Purpose: Sepsis is characterized by an acute inflammatory response to infection, often with multiple organ failures, especially severe lung injury. This study was implemented to probe circular RNA (circRNA) protein tyrosine kinase 2 (circPTK2)-associated regulatory mechanisms in septic acute lung injury (ALI). Methods: A cecal ligation and puncture-based mouse model and an lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-based alveolar type II cell (RLE-6TN) model were generated to mimic sepsis. In the two models, inflammation- and pyroptosisrelated genes were measured. Results: The degree of lung injury in mice was analyzed by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining and the apoptosis was by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling staining. In addition, pyroptosis and toxicity were detected in cells. Finally, the binding relationship between circPTK2, miR-766, and eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) was detected. Data indicated that circPTK2 and eIF5A were up-regulated and miR-766 was down-regulated in LPS-treated RLE-6TN cells and lung tissue of septic mice. Lung injury in septic mice was ameliorated after inhibition of circPTK2. Conclusion: It was confirmed in the cell model that knockdown of circPTK2 effectively ameliorated LPS-induced ATP efflux, pyroptosis, and inflammation. Mechanistically, circPTK2 mediated eIF5A expression by competitively adsorbing miR-766. Taken together, circPTK2/ miR-766/eIF5A axis ameliorates septic ALI, developing a novel therapeutic target for the disease.
Animais , Camundongos , Sepse , Fator de Iniciação 5 em Eucariotos , MicroRNAs , Quinase 1 de Adesão Focal/efeitos adversos , Lesão Pulmonar , PiroptoseResumo
Background: Buffalo breeding is common in many countries. Buffalo's milk is used in the production of mozzarella, yoghurt, ice cream, and various dairy desserts; meat is preferred in sausage production. The female buffaloes are bred to benefit from their milk and to obtain offspring. These animals, which are not suitable for feeding in barns, generally live in pastures, especially on wet land, and are very difficult to follow. Therefore, diseases occur randomly in slaughterhouses. Studies on genital system problems are very limited. Water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) are animals with economic value as many buffalo products are provided. In this respect, inspection and control of female genital disorders is fundamental to ensure good reproductive performance of female buffaloes. The aim of the study was to investigate pathomorphological lesions occurring in the ovaries of water buffaloes which were sent to slaughterhouses. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 198 ovaries of water buffaloes were collected from various slaughterhouses located in Adapazari, Istanbul, Kocaeli, Samsun and Trabzon cities of Turkey. After macroscopic examination; tissue samples were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin, processed routinely and were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE). As a histochemical staining, Masson's trichrome staining was applied to characterize the lesions. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed on 10 % neutral formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded, 4-6-µm-thick sections from ovaries using progesterone receptor (PR) with streptavidin-biotin complex peroxidase (StrepABC-P) method. Histopathologically, follicular cysts (n:147) and luteal cysts (n:22) were seen. While the cyst lumens were sometimes surrounded by granulosa and/or luteal cells, most of them were limited by the connective tissue capsule structure. This capsule structure was shown in blue by Masson's trichrome staining. Hemorrhage was observed in some cystic corpus luteum, diagnosed as corpus hemorrhagicum. In addition, cysts giving papillary extension into the lumen and inflammation of some ovaries were observed. Immunohistochemically, the staining with PR antibody in ovarian cysts showed no immunolabelling around the follicular cyst, while the nuclei of some of the luteal cells forming the luteal cyst had strongly nuclear positivity and slightly cytoplasmic positivity. In the biochemical examination of the fluids obtained from cystic ovaries (n: 37), the average of estradiol was 2.84 ng/mL (min: 0.01 ng/mL, max: 4.30 ng/mL) and progesterone average is 49.09 ng/mL (min: 1.88 ng/mL, max: 254.2 ng/mL). Discussion: Ovarian cysts in buffaloes seem to be among the serious fertility problems as in cattle. Although the exact cause of ovarian cyts has not been determined yet, it is known that the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is disrupted in cyst formation in general. In this study, the mean estradiol value was within the standard range but close to the lower limit; progesterone value was above the limit. The increase in progesterone level was compatible with the pathogenesis of cyst genesis. Beside this result, staining with PR was positive in the luteal cells that formed the luteal cyst immunohistochemically. In addition, although the hemorrhages observed in the corpus luteum are considered physiological, it should not be forgotten that they can be vital if they rupture. All these results show us the animals sent for slaughtering mostly have serious genital problems threatening their fertility.
Animais , Feminino , Cistos Ovarianos/veterinária , Ovário/lesões , Búfalos/lesões , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Infertilidade Feminina/prevenção & controleResumo
Background: Being the major cause of bovine abortion in the world, Neosporosis is considered to be a very important protozoal infection in dairy cattle. Vertical transplacental transmission is the major route of the infection causing either abortion or birth of calves with persistent infection. As the seropositivity in individual cows and in fetal serology only indicate exposure to the protozoa, the diagnosis of the infection has to be based on histopathology of aborted fetuses. Additional techniques such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) and PCR are required for the detection of the etiological agent. The purpose of the current study was to diagnose Neospora caninum infection in aborted bovine fetuses in Trakya Region of Turkey. For this purpose, serological, histopathological, IHC, and PCR methods were used. Materials, Methods & Results: The blood samples and the fetuses of 55 aborted dairy cattle from various farms located in 3 provinces of Trakya, Turkey constituted the material of the present study. The sera obtained from the blood samples were tested using a Neospora caninum Antibody Test Kit cELISA and anti-N. caninum antibodies were detected in the sera of the dams of the 8 aborted fetuses (8/55; 14.54%). Following the necropsy, samples from the brain, heart, liver, lung, kidney, spleen, and placenta of 55 fetuses were routinely processed for histopathological examination and evaluated under a light microscope. Nonsuppurative encephalitis (15/55; 27.27%), necrosis (5/55; 9%) and gliosis (1/55; 1.8%) in the brain, mild to severe nonsuppurative myocarditis and epicarditis (14/55; 25.45%), and portal to mid-zonal nonsuppurative hepatitis (13/55; 23.63%) were the relevant findings. PCR analysis was performed on fresh frozen fetal tissues. Nested PCR detected N. caninum DNA in the brain, heart, liver, lung, and kidney tissues of 6 fetuses (6/55; 10.9%). IHC was performed on the brain, heart, and liver tissues of all the fetuses using avidin-biotin-complex peroxidase method. Immunoreactivity was observed in the brain of 1 fetus (1/55; 1.8%). Discussion: In the present study, histopathological, immunohistochemical and PCR analyses were performed to detect N. caninum in 55 spontenously aborted bovine fetuses in Trakya Region, Turkey. Histopathologic hallmark of the study was nonsuppurative inflammation found mostly in the brain, heart and liver followed by kidneys and lungs. No protozoa was observed in the microscopic examination supporting the fact that definitive diagnosis of N. caninum infection requires ancillary techniques such as IHC and PCR. Nested PCR detected N. caninum DNA in the tissues of 6 fetuses (6/55; 10.9%). Brain was the most reliable organ for detection by PCR (6/6; 100%), compatible with the previous reports. IHC diagnosis revealed only 1.8% positivity in the present study which was remarkably lower than found in the previous studies. Even though histopathology in conjunction with IHC are accepted as the "gold standard" methods to detect N. caninum infection in aborted bovine fetuses, there are studies claiming that IHC is relatively insensitive in the diagnosis of neosporosis as parasite numbers can be low and thus, false negative results can be obtained. Other factors affecting the sensitivity of the technique are thoroughly discussed by many authors. Supportively, the findings of the current study showed that using both IHC and PCR as complementary techniques, increases the success of detection of N. caninum as recommended in previous studies. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated the first molecular diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection in bovine aborted fetuses in Trakya Region of Turkey which has a critical geographical location bordering Europe.
Animais , Bovinos , Infecções Protozoárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Coccidiose/diagnóstico , Neospora/isolamento & purificação , Feto Abortado/microbiologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
There is increasing evidence as to the participation of the ovarian renin-angiotensin system in important reproductive processes. The inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) caused an increase in the rate of ovulation and pregnancy in the artificial insemination protocol has fixed time (TFIA). This study aimed to investigate the presence and location of Ang II, Ang- (1-7) and ACE2 in goat ovaries and the possibility of the involvement of these peptides in previous results. Ten ovaries from goats were collected in a slaughterhouse, washed in buffered PBS, perfused with protease inhibitor solution and processed for immunohistochemistry protocol. The search for peptides was performed using the avidinbiotinperoxidase method. A strong immunoreactivity for Ang II in theca cells of antral follicles and corpus luteum was observed. Antral follicles (theca cells), corpus luteum and oocyte cytoplasm in early antral follicles exhibited strong immunoreactivity for Ang-(1-7). There was strong immunoreactivity for ACE2 in the cytoplasm of luteal cells and theca cells of antral follicles. In this study, for the first time, the presence and location of Ang II, Ang-(1-7) and ACE2 are reported in goat ovary, suggesting that there is participation in follicular development, oocyte maturation and corpus luteum development.
Há evidências crescentes quanto à participação do sistema renina-angiotensina ovariano em processos reprodutivos importantes. A inibição da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA) ocasionou aumento na taxa de ovulação e gravidez no protocolo de inseminação artificial por tempo fixo (TFIA). Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a presença e localização de Ang II, Ang-(1-7) e ECA2 em ovários de cabras e a possibilidade do envolvimento desses peptídeos em resultados anterio-res. Dez ovários de cabras foram coletados em abatedouro, lavados em PBS tamponado, perfundidos com solução inibidora de protease e processados para protocolo de imunohistoquímica. A busca por peptídeos foi realizada usando o método avidina-bio-tina-peroxidase. Foi observada uma forte imunorreatividade para Ang II em células da teca de folículos antrais e corpo lúteo. Os folículos antrais (células da teca), corpo lúteo e citoplasma do oócito nos folículos antrais iniciais exibiram forte imunor-reatividade para Ang-(1-7). Houve forte imunorreatividade para ECA2 no citoplasma das células luteais e células da teca dos folículos antrais. Neste estudo, pela primeira vez, a presença e localização de Ang II, Ang- (1-7) e ECA2 são relatadas em ovário caprino, sugerindo que há participação no desenvolvimento folicular, maturação oocitária e desenvolvimento do corpo lúteo.
Feminino , Animais , Angiotensinas/imunologia , Cabras , Imuno-Histoquímica , Ovário , Peptidil Dipeptidase A , Corpo Lúteo , OvulaçãoResumo
Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolated from avian cellulitis lesions produces a toxin, named Escherichia coli vacuolating factor (ECVF), that causes cell vacuolization and induces inflammatory response in broiler chicken. Methods We investigated the intracellular activities of ECVF in avian fibroblasts using fluorescence staining, electron microscopy, MTT and LDH measurements. As ECVF act specifically in avian cells, we performed blotting assay followed by mass spectrometry to better understand its initial intracellular protein recognition. Results ECVF induced actin contraction, mitochondrial damage and membrane permeability alterations. Ultrastructural analysis showed intracellular alterations, as nuclear lobulation and the presence of degraded structures inside the vacuoles. Moreover, ECVF induced cell death in fibroblasts. ECVF-biotin associates to at least two proteins only in avian cell lysates: alpha-actinin 4 and vinculin, both involved in cytoskeleton structure. Conclusion These findings demonstrated that ECVF plays an important role in avian cellulitis, markedly in initial steps of infection. Taken together, the results place this toxin as a target for drug and/or vaccine development, instead of the use of large amounts antibiotics.(AU)
Animais , Vacúolos , Citoesqueleto de Actina , Galinhas , Actinas , Escherichia coli , Fibroblastos , Celulite (Flegmão)Resumo
There is increasing evidence as to the participation of the ovarian renin-angiotensin system in important reproductive processes. The inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) caused an increase in the rate of ovulation and pregnancy in the artificial insemination protocol has fixed time (TFIA). This study aimed to investigate the presence and location of Ang II, Ang- (1-7) and ACE2 in goat ovaries and the possibility of the involvement of these peptides in previous results. Ten ovaries from goats were collected in a slaughterhouse, washed in buffered PBS, perfused with protease inhibitor solution and processed for immunohistochemistry protocol. The search for peptides was performed using the avidinbiotinperoxidase method. A strong immunoreactivity for Ang II in theca cells of antral follicles and corpus luteum was observed. Antral follicles (theca cells), corpus luteum and oocyte cytoplasm in early antral follicles exhibited strong immunoreactivity for Ang-(1-7). There was strong immunoreactivity for ACE2 in the cytoplasm of luteal cells and theca cells of antral follicles. In this study, for the first time, the presence and location of Ang II, Ang-(1-7) and ACE2 are reported in goat ovary, suggesting that there is participation in follicular development, oocyte maturation and corpus luteum development.(AU)
Há evidências crescentes quanto à participação do sistema renina-angiotensina ovariano em processos reprodutivos importantes. A inibição da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA) ocasionou aumento na taxa de ovulação e gravidez no protocolo de inseminação artificial por tempo fixo (TFIA). Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a presença e localização de Ang II, Ang-(1-7) e ECA2 em ovários de cabras e a possibilidade do envolvimento desses peptídeos em resultados anterio-res. Dez ovários de cabras foram coletados em abatedouro, lavados em PBS tamponado, perfundidos com solução inibidora de protease e processados para protocolo de imunohistoquímica. A busca por peptídeos foi realizada usando o método avidina-bio-tina-peroxidase. Foi observada uma forte imunorreatividade para Ang II em células da teca de folículos antrais e corpo lúteo. Os folículos antrais (células da teca), corpo lúteo e citoplasma do oócito nos folículos antrais iniciais exibiram forte imunor-reatividade para Ang-(1-7). Houve forte imunorreatividade para ECA2 no citoplasma das células luteais e células da teca dos folículos antrais. Neste estudo, pela primeira vez, a presença e localização de Ang II, Ang- (1-7) e ECA2 são relatadas em ovário caprino, sugerindo que há participação no desenvolvimento folicular, maturação oocitária e desenvolvimento do corpo lúteo.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras , Angiotensinas/imunologia , Peptidil Dipeptidase A , Ovário , Imuno-Histoquímica , Corpo Lúteo , OvulaçãoResumo
Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) isolated from avian cellulitis lesions produces a toxin, named Escherichia coli vacuolating factor (ECVF), that causes cell vacuolization and induces inflammatory response in broiler chicken. Methods We investigated the intracellular activities of ECVF in avian fibroblasts using fluorescence staining, electron microscopy, MTT and LDH measurements. As ECVF act specifically in avian cells, we performed blotting assay followed by mass spectrometry to better understand its initial intracellular protein recognition. Results ECVF induced actin contraction, mitochondrial damage and membrane permeability alterations. Ultrastructural analysis showed intracellular alterations, as nuclear lobulation and the presence of degraded structures inside the vacuoles. Moreover, ECVF induced cell death in fibroblasts. ECVF-biotin associates to at least two proteins only in avian cell lysates: alpha-actinin 4 and vinculin, both involved in cytoskeleton structure. Conclusion These findings demonstrated that ECVF plays an important role in avian cellulitis, markedly in initial steps of infection. Taken together, the results place this toxin as a target for drug and/or vaccine development, instead of the use of large amounts antibiotics.(AU)
Animais , Vacúolos , Citoesqueleto de Actina , Galinhas , Actinas , Escherichia coli , Fibroblastos , Celulite (Flegmão)Resumo
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate whether the pigeon (Columba livia) is a good model for evaluating the vestibular system involved with postural maintenance during movement. Methods: This study maps the brainstem targets of the horizontal ampullary inputs from the vestibular periphery of the pigeon. We used biotin dextran amine (BDA) injection in horizontal semicircular canal (HSCC), immunohistochemistry for GluR2/3 and GluR4 AMPA and computerized histomorphology reconstruction. Results: Our results show the same distribution pattern with ipsilateral projections to vestibular nuclear complex (VNC) from the HSCC, with the majority of labeled fibers being, long, thin, with few varicosities and many ramifications. Horizontal semicircular canal projections achieve neurons belonging to all nuclei of the VNC with exception of dorsal portion of lateral vestibular nucleus and this area express GluR2/3 and GluR4 AMPA receptors reinforcing the idea of glutamate participation in these connections. Conclusions: Pigeon is an appropriated experimental model to study of projections of HSCC and reinforcing the information that the vestibular system has strong relation with the fast responses necessary for postural control. Moreover, its phylogenetic organization apparently conservation, also seems to be a fundamental characteristic for vertebrates.
Animais , Columbidae , Vestíbulo do Labirinto , Filogenia , Tronco Encefálico , Canais Semicirculares , Ácido alfa-Amino-3-hidroxi-5-metil-4-isoxazol Propiônico , Sistema VestibularResumo
Background: Complete avulsion of the hoof in horses, also known as exungulation, is not a commonly reported injury and usually leads to euthanasia due to the great amount of tissue loss, intense pain, secondary complications, expensive and lengthy treatment. It can involve deep structures and cause different complications leading to chronic lameness. In stallions affected by such injury, the reproductive tract and performance may also be affected. The aim of this study was to report a case of complete avulsion of the right front hoof in a Criollo stallion and subsequent bilateral testicular degeneration. Case: A 10-year-old Criollo stallion was referred to the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas (HCV- UFPel) with a complete avulsion of the left front hoof. At admission, the stallion had clinical parameters compatible with intense pain and blood loss. Evaluation of the wound demonstrated that the distal end of the third phalanx (P3) was exposed but no fracture was detected on radiological evaluation. No other structure was apparently affected. Initially, anti-inflammatory (phenylbutazone) and opioid (morphine) was given for pain control and supportive fluid therapy was started to restore hydration. Antibiotic (Sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim) was administered for 10 days. Continued therapy with phenylbutazone, pentoxifylline, omeprazole and supplementation with methionine, biotin and zinc was also given. Local treatment was carried out by cleaning the wound, applying an antimicrobial ointment and dressing it with a bandage. Wound management was adapted according to the evolution and healing process. The stallion was kept in stall rest during its hospitalization time. In the second month after the injury, accumulation of liquid in the scrotum was observed. Clinical and ultrasound evaluation lead to a presumptive diagnosis of testicular degeneration. The stallion was discharged after three months when the wound was almost healed and the hoof had started to grow. Six month later, a follow up by the referring vet showed that the hoof was almost completely grown and the x-ray assessment demonstrated a dorsal rotation and resorption of the distal end of the third phalanx. Discussion: The stallion of this report had a complete avulsion of the hoof capsule caused by trauma. Conservative treatment was established including wound cleaning and dressing to avoid contamination, control of pain and inflammation, antimicrobial care and supplementation to support hoof growth. Time period for wound healing and hoof growth was in agreement with other cases described previously. Bone sequestrum of the distal end of the third phalanx, and detachment of a fragment were observed in this case, followed by bone resorption. The stallion was closely monitored to prevent laminitis in the contralateral limb and no alterations were detected during the treatment period. Testicular degeneration was observed, probably caused as a consequence of hoof avulsion and due to a long period of stall rest. Degenerative alterations in testicles interfere with thermoregulation and spermatogenesis, affecting semen quality and reproductive performance. Rotation of the third phalanx was also observed six months later caused by the hoof loss. In conclusion, the patient of this report had a complete regrowth of the hoof capsule although a long intensive treatment was necessary to achieve this result. As a consequence, testicles degeneration may happen impairing its function as a stallion.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Testículo/lesões , Cicatrização/fisiologia , Casco e Garras/lesões , Medição da Dor/veterinária , Cuidados Críticos/métodosResumo
Background: Ionophore antibiotics are food additives with coccidiostatic or antimicrobial action; they are also used as growth promoters, ruminal pH regulators, volatile fatty acid molar modifiers, and methanogenesis reducers. However, these compounds have the potential to cause microbial resistance, in addition to the risk of intoxication. Ionophore poisoning may be caused by excessive intake, sensitivity of certain animal species, and concomitant use with other drugs. In Brazil, cases of ionophore poisoning in buffalos are rare. This study aims to describe the epidemiological, clinical, and pathological findings of lasalocid poisoning in buffalo calves. Case: A visit was made to a farm in the municipality of Mojú, Pará state to care for Murrah buffalo calves. After weaning, the buffalos were grazed in paddocks with Panicum spp., and received a supplement of mineral, protein, and vitamin. This supplement contained, per kg, 250 g PB, 50 g Ca, 20 g P, 8 g S, 39 g Na, 20 mg Co, 557 mg Cu, 200 mg Fe, 12.4 mg Se, 2040 mg Zn, 0.19 mg biotin, 26750 IU of vitamin A, 4175 IU of vitamin D, 155 IU of vitamin E and 300 mg/kg of lasalocid. The product was made available to all calves, at 1-2 g/kg body weight (BW), according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Older calves were raised together with those less than 30 days old; as a result, the older calves tended to eat more, which could lead to a supplementation consumption of more than 1 kg body weight per animal per day. It was reported that between 40 and 60 days after the introduction of this supplement, 16 calves fell ill and died due to apathy, motor instability, tremors, and distended neck. The herd had a mortality rate of 33.3%. Two calves underwent a necroscopic examination at the Pathology Section of the Veterinary Institute of the Federal University of Pará. Macroscopic examination revealed extensive pale areas in the skeletal muscles, myocardium, and tongue. Fragments of these muscles and various organs were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed according to the routine histological technique, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome stain. Microscopic examination of the histologic samples revealed foci of muscle atrophy and necrosis characterized by an increase in cytoplasmic eosinophilia associated with the loss of stretch marks, and hyperchromatic nuclei that were displaced to the periphery. The necrosis of the muscle fibers was highlighted by Masson's trichrome staining. Discussion: The diagnosis of lasalocid poisoning in buffalo calves was based on epidemiological data, clinical findings, results of macroscopic and histopathological examination, and based on the estimated ionophore intake, obtained directly from the supplement label and by the calf's handler. Based on the absence of stratification of the calves by similarity of age and because the buffalo calves older than 30 days could eat more than 1 kg of the supplement (containing 300 mg/kg of lasalocid), it was possible to estimate the intake of lasalocid per kg CP (body weight). Therefore, the intake of lasalocid by a 70-kg buffalo calf in approximately 90 days and daily supplement consumption between 1 and 1.5 kg would be between 4.2 and 6.4 mg/kg of body weight. This report reinforces that notion that buffalo calves should never ingest ionophores; however, if necessary, strict protocols must be followed to avoid poisoning in these animals. This study highlighted the fact that stratification of buffaloes by different age groups during feeding became a risk factor that allowed greater consumption by older animals; this led to the estimated consumption of 4.2-6.4 mg/kg of lasalocid.
Animais , Búfalos , Ionóforos/toxicidade , Lasalocida/toxicidade , Necrose/veterinária , Brasil , Antibacterianos/toxicidadeResumo
Background: Vascular hamartomas (VH) are rare or simply underdiagnosed injuries in veterinary medicine and represent a non-neoplastic developmental anomaly disorganization and proliferation of endothelial tissue. VH occur in any region of the body, however in the brain present clinical relevance related with the potential for spontaneous bleeding, adjacent tissue compression and convulsive activity. The aim of these reports is to describe clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical features of a case of cerebrovascular hamartoma and highlight the diagnosis of these rare brain disorder in dogs. Case: A 10-year-old male dog, a Campeiro Bulldog breed presented convulsions episodes and died before an elective surgical procedure for eyelid nodule removal. Three red nodules were observed in the brain, one between the parietal lobe and the left occipital lobe (in the medium suprasylviam sulcus), the other in the caudal region of the corpus callosum and the third one in the cerebellar cortex. Central nervous system, eyelids and most organs and tissues samples were collected, fixed in 10% formaldehyde and processed for histopathological analysis. Histologically, in the eyelid was detected a sebaceous adenoma. The nervous system samples revealed well-differentiated sizes vascular structures with thin-walled and blood-filled, promoting compression of the brain. Normal neuropile was detected between the vascular structures substantiating cerebral vascular hamartoma diagnosis in the dog. Immunohistochemical assay was conducted with CD31 (monoclonal mouse antibody anti-CD31, Clone JC70A, Dako Corp.) and Von Willebrand factor (monoclonal mouse antibody anti-Von Willebrand factor, Clone F8/86, Dako Corp.) using the biotinperoxidasestreptavidin method (PolyDetector Plus DABHRP, Bio SB) on CNS sections to confirm the vascular origin of the lining cells in the mass .
Animais , Cães , Hamartoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Neoplasias Vasculares/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Vascular hamartomas (VH) are rare or simply underdiagnosed injuries in veterinary medicine and represent a non-neoplastic developmental anomaly disorganization and proliferation of endothelial tissue. VH occur in any region of the body, however in the brain present clinical relevance related with the potential for spontaneous bleeding, adjacent tissue compression and convulsive activity. The aim of these reports is to describe clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical features of a case of cerebrovascular hamartoma and highlight the diagnosis of these rare brain disorder in dogs. Case: A 10-year-old male dog, a Campeiro Bulldog breed presented convulsions episodes and died before an elective surgical procedure for eyelid nodule removal. Three red nodules were observed in the brain, one between the parietal lobe and the left occipital lobe (in the medium suprasylviam sulcus), the other in the caudal region of the corpus callosum and the third one in the cerebellar cortex. Central nervous system, eyelids and most organs and tissues samples were collected, fixed in 10% formaldehyde and processed for histopathological analysis. Histologically, in the eyelid was detected a sebaceous adenoma. The nervous system samples revealed well-differentiated sizes vascular structures with thin-walled and blood-filled, promoting compression of the brain. Normal neuropile was detected between the vascular structures substantiating cerebral vascular hamartoma diagnosis in the dog. Immunohistochemical assay was conducted with CD31 (monoclonal mouse antibody anti-CD31, Clone JC70A, Dako Corp.) and Von Willebrand factor (monoclonal mouse antibody anti-Von Willebrand factor, Clone F8/86, Dako Corp.) using the biotinperoxidasestreptavidin method (PolyDetector Plus DABHRP, Bio SB) on CNS sections to confirm the vascular origin of the lining cells in the mass .(AU)
Animais , Cães , Hamartoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Vasculares/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Multiple myelomas (MM) are malignant neoplasms originating in the bone marrow plasmacytes, and are characterized by the presence of persistent hyperglobulinemia. Although they are rarely found in domestic animals, the canine species is most affected. In felines, they represent less than 1% of hematopoietic neoplasms, and mainly occur in older animals aged 10-12 years. The aim of the present study was to report a case of multiple myeloma, with extramedullary plasmocytosis in a feline. Case: A 3-year-old feline, female, mixed breed, with a history of apathy, anorexia, halitosis, and vomiting was referred to the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). Oral examination revealed a cyanotic oral mucosa and ulcerative lesions on the gingiva. The necropsy showed generalized lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly, and hemorrhagic diathesis. Organ fragments were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, and stained using the routine hematoxylin and eosin technique. Selected sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) using the streptavidin-biotin method. The CD79a, CD138, CD3, and MUM1 antibodies were used. Histopathological evaluation of the bone marrow revealed hypercellularity with predominant round pleomorphic cells (90%), which presented an eccentric basophilic nucleus and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The same neoplastic cells infiltrated the gingival mucosa, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain. The IHC showed positive immunostaining for MUM1 and CD138 antibodies. Discussion: The diagnosis of MM in the present study was based on histopathology and by IHC. According to the literature, the presence of neoplastic plasmocytes in the bone marrow (>20%)...
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Medula Óssea/patologia , Mieloma Múltiplo/patologia , Mieloma Múltiplo/veterinária , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterináriaResumo
Background: Multiple myelomas (MM) are malignant neoplasms originating in the bone marrow plasmacytes, and are characterized by the presence of persistent hyperglobulinemia. Although they are rarely found in domestic animals, the canine species is most affected. In felines, they represent less than 1% of hematopoietic neoplasms, and mainly occur in older animals aged 10-12 years. The aim of the present study was to report a case of multiple myeloma, with extramedullary plasmocytosis in a feline. Case: A 3-year-old feline, female, mixed breed, with a history of apathy, anorexia, halitosis, and vomiting was referred to the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). Oral examination revealed a cyanotic oral mucosa and ulcerative lesions on the gingiva. The necropsy showed generalized lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly, and hemorrhagic diathesis. Organ fragments were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, and stained using the routine hematoxylin and eosin technique. Selected sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) using the streptavidin-biotin method. The CD79a, CD138, CD3, and MUM1 antibodies were used. Histopathological evaluation of the bone marrow revealed hypercellularity with predominant round pleomorphic cells (90%), which presented an eccentric basophilic nucleus and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The same neoplastic cells infiltrated the gingival mucosa, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain. The IHC showed positive immunostaining for MUM1 and CD138 antibodies. Discussion: The diagnosis of MM in the present study was based on histopathology and by IHC. According to the literature, the presence of neoplastic plasmocytes in the bone marrow (>20%)...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Mieloma Múltiplo/patologia , Mieloma Múltiplo/veterinária , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Medula Óssea/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to assess the weight gain and the incidence of foot diseases in male, crossbred (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) bovines that were supplemented with biotin. An amount of 240 animals, supplemented or not with biotin, allocated in 12 groups of 20 animals, was assessed for a period of six months. The study was conducted during three years and the groups were divided according to the forage available, corn, corn residue and sorghum silage, and initial weights between 100 and 200 kg and between 200 and 300 kg. The statistical analyses used were the Tukeys Test, in triple factorial scheme (type of silage x use of biotin x initial body weight) and the Fisher´s Exact Test, both at 5% significance level. The biotin supplementation in bovines did not influence weight gain and the incidence of foot diseases, however, when comparing only the type of forage, corn and sorghum silage provided higher weight gain than silage made of corn residue.(AU)
Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o ganho em peso e a ocorrência de enfermidades digitais em bovinos do sexo masculino, mestiços (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) que foram suplementados com biotina. Avaliaram-se, por um período de seis meses, 240 bovinos, suplementados ou não com biotina, alocados em 12 grupos de 20 animais. O estudo foi realizado durante três anos e os grupos foram divididos de acordo com o volumoso disponibilizado, silagem de milho, de resíduo de milho e de sorgo, e pesos iniciais entre 100 e 200 kg e entre 200 e 300 kg. As análises estatísticas empregadas foram o Teste de Tukey, em esquema de fatorial triplo (tipo de silagem x uso da biotina x peso corporal inicial) e o Teste Exato de Fisher, ambas em nível de significância de 5%. A suplementação com biotina nos bovinos não exerceu influência sobre o ganho em peso e a ocorrência de enfermidades digitais, mas, quando se comparou apenas o tipo de volumoso, a silagem de milho e sorgo, pode se observar um maior ganho em peso que a silagem confeccionada de resíduo de milho.(AU)
Masculino , Bovinos , Biotina , Aumento de Peso , Casco e Garras , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
Background: Adenomyosis is a non-neoplastic condition, characterized by the presence of endometrial glands or cells in the myometrium. Adenomyosis is defined by post-operative microscopic examination of uterine tissue and a rarely seen infertility problem in bitches. The process of transformation of healthy uterus into adenomiotic uterus is still a mystery. We aimed to determine role of ovarian pathologies and uterine inflammations on pathogenesis of uterine adenomyosis in bitches.Cases: After ovariohysterectomy, the uteri were fixed and processed by routine methods. Sections were stained with HematoxylinEosin, Massons trichrome and Periodic-Acid-Schiff and immunohistochemically; with p53 protein, Ki-67, α-smooth-muscle actin, cytokeratin-CK 8, 14, 19 antibodies, estrogen and progesterone receptors by Avidin-Biotin-Complex-Peroxidase method. Histopathologically, 7 of the collected tissue samples (n = 38) were diagnosed as adenomyosis. There were unilateral (n = 6) or bilateral (n = 1) adenomyosis in which endometrial glands had broken through the myometrium, and in some cases there were fibromyoma, inflammation, papillary hyperplasia and cysts in glands. Vaginal fibroma, fibromyoma and benign mix tumor (n = 1), simple carcinoma (n = 3), carcinosarcoma (n = 3) in mammary gland were determinated histopathologically. In addition to these findings, follicular cysts (n = 4), parovarian cyst (n = 1), adenocarcinoma and Rete ovarii adenoma were diagnosed in some ovaries. The CK 19 was scored at endometrial glands (n = 2) positively and also, muscle fibers were stained positively with α-smooth-muscle actin antibody (n = 7).Discussion: Adenomyosis is an infertility problem in adult dogs and is hard to detect with routine gynecological examinations. Adenomyosis can be seen unaccompanied by other gynecological problems such as endometritis or leiomyomas, while mammary tumors with adenomyosis have been previously reported in women and in only one case of a bitch.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Adenomiose/veterinária , Doenças Uterinas/complicações , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Doenças Ovarianas/complicações , Doenças Ovarianas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Adenomyosis is a non-neoplastic condition, characterized by the presence of endometrial glands or cells in the myometrium. Adenomyosis is defined by post-operative microscopic examination of uterine tissue and a rarely seen infertility problem in bitches. The process of transformation of healthy uterus into adenomiotic uterus is still a mystery. We aimed to determine role of ovarian pathologies and uterine inflammations on pathogenesis of uterine adenomyosis in bitches.Cases: After ovariohysterectomy, the uteri were fixed and processed by routine methods. Sections were stained with HematoxylinEosin, Massons trichrome and Periodic-Acid-Schiff and immunohistochemically; with p53 protein, Ki-67, α-smooth-muscle actin, cytokeratin-CK 8, 14, 19 antibodies, estrogen and progesterone receptors by Avidin-Biotin-Complex-Peroxidase method. Histopathologically, 7 of the collected tissue samples (n = 38) were diagnosed as adenomyosis. There were unilateral (n = 6) or bilateral (n = 1) adenomyosis in which endometrial glands had broken through the myometrium, and in some cases there were fibromyoma, inflammation, papillary hyperplasia and cysts in glands. Vaginal fibroma, fibromyoma and benign mix tumor (n = 1), simple carcinoma (n = 3), carcinosarcoma (n = 3) in mammary gland were determinated histopathologically. In addition to these findings, follicular cysts (n = 4), parovarian cyst (n = 1), adenocarcinoma and Rete ovarii adenoma were diagnosed in some ovaries. The CK 19 was scored at endometrial glands (n = 2) positively and also, muscle fibers were stained positively with α-smooth-muscle actin antibody (n = 7).Discussion: Adenomyosis is an infertility problem in adult dogs and is hard to detect with routine gynecological examinations. Adenomyosis can be seen unaccompanied by other gynecological problems such as endometritis or leiomyomas, while mammary tumors with adenomyosis have been previously reported in women and in only one case of a bitch.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Adenomiose/veterinária , Doenças Ovarianas/complicações , Doenças Ovarianas/veterinária , Doenças Uterinas/complicações , Doenças Uterinas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Leptospirosis is considered the most widespread zoonosis worldwide, occurring more frequently in tropical and developing regions. The aim of the present study was to detect the presence of Leptospira spp. in different primate tissues, using immunohistochemical (IHC) assays, taking advantage of the considerable number of necropsies compatible with a diagnosis of leptospirosis in neotropical primates at the Animal Pathology Laboratory (APL) of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: Paraffin-embedded primate tissue samples were selected from necropsy examinations and subjected to IHC. The streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used with diaminobenzidine chromogen (DAB) to verify immunostaining. Of the101 primates tested for Leptospira spp., 51.48% were positive; taining was distributed between lung (76.92%), liver (44.23%), and kidney (32.69%) tissue. Analysis of the combined anatomopathological verification data of the studied organs revealed a high frequency of lesions commonly observed in the tissues of animals exposed to the pathogen. For complementary diagnosis, an anti-Leptospira spp. antibody test was performed in primates at the UPF-Zoo, from which a population of the necropsied animals originated. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was utilized, which demonstrated 90.47% positi
Purpose: To investigate the protective mechanisms of propofol (Pro) on renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury by studying its impact on renal I/R endoplasmic reticulum stress. Methods: Eighteen male Sprague-Dawley rats (SD rats) were randomly divided into three groups: the I/R group, the Pro pretreatment group, and the control group, and corresponding treatments were performed. The levels of serum creatinine (Cr) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of each group were detected. The expression levels of CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) homology protein (CHOP) and caspase-12 protein within renal tissue samples were detected by western blot. Results: The periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining was performed to observe the morphological changes within the renal tissues, and the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay was performed to detect the presence of renal apoptosis. The Pro pretreatment significantly reduced the serum Cr and BUN levels, as well as the expressions levels of CHOP and caspase-12 protein inside the kidney of I/R rats, improving renal pathological injury and reducing the I/R-induced renal apoptosis. Conclusion: Propofol could downregulate the expression of stress-apoptotic proteins CHOP and caspase-12 in the endoplasmic reticulum, thus reducing renal I/R injury.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , /anormalidades , Ratos/cirurgia , Reperfusão , Propofol , Estresse do Retículo EndoplasmáticoResumo
ABSTRACT: Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is a naturally occurring contagious round-cell neoplasia, with poorly understood origin and transmission. This study aims to further investigate the tumor nature through immunohistochemistry, lectin histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, and to provide support for diagnostic and differential diagnoses of CTVT. Immunohistochemistry was performed in 10 genital and six exclusively extragenital tumors, which were previously diagnosed by citology and histopathology. CTVT samples were incubated with biotinylated antibodies to specific membrane and cytoplasmic antigens (anti-lysozyme, anti-macrophage, anti-vimentin, anti-CD18, monoclonal anti-CD117, monoclonal anti-CD3, polyclonal anti-CD117, polyclonal CD3 and anti-CD79a), followed by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique. The lectins Con A, DBA, SBA, PNA, UEA-1, WGA, sWGA, GSL, JSA, PSA, PHA-L, PHA-E and RCA were additionally tested in four genital CTVTs and TEM was performed in eight genital tumors. The anti-vimentin antibody revealed strong immunoreactivity to neoplastic cells in all the assessed samples (16/16). The polyclonal anti-CD3 antibodies showed moderate to strong immunoreactivity in fourteen (14/16) and the polyclonal anti-CD117 in fifteen cases (15/16). There was no immunoreactivity to anti-lysozyme, anti-macrophage, anti-CD18, monoclonal anti-CD117, monoclonal anti-CD3 and anti-CD79a antibodies. At lectin histochemistry, it was observed strong staining of tumor cells to Con-A, PHA-L and RCA. There was no histopathological and immunoreactivity differences between genital and extragenital CTVTs. These findings do not support the hypothesis of histiocytic origin of CTVT. In contrast, the lectin histochemical results were similar to cells from lymphoid/myeloid origin.
RESUMO: O Tumor Venéreo Transmissível Canino (CTVT) é uma neoplasia de células células redondas, contagiosa, com origem e transmissão ainda mal compreendidas. Com a finalidade de aprofundar a investigação sobre a natureza (origem) do TVTC, bem como fornecer subsídios para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico e diagnóstico diferencial, realizaram-se avaliações imuno-histoquímica, lectino-histoquímica e ultraestrutural de TVTC(s). A avaliação imuno-histoquímica foi feita em 10 TVTCs genitais e em 6 exclusivamente extragenitais previamente diagnosticados através de citologia e da histopatologia. Os TVTCs foram testados para reagentes específicos de antígenos de membrana e citoplasmáticos (anti-lisozima, anti-macrófago, anti-vimentina, anti-CD18, anti-CD3, anti-CD79, anti-CD117) com utilização da técnica complexo avidina-biotina-peroxidase. Adicionalmente, foram utilizadas as lectinas Con A, DBA, SBA, PNA, UEA-1, WGA, sWGA, GSL, SJA, PSA, PHA-L, PHA-E e RCA em quatro TVTCs genitais. Microscopia eletrônica foi realizada em oito TVTC genitais. Em 100% dos tumores testados (16/16) com anticorpo anti-vimentina (mono e policlonal) houve forte imuno-reatividade. Não houve reatividade para os anticorpos anti-lisozima, anti-macrófago, anti-CD18, anti-CD3, anti-CD79a e anti-CD117 quando empregamos anticorpos monoclonais, entretanto, com a utilização de anticorpos policlonais verificou-se marcação dos tumores com os anticorpos anti-CD3 e anti-CD117. Na avaliação lectino-histoquímica foi verificada forte marcação das células tumorais com Con-A, PHA-L e RCA. Não houve diferença histopatológica e de imuno-reatividade entre os TVTCs genitais e extragenitais. Estes achados não corroboram com a hipótese da origem histiocítica do CTVT (ausência de reatividade dos anticorpos anti-lisozima, anti-macrófago e anti-CD18), entretanto, os resultados da avaliação lectino-histoquímica foram em parte similares aos obtidos quando células de origem linfóide/mielóide (ConA, PHA-L e RCA) foram analisadas (Gimeno et al. 1995).