, and affected the consumption of sugars in each biomass by more than 90%. Further, we found that the detoxification process increased fermentation efficiency by 12.7% for the hydrothermal hydrolysate while for the acidic hydrolysate no significant difference was observed. This study showed that fermentation with greater efficiency is viable through the combined use of hydrothermal pre-treatment and detoxification. This combination of methods also causes less pollution as compared with the method involving acid pre-treatment due to the reduced number of effluents produced.(AU)

Nesse trabalho avaliou-se a possibilidade de se aumentar a eficiência de fermentação de um hidrolisado de bagaço de cana submetido aos pré-tratamentos hidrotérmico (195 ºC, usando 200 rpm por 10 min) e ácido (0,5% (v/v) de ácido sulfúrico a 121ºC por 15 min) (carga de sólidos de 10% m/v). A hidrólise enzimática do material pré-tratado foi realizada utilizado o complexo enzimático CellicCtec® (60 FPU/gbiomassa seca, tampão citrato a 50 mM e pH 4,8) a 50ºC usando 150 rpm por 72h. Antes do processo de detoxificação, realizou-se um teste com a espécie de Saccharomyces cerevisiae para verificar se os compostos furfural (1 e 4g.L-1) e ácido acético (1 e 5% v/v) exerciam significativa inibição na espécie testada. O processo de detoxificação avaliou a concentração de carvão ativado (1, 3 e 5% m/v) e o tempo do processo (30, 45 e 60 min) a 30 ºC, 150 rpm por 24 h. A composição lignocelulosica da biomassa in natura e pré-tratada (hidrotérmico e ácido) foi para celulose (36,7, 27,7 e 63,7%), hemicelulose (22,2, 4,4 e 12%) e lignina (21,2, 27,7 e 28,7%), respectivamente e com rendimento mássico em torno de 60%. A presença de furfural e ácido acético exibiu forte influência na espécie considerada, chegando a prejudicar em mais de 90% o consumo de açúcares no meio. O processo de destoxificação aumentou 13% a eficiência de fermentação para o hidrolisado obtido hidrotermicamente, enquanto que para o ácido não houve diferença significativa. Obtendo assim uma fermentação com maior eficiência, tecnicamente viável e menos poluente.(AU)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/química , Saccharum/fisiologia , Fermentação/fisiologia , Biomassa , Hidrólise
Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 79: e1507, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410391


This study aimed to evaluate the dry matter digestibility, intake and metabolic profile of ewe lambs fed active or inactive yeasts in the diet containing fibrolytic enzyme. Twenty crossbred animals with an average weight of 33.4kg and an average age of six months were distributed in a completely randomized design. The treatments consisted of yeasts: Control (no yeast), Milk Sacc X® (active yeast), Active Flora®(active yeast + inactive yeast) and Rumen Yeast®(inactive yeast). Analysis of variance and SNK test were applied with a significance level of 5% for type I error. There was no difference for dry matter intake between treatments (P>0.05). There was a significant trend (P=0.0596) for dry matter digestibility, with higher values for the control treatment. There was a significant trend for blood metabolites (P=0.0705), in which the diet containing Milk Sacc® was superior to the other treatments for total protein concentration. In addition, there was a statistical difference (P<0.05) for urea concentration, in which control and Active Flora® treatments were superior to the others. The inclusion of active or inactive yeasts in the diet for ewe lambs containing fibrolytic enzyme reduces dietary digestibility, without affecting the dry matter intake, in addition, it increases urea and total protein levels without causing liver or kidney damage in ewe lambs.

Objetivou-se avaliar a digestibilidade da matéria seca, consumo e perfil metabólico de borregas alimentadas com leveduras vivas e inativadas na ração contendo enzima fibrolítica. Foram utilizados vinte animais mestiços com peso médio de 33,4kg e idade média de seis meses, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos consistiram nas leveduras: Controle (sem levedura), Milk Sacc X® (levedura ativa), Active Flora®(levedura viva mais levedura inativada) e Rúmen Yeast® (levedura inativa). Foi realizada à análise variância e teste SNK com nível de significância de 5% para o erro tipo I. Não houve diferença entre tratamentos para consumo de matéria seca com uso ou não de levedura na dieta (P>0,05). Houve tendência significativa (P=0,0596) para a digestibilidade da matéria seca sendo superior para com o tratamento sem inclusão de leveduras. Para os metabólitos sanguíneos houve tendência significativa (P=0,0705) sendo o Milk Sacc® superior aos demais tratamentos para concentração de proteínas totais. Além disso, houve diferença estatística (P<0,05) para concentração de ureia cujos tratamentos controle e Active Flora® foram superiores aos demais. A inclusão de leveduras vivas ou inativadas na dieta para borregas contendo enzima fibrolítica diminui a digestibilidade da dieta, sem afetar o consumo de matéria seca, além disso, aumenta teores de ureia e proteínas totais sem causar prejuízos hepáticos ou renais as borregas.

Animais , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Leveduras , Ovinos/metabolismo , Digestão , Ração Animal/análise
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2022-1678, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416061


This experiment evaluated the effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) and citric acid on production performance, egg quality, intestine histomorphology, and avian ß-defensin 1 and 2 (AvBD 1 and 2) gene expressions in laying Japanese quails. A total of 400 48-day-old quails were randomly assigned to a 2×2×2 factorial arrangement of treatments with 5 replicates (each containing 10 quails) for 7 weeks. Variable factors consisted of S. cerevisiae (0 and 100 mg/kg diet), citric acid (0 and 5 g/kg diet), and Virginiamycin (0 and 50 mg/kg diet). At the completion of the trial, one bird per replicate was randomly killed, and jejunal tissue samples were removed to evaluate intestinal morphometric characteristics. Samples were taken from the midpoint of the jejunum to measure the gene expression of AvBD 1 and 2. Dietary inclusion of both S. cerevisiae and citric acid resulted in increased egg weight, egg mass, reduced feed intake, and improved FCR (p<0.05). The addition of S. cerevisiae to diets containing citric acid reduced feed intake, increased egg weight, and improved FCR (p<0.05). Shell weight and shell thickness were increased in birds fed each of S. cerevisiae and citric acid supplements (p<0.05). Dietary S. cerevisiae and citric acid similarly increased intestinal villus height, width, surface area, and the villus height to crypt depth ratio (p<0.0001). Results showed that AvBD 1 and 2 genes expression were up-regulated on quails fed S. cerevisiae-supplemented diets (p<0.0001). In conclusion, these results suggest that supplementation of S. cerevisiae and citric acid as functional feed additives either alone or in combination could be a potential alternative to antibiotics in the diet of Japanese laying quails.(AU)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Expressão Gênica/fisiologia , Ácido Cítrico/efeitos adversos , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ovos/análise
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e54091, mar. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370262


ß-Glucans (ßG) are polysaccharides widely distributed in nature with chemopreventive properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ßG and the combined treatment with doxorubicin (Dox) on cell viability and mRNA levels of genes involved in cell cycle, apoptosis and antioxidant response. ßG was not cytotoxic. The mRNA levels of CCNA2of cells exposed to ß-glucan was upregulated and the exposure to Dox decreased the expression, while the combination led to an upregulation. Modulation of mRNA levels of CASP9suggest that ßG could inhibit promotion and progression steps of carcinogenesis, eliminatingneoplastic cells. The upregulation of CCNA2gene in combined treatment could be occurred due to ability of ßG in restoring the cell cycle distribution pattern after treatment with Dox. The upregulation of SOD1suggests that ßG can enhance the intracellular antioxidant defense, reducing the levels of superoxide dismutase induced by Dox. This response could reduce oxidative damage and attenuate tissue damage during chemotherapeutic treatment. Our data suggest that the drug combination may be less effective in killing tumor cells than the treatment with Dox alone. Thus, future studies should carefully consider this effect on indication of ßG during chemotherapy.Keywords:caspase-9; cyclin A2; superoxide dismutase 1; cell cycle; antioxidant.Received on July 2, 2020.Accepted on February 7, 2022.IntroductionGlucans are polysaccharides widely distributed in nature and oftenstudied due to chemopreventive properties. They are constituent of the cell wall of plants (oats and barley), algae, bacteria and fungi. ß-glucans (ßG)have a common structure comprising a main chain of ß-(1,3) and/or ß-(1,4) D-glucopyranosyl unit and they differ in length and branching structures. ßG of Saccharomyces cerevisiaehave 1→6 side branches while those of bacteria have 1→4 side branches (Chan, Chan, & Sze, 2009). ßGcan prevent DNA damage induced by chemical and physical agents (Ghavami,Goliaei, Taghizadeh, & Nikoofar, 2014). Some authors showed its significant efficacy in preventing mutagenic effects caused by doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and cisplatin (Tohamy, El-Ghor, El-Nahas, & Noshy, 2003), methyl methanesulfonate (Oliveira et al., 2007)and hydrogen peroxide (Slamenová, 2003). Moreover, some studies have related the antioxidant ability of ßGagainst reactive free radicals formed by endogenous metabolic processes or exogenous chemicals (Tsiapali et al., 2001; Slamenová,2003; Sener, Eksioglu-Demiralp, Cetiner, Ercan, & Yegen, 2006; Guerra Dore et al., 2007; Kofuji et al., 2012; Lei et al., 2015). Yeast-derived ßGhave modulating action of humoral and cellular immune responses (Vetvicka et al., 2007).This activity provides protection to the organism against infections and cancer development (Samuelsen, Schrezenmeir, & Knutsen, 2014; Roudbary, Daneshmand, Hajimorad, Roudbarmohammadip, & Hassan, 2015). Despite postulated modes of action by which ß-glucan works are lacking information about the molecular mechanisms involved in the chemopreventive activity of this polysaccharide. In addition, compounds with chemopreventive properties can contribute to reduce side effects and toxicity during the chemotherapeutic treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ßG and the combined treatment with doxorubicin (Dox) on the expression of genes related with apoptosis (CASP9), cell cycle control (CCNA2)and antioxidant defense (SOD1)in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Doxorubicin (Dox) was chosen because it is one of the most used chemotherapeutic agent for cancer treatment. The limitation on the use of Dox in cancer treatment is the lack of selectivity against cancer cells and, consequently, its toxicity to patients.(AU)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/fisiologia , Expressão Gênica , beta-Glucanas , Caspase 9 , Células MCF-7/fisiologia , Superóxido Dismutase-1
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e53335, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1390689


A 10-week experiment was conducted to evaluate the combined effect of enzyme complex + yeast (Maxigrain®, MXG®) supplementation of sun-dried yam peel meal (YPM) based diet of laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on performance and egg quality. A total of 240, seven-weeks old quails were distributed in a completely randomize design with four dietary treatments and five replicates of 12 quails each. Diet 1 served as the control diet without YPM while diet 2, 3, and 4 contained 25, 50, and 75% YPM with MXG® supplementation (1g per kg), respectively. MXG® supplementation in YPM diets improved (p < 0.05) egg mass and feed conversion per egg. Increasing levels of YPM with MXG® supplementation did not show any effect (p > 0.05) on internal and external egg quality attributes except for eggshell weight and thickness which was higher (p < 0.05) in quails fed 75% YPM diet. It was concluded, therefore, that the utilization of YPM as an alternative dietary ingredient with MXG® supplementation can be tolerated in the diets of laying Japanese quails up to 75% inclusion level without any negative effect on productive and egg quality performance.(AU)

Animais , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Aditivos Alimentares/química , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/enzimologia , Ativadores de Enzimas/administração & dosagem , Casca de Planta/química , Colocasia/química , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(11): e20210368, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375141


The transit of infested plants may favor the introduction of herbivores into pest-free regions. In this study, we reported the occurrence of pest mites in Dendrobium phalaenopsis Fitzg. Mites were collected from orchid leaves with lesions. We identified Brevipalpus californicus (Banks, 1904) (sensu latu), Brevipalpus yothersi Baker, 1949 and Tenuipalpus orchidofilo Moraes & Freire, 2001 (Tenuipalpidae). These species had not been registered in D. phalaenopsis. This study reinforces the importance of adequate phytosanitary care for orchid cultivation, since these mites can infest other cultivated plants and damage orchids.

O trânsito de plantas infestadas pode favorecer a introdução de herbívoros em regiões livres de pragas. Neste estudo, relata-se a presença de ácaros-praga em Dendrobium phalaenopsis Fitzg. Os ácaros foram coletados de folhas de orquídeas com danos. Identificou-se Brevipalpus californicus (BANKS, 1904) (sensu latu), Brevipalpus yothersi Baker, 1949 e Tenuipalpus orchidofilo Moraes & Freire, 2001 (Tenuipalpidae). Até o momento, essas espécies não haviam sido registradas em D. phalaenopsis. O estudo alerta sobre a importância de cuidados fitossanitários adequados para o cultivo e comercialização de orquídeas, uma vez que esses ácaros também podem infestar outras plantas cultivadas, além de danificar orquídeas.

Dendrobium/parasitologia , Ácaros , Pragas da Agricultura
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(3): e20200633, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369608


This study o evaluated growth, leaf gas exchange and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi root colonization in three medicinal plant species under different irradiance intensities. Fridericia chica (Bonpl.) L.G.Lohmann, Mikania laevigata Sch.Bip. ex Baker and Varronia curassavica Jacq. were propagated by cutting and cultivated for 120 days in artificially shaded environments using black shade-type screens, obtaining four irradiance levels: 100%, 70%, 50% and 30%. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 3 x 4 factorial scheme (three plant species and four irradiation levels) with seven replicates. The three medicinal species showed higher liquid assimilation, mass growth and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi root colonization rates when exposed to environments with 70% light availability. In relation to physiological responses, V. curassavica presented higher photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration when submitted to 70% irradiance, being able to be cultivated in more open environments with higher irradiation levels. Conversely F. chica and M. laevigata presented shade tolerance characteristics. At the initial growth phase, the results obtained can be used as indicators to recommend the ideal cultivation environment for these species in agroforestry systems.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento, as trocas gasosas foliares e a colonização por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em três espécies de plantas medicinais, sob diferentes intensidades de irradiância. Fridericia chica (Bonpl.) L.G. Ohmmann, Mikania laevigata Sch.Bip. ex Baker e Varronia curassavica Jacq. foram propagadas por estaquia e cultivadas por 120 dias em ambientes artificialmente sombreados, utilizando telas do tipo sombrite, em quatro níveis de irradiância, 100%, 70%, 50% e 30%. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 4 (três espécies de plantas e quatro níveis de irradiação) com sete repetições. As três espécies medicinais avaliadas apresentaram maiores taxas de assimilação líquida, crescimento em massa e colonização radicular por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares quando expostas a ambientes com 70% de disponibilidade de luz. Em relação às respostas fisiológicas, V. curassavica apresentou maior taxa fotossintética, condutância estomática e transpiração quando submetidas a 70% de irradiância, podendo ser cultivada em ambientes mais abertos e com maiores níveis de radiação. Por outro lado, F. chica e M. laevigata apresentaram características de plantas tolerantes à sombra. Os resultados obtidos na fase inicial de crescimento podem ser utilizados como um indicador para recomendar o ambiente de plantio dessas três espécies medicinais em sistemas agroflorestais.

Plantas Medicinais/efeitos da radiação , Biomassa , Bignoniaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Boraginaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Mikania/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Vet. Not. (Online) ; 27(2): 19-43, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502539


This study aims to evaluate the use of active, inactive plus active, and inactive yeasts on the consumption of dry matter, water, and the apparent digestibility of dry matter, urinary parameters, and serum metabolites of lambs. Twenty crossbred lambs (Dorper x Santa Inês) were used, with an initial average body weight of 31.89 kg and seven months of age, distributed in a completely randomized design. Treatments were Control group (without yeasts); Active Flora® (ICC), live yeast plus inactivated yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 2.0 x 1010 UFC g-1) in the dose of 0.003 kg of animal dry matter -1 day-1,; Milk Sacc X® (Alltech®), active yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 1026, 5.0 x 108 UFC g-1 - at the dose of 0.0015 kg of animal dry matter-1 day-1; and Rumen Yeast® (York Ag Products INC.), inactive yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae,1.5 x 104 UFC g-1 - in the dose of 0.0045 kg of animal dry matter-1 day-1. Variance analysis and the SNK (Student-Newman-Keuls) test were performed considering 5% significance. For glycemic concentrations over time, regression analysis at 5% significance were performed. The fecal score, as a non-parametric variable, was assessed by the Kruskal and Wallis test at a 5% significance level. There was a statistical difference (P 0.05). The average dry matter intake was 1.16 ± 0.16 kg day-1, whereas the dry matter digestibility was 85.40 ± 2.73%. It was concluded that active and/or inactive yeasts can be used as additives in the diet of lambs, maintaining the intake and digestibility of dry matter without causing metabolic disturbances.

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de leveduras ativas, inativas mais ativas e inativas sobre o consumo e digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, de água, dos parâmetros urinários e dos metabólitos séricos de borregas. Utilizou-se 20 borregas mestiças Dorper x Santa Inês, com peso corporal médio inicial de 31,89 kg e sete meses de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos consistiram em Controle, sem uso de enzimas, e no uso das leveduras Active Flora® (levedura viva junto a levedura inativada - Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, com 2,0 x 1010 UFC g-1), Milk Sacc X® (levedura ativa - Saccharomyces C. 1026, 5,0 x 108 UFC g-1) e Rúmen Yeast® (levedura inativa - Saccharomyces C. com 1,5 x 104 UFC g-1). Foi realizado uma análise de variância e um teste SNK considerando 5% de significância. Para as concentrações glicêmicas ao longo do tempo foi realizada uma análise de regressão a 5% de significância. O escore fecal, por ser uma variável não paramétrica, foi avaliado pelo teste Kruskal e Wallis à significância de 5%. Observou-se a diferença estatística (P 0,05). A média de consumo da matéria seca foi de 1,16±0,16 kg dia-1, já a digestibilidade da matéria seca foi de 85,40 ±2,73%. Concluiu-se que as leveduras ativas e/ou inativas podem ser utilizadas como aditivos na dieta de borregas, mantendo o consumo e a digestibilidade da matéria seca sem causar distúrbios metabólicos.

Animais , Dieta , Leveduras , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ração Animal , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Aditivos Alimentares/uso terapêutico , Análise de Variância
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(6): 3515-3526, nov.-dez. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370594


The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of live yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii) on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the shoulder and loin of Boer x Saanen crossbred goat kids. Twenty-seven carcasses were used, 13 females and 14 uncastrated males with an average age of 192 days, weighing 30.76 kg, distributed in a completely randomised design using a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (diet and sex). The yeast was added to the feed before pelletising in a proportion of 0.050 g/kg dry matter (DM). When the goats reached an average of 30 kg of live weight, they were slaughtered. No effects of live yeast on quantitative carcass and qualitative characteristics of shoulder and loin were observed. Regarding sex, males had higher slaughter weights (31.73 kg), empty carcass weight (27.98 kg), hot carcass weight (14.39 kg), cold carcass weight (14.22 kg), higher carcass compactness index (0.28 kg/cm), lower slaughter age (176 days) and lower cooling loss (1.20%). For the cut yields, females presented a higher loin yield (11.55%) and males presented a higher neck yield (6.84%). In the shoulder, males presented a higher proportion of bone (18.58%), while females presented a higher proportion of fat (17.09%) and muscle:bone (3.47). In the loin, females showed higher fat deposition (19.54%) in relation to males. The inclusion of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii in the crossbred goat kids' diet did not generate differences in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the shoulder and loin. (AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da levedura viva (Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii) sobre as características quantitativas e qualitativas da paleta e do lombo de cabritos mestiços Boer x Saanen. Foram utilizadas 27 carcaças, 13 fêmeas e 14 machos não castrados com idade média de 192 dias e peso de 30,76 kg, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (dieta e sexo). A levedura foi adicionada à ração antes da peletização na proporção de 0,050 g / kg de MS. Quando os cabritos atingiram a média de 30 kg de peso vivo, os animais foram abatidos. Não foram observados efeitos da levedura viva na carcaça quantitativa e nas características qualitativas da paleta e do lombo. Em relação ao sexo, os machos apresentaram maiores pesos de abate (31,73 kg), peso de carcaça vazia (27,98 kg), peso de carcaça quente (14,39 kg), peso de carcaça fria (14,22 kg), maior índice de compacidade de carcaça (0,28 kg/cm), menor abate idade (176 dias) e menor perda por resfriamento (1,20%). Para os rendimentos de cortes, as fêmeas apresentaram maior rendimento de lombo (11,55%) e os machos apresentaram maior rendimento de pescoço (6,84%). Na paleta, o sexo masculino apresentou maior proporção de osso (18,58%), enquanto o feminino apresentou maior proporção de gordura (17,09%) e músculo: osso (3,47). No lombo, as fêmeas apresentaram maior deposição de gordura (19,54%) em relação aos machos. A inclusão da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii na dieta de cabritos mestiços não expressa diferenças nas características quantitativas e qualitativas da paleta e do lombo. (AU)

Animais , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Cabras , Probióticos , Carne , Músculos , Leveduras
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(4): 2471-2488, jul.-ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370954


Functional additives, such as autolyzed yeasts, have been used to achieve greater production efficiency and animal health. These compounds are also alternatives to the use of performance-enhancing antimicrobials. The objective was to evaluate the productive performance, ingestive behavior, apparent digestibility of feed DM and the carcass characteristics of beef steers finished in feedlot receiving autolyzed yeasts in the diet. The experimental design was randomized blocks, consisting of three treatments and six repetitions, where each repetition was represented by a stall with two animals. 36 bulls, ½ Angus × ½ Nelore blood, from the same herd, with an average age of 11 months and an average body weight of ± 330 kg were used. The treatments were as follows: CON - yeast-free diet; Y4 - yeast diet (4 g animal day-1) and Y7 - yeast diet (7 g animal day-1). The product used is a functional ingredient containing the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The inclusion of autolyzed yeasts resulted in greater daily body weight gain and better feed conversion in the initial feedlot phase. The apparent digestibility of DM of diets containing autolyzed yeast was superior to the control diet, and its use did not interfere with the animal ingestive behavior. Supplementation with autolyzed yeasts at the inclusion level of 4 g day-1 promoted better results in the finishing of feedlot steers, and that the supplemented groups (4 g animal day-1 and 7 g animal day-1) achieved the same degree of carcass finishing, higher than the control group.(AU)

Os aditivos funcionais como as leveduras autolisadas têm sido usados com objetivo de proporcionar maior eficiência produtiva e saúde animal. Tais compostos são também alternativas ao uso de antimicrobianos melhoradores do desempenho. Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo, o comportamento ingestivo, a digestibilidade aparente da MS da ração e as características de carcaça de novilhos de corte terminados em confinamento sob efeito da inclusão de levedura autolisada na dieta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, constituído de três tratamentos e seis repetições, onde cada repetição foi representada por uma baia com dois animais. Utilizou-se 36 novilhos inteiros, ½ Angus × ½ Nelore, provenientes de mesmo rebanho, com idade média de 11 meses e peso corporal médio inicial de 330 ± 9,8 kg. Os tratamentos foram assim designados: CON - dieta sem leveduras; Y4­ dieta com leveduras (4 g animal dia-1) e Y7 ­ dieta com leveduras (7 g animal dia-1). O produto utilizado é um ingrediente funcional obtido a partir da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. O uso de leveduras autolisadas promoveu maior ganho de peso corporal diário e melhor conversão alimentar na fase inicial do confinamento. A digestibilidade aparente da MS das dietas que continham levedura autolisada foi superior a dieta controle, e seu uso não interferiu no comportamento ingestivo dos animais. Pode-se concluir que a suplementação com leveduras autolisadas ao nível de inclusão de 4 g dia-1 determinou melhores resultados na terminação dos novilhos confinados, e que os grupos suplementados com 4 g animal dia-1 e 7 g animal dia-1 alcançaram o mesmo grau de acabamento de carcaça, superiores ao grupo controle.(AU)

Animais , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Peso Corporal , Aumento de Peso , Gado , Anti-Infecciosos , Medicina Veterinária