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Atas Saúde Ambient ; 5: 105-124, jan-dez. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463702


Existem poucos testes validados para avaliar prejuízos cognitivos em usuários de cocaína/crack, sendo estes restritos a poucos domínios. O Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) é um teste que avalia múltiplos prejuízos cognitivos, validado, por exemplo, para o diagnóstico de demência, e doença de Alzheimer, mas não para usuários de cocaína/crack. Nós comparamos o desempenho de usuários crônicos de cocaína/crack com indivíduos saudáveis no teste MoCA. Nós também avaliamos o desempenho destes indivíduos no teste Trail Making Test (TMT) para comparar os resultados. Sujeitos controles e usuários eram ambos do sexo masculino e adultos, com pelo menos 10 anos de escolaridade (para evitar falsos erros cognitivos). No teste MoCA os usuários de cocaína/crack apresentaram escores inferiores aos controles. No TMT (A, B e B-A) também. Esses resultados revelaram prejuízos cognitivos, como, por exemplo, na linguagem e memória dos usuários. Porém, a correlação de escores entre os testes MoCA e TMT foi evidenciada somente no grupo controle, sugerindo não só a diferença, mas outros importantes resultados obtidos com a realização de ambos os testes, de modo a garantir um rastreamento mais completo e múltiplo de prejuízos cognitivos. Portanto, nós sugerimos o uso do MoCA como um teste complementar ao TMT para avaliar prejuízos cognitivos em usuários crônicos de cocaína/crack.

There are few validated tests to measure cognitive impairments in cocaine/crack users; these tests are restricted to single/few domains. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test evaluates multiple cognitive impairments and is valid for dementia, and Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, for example, but not for cocaine/crack users. We compared the performance of chronic cocaine/crack users and healthy individuals in the MoCA test. We also performed the Trail Making Test (TMT) to compare the results. Controls and cocaine/crack users groups were both formed by adult males, with at least 10 years of schooling (to eliminate false cognitive errors). In the MoCA test, cocaine/crack users had lower scores than control subjects. In TMT (A, B, and B-A), they also performed worse than controls. These results revealed cognitive impairments, such as on language, memory, and flexibility in cocaine/crack users. However, a correlation between MoCA and TMT scores was only evidenced in control group; not for cocaine/crack users. This suggests that different and important results could be obtained from both tests, for a more complete and multiple screening on cognitive impairments. Therefore, we suggest the use of MoCA as a complementary test of TMT to evaluate cognitive impairments in chronic cocaine/crack users.

Humanos , Cocaína , Cocaína Crack , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Usuários de Drogas , Reabilitação Psiquiátrica
Atas saúde ambient. ; 5: 105-124, jan-dez. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16251


Existem poucos testes validados para avaliar prejuízos cognitivos em usuários de cocaína/crack, sendo estes restritos a poucos domínios. O Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) é um teste que avalia múltiplos prejuízos cognitivos, validado, por exemplo, para o diagnóstico de demência, e doença de Alzheimer, mas não para usuários de cocaína/crack. Nós comparamos o desempenho de usuários crônicos de cocaína/crack com indivíduos saudáveis no teste MoCA. Nós também avaliamos o desempenho destes indivíduos no teste Trail Making Test (TMT) para comparar os resultados. Sujeitos controles e usuários eram ambos do sexo masculino e adultos, com pelo menos 10 anos de escolaridade (para evitar falsos erros cognitivos). No teste MoCA os usuários de cocaína/crack apresentaram escores inferiores aos controles. No TMT (A, B e B-A) também. Esses resultados revelaram prejuízos cognitivos, como, por exemplo, na linguagem e memória dos usuários. Porém, a correlação de escores entre os testes MoCA e TMT foi evidenciada somente no grupo controle, sugerindo não só a diferença, mas outros importantes resultados obtidos com a realização de ambos os testes, de modo a garantir um rastreamento mais completo e múltiplo de prejuízos cognitivos. Portanto, nós sugerimos o uso do MoCA como um teste complementar ao TMT para avaliar prejuízos cognitivos em usuários crônicos de cocaína/crack.(AU)

There are few validated tests to measure cognitive impairments in cocaine/crack users; these tests are restricted to single/few domains. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test evaluates multiple cognitive impairments and is valid for dementia, and Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, for example, but not for cocaine/crack users. We compared the performance of chronic cocaine/crack users and healthy individuals in the MoCA test. We also performed the Trail Making Test (TMT) to compare the results. Controls and cocaine/crack users groups were both formed by adult males, with at least 10 years of schooling (to eliminate false cognitive errors). In the MoCA test, cocaine/crack users had lower scores than control subjects. In TMT (A, B, and B-A), they also performed worse than controls. These results revealed cognitive impairments, such as on language, memory, and flexibility in cocaine/crack users. However, a correlation between MoCA and TMT scores was only evidenced in control group; not for cocaine/crack users. This suggests that different and important results could be obtained from both tests, for a more complete and multiple screening on cognitive impairments. Therefore, we suggest the use of MoCA as a complementary test of TMT to evaluate cognitive impairments in chronic cocaine/crack users.(AU)

Humanos , Cocaína Crack , Cocaína , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Usuários de Drogas , Reabilitação Psiquiátrica
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 31(5): 516-519, Oct. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504286


Capuchin monkeys, Sapajus Kerr, 1792, are known for their flexible behavior, including tool use, and their ability to survive in urban forests. We observed capuchin juveniles using wood as hammer and anvil and different materials as sponges (four tool-use events) in two geographically distinct urban populations in Brazil, in 2012: two in Goiânia, Central Brazil and two in Foz do Iguaçu, Southern Brazil. In Goiânia, a male used a detached tree branch as a hammer and a buttress root as an anvil to pound a seed of Terminalia Linnaeus. Another male used a small branch with leaves as a dipping tool to access water inside a tree trunk hole. In Foz do Iguaçu, the capuchins used a small branch and a piece of bread to obtain water by dipping them into tree trunk holes. This latter event might be interpreted as a case of self-control, with a familiar food item used as a tool to reach a resource that is difficult to access otherwise. Our observations contribute to the knowledge on the tool-kit of capuchins and we propose that these urban populations should be conserved for scientific evaluations of behavioral flexibility in non-human primates.

Animais , Cebus/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento de Utilização de Ferramentas , Brasil
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 31(5): 516-519, Oct. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30910


Capuchin monkeys, Sapajus Kerr, 1792, are known for their flexible behavior, including tool use, and their ability to survive in urban forests. We observed capuchin juveniles using wood as hammer and anvil and different materials as sponges (four tool-use events) in two geographically distinct urban populations in Brazil, in 2012: two in Goiânia, Central Brazil and two in Foz do Iguaçu, Southern Brazil. In Goiânia, a male used a detached tree branch as a hammer and a buttress root as an anvil to pound a seed of Terminalia Linnaeus. Another male used a small branch with leaves as a dipping tool to access water inside a tree trunk hole. In Foz do Iguaçu, the capuchins used a small branch and a piece of bread to obtain water by dipping them into tree trunk holes. This latter event might be interpreted as a case of self-control, with a familiar food item used as a tool to reach a resource that is difficult to access otherwise. Our observations contribute to the knowledge on the tool-kit of capuchins and we propose that these urban populations should be conserved for scientific evaluations of behavioral flexibility in non-human primates.(AU)

Animais , Cebus/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento de Utilização de Ferramentas , Brasil
Campo digit ; 9(1): 49-55, jul. 2014.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471752


The objective of this review was to report some psychological aspects of interaction between man and animal, to contribute with information that supports the harmony between them. In modern society the animals have been subjected to a series of stressful situations, and these causes various changes in behavior. Although dogs are of significant behavioral flexibility, the requirements of the owners may trigger conflicts that favor the appearance of disorders such as coprophagy. This can be justified by the need to humanize the animals required in order to obtain behaviors inherent to the human species, even for this have to change their natural characteristics. Coprophagy is the habit of eating feces and this behavior can be physiological or in some situations due to metabolic and / or nutritional deficiencies, but most often is a behavioral disorder of the animal in an attempt to get the attention of the owner. Coprophagy represents a challenge to the medical clinic for small animals therefore has diagnostic and treatment laborious. Thus, clinicians should be alert to assess the behavioral changes so that they can suggest more practical solutions.

Objetivou-se com este estudo relatar alguns aspectos psicológicos da interação entre homem e animal, visando contribuir com informações que subsidiem a harmonia entre ambos. Na sociedade moderna os animais têm sido submetidos a uma série de situações estressoras, sendo essas as causas de diversas alterações no comportamento. Embora os cães apresentem grande flexibilidade comportamental, as exigências por parte dos proprietários podem desencadear conflitos que favorecem o aparecimento de distúrbios como a coprofagia. Isso pode ser justificado pela necessidade de humanização exigida aos animais a fim de que obtenham comportamentos inerentes à espécie humana, nem que para isso tenham que mudar as suas características naturais. A coprofagia é o hábito de ingerir fezes e esse comportamento pode ser fisiológico em algumas situações, ou decorrente de doenças metabólicas e/ou carências nutricionais. Porém, na maioria das vezes é um distúrbio comportamental do animal na tentativa de obter a atenção do proprietário. A coprofagia representa um desafio para a clínica médica de pequenos animais, pois, possui diagnóstico e tratamento trabalhosos. Assim, os clínicos devem ficar atentos ao avaliar as alterações comportamentais de modo que possam sugerir soluções mais práticas.

Animais , Cães , Comportamento Animal , Coprofagia/fisiologia , Cães/fisiologia , Dieta , Fezes
Campo digit. ; 9(1): 49-55, jul. 2014.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-340812


The objective of this review was to report some psychological aspects of interaction between man and animal, to contribute with information that supports the harmony between them. In modern society the animals have been subjected to a series of stressful situations, and these causes various changes in behavior. Although dogs are of significant behavioral flexibility, the requirements of the owners may trigger conflicts that favor the appearance of disorders such as coprophagy. This can be justified by the need to humanize the animals required in order to obtain behaviors inherent to the human species, even for this have to change their natural characteristics. Coprophagy is the habit of eating feces and this behavior can be physiological or in some situations due to metabolic and / or nutritional deficiencies, but most often is a behavioral disorder of the animal in an attempt to get the attention of the owner. Coprophagy represents a challenge to the medical clinic for small animals therefore has diagnostic and treatment laborious. Thus, clinicians should be alert to assess the behavioral changes so that they can suggest more practical solutions.(AU)

Objetivou-se com este estudo relatar alguns aspectos psicológicos da interação entre homem e animal, visando contribuir com informações que subsidiem a harmonia entre ambos. Na sociedade moderna os animais têm sido submetidos a uma série de situações estressoras, sendo essas as causas de diversas alterações no comportamento. Embora os cães apresentem grande flexibilidade comportamental, as exigências por parte dos proprietários podem desencadear conflitos que favorecem o aparecimento de distúrbios como a coprofagia. Isso pode ser justificado pela necessidade de humanização exigida aos animais a fim de que obtenham comportamentos inerentes à espécie humana, nem que para isso tenham que mudar as suas características naturais. A coprofagia é o hábito de ingerir fezes e esse comportamento pode ser fisiológico em algumas situações, ou decorrente de doenças metabólicas e/ou carências nutricionais. Porém, na maioria das vezes é um distúrbio comportamental do animal na tentativa de obter a atenção do proprietário. A coprofagia representa um desafio para a clínica médica de pequenos animais, pois, possui diagnóstico e tratamento trabalhosos. Assim, os clínicos devem ficar atentos ao avaliar as alterações comportamentais de modo que possam sugerir soluções mais práticas.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Coprofagia/fisiologia , Fezes , Dieta
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-217489


A adolescência é considerada um dos períodos críticos de desenvolvimento e de grande relevância para a saúde de um indivíduo quando adulto. Eventos estressores ou traumáticos durante este período estão associados a inúmeras alterações no desenvolvimento e na plasticidade do sistema neuroimunoendócrino predispondo o indivíduo a transtornos psiquiátricos. Entretanto, ainda são escassos na literatura os estudos que investigam as alterações neuroimunes relacionadas a adolescência. Logo, o presente estudo buscou avaliar os impactos na vida adulta de dois modelos de estresse na adolescência sobre parâmetros imunes, neuroquímicos e comportamentais em roedores. Os estudos presentes nesta tese apresentam resultados importantes para a compreensão do eixo HPA e de como estímulos estressores durante a adolescência modulam os mecanismos envolvidos na resposta neuroimuno-endócrina e comportamental na vida adulta. Em resumo, nossos resultados mostram que eventos estressores, durante o período da adolescência, sejam modelos homotípicos ou heterotípicos de curta duração (10 15 dias), estão associados com alterações a longo-prazo em padrões neurais, parâmetros comportamentais e imunes, levando a uma potencial vulnerabilidade neuroimuneendócrina para o desenvolvimento de transtornos relacionados a resposta ao estresse na vida adulta e também uma maior oportunidade de flexibilidade comportamental e fisiológica ao responder a diferentes ambientes e contextos sociais.

Adolescence is considered one of the critical periods of development and of great relevance to the health of an individual as an adult. Stressor or traumatic events during this period are associated with numerous changes in the development and plasticity of the neuroimmuoendocrine system predisposing the individual to psychiatric disorders. However, studies that investigate neuroimmuno changes related to adolescence are still scarce in the literature. Therefore, the present study sought to evaluate the adult life impacts of two models of stress in adolescence on immune, neurochemical and behavioral parameters in rodents. The studies into this thesis present important results for understanding the HPA axis and how stressors during adolescence modulate the mechanisms involved in the neuroimmunoendocrine and behavioral response in adult life. Briefly, our results show that stressful situations, during the developmental period of adolescence, homotypic or heterotypic models in a short term (10 -15 days), can be associated with long-lasting changes in neural pathways, behavior and immune parameters, eliciting a potential neuroimmuno-endocrine and behavioral vulnerability for the development of disorders related to stress response in adulthood and also with a greater opportunity to behavioral and physiological flexibility to respond to different environmental and social contexts.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690268


Differences in distribution, prey species, season and social learning opportunities influence the feeding tactics used by marine mammals. Here, we analyze the coordinated feeding behavior of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Van Bénéden, 1864, Delphinidae) and its relation to seasonality and the presence of calves. In a total of 201 feeding bouts, we observed four types of coordinated feeding tactics, which differed in frequency and in mean number of engaged individuals. Tactics in which dolphins used their bodies to herd and capture prey were the most frequent, presenting a higher frequency and engaging a higher number of individuals, suggesting that these tactics are better for capturing fishes which form larger schools. Furthermore, the seasons influenced the feeding behavior used by dolphins. During spring-summer, a longer duration of bouts and a larger number of individuals engaged in the feeding tactics was observed, which may be related to the seasonal spawning of larger schooling fish, such as Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879). Calves were present in 95% of all coordinated feeding tactic occurrences. This study indicates a complete preference of dolphins for coordinating their actions to capture prey and for the first time reports the presence of calves in the coordinated tactics and jumps. This broadens the current knowledge of the Guiana dolphin feeding tactics.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503971


Differences in distribution, prey species, season and social learning opportunities influence the feeding tactics used by marine mammals. Here, we analyze the coordinated feeding behavior of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Van Bénéden, 1864, Delphinidae) and its relation to seasonality and the presence of calves. In a total of 201 feeding bouts, we observed four types of coordinated feeding tactics, which differed in frequency and in mean number of engaged individuals. Tactics in which dolphins used their bodies to herd and capture prey were the most frequent, presenting a higher frequency and engaging a higher number of individuals, suggesting that these tactics are better for capturing fishes which form larger schools. Furthermore, the seasons influenced the feeding behavior used by dolphins. During spring-summer, a longer duration of bouts and a larger number of individuals engaged in the feeding tactics was observed, which may be related to the seasonal spawning of larger schooling fish, such as Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879). Calves were present in 95% of all coordinated feeding tactic occurrences. This study indicates a complete preference of dolphins for coordinating their actions to capture prey and for the first time reports the presence of calves in the coordinated tactics and jumps. This broadens the current knowledge of the Guiana dolphin feeding tactics.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441260


Differences in distribution, prey species, season and social learning opportunities influence the feeding tactics used by marine mammals. Here, we analyze the coordinated feeding behavior of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Van Bénéden, 1864, Delphinidae) and its relation to seasonality and the presence of calves. In a total of 201 feeding bouts, we observed four types of coordinated feeding tactics, which differed in frequency and in mean number of engaged individuals. Tactics in which dolphins used their bodies to herd and capture prey were the most frequent, presenting a higher frequency and engaging a higher number of individuals, suggesting that these tactics are better for capturing fishes which form larger schools. Furthermore, the seasons influenced the feeding behavior used by dolphins. During spring-summer, a longer duration of bouts and a larger number of individuals engaged in the feeding tactics was observed, which may be related to the seasonal spawning of larger schooling fish, such as Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879). Calves were present in 95% of all coordinated feeding tactic occurrences. This study indicates a complete preference of dolphins for coordinating their actions to capture prey and for the first time reports the presence of calves in the coordinated tactics and jumps. This broadens the current knowledge of the Guiana dolphin feeding tactics.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-203264


O comportamento maternal é fundamental para a perpetuação das espécies; a prole nasce imatura e depende da habilidade da mãe em cuidar da prole e de si mesma. É comum que no pós-parto ocorram infecções maternas induzidas por bactérias Gram negativas, levando assim a prejuízos na homeostasia materna, apresentando o comportamento doentio. Dentro destes contextos de sobrevivência, os animais em seu ambiente natural necessitam tomar decisões rápidas quando expostos a situações conflitantes, sendo o equilíbrio no tempo e energia gastos nestes comportamentos apresentados, um fator crítico, tanto para sua sobrevivência como a de sua prole. Esta flexibilidade comportamental depende da existência da neuroplasticidade. Estas observações suscitaram a primeira questão, em que se avaliaram os efeitos de uma inflamação aguda no pós-parto interferir na seleção comportamental de ratas lactantes em cuidar da prole ou caçar insetos. Para induzir o comportamento doentio, empregou-se o LPS, uma endotoxina presente nas paredes de bactérias Gram negativas, como agente indutor de inflamação, conhecido classicamente por ativar o sistema imunológico. Desta forma, o primeiro experimento mostrou que a administração da endotoxina em lactantes no 5º/6º dia, no paradigma cuidar da prole ou caçar insetos, estas lactantes passaram mais tempo caçando e comendo os insetos em relação ao grupo controle, em detrimento de cuidar de sua prole. Estas fêmeas apresentaram aumento na imobilidade e nos níveis plasmáticos da citocina TNF-alfa, corroborando com a presença de inflamação materna. Os resultados mostraram que as fêmeas lactantes expostas ao LPS no 5º/6º dia de lactação escolheram mais o comportamento predatório em relação ao maternal, priorizando, assim, sua sobrevivência. Estudo anterior mostrou que a administração pré-natal de LPS reduziu o comportamento maternal. Desde que foi observado que a administração aguda do LPS levou à seleção do comportamento predatório em vez do comportamento maternal, surgiu a segunda questão: a administração pré-natal de LPS modificaria esta seleção em face de uma dose desafio do LPS? O segundo experimento avaliou a seleção comportamental em fêmeas que receberam LPS pré-natalmente e foram desafiadas entre os dias 5º/6º da lactação com a mesma endotoxina. Observou-se que as lactantes expostas à endotoxina pré-natalmente, desafiadas com solução salina, apresentaram poucos efeitos na seleção comportamental. No entanto, as lactantes tratadas pré-natalmente com LPS e desafiadas à mesma endotoxina, mostraram redução do comportamento maternal e um maior tempo gasto comendo os insetos apesar de maior imobilidade, apresentando, assim, o comportamento doentio. A dose desafio de LPS nestas lactantes não levou a modificações nos níveis plasmáticos da citocina TNF-alfa, sugerindo que estas apresentaram tolerância quando desafiadas à mesma endotoxina.

In the natural environment, animals need to make rapid decisions when exposed to conflicting situations. Particularly, after delivery, mothers have to choose feeding or take care of their offspring, and these behaviors could affect both, the mother and pups survival. In mammals, maternal behavior is essential for the perpetuation of the species, since their offspring born immature and dependent on the mother's ability to divide their time taking care of offspring and feed. Thus, postpartum females have to express other behaviors linked to their survival such as hunting and feeding. A common problem in the postpartum are maternal infections induced by gram negative bacteria. In this condition the mother is faced with the conflict of caring their puppies, even sick, or abandon it and seach for food to, in more propitious occasion, have new offspring. This behavioral flexibility depends on the existence of neuroplasticity. Based in these observations, the first question of in this study invetigated the effects of an acute inflammation in postpartum behavioral selection of lactating rats between maternal and predatory behaviors was examined. LPS, an endotoxin present on the walls of gram-negative bacteria, was employed to induce inflammatory agent and activates the immune system. Thus, the results showed the effects on behavioral selection in lactating females exposed to LPS. The LPS was administered between 5/6 days of lactation and the behavioral selection observed 2 hours after administration of endotoxin. The results showed that in the paradigm of care the offspring or hunting insects the female treated with LPS showed preference for the predation relative to maternal behavior. Despite these females presented increased immobility, one of the sickness behavior signs, they contacted, hunted and ate more insects that control group than female of control group. In addition, these females had increased plasma levels of TNF-alpha, which corroborates with the presence of maternal inflammation. We conclude that acute exposure to LPS to lactating females, probably prioritized the predatory behavior towards the maternal behavior to ensure its survival, since their offspring might be sick. Thus, in more favorable conditions, it could generate new offspring and keep her species. Previous study showed that prenatal administration of LPS reduced the maternal behavior of rats. Since it was observed that acute administration to LPS led to the selection of the predatory behavior instead of maternal behavior arose the second question of this study: prenatal administration of LPS modify this selection in the face of a challenge dose of LPS? The second experimente investigated this issue. The behavioral selection in females prenatally treated with LPS and challenged between 5/6 days of lactation with the same endotoxin was observed. First, female rats exposed to prenatally endotoxin challenged with saline showed few effects on behavioral selection, ie looked over the pups and hunted less insects. However, prenatal LPS treatment and a challenge with LPS revealed that females showed reductions in both maternal behavior as predation with greater immobility. It was concluded that the absence of behavioral flexibility of these females may have implications for the survival of mothers and offspring.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690326


Understanding what influences the activity of organisms is important for both ecological understanding and species conservation. Using data from 2,707 camera trap days distributed across 24 forest sites, we present quantitative analyses of the activity pattern of Cuniculus paca (Linnaeus, 1766) in southern Amazonia. We compared the activity pattern of this species across four designated subsets of the 24-hours diel cycle (dawn, dusk, day and night). Using linear regression models we tested the influence of season, temperature and rainfall on the activity patterns of C. paca (paca). We also evaluated the nocturnal photos of paca (N = 111) as a function of the degree of lunar illumination in order to test the prediction that pacas minimize their activity during moon phase when illumination is brighter. Pacas were not recorded during the day but were active at dawn, dusk and night time. We found differences in the influence of the abiotic variables on the nocturnal activity of pacas in the study area. There was no significant difference between the observed (expressed as the frequency of total counts of independent photos over the five classes of lunar illumination) and the expected activity of pacas, based on the frequency of days in the lunar cycle with different classes of lunar illumination, whereas lunar illumination had a weak negative influence on the timing of paca activity (i.e. pacas were active closer to sunset with increasing lunar illumination). However, the timing of nocturnal activity in pacas was not influenced by season, temperature or rainfall. Our findings highlight the ecological plasticity of this Neotropical rodent which has a key function in the maintenance of Neotropical forests.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504033


Understanding what influences the activity of organisms is important for both ecological understanding and species conservation. Using data from 2,707 camera trap days distributed across 24 forest sites, we present quantitative analyses of the activity pattern of Cuniculus paca (Linnaeus, 1766) in southern Amazonia. We compared the activity pattern of this species across four designated subsets of the 24-hours diel cycle (dawn, dusk, day and night). Using linear regression models we tested the influence of season, temperature and rainfall on the activity patterns of C. paca (paca). We also evaluated the nocturnal photos of paca (N = 111) as a function of the degree of lunar illumination in order to test the prediction that pacas minimize their activity during moon phase when illumination is brighter. Pacas were not recorded during the day but were active at dawn, dusk and night time. We found differences in the influence of the abiotic variables on the nocturnal activity of pacas in the study area. There was no significant difference between the observed (expressed as the frequency of total counts of independent photos over the five classes of lunar illumination) and the expected activity of pacas, based on the frequency of days in the lunar cycle with different classes of lunar illumination, whereas lunar illumination had a weak negative influence on the timing of paca activity (i.e. pacas were active closer to sunset with increasing lunar illumination). However, the timing of nocturnal activity in pacas was not influenced by season, temperature or rainfall. Our findings highlight the ecological plasticity of this Neotropical rodent which has a key function in the maintenance of Neotropical forests.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441318


Understanding what influences the activity of organisms is important for both ecological understanding and species conservation. Using data from 2,707 camera trap days distributed across 24 forest sites, we present quantitative analyses of the activity pattern of Cuniculus paca (Linnaeus, 1766) in southern Amazonia. We compared the activity pattern of this species across four designated subsets of the 24-hours diel cycle (dawn, dusk, day and night). Using linear regression models we tested the influence of season, temperature and rainfall on the activity patterns of C. paca (paca). We also evaluated the nocturnal photos of paca (N = 111) as a function of the degree of lunar illumination in order to test the prediction that pacas minimize their activity during moon phase when illumination is brighter. Pacas were not recorded during the day but were active at dawn, dusk and night time. We found differences in the influence of the abiotic variables on the nocturnal activity of pacas in the study area. There was no significant difference between the observed (expressed as the frequency of total counts of independent photos over the five classes of lunar illumination) and the expected activity of pacas, based on the frequency of days in the lunar cycle with different classes of lunar illumination, whereas lunar illumination had a weak negative influence on the timing of paca activity (i.e. pacas were active closer to sunset with increasing lunar illumination). However, the timing of nocturnal activity in pacas was not influenced by season, temperature or rainfall. Our findings highlight the ecological plasticity of this Neotropical rodent which has a key function in the maintenance of Neotropical forests.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 68(4)2008.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-446440


Increasing urbanization and deforestation have enhanced the opportunities of contact between humans and monkeys and the impact of human activities on primate behavior is receiving growing attention. This study explores whether activity budgets and diet of a group of capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting the area of the swimming pools of the National Park of Brasília is affected by the presence of visitors providing food to them. During one year, both in the dry and the wet seasons, we scored capuchins' behavior via scan sampling every ten minutes. Results showed that this group spent less time foraging for wild foods than other comparable groups living in similar habitats. Moreover, capuchins relied more on human food during the dry season, when pulpy fruits were less available, than in the wet season. Our findings confirm other studies on different monkey species that have shown that access to human food decreases the time spent foraging for wild food and the home range size. They also show that capuchins are able to modify their diet, to exploit alternative food sources, and to change their activity budget in response to the availability of new food opportunities and to seasonal food availability.

Recentemente, o impacto de atividades humanas sobre o comportamento de primatas tem recebido maior importância dado o crescente desmatamento e urbanização, que têm favorecido o aumento do contato entre humanos e macacos. O presente estudo descreve os padrões de atividade e a dieta de um grupo de macacos-prego (Cebus libidinosus) que vive no Parque Nacional de Brasília. O Parque é freqüentado diariamente por visitantes, de modo que os animais estão habituados à presença humana, bem como ao consumo de itens de sua dieta. Observações comportamentais do grupo foram realizadas ao longo de um ano, compreendendo a estação seca e a chuvosa, utilizando-se registro de varredura a cada 10 minutos. Resultados obtidos indicaram que o grupo despendeu menos tempo forrageando itens naturais do que outros grupos vivendo em habitats similares. Além disso, durante a estação seca, quando há menor disponibilidade dos frutos de polpa, os macacos-prego alimentaram-se mais de itens da dieta humana como uma fonte alternativa de recurso. Como demonstrado em estudos anteriores realizados com outras espécies de macacos, a alimentação baseada em itens da dieta humana pareceu diminuir a motivação dos animais para forragear no seu habitat natural, assim como promoveu a redução do tempo gasto no forrageamento e a redução de sua área de uso. Nossos resultados indicaram ainda que o consumo de comida humana reflete o caráter adaptável dos animais em explorar fontes alternativas de recurso, bem como a sua habilidade em modificar a sua dieta e padrões de comportamento face às mudanças ambientais.

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 23: 425-434, 2001.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-725446


A synthesis on the feeding flexibility in freshwater teleosts concerning seasonal, spatial, ontogenetic, individual and behavioral variation of freshwater teleosts is provided. The occurrence of a flexible diet is a striking aspect of tropical riverine ichthyofauna where most species may switch from a food item to another as soon as the relative abundance of the feeding resource in use oscillates, motivated by seasonal and spatial environmental alterations. There is a trophical change in almost all species during ontogeny, whereas in most populations, individuals may show feeding preferences or make use of distinct feeding tactics that lead towards a differentiated intraspecific foraging. These considerations highlight the difficulty on setting up reliable specific species feeding patterns in tropical teleosts

Esta revisão apresenta uma síntese a respeito da plasticidade alimentar em teleósteos de água doce em relação às variações espaço-temporais, ontogenéticas, individuais e comportamentais. A ocorrência de dieta flexível é uma característica marcante da ictiofauna fluvial tropical, onde a maioria das espécies pode mudar de um alimento para outro tão logo ocorram oscilações na abundância relativa do recurso alimentar em uso, motivadas por alterações ambientais espaço-temporais. Quase todas as espécies mudam troficamente durante a ontogenia, e em muitas populações, os indivíduos podem apresentar preferências alimentares ou fazer uso de táticas alimentares distintas, conduzindo a um forrageamento intra-específico diferenciado. Essas considerações evidenciam dificuldades que podem ser encontradas no estabelecimento de padrões alimentares específicos fidedignos para as espécies de teleósteos

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 23: 425-434, 2001.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460106


A synthesis on the feeding flexibility in freshwater teleosts concerning seasonal, spatial, ontogenetic, individual and behavioral variation of freshwater teleosts is provided. The occurrence of a flexible diet is a striking aspect of tropical riverine ichthyofauna where most species may switch from a food item to another as soon as the relative abundance of the feeding resource in use oscillates, motivated by seasonal and spatial environmental alterations. There is a trophical change in almost all species during ontogeny, whereas in most populations, individuals may show feeding preferences or make use of distinct feeding tactics that lead towards a differentiated intraspecific foraging. These considerations highlight the difficulty on setting up reliable specific species feeding patterns in tropical teleosts

Esta revisão apresenta uma síntese a respeito da plasticidade alimentar em teleósteos de água doce em relação às variações espaço-temporais, ontogenéticas, individuais e comportamentais. A ocorrência de dieta flexível é uma característica marcante da ictiofauna fluvial tropical, onde a maioria das espécies pode mudar de um alimento para outro tão logo ocorram oscilações na abundância relativa do recurso alimentar em uso, motivadas por alterações ambientais espaço-temporais. Quase todas as espécies mudam troficamente durante a ontogenia, e em muitas populações, os indivíduos podem apresentar preferências alimentares ou fazer uso de táticas alimentares distintas, conduzindo a um forrageamento intra-específico diferenciado. Essas considerações evidenciam dificuldades que podem ser encontradas no estabelecimento de padrões alimentares específicos fidedignos para as espécies de teleósteos