Background: Osteosarcoma is the most observed primary bone tumor in dogs, and may affect the appendicular and axial skeletons. In addition, it may be present in extraskeletal form, accounting for only 1% of cases. As shown by few reports in the literature, the involvement of the intestinal region by is rare. The objective of this study was to report the case of a 13-year-old Yorkshire dog, submitted to an exploratory laparotomy for suspected partial intestinal obstruction, diagnosed with extraskeletal osteosarcoma. Case: A 13-year-old dog, Yorkshire Terrier, male, presented clinical signs of gastrointestinal abnormalities. An ultrasound examination was performed and was found a mass in small intestine region with wall and lumen invasion. Then, was realized exploratory laparotomy and detected intestinal obstruction due to a mass with approximately 5.0 x 6.0 x 4.4 cm localized in duodenum. Surgical removal was performed and the sample sent to the veterinary diagnostic laboratory for histopathological examination. The sample had an irregular surface and firm consistency. In addition, when cut, the mass enveloped the intestinal layers and sometimes obstructed the lumen. Then, the sample were processed routinely for histopathology. After that, in microscopy evaluation was detected cell proliferation, affecting all layers of intestine. In detail, cells were elongated with pleomorphism marked and atypical mitosis. In addition, there was production of cartilage and bone matrix. So, due the absence of others sites, the neoplasm was considered primary of intestine. After that, to evaluate the expression of KI-67 and COX-2 was performed, and the cell proliferation index was 54.0% and the COX-2 expression was moderate in less than 10% of neoplastic cells. After the surgery, the patient was hospitalized for a week and continue the treatment in home. Afterwards, the tutor received the diagnosis, but even though he was instructed on the severity of the case, he chose not to undergo chemotherapy. After three months, the patient presented abdominal fluid and nodules in your liver, suggesting metastasis, but without diagnosis confirmation. The patient died five months after the diagnosis of extraskeletal osteosarcoma. However, no necropsy was realized, impossibility the diagnosis confirm. Discussion: The frequency of extraskeletal osteosarcoma in dogs remains unknown, with the mammary glands being the most affected site. In the present study, osteosarcoma affects the duodenal region and no reports of this neoplasm in the duodenum of dogs have been found in the literature. The clinical sign of dyschezia was important for the tutor to refer the animal to the veterinarian and perform the ultrasound in an attempt to elucidate the case, as the tumor mass is not always palpable. Histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry were necessary for the differential diagnosis and to establish the prognosis, although after the surgery the tutor chose not to perform chemotherapy. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma are usually highly metastatic, mainly affecting the lymph nodes and liver. In this case, the patient presented a liver nodule three months after the tumor removal surgery, but unfortunately, there was no diagnostic confirmation. Such neoplastic type is rarer and more aggressive than appendicular and axial osteosarcoma, with an average survival of 1 to 3 months. In this case, as a necropsy was not obtained, we cannot attribute the survival time to the disease. The survival rates of osteosarcomas in dogs are few months, but in the present case, although the patient died five months after surgery, the failure to perform a necropsy compromises the attribution of survival time to extraskeletal osteosarcoma.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Duodeno/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Osteomyelitis is defined as a bone inflammation involving the cortical and medullary regions, usually caused by the local invasion of opportunistic microorganisms. The inflammatory reaction of bone may extend to the periosteum and soft tissues, compromising adjacent structures far from the initially infected foci. Different classifications of transmission routes, gravity levels, and tissues involved in animal and human osteomyelitis are available. In humans, the infection can reach bone tissue by exogenous or hematogenous pathways. This paper reports an atypical case of mandibular pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis in an ewe caused by concomitant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Lactococcus raffinolactis infection. Case: The animal presented a 1-month history of progressive mandibular enlargement refractory to conventional therapy. In a physical examination, an increased volume located in the ventrolateral region of the right ramus of the mandible was observed. Fine-needle aspiration of the lesion enabled isolation in bacteriological culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Lactococcus raffinolactis using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDITOF MS). Besides support care procedures and antimicrobial treatment approaches for the sheep based on in vitro tests, the animal died due to the severity of the clinical signs and the progressive worsening of the general health status. The radiographic image examination of the mandibular region revealed a severe and infiltrative periodontal reaction, with a predominance of a great number of neutrophils and macrophages, necrotic areas, and bone destruction, characterized histologically as a pyogranulomatous rection. At post mortem examination, a large pyogranuloma was observed in the entire horizontal branch of the mandible as well, showing a dark yellowish content of coarse consistency, caseous appearance, and bone fragmentation. Discussion: Ovine mandibular osteomyelitis is a well-established bone inflammation involving the cortical and medullary regions, characterized clinically by local enlargement, asymmetry, pain sensitivity, edema, hyperthermia, infiltrate caseous or suppurative material, and bone rarefaction. In the current report, 1-month history of progressive enlargement of the mandibular region, prostration, and weight loss in an ewe were referred. Where clinical and epidemiological features, bacteriological, cytological, histological, and mass spectrometry diagnostic approaches were assessed to diagnostic. Most reports involving the etiology of ovine mandibular osteomyelitis have been diagnosed based on classical phenotypic tests. Here, the concomitant identification of P. aeruginosa and L. raffinolactis infection was possible using mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF), highlighting the importance of molecular methods in the diagnosis of animal diseases. In addition, the differentiation between Lactococcus and Enterococcus species is difficult, which could underestimate the diagnosis of Lactococcus species as a primary pathogen from animal diseases. We report, for the first time, a fatal case of mandibular pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis in a sheep caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Lactococcus raffinolactis coinfection.
Animais , Osteomielite/veterinária , Infecções por Pseudomonas/complicações , Ovinos , Lactococcus/patogenicidade , Mandíbula/patologia , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze and compare the reactions at the interface between the composite, composed of fragmented heterologous mineralized bone matrix (MOMHF) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), and the rabbit's tibias, through macroscopic evaluation and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in different periods. Methods In this study, 12 New Zealand adult rabbits were used (E1: n = 3, E2: n = 3, E3: n = 3 and E4: n = 3). They had the right tibial defects filled with composite and were evaluated immediately after surgery and at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days. Results The composites were incorporated and integrated into the recipient beds in 100% of the cases, defined by the MOMHF osseointegration and the PMMA fibrointegration, with no sign of infection, migration, or rejection. Conclusions The behavior of the composites in the recipient beds demonstrates that these biomaterials have the potential to be used in bone defect repairs, offering, thus, better quality of life to the orthopedic patient.
Matriz Óssea , Polimetil Metacrilato , Qualidade de Vida , Coelhos , Tíbia/cirurgia , Materiais Biocompatíveis , OsseointegraçãoResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate and compare two types of different scaffolds in critical bone defects in rats. Methods Seventy male Wistar rats (280 ± 20 grams) divided into three groups: control group (CG), untreated animals; biomaterial group 1 (BG1), animals that received the scaffold implanted hydroxyapatite (HA)/poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA); and biomaterial group 2 (BG2), animals that received the scaffolds HA/PLGA/Bleed. The critical bone defect was induced in the medial region of the skull calotte with the aid of an 8-mm-diameter trephine drill. The biomaterial was implanted in the form of 1.5 mm thick scaffolds, and samples were collected after 15, 30 and 60 days. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used, with the significance level of 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Results Histology revealed morphological and structural differences of the neoformed tissue between the experimental groups. Collagen-1 (Col-1) findings are consistent with the histological ones, in which BG2 presented the highest amount of fibers in its tissue matrix in all evaluated periods. In contrast, the results of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-Β ligand (Rank-L) immunoexpression were higher in BG2 in the periods of 30 and 60 days, indicating an increase of the degradation of the biomaterial and the remodeling activity of the bone. Conclusions The properties of the HA/PLGA/Bleed scaffold were superior when compared to the scaffold composed only by HA/PLGA.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Alicerces Teciduais , Osteogênese , Regeneração Óssea , Ratos Wistar , Copolímero de Ácido Poliláctico e Ácido PoliglicólicoResumo
Background: Craniomandibular osteopathy (CMO) is a degenerative, osteopetrotic, and self-limiting bone disease that is rare in the canine species. The most affected bones and joints are the branches of the mandible, tympanic bulla, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) with generalized thickening of the bone trabeculae, increased lines of bone cementation, and bone proliferation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate 2 cases of CMO in mixed-breed dogs belonging to the same litter sent to the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD / FV / UFPel). Cases: Three dogs (mixed-breed, 2 females and 1 male) belonging to the same litter presented at eight months of age with increases in volume and pain in the face, difficulties in moving the jaw, anorexia, and sialorrhea. The 2 bitches were euthanized and sent to LRD / FV / UFPel for necropsy. The animals underwent radiography of the left and right lateral and dorsoventral lateral projections in the imaging sector of the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinária (HCV) at UFPel. During the necropsy, fragments of organs from the abdominal and thoracic cavities, as well as the central nervous system and head bones, were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. The tissue samples were cleaved, processed routinely, embedded in paraffin, cut into sections of 3 µm thickness, and stained using hematoxylin and eosin (HE). The bone fragments were decalcified in a 50/50 solution of 8% hydrochloric acid and 8% formic acid and subsequently cleaved and stained with HE. The head and jaw of one of the canines were dissected and subjected to maceration in water at room temperature. Radiographic examination of the 2 remaining animals showed irregular and exuberant bone proliferation in the mandible and temporomandibular region. In the tympanic bullae, occipital bone, and zygomatic process, thickening of the structures was observed with increased opacity. On necropsy, the canines were cachectic with marked muscle atrophy and increased volume of the mandibular branches and head bones, in addition to marked edema in the adjacent subcutaneous tissue. The regional lymph nodes were enlarged, and in one of the animals, bilateral lesions in the femurs were also observed. In the head subjected to biological maceration, areas of bone proliferation and rarefaction were observed, with increased volume and destruction of the TMJ. On histopathological evaluation of the ventral portion of the mandibular bodies, a network of bony trabeculae was observed, composed of a chondroid matrix with different degrees of mineralization. The cortical portion of the bones exhibited loss of lamellar compactness, with greater spread of the bone trabeculae. The bone trabeculae were perpendicular to the long axis of the cortical of the mandible and were distributed in the medullary spaces, presenting some dense foci of inflammatory infiltrates composed predominantly of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. Discussion: The breeds most predisposed to developing CMO are West Highland White Terrier and Scottish Terrier; however, the disease has also been described in other non-Terrier breed. Nevertheless, there are no descriptions in the literature of mixed-breed dogs, with this report being the first of CMO in mixed-breed dogs. The bones most frequently affected in CMO are those of the head. In Terrier dogs, the TMJ is also affected. In the cases of this study, severe CMO occurred, affecting both the head bones and TMJ, and in 1 of the canines, it also affected the femurs. Although CMO has not previously been reported in mixed-breed dogs, the condition can seriously affect these animals, and differential diagnosis should always be made.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Cães , Articulação Temporomandibular/patologia , Doenças Ósseas/veterinária , Transtornos Craniomandibulares/veterinária , Hipertrofia/veterináriaResumo
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the reduction of calcium (Ca), crude protein (CP), metabolizable energy (ME), and available phosphorus (aP) in the nutritional matrix of Brazilian commercial broiler diets supplemented with both phytase superdosing (1500 FTU/kg) or conventional doses (500 FTU/kg) on the feed cost and profitability, performance, bone mineralization, and carcass yield of broiler from 1 to 42 d. A total 1200 one-day-old chicks (Cobb 500) were randomly distributed in a commercial feeding program composed of a positive control diet and three diets with reduction of Ca, aP, CP, and ME in the nutritional matrix supplemented with 500, 1000, and 1500 FTU/kg of phytase. The broilers subjected to diets with phytase superdosing presented similar performance, bone ash, and carcass yield, among the treatments. There was a linear effect in the total nutrition cost, gross margin, and estimated net margin per bird with the increase of dietary inclusion of phytase in all purposed scenarios. Thus, for each 500 FTU/kg of dietary phytase included in the diet with reduction of Ca, P, ME, and CP in the nutritional matrix, the total nutrition cost decreased R$ 0.072/bird, R$ 0.079/bird, and R$ 0.081/bird in scenarios of high, medium, and low prices of corn and soybean meal, respectively, that allowed an increase in the estimated net margin of R$ 0.20/bird, R$ 0.22/bird, and R$ 0.22/bird in the same scenarios.
Animais , Fósforo , Proteínas , Galinhas , Cálcio , Monoéster Fosfórico Hidrolases , Valor Nutritivo , Custos e Análise de CustoResumo
The objective of this work was to estimate genetic parameters and evaluate genetic trends over 26 years for morphometric traits in Mangalarga Marchador horses. Twelve morphometric traits were evaluated (withers and croup heights; length of head, body, shoulder, croup, neck, back, and loins; width of head and croup, and cannon bone and thorax perimeters). These traits were evaluated in 38,341 animals born between 1987 and 2012 and with a relationship matrix of 77,719 animals. Gibbs sampler was used to obtain samples of the posterior distributions of genetic parameters under animal models. Genetic trends were estimated by regression of estimated breeding values in function of birth year. The heritabilities of all traits were moderate to high and ranged from 0.27 to 0.48. However, the additive genetic coefficients of variation were low, ranging from 1.23 to 3.82%. The genetic trends of all the studied traits were significant, but of low magnitude. Negative genetic trend was observed for body length, while positive genetic trends were estimated for the other 11 traits. Although additive genetic differences accounted for a significant part of the phenotypic differences, genetic gains in the population were limited by low phenotypic variability. Therefore, it is necessary to develop data collection strategies to increase phenotypic and genetic variability in the population, such as the inclusion of animals that do not meet breed standard, but which have parents registered in the breeders' association, in the database.
Animais , Fenótipo , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/genética , HereditariedadeResumo
A mumificação fetal é um processo que ocorre após a morte do feto, que já tem mineralização da matriz óssea do esqueleto. O mecanismo exato deste fenômeno não é totalmente conhecido, entretanto, sabe-se que após a morte fetal ocorre rápida absorção dos fluidos uterinos e fetais juntamente com a involução uterina. As membranas fetais e placentárias desidratadas aderem ao feto formando uma massa seca e dura. Apesar de ser considerada incomum, já foi descrita em várias espécies de animais. É de rara ocorrência em cadelas e gatas. O objetivo deste artigo foi relatar o diagnóstico acidental de mumificação fetal em uma cadela com sinais de alteração cardíaca. Uma cadela de 11 anos apresentando sinais de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva foi submetida a radiografia torácica para avaliação da cardiopatia. No exame radiográfico foi observado acidentalmente a presença de um feto mumificado na cavidade abdominal cranial direita. A paciente foi submetida ao tratamento clínico para estabilização e controle dos sinais e apresentou, posteriormente, uma rápida recuperação clínica. O animal não apresentava sinais ou complicações decorrentes da mumificação fetal. Visto isso e para não a submeter aos riscos cirúrgicos, a tutora optou por não realizar o procedimento cirúrgico para retirada do feto. O presente relato descreve um caso clínico atípico de mumificação em cadela, pois não houve procedimento terapêutico específico e isso não interferiu com a boa qualidade de vida da paciente.
Fetal mummification occurs after the death of the fetus, which already has mineralization the skeleton bone matrix. The exact mechanism of this phenomenon is not fully understood; however, it is known that after fetal death a fast absorption of uterine and fetal fluids take place along with uterine involution. Dehydrated fetal and placental membranes adhere to the fetus forming a dry, hard mass. Although considered unusual, it has been described in various species of animals. It is rare in dogs and cats. The purpose of this paper was to report the accidental diagnosis of fetal mummification in a bitch with signs of cardiac alteration. An 11-year-old bitch showing signs of congestive heart failure was admitted to a veterinary clinic and it was requested to perform chest radiographs for heart evaluation. Radiography accidentally revealed the presence of mummified fetus in the right cranial abdominal cavity. The patient was submitted to clinical treatment for stabilization and control of the disease signs and clinical recovery rapidly occurred. The animal showed no signs or complications due to fetal mummification and had a good quality of life. Once the dog was clinically normal, and not to submit it to surgical risks, the owner chose not to perform the surgical procedure to remove the mummified fetus.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães , Morte Fetal , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Radiografia Abdominal/veterinária , Insuficiência Cardíaca/veterináriaResumo
Purpose To evaluate the use of demineralized bone matrix of caprine origin in experimental bone defects of the tibia in New Zealand rabbits. Methods Fragments of the tibia diaphysis were collected aseptically from clinically healthy goats. The bones were sectioned into 1 cm fragments and stored at -20°C for subsequent hydrochloric acid (HCL) demineralization. A 70 mg portion of DBMc was used to fill the experimental bone defects. Twenty-four female adult New Zealand rabbits were divided into 2 groups: the MG (matrix group, left tibia) and CG (control group, right tibia). Additionally, they were separated into 4 groups with 6 animals, according to the period of analysis (15, 30, 60 and 90 days postoperatively). Using microCT, volumetric parameters were evaluated: bone volume, relationship between bone volume and total volume, bone surface area, relationship between bone surface area and total volume, number of trabeculae, trabecular thickness and trabecular separation. Results There was a statistically significant difference (P 0.05) between groups considering bone volume (BV) and bone:total volume (BV/TV), on 15, 30 and 90 days postoperatively. Control group showed a statistically significant superiority (P < 0.05) considering the mean of the variables bone surface (BS), number of trabeculae (Tb.N) and between bone surface and total volume (BS/TV) at 15 and 90 days. Conclusions Caprine demineralized bone matrix was safe and tolerable. No signs of material rejection were seen macroscopically. It is an alternative for the treatment of bone defects when autologous graft is not available or in insufficient quantities.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Cabras , Substitutos Ósseos , Tíbia/lesões , Tíbia/cirurgia , Tíbia/transplante , Transplante Ósseo/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To evaluate bone formation through ultrastructural analysis around titanium implants in severe alloxanic uncontrolled diabetic rats, and controlled with insulin, in comparison with nondiabetic rats. Methods: Thirty-six male Wistar rats, weighing between 200 and 300 g, divided into three experimental groups: normal control group (G1), a diabetic group without treatment (G2), and a diabetic group treated with insulin (G3). The animals received titanium implants in the right femur, and osseointegration was evaluated at 7, 14, and 21 days after surgery, through ultrastructural analysis using scanning electron microscopy. Results: The ultrastructural analysis showed a dense bone structure in the G1, few empty spaces and a small number of proteoglycans; G2 presented bone matrix with a loose aspect, irregular arrangement, thin trabeculae, empty spaces and a large number of proteoglycans; G3 obtained similar results to G1, however with a higher number of proteoglycans. Conclusion: Severe diabetes caused ultrastructural changes in bone formation, and insulin therapy allowed an improvement in osseointegration, but it was not possible to reach the results obtained in the control group.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Diabetes Mellitus/veterinária , Insulina , Implantação Dentária/veterinária , Titânio , OsteogêneseResumo
Purpose: To assess the effect of a collagen matrix (Mucograft®) on the inflammatory process in a semi-critical experimental defect model in rats treated with bisphosphonates. Methods: Eighteen Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups: saline (CG), alendronate (ALD) 5mg/kg (AG) or zoledronic acid (ZA) 0.2mg/kg (ZG). ALD was administered orally for 10 weeks and ZA was administered intravascularly on days 0, 7 and 14 and 49. On day 42, a 2mm defect was created and filled with Mucograft® collagen matrix. The contralateral side was filled with a clot (control side). The animals were euthanized 70 days after the beginning of the experiment and the hemimandibles were radiographically and histologically (counting of empty osteocyte lacunae (%), apoptotic (%) and total osteoclasts, neutrophil and mononuclear inflammatory cells) analyzed. The variables were submitted to ANOVA/Bonferroni and t test (parametric data) (p 0.05, GraphPad Prism 5.0). Results: Significant bone repair occurred in the groups treated with Mucograft®. High number of total inflammatory cells and neutrophils cells were showed in AG (p=0.026 and p=0.035) and AZ groups (p=0.005, p=0.034) on the control sides associated with delayed bone repair and the presence of devitalized bone tissue in AG and ZG on the Mucograft® side. Conclusion: Mucograft® collagen matrix attenuated the inflammatory process in a mandible defect in rats submitted to the use of bisphosphonates (AG and ZG).(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Colágeno/uso terapêutico , Doenças Mandibulares/veterinária , Difosfonatos/uso terapêutico , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/veterináriaResumo
Na atualidade, a pesquisa envolvendo células-tronco mesenquimais destaca-se na busca de avanços na reparação da cartilagem articular. Objetivou-se, no presente estudo, comparar a regeneração cartilaginosa da articulação coxofemoral de coelhos, com e sem o transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais autólogas, por meio de exames radiográficos e histopatológicos. Dois grupos, com 15 animais da espécie leporina cada, foram submetidos à indução química de osteoartrite com solução de colagenase 2% na articulação coxofemoral direita. No Grupo 1 (Células-tronco) realizou-se a aplicação intra-articular de células-tronco mesenquimais autólogas. Já o Grupo 2 (Controle) foi constituído por animais submetidos à aplicação intra-articular de solução salina estéril. Foram realizadas avaliações radiográficas e histopatológicas aos 30, 60 e 90 dias após a aplicação. Os resultados histológicos indicam que células-tronco mesenquimais (Grupo 1) melhoraram discretamente a qualidade do tecido de reparo, de acordo com os critérios da escala semi-quantitativa ICRS 1 (International Cartilage Repair Society). O Grupo 1 (Células-Tronco) demonstrou superioridade em relação ao Grupo 2 nos parâmetros: Superfície articular, matriz extracelular e distribuição celular, demonstrando que as células-tronco foram benéficas no tratamento da osteoartrite.
The aim of this study was to compare cartilage regeneration of the hip in rabbits, with and without the transplantation of autologous mesenchymal stem cells. Thirty rabbits were submitted to chemical induction of osteoarthritis with a 2% colagenase in the right hip. They were divided into 2 groups of 15 animals each: Group 1 (intra-articular application of autologous mesenchymal stem cells) and Group 2 (control - intra-articular application of sterile saline solution). Radiographic and histopathological evaluations were performed at 30, 60 and 90 days after application. The mesenchymal stem cells group (Group 1) showed slight improvement of the quality of the repair tissue, according to the semi-quantitative scale criteria ICRS 1 (International Cartilage Repair Society). The Group 1 (Stem Cells) showed superiority in relation to Group 2, especially in the parameters joint surface, extracellular matrix and cellular distribution, demonstrating that stem cells were beneficial in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
Animais , Coelhos , Colagenases , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Osteoartrite/terapia , Osteoartrite/veterináriaResumo
Na atualidade, a pesquisa envolvendo células-tronco mesenquimais destaca-se na busca de avanços na reparação da cartilagem articular. Objetivou-se, no presente estudo, comparar a regeneração cartilaginosa da articulação coxofemoral de coelhos, com e sem o transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais autólogas, por meio de exames radiográficos e histopatológicos. Dois grupos, com 15 animais da espécie leporina cada, foram submetidos à indução química de osteoartrite com solução de colagenase 2% na articulação coxofemoral direita. No Grupo 1 (Células-tronco) realizou-se a aplicação intra-articular de células-tronco mesenquimais autólogas. Já o Grupo 2 (Controle) foi constituído por animais submetidos à aplicação intra-articular de solução salina estéril. Foram realizadas avaliações radiográficas e histopatológicas aos 30, 60 e 90 dias após a aplicação. Os resultados histológicos indicam que células-tronco mesenquimais (Grupo 1) melhoraram discretamente a qualidade do tecido de reparo, de acordo com os critérios da escala semi-quantitativa ICRS 1 (International Cartilage Repair Society). O Grupo 1 (Células-Tronco) demonstrou superioridade em relação ao Grupo 2 nos parâmetros: Superfície articular, matriz extracelular e distribuição celular, demonstrando que as células-tronco foram benéficas no tratamento da osteoartrite.(AU)
The aim of this study was to compare cartilage regeneration of the hip in rabbits, with and without the transplantation of autologous mesenchymal stem cells. Thirty rabbits were submitted to chemical induction of osteoarthritis with a 2% colagenase in the right hip. They were divided into 2 groups of 15 animals each: Group 1 (intra-articular application of autologous mesenchymal stem cells) and Group 2 (control - intra-articular application of sterile saline solution). Radiographic and histopathological evaluations were performed at 30, 60 and 90 days after application. The mesenchymal stem cells group (Group 1) showed slight improvement of the quality of the repair tissue, according to the semi-quantitative scale criteria ICRS 1 (International Cartilage Repair Society). The Group 1 (Stem Cells) showed superiority in relation to Group 2, especially in the parameters joint surface, extracellular matrix and cellular distribution, demonstrating that stem cells were beneficial in the treatment of osteoarthritis.(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Osteoartrite/terapia , Osteoartrite/veterinária , ColagenasesResumo
This study evaluated the potential of incremental doses of an enhanced Escherichia coli-derived phytase to support step-wise reduction of supplemental inorganic phosphate in an all-vegetable broiler diet. Corn-soybean meal-based diets containing 0.40/0.80%, 0.35/0.70%, and 0.30/0.60% avP and Ca, respectively from 0-10, 10-25, and 26-42 days posthatch served as experimental control (PC). Three test diets were formulated with 500, 1000, and 1500 FTU/kg of phytase assigned respectively an avP matrix of 0.15, 0.19, and 0.23% and a fixed Ca matrix of 0.15%. An additional diet (PC++) containing extra avP and Ca (+0.05% avP/+0.1% Ca) to that of PC was included to test if avP and Ca were not limiting in PC. Each diet was offered to 16 replicates of straight-run broilers kept in floor pens (30 birds per pen). PC++ had lower (p 0.05; 10 and 25 d) or similar (42 d) BW and toe ash compared with PC confirming the avP and Ca set in PC were sufficient to support optimal growth and bone mineralization. Compared to the PC, diets containing 1000 and 1500 FTU phytase had higher BW (p 0.05) at 10 and 25 d. For the overall period of 0-42 d, FI, BW and FCR did not differ across treatments. Percentage-, but not the absolute-, toe ash at phytase treated groups was significantly (p 0.05) low compared with the PC. The experiment demonstrated that 1500 FTU/kg of enhance E. coli phytase supports optimal BW and FCR of broilers fed corn-soy diet largely void of supplemental inorganic phosphate.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/microbiologia , Zea mays , Glycine max , Fosfatos , Escherichia coliResumo
This study evaluated the potential of incremental doses of an enhanced Escherichia coli-derived phytase to support step-wise reduction of supplemental inorganic phosphate in an all-vegetable broiler diet. Corn-soybean meal-based diets containing 0.40/0.80%, 0.35/0.70%, and 0.30/0.60% avP and Ca, respectively from 0-10, 10-25, and 26-42 days posthatch served as experimental control (PC). Three test diets were formulated with 500, 1000, and 1500 FTU/kg of phytase assigned respectively an avP matrix of 0.15, 0.19, and 0.23% and a fixed Ca matrix of 0.15%. An additional diet (PC++) containing extra avP and Ca (+0.05% avP/+0.1% Ca) to that of PC was included to test if avP and Ca were not limiting in PC. Each diet was offered to 16 replicates of straight-run broilers kept in floor pens (30 birds per pen). PC++ had lower (p 0.05; 10 and 25 d) or similar (42 d) BW and toe ash compared with PC confirming the avP and Ca set in PC were sufficient to support optimal growth and bone mineralization. Compared to the PC, diets containing 1000 and 1500 FTU phytase had higher BW (p 0.05) at 10 and 25 d. For the overall period of 0-42 d, FI, BW and FCR did not differ across treatments. Percentage-, but not the absolute-, toe ash at phytase treated groups was significantly (p 0.05) low compared with the PC. The experiment demonstrated that 1500 FTU/kg of enhance E. coli phytase supports optimal BW and FCR of broilers fed corn-soy diet largely void of supplemental inorganic phosphate.
Animais , Escherichia coli , Fosfatos , Galinhas/microbiologia , Glycine max , Zea maysResumo
Background: The mammary neoplasms are highly frequent in female dogs. It is characterized by the proliferation of epithelial or mesenchymal cells. The mammary osteosarcoma is a example of the proliferation of the last group and its main feature is production of osteoid matrix and areas of mature bone tissue formation. Metastases to the lungs and regional lymph nodes are frequent, however some other metastasis sites have been reported. The aim of this study is to report a mammary osteosarcoma in a 12-year-old mixed-breed female dog with multiple metastases and neoplastic emboli to the central nervous system. Case: The animal was brought to the Veterinary Hospital of the Uberlândia Federal University (HV/UFU) with the complaint of increase in the volume of the mammary glands. The cytopathological exams was performed in the mass that measured 15 cm of diameter and covering a large region of the mammary gland, from the right cranial thoracic to the right cranial abdominal mammary gland. The cytological diagnostic was inconclusive because of the lack of material for diagnosis. Therefore, total unilateral mastectomy was performed for histopathology analysis. The material was then sent to the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HV/UFU where routine processing was performed. The microscopy showed proliferation of mesenchymal cells arranged in bundles with intense pleomorfism and producing osteoid matrix, leading to the diagnosis of mammary osteosarcoma. Around 15 days after the diagnostic the animal died and was sent the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HV/UFU for necropsy. During the external exam there was a mass at the same site of the primary mass previously extracted. Besides it, there were masses affecting lungs, intestine and kidneys. The histopathological exam showed sites of metastasis of osteosarcoma in the organs described, as well as neoplastic...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/secundário , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: The mammary neoplasms are highly frequent in female dogs. It is characterized by the proliferation of epithelial or mesenchymal cells. The mammary osteosarcoma is a example of the proliferation of the last group and its main feature is production of osteoid matrix and areas of mature bone tissue formation. Metastases to the lungs and regional lymph nodes are frequent, however some other metastasis sites have been reported. The aim of this study is to report a mammary osteosarcoma in a 12-year-old mixed-breed female dog with multiple metastases and neoplastic emboli to the central nervous system. Case: The animal was brought to the Veterinary Hospital of the Uberlândia Federal University (HV/UFU) with the complaint of increase in the volume of the mammary glands. The cytopathological exams was performed in the mass that measured 15 cm of diameter and covering a large region of the mammary gland, from the right cranial thoracic to the right cranial abdominal mammary gland. The cytological diagnostic was inconclusive because of the lack of material for diagnosis. Therefore, total unilateral mastectomy was performed for histopathology analysis. The material was then sent to the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HV/UFU where routine processing was performed. The microscopy showed proliferation of mesenchymal cells arranged in bundles with intense pleomorfism and producing osteoid matrix, leading to the diagnosis of mammary osteosarcoma. Around 15 days after the diagnostic the animal died and was sent the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HV/UFU for necropsy. During the external exam there was a mass at the same site of the primary mass previously extracted. Besides it, there were masses affecting lungs, intestine and kidneys. The histopathological exam showed sites of metastasis of osteosarcoma in the organs described, as well as neoplastic...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/secundário , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/veterináriaResumo
Background: Multilobular tumor of bone (MTB) is a primary bone neoplasm, uncommon in dogs. This tumor was called ofmany names for a long time, as: chondroma rodens, multilobular osteochondrosarcoma, multilobular osteoma, multilobularchondroma, calcificating aponeurotic fibroma, although MTB was preferred chosen, because these other name could becorrelated with humans tumors. This tumor is observed specially in skull bone, although it was reported in zygomaticarc, hard palate, axilla, spine and penis. Mostly happen in big breeds dogs, and middle to old age patients. Clinical signsdepending of region and how aggressive the tumor is, usually are related to compression of any structure. The growth ofMTB is frequently slow and progressive, locally invasive, occurring relapse after surgical revomal, although the tumorhas low to moderate metastatic potential. The aim of this study is to report a case of MTB in a female dog and describeanatomopathological changes.Case: A female dog, mixed breed, 13 year-old, of middleweight was admitted in Pathology Department of College of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (FCAV-Unesp), Campus of Jaboticabal - SP, to be undergone to necropsy. Thepatient have never shown any epileptic crisis or neurologic signs. In macroscopic examination was found a mass in skull,which invaded the orbit and frontal sinus, but it was not invading brain cavity. The neoplasm had and irregular surface, firmconsistent, color was white mixed to red areas, after cut it was granular and rough, and had some point mineralized areas.The lobs of lung had much firm masses, colored gray to white. In cytology it was observed fusiform to polyhedric isolatedmesenchymal cells, moderated pleomorphic, basophilic cytoplasm, thin granulated nuclear chromatin, and visible nucleolithat was involved by eosinophilic extracellular matrix...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Cranianas/veterinária , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Multilobular tumor of bone (MTB) is a primary bone neoplasm, uncommon in dogs. This tumor was called ofmany names for a long time, as: chondroma rodens, multilobular osteochondrosarcoma, multilobular osteoma, multilobularchondroma, calcificating aponeurotic fibroma, although MTB was preferred chosen, because these other name could becorrelated with humans tumors. This tumor is observed specially in skull bone, although it was reported in zygomaticarc, hard palate, axilla, spine and penis. Mostly happen in big breeds dogs, and middle to old age patients. Clinical signsdepending of region and how aggressive the tumor is, usually are related to compression of any structure. The growth ofMTB is frequently slow and progressive, locally invasive, occurring relapse after surgical revomal, although the tumorhas low to moderate metastatic potential. The aim of this study is to report a case of MTB in a female dog and describeanatomopathological changes.Case: A female dog, mixed breed, 13 year-old, of middleweight was admitted in Pathology Department of College of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (FCAV-Unesp), Campus of Jaboticabal - SP, to be undergone to necropsy. Thepatient have never shown any epileptic crisis or neurologic signs. In macroscopic examination was found a mass in skull,which invaded the orbit and frontal sinus, but it was not invading brain cavity. The neoplasm had and irregular surface, firmconsistent, color was white mixed to red areas, after cut it was granular and rough, and had some point mineralized areas.The lobs of lung had much firm masses, colored gray to white. In cytology it was observed fusiform to polyhedric isolatedmesenchymal cells, moderated pleomorphic, basophilic cytoplasm, thin granulated nuclear chromatin, and visible nucleolithat was involved by eosinophilic extracellular matrix...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Neoplasias Cranianas/veterináriaResumo
Purpose:To investigate the effects of allopurinol administration on osteoinductive reaction and bone development with graft material.Methods:Thirty-six Wistar albino rats were divided into 3 groups. In the control group, calvarial bone defect was only created without any treatment. In the Defect + Graft group, allograft treatment was performed by forming 8 mm calvarial bone defect. In the Defect + Graft + Allopurinol group, alloplastic bone graft was placed in the calvarial bone defect and then, allopurinol (50 mg/kg/day) treatment was intraperitoneally applied for 28 days.Results:Histopathological examination revealed inflammation, congestion in the vessels, and an increase in osteoclast cells in the defect area. We also observed that new osteocyte cells, increase in connective tissue fibers, and new bone trabeculae. Osteopontin expression was positive in osteoblast cells and lacunated osteocyte cells were located in the periphery of the new bone trabeculae. Osteopontin expression was also positive in osteoblasts and osteocytes cells of new bone trabeculae in the graft site.Conclusion:It has been shown that allopurinol treatment in rat calvaria defects may induce osteoblastic activity, matrix development, mature bone cell formation and new bone formation when used with autogenous grafts.(AU)