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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1903, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415246


Background: Pyometra is a bacterial and hormone-induced reproductive disease that occurs in the post-estrus luteal phase in intact queens. Pyometra is more common in the diestrus period due to the high progesterone concentration (in queens that mated, spontaneously ovulated, or were induced to ovulate). However, it can also be seen due to the use of exogenous hormones such as progesterone for the suppression of estrus. More research is needed in cases of pyometra in queens, as well as in bitches. Because, considering that the pathogenesis and characteristics of feline pyometra is similar to bitches, studies on pyometra-affected bitches are taken as reference in studies and applications on queens. From this point of view, the aims of this study were to reveal the changes in complete blood count, blood gas, and serum biochemistry parameters in feline pyometra cases and to determine the correlation between the mentioned parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 25 female cats of different breeds were used, between the ages of 6 months and 7 years, 15 were diagnosed with pyometra, and 10 healthy. Anamnesis, clinical findings, and ultrasonographic examinations were used in the diagnosis of pyometra. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed on queens brought to the clinic with complaints such as anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, abdominal tension, and fever. The control group (n =10) consisted of queens that were introduced to the clinic and were reproductively healthy. Before any treatment in queens with pyometra and the control group, 1 mL blood samples were taken from v. cephalica to evaluate complete blood count, blood gases and serum biochemistry parameters. In complete WBC, Lym, Mon, Gra, RBC, Hb, HCT, MCV, MCH and PLT parameters and, blood gas parameters such as pH, pCO2 , pO2 , sO2 , Na, K, Cl, lactate, glucose, HCO3 , and BE were also evaluated in taken blood samples. Biochemical parameters BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST, ALP, amylase, T.BIL, D.BIL, P, CHOL, TG, LDH, TP, CPK, ALP, Ca, GGT were measured in serum samples. After examination and laboratory analysis, ovariohysterectomy was performed on queens as a treatment. Granulocyte, WBC, HCT and MCH levels of the pyometra group were higher (P < 0.05) and Lym levels were lower (P < 0.05) compared to the control group. According to these results, pH, HCO3 , and BE were lower (P < 0.05) in queens with pyometra than those in the control group, while Na and lactate parameters were higher (P < 0.05). According to the results of biochemical analysis, it was determined that BUN, creatinine levels, GGT, and LDH enzyme activities were found to be higher in the pyometra group compared to the control group, while the Ca level was found to be low (P < 0.05). A positive correlation was observed between BUN and creatinine and LDH, WBC, granulocyte, HCT, and lactate, and a negative correlation between lymphocytes, pH, and BE in the correlation analysis performed on queens with pyometra and control group. However, a positive correlation was observed between creatinine and LDH and HCT, and a negative correlation between lymphocyte, pH and BE. Discussion: There is not enough information about pyometra in queens. As a result, it was determined that there were significant changes in complete blood count, blood gases and serum biochemical parameters in queens with pyometra in this study. These changes were generally thought to be related to dehydration and sepsis or endotoxemia. In addition, it was evaluated that prerenal azotemia occurring in pyometra affected queens may cause renal dysfunction. For this reason, it is thought that the results obtained in the presented study may contribute to the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of pyometra cases in queens.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Piometra/sangue , Piometra/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Gasometria/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20220415, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434798


Using portable blood glucose meters (PBGMs) to measure blood glucose (BG) concentration is a common procedure in veterinary practice. Our objective was to evaluate the analytical and clinical accuracy of a human PBGM (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) and a veterinary PBGM (GlucoCalea®), (GC) in feline patients. Central venous blood samples were collected from 48 cats at a Brazilian Veterinary teaching hospital. Two devices from each model were used and compared to a reference method (RM). Analytical accuracy was assessed according to ISO 15197:2013 requirements for human PBGMs. Data were compared using Wilcoxon's nonparametric test and represented by Bland-Altman plots. Hematocrit's effect on BG measurements was evaluated by the Spearman correlation coefficient. Clinical accuracy was determined using error grid analysis (EGA). Values of BG were significantly higher in all PBGMs compared to the RM. Although ISO's analytical accuracy requirements could not be met by any of the devices, AC meters were more accurate than GC meters. All AC measurements - but not GC ones - were within zones A and B of the EGA, meeting ISO requirements for clinical accuracy. Significant hematocrit interference was observed in all devices. Therefore, AC showed greater accuracy compared to GC using feline whole blood samples.

O uso de glicosímetros portáteis (GPs) para aferição da glicemia é um procedimento comum na rotina clínica veterinária. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a acurácia analítica e clínica de um GP humano (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) e um GP veterinário (GlucoCalea®), (GC) em gatos. Amostras de sangue venoso central foram coletadas de 48 gatos atendidos em um hospital veterinário-escola no Brasil. Foram utilizados dois GPs de cada modelo e comparados a um método de referência (MR). A acurácia analítica foi avaliada de acordo com os requisitos estipulados pela ISO 15197:2013 para GPs de uso humano. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon e representados em gráficos de Bland-Altman. O efeito do hematócrito sobre os valores de glicemia foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. A acurácia clínica foi avaliada pela análise da grade de erros (AGE). Em comparação com o MR, os valores de glicemia foram maiores em todos os GPs avaliados. Nenhum deles atendeu aos requisitos da ISO quanto à acurácia analítica, mas o AC mostrou-se mais acurado que o GC. Todos os valores de glicemia obtidos pelos GPs humanos - mas não pelos GPs veterinários - estiveram dentro das zonas A e B da AGE, demonstrando acurácia clínica de acordo com as exigências da ISO. A interferência do hematócrito da amostra mostrou-se significativa em todos os aparelhos testados. Portanto, o AC apresentou maior acurácia quando comparado ao GC em amostras de sangue total em felinos.

Animais , Gatos , Glicemia , Gatos/sangue , Hemócitos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20220415, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1430200


ABSTRACT: Using portable blood glucose meters (PBGMs) to measure blood glucose (BG) concentration is a common procedure in veterinary practice. Our objective was to evaluate the analytical and clinical accuracy of a human PBGM (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) and a veterinary PBGM (GlucoCalea®), (GC) in feline patients. Central venous blood samples were collected from 48 cats at a Brazilian Veterinary teaching hospital. Two devices from each model were used and compared to a reference method (RM). Analytical accuracy was assessed according to ISO 15197:2013 requirements for human PBGMs. Data were compared using Wilcoxon's nonparametric test and represented by Bland-Altman plots. Hematocrit's effect on BG measurements was evaluated by the Spearman correlation coefficient. Clinical accuracy was determined using error grid analysis (EGA). Values of BG were significantly higher in all PBGMs compared to the RM. Although ISO's analytical accuracy requirements could not be met by any of the devices, AC meters were more accurate than GC meters. All AC measurements - but not GC ones - were within zones A and B of the EGA, meeting ISO requirements for clinical accuracy. Significant hematocrit interference was observed in all devices. Therefore, AC showed greater accuracy compared to GC using feline whole blood samples.

RESUMO: O uso de glicosímetros portáteis (GPs) para aferição da glicemia é um procedimento comum na rotina clínica veterinária. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a acurácia analítica e clínica de um GP humano (Accu-Chek Performa®), (AC) e um GP veterinário (GlucoCalea®), (GC) em gatos. Amostras de sangue venoso central foram coletadas de 48 gatos atendidos em um hospital veterinário-escola no Brasil. Foram utilizados dois GPs de cada modelo e comparados a um método de referência (MR). A acurácia analítica foi avaliada de acordo com os requisitos estipulados pela ISO 15197:2013 para GPs de uso humano. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon e representados em gráficos de Bland-Altman. O efeito do hematócrito sobre os valores de glicemia foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. A acurácia clínica foi avaliada pela análise da grade de erros (AGE). Em comparação com o MR, os valores de glicemia foram maiores em todos os GPs avaliados. Nenhum deles atendeu aos requisitos da ISO quanto à acurácia analítica, mas o AC mostrou-se mais acurado que o GC. Todos os valores de glicemia obtidos pelos GPs humanos - mas não pelos GPs veterinários - estiveram dentro das zonas A e B da AGE, demonstrando acurácia clínica de acordo com as exigências da ISO. A interferência do hematócrito da amostra mostrou-se significativa em todos os aparelhos testados. Portanto, o AC apresentou maior acurácia quando comparado ao GC em amostras de sangue total em felinos.

Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 72-77, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426337


The endurance discipline has the shortest history in Bulgaria compared with other disciplines of equestrian sports. Endurance competitions are held over distances from 40 km to 160 km. The present study focused on the effect of exercise on horses over a distance of 120 km. Changes in the following hematological parameters were investigated:Leukocytes (WBC, g/l); Erythrocytes (RBC, T/l); Platelets (PLT, g/l); Hemoglobin (Hb, g/l); Hematocrit (HCT,%); Mean corpuscular volume(MCV, fl); Mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH, pg); Mean cell hemoglobin concentration(MCHC, g/l), Leukogram (Eos; Bas; Neu; Lym; Mon,%) as well as some electrolytes and hormone concentration. The study aimed to establish the changes in these indicators' values before and after the competition. Analysis of the haemogram showed a significant increase in the mean values of 4 of the indicators under study. No significant differences were established in MCV, MCH and MCHC. A decrease was found in the number of Lym, Eos, and Mon and a significant increase in Neu after the competition. The concentration of electrolytes (Ca, Na and K) in the blood serum decreased, and the levels of CK and LDH significantly increased.(AU)

A disciplina de resistência tem a história maiscurta na Bulgária em comparação com outras disciplinas de esportes equestres. As competições de resistência são realizadas em distâncias de 40 km a 160 km. O presente estudo focou no efeito do exercício em cavalos em uma distância de 120 km. Foram investigadas alterações nos seguintes parâmetros hematológicos: Leucócitos (g/l); Eritrócitos (T/l); Plaquetas (g/l); Hemoglobina (g/l); Hematócrito (%); Volume corpuscular médio (VCM, fl); Hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM, pg); Concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média(CHCM, g/l), Leucograma (Eos; Bas; Neu; Lin; Mon,%), bem como alguns eletrólitos e concentração hormonal. O estudo teve como objetivo estabelecer as mudanças nos valores desses indicadores antes e depois da competição. A análise do hemograma mostrou um aumento significativo nos valores médios de 4 dos indicadores estudados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no VMC, HCM e CHCM. Foi encontrada uma diminuição no número de Lin, Eos e Mon e um aumento significativo em Neu após a competição. A concentração de eletrólitos (Ca, Na e K) no soro sanguíneo diminuiu e os níveis de Creatina Quinase (CK) e Lactato Desidrogenase (LDH) aumentaram significativamente.(AU)

Animais , Resistência Física/fisiologia , Cavalos/sangue , Eletrólitos/efeitos adversos , Hematologia/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1902, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415241


Background: The artificial insemination has become a well-established method in the breeding of bitches, and evaluation of the factors that may potentially affect pregnancy success is essential. For this reason, it is essential to evaluate the factors that may affect fertility of the bitch when artificial insemination is performed. Serum progesterone concentrations and vaginal cytology have been used to determine the time of ovulation and stage of the estrus cycle. This study aimed to evaluate the artificial insemination method, the serum progesterone concentration, the breed size, age, the whelping number, vaginal cytology parameters, and their interactions on pregnancy success in bitches. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 607 bitches that had undergone reproductive consultation with the Mexican Canine Federation from January to December 2016 were enrolled in the present study and assigned to one of 2 artificial insemination methods (intravaginal and transcervical) using fresh semen. Determination of the estrus cycle phase and the time of Artificial insemination was based on vaginal cytology and serum progesterone concentrations. Bitches inseminated by the transcervical technique had a higher pregnancy rate with respect to females inseminated by the intravaginal technique (P < 0.05). Moreover, females with a serum progesterone concentration of 5-10 ng/mL had a greater probability (> 4 times) of getting pregnant than animals with lower or higher progesterone concentrations (P < 0.05). Bitches inseminated by the intravaginal technique and with serum progesterone concentrations >10 ng/mL had a considerable reduction in pregnancy (P < 0.05) compared with females with < 10 ng/mL serum progesterone or with bitches inseminated by the transcervical technique. Discusion: Serum progesterone concentration, the artificial insemination method, and superficial cells without a nucleus modified the pregnancy rate in bitches. Females inseminated by transcervical semen deposition had a higher pregnancy rate than females inseminated by the intravaginal technique. Using fresh or frozen-thawed semen produced a higher pregnancy rate in bitches inseminated by transcervical semen deposition than females inseminated by the intravaginal technique. Differences in the pregnancy rate between transcervical and intravaginal insemination could be associated with the correct semen disposition, the distance that the sperm must travel to reach the oocyte, as well as the number of sperm that reach the oviduct ampulla. Exist evidences that after ovulation, as progesterone rises, the cervix is closed, which may compromise the passage of the sperm deposited into the vagina. Therefore, it is likely that in females with a serum progesterone concentration > 10 ng/mL, the cervix was closed, compromising the ability of the sperm to access the oviduct. Thus, the use of intravaginal insemination should be done in bitches with a serum progesterone concentrations < 11 ng/mL to reduce the possibility of cervical closure and to increase the odds of pregnancy. It is well documented that the serum progesterone concentration and vaginal cytology parameters have a great influence on pregnancy success, and the results confirm these findings. In the present study, 96% of the bitches inseminated with a serum progesterone concentration of 5-10 ng/mL got pregnant and had higher odds of pregnancy than bitches with lower or higher serum progesterone concentrations.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Progesterona/sangue , Vagina/citologia , Prenhez , Inseminação Artificial/métodos , Taxa de Gravidez
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e264570, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417484


The constant intensification of aquaculture has considerable increased the stress levels of farmed fish and, consequently, the number and intensity of diseases outbreaks. Thus, studies on fish immune response, especially regarding the interaction of fish leukocytes with potential pathogens and xenobiotics are of great importance in order to develop new prophylactic and curative strategies. We isolated leukocytes from the head kidney of Astyanax lacustris­an important Neotropical fish species for aquaculture and a potential model for Neotropical aquaculture research­using a Percoll centrifugation protocol. The isolated leukocytes were incubated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the expression of genes IL-1ß, IL-8, LysC, and LysG were measured. We assessed the phagocytotic activity of leukocytes using Congo red-dyed yeast, a novel and cost-effective protocol that has been developed in this study. The isolated leukocytes responded to LPS induction, exhibiting strong IL-1ß and IL-8 upregulation, two of the most important pro-inflammatory interleukins for vertebrates immune reponse. The optimal concentration of yeast for the phagocytic assay was 106 cells mL-1, resulting in acceptable phagocytic capacity (PC) but without excess of yeasts during the counting process, ensuring a high precision and accuracy of the method. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to investigate the in vitro gene expression and phagocytic activity of leukocytes isolated from A. lacustris. Our findings will serve as a reference for future studies on the immunology and toxicology of Neotropical fish.

A constante intensificação da aquicultura tem aumentado consideravelmente os níveis de estresse dos animais cultivados e, consequentemente, o número e a intensidade dos surtos de doenças. Logo, estudos sobre a resposta imune dos peixes, especialmente relacionados com a interação dos leucócitos de peixes com potenciais patógenos e xenobióticos, são de grande importância para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias profiláticas e curativas. No presente trabalho, nós obtivemos sucesso ao isolar leucócitos oriundos do rim cranial de Astyanax lacustris ­ uma importante espécie de peixe Neotropical para a aquicultura e um modelo em potencial para pesquisas em aquicultura Neotropical ­ usando um protocolo de centrifugação com Percoll. Os leucócitos isolados foram incubados com lipossacarídeo (LPS) e, a expressão dos genes IL-1ß, IL-8, LysC, e LysG foi avaliada. Ainda, um novo protocolo para avaliação da atividade fagocítica dos leucócitos utilizando leveduras coradas com Vermelho Congo foi estabelecido. Os leucócitos isolados responderam à indução com LPS, exibindo up regulation dos genes IL-1ß e IL-8, duas das interleucinas pró-inflamatórias mais importantes para a resposta imune de vertebrados. Além do mais, a concentração ótima de leveduras para a avaliação da fagocitose foi de 106 células mL-1, resultando em uma capacidade fagocítica (PC) aceitável, mas sem excesso de leveduras durante o processo de contagem, garantindo maior precisão e eficácia do método. Até o presente momento, o presente estudo é o primeiro a investigar a expressão gênica e atividade fagocítica de leucócitos isolados de A. lacustris através da abordagem in vitro. Ainda, nossos resultados servirão de referência para futuros estudos em imunologia e toxicologia de peixes Neotropicais.

Animais , Fagocitose/genética , Expressão Gênica , Interleucinas/análise , Characidae/sangue , Leucócitos , Aquicultura
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(1): 48-60, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416490


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of partial replacement (750g/kg) of Tifton hay by two cactus cladodes (Nopalea or Opuntia) on the metabolic profile of lambs. Thirty-six uncastrated male Santa Inês lambs (22.0±2.9kg initial body weight) were distributed in a completely randomized design, with three treatments and 12 repetitions. The animals were fed a control diet (Tifton hay as exclusive roughage), Miúda cactus cladodes-based diet or Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (O.E.M.) cactus cladodes-based diet. Blood samples were collected one day before (baseline) and 45 days after the introduction of the tested diets. The Miúda cactus cladodes caused an increase (P=0.055) in the serum activity of the gamma-glutamyl transferase enzyme (53.66U/L) and in the blood content of glucose and fructosamine. The O.E.M. cactus cladodes caused lower (P=0.038) serum cholesterol content (41.33mg/dL). Regardless of the variety, there was a decrease (P=0.001) in the serum content of indirect bilirubin, urea, and sodium, and increase in the serum magnesium concentration. The partial replacement of the Tifton hay by Miúda or O.E.M. cactus cladodes in lamb feeding increases the enzyme activity, indicating liver and/or kidney changes, but does not cause relevant damage to energy, protein, and mineral metabolism.

Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da substituição parcial (750g/kg) do feno de Tifton por duas variedades de palma forrageira (Nopalea ou Opuntia) no perfil metabólico de cordeiros. Trinta e seis cordeiros Santa Inês, machos, não castrados (22,0 ± 2,9kg de peso corporal inicial), foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos e 12 repetições. Os animais foram alimentados com dieta controle (feno de Tifton como volumoso exclusivo), dieta à base de palma forrageira Miúda ou dieta à base de palma forrageira Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas um dia antes (baseline) e 45 dias após a introdução das dietas testadas. A palma Miúda causou aumento (P=0,055) na atividade sérica da enzima gamaglutamiltransferase (53,66U/L) e no teor sanguíneo de glicose e frutosamina. A palma OEM causou menor teor (P=0,038) de colesterol sérico (41,33mg/dL). Independentemente da variedade, houve diminuição (P=0,001) do teor sérico de bilirrubina indireta, ureia e sódio, e aumento na concentração sérica de magnésio. A substituição parcial do feno de Tifton por palma Miúda ou por OEM na alimentação de cordeiros aumenta a atividade enzimática, o que indica alterações hepáticas e/ou renais, mas não causa danos relevantes nos metabolismos energético, proteico e mineral.

Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/metabolismo , Cactaceae/química , Ração Animal/análise , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Zona Semiárida
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220148, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1507920


ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationships between preovulatory follicle (POF) and corpus luteum (CL) diameters, and POF and CL vascular perfusion with progesterone production, ovulation, and pregnancy in Nellore cows subjected to timed artificial insemination (TAI). Nellore cows (n = 201) were subjected to ovulation synchronization and later to ultrasound evaluation of POF and CL at the time of insemination (D0) and seven days later (D7), respectively. Females were divided into three categories according to the POF diameter assessed at the time of insemination: small (SF), medium (MF), and large (LF) follicles. The LF group had a greater number and intensity of pixels in the POF ultrasound exam compared with the SF group. The CL flow intensity and progesterone concentration were also higher in the LF group. The SF group showed lower flow intensity and lower ovulation rate compared with the others. When non-pregnant females were compared to pregnant ones, no difference was observed in any of the analyzed variables. The results show for the first time in Nellore cattle the relationship between the size of ovarian structures and blood flow (quantity and intensity) as well as the ability of the CL to produce progesterone. The intensity of the POF pixels proved to be relevant, demonstrating correlations with the size and flow of the CL, which were not found when evaluating only the number of pixels, thus revealing the importance of evaluating complementary characteristics of the flow.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(9): e20220264, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418350


This study evaluated the effectiveness of the essential oil of Hesperozygisringens (EOHR) for anesthesia of Colossomamacropomum by documenting hematological and blood biochemical responses after biometric handling. In Experiment 1, juveniles (14.12 ± 3.53 g) were exposed to different concentrations of EOHR: 0 (control), 75, 150, 300 and 450 µL L-1 (n=10 fish for each concentration), to determine times for induction and recovery from anesthesia, as well as its effects on ventilatory frequency (VF). Based on these results, Experiment 2 evaluated the effects of 0 (control), 75 (with induction and recovery times outside that recommended for fish anesthesia) and 150 µL L-1 EOHR (within recommended times) on hematological and biochemical variables of juveniles (20.52 ± 3.47 g) after anesthesia and after 24 h of recovery (n = 6 fish for each concentration and collection time). Survival was 100%. Induction time showed a quadratic effect of EOHR concentration. Recovery time did not differ among EOHR concentrations. Concentrations between 150 and 450 µL L-1 EOHR caused rapid induction (< 3 min) and recovery (< 5 min). EOHR concentration affected VF. The concentration of 150 µL L-1 EOHR had little influence on hematological and biochemical parameters of C. macropomum of 20 g.

Este estudo avaliou a eficiência do óleo essencial de Hesperozygis ringens (EOHR) para anestesia de Colossoma macropomum, documentando as respostas hematológicas e bioquímicas do sangue após o manuseio biométrico. No experimento 1, juvenis (14,12 ± 3,53 g) foram expostos a diferentes concentrações de EOHR: 0 (controle), 75, 150, 300 e 450 µL L-1 (n = 10 peixes para cada concentração), para determinar os tempos de indução e recuperação da anestesia, bem como seus efeitos na frequência ventilatória (VF). Com base nesses resultados, o experimento 2 avaliou os efeitos de 0 (controle), 75 (com tempos de indução e recuperação fora do recomendado para anestesia de peixes) e 150 µL L-1 EOHR (dentro dos tempos recomendados) sobre variáveis hematológicas e bioquímicas de juvenis (20,52 ± 3,47 g) após a anestesia e após 24h de recuperação (n = 6 peixes para cada concentração e tempo de coleta). A sobrevivência foi de 100%. O tempo de indução mostrou efeito quadrático da concentração de EOHR. O tempo de recuperação não diferiu entre as concentrações de EOHR. Concentrações entre 150 e 450 µL L-1 EOHR causaram rápida indução (< 3 min) e recuperação (< 5 min). As concentrações de EOHR afetaram a VF. A concentração de 150 µL L-1 de EOHR teve pouca influência nos parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos de C. macropomum de 20 g.

Animais , Plantas Medicinais , Óleos Voláteis/uso terapêutico , Peixes , Anestesia/veterinária
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428473


O jejum pré-anestésico de cães é de suma importância, pois com ele podem ser evitados problemas antes, durante e após o procedimento cirúrgico. Como o animal encontra-se em uma posição jacente, o jejum inadequado pode ocasionar refluxo, que pode levar a uma broncoaspiração e esofagite, causando complicações pós-cirúrgicas, como: apatia, pneumonia, regurgitação, êmese, disfagia e emagrecimento. Um dos carboidratos fundamentais no jejum é a glicose, que tem como função básica o fornecimento de energia. Para que o procedimento aconteça de forma equilibrada, a mensuração da concentração de glicose é indispensável, pois a identificação de um animal hiperglicêmico ou hipoglicêmico possibilita o diagnóstico precoce de inúmeras morbidades, além de atuar diretamente na terapêutica. O ideal é que o cão esteja com os níveis glicêmicos adequados (60 a 120 mg/dL), dessa forma, evita-se a ocorrência de adversidades.(AU)

Pre-anesthetic fasting of dogs is of paramount importance, because with it it is possible the avoidance of some problems before, during and after the surgery procedure. Since the animal is in a recumbent position, inadequate fasting can cause reflux, which can lead to bronchoaspiration and esophagitis, causing post-surgical complications, such as: apathy, pneumonia, regurgitation, emesis, dysphagia and slimming. One of the fundamental carbohydrates in fasting is glucose, because its basic function is to provide energy. For the procedure to happen in a balanced way, the measurement of glucose concentration is essential, since identifying a hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic animal helps the early diagnosis of numerous morbidities, in addition to acting directly in the therapy. The ideal is that the dog has adequate glycemic levels (60 to 120 mg/dL), thus avoiding possible adversities.(AU)

Animais , Glicemia/análise , Cães/fisiologia , Anestesia/veterinária , Jejum/fisiologia , Esofagite/diagnóstico
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(5): e20210819, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394273


ABSTRACT: We evaluated some indicators of innate and humoral immune response in persistently infected (PI) Holstein calves and cows from 1 to 36 months of age matched with controls from the same herd. The effects were cataloged by grouping animals into the following age groups: <12 months, 13 to 24 months, and 25 to 36 months of age. Blood samples were collected once from each animal to measure total serum protein, haptoglobin, and neutralizing antibodies titers induced by respiratory virus vaccination. Total serum protein (g/dL) was lowest in PI calves younger until 24 months old, while haptoglobin concentration was higher in PI cattle. The serum neutralizing titers against BVDV and BRSV were lower in all PI calves and cattle than in controls. PI cattle have a high serum concentration of haptoglobin, and its possible dysregulated innate immune response appears to impact the efficacy of their adaptative immune responses, resulting in poor vaccine responsiveness.

RESUMO: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar alguns indicadores da resposta imune inata e humoral em bezerros a vacas persistentemente infectadas, entre um a 36 meses de idade, pareados com controles oriundos de um mesmo rebanho. As variáveis respostas foram avaliadas agrupando-se os animais nos seguintes grupos etários: < 12 meses, 13 a 24 meses, 25 a 36 meses de idade. Amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas para mensurar as concentrações séricas de proteína, haptoglobina e anticorpos neutralizantes induzidos pela vacinação contra as viroses respiratórias. Os teores de proteína sérica total (g/dL) foram menores nos animais persistentemente infectados (PI) jovens até 24 meses de idade, enquanto que a concentração de haptoglobina foi maior nos animais PI mais velhos (25 a 36 meses). Os títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes contra o BVDV e BRSV foi menor nos animais PIs independentemente da idade, comparado com o grupo controle. Os valores reduzidos ou nulos de anticorpos contra as viroses respiratórias, combinado com a evidência de resposta imune inata desregulada, contribui com a susceptibilidade dos animais PIs para as infecções secundárias.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 333-346, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434375


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of spineless cactus (Opuntia stricta Haw) in the diet of sheep on the balance of macrominerals, renal function, and blood metabolites. Five sheep cannulated in the rumen (61.5±9.5kg body weight) were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square composed of five diets and five experimental periods. The experimental period lasted 105 days, with five periods of 21 days each. Four diets containing levels of spineless cactus (121, 245, 371, and 500g/kg of dry matter (DM)), and a control diet were evaluated. Samples of the ingredients, orts, feces, urine, and blood were collected. Spineless cactus inclusion in sheep diets increased the DM intake, ash, oxalate, and all macrominerals intake (P < 0.05), but did not affect the urinary and fecal excretion of P, as well as the concentration of P in the blood (P > 0.05). It is possible to verify that the inclusion of spineless cactus, up to the level of 500g/kg of DM in the sheep diets, does not appear to cause damage to the animal's health. Its inclusion does not compromise kidney function or blood metabolites evaluated herein.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de palma forrageira (Opuntia stricta Haw) na dieta de ovinos sobre o balanço dos macrominerais, a função renal e os metabólitos sanguíneos. Cinco ovinos canulados no rúmen (61,5±9,5kg de peso corporal) foram distribuídos em um quadrado de 5 × 5 latinos, composto de cinco dietas e cinco períodos experimentais. O período experimental teve duração de 105 dias, sendo cinco períodos de 21 dias cada. Foram avaliadas quatro dietas contendo níveis de palma forrageira (121, 245, 371 e 500g/kg de matéria seca (MS)), e uma dieta controle. Foram coletadas amostras dos ingredientes, sobras, fezes, urina e sangue. A inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta dos ovinos aumentou o consumo de MS, cinzas, oxalato e todos os macrominerais (P<0,05), mas não afetou a excreção urinária e a fecal de P, bem como a concentração de P no sangue (P>0,05). É possível verificar que a inclusão de palma forrageira, até o nível de 500g/kg de MS na dieta de ovinos, não parece causar danos à saúde do animal. Sua inclusão não compromete a função renal ou os metabólitos sanguíneos avaliados.

Animais , Ovinos , Opuntia , Dieta/veterinária , Rim
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e58041, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413072


This study aimed to determine the effect of using different sources of nitrogen to supply part of degradable intake protein needs in lactating goat performance and its effect on excretion of microbial purine derivatives and blood metabolites. Thirty-two lactating Saanen goats (body weight 38.85 ± 2.14 kg and 1979 ± 0.25 gday-1milk yield) were used in a one-way ANOVA completely randomized design. Goats were assigned to the following treatments for a 10-wk experimental period: 1) Control (canola meal as a nitrogen source); 2) Urea (0.5% urea); 3) Optigen (0.55% Optigen-Alltech.Inc., Lexington, KY) and 4) Polymer-Coated Urea (PCU-international patent number: A01K5/00, 0.7% PCU) based on dry mater intake. Non-protein nitrogen groups had a comparative effect (p > 0.05) between control and other treatments on milk composition, microbial protein synthesis and they affected on blood factors including urea, cholesterol, and ALT. Dry matter intake decreased (p > 0.05) in PCU, Optigen, Urea than Control goats. Synthesis of microbial protein in PCUgoats was 22.5 g day-1and it was greater (p > 0.05) than other treatments. Plasma cholesterol was increased in PCUand Optigen, whereas urea concentration was increased in Urea and Control goats. Milk production was higher in PCUthan Urea and Control. Feed conversion ratio was improved (p > 0.05) in PCU and Optigengoats versusother treatments.This study demonstrated that polymer-coated ureacan be utilized as a nitrogen source and improve goats milk performance.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologia , Irã (Geográfico)
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-7, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468887


Fish protein is serving as a source of nutrition for protein starving world. However, sustainable aquaculture products require inexpensive plant by-products due to finite sources of fish meal. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine nutrient utilization, growth performance and hematological indices of Cirrhinus mrigala fingerlings fed on Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) based diets. Fish were fed with six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets having MOLM as a substitute of fish meal (FM) at the levels of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% for the period of 90 days. Fingerlings having initial weight 6.35±0.04g were reared in triplicate tanks at the stocking density of 15 and hand fed at the rate of 5% of total biomass twice regularly. Chromic oxide inclusion level was 1% in diets. After analysis, maximum growth performance and improved digestibility of nutrients were found in fish fed with diet at 10% replacement level as compared to fish fed on control diet and other test diets. Additionally, it was found that the red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration of fish showed a significantly (p<0.05) inverse correlation with the increase in MOLM. In present research, it was concluded that MOLM has good potential to be used as a FM substitute in C. mrigala diet with maximum effect at 10% showing positive hematological indices.

A proteína do peixe está servindo como fonte de nutrição para o mundo faminto por proteína. No entanto, produtos de aquicultura sustentáveis requerem subprodutos vegetais baratos devido às fontes finitas de farinha de peixe. Portanto, este estudo foi conduzido para examinar a utilização de nutrientes, o desempenho do crescimento e os índices hematológicos de alevinos de Cirrhinus mrigala alimentados com dietas à base de farelo de folhas de Moringa oleifera (MOLM). Os peixes foram alimentados com seis dietas isonitrogênicas e isoenergéticas contendo MOLM como substituto da farinha de peixe (FM) nos níveis de 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% e 50% pelo período de 90 dias. Os alevinos com peso inicial de 6,35 ± 0,04g foram criados em tanques triplicados com densidade de 15 animais e alimentados à mão a uma taxa de 5% da biomassa total duas vezes regularmente. O nível de inclusão de óxido crômico foi de 1% nas dietas. Após análise, desempenho máximo de crescimento e melhor digestibilidade de nutrientes foram encontrados em peixes alimentados com dieta em nível de reposição de 10% em comparação com peixes alimentados com dieta controle e outras dietas teste. Além disso, verificou-se que as concentrações de hemácias, leucócitos, hemoglobina e hemoglobina corpuscular média dos peixes apresentaram correlação inversa significativa (p < 0,05) com o aumento do MOLM. Na presente pesquisa, concluiu-se que o MOLM tem bom potencial para ser utilizado como substituto do FM na dieta de C. mrigala com efeito máximo a 10% apresentando índices hematológicos positivos.

Animais , Cyprinidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cyprinidae/sangue , Dieta/veterinária , Moringa
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-7, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765464


Fish protein is serving as a source of nutrition for protein starving world. However, sustainable aquaculture products require inexpensive plant by-products due to finite sources of fish meal. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine nutrient utilization, growth performance and hematological indices of Cirrhinus mrigala fingerlings fed on Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) based diets. Fish were fed with six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets having MOLM as a substitute of fish meal (FM) at the levels of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% for the period of 90 days. Fingerlings having initial weight 6.35±0.04g were reared in triplicate tanks at the stocking density of 15 and hand fed at the rate of 5% of total biomass twice regularly. Chromic oxide inclusion level was 1% in diets. After analysis, maximum growth performance and improved digestibility of nutrients were found in fish fed with diet at 10% replacement level as compared to fish fed on control diet and other test diets. Additionally, it was found that the red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration of fish showed a significantly (p<0.05) inverse correlation with the increase in MOLM. In present research, it was concluded that MOLM has good potential to be used as a FM substitute in C. mrigala diet with maximum effect at 10% showing positive hematological indices.(AU)

A proteína do peixe está servindo como fonte de nutrição para o mundo faminto por proteína. No entanto, produtos de aquicultura sustentáveis requerem subprodutos vegetais baratos devido às fontes finitas de farinha de peixe. Portanto, este estudo foi conduzido para examinar a utilização de nutrientes, o desempenho do crescimento e os índices hematológicos de alevinos de Cirrhinus mrigala alimentados com dietas à base de farelo de folhas de Moringa oleifera (MOLM). Os peixes foram alimentados com seis dietas isonitrogênicas e isoenergéticas contendo MOLM como substituto da farinha de peixe (FM) nos níveis de 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% e 50% pelo período de 90 dias. Os alevinos com peso inicial de 6,35 ± 0,04g foram criados em tanques triplicados com densidade de 15 animais e alimentados à mão a uma taxa de 5% da biomassa total duas vezes regularmente. O nível de inclusão de óxido crômico foi de 1% nas dietas. Após análise, desempenho máximo de crescimento e melhor digestibilidade de nutrientes foram encontrados em peixes alimentados com dieta em nível de reposição de 10% em comparação com peixes alimentados com dieta controle e outras dietas teste. Além disso, verificou-se que as concentrações de hemácias, leucócitos, hemoglobina e hemoglobina corpuscular média dos peixes apresentaram correlação inversa significativa (p < 0,05) com o aumento do MOLM. Na presente pesquisa, concluiu-se que o MOLM tem bom potencial para ser utilizado como substituto do FM na dieta de C. mrigala com efeito máximo a 10% apresentando índices hematológicos positivos.(AU)

Animais , Cyprinidae/sangue , Cyprinidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Moringa
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 161-173, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427466


Nitric oxide (NO) is an important mediator responsible for vasodilation in pulmonary hypertension (PH) in humans. Based on human literature, it is suggested that in dogs there is also NO production decrease in lung tissue in the presence of PH with hypoxia. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine the indirect plasmatic NO concentration in dogs with PH secondary or not to the left-side heart disease (LHD) and also with low, intermediate and high probability of PH to characterize the NO involvement on PH in dogs. Blood samples were collected from 35 dogs with probability of PH to NO measurement. NO concentration was estimated by the nitrite/nitrate concentration, and it was significantly different (p=0.002) in dogs with PH secondary to LHD (median=14 µM, range 11.19-16.59) and not secondary to LHD (median=25.88µM, range 15.08-36.71). However, this was not significant for the probability of low, intermediate, and high PH, although there was a tendency for NO concentration to be higher in dogs with high PH. The results of this study demonstrate that there is release of NO in dogs with PH, as well as that its dosage could differentiate dogs with PH secondary to LHD from dogs with non-secondary PH.

O óxido nítrico (ON) é um importante vasodilatador na hipertensão pulmonar (HP) em seres humanos. Baseado na literatura humana, sugere-se que em cães também ocorra a diminuição da produção de ON no tecido pulmonar na presença de HP frente à hipóxia. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a concentração indireta do ON plasmático em cães com HP secundária ou não à doença do lado esquerdo do coração (LHD), bem como caracterizar os achados ecocardiográficos de diagnóstico e a probabilidade de HP (baixa, intermediária e alta). Para isso, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 35 cães com probabilidade de HP para mensuração de ON. A concentração do ON foi estimada pela concentração de nitrito/nitrato, e esta foi significativamente diferente (P=0,002) nos cães com HP secundária à LHD (mediana=14µM, intervalo 11,19-16,59) e não secundária à LHD (mediana=25,88µM, intervalo 15,08-36,71), porém não significativa para a probabilidade de HP baixa, intermediária e alta, embora houvesse uma tendência a ser maior a concentração de ON nos cães com probabilidade alta. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que há liberação do ON em cães com HP, bem como que sua dosagem conseguiu diferenciar cães com HP secundária à LHD de cães com HP não secundária.

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Hipertensão Pulmonar/veterinária , Óxido Nítrico
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1919, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443970


Background: Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections in cattle result in significant economic losses due to reproductive performance deficiencies caused by gastrointestinal, respiratory system infections, and transplacental infections. BVDV is one of the most important and widespread pathogens in cattle worldwide, including Turkey. Methods such as virus neutralization, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reverse transcriptase and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) are used for the detection of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease in its subclinical form is challenging due to the lengthy and costly procedures involved. Investigating oxidative stress parameters in ruminants with various diseases contributes significantly to diagnosis and prognosis. This study aimed to investigate some oxidative stress and biochemical parameters in cattle infected with BVDV. Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, blood samples were collected from 80 Simmental breed cows aged between approximately 4 and 8 years to determine the presence of BVDV antibodies using the ELISA method. Based on the results obtained, study groups were organized. The study included a group of 10 animals with positive antibody levels as the infected group, and a group of 10 animals with negative antibody levels as the healthy group. Blood samples were taken from the animals, and serum separation was ensured. In the obtained serum samples, levels of vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-Carotene, catalase, GSH-Px, and MDA were determined using spectrophotometric methods. In addition, serum total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glucose, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) were measured using commercial test kits and an autoanalyzer. In the study, it was observed that the differences in serum MDA, vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-carotene, and catalase levels were statistically significant between the healthy and BVDV-infected groups (P < 0.001). The activity of GSH-Px was also found to be statistically different between the groups (P < 0.01). Among the biochemical parameters, HDL, LDL, and AST levels were found to be statistically significant between the healthy and BVDV-infected groups (P < 0.001). Additionally, ALP and glucose levels were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.01). However, although there were differences in the levels of total protein, albumin, Ca, and P between the groups, these results were not statistically significant. Discussion: Although the diagnosis of the disease was partially made based on clinical observations in BVDV infections, the ELISA method was used for accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, it was found that there was a significant difference in MDA concentration between the healthy and infected groups, indicating oxidative damage caused by the virus. Similarly, significant differences in vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-carotene, GSH-Px, and catalase levels were observed between the groups, indicating a decrease in antioxidant values due to the infection. In addition, differences in ALP, AST, glucose, LDL, and HDL levels were found between the groups. This difference is thought to be related to the effects of the disease agent on the liver and systemically. This study demonstrates that, in addition to the viral pathogen, antioxidant and biochemical values are important criteria in the detection of the disease.

Animais , Bovinos , Doença das Mucosas por Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/fisiopatologia , Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/isolamento & purificação , Estresse Oxidativo , Malondialdeído/administração & dosagem , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469103


Abstract Fish protein is serving as a source of nutrition for protein starving world. However, sustainable aquaculture products require inexpensive plant by-products due to finite sources of fish meal. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine nutrient utilization, growth performance and hematological indices of Cirrhinus mrigala fingerlings fed on Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) based diets. Fish were fed with six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets having MOLM as a substitute of fish meal (FM) at the levels of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% for the period of 90 days. Fingerlings having initial weight 6.35±0.04g were reared in triplicate tanks at the stocking density of 15 and hand fed at the rate of 5% of total biomass twice regularly. Chromic oxide inclusion level was 1% in diets. After analysis, maximum growth performance and improved digestibility of nutrients were found in fish fed with diet at 10% replacement level as compared to fish fed on control diet and other test diets. Additionally, it was found that the red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration of fish showed a significantly (p 0.05) inverse correlation with the increase in MOLM. In present research, it was concluded that MOLM has good potential to be used as a FM substitute in C. mrigala diet with maximum effect at 10% showing positive hematological indices.

Resumo A proteína do peixe está servindo como fonte de nutrição para o mundo faminto por proteína. No entanto, produtos de aquicultura sustentáveis requerem subprodutos vegetais baratos devido às fontes finitas de farinha de peixe. Portanto, este estudo foi conduzido para examinar a utilização de nutrientes, o desempenho do crescimento e os índices hematológicos de alevinos de Cirrhinus mrigala alimentados com dietas à base de farelo de folhas de Moringa oleifera (MOLM). Os peixes foram alimentados com seis dietas isonitrogênicas e isoenergéticas contendo MOLM como substituto da farinha de peixe (FM) nos níveis de 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% e 50% pelo período de 90 dias. Os alevinos com peso inicial de 6,35 ± 0,04g foram criados em tanques triplicados com densidade de 15 animais e alimentados à mão a uma taxa de 5% da biomassa total duas vezes regularmente. O nível de inclusão de óxido crômico foi de 1% nas dietas. Após análise, desempenho máximo de crescimento e melhor digestibilidade de nutrientes foram encontrados em peixes alimentados com dieta em nível de reposição de 10% em comparação com peixes alimentados com dieta controle e outras dietas teste. Além disso, verificou-se que as concentrações de hemácias, leucócitos, hemoglobina e hemoglobina corpuscular média dos peixes apresentaram correlação inversa significativa (p 0,05) com o aumento do MOLM. Na presente pesquisa, concluiu-se que o MOLM tem bom potencial para ser utilizado como substituto do FM na dieta de C. mrigala com efeito máximo a 10% apresentando índices hematológicos positivos.

Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469224


Abstract Excessive intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as, diclofenac sodium (DS) may lead to toxicity in the rats. In this work, we aimed to examine the protective impact of lentil extract (LE) and folic acid (FA) on the hematological markers, the kidney tissue oxidative stress and the renal function against diclofenac sodium (DS) in male albino rats. The rats (120-150 g) were divided into four equal groups randomly, the first group kept as the untreated control. The second group was administrated with DS (11.6 mg/kg b.wt. orally once/day). The third group was received DS+FA (11.6 mg/kg b.wt.+76.9 microgram/kg b.wt.) orally once/day. The fourth group was treated with DS+LE (11.6 mg/kg b.wt.+500 mg/kg b.wt.) orally once/day. After four weeks, the results revealed that DS produced a significant decrease in the values of red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), hematocrit (HCT) and white blood cells (WBCs). On the other hand, there was a significant increase in the platelets count. Also, DS induced a renal deterioration; this was evidenced by the significant increase in the serum levels of urea, creatinine, uric acid, Na, Ca, Mg as well as the nitric oxide (NO) level in the kidney tissue. Also, there were a significant reduction in the serum levels of potassium (K) and reduced glutathione (GSH) in the kidney homogenates. Moreover, the findings in the rats treated by DS+LE or DS+FA showed a potential protection on the hematological markers, oxidative stress in the kidney tissue and the renal function disturbed by DS. LE and FA could play a potent role for the prevention the adverse hematological, the kidney tissue oxidative stress and the renal dysfunction caused by DS via their anti-oxidative and bioactive phytochemicals.

Resumo A ingestão excessiva de anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais, como o diclofenaco de sódio (DS), pode causar toxicidade em ratos. Neste trabalho, objetivamos examinar o impacto protetor do extrato de lentilha (LE) e ácido fólico (AF) em marcadores hematológicos, no estresse oxidativo do tecido renal e na função renal contra o diclofenaco de sódio (DS) em ratos albinos machos. Os ratos (120-150 g) foram divididos em quatro grupos iguais aleatoriamente, sendo o primeiro grupo mantido como controle não tratado. O segundo grupo foi administrado com DS (11,6 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). O terceiro grupo recebeu DS + FA (76,9 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). O quarto grupo foi tratado com DS + LE (500 mg / kg de peso corporal por via oral uma vez / dia). Após quatro semanas, os resultados revelaram que o DS produziu uma diminuição significativa nos valores de glóbulos vermelhos (RBCs), concentração de hemoglobina (Hb), hematócrito (HCT) e glóbulos brancos (WBCs). Por outro lado, houve um aumento significativo na contagem de plaquetas. Além disso, o DS induziu uma deterioração renal; isso foi evidenciado pelo aumento significativo dos níveis séricos de ureia, creatinina, ácido úrico, Na, Ca, Mg e também do nível de óxido nítrico no tecido renal. Além disso, houve uma redução significativa nos níveis séricos de potássio (K) e glutationa reduzida (GSH) nos homogenatos renais. Além disso, os achados nos ratos tratados com DS + LE ou DS + FA mostraram uma proteção potencial sobre os marcadores hematológicos, estresse oxidativo no tecido renal e função renal perturbada pelo DS. LE e AF podem desempenhar um papel potente na prevenção do estresse hematológico adverso, do estresse oxidativo do tecido renal e da disfunção renal causada pelo DS por meio de seus fitoquímicos antioxidantes e bioativos.

J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(2): e2023012, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434782


Climate change is shifting rainfall patterns, air temperature, river flows, and sea levels globally, resulting in changes in ground and surface water quality due to salinization, especially in arid and semiarid regions. During dry periods, the main water quality issue is a high quantity of salt in the water. Whilst water with fewer than 3,000 mg/L total salts is beneficial to all livestock species, tolerances vary greatly based on conditions and circumstances. Understanding the normal salt tolerance of animals without harming their production and health is important for sustainable livestock production, especially in dry areas. Understanding the normal salt tolerance of animals without harming their production and health is important for sustainable livestock production, especially in dry areas. Thus, this review examined the physiological, behavioral, hematological, and biochemical responses of sheep and goats in dryland areas under climate change scenarios. Despite changes in physiological, blood, biochemical, feed and water intake, sheep and goats adapt to salinity levels to drinking water in arid environments. Adaptable and native breeds are known to be more tolerant of saline water than selected exotic breeds. Small ruminants experience a decrease in food intake and weight, a decrease in breathing rate, and an increase in blood metabolite concentration when the salt in their drinking water increases. The concept that native and adapted small ruminant breeds can withstand high water salinity is gaining popularity in scientific research worldwide. More research is needed to investigate the water tolerance capabilities of adapted breeds, especially in dry and water-saline regions affected by climate change.

Animais , Mudança Climática , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Efeitos do Clima , Desidratação/veterinária