Foliar fertilization with macro and micro minerals for the forage grasses establishment can be a less costly alternative for the farmer, however the possible beneÀ ts of this management technique still need to be better studied. The objective with this work was to evaluate the physiological, productive and structural responses of grasses of the Urochloa genus, depending on the application or not of foliar fertilizer during the plant establishment. Four experiments were carried out, in each of which one of the following forage grasses was evaluated: Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, Urochloa spp. Mulatto II, Urochloa spp. Mavuno and Urochloa spp. Ipyporã. All the experiments were carried out from November 2018 to March 2019, in a completely randomized design, with four replications. The experimental area of each experiment consisted of four plots with 12.25 m², where half the area of the plots received foliar fertilizer (FH PASTAGEM FOLIAR, with 14% N; 12% P; 12% K; 0.38 % Mg; 10.2% S; 0.24% Cu; 0.18% Mn and 0.63% Zn) and the other half did not. The response variables were evaluated: spad index, leaf area index, canopy light interception, forage production and root density. In all experiments, the foliar fertilizer application during the establishment of Marandu, Mulato II, Mavuno and Ipyporã grasses did not inÁ uence (P>0,05) the spad and leaf area indexes, forage production and root density.(AU)
Triticum/fisiologia , Compostagem/métodos , Brachiaria/fisiologia , Fertilizantes/análise , Poaceae/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos/fisiologiaResumo
We report two outbreaks of nitrate and nitrite poisoning in Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. The first, due to Pennisetum purpureum (elephant grass), and the second, due to P. purpureum and Brachiaria spp. (brachiaria grass), both occurred during a prolonged drought. In the first outbreak, the irrigation of the pastures with wastewater and sewage contributed to nitrate accumulation. The second outbreak occurred in pastures cultivated in the border of a dam, that had been submerged for long time accumulating large amounts of organic matter in the soil. Other probably risk factors for nitrate accumulation included the use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides and burning of the vegetation. In the first outbreak, four calves out of a total of 42 cattle died, and in the second outbreak 49 out of 243 cattle, including adults, yearlings, and a 2-day-old calf died. The clinical signs included dyspnea, cyanosis, ataxia, and falls, leading to death. The presence of nitrates was detected in both outbreaks using the diphenylamine test. Quantitative tests were performed in the second outbreak using a portable nitrate meter, and high nitrate concentrations were found. The characteristic macroscopic findings and absence of microscopic lesions and response to treatment with methylene blue were key to the diagnosis of poisoning by nitrates and nitrites. We conclude that poisoning by nitrates and nitrites in ruminants in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil is frequent due to the cultivation of grasses in the border of dams that had been covered by water for long periods or in areas irrigated by wastewater and/or sewage. In addition, the use of a portable measuring device is an effective alternative for the quantification of nitrates in pastures.
Relatamos dois surtos de intoxicação por nitrato e nitrito na Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. O primeiro por Pennisetum purpureum (capim-elefante), e o segundo por P. purpureum e Brachiaria spp. (capim braquiária); ambos ocorreram durante uma estiagem prolongada. No primeiro surto, a irrigação das pastagens com água poluída e esgoto contribuiu para o acúmulo de nitrato. O segundo surto ocorreu em pastagens cultivadas na borda de uma barragem, que há muito tempo ficavam submersas, acumulando grande quantidade de matéria orgânica no solo. Outros prováveis fatores de risco para o acúmulo de nitrato incluíram o uso de fertilizantes químicos e herbicidas e a queima da vegetação. No primeiro surto, quatro bezerros de um total de 42 bovinos morreram, e no segundo surto 49 de 243 bovinos, incluindo adultos, jovens de um ano e um bezerro de 2 dias de idade morreram. Os sinais clínicos incluíram dispneia, cianose, ataxia e quedas, levando à morte. A presença de nitratos foi detectada em ambos os surtos pelo teste de difenilamina. Testes quantitativos foram realizados no segundo surto usando um medidor portátil de nitrato, e altas concentrações de nitrato foram encontradas. Os achados macroscópicos característicos e a ausência de lesões microscópicas e a resposta ao tratamento com azul de metileno foram fundamentais para o diagnóstico de intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos. Concluímos que a intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos em ruminantes na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil é frequente devido ao cultivo de gramíneas nas bordas de barragens que estiveram cobertas por água por longos períodos ou em áreas irrigadas por água poluída e/ou esgoto. Além disso, o uso de medidor portátil é uma alternativa eficaz para a quantificação de nitratos em pastagens.
Animais , Bovinos , Brachiaria/intoxicação , Intoxicação por Plantas/epidemiologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/etiologia , Nitratos/intoxicação , Nitritos/intoxicação , Pennisetum/intoxicação , Irrigação Agrícola , Pastagens , Poluição Química da Água/efeitos adversosResumo
We report two outbreaks of nitrate and nitrite poisoning in Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. The first, due to Pennisetum purpureum (elephant grass), and the second, due to P. purpureum and Brachiaria spp. (brachiaria grass), both occurred during a prolonged drought. In the first outbreak, the irrigation of the pastures with wastewater and sewage contributed to nitrate accumulation. The second outbreak occurred in pastures cultivated in the border of a dam, that had been submerged for long time accumulating large amounts of organic matter in the soil. Other probably risk factors for nitrate accumulation included the use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides and burning of the vegetation. In the first outbreak, four calves out of a total of 42 cattle died, and in the second outbreak 49 out of 243 cattle, including adults, yearlings, and a 2-day-old calf died. The clinical signs included dyspnea, cyanosis, ataxia, and falls, leading to death. The presence of nitrates was detected in both outbreaks using the diphenylamine test. Quantitative tests were performed in the second outbreak using a portable nitrate meter, and high nitrate concentrations were found. The characteristic macroscopic findings and absence of microscopic lesions and response to treatment with methylene blue were key to the diagnosis of poisoning by nitrates and nitrites. We conclude that poisoning by nitrates and nitrites in ruminants in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil is frequent due to the cultivation of grasses in the border of dams that had been covered by water for long periods or in areas irrigated by wastewater and/or sewage. In addition, the use of a portable measuring device is an effective alternative for the quantification of nitrates in pastures.(AU)
Relatamos dois surtos de intoxicação por nitrato e nitrito na Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. O primeiro por Pennisetum purpureum (capim-elefante), e o segundo por P. purpureum e Brachiaria spp. (capim braquiária); ambos ocorreram durante uma estiagem prolongada. No primeiro surto, a irrigação das pastagens com água poluída e esgoto contribuiu para o acúmulo de nitrato. O segundo surto ocorreu em pastagens cultivadas na borda de uma barragem, que há muito tempo ficavam submersas, acumulando grande quantidade de matéria orgânica no solo. Outros prováveis fatores de risco para o acúmulo de nitrato incluíram o uso de fertilizantes químicos e herbicidas e a queima da vegetação. No primeiro surto, quatro bezerros de um total de 42 bovinos morreram, e no segundo surto 49 de 243 bovinos, incluindo adultos, jovens de um ano e um bezerro de 2 dias de idade morreram. Os sinais clínicos incluíram dispneia, cianose, ataxia e quedas, levando à morte. A presença de nitratos foi detectada em ambos os surtos pelo teste de difenilamina. Testes quantitativos foram realizados no segundo surto usando um medidor portátil de nitrato, e altas concentrações de nitrato foram encontradas. Os achados macroscópicos característicos e a ausência de lesões microscópicas e a resposta ao tratamento com azul de metileno foram fundamentais para o diagnóstico de intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos. Concluímos que a intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos em ruminantes na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil é frequente devido ao cultivo de gramíneas nas bordas de barragens que estiveram cobertas por água por longos períodos ou em áreas irrigadas por água poluída e/ou esgoto. Além disso, o uso de medidor portátil é uma alternativa eficaz para a quantificação de nitratos em pastagens.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Intoxicação por Plantas/etiologia , Intoxicação por Plantas/epidemiologia , Brachiaria/intoxicação , Pennisetum/intoxicação , Nitratos/intoxicação , Nitritos/intoxicação , Poluição Química da Água/efeitos adversos , Pastagens , Irrigação AgrícolaResumo
ABSTRACT: Plants of the genus Brachiaria, used in several countries as forage, are poisonous to some livestock species. Their toxic principle is protodioscin, and the main form of clinical presentation of the toxicosis is hepatogenous photosensitization. Here we compare protodioscin levels in B. decumbens and B. brizantha and review the literature on the concentrations and methodologies of collection and analysis of the toxic principle in Brachiaria spp. and the risk of contamination of pastures by more toxic species that may facilitate poisoning by plants of this genus in sheep. The experiment was conducted in pastures originally formed by B. brizantha, with many B. decumbens invasion points. The occurrence of cases of poisoning by Brachiaria spp. was the criterion for confirming pasture toxicity. The forage samples were collected at ten random points every 28 days through manual grazing simulation. The samples were analyzed for protodioscin by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with light scattering by evaporation (ELSD) after being dried and crushed. In the flock of 69 sheep, five poisoning cases occurred, three sheep died, and two recovered. The protodioscin levels found in the evaluated pastures ranged from 0.70 to 0.45%; higher levels appeared in B. decumbens (7.09%) compared to 1.04% in B. brizantha. We suggest that Brachiaria spp. should be avoided in pastures where sheep are grazing.
RESUMO: Plantas do gênero Brachiaria, utilizadas em vários países como forragem, são tóxicas para várias espécies pecuárias. Seu princípio tóxico é a protodioscina, e a principal forma de apresentação clínica da toxicose é a fotossensibilização hepatógena. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar os níveis de protodioscina em B. decumbens e B. brizantha e revisar a literatura sobre as concentrações e metodologias de coleta e análise do princípio tóxico em Brachiaria spp. e o risco de contaminação das pastagens por espécies mais tóxicas que podem facilitar a intoxicação por plantas desse gênero em ovinos. O experimento foi conduzido em pastagens originalmente formadas por B. brizantha, com diversos pontos de invasão por B. decumbens. Ocorrência de casos de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. foi o critério para confirmação da toxicidade da pastagem. As amostras de forragem foram coletadas a cada 28 dias em dez pontos aleatórios por meio de simulação de pastejo manual. As amostras foram analisadas para protodioscina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) com dispersão de luz por evaporação (ELSD) após serem secadas e trituradas. No rebanho de 69 ovelhas, cinco desenvolveram a intoxicação, três morreram e duas se recuperaram. Os níveis de protodioscina encontrados nas pastagens avaliadas variaram de 0,70 a 0,45%; níveis mais elevados apareceram em B. decumbens (7,09%) em comparação com 1,04% em B. brizantha. Sugerimos que Brachiaria spp. deve ser evitada no pasto de ovelhas em pastejo.
Plants of the genus Brachiaria, used in several countries as forage, are poisonous to some livestock species. Their toxic principle is protodioscin, and the main form of clinical presentation of the toxicosis is hepatogenous photosensitization. Here we compare protodioscin levels in B. decumbens and B. brizantha and review the literature on the concentrations and methodologies of collection and analysis of the toxic principle in Brachiaria spp. and the risk of contamination of pastures by more toxic species that may facilitate poisoning by plants of this genus in sheep. The experiment was conducted in pastures originally formed by B. brizantha, with many B. decumbens invasion points. The occurrence of cases of poisoning by Brachiaria spp. was the criterion for confirming pasture toxicity. The forage samples were collected at ten random points every 28 days through manual grazing simulation. The samples were analyzed for protodioscin by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with light scattering by evaporation (ELSD) after being dried and crushed. In the flock of 69 sheep, five poisoning cases occurred, three sheep died, and two recovered. The protodioscin levels found in the evaluated pastures ranged from 0.70 to 0.45%; higher levels appeared in B. decumbens (7.09%) compared to 1.04% in B. brizantha. We suggest that Brachiaria spp. should be avoided in pastures where sheep are grazing.(AU)
Plantas do gênero Brachiaria, utilizadas em vários países como forragem, são tóxicas para várias espécies pecuárias. Seu princípio tóxico é a protodioscina, e a principal forma de apresentação clínica da toxicose é a fotossensibilização hepatógena. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar os níveis de protodioscina em B. decumbens e B. brizantha e revisar a literatura sobre as concentrações e metodologias de coleta e análise do princípio tóxico em Brachiaria spp. e o risco de contaminação das pastagens por espécies mais tóxicas que podem facilitar a intoxicação por plantas desse gênero em ovinos. O experimento foi conduzido em pastagens originalmente formadas por B. brizantha, com diversos pontos de invasão por B. decumbens. Ocorrência de casos de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. foi o critério para confirmação da toxicidade da pastagem. As amostras de forragem foram coletadas a cada 28 dias em dez pontos aleatórios por meio de simulação de pastejo manual. As amostras foram analisadas para protodioscina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) com dispersão de luz por evaporação (ELSD) após serem secadas e trituradas. No rebanho de 69 ovelhas, cinco desenvolveram a intoxicação, três morreram e duas se recuperaram. Os níveis de protodioscina encontrados nas pastagens avaliadas variaram de 0,70 a 0,45%; níveis mais elevados apareceram em B. decumbens (7,09%) em comparação com 1,04% em B. brizantha. Sugerimos que Brachiaria spp. deve ser evitada no pasto de ovelhas em pastejo.(AU)
Animais , Intoxicação por Plantas , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Pastagens , Brachiaria , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade , Toxicidade , LiteraturaResumo
Plants of the genus Brachiaria, used in several countries as forage, are poisonous to some livestock species. Their toxic principle is protodioscin, and the main form of clinical presentation of the toxicosis is hepatogenous photosensitization. Here we compare protodioscin levels in B. decumbens and B. brizantha and review the literature on the concentrations and methodologies of collection and analysis of the toxic principle in Brachiaria spp. and the risk of contamination of pastures by more toxic species that may facilitate poisoning by plants of this genus in sheep. The experiment was conducted in pastures originally formed by B. brizantha, with many B. decumbens invasion points. The occurrence of cases of poisoning by Brachiaria spp. was the criterion for confirming pasture toxicity. The forage samples were collected at ten random points every 28 days through manual grazing simulation. The samples were analyzed for protodioscin by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with light scattering by evaporation (ELSD) after being dried and crushed. In the flock of 69 sheep, five poisoning cases occurred, three sheep died, and two recovered. The protodioscin levels found in the evaluated pastures ranged from 0.70 to 0.45%; higher levels appeared in B. decumbens (7.09%) compared to 1.04% in B. brizantha. We suggest that Brachiaria spp. should be avoided in pastures where sheep are grazing.(AU)
Plantas do gênero Brachiaria, utilizadas em vários países como forragem, são tóxicas para várias espécies pecuárias. Seu princípio tóxico é a protodioscina, e a principal forma de apresentação clínica da toxicose é a fotossensibilização hepatógena. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar os níveis de protodioscina em B. decumbens e B. brizantha e revisar a literatura sobre as concentrações e metodologias de coleta e análise do princípio tóxico em Brachiaria spp. e o risco de contaminação das pastagens por espécies mais tóxicas que podem facilitar a intoxicação por plantas desse gênero em ovinos. O experimento foi conduzido em pastagens originalmente formadas por B. brizantha, com diversos pontos de invasão por B. decumbens. Ocorrência de casos de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. foi o critério para confirmação da toxicidade da pastagem. As amostras de forragem foram coletadas a cada 28 dias em dez pontos aleatórios por meio de simulação de pastejo manual. As amostras foram analisadas para protodioscina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) com dispersão de luz por evaporação (ELSD) após serem secadas e trituradas. No rebanho de 69 ovelhas, cinco desenvolveram a intoxicação, três morreram e duas se recuperaram. Os níveis de protodioscina encontrados nas pastagens avaliadas variaram de 0,70 a 0,45%; níveis mais elevados apareceram em B. decumbens (7,09%) em comparação com 1,04% em B. brizantha. Sugerimos que Brachiaria spp. deve ser evitada no pasto de ovelhas em pastejo.(AU)
Animais , Intoxicação por Plantas , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Pastagens , Brachiaria , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade , Toxicidade , LiteraturaResumo
Background: Although the etiology of hepatogenous photosensitization has not yet been fully elucidated, it is known that hepatotoxic substances (saponins) present in grasses of the genus Brachiaria spp. are responsible for intoxication of ruminants and horses, causing great economic losses in the whole world. Since this grass is the source of food for the herd in Brazil, and other countries of the world, the aim of this paper is to describe the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological aspects of a steer with this disease. Case: A 3-year-old Nellore steer was referred to veterinary care at a property in Bahia, with a 3-week history of swelling, loss of cutaneous tissue in the ear and scrotum region, and dry faeces. The animal was raised in pasture with Brachiaria decumbens along with five animals of different age and sex; however, it was the only one to present symptoms. Although the animal had been treated at the farm, there was no clinical improvement. On clinical examination, the steer was apathetic with jaundiced mucous membranes, nasal and ocular discharge, epiphora, and ulcers on the labial and gum commissure. The steer had leukocytosis with neutrophilia, anemia, and hyperfibrinogemia. The body condition score (BCS) was 2 (BCS ranges from 1 to 5), and the skin lesions observed were bedsores, necrosis and scabs in several regions. The increase in liver enzymes (GGT, AST) indicated hepatic impairment, suggesting a case of hepatogenous photosensitization. The therapeutic protocol instituted was enteral hydration, electrolyte replacement, topical application of ointment in the injured areas. In addition, it was recommended to maintain the animal in the shade, supply of good quality grass, and a new clinical evaluation in seven days. On new examination, it was observed that there was no satisfactory clinical improvement of the animal, and persistence of laboratory changes. Despite the poor prognosis, treatment was continued for another month with the same recommendations. However, in view of the severe clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the animal was submitted euthanasia. Necropsy revealed extensive areas of bedsores, erythema, severe jaundice in the mucous membranes, eyeballs and opaque corneas. The liver had an enlarged volume with bulging edges and a greenish color. The kidneys had a pale brownish color, with an irregular and mottled subcapsular surface, with blackened and depressed spots. Histologically, the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes was finely vacuolated, sometimes refringent and with an abundant presence of bile pigment. It was also observed in the middle of the liver parenchyma, multiple foci of accumulation of macrophages filled with vacuoles of different sizes containing saponins and crystals of saponins inside bile ducts. Furthermore, it was possible to observe hypertrophy and hyperplasia of Kupffer cells, disarrangement of hepatocytes with individual necrosis of hepatocytes. Discussion: The diagnosis of hepatogenous photosensitization was based on history, clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological findings. Serum biochemistry was important to measure hepatic impairment and possible secondary lesions, which were confirmed by the necropsy. Although hepatogenous photosensitization is less common in adult cattle, it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of skin lesions, reduced appetite, and jaundice. Since it was a sporadic case, individual predisposition is probably a preponderant factor.
Animais , Bovinos , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Saponinas/toxicidade , Brachiaria/toxicidade , Fígado/lesões , Ração Animal/análise , Hepatopatias/veterináriaResumo
The present study used mobile bags to estimate horse nutrient digestibility of tropical grasses found in semi-arid areas of the Brazilian Northeast region. Five female mixed-breed horses with a mean weight of 400±23 kg were assigned to a 5×5 Latin square design with five periods of seven days and five grasses: Tifton 85 hay (Cynodon spp.), sixweeks threeawn (Aristida adscensionis Linn.), Alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc), capim-de-raiz (Chloris orthonoton Doell), and Sabi grass (Urochloa mosambicensis). The nutrient content of forages was determined prior to inoculation in horses and after recovery of mobile bags from feces. The digestibility coefficients were determined from the difference between the inoculated and recovered material. The dry matter, organic matter, mineral matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber contents of the grass species were analyzed. Digestibility data were subjected to analysis of variance using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS, version 9.0) software. Higher dry matter digestibility coefficients were observed in Tifton 85 (74.61%), Alexandergrass (74.30%), and capim-de-raiz (68.88%) than in sixweeks threeawn (48.40%) and Sabi grass (52.89%). The highest crude protein digestibility coefficients were found for Alexandergrass (95.70%), Tifton 85 (93.50%), and sixweeks threeawn (93.35%). Sixweeks threeawn had lower apparent mineral matter digestibility than the other grasses. The digestibility coefficients of Alexandergrass and capim-de-raiz indicate that those grasses have potential to be used in equine feed.
Animais , Pastagens , Digestão , Cavalos , Valor Nutritivo , Brachiaria , PoaceaeResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of concentrate supplementation on the production and chemical composition of milk from 12 crossbred F1 dual-purpose cows (½ Bos taurus ½ Bos indicus) and estimate the emission of CH4, N2O, and CO2 gases. The study included 12 crossbred F1 dual-purpose cows over 60 days of lactation. The cows grazed on 28% tropical native grassland and 72% Brachiaria spp. and Cynodon neumfluensis, supplemented with 0, 150, 300, and 450g of concentrate per kg daily milk production, during three experimental periods of 15 days each in a crossover design. Pasture and concentrate samples were collected and were analyzed for dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber. Milk production (kg d-1) was recorded daily, nitrous oxide (N2O), and emissions from excreta and daily CH4 production were calculated. Results were analyzed with the SAS MIXED procedure. Concentrate supplementation in tropical crossbred dairy cows did not improve milk yield but increased CH4 and N2O production (P < 0.0001) per cow as the concentrate increased in the diet; the Ym factor from the tropical region yielded less CH4 than the IPCC Ym model (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, the calculation of CH4 using specific emission factors for the tropical climate region is better than the IPCC default emission factors in order not to overestimate the CH4 emissions.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal/análise , Leite/química , Bovinos/metabolismo , Brachiaria , CynodonResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of concentrate supplementation on the production and chemical composition of milk from 12 crossbred F1 dual-purpose cows (½ Bos taurus ½ Bos indicus) and estimate the emission of CH4, N2O, and CO2 gases. The study included 12 crossbred F1 dual-purpose cows over 60 days of lactation. The cows grazed on 28% tropical native grassland and 72% Brachiaria spp. and Cynodon neumfluensis, supplemented with 0, 150, 300, and 450g of concentrate per kg daily milk production, during three experimental periods of 15 days each in a crossover design. Pasture and concentrate samples were collected and were analyzed for dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber. Milk production (kg d-1) was recorded daily, nitrous oxide (N2O), and emissions from excreta and daily CH4 production were calculated. Results were analyzed with the SAS MIXED procedure. Concentrate supplementation in tropical crossbred dairy cows did not improve milk yield but increased CH4 and N2O production (P < 0.0001) per cow as the concentrate increased in the diet; the Ym factor from the tropical region yielded less CH4 than the IPCC Ym model (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, the calculation of CH4 using specific emission factors for the tropical climate region is better than the IPCC default emission factors in order not to overestimate the CH4 emissions.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal/análise , Leite/química , Bovinos/metabolismo , Brachiaria , CynodonResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of concentrate supplementation on the production and chemical composition of milk from 12 crossbred F1 dual-purpose cows (½ Bos taurus ½ Bos indicus) and estimate the emission of CH4, N2O, and CO2 gases. The study included 12 crossbred F1 dual-purpose cows over 60 days of lactation. The cows grazed on 28% tropical native grassland and 72% Brachiaria spp. and Cynodon neumfluensis, supplemented with 0, 150, 300, and 450g of concentrate per kg daily milk production, during three experimental periods of 15 days each in a crossover design. Pasture and concentrate samples were collected and were analyzed for dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber. Milk production (kg d-1) was recorded daily, nitrous oxide (N2O), and emissions from excreta and daily CH4 production were calculated. Results were analyzed with the SAS MIXED procedure. Concentrate supplementation in tropical crossbred dairy cows did not improve milk yield but increased CH4 and N2O production (P < 0.0001) per cow as the concentrate increased in the diet; the Ym factor from the tropical region yielded less CH4 than the IPCC Ym model (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, the calculation of CH4 using specific emission factors for the tropical climate region is better than the IPCC default emission factors in order not to overestimate the CH4 emissions.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Brachiaria , Cynodon , Dieta/veterinária , Leite/química , Ração Animal/análise , Ração Animal/efeitos adversosResumo
Fungal endophytes of Brachiaria, a nonhost of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, may harbor species with antagonistic effects against this plant pathogen. The objective of this work was to investigate the diversity of endophytic fungi associated with different Brachiaria species and hybrids and evaluate their potential to inhibit the plant pathogen S. sclerotiorum. Stem samples from 39 Brachiaria spp. plants were collected in pasture fields and experimental areas of three states of Brazil resulting in 74 endophytes isolated. Twenty-eight species were identified by sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) and 18S rDNA regions. Paraconiothyrium sp. was the most abundant endophyte, accounting for 24 % (14 isolates) of total, and it was isolated from B. ruziziensis, B. decumbens, B. humidicola, and B. brizantha. Phoma sorghina was the second most abundant taxon, followed by Sarocladium strictum, and Plenodomus sp. In vitro analyses showed that Paraconiothyrium sp., Sarocladium kiliense, Acremonium curvulum, Setophoma terrestris, Dissoconium sp., and Cladosporium flabelliforme exhibited antagonistic activity against S. sclerotiorum, with percentages of growth inhibition ranging from 25 to 60 (p < 0.05). Paraconiothyrium sp. BBXE1 (60 %), BBPB4.1 (60 %), BCMT4.1 (54 %), and S. kiliense (54 %) showed the highest values of Antagonism Percentages (AP). Therefore, fungi with inhibitory activity against S. sclerotiorum such as Paraconiothyrium sp. are naturally endophytic in Brachiaria grasses.
Ascomicetos , Brachiaria/microbiologia , Fungos/isolamento & purificação , TrichodermaResumo
Fungal endophytes of Brachiaria, a nonhost of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, may harbor species with antagonistic effects against this plant pathogen. The objective of this work was to investigate the diversity of endophytic fungi associated with different Brachiaria species and hybrids and evaluate their potential to inhibit the plant pathogen S. sclerotiorum. Stem samples from 39 Brachiaria spp. plants were collected in pasture fields and experimental areas of three states of Brazil resulting in 74 endophytes isolated. Twenty-eight species were identified by sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) and 18S rDNA regions. Paraconiothyrium sp. was the most abundant endophyte, accounting for 24 % (14 isolates) of total, and it was isolated from B. ruziziensis, B. decumbens, B. humidicola, and B. brizantha. Phoma sorghina was the second most abundant taxon, followed by Sarocladium strictum, and Plenodomus sp. In vitro analyses showed that Paraconiothyrium sp., Sarocladium kiliense, Acremonium curvulum, Setophoma terrestris, Dissoconium sp., and Cladosporium flabelliforme exhibited antagonistic activity against S. sclerotiorum, with percentages of growth inhibition ranging from 25 to 60 (p < 0.05). Paraconiothyrium sp. BBXE1 (60 %), BBPB4.1 (60 %), BCMT4.1 (54 %), and S. kiliense (54 %) showed the highest values of Antagonism Percentages (AP). Therefore, fungi with inhibitory activity against S. sclerotiorum such as Paraconiothyrium sp. are naturally endophytic in Brachiaria grasses.(AU)
Brachiaria/microbiologia , Ascomicetos , Trichoderma , Fungos/isolamento & purificaçãoResumo
The grain sorghum intercropped with Brachiaria provides the production of grains and dry mass in the off-season; however, there is a lack of information related to the implantation of these species. The objective of this study was to identify the best association of sorghum and Brachiaria in the production of grain and dry matter in the Brazilian Cerrado region. The experiment was conducted in Rio Verde, State of Goiás, in the experimental design of randomized blocks, in a 2×3×4+5 factorial scheme, with four replications. Two sorghum hybrids (BRS 330 and DKB 551) associated to three Brachiaria species (Brachiaria brizantha cultivar Marandu, Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria ruziziensis) were evaluated in four systems of Brachiaria implantation (row, interrow, row + interrow of sorghum and spread). Additional treatments referred to the two sorghum monocrops and the three Brachiaria species. The sorghum and Brachiaria consortium resulted in a reduction in grain yield, but the Brachiaria implantation systems in the row, interrow and spread were the most promising. The sorghum hybrid DKB 551 was the most sensitive to the competition with Brachiaria, although there were no grain yield differences in the intercropping. The Brachiaria intercropped in the interrow and in the row + interrow, mainly with B. ruziziensis, were the most promising for the production of dry mass and total crude protein. The cultivation of Brachiaria intercropped with sorghum provided a greater contribution of dry mass in the off-season, an important fact for the no-tillage system in the agricultural production systems of the Brazilian Cerrado.(AU)
O consórcio de sorgo granífero com braquiária proporciona a produção de grãos e massa seca na entressafra; contudo, há carência de informações relacionadas à implantação dessas espécies. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a melhor associação de sorgo granífero e braquiária na segunda safra para produção de grãos e massa seca na região do Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido em Rio Verde, Goiás, no delineamento experimental de blocos randomizados, em esquema fatorial 2×3×4+5, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados dois híbridos de sorgo granífero (BRS 330 e DKB 551) associados a três espécies de Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha cultivar Marandu, Brachiaria decumbens e Brachiaria ruziziensis) em quatro sistemas de implantação da braquiária (linha, entrelinha, linha + entrelinha do sorgo e a lanço). Os tratamentos adicionais referiam-se aos dois monocultivos de sorgo e às três espécies de braquiária. O consórcio de sorgo com braquiária ocasionou redução no rendimento de grãos, porém os sistemas de implantação da braquiária na linha, entrelinha e a lanço foram os mais promissores. O híbrido de sorgo DKB 551 foi o mais sensível à competição com a braquiária, sem, contudo, haver diferenças de rendimento de grãos em consórcio. Os consórcios das braquiárias na entrelinha e na linha + entrelinha, principalmente com a B. ruziziensis, foram os mais promissores para produção de massa seca e proteína bruta total. O cultivo de braquiária com o sorgo proporcionou maior aporte de massa seca na entressafra, fato importante para o sistema de plantio direto nos sistemas de produção agrícola dos Cerrados.(AU)
Brachiaria , Sorghum , Sementes , 24444 , PradariaResumo
The grain sorghum intercropped with Brachiaria provides the production of grains and dry mass in the off-season; however, there is a lack of information related to the implantation of these species. The objective of this study was to identify the best association of sorghum and Brachiaria in the production of grain and dry matter in the Brazilian Cerrado region. The experiment was conducted in Rio Verde, State of Goiás, in the experimental design of randomized blocks, in a 2×3×4+5 factorial scheme, with four replications. Two sorghum hybrids (BRS 330 and DKB 551) associated to three Brachiaria species (Brachiaria brizantha cultivar Marandu, Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria ruziziensis) were evaluated in four systems of Brachiaria implantation (row, interrow, row + interrow of sorghum and spread). Additional treatments referred to the two sorghum monocrops and the three Brachiaria species. The sorghum and Brachiaria consortium resulted in a reduction in grain yield, but the Brachiaria implantation systems in the row, interrow and spread were the most promising. The sorghum hybrid DKB 551 was the most sensitive to the competition with Brachiaria, although there were no grain yield differences in the intercropping. The Brachiaria intercropped in the interrow and in the row + interrow, mainly with B. ruziziensis, were the most promising for the production of dry mass and total crude protein. The cultivation of Brachiaria intercropped with sorghum provided a greater contribution of dry mass in the off-season, an important fact for the no-tillage system in the agricultural production systems of the Brazilian Cerrado.(AU)
O consórcio de sorgo granífero com braquiária proporciona a produção de grãos e massa seca na entressafra; contudo, há carência de informações relacionadas à implantação dessas espécies. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a melhor associação de sorgo granífero e braquiária na segunda safra para produção de grãos e massa seca na região do Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido em Rio Verde, Goiás, no delineamento experimental de blocos randomizados, em esquema fatorial 2×3×4+5, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados dois híbridos de sorgo granífero (BRS 330 e DKB 551) associados a três espécies de Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha cultivar Marandu, Brachiaria decumbens e Brachiaria ruziziensis) em quatro sistemas de implantação da braquiária (linha, entrelinha, linha + entrelinha do sorgo e a lanço). Os tratamentos adicionais referiam-se aos dois monocultivos de sorgo e às três espécies de braquiária. O consórcio de sorgo com braquiária ocasionou redução no rendimento de grãos, porém os sistemas de implantação da braquiária na linha, entrelinha e a lanço foram os mais promissores. O híbrido de sorgo DKB 551 foi o mais sensível à competição com a braquiária, sem, contudo, haver diferenças de rendimento de grãos em consórcio. Os consórcios das braquiárias na entrelinha e na linha + entrelinha, principalmente com a B. ruziziensis, foram os mais promissores para produção de massa seca e proteína bruta total. O cultivo de braquiária com o sorgo proporcionou maior aporte de massa seca na entressafra, fato importante para o sistema de plantio direto nos sistemas de produção agrícola dos Cerrados.(AU)
Brachiaria , Sorghum , Sementes , 24444 , PradariaResumo
Soybean is the main agricultural crop in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. It is primarily cultivated in a crop succession system, in wich soybean is grown in spring/summer, followed by corn or graminaceous pastures in autumn/winter as a second crop. Due to the intensive cultivation, new phytosanitary problems have arisen, among them the root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus brachyurus, which besides causing damage to plant roots, can be important gateway for other soil pathogens. The recent occurrence of high nematode population densities has brought great concern due to the limited resistant soybean genotypes available. Besides, the use of nematicides only reduces nematodes populations temporarily. A viable alternative for the control of soil nematodes could be the use of Crotalaria spp. in succession or rotation with soybean. Crotalaria is immune or a bad host to the nematode, besides having high capacity of biological nitrogen fixation. Thus, the objective of the present research was to define the best way of insertion of this legume as a second crop in soybean production systems to reduce the population density of the root-lesion nematode. Two experiments were carried out: one in the field, in an infested area, and other in a greenhouse. In both experiments, the treatments were: 1) Zea mays, 2) Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés,, 3) Z. mays + Crotalaria spectabilis, 4) Z. mays + C. ochroleuca, 5) B. brizantha cv. Xaraés + C. spectabilis, 6) B. brizantha cv. Xaraés + C. ochroleuca, 7) C. spectabilis, and 8) C. ochroleuca. The effect of the treatments was evaluated by estimating the number of nematodes in the roots of autumn/winter crops, as well as in the roots of the soybean cultivated in the sequence. The cultivation of both Crotalaria species provided suppression of the nematode population. However, when intercropped with corn or Xaraés palisade grass, the suppressive effect of Crotalaria was supplanted by corn and Xaraés palisadegrass susceptibility to the root-lesion nematode.(AU)
A soja é a principal cultura agrícola explorada no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, cultivada prioritariamente no sistema de sucessão com milho safrinha. Com expansão da cultura, novos problemas fitossanitários surgiram, como o nematoide das lesões radiculares, Pratylenchus brachyurus. A ocorrência recente de altas densidades populacionais do nematoide trouxe preocupação pela limitada quantidade de genótipos de soja resistentes e o uso de nematicidas reduzir temporariamente a população. Uma alternativa viável para controle seria o uso de crotalária em sucessão ou rotação com a soja, pois esta é má hospedeira ou imune a nematoides. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi definir a melhor forma de inserção dessa leguminosa em sucessão com soja para redução da densidade populacional do Pratylenchus brachyurus. O trabalho consistiu de dois experimentos: à campo, em uma área infestada, e em casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos utilizados em ambos experimentos foram: 1) Zea mays, 2) Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés, 3) Z. mays + Crotalaria spectabilis, 4) Z. mays + C. ochroleuca, 5) Xaraés + C. spectabilis, 6) Xaraés + C. ochroleuca, 7) C. spectabilis, 8) C. ochroleuca. O efeito dos tratamentos sobre densidade populacional do nematoide foi avaliado por: estimativa do número de nematoides nas raízes; cálculo da variação da população durante todo o experimento; fator de reprodução e; características fitotécnicas. O cultivo das espécies de Crotalaria, sem consorciação, proporcionaram supressão da população dos nematoides. Todavia o efeito supressor das crotalárias consorciadas foi suplantado pela suscetibilidade do milho e Xaraés ao Pratylenchus brachyurus.(AU)
Crotalaria , Glycine max , Controle de Pragas , Nematoides/patogenicidadeResumo
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the methods of collecting Brachiaria spp. (Simulated Grazing vs. Total Collection) for the determination of protodioscin concentrations and to monitor the intoxication in sheep susceptible and resistant to poisoning by Brachiariaspp. The collection of Brachiaria spp. was done through two different methods. The first one consisted in throwing a metallic square at 10 random picket points. The second was performed simulating, with the hands, the grazing behavior of sheep. The leaf blades obtained by the two methods were conditioned in a forced ventilation oven. The extraction and quantification of protodioscin from the dry milled plant material was done by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The collections were carried out at three stages of the life of experimental lamb (suckling, rearing, and finishing). The lambs were divided into resistant and susceptible to intoxication by Brachiaria spp. The criterion for a lamb to be considered sensitive was to present some clinical signs at some stage of its life. No significant differences were observed between the general averages of the two collections when the evaluation was done in the whole period. However, a significant difference was found at the onset of the clinical signs. The concentrations of protodioscin in this period were higher in Brachiaria spp. collected by the simulating grazing method. Both methodologies were efficient to determine the level of protodioscin in the pastures of Brachiaria spp. However, during the periods when the outbreaks occurred, the simulated grazing method was more reliable.
RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar dois métodos de coleta de Brachiariaspp. (Pastejo Simulado vs Coleta Total) para determinação das concentrações de protodioscina e efetuar o monitoramento da intoxicação em rebanhos sensíveis e resistentes à intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. Foram realizadas coletas de Brachiariaspp. através de duas metodologias. A primeira consistiu em fazer o lançamento de um quadrado metálico em 10 pontos aleatórios do piquete. A segunda foi realizada simulando com as mãos o comportamento de pastejo dos ovinos. As lâminas foliares obtidas pelas duas metodologias foram acondicionadas em estufa de ventilação forçada. O material seco e moído foi encaminhado para extração e quantificação da protodioscina por cromatografia líquida de alto desempenho (HPLC) de fase reversa. As coletas foram realizadas em três fases de vida dos cordeiros (cria, recria e terminação). Os cordeiros foram divididos em resistentes e sensíveis a intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. O critério para o ovino ser considerado sensível foi apresentar algum sinal clínico da intoxicação em alguma fase de sua vida. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre a média geral das duas coletas quando a avaliação foi feita no período total. Porém, foi observada diferença significativa no período de aparecimento dos casos. As concentrações de protodioscina neste período foram superiores pelo método do pastejo simulado. Ambas as metodologias mostraram-se eficientes para determinação da concentração da protodioscina nas pastagens de Brachiaria spp. No entanto, nos períodos em que ocorreram os surtos, o método do pastejo simulado foi mais fidedigno.
The study evaluate the frequency of poisoning by Brachiaria spp. at the rearing, growth and termination stages in various lamb breeds at increasing supplementation levels. Forty-five lambs were used in the growth phase in pastures of Brachiaria spp. with a history of having induced poisoning. The lambs were distributed in nutritional treatments: lambs receiving mineral supplementation (MS), energy/protein supplementation (EPS) at 0.8% of body weight (bw), EPS at 1.6% bw and EPS at 2.4% bw. The lambs were allotted two flocks (F1 and F2) of 21 and 24 lambs each. Clinical signs of poisoning were observed in all treatments. All MS lambs died. The frequency of poisoning were highest in the 0.8% EPS and 1.6% EPS treatments. All lambs in the 2.4% EPS treatment recovered. F1 lambs had a higher frequency of poisoning than F2 lambs regardless of nutritional treatment. Morbidity rates for the F1 and F2 lambs were 52.3 and 16.7%, respectively. Supplementation was not sufficient to decrease the frequency of poisoning in lambs at the termination stage, which was dependent on the genetic origin of the lambs. EPS of 2.4% bw treatment, was an efficient nutritional strategy to minimize the effects of poisoning in lambs fed on Brachiaria spp.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a frequência da intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. nas fases de recria, crescimento e terminação em várias raças de cordeiros em níveis crescentes de suplementação. Quarenta e cinco cordeiros foram utilizados na fase de crescimento em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. com história de intoxicação, distribuídos em diferents tratamentos nutricionais: cordeiros recebendo suplementação mineral (SM), suplementação energética/protéica (SEP) a 0,8% do peso vivo (pv), SEP a 1,6% pv e SEP a 2,4% pv. Vinte e um cordeiros vieram do lote F1 e 24 cordeiros foram do lote F2. Sinais clínicos de intoxicação foram observados em todos os tratamentos. Todos os cordeiros com MS morreram. As frequências de intoxicação foram maiores nos tratamentos com 0,8% e 1,6% de SEP. Todos os cordeiros no tratamento com 2,4% de SEP se recuperaram. Cordeiros F1 apresentaram maior frequência de intoxicação que os cordeiros F2, independentemente do tratamento nutricional. As taxas de morbidade para os cordeiros F1 e F2 foram de 52,3 e 16,7%, respectivamente. A suplementação não foi suficiente para diminuir a freqüência de intoxicação em cordeiros na fase de terminação, dependente da origem genética dos cordeiros. O SEP de 2,4% pv, no entanto, foi eficiente para minimizar os efeitos da intoxicação em cordeiros alimentados com Brachiaria spp.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Plantas Tóxicas/toxicidade , Ovinos , Brachiaria/toxicidadeResumo
The study evaluate the frequency of poisoning by Brachiaria spp. at the rearing, growth and termination stages in various lamb breeds at increasing supplementation levels. Forty-five lambs were used in the growth phase in pastures of Brachiaria spp. with a history of having induced poisoning. The lambs were distributed in nutritional treatments: lambs receiving mineral supplementation (MS), energy/protein supplementation (EPS) at 0.8% of body weight (bw), EPS at 1.6% bw and EPS at 2.4% bw. The lambs were allotted two flocks (F1 and F2) of 21 and 24 lambs each. Clinical signs of poisoning were observed in all treatments. All MS lambs died. The frequency of poisoning were highest in the 0.8% EPS and 1.6% EPS treatments. All lambs in the 2.4% EPS treatment recovered. F1 lambs had a higher frequency of poisoning than F2 lambs regardless of nutritional treatment. Morbidity rates for the F1 and F2 lambs were 52.3 and 16.7%, respectively. Supplementation was not sufficient to decrease the frequency of poisoning in lambs at the termination stage, which was dependent on the genetic origin of the lambs. EPS of 2.4% bw treatment, was an efficient nutritional strategy to minimize the effects of poisoning in lambs fed on Brachiaria spp.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a frequência da intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. nas fases de recria, crescimento e terminação em várias raças de cordeiros em níveis crescentes de suplementação. Quarenta e cinco cordeiros foram utilizados na fase de crescimento em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. com história de intoxicação, distribuídos em diferents tratamentos nutricionais: cordeiros recebendo suplementação mineral (SM), suplementação energética/protéica (SEP) a 0,8% do peso vivo (pv), SEP a 1,6% pv e SEP a 2,4% pv. Vinte e um cordeiros vieram do lote F1 e 24 cordeiros foram do lote F2. Sinais clínicos de intoxicação foram observados em todos os tratamentos. Todos os cordeiros com MS morreram. As frequências de intoxicação foram maiores nos tratamentos com 0,8% e 1,6% de SEP. Todos os cordeiros no tratamento com 2,4% de SEP se recuperaram. Cordeiros F1 apresentaram maior frequência de intoxicação que os cordeiros F2, independentemente do tratamento nutricional. As taxas de morbidade para os cordeiros F1 e F2 foram de 52,3 e 16,7%, respectivamente. A suplementação não foi suficiente para diminuir a freqüência de intoxicação em cordeiros na fase de terminação, dependente da origem genética dos cordeiros. O SEP de 2,4% pv, no entanto, foi eficiente para minimizar os efeitos da intoxicação em cordeiros alimentados com Brachiaria spp.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Plantas Tóxicas/toxicidade , Ovinos , Brachiaria/toxicidadeResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the methods of collecting Brachiaria spp. (Simulated Grazing vs. Total Collection) for the determination of protodioscin concentrations and to monitor the intoxication in sheep susceptible and resistant to poisoning by Brachiaria spp. The collection of Brachiaria spp. was done through two different methods. The first one consisted in throwing a metallic square at 10 random picket points. The second was performed simulating, with the hands, the grazing behavior of sheep. The leaf blades obtained by the two methods were conditioned in a forced ventilation oven. The extraction and quantification of protodioscin from the dry milled plant material was done by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The collections were carried out at three stages of the life of experimental lamb (suckling, rearing, and finishing). The lambs were divided into resistant and susceptible to intoxication by Brachiaria spp. The criterion for a lamb to be considered sensitive was to present some clinical signs at some stage of its life. No significant differences were observed between the general averages of the two collections when the evaluation was done in the whole period. However, a significant difference was found at the onset of the clinical signs. The concentrations of protodioscin in this period were higher in Brachiaria spp. collected by the simulating grazing method. Both methodologies were efficient to determine the level of protodioscin in the pastures of Brachiaria spp. However, during the periods when the outbreaks occurred, the simulated grazing method was more reliable.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar dois métodos de coleta de Brachiaria spp. (Pastejo Simulado vs Coleta Total) para determinação das concentrações de protodioscina e efetuar o monitoramento da intoxicação em rebanhos sensíveis e resistentes à intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. Foram realizadas coletas de Brachiaria spp. através de duas metodologias. A primeira consistiu em fazer o lançamento de um quadrado metálico em 10 pontos aleatórios do piquete. A segunda foi realizada simulando com as mãos o comportamento de pastejo dos ovinos. As lâminas foliares obtidas pelas duas metodologias foram acondicionadas em estufa de ventilação forçada. O material seco e moído foi encaminhado para extração e quantificação da protodioscina por cromatografia líquida de alto desempenho (HPLC) de fase reversa. As coletas foram realizadas em três fases de vida dos cordeiros (cria, recria e terminação). Os cordeiros foram divididos em resistentes e sensíveis a intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. O critério para o ovino ser considerado sensível foi apresentar algum sinal clínico da intoxicação em alguma fase de sua vida. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre a média geral das duas coletas quando a avaliação foi feita no período total. Porém, foi observada diferença significativa no período de aparecimento dos casos. As concentrações de protodioscina neste período foram superiores pelo método do pastejo simulado. Ambas as metodologias mostraram-se eficientes para determinação da concentração da protodioscina nas pastagens de Brachiaria spp. No entanto, nos períodos em que ocorreram os surtos, o método do pastejo simulado foi mais fidedigno.(AU)