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Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(1): 46-50, mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425330


The article describes the case of a 3 year 6 months old Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) that was assisted at the Wildlife and Exotic Animal Practice of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of Asunción. The patient presented a hard mass in the right hind limb extending from the proximal portion of the femur, projecting caudally to the proximal tuberosity of the calcaneus, with an increase in temperature, and a marked increase in sensitivity. Radiographic diagnosis refers to a mass with amorphous areas of mineral density. Fine needle aspiration puncture revealed an undifferentiated malignant proliferative process, requiring histopathological analysis to characterize the process. Disarticulation was performed and subsequent histopathologic diagnosis under hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome stain revealed fibroblastic osteosarcoma.(AU)

Animais , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico , Cobaias , Paraguai , Hematoxilina/análogos & derivados
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469155


Abstract Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p 0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.

Resumo Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07130, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1440726


This study aimed to evaluate phosphorus (P) concentration in serum and bone, the percentage of ash and the specific bone density of buffaloes on Ilha de Marajó before and after mineral supplementation. For this study, 14 crossbred buffaloes of Murrah and Mediterranean descent aged between 18 and 36 months were used. The average values of P before supplementation in serum and bone, the percentage of bone ash and the specific bone density were 5.68mg/dL±1.18, 16.53%±0.53, 59.95%±1.96 and 1.52g/cm3±0.32, respectively, which demonstrated P deficiency in animals raised on Ilha de Marajó. After supplementation with P for a period of seven months, the values were 6.61mg/dL±0.87, 16.90%±0.56 and 60.30%±0.95 and 1.71g/cm3±0.21, respectively. These results showed a significant increase in P concentration in blood serum, specific bone density and percentage of P in ash (P<0.05), but there was no significant increase in the percentage of ash. The average increase in P in the serum and ash did not reach normal levels in all animals; however, 28.6% of the animals had normal values of P in serum and 50% in the ash, and 64.3% had normal specific bone density values. The nonre-establishment, in some of the animals, of the variables of P serum and bone after supplementation for seven months may have occurred as a result of the low intake of the mineral mixture and by the low concentration of P in the Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu used for feeding animals during the experiment.

Objetivou-se avaliar as concentrações de fósforo (P) no soro e no osso, o percentual de cinzas e a densidade óssea específica em búfalas da Ilha de Marajó antes e após suplementação mineral seletiva. Foram utilizadas 14 búfalas mestiças de Murrah com Mediterrânea, com idades entre 18 e 36 meses. Os valores médios de P, antes da suplementação, no soro, no osso, o percentual de cinzas e a densidade óssea específica foram de 5,68mg/dL±1,18, 16,53%±0,53, 59,95%±1,96 e 1,52g/cm3±0,32, respectivamente, o que demonstra deficiência de P nos animais criados na Ilha de Marajó. Após a suplementação com P por um período de sete meses os valores foram 6,61mg/dl±0,87, 16,90%±0,56 e 60,30%±0,95 e 1,71g/cm3±0,21 respectivamente. Esses resultados caracterizam um aumento significativo nas concentrações de P no soro sanguíneo, na densidade óssea específica e no percentual de P nas cinzas (P<0,05), porém não houve um aumento significativo no percentual de cinzas. O aumento médio nos valores de P no soro e nas cinzas não alcançou patamares de normalidade em todas as búfalas, entretanto 28,6% delas tinham valores normais de P no soro e 50% nas cinzas, 64,3% tinham valores normais da densidade óssea específica. O não restabelecimento, em parte dos animais, das variáveis ósseas e sanguíneas após suplementação com P durante sete meses pode ter ocorrido em virtude da baixa ingestão da mistura mineral e da baixa concentração de P em Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu utilizada para alimentação dos animais durante o experimento.

Animais , Feminino , Fósforo/análise , Fósforo/deficiência , Búfalos , Suplementos Nutricionais
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 17(1): 11-15, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436286


Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (NSH) is a metabolic disorder that mainly affects young animals. This disease causes imbalance between the levels of calcium and phosphorus, culminating in bone changes. Wild animals raised in captivity can develop the disease when they are given an inadequate diet. The aim of this study is to report the clinical findings, the complementary exams and the therapeutics utilized in a Leopardus geoffroyi (Geoffroy's cat) cub originated from captivity with NSH. The animal went through complementary imaging exams and biochemical evaluation that respectively revealed generalized osteopenia and pathological fracture of the right femur, reduction of serum calcium level and elevation of serum phosphorus level. The diagnosis of NSH was established by associating the history, clinical signs, and findings of ancillary exams. The treatment was based on diet correction, mineral and vitaminic supplementation and sun exposure. The NSH diagnosis was stablished by associating history, clinical signs, imaging exams findings and serum biochemicals. The early identification of this disease is of paramount importance, because in this way corrections can be made in food management, in order to provide successful clinical recovery and promote quality of life for wild captive animals.(AU)

O hiperparatireoidismo secundário nutricional (HSN) é uma desordem metabólica que acomete principalmente animais jovens. Essa doença cursa com desequilíbrio entre os níveis de cálcio e fósforo, culminando com alterações ósseas. Animais silvestres quando criados em cativeiro podem desenvolver a doença quando recebem uma dieta inadequada. O obje-tivo deste estudo é relatar os achados clínicos, os exames complementares e a terapêutica utilizada em um filhote de Leopardus geoffroyi (gato-do-mato-grande)proveniente de cativeiro com HSN. O animal passou por exames complementares de imagem e avaliação bioquímica que revelaram respectivamente osteopenia generalizada e fratura patológica de fêmur direito, redução dos níveis séricos de cálcio e elevação do fósforo. O diagnóstico de HSN foi estabelecido associando o histórico, sinais clínicos e achados dos exames complementares. O tratamento foi baseado na correção da dieta, suplementação mineral e vitamínica e exposição solar. A identificação precoce dessa doença é de suma importância, pois dessa forma podem ser feitas correções no manejo alimentar, afim de proporcionar a recuperação clínica com êxito e promover qualidade de vida para os animais selva-gens de cativeiro.(AU)

Animais , Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas/diagnóstico , Felidae/fisiologia , Hiperparatireoidismo Secundário/veterinária , Animais Selvagens/fisiologia
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-5, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468939


Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.

Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.

Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Chumbo/toxicidade , Cádmio/toxicidade , Osteocalcina/análise , Osteoporose/sangue , Vitamina D/análise
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248828, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339354


Abstract Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.

Resumo Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Osteoporose/epidemiologia , Chumbo , Arábia Saudita/epidemiologia , Absorciometria de Fóton , Osteocalcina , Incidência
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-5, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765516


Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.(AU)

Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Osteoporose/sangue , Chumbo/toxicidade , Cádmio/toxicidade , Vitamina D/análise , Osteocalcina/análise
Acta cir. bras ; 37(11): e371101, 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415444


Purpose: To observe the mechanism of prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali in treating osteoporosis. Methods: Osteoporosis rat model was established by bilateral ovariectomy combined with low-calcium diet feeding. Bone mineral density was measured by bone densitometer. Bone metabolism markers in serum were detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), bone tissue structure was observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining, and the effect of prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali on PI3K-AKT signaling pathway was investigated by immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: Compared with the model group, the bone tissue structure and imbalance of bone metabolism were improved, and the bone mineral density was significantly increased in the prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali groups. After intervention with prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali, the positive expression of PIK3CA and Akt1 in rat bone tissue was enhanced, and the expression levels of Akt1 mRNA were significantly increased. Conclusions: Prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali may treat osteoporosis by activating PI3K/AKT pathway.

Animais , Ratos , Osteoporose/terapia , Plantas Medicinais , Osso e Ossos , Astrágalo , Rehmannia
Acta cir. bras ; 37(2): e370207, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374069


Purpose: To analyze the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on bone mineral density (BMD) in a model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Thirty-two male, adult, 12-week-old rats (Rattus norvegicus), of the Wistar lineage, were used. The animals induced to the experimental model received a high fat diet for 10 days and, after that period, intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (40 mg·kg­1), dissolved in 20 mmol·L­1 sodium citrate solution (pH = 4.5). The experimental group of diabetes was formed by the animals that, 48 h after the injection of streptozotocin, had fasting blood glucose > 250 mg·dL­1). The animals were randomly divided into four groups with eight animals each: HIIT experimental diabetes; HIIT control; sedentary experimental diabetes and sedentary control. The animals in the HIIT group performed an aerobic exercise protocol on a treadmill inclined at an angle of 15° to the horizontal, with interspersed intensity. Five weekly sessions, lasting 49 min each, were held for 6 weeks. The analysis of cortical bone density (CBD) and BMD were performed by X-ray images using the In-Vivo Xtreme II/Bruker system. Results: For CBD and BMD, when comparing diabetes and control groups, a significant difference was seen between groups in relation to HIIT (p = 0.007). Animals submitted and not submitted to HIIT in the same group showed a significant difference between groups in relation to diabetes (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The HIIT experimental diabetes group had increased CBD and BMD in comparison with the sedentary experimental diabetes group.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Osteoporose/etiologia , Densidade Óssea , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/complicações , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicações , Treinamento Intervalado de Alta Intensidade/veterinária , Ratos Wistar
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(2): eRBCA-2020-1364, abr. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364006


The effect of different calcium levels and two limestone granulometries on performance, egg quality, biometry of digestive organs and bone characteristics of light laying hens were evaluated. A total of 270 laying hens were used during 112 days, distributed in a completely randomized design in a 3 x 2 factorial scheme, with 3 levels of calcium (3.8, 4.0 and 4.2%) and 2 limestone granulometries (0.222 and 1.922 mm), totaling 6 treatments with 5 repetitions each. The parameters evaluated were: feed intake, egg production, egg weight and mass, feed conversion per mass and per dozen eggs, albumen, yolk and shell percentage, specific gravity of eggs and shell thickness. In addition, the relative weight of the heart, proventricle, gizzard, liver, pancreas, intestine weight and length, and bone characteristics were also evaluated. A significant interaction was observed for tibia mineral matter. Egg production was influenced by the limestone granulometry, presenting greater value in the treatments which contained fine granulometry limestone. Higher calcium levels of 4.0 and 4.2% provide greater specific density of eggs. Biometric variables and bone characteristics were not influenced by the treatments. In conclusion, it is recommended to use fine-grained limestone (0.222 mm) and a 4% calcium level in diets for light commercial hens, as they improve performance and quality of eggs, without interfering in biometrics of digestive organs and bone characteristics.(AU)

Animais , Osso e Ossos , Cálcio , Ingestão de Alimentos , Galinhas/metabolismo , Biometria
Acta cir. bras ; 37(3): e370302, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374078


Purpose: Poultry by-products can contribute as an innovative natural source for the development of composites based on polymers and minerals aiming at bone regeneration. The objective of this study was the physicochemical and biological characterization of collagen-based hydrogels crosslinked with ultraviolet (UV)-riboflavin. Methods: Pure hydrogels of 100% collagen (G1) or hybrid hydrogels, 90% collagen:10% apatite (G2), 90% collagen:10% nanokeratin (G3), and 90% collagen:5% apatite:5% nanokeratin (G4) were characterized by scanning electron microscope, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, swelling degree and quali-quantitative histological analysis. Ectopic implantation in subcutaneous tissue in mice at one, three and nine weeks allowed to assess the inflammation (neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, and giant cells) and repair (neovascularization, and connective tissue) to determine biocompatibility and the integrity of biomaterials to score their biodegradability. Histomorphometry on critical size defects in rat calvaria at one and three months evaluated the percentage of bone, connective tissue, and biomaterials in all groups. Results: The hydrogels presented porous microstructure, water absorption and physicochemical characteristics compatible with their polymeric and/or mineral composition. All materials exhibited biocompatibility, biodegradability, and low osteoconductivity. G2 showed greater density of new bone and biomaterial than the G1, G3 and G4. Conclusions: The collagen-apatite group formulation suggests potential for development as osteopromoting membrane.

Animais , Ratos , Apatitas , Aves Domésticas , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Regeneração Óssea , Colágeno , Hidrogéis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(6): 1089-1095, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416250


Renal hyperparathyroidism stands out among the complications of kidney disease in dogs due to phosphorus retention with a predisposition to hypocalcemia, parathyroid hormone stimulation with mobilization of calcium from the bones, characterizing fibrous osteodystrophy, unusual in the elderly. The objective was to report it in 12-year-old Labrador with polyuria, polydipsia, and emesis for five months due to maxillary and mandibular volume increase, followed by loosely fixed teeth, and facial deformity. Blood tests showed anemia, thrombocytosis, azotemia, hypoalbuminemia and hyperphosphatemia and urinalysis showed low density, glycosuria, proteinuria, and moderate caudate and transitional epithelial cells. Oral x-rays showed loss of dental bone support and decreased bone radiopacity. Chest radiographs showed decreased density in the ribs and costochondral junction; on the other hand, organs of the cardiorespiratory system showed no changes. The electrocardiogram and echocardiogram did not show impairment. Abdominal ultrasound revealed kidneys with asymmetry, increased echogenicity of the cortical and poorly preserved cortico-medullary definition. Oral histopathology showed intense fibroplasia associated with bone reabsorption. Support therapy was instituted, but the patient died ten days after consultation. Thus, although uncommon in the elderly, fibrous osteodystrophy should be investigated in dogs with advanced-stage chronic kidney disease and, even with conservative therapies, the prognosis is unfavorable.

O hiperparatireoidismo renal destaca-se entre as complicações da doença renal em cães, pela retenção de fósforo com predisposição à hipocalcemia, estimulação de paratormônio com mobilização do cálcio dos ossos, caracterizando a osteodistrofia fibrosa, incomum em idosos. O objetivo foi relatá-la em Labrador de 12 anos com poliúria, polidipsia e vômitos há cinco meses, além de aumento de volume maxilar e mandibular seguido de dentes frouxamente fixados e deformidade facial. Os exames sanguíneos denotaram anemia, trombocitose, azotemia, hipoalbuminemia, hiperfosfatemia, urinálise, baixa densidade, glicosúria, proteinúria e moderadas células caudadas e epiteliais de transição. Pelos raios X orais, houve perda da sustentação óssea dentária e diminuição da radiopacidade óssea. As radiografias de tórax demonstraram diminuição da densidade óssea na região dos arcos costais e junção costocondral; em contrapartida, órgãos do sistema cardiorrespiratório se mostraram sem alterações aparentes. O eletrocardiograma e o ecocardiograma não incidiram comprometimento. O ultrassom abdominal revelou rins com assimetria, aumento da ecogenicidade cortical e definição corticomedular pouco preservada, e a histopatologia oral apontou intensa fibroplasia associada à reabsorção óssea. Foi instituída terapia suporte, mas o paciente veio a óbito 10 dias após a consulta. Assim, mesmo que incomum em idosos, a osteodistrofia fibrosa deve ser investigada em cães com doença renal crônica em estágio avançado, mesmo com as terapias conservadoras, o prognóstico é desfavorável.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Distúrbio Mineral e Ósseo na Doença Renal Crônica/veterinária , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Mandíbula/patologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/complicações
Acta cir. bras ; 37(12): e371202, 2022. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415486


Purpose: To investigate the mechanism of polysaccharides from aloe vera (PAV), a main active ingredient of Aloe vera, treatment in pulpitis rats. Methods: Pulpitis were modeled by drilling the occlusal central fossa with Sprague Dawley rats. Next, the rats were treated with 20, 40, and 80 mg/kg PAV for three weeks, respectively. Computed tomography scanning assay, hematoxylin and eosin staining, and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase staining were used to detect the pathology change. Then, levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1ß, prostaglandin E2, and ciclooxigenase 2 were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The expressions of bone morphogenetic protein 2 human (BMP-2), osteocalcin, osterix, and runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) were quantified by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting (WB). Finally, Wnt3a expression, p-GSK3ß/GSK3ß and p-ß-catenin/ß-catenin ratio were analyzed by WB. Results: PAV up regulated the bone mineral density, and reduced the breakage of the crown and cervical structures, and the necrosis of the crown and root pulp of pulpitis rats. In addition, results indicated that PAV could inhibit osteoblast formation. While osteoblasts' number was decreased, proteins of BMP-2, osteocalcin, osterix, and Runx2 were up-regulated by PAV. Furthermore, PAV increased the Wnt3a expression and the p-ß-catenin/ß-catenin ratio, and decreased p-GSK3ß/GSK3ß ratio. Interestingly, these effects were all in dose dependence. Conclusions: PAV could inhibit pulp inflammation and promote osteoblasts differentiation via suppressing the activation of the Wnt/ß-catenin signaling, enhancing the dental bone density.

Animais , Ratos , Osteoblastos , Polissacarídeos/uso terapêutico , Pulpite , Aloe , Animais de Laboratório
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 837, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401708


Background: Disorders of the locomotor system are among the main treatments for this species, among the main causes are falls from a cage, arms or stairs and aggression by animals, such as dogs and cats. Biological osteosynthesis promotes early formation of secondary bone callus and allows a less accurate reconstruction of difficult interfragmentary apposition of 100% of the fragments. The objective of this work is to report the method of external immobilization with an aluminum channel aiming at the use of bone biology for the healing of unexposed tibial fractures in 3 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Cases: Between 2020 and 2021, 3 cases of rabbits with unexposed tibial fractures were treated at the Veterinary Hospital. The 3 patients were diagnosed through physical examination and radiographic examination. All patients underwent anesthesia, underwent external immobilization with an aluminum channel, received analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and recommended rest and care with the maintenance of external immobilization. Approximately at 30 days of rigid immobilization, all cases were evaluated by means of radiographic examination revealing the formation of bone callus at different post-immobilization times in the case 1 - 30 days, case 2 - 23 days and case 3 - 37 days. Discussion: Some surgical principles in rabbits must be followed, such as preserving vascularity if the open technique is decided, providing adequate diet, controlling edema, promoting analgesia and deciding on closed reduction if the fracture is recent and stable. The external coaptation method is a non-invasive method for the treatment of fractures and is also indicated with a high success rate for fractures of metacarpal, metatarsal and phalange bones in rabbits. The patient's age contributed to the early healing, which corroborates with case 1 (3-month-old), case 2 (6-month-old) and a little later the healing in case 3 (24-month-old), allowing unrestricted use of the member. It is worth reinforcing the point of view which defends that "biological osteosynthesis" promotes a favorable environment, especially in the preservation of the vascular supply of the periosteum when compared to traditional open surgical approaches. In this species, the surgical approach is a challenge due to the fact that the bones break or crack very easily, because the bones have a low density and higher mineral composition. Together, the skeleton represents 7% of the body weight, lower when compared to dogs and cats, which is 12%. In addition to these factors, rabbits are prone to secondary fractures, postoperative infections and rapid development of osteomyelitis, which significantly worsens the prognosis. The aluminum used in the manufacture of the aluminum channel has properties that offer resistance, lightness and radio transparency radiographic examination without removal of the channel, avoiding excessive micro-movement of the focus of the fracture due to lack of stabilization and possible refracture of the tibia. Rigid external immobilization with an aluminum channel was satisfactory in the 3 patients evaluated and preserved bone biology and anatomical axis. The treatment of choice was easy to apply, in addition to enabling better radiographic follow-up, promoting rapid bone healing for patients and early use of limbs without restrictions. However, for the effectiveness of the technique, the collaboration of tutors is essential.

Animais , Coelhos , Fraturas da Tíbia/reabilitação , Fraturas da Tíbia/veterinária , Consolidação da Fratura , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200050, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443352


The purpose of this study was to determine if in ovo feeding with 25(OH)D3 could influence the incubation parameters of bone mineral composition, mineral density, and bone breaking strength in post-hatch broilers. Fertile eggs from Cobb® broiler breeders were either non-injected or injected with 0, 1.2, 2.4, or 3.6 µg of 25(OH)D3/100 µL olive oil at eight days of incubation. The data were subjected to variance analysis using the General Linear Model procedure (GLM) of SAS®. There was a contrast-1 effect (non-injected eggs vs. injected eggs) for tibial bone mineral density and egg mass loss, with higher bone mineral density in non-injected eggs (0.836 mmAl) compared with injected eggs (0.790 mmAl) and lower egg mass loss in non-injected eggs (11.25%) compared with injected eggs (12.10%). Tibial and femur bone mineral density responded quadratically, and injections of 0.47 and 0.68 µg of 25(OH)D3 increased tibia and femur bone mineral density, respectively. Egg mass loss responded quadratically, and 25(OH)D3 injections of 2.21 µg reduced egg mass loss (11.60%). In ovo feeding of 25(OH)D3 can compromise bone mineral density of post-hatch chicken.

Animais , Calcifediol/administração & dosagem , Densidade Óssea/efeitos dos fármacos , Galinhas , Ovos , Tíbia , Fêmur
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(3): eRBCA, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490879


Two experiments were carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of superdosing of two phytases on performance, egg quality, digestive organ biometry and bone quality of light hens in the first (58 weeks) and second (87 weeks) productive cycle. In the first cycle, 270 light hens were used, in which a completely randomized design was adopted in a 2 x 2 + 1 factorial scheme (bacterial phytase or fungal phytase x 450 FTUs or 900 FTUs + control diet). In the second cycle, 270 hens were used, following the same design as the previous experiment. The performance and quality of the eggs were evaluated in both cycles, and the biometry of the digestive organs and bone characteristics were also evaluated in the first experiment. There was no effect in the comparison between the means for the performance and egg quality (in both experiments), or for the biometric variables and bone characteristics (first experiment). There was no significant interaction between the factors for any of the variables in the two experiments. In the first experiment, egg production was higher with bacterial phytase and egg weight with fungal phytase. The mineral matter showed greater value with 450 FTUs. It is recommended to use bacterial phytase produced from Escherichia coli as it improves the performance of light laying hens. The dosage of 450 FTUs improves the mineral content of light laying hens and the use of phytase in the laying hen diet implies a lower feed cost.

Animais , /análise , /biossíntese , /química , Densidade Óssea , Galinhas/fisiologia , Galinhas/metabolismo , Ácido Fítico/química , Ciências da Nutrição , Escherichia coli/química
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(3): eRBCA-2020-1395, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32257


Two experiments were carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of superdosing of two phytases on performance, egg quality, digestive organ biometry and bone quality of light hens in the first (58 weeks) and second (87 weeks) productive cycle. In the first cycle, 270 light hens were used, in which a completely randomized design was adopted in a 2 x 2 + 1 factorial scheme (bacterial phytase or fungal phytase x 450 FTUs or 900 FTUs + control diet). In the second cycle, 270 hens were used, following the same design as the previous experiment. The performance and quality of the eggs were evaluated in both cycles, and the biometry of the digestive organs and bone characteristics were also evaluated in the first experiment. There was no effect in the comparison between the means for the performance and egg quality (in both experiments), or for the biometric variables and bone characteristics (first experiment). There was no significant interaction between the factors for any of the variables in the two experiments. In the first experiment, egg production was higher with bacterial phytase and egg weight with fungal phytase. The mineral matter showed greater value with 450 FTUs. It is recommended to use bacterial phytase produced from Escherichia coli as it improves the performance of light laying hens. The dosage of 450 FTUs improves the mineral content of light laying hens and the use of phytase in the laying hen diet implies a lower feed cost.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/metabolismo , Galinhas/fisiologia , 6-Fitase/análise , 6-Fitase/biossíntese , 6-Fitase/química , Densidade Óssea , Ácido Fítico/química , Ciências da Nutrição , Escherichia coli/química
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 73-81, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153038


Minerals perform several functions in the body, such as coagulation actions, muscle contraction, enzymatic and hormonal production, among others. This study aims to evaluate the effect of a 150 days chelated and not chelated mineral supplementation with and without potassium oxalate on serological parameters and bone mineral density of horses. Twenty-four crossbred yearlings (12 females and 12 males) with an average age of 21±3 months and body weight of 330.8±37.9kg were divided into four groups containing six equines in each (three females and three males) in a completely randomized design with repeated measurements in a 2x2 factorial arrangement. Treatments were: 1 - chelated minerals compound; 2 - chelated minerals compound and potassium oxalate; 3 - not chelated minerals compound; and 4 - not chelated minerals compound and potassium oxalate. Clinical signs of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism (NSH) were observed only in treatment 4. Results showed no treatment effect in bone biopsy for calcium, phosphorus and bone density. There were significant reductions of parathyroid hormone (PTH) means concentrations in treatments 2 and 4 during supplementation. Animals supplemented with chelated minerals compounds avoided mineral imbalances and NSH even when in dietary potassium oxalate challenged.(AU)

Os minerais desempenham diversas funções no organismo, como ações de coagulação, contração muscular, produção enzimática e hormonal, entre outras. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação de minerais quelatados e não quelatados, por 150 dias, com e sem oxalato de potássio, sobre parâmetros sorológicos e densidade mineral óssea em equinos. Vinte e quatro filhotes mestiços (12 fêmeas e 12 machos), com idade média de 21±3 meses e peso corporal de 330,8±37,9kg, foram divididos em quatro grupos contendo seis equinos cada (três fêmeas e três machos), em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com repetição medida em arranjo fatorial 2x2. Os tratamentos foram: 1 - composto mineral quelatado; 2 - composto mineral quelatado e oxalato de potássio; 3 - composto mineral não quelatado; e 4 - composto mineral não quelatado e oxalato de potássio. Os sinais clínicos do hiperparatireoidismo secundário nutricional (NSH) foram observados apenas no tratamento 4. Os resultados não mostraram efeito de tratamento na biópsia óssea para cálcio, fósforo e densidade óssea. Houve redução significativa do hormônio da paratireoide (PTH) em concentrações médias nos tratamentos 2 e 4 durante a suplementação. Os animais suplementados com compostos minerais quelatados evitaram desequilíbrios minerais e NSH, mesmo quando desafiados no oxalato de potássio na dieta.(AU)

Animais , Minerais na Dieta/análise , Quelantes/análise , Cavalos/sangue , Hiperparatireoidismo Secundário/sangue , Hiperparatireoidismo Secundário/veterinária , Biópsia/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 633-636, Mar./Apr. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128494


In order to establish a bone loss induction model in rabbits to study osteoporosis, 18 rabbits underwent ovariectomy and received methylprednisolone 1mg/kg intramuscularly on alternate days for two weeks. Immediately before ovariectomy up to 42 days after methylprednisolone administration, radiographs of the right olecranon were taken in the mediolateral position to evaluate the radiographic optical density. Before the induction of osteoporosis, rabbits presented mean values of radiographic density of 2.305mm Al and at 42 days of 1.575mm Al. The values obtained were submitted to ANOVA for repeated measures that revealed a significant drop (P< 0.001) in the density over time, proving that the induction was able to trigger bone loss of these animals. With this, it can be affirmed that the adopted protocol was enough to provoke a significant bone loss, characterizing a valid model for the study of new treatments for osteoporosis.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Osteoporose/diagnóstico por imagem , Regeneração Óssea , Densidade Óssea , Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas/veterinária , Análise de Variância , Modelos Animais
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 633-636, Mar./Apr. 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29504


In order to establish a bone loss induction model in rabbits to study osteoporosis, 18 rabbits underwent ovariectomy and received methylprednisolone 1mg/kg intramuscularly on alternate days for two weeks. Immediately before ovariectomy up to 42 days after methylprednisolone administration, radiographs of the right olecranon were taken in the mediolateral position to evaluate the radiographic optical density. Before the induction of osteoporosis, rabbits presented mean values of radiographic density of 2.305mm Al and at 42 days of 1.575mm Al. The values obtained were submitted to ANOVA for repeated measures that revealed a significant drop (P< 0.001) in the density over time, proving that the induction was able to trigger bone loss of these animals. With this, it can be affirmed that the adopted protocol was enough to provoke a significant bone loss, characterizing a valid model for the study of new treatments for osteoporosis.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Osteoporose/diagnóstico por imagem , Regeneração Óssea , Densidade Óssea , Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas/veterinária , Análise de Variância , Modelos Animais