Aves da ordem Psittaciformes estão entre as mais ameaçadas do Brasil. Das 86 espécies existentes, 24 (27,9%) estão na Lista Vermelha da União Internacional para Conservação da Natureza. Os papagaios do gênero Amazona possuem um destaque por estarem entre os mais traficados, principalmente o papagaioverdadeiro (Amazona aestiva). O papagaio-de-cara-roxa (A. brasiliensis) se encontra na categoria quase ameaçada e o papagaio-charão (A. pretrei) na vulnerável, ambos necessitando manejo em vida livre. Além da perda de habitat e do tráfico, a disseminação de patógenos é uma ameaça emergente a essas espécies, em decorrência da ampla movimentação, comércio e manipulação das mesmas. Considerando a falta de informações sobre a saúde desses animais, o objetivo deste estudo foi de investigar patógenos selecionados em filhotes de A. aestiva, A. brasiliensis e A. pretrei de vida livre e A. aestiva apreendidos do tráfico. Amostras de 235 Amazona sp. de vida livre foram coletadas de quatro estados brasileiros e amostras de 90 A. aestiva foram coletadas de filhotes apreendidos do tráfico e encaminhados a um Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres (CRAS). As amostras foram testadas por meio da PCR para C. psittaci, Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1, poxvírus e Beak and feather disease vírus (BFDV). O DNA de C. psittaci foi detectado em amostras de cinco filhotes de vida livre. O DNA dos outros patógenos não foi detectado nas amostras das aves de vida livre ou do tráfico. O sequenciamento da C. psittaci na amostra de um A. brasiliensis revelou alta similaridade com isolados encontrados em psitacídeos no Brasil, pertencentes ao genótipo A. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram que a prevalência de patógenos em aves de vida livre é bastante baixa e que patógenos exóticos, como o circovírus, parecem ainda não ter atingido essas populações, apesar de já estarem presentes em cativeiro no Brasil. Isso reforça a necessidade de proteger a nossa avifauna de ameaças iminentes de introdução e disseminação desses vírus na natureza. Novos protocolos de avaliação de saúde devem ser discutidos e seguidos rigorosamente para a reintrodução de psitacídeos na natureza. Com relação às aves do CRAS, estas foram isoladas e amostradas logo que chegaram ao centro, não sendo acompanhadas para avaliar os efeitos do cativeiro em longo prazo na saúde das mesmas. Medidas preventivas nunca devem ser negligenciadas em psitacídeos introduzidos em um plantel, pois pesquisas revelam ocorrência de surtos e a detecção de patógenos relevantes para a conservação dessas aves. Novos estudos devem ser encorajados para um melhor conhecimento da epidemiologia de patógenos em psitacídeos de vida livre e para ampliar o conhecimento dos seus impactos sobre a conservação das espécies.
Birds of the order Psittaciformes are among the most threatened birds in Brazil. Of the 86 species recorded, 24 (27.9%) are in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. Amazon parrots have a highlight for being among the most trafficked birds, especially the blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva). The red-tailed Amazon parrot (A. brasiliensis) is in the near threatened category and the red-spectacled Amazon parrot (A. pretrei) is threatened in the vulnerable category, both of them needing management in the wild. In addition to habitat loss and illegal trade, the spread of pathogens is an emerging threat to these species due to their wide movement, trade and manipulation. Considering the lack of information on the health of wild parrots, the aims of this study were to investigate selected pathogens on wild A. aestiva, A. brasiliensis and A. pretrei nestlings and in A. aestiva seized from illegal trade. Samples from 235 wild Amazon parrots were collected in four Brazilian states, and samples from 90 A. aestiva were collected from nestlings seized from illegal trade and submitted to a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (CRAS). Samples were tested by PCR for Chlamydia psittaci, Psittacid alphaherpesvirus 1, poxvirus and Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV). Chlamydia psittaci DNA was detected in swab samples from five wild nestlings. The DNA of the other pathogens was not detected in the wild and trafficked bird samples. Sequencing of C. psittaci in the sample of one A. brasiliensis revealed high similarity with isolates found in parrots in Brazil, belonging to genotype A. The results of the present study demonstrate that the prevalence of pathogens in wild parrots is very low, and exotic pathogens such as BFDV may not yet have reached these populations, although they are present in captivity in Brazil. This reinforces the need to protect our bird fauna from imminent threats of introducing and spreading these viruses into the wild. Novel health assessment protocols should be discussed and strictly followed for the reintroduction of parrots in the wild. Regarding the birds from CRAS, they were isolated and sampled soon after their arrival at the center, and were not monitored to evaluate long-term effects of captivity on their health. Preventive measures should never be neglected in psittacine birds introduced in a flock, as studies reveal outbreaks and the detection of relevant pathogens to the conservation of these birds. Further studies should be encouraged to better understand the epidemiology of pathogens in wild parrots, to expand the knowledge of their impacts on species conservation.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Mg) infection of wild native Brazilian psittacines (Psittaciformes) which died of any cause during sorting, rehabilitation, or conservation, was investigated by PCR. Two previously described PCR methodologies using Mg specific primers were employed for the analyses of 140 swab samples (cloaca, trachea, or palatine cleft). Average positive Mg detection in cloacal swabs was 51.9%, with 80.0% (n=5) of Blue-and-yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna), 60.0% (n=3) Dusky Parrots (Pionus fuscus), 52.5% (n=59) Amazon Parrots (Amazona aestiva), 50.0% (n=2) Orange-winged Parrots (Amazona amazonica), 50.0% (n=2) Jandaya Parakeetsor Jandaya Conures (Aratinga jandaya), 0% (n=2) Golden Conures or Golden Parakeets (Guarouba guarouba), and 0% (n=2) Hyacinth Macaws (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus). Palatine cleft swab sampling was more sensitive to detect Mg, with 85.4% (n=17) detection rate, as compared to 67.4% (n=46) obtained with tracheal samples, and 53.5% (n=77) with cloacal swabs. The surprisingly high Mg incidence in psittacines kept in conservation or triage environments is possibly due to the proximity or cohabitation with several bird species during confinement and housing psittacines of different origins together. The implementation of biosecurity measures and species-specific facilities is recommended.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Mg) infection of wild native Brazilian psittacines (Psittaciformes) which died of any cause during sorting, rehabilitation, or conservation, was investigated by PCR. Two previously described PCR methodologies using Mg specific primers were employed for the analyses of 140 swab samples (cloaca, trachea, or palatine cleft). Average positive Mg detection in cloacal swabs was 51.9%, with 80.0% (n=5) of Blue-and-yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna), 60.0% (n=3) Dusky Parrots (Pionus fuscus), 52.5% (n=59) Amazon Parrots (Amazona aestiva), 50.0% (n=2) Orange-winged Parrots (Amazona amazonica), 50.0% (n=2) Jandaya Parakeetsor Jandaya Conures (Aratinga jandaya), 0% (n=2) Golden Conures or Golden Parakeets (Guarouba guarouba), and 0% (n=2) Hyacinth Macaws (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus). Palatine cleft swab sampling was more sensitive to detect Mg, with 85.4% (n=17) detection rate, as compared to 67.4% (n=46) obtained with tracheal samples, and 53.5% (n=77) with cloacal swabs. The surprisingly high Mg incidence in psittacines kept in conservation or triage environments is possibly due to the proximity or cohabitation with several bird species during confinement and housing psittacines of different origins together. The implementation of biosecurity measures and species-specific facilities is recommended.